예제 #1
def read_details(filename):
    """Read the encrypted details file and create an index of its contents.

      filename: A string, the name of the filename to read.
      A pair of the Details object containing the database and a mapping of
      Beancount account name to its (institution, account) pair.
    # Read the encrypted details file.
    if encryption.is_encrypted_file(filename):
        contents = encryption.read_encrypted_file(filename)
        with open(args.details_filename, 'rb') as infile:
            contents = infile.read()

    # Read the ASCII protobuf database.
    details = assets_pb2.Details()
    text_format.Merge(contents, details)

    # Create a mapping of account name to (institution, account) pairs.
    mapping = {}
    for institution in details.institution:
        for acc in institution.account:
            assert acc.beancount not in mapping, (
                "Account name {} is not unique!".format(acc.beancount))
            mapping[acc.beancount] = (institution, acc)

    return details, mapping
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, path):
        #: The path to the main Beancount file.
        self.beancount_file_path = path
        self._is_encrypted = is_encrypted_file(path)
        self._filters = {
            'account': AccountFilter(),
            'from': FromFilter(),
            'payee': PayeeFilter(),
            'tag': TagFilter(),
            'time': TimeFilter(),

        #: An :class:`AttributesModule` instance.
        self.attributes = AttributesModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.BudgetModule` instance.
        self.budgets = BudgetModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ChartModule` instance.
        self.charts = ChartModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ExtensionModule` instance.
        self.extensions = ExtensionModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FileModule` instance.
        self.file = FileModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.IngestModule` instance.
        self.ingest = IngestModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FavaMisc` instance.
        self.misc = FavaMisc(self)

        #: A :class:`.QueryShell` instance.
        self.query_shell = QueryShell(self)

        self._watcher = Watcher()

        #: List of all (unfiltered) entries.
        self.all_entries = None

        #: Dict of list of all (unfiltered) entries by type.
        self.all_entries_by_type = None

        #: A list of all errors reported by Beancount.
        self.errors = None

        #: A Beancount options map.
        self.options = None

        #: A Namedtuple containing the names of the five base accounts.
        self.account_types = None

        #: A dict containing information about the accounts.
        self.accounts = _AccountDict()

        #: A dict with all of Fava's option values.
        self.fava_options = None

예제 #3
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: yegle/fava
    def __init__(self, path: str) -> None:
        #: The path to the main Beancount file.
        self.beancount_file_path = path
        self._is_encrypted = is_encrypted_file(path)

        #: An :class:`AttributesModule` instance.
        self.attributes = AttributesModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.BudgetModule` instance.
        self.budgets = BudgetModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ChartModule` instance.
        self.charts = ChartModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ExtensionModule` instance.
        self.extensions = ExtensionModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FileModule` instance.
        self.file = FileModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.IngestModule` instance.
        self.ingest = IngestModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FavaMisc` instance.
        self.misc = FavaMisc(self)

        #: A :class:`.DecimalFormatModule` instance.
        self.format_decimal = DecimalFormatModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.QueryShell` instance.
        self.query_shell = QueryShell(self)

        self._watcher = Watcher()

        #: List of all (unfiltered) entries.
        self.all_entries = []

        #: Dict of list of all (unfiltered) entries by type.
        self.all_entries_by_type = group_entries_by_type([])

        #: A list of all errors reported by Beancount.
        self.errors: list[BeancountError] = []

        #: A Beancount options map.
        self.options: BeancountOptions = OPTIONS_DEFAULTS

        #: A dict containing information about the accounts.
        self.accounts = AccountDict()

        #: A dict with commodity names (from the 'name' metadata)
        self.commodity_names: dict[str, str] = {}

        #: A dict with all of Fava's option values.
        self.fava_options: FavaOptions = FavaOptions()

        self._date_first: datetime.date | None = None
        self._date_last: datetime.date | None = None

예제 #4
    def __init__(self, path):
        #: The path to the main Beancount file.
        self.beancount_file_path = path
        self._is_encrypted = is_encrypted_file(path)
        self._filters = {}

        #: An :class:`AttributesModule` instance.
        self.attributes = AttributesModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.BudgetModule` instance.
        self.budgets = BudgetModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ChartModule` instance.
        self.charts = ChartModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ExtensionModule` instance.
        self.extensions = ExtensionModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FileModule` instance.
        self.file = FileModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.IngestModule` instance.
        self.ingest = IngestModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FavaMisc` instance.
        self.misc = FavaMisc(self)

        #: A :class:`.DecimalFormatModule` instance.
        self.format_decimal = DecimalFormatModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.QueryShell` instance.
        self.query_shell = QueryShell(self)

        self._watcher = Watcher()

        #: List of all (unfiltered) entries.
        self.all_entries = None

        #: Dict of list of all (unfiltered) entries by type.
        self.all_entries_by_type = None

        #: A list of all errors reported by Beancount.
        self.errors = None

        #: A Beancount options map.
        self.options = None

        #: A Namedtuple containing the names of the five base accounts.
        self.account_types = None

        #: A dict containing information about the accounts.
        self.accounts = _AccountDict()

        #: A dict with all of Fava's option values.
        self.fava_options = None

예제 #5
    def __init__(self, path: str) -> None:
        #: The path to the main Beancount file.
        self.beancount_file_path = path
        self._is_encrypted = is_encrypted_file(path)

        #: An :class:`AttributesModule` instance.
        self.attributes = AttributesModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.BudgetModule` instance.
        self.budgets = BudgetModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ChartModule` instance.
        self.charts = ChartModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ExtensionModule` instance.
        self.extensions = ExtensionModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FileModule` instance.
        self.file = FileModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.IngestModule` instance.
        self.ingest = IngestModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FavaMisc` instance.
        self.misc = FavaMisc(self)

        #: A :class:`.DecimalFormatModule` instance.
        self.format_decimal = DecimalFormatModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.QueryShell` instance.
        self.query_shell = QueryShell(self)

        self._watcher = Watcher()

        #: List of all (unfiltered) entries.
        self.all_entries = []

        #: Dict of list of all (unfiltered) entries by type.
        self.all_entries_by_type: Dict[Type[Directive], Entries] = {}

        #: A list of all errors reported by Beancount.
        self.errors: List[BeancountError] = []

        #: A Beancount options map.
        self.options: Dict[str, Any] = {}

        #: A dict containing information about the accounts.
        self.accounts = AccountDict()

        #: A dict containing information about the commodities
        self.commodities: Dict[str, Commodity] = {}

        #: A dict with all of Fava's option values.
        self.fava_options: FavaOptions = {}

예제 #6
    def test_is_encrypted_file(self):
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.txt') as file:

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gpg') as file:

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.asc') as file:
            file.write(b'Anything else\n')

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.asc') as file:
            file.write(b'-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n')
예제 #7
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: aumayr/fava
    def __init__(self, beancount_file_path):
        self.beancount_file_path = beancount_file_path
        self.is_encrypted = encryption.is_encrypted_file(beancount_file_path)
        self.filters = {
            "account": AccountFilter(),
            "from": FromFilter(),
            "payee": PayeeFilter(),
            "tag": TagFilter(),
            "time": TimeFilter(),

        self.watcher = Watcher()
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, beancount_file_path):
        self.beancount_file_path = beancount_file_path
        self.is_encrypted = encryption.is_encrypted_file(beancount_file_path)
        self.filters = {
            'account': AccountFilter(),
            'from': FromFilter(),
            'payee': PayeeFilter(),
            'tag': TagFilter(),
            'time': TimeFilter(),

        self.charts = Charts(self)
        self.watcher = Watcher()
예제 #9
def load_file(filename,
    """Open a Beancount input file, parse it, run transformations and validate.

      filename: The name of the file to be parsed.
      log_timings: A file object or function to write timings to,
        or None, if it should remain quiet. (Note that this is intended to use
        the logging methods and does not insert a newline.)
      log_errors: A file object or function to write errors to,
        or None, if it should remain quiet.
      extra_validations: A list of extra validation functions to run after loading
        this list of entries.
      encoding: A string or None, the encoding to decode the input filename with.
      A triple of (entries, errors, option_map) where "entries" is a date-sorted
      list of entries from the file, "errors" a list of error objects generated
      while parsing and validating the file, and "options_map", a dict of the
      options parsed from the file.
    filename = path.expandvars(path.expanduser(filename))
    if not path.isabs(filename):
        filename = path.normpath(path.join(os.getcwd(), filename))

    if encryption.is_encrypted_file(filename):
        # Note: Caching is not supported for encrypted files.
        entries, errors, options_map = load_encrypted_file(
            filename, log_timings, log_errors, extra_validations, False,
        entries, errors, options_map = _load_file(filename, log_timings,
                                                  extra_validations, encoding)
        _log_errors(errors, log_errors)
    return entries, errors, options_map
예제 #10
def _parse_recursive(sources, log_timings, encoding=None):
    """Parse Beancount input, run its transformations and validate it.

    Recursively parse a list of files or strings and their include files and
    return an aggregate of parsed directives, errors, and the top-level
    options-map. If the same file is being parsed twice, ignore it and issue an

      sources: A list of (filename-or-string, is-filename) where the first
        element is a string, with either a filename or a string to be parsed directly,
        and the second argument is a boolean that is true if the first is a filename.
        You may provide a list of such arguments to be parsed. Filenames must be absolute
      log_timings: A function to write timings to, or None, if it should remain quiet.
      encoding: A string or None, the encoding to decode the input filename with.
      A tuple of (entries, parse_errors, options_map).
    assert isinstance(sources, list) and all(
        isinstance(el, tuple) for el in sources)

    # Current parse state.
    entries, parse_errors = [], []
    options_map = None

    # A stack of sources to be parsed.
    source_stack = list(sources)

    # A list of absolute filenames that have been parsed in the past, used to
    # detect and avoid duplicates (cycles).
    filenames_seen = set()

    with misc_utils.log_time('beancount.parser.parser', log_timings, indent=1):
        while source_stack:
            source, is_file = source_stack.pop(0)
            is_top_level = options_map is None

            # If the file is encrypted, read it in and process it as a string.
            if is_file:
                cwd = path.dirname(source)
                source_filename = source
                if encryption.is_encrypted_file(source):
                    source = encryption.read_encrypted_file(source)
                    is_file = False
                # If we're parsing a string, the CWD is the current process
                # working directory.
                cwd = os.getcwd()
                source_filename = None

            if is_file:
                # All filenames here must be absolute.
                assert path.isabs(source)
                filename = path.normpath(source)

                # Check for file previously parsed... detect duplicates.
                if filename in filenames_seen:
                            data.new_metadata("<load>", 0),
                            'Duplicate filename parsed: "{}"'.format(filename),

                # Check for a file that does not exist.
                if not path.exists(filename):
                        LoadError(data.new_metadata("<load>", 0),
                                  'File "{}" does not exist'.format(filename),

                # Parse a file from disk directly.
                with misc_utils.log_time('beancount.parser.parser.parse_file',
                    (src_entries, src_errors,
                     src_options_map) = parser.parse_file(filename,

                cwd = path.dirname(filename)
                # Encode the contents if necessary.
                if encoding:
                    if isinstance(source, bytes):
                        source = source.decode(encoding)
                    source = source.encode('ascii', 'replace')

                # Parse a string buffer from memory.
                with misc_utils.log_time(
                    (src_entries, src_errors,
                     src_options_map) = parser.parse_string(
                         source, source_filename)

            # Merge the entries resulting from the parsed file.

            # We need the options from the very top file only (the very
            # first file being processed). No merging of options should
            # occur.
            if is_top_level:
                options_map = src_options_map
                aggregate_options_map(options_map, src_options_map)

            # Add includes to the list of sources to process. chdir() for glob,
            # which uses it indirectly.
            include_expanded = []
            with file_utils.chdir(cwd):
                for include_filename in src_options_map['include']:
                    matched_filenames = glob.glob(include_filename,
                    if matched_filenames:
                                data.new_metadata("<load>", 0),
                                'File glob "{}" does not match any files'.
                                format(include_filename), None))
            for include_filename in include_expanded:
                if not path.isabs(include_filename):
                    include_filename = path.join(cwd, include_filename)
                include_filename = path.normpath(include_filename)

                # Add the include filenames to be processed later.
                source_stack.append((include_filename, True))

    # Make sure we have at least a dict of valid options.
    if options_map is None:
        options_map = options.OPTIONS_DEFAULTS.copy()

    # Save the set of parsed filenames in options_map.
    options_map['include'] = sorted(filenames_seen)

    return entries, parse_errors, options_map
예제 #11
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: stephas/fava
    def __init__(self, path):
        s3_file_backend = S3FileBackend(self, path)

        #: The path to the main Beancount file.
        self.beancount_file_path = path
        if s3_file_backend.active:
            self.beancount_file_path = s3_file_backend.beancount_file_path

        self._is_encrypted = is_encrypted_file(path)
        self._filters = {}

        #: An :class:`AttributesModule` instance.
        self.attributes = AttributesModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.BudgetModule` instance.
        self.budgets = BudgetModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ChartModule` instance.
        self.charts = ChartModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.ExtensionModule` instance.
        self.extensions = ExtensionModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FileModule` instance.
        self.file = FileModule(self)
        if s3_file_backend.active:
            self.file = s3_file_backend

        #: A :class:`.IngestModule` instance.
        self.ingest = IngestModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.FavaMisc` instance.
        self.misc = FavaMisc(self)

        #: A :class:`.DecimalFormatModule` instance.
        self.format_decimal = DecimalFormatModule(self)

        #: A :class:`.QueryShell` instance.
        self.query_shell = QueryShell(self)

        self._watcher = Watcher()

        #: List of all (unfiltered) entries.
        self.all_entries = None

        #: Dict of list of all (unfiltered) entries by type.
        self.all_entries_by_type = None

        #: A list of all errors reported by Beancount.
        self.errors = None

        #: A Beancount options map.
        self.options = None

        #: A Namedtuple containing the names of the five base accounts.
        self.account_types = None

        #: A dict containing information about the accounts.
        self.accounts = _AccountDict()

        #: A dict with all of Fava's option values.
        self.fava_options = None
