def scene(): blt.set(f"window.title=' {textutils.lucynest} help'") width = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) height = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) info = "Manual..." while True: blt.clear() blt.puts(0, 1, "Help", width, 1, blt.TK_ALIGN_CENTER) blt.puts(0, 0, utils.multiline_trim(info), width, line - 2, bltutils.align_center) blt.puts(0, line - 2, "Keybindings", width, line - 2, blt.TK_ALIGN_CENTER) keybindings() blt.puts(2, height - 2, utils.button_quit()) blt.refresh() key = if key in (blt.TK_ESCAPE, blt.TK_CLOSE): break
def __init__(self) -> None: = Game() messages.on_log += self.on_log self.root = DisplayElement.DisplayDict(vec(0, 0)) half_width = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) // 2 half_height = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) // 2 half_window = vec(half_width, blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT)) quarter_window = vec(half_width, half_height) event_log = DisplayElement.PrintArgs( text='', xy=vec(0, 0), bbox=half_window, align_v=DisplayElement.TextAlignmentV.Bottom) self.root.elements['events'] = DisplayElement.Clickable( event_log, Rectangle(vec(0, 0), half_window)) hta_origin = vec(half_width, 0) hta_display = DisplayElement.DisplayList(hta_origin) self.root.elements[] = DisplayElement.Clickable( hta_display, Rectangle(hta_origin, quarter_window)) self.on_tableau_altered( htb_origin = quarter_window htb_display = DisplayElement.DisplayList(htb_origin) self.root.elements[] = DisplayElement.Clickable( htb_display, Rectangle(htb_origin, quarter_window)) self.on_tableau_altered(
def lose(self): blt.clear() blt.set('window:size=60x20') blt.set('font: UbuntuMono-R.ttf, size=14') blt.print_( 0, 0, """ A zombie blunders into you and grasps your arm instinctively. the smell of blood fills the air after one bite, and as you black out you can almost see the rest of the zombies shambling towards their next meal. You stacked {0} out of 10 corpses. *** Press Escape to exit *** *** Press R to restart *** Stuck? See for spoilers! """.format(self.calculate_score()), blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH), blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT), blt.TK_ALIGN_CENTER) blt.refresh() while True: kp = if kp == blt.TK_R: self.restart = True if kp in [blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE, blt.TK_R]: break self.stop = True
def handle_mouse(): (x, y) = (terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) if terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT): return {'left_click': {x, y}} elif terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_RIGHT): return {'right_click': {x, y}} return {}
def handle_key(key, player, world): """Handle this player's next input key. Return whether or not the input represents an action that ends the turn.""" if key == blt.TK_CLOSE: exit() if key == blt.TK_RESIZED: w = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) h = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT), h) return False # NESW Movement if key == blt.TK_KP_8: return player.move(0, -1, world) elif key == blt.TK_KP_6: return player.move(1, 0, world) elif key == blt.TK_KP_2: return player.move(0, 1, world) elif key == blt.TK_KP_4: return player.move(-1, 0, world) # Diagonal Movement elif key == blt.TK_KP_7: return player.move(-1, -1, world) elif key == blt.TK_KP_9: return player.move(1, -1, world) elif key == blt.TK_KP_3: return player.move(1, 1, world) elif key == blt.TK_KP_1: return player.move(-1, 1, world)
def test_window_resize(): blt.set( "window: title='Omni: window resizing', resizeable=true, minimum-size=27x5" ) symbol = 0x2588 while True: blt.clear() w = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) h = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) for x in range(w): blt.put(x, 0, symbol if x % 2 else '#') blt.put(x, h - 1, symbol if x % 2 else '#') for y in range(h): blt.put(0, y, symbol if y % 2 else '#') blt.put(w - 1, y, symbol if y % 2 else '#') blt.puts(3, 2, "Terminal size is %dx%d" % (w, h)) blt.refresh() key = if key in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): break blt.set("window: resizeable=false")
def __init__(self, header, width, options=None, pos='c', background_color="white"): self.header = header self.width = width self.options = options if options else [ ] # Avoid default argument mutation self.header_wrapped = wrap_tagged(self.header, self.width) self.header_height = len(self.header_wrapped) self.height = self.header_height + len(self.options) if pos == 'l': # Position menu to the left self.topleft_x = 0 elif pos == 'r': # Position menu to the right self.topleft_x = terminal.state(terminal.TK_WIDTH) - self.width else: # Position menu to the center self.topleft_x = int( (terminal.state(terminal.TK_WIDTH) - self.width) / 2) self.topleft_y = int( (terminal.state(terminal.TK_HEIGHT) - self.height) / 2) self.background_color = background_color
def __init__(self, x, y, world_width, world_height): self.world_width = world_width self.world_height = world_height self.width = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) self.height = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) self.x = x self.y = y self.pan(0, 0)
def get_constants(): screen_width = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) screen_height = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) map_width = int(blt.get("ini.Game.map_width")) map_height = int(blt.get("ini.Game.map_height")) depth = int(blt.get("ini.Game.depth")) min_size = int(blt.get("ini.Game.min_size")) full_rooms = {'False': False, 'True': True}[blt.get("ini.Game.full_rooms")] fov_algorithm = int(blt.get("ini.Game.fov_algorithm")) fov_light_walls = {'False': False, 'True': True}[blt.get("ini.Game.fov_light_walls")] fov_radius = int(blt.get("ini.Game.fov_radius")) max_monsters_per_room = int(blt.get("ini.Game.max_monsters_per_room")) max_items_per_room = 2 camera_width = int(blt.get("ini.Game.camera_width")) camera_height = int(blt.get("ini.Game.camera_height")) panel_height = screen_height - camera_height - 3 panel_y = camera_height + 2 sidebar_width = screen_width - camera_width - 2 sidebar_x = camera_width + 2 message_x = 2 message_width = camera_width message_height = panel_height - 2 constants = { 'screen_width': screen_width, 'screen_height': screen_height, 'map_width': map_width, 'map_height': map_height, 'depth': depth, 'min_size': min_size, 'full_rooms': full_rooms, 'fov_algorithm': fov_algorithm, 'fov_light_walls': fov_light_walls, 'fov_radius': fov_radius, 'max_monsters_per_room': max_monsters_per_room, 'max_items_per_room': max_items_per_room, 'camera_width': camera_width, 'camera_height': camera_height, 'panel_height': panel_height, 'panel_y': panel_y, 'sidebar_width': sidebar_width, 'sidebar_x': sidebar_x, 'message_x': message_x, 'message_width': message_width, 'message_height': message_height } return constants
def test_auto_generated(): blt.set("window.title='Omni: auto-generated tileset'") hoffset = 40 cell_width = blt.state(blt.TK_CELL_WIDTH) cell_height = blt.state(blt.TK_CELL_HEIGHT) def setup_cellsize(): blt.set("window.cellsize=%dx%d" % (cell_width, cell_height)) while True: blt.clear() blt.color("white") blt.puts( 2, 1, "[color=orange]Cell size:[/color] %dx%d" % (cell_width, cell_height)) blt.puts( 2, 3, "[color=orange]TIP:[/color] Use arrow keys\nto change cell size") for j in range(16): blt.puts(hoffset + 6 + j * 2, 1, "[color=orange]%X" % j) y = 0 for code in range(0x2500, 0x259F + 1): if code % 16 == 0: blt.puts(hoffset, 2 + y * 1, " [color=orange]%04X" % code) blt.put(hoffset + 6 + (code % 16) * 2, 2 + y * 1, code) if (code + 1) % 16 == 0: y += 1 blt.puts( 2, 6, u"┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\n" u"│Z││A││ ││W││A││R││U││D││O│\n" u"└─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘\n") blt.refresh() key = if key in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): break elif key == blt.TK_LEFT and cell_width > 4: cell_width -= 1 setup_cellsize() elif key == blt.TK_RIGHT and cell_width < 24: cell_width += 1 setup_cellsize() elif key == blt.TK_DOWN and cell_height < 24: cell_height += 1 setup_cellsize() elif key == blt.TK_UP and cell_height > 4: cell_height -= 1 setup_cellsize() blt.set("window.cellsize=auto")
def get_map_coord_with_mouse_when_zooming(): min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = get_screen_bounds() mouse_pos_x = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X) mouse_pos_y = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) x = get_map_coord_with_zoom(mouse_pos_x) + min_x y = get_map_coord_with_zoom(mouse_pos_y) + min_y return x, y
def scene(): blt.set(f"window.title='{textutils.lucynest}: in a dream'") world = World() width = blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) height = blt.state(blt.TK_HEIGHT) parts = 6 left = width // 6 right = width * (parts - 1) // parts middle = height // 2 padding = 1 story = [ "Hi! I'm Avatar, actually me is who You are in this World", "Lets find out what we've got here in lucid dream", "Open Your mind and enter this evershining mental landscape", ] story_point = 0 while True: blt.clear() blt.color("light gray") for y in range(height - 1): blt.put(left, y, bltutils.box_upper_half) blt.put(right, y, bltutils.box_upper_half) for x in range(left + 1, right): blt.put(x, middle, bltutils.box_whole) blt.color("white") # blt.put_ext(view_width * 4 + 1, 0, margin, margin, 0xE100) avatar_symbol = "@:" left_avatar = left + 1 + padding left_avatar_text = left_avatar + len(avatar_symbol) + 1 blt.puts(left_avatar, middle // 5, bltutils.colored(avatar_symbol, "orange")) blt.puts(left_avatar_text, middle // 5, story[story_point], right - 1 - padding - left_avatar_text, middle - 1 - padding - middle // 5, blt.TK_ALIGN_LEFT) line = 1 for element in world.avatar.elements: blt.puts( 0, line, bltutils.colored(element.scale.current_value, line += 1 blt.refresh() key = if key in (blt.TK_CLOSE, blt.TK_ESCAPE): break elif key == blt.TK_ENTER: story_point += 1 if story_point < len(story) - 1 else 0
def handle_mouse(key: int) -> Dict[str, Point]: mouse_position: Point = Point(x=blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_X) // 2, y=blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_Y) // 2) if key == blt.TK_MOUSE_LEFT: return {"left_click": mouse_position} elif key == blt.TK_MOUSE_RIGHT: return {"right_click": mouse_position} return {}
def handle_mouse(mouse_input): mouse_x: int = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X) mouse_y: int = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) if mouse_input == terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT: return {'left_click': (mouse_x, mouse_y)} elif mouse_input == terminal.TK_MOUSE_RIGHT: return {'right_click': (mouse_x, mouse_y)} return {}
def clear_map_layer(): # Clear the map layer. prev_layer = terminal.state(terminal.TK_LAYER) terminal.layer(RenderLayer.MAP.value) terminal.bkcolor('black') terminal.clear_area(0, 0, terminal.state(terminal.TK_WIDTH), terminal.state(terminal.TK_HEIGHT)) terminal.layer(prev_layer)
def _clear_all(self, entities): blt.layer(RenderLayer.ENTITIES.value) for entity in entities: self._clear_entity(entity) blt.layer(RenderLayer.INTERFACE.value) blt.clear_area(0, 0, blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH, blt.TK_HEIGHT)) blt.layer(RenderLayer.MENU.value) blt.clear_area(0, 0, blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH, blt.TK_HEIGHT))
def check_under_mouse(self): self.under_mouse = None mx = blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_X) my = blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_Y) off_mouse = Point(floor((mx / TERRAIN_SCALE_X) - self.map_offset.x), floor((my / TERRAIN_SCALE_Y) - self.map_offset.y)) for a in self.actors: if a != self.unit_turn and a.x == off_mouse.x and a.y == off_mouse.y: self.under_mouse = a
def get_names_under_mouse(entities, fov_map): (x, y) = (terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) # create a list with the names of all objects at the mouse's coordinates and in FOV names = [ for entity in entities if entity.x == x and entity.y == y and libtcod.map_is_in_fov( fov_map, entity.x, entity.y) and != 'TargetingCursor' ] names = ', '.join(names) return names.capitalize(), x, y
def button_text(w, h, text, color, offset='', bg=''): mouse_over = False width = terminal.measure(text)[0] mouse = (terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) if h == mouse[1] and (mouse[0] <= w + width and mouse[0] >= w): text = '[color=' + color + ']' + text mouse_over = True else: text = bg + text terminal.printf(w, h, text) return mouse_over
def get_names_under_mouse(entities, fov_map): mouse_x: int = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X) mouse_y: int = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) names = [ for entity in entities if entity.x == mouse_x and entity.y == mouse_y and fov_map[mouse_x, mouse_y] ] names = ', '.join(names) return names.capitalize()
def clear_menu_layer(): # Clear the menu and menu icon layers. prev_layer = terminal.state(terminal.TK_LAYER) terminal.layer(RenderLayer.MENU.value) terminal.clear_area(0, 0, terminal.state(terminal.TK_WIDTH), terminal.state(terminal.TK_HEIGHT)) terminal.layer(RenderLayer.MENU_ICON.value) terminal.clear_area(0, 0, terminal.state(terminal.TK_WIDTH), terminal.state(terminal.TK_HEIGHT)) terminal.layer(prev_layer)
def button_sliding(w, h, text, color, key=False): mouse_over = False width = terminal.measure(text)[0] mouse = (terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) if key or (h == mouse[1] or h == mouse[1] - 1) and (mouse[0] <= w + width and mouse[0] >= w): text = text mouse_over = True else: text = '[color=' + color + '] ' + text terminal.printf(w, h, text) return mouse_over
def clear_layer(layer=None): # Clear the current (default) layer or a specified layer. prev_layer = terminal.state(terminal.TK_LAYER) if hasattr(layer, 'value'): terminal.layer(layer.value) elif layer: terminal.layer(layer) terminal.clear_area(0, 0, terminal.state(terminal.TK_WIDTH), terminal.state(terminal.TK_HEIGHT)) terminal.layer(prev_layer)
def get_names_under_mouse(): """Returns name of objects under the mouse cursor""" global visible_tiles x = t.state(t.TK_MOUSE_X) y = t.state(t.TK_MOUSE_Y) names = [ for obj in objects if obj.x == x and obj.y == y and (obj.x, obj.y) in visible_tiles ] names = ', '.join(names) return names.capitalize()
def _render_standard_menu(self, open_menu): blt.layer(RenderLayer.MENU.value) title = open_menu.title header = open_menu.header info = options = open_menu.display_options try: position = self.get_menu_position(open_menu.position) except AttributeError: print('menu does not have position. Use default.') position = None if position: x, y = position else: x, y = self.menu_title_placement x = (blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) - len(title)) // 2 blt.printf(x, y, title) if position: x, y = position else: x, y = self.menu_header_placement x = (blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) - get_biggest_line_len(header)) // 2 blt.printf(x, y, header) print(f'header len is {header}') print(f'lines in header is {get_biggest_line_len(header)}') if position: x, y = position else: x, y = self.menu_info_placement x = (blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) - len(info)) // 2 blt.printf(x - (len(info) // 2), y, info) if options: letter_index = ord("a") if position: x, y = position else: x, y = self.menu_options_placement bigger_len = get_biggest_line_len(options) x = (blt.state(blt.TK_WIDTH) - bigger_len) // 2 for option in options: text = f'{chr(letter_index)} - {option}' blt.printf(x, y, text) y += 1 letter_index += 1
def handle_targeting_keys(key): if key == blt.TK_ESCAPE: return {'exit': True} if key == blt.TK_MOUSE_LEFT: x = blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_X) y = blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_Y) return {'left_click': (x, y)} elif key == blt.TK_MOUSE_RIGHT: x = blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_X) y = blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_Y) return {'right_click': (x, y)} return {}
def slider_h(w, h, width, p, color): bg = '[color=' + color + ']' mouse_over = False mouse = (terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) new = int(width * p) for i in range(new): bg = bg + '▓' if (h == mouse[1] or h == mouse[1] - 1) and (mouse[0] <= w + width and mouse[0] >= w): mouse_over = True p = (mouse[0] - w) / width terminal.printf(w, h, bg) return mouse_over, p
def handle_mouse(key, camera): #Handle mouse input and return screen coordinate, accounting for cellsize 8x16. (mouse_x, mouse_y) = ((int(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X) / 4)), (int(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) / 2))) (mouse_x, mouse_y) = (camera.camera_x + mouse_x, camera.camera_y + mouse_y) if key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT: return {"left_click": (mouse_x, mouse_y)} elif key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_RIGHT: return {"right_click": (mouse_x, mouse_y)} return {}
def get_names_under_mouse(entities, player, camera): mouse_x, mouse_y = camera.to_map_coordinates(blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_X), blt.state(blt.TK_MOUSE_Y)) # print(mouse_x, mouse_y) # print(entities.get((mouse_x, mouse_y))) names = [ for entity in entities.values() if entities.get((mouse_x, mouse_y)) == entity and ( mouse_x, mouse_y) in player.fov.fov_cells ] names = ', '.join(names) return names.capitalize()
def draw_window(w, h, width, height, color, x, offset='[offset=-10x-10]'): draw_panel(w, h, width, height, color) draw_rect(w, h, width, height) close = 'X' mouse_over = False mouse = (terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) if (w + width == mouse[0] + 2 or w + width == mouse[0] + 1) and (h == mouse[1] or h == mouse[1] - 1): close = '[color=' + x + ']X' mouse_over = True terminal.printf(w + width - 2, h, '┬') terminal.printf(w + width - 2, h + 1, '└┤') terminal.printf(w + width - 1, h + 1, offset + close) return mouse_over
def main(): terminal.set("window: title='Test!', size=80x25, cellsize=16x32;") terminal.set("input.filter=keyboard,mouse") terminal.set("font: res/font.png, size=12x24, codepage=437, align=top-left") terminal.set("0xE000: res/meph_32x32.png, size=32x32, align=top-left") terminal.set("0xE100: res/meph_trees.png, size=32x32, align=top-left") tx = 0 ty = 4 page = 0xE000 draw_page(tx, ty, page) terminal.refresh() event = while event != terminal.TK_CLOSE: terminal.clear() if event == terminal.TK_MOUSE_MOVE: mx = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X) my = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) terminal.printf(15, 0, "mx: {}, my: {}", mx, my) if mx >= tx and my >= ty: tid = page + (mx - tx) // 2 + (my - ty) * 16 terminal.printf(0, 3, "tile: {:04x}", tid) else: terminal.printf(0, 3, "tile: XXXX") elif event == terminal.TK_UP: page += 0x0100 elif event == terminal.TK_DOWN: page -= 0x0100 terminal.printf(0, 0, "event: {}", event) terminal.printf(0, 2, "page: {:x}", page) draw_page(tx, ty, page) terminal.refresh() event = terminal.close()
def cx(self): return terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X)
def lbutton(self): return bool(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT))
def rbutton(self): return bool(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_RIGHT))
def read_key_chr(): return terminal.state(terminal.TK_CHAR)
def play(): while True: # Engine.Input.clear() Engine.Input.update() key = Engine.Input.key terminal.clear() terminal.color('white') # terminal.print_(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y),"HellowWorld") #test_anim.draw(terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X),terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)) if key == terminal.TK_MOUSE_LEFT: x, y = terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_X), terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y) # animations.append(create_anim(x,y, Utils.heat_map_chrs, Utils.explosion_colors, number=50)) #animations.append(Engine.Animation_System.Flame(x, y, size=25, density=70)) choice = random.randint(0,5) # Engine.Animation_System.(Engine.Animation_System.A_FLAME, **kwargs) #choice = 0 print choice # TODO: Cleaup Call. ADD KWARG support, Accept POS(x, y) instead of x,y. make all default variables overrideable via Kwargs animation_params={ 'origin': (x, y), 'target': (x, y) } if choice == 0: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('Flame', animation_params)) # , angle=random.randint(270, 270))) if choice == 1: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('Burst', animation_params)) if choice == 4: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('Line', animation_params)) if choice == 2: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('IceBreath', animation_params)) if choice == 3: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('TinyFire', animation_params)) if choice == 5: animations.append( Engine.Animation_System.Animation('Xmas', animation_params)) #print len(animations) Render.draw_char(0, 15,15, '@') terminal.color('han') Render.draw_char(0, 17, 15, 'T') for ani in animations: result = if result == 'Done': print "Want?" animations.remove(ani) #print len(animations) terminal.refresh()
def cy(self): return terminal.state(terminal.TK_MOUSE_Y)