예제 #1
def test_is_hint_pep() -> None:
    Test the :func:`beartype._util.hint.pep.utilhintpeptest.is_hint_pep`

    # Defer heavyweight imports.
    from beartype._util.hint.pep.utilhintpeptest import is_hint_pep
    from beartype_test.a00_unit.data.hint.data_hint import NOT_HINTS_PEP
    from beartype_test.a00_unit.data.hint.nonpep.data_hintnonpep import (
    from beartype_test.a00_unit.data.hint.pep.data_hintpep import HINTS_PEP_META

    # Assert this tester accepts PEP-compliant type hints.
    for hint_pep_meta in HINTS_PEP_META:
        assert is_hint_pep(hint_pep_meta.hint) is True

    # Assert this tester rejects PEP-noncompliant type hints implemented by the
    # "typing" module as normal types indistinguishable from non-"typing" types
    # and thus effectively non-PEP-compliant for all practical intents.
    for hint_nonpep_meta in HINTS_NONPEP_META:
        assert is_hint_pep(hint_nonpep_meta.hint) is False

    # Assert this tester rejects non-PEP-compliant type hints.
    for not_hint_pep in NOT_HINTS_PEP:
        assert is_hint_pep(not_hint_pep) is False
예제 #2
def is_hint_nonpep_tuple(
    # Mandatory parameters.
    hint: object,

    # Optional parameters.
    is_str_valid: bool = True,
) -> bool:
    ``True`` only if the passed object is a PEP-noncompliant non-empty tuple of
    one or more classes.

    This tester is memoized for efficiency.

    hint : object
        Object to be inspected.
    is_str_valid : Optional[bool]
        ``True`` only if this function permits this object to be a string.
        Defaults to ``True``. If this boolean is:

        * ``True``, this object is valid only if this object is a tuple of
          classes and/or classnames.
        * ``False``, this object is valid only if this object is a tuple of

        ``True`` only if this object is a **non-empty tuple** (i.e., semantic
        union of types) containing one or more:

          * Non-:mod:`typing` types.
          * If ``is_str_valid``, **strings** (i.e., forward references
            specified as either fully-qualified or unqualified classnames).
    assert isinstance(is_str_valid, bool), f'{repr(is_str_valid)} not boolean.'

    # BEGIN: Synchronize changes here with die_unless_hint_nonpep() above.

    # Avoid circular import dependencies.
    from beartype._util.hint.pep.utilhintpeptest import is_hint_pep

    # Return true only if this object is...
    return (
        # A tuple *AND*...
        isinstance(hint, tuple) and
        # This tuple is non-empty *AND*...
        len(hint) > 0 and
        # Each item of this tuple is either a caller-permitted forward
        # reference *OR* a PEP-noncompliant class.
            not is_hint_pep(hint_item) if isinstance(hint_item, type) else
            is_str_valid               if isinstance(hint_item, str) else
            for hint_item in hint
예제 #3
def _is_hint_nonpep_type(hint: object) -> bool:
    ``True`` only if the passed object is a PEP-noncompliant type.

    This tester is intentionally *not* memoized (e.g., by the
    :func:`callable_cached` decorator), as the implementation trivially reduces
    to an efficient one-liner.

    hint : object
        Object to be inspected.

        ``True`` only if this object is a PEP-noncompliant type.
    # BEGIN: Synchronize changes here with die_unless_hint_nonpep() above.

    # Avoid circular import dependencies.
    from beartype._util.hint.pep.utilhintpeptest import is_hint_pep

    # Return true only if this object is isinstanceable and *NOT* a
    # PEP-compliant class, in which case this *MUST* be a PEP-noncompliant
    # class by definition.
    return is_type_isinstanceable(hint) and not is_hint_pep(hint)
예제 #4
def is_hint_ignorable(hint: object) -> bool:
    ``True`` only if the passed object is an **ignorable type hint.**

    This tester function is memoized for efficiency.

    hint : object
        Object to be inspected.

        ``True`` only if this object is an ignorable type hint.

        If this object is **unhashable** (i.e., *not* hashable by the builtin
        :func:`hash` function and thus unusable in hash-based containers like
        dictionaries and sets). All supported type hints are hashable.

    # Attempt to...
        # If this hint is shallowly ignorable, return true.
        if hint in HINTS_IGNORABLE_SHALLOW:
            return True
        # Else, this hint is *NOT* shallowly ignorable.
    # If this hint is unhashable, hint is *NOT* shallowly ignorable.
    except TypeError:

    # If this hint is PEP-compliant...
    if is_hint_pep(hint):
        # Avoid circular import dependencies.
        from beartype._util.hint.pep.utilhintpeptest import (

        # Defer to the function testing whether this hint is an ignorable
        # PEP-compliant type hint.
        return is_hint_pep_ignorable(hint)

    # Else, this hint is PEP-noncompliant and thus *NOT* deeply ignorable.
    # Since this hint is also *NOT* shallowly ignorable, this hint is
    # unignorable. In this case, return false.
    return False
예제 #5
def is_hint(hint: object) -> bool:
    ``True`` only if the passed object is a **supported type hint** (i.e.,
    object supported by the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator as a valid type
    hint annotating callable parameters and return values).

    This tester function is memoized for efficiency.

    hint : object
        Object to be validated.

        ``True`` only if this object is either:

        * A **PEP-compliant type hint** (i.e., :mod:`beartype`-agnostic
          annotation compliant with annotation-centric PEPs).
        * A **PEP-noncompliant type hint** (i.e., :mod:`beartype`-specific
          annotation intentionally *not* compliant with annotation-centric

        If this object is **unhashable** (i.e., *not* hashable by the builtin
        :func:`hash` function and thus unusable in hash-based containers like
        dictionaries and sets). All supported type hints are hashable.

    # BEGIN: Synchronize changes here with die_unless_hint() above.

    # Return true only if...
    return (
        # This is a PEP-compliant type hint supported by @beartype *OR*...
        is_hint_pep_supported(hint) if is_hint_pep(hint) else
        # This is a PEP-noncompliant type hint, which by definition is
        # necessarily supported by @beartype.
예제 #6
    def __init__(
        func: object,
        pith: object,
        hint: object,
        cause_indent: str,
        exception_label: str,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize this object.
        assert callable(func), f'{repr(func)} not callable.'
        assert isinstance(cause_indent,
                          str), (f'{repr(cause_indent)} not string.')
        assert isinstance(exception_label,
                          str), (f'{repr(exception_label)} not string.')

        # Classify all passed parameters.
        self.func = func
        self.pith = pith
        self.hint = hint
        self.cause_indent = cause_indent
        self.exception_label = exception_label

        # Nullify all remaining parameters for safety.
        self.hint_sign = None
        self.hint_childs = None

        # ................{ REDUCTION                         }................
        # CAVEATS: Synchronize changes here with the corresponding block of the
        # beartype._decor._code._pep._pephint.pep_code_check_hint() function.
        # This logic reduces the currently visited hint to an arbitrary object
        # associated with this hint when this hint conditionally satisfies any
        # of various conditions.
        # ................{ REDUCTION ~ pep 484               }................
        # If this is a PEP 484-compliant new type hint, reduce this hint to the
        # user-defined class aliased by this hint. Although this logic could
        # also be performed below, doing so here simplifies matters.
        if is_hint_pep484_newtype(self.hint):
            self.hint = get_hint_pep484_newtype_class(self.hint)
        # ................{ REDUCTION ~ pep 544               }................
        # If this is a PEP 484-compliant IO generic base class *AND* the active
        # Python interpreter targets at least Python >= 3.8 and thus supports
        # PEP 544-compliant protocols, reduce this functionally useless hint to
        # the corresponding functionally useful beartype-specific PEP
        # 544-compliant protocol implementing this hint.
        elif is_hint_pep544_io_generic(self.hint):
            self.hint = get_hint_pep544_io_protocol_from_generic(self.hint)
        # ................{ REDUCTION ~ pep 593               }................
        # If this is a PEP 593-compliant type metahint, ignore all annotations
        # on this hint (i.e., "hint_curr.__metadata__" tuple) by reducing this
        # hint to its origin (e.g., "str" in "Annotated[str, 50, False]").
        elif is_hint_pep593(self.hint):
            self.hint = get_hint_pep593_hint(self.hint)
        # ................{ REDUCTION ~ end                   }................

        # If this hint is PEP-compliant...
        if is_hint_pep(self.hint):
            # Arbitrary object uniquely identifying this hint.
            self.hint_sign = get_hint_pep_sign(self.hint)

            # Tuple of either...
            self.hint_childs = (
                # If this hint is a generic, the one or more unerased
                # pseudo-superclasses originally subclassed by this hint.
                if is_hint_pep_generic(self.hint) else
                # Else, the zero or more arguments subscripting this hint.
예제 #7
def get_cause_or_none_union(sleuth: CauseSleuth) -> 'Optional[str]':
    Human-readable string describing the failure of the passed arbitrary object
    to satisfy the passed PEP-compliant union type hint if this object actually
    fails to satisfy this hint *or* ``None`` otherwise (i.e., if this object
    satisfies this hint).

    sleuth : CauseSleuth
        Type-checking error cause sleuth.
    assert isinstance(sleuth, CauseSleuth), f'{repr(sleuth)} not cause sleuth.'
    assert sleuth.hint_sign in HINT_PEP484_SIGNS_UNION, (
        f'{repr(sleuth.hint)} not union.')

    # Subset of all classes shallowly associated with these child hints (i.e.,
    # by being either these child hints in the case of non-"typing" classes
    # *OR* the classes originating these child hints in the case of
    # PEP-compliant type hints) that this pith fails to shallowly satisfy.
    hint_classes_unsatisfied = set()

    # List of all human-readable strings describing the failure of this pith to
    # satisfy each of these child hints.
    causes_union = []

    # Indentation preceding each line of the strings returned by child getter
    # functions called by this parent getter function, offset to visually
    # demarcate child from parent causes in multiline strings.
    CAUSE_INDENT_CHILD = sleuth.cause_indent + '  '

    # For each subscripted argument of this union...
    for hint_child in sleuth.hint_childs:
        # If this child hint is ignorable, continue to the next.
        if is_hint_ignorable(hint_child):
        # Else, this child hint is unignorable.

        # If this child hint is PEP-compliant...
        if is_hint_pep(hint_child):
            # Non-"typing" class originating this child hint if any *OR* "None"
            # otherwise.
            hint_child_type_origin = get_hint_pep_type_origin_or_none(

            # If...
            if (
                    # This child hint originates from a non-"typing" class *AND*...
                    hint_child_type_origin is not None and
                    # This pith is *NOT* an instance of this class...
                    not isinstance(sleuth.pith, hint_child_type_origin)
                    # Then this pith fails to satisfy this child hint. In this case...
                # Add this class to the subset of all classes this pith does
                # *NOT* satisfy.

                # Continue to the next child hint.
            # Else, this pith is an instance of this class and thus shallowly
            # (but *NOT* necessarily deeply) satisfies this child hint.

            # Human-readable string describing the failure of this pith to
            # deeply satisfy this child hint if this pith actually fails to
            # deeply satisfy this child hint *or* "None" otherwise.
            pith_cause_hint_child = sleuth.permute(

            # If this pith deeply satisfies this child hint, return "None".
            if pith_cause_hint_child is None:
                # print('Union child {!r} pith {!r} deeply satisfied!'.format(hint_child, pith))
                return None
            # Else, this pith does *NOT* deeply satisfy this child hint.

            # Append a cause as a discrete bullet-prefixed line.
        # Else, this child hint is PEP-noncompliant. In this case...
            # Assert this child hint to be a non-"typing" class. Note that
            # the "typing" module should have already guaranteed that all
            # subscripted arguments of unions are either PEP-compliant type
            # hints or non-"typing" classes.
            assert isinstance(hint_child, type), (
                f'{sleuth.exception_label} PEP union type hint '
                f'{repr(sleuth.hint)} child hint {repr(hint_child)} invalid '
                f'(i.e., neither PEP type hint nor non-"typing" class).')
            # Else, this child hint is a non-"typing" type.

            # If this pith is an instance of this class, this pith satisfies
            # this hint. In this case, return "None".
            if isinstance(sleuth.pith, hint_child):
                return None

            # Else, this pith is *NOT* an instance of this class, implying this
            # pith to *NOT* satisfy this hint. In this case, add this class to
            # the subset of all classes this pith does *NOT* satisfy.

    # If this pith fails to shallowly satisfy one or more classes, concatenate
    # these failures onto a discrete bullet-prefixed line.
    if hint_classes_unsatisfied:
        # Human-readable comma-delimited disjunction of the names of these
        # classes (e.g., "bool, float, int, or str").
        cause_types_unsatisfied = join_delimited_disjunction_classes(

        # Prepend this cause as a discrete bullet-prefixed line.
        # Note that this cause is intentionally prependend rather than appended
        # to this list. Since this cause applies *ONLY* to the shallow type of
        # the current pith rather than any items contained in this pith,
        # listing this shallow cause *BEFORE* other deeper causes typically
        # applying to items contained in this pith produces substantially more
        # human-readable exception messages: e.g.,
        #     # This reads well.
        #     @beartyped pep_hinted() parameter pep_hinted_param=(1,) violates
        #     PEP type hint typing.Union[int, typing.Sequence[str]], as (1,):
        #     * Not int.
        #     * Tuple item 0 value "1" not str.
        #     # This does not.
        #     @beartyped pep_hinted() parameter pep_hinted_param=(1,) violates
        #     PEP type hint typing.Union[int, typing.Sequence[str]], as (1,):
        #     * Tuple item 0 value "1" not str.
        #     * Not int.
        # Note that prepending to lists is an O(n) operation, but that this
        # cost is negligible in this case both due to the negligible number of
        # child hints of the average "typing.Union" in general *AND* due to the
        # fact that this function is only called when a catastrophic type-check
        # failure has already occurred.
        causes_union.insert(0, f'not {cause_types_unsatisfied}')

    # If prior logic appended *NO* causes, raise an exception.
    if not causes_union:
        raise _BeartypeCallHintPepRaiseException(
            f'{sleuth.exception_label} PEP type hint '
            f'{repr(sleuth.hint)} failure causes unknown.')
    # Else, prior logic appended one or more strings describing these failures.

    # Truncated object representation of this pith.
    pith_repr = get_object_representation(sleuth.pith)

    # If prior logic appended one cause, return this cause as a single-line
    # substring intended to be embedded in a longer string.
    if len(causes_union) == 1:
        return f'{pith_repr} {causes_union[0]}'
    # Else, prior logic appended two or more causes.

    # Return a multiline string comprised of...
    return '{}:\n{}'.format(
        # This truncated object representation.
        # The newline-delimited concatenation of each cause as a discrete
        # bullet-prefixed line...
            '{}* {}'.format(
                # Indented by the current indent.
                # Whose first character is uppercased.
                    # Suffixed by a period if *NOT* yet suffixed by a period.
                    suffix_unless_suffixed(text=cause_union, suffix='.')))
            # '{}* {}.'.format(cause_indent, uppercase_char_first(cause_union))
            for cause_union in causes_union))
예제 #8
def is_hint_nonpep(
    # Mandatory parameters.
    hint: object,

    # Optional parameters.
    is_str_valid: bool = True,
) -> bool:
    ``True`` only if the passed object is a **PEP-noncompliant type hint**
    (i.e., :mod:`beartype`-specific annotation *not* compliant with
    annotation-centric PEPs).

    This tester is intentionally *not* memoized (e.g., by the
    :func:`callable_cached` decorator), as the implementation trivially reduces
    to an efficient one-liner.

    hint : object
        Object to be inspected.
    is_str_valid : Optional[bool]
        ``True`` only if this function permits this object to be a string.
        Defaults to ``True``. If this boolean is:

        * ``True``, this object is valid only if this object is either a class
          or tuple of classes and/or classnames.
        * ``False``, this object is valid only if this object is either a class
          or tuple of classes.

        ``True`` only if this object is either:

        * A non-:mod:`typing` type (i.e., class *not* defined by the
          :mod:`typing` module, whose public classes are used to instantiate
          PEP-compliant type hints or objects satisfying such hints that
          typically violate standard class semantics and thus require
          PEP-specific handling).
        * A **non-empty tuple** (i.e., semantic union of types) containing one
          or more:

          * Non-:mod:`typing` types.
          * If ``is_str_valid``, **strings** (i.e., forward references
            specified as either fully-qualified or unqualified classnames).
    assert isinstance(is_str_valid, bool), f'{repr(is_str_valid)} not boolean.'

    # BEGIN: Synchronize changes here with die_unless_hint_nonpep() above.

    # Avoid circular import dependencies.
    from beartype._util.hint.pep.utilhintpeptest import is_hint_pep

    # Return true only if either...
    return (
        # If this object is a class, return true only if this is *NOT* a
        # PEP-compliant class, in which case this *MUST* be a PEP-noncompliant
        # class by definition.
        not is_hint_pep(hint) if isinstance(hint, type) else
        # Else, this object is *NOT* a class.
        # If this object is a tuple, return true only if this tuple contains
        # only one or more caller-permitted forward references and
        # PEP-noncompliant classes.
        is_hint_nonpep_tuple(hint, is_str_valid) if isinstance(hint, tuple)
        # Else, this object is neither a class nor tuple. Return false, as this
        # object *CANNOT* be PEP-noncompliant.
        else False
예제 #9
    def hint(self, hint: Any) -> None:
        Set the type hint to validate this object against.

        # ................{ REDUCTION                         }................
        # CAVEATS: Synchronize changes here with the corresponding block of the
        # beartype._decor._code._pep._pephint.pep_code_check_hint() function.
        # This logic reduces the currently visited hint to an arbitrary object
        # associated with this hint when this hint conditionally satisfies any
        # of various conditions.
        # ................{ REDUCTION ~ pep 484               }................
        # If this is the PEP 484-compliant "None" singleton, reduce this hint
        # to the type of that singleton. While not explicitly defined by the
        # "typing" module, PEP 484 explicitly supports this singleton:
        #     When used in a type hint, the expression None is considered
        #     equivalent to type(None).
        if hint is None:
            hint = NoneType
        # If this is a PEP 484-compliant new type hint, reduce this hint to the
        # user-defined class aliased by this hint. Although this logic could
        # also be performed below, doing so here simplifies matters.
        elif is_hint_pep484_newtype(hint):
            hint = get_hint_pep484_newtype_class(hint)
        # ................{ REDUCTION ~ pep 544               }................
        # If this is a PEP 484-compliant IO generic base class *AND* the active
        # Python interpreter targets at least Python >= 3.8 and thus supports
        # PEP 544-compliant protocols, reduce this functionally useless hint to
        # the corresponding functionally useful beartype-specific PEP
        # 544-compliant protocol implementing this hint.
        # Note that PEP 484-compliant IO generic base classes are technically
        # usable under Python < 3.8 (e.g., by explicitly subclassing those
        # classes from third-party classes). Ergo, we can neither safely emit
        # warnings nor raise exceptions on visiting these classes under *ANY*
        # Python version.
        elif is_hint_pep544_io_generic(hint):
            hint = get_hint_pep544_io_protocol_from_generic(hint)
        # ................{ REDUCTION ~ pep 593               }................
        # If this is a PEP 593-compliant type metahint, ignore all annotations
        # on this hint (i.e., "hint_curr.__metadata__" tuple) by reducing this
        # hint to its origin (e.g., "str" in "Annotated[str, 50, False]").
        elif is_hint_pep593(hint):
            hint = get_hint_pep593_hint(hint)
        # ................{ REDUCTION ~ end                   }................

        # If this hint is PEP-compliant...
        if is_hint_pep(hint):
            # Arbitrary object uniquely identifying this hint.
            self.hint_sign = get_hint_pep_sign(hint)

            # Tuple of either...
            self.hint_childs = (
                # If this hint is a generic, the one or more unerased
                # pseudo-superclasses originally subclassed by this hint.
                if is_hint_pep_generic(hint) else
                # Else, the zero or more arguments subscripting this hint.

        # Classify this hint *AFTER* all other assignments above.
        self._hint = hint
예제 #10
def die_unless_hint(
    # Mandatory parameters.
    hint: object,

    # Optional parameters.
    hint_label: str = 'Annotated',
) -> None:
    Raise an exception unless the passed object is a **supported type hint**
    (i.e., object supported by the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator as a
    valid type hint annotating callable parameters and return values).

    Specifically, this function raises an exception if this object is neither:

    * A **supported PEP-compliant type hint** (i.e., :mod:`beartype`-agnostic
      annotation compliant with annotation-centric PEPs currently supported
      by the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator).
    * A **PEP-noncompliant type hint** (i.e., :mod:`beartype`-specific
      annotation intentionally *not* compliant with annotation-centric PEPs).

    This validator is effectively (but technically *not*) memoized. Since the
    passed ``hint_label`` parameter is typically unique to each call to this
    validator, memoizing this validator would uselessly consume excess space
    *without* improving time efficiency. Instead, this validator first calls
    the memoized :func:`is_hint_pep` tester. If that tester returns ``True``,
    this validator immediately returns ``True`` and is thus effectively
    memoized; else, this validator inefficiently raises a human-readable
    exception without memoization. Since efficiency is largely irrelevant in
    exception handling, this validator thus remains effectively memoized.

    hint : object
        Object to be validated.
    hint_label : Optional[str]
        Human-readable label prefixing this object's representation in the
        exception message raised by this function. Defaults to ``"Annotated"``.

        If this object is a PEP-compliant type hint currently unsupported by
        the :func:`beartype.beartype` decorator.
        If this object is neither:

        * A PEP-noncompliant type hint.
        * A supported PEP-compliant type hint.

    # If this object is a supported type hint, reduce to a noop.
    if is_hint(hint):
    # Else, this object is *NOT* a supported type hint. In this case,
    # subsequent logic raises an exception specific to the passed parameters.

    # BEGIN: Synchronize changes here with is_hint() below.

    # If this hint is PEP-compliant, raise an exception only if this hint is
    # currently unsupported by @beartype.
    if is_hint_pep(hint):

    # Else, this hint is *NOT* PEP-compliant. In this case, raise an exception
    # only if this hint is also *NOT* PEP-noncompliant. By definition, all
    # PEP-noncompliant type hints are supported by @beartype.