def getZooLogDir(cls, logoutput=False): ''' Returns Zookeeper log directory (String). ''' matchObjList = None if Machine.isHumboldt(): try: from beaver.component.hbase import HBase #get some zookeeper node hmaster_nodes = HBase.getAllMasterNodes() if hmaster_nodes: zkNode = hmaster_nodes[0] if zkNode: Machine.copyToLocal(None, zkNode, ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE, Machine.getTempDir()) REMOTE_ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE = os.path.join( Machine.getTempDir(), '') matchObjList = util.findMatchingPatternInFile( REMOTE_ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE, "export ZOO_LOG_DIR=(.*)", return0Or1=False) except Exception: pass if not matchObjList: #gateway should have the config file. matchObjList = util.findMatchingPatternInFile( ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE, "export ZOO_LOG_DIR=(.*)", return0Or1=False) returnValue = None if matchObjList: returnValue = matchObjList[0].group(1) if logoutput:"Zookeeper.getZooLogDir returns %s", returnValue) return returnValue
def get_config_value(cls, *keys): streamline_host = cls.get_hosts()[0] streamline_yaml = "/etc/streamline/conf/streamline.yaml" destination_path = os.path.join(Machine.getTempDir(), "local_streamline.yaml") Machine.copyToLocal(user="******", host=streamline_host, srcpath=streamline_yaml, destpath=destination_path) import yaml with open(destination_path) as f: yaml_obj = yaml.load(f) for akey in keys: yaml_obj = yaml_obj.get(akey) return yaml_obj
def verifyLogMessageInServiceLog(text, service, timestamp=0, dateTimeFormat=None): ''' Returns true when given log message appears in service log ''' hiveLog = Hive.getServiceLog(service) if not hiveLog or not text: return None hiveHost = Hive.getHiveHost(service) destlog = os.path.join(Config.getEnv('ARTIFACTS_DIR'), 'tmp-%d.log' % int(999999 * random.random())) Machine.copyToLocal(None, hiveHost, hiveLog, destlog) return util.findMatchingPatternInFileAfterTimestamp(destlog, text, timestamp, dateTimeFormat=dateTimeFormat)
def get_local_job_summary_logs(cls, component): """ Copy Job_summary Logs to local dirs [artifacts/job_summary_local.log] parameter: component : Component name for which log collection is taking place return: List of Local copies of Job summary log Note: Some components need special handling where there are multiple Job Summary Log files such as HA and Falcon """ LocalJobSummaryLogs = [] try: if component == FALCON_STR: from beaver.component.falcon import Falcon # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name host1 = Falcon.get_cluster_1_masters()['rm'] host2 = Falcon.get_cluster_2_masters()['rm'] host3 = Falcon.get_cluster_3_masters()['rm'] for host in [host1, host2, host3]: JobSummaryLog = ComponentLogUtil.MAPRED_getJobSummaryLogFile( host) LocalJobSummaryLog = os.path.join( Config.getEnv('ARTIFACTS_DIR'), "jobsummary_" + host + ".log") Machine.copyToLocal(None, host, JobSummaryLog, LocalJobSummaryLog, None) if Machine.pathExists(None, None, LocalJobSummaryLog, passwd=None): LocalJobSummaryLogs.append(LocalJobSummaryLog) else: for host in ComponentLogUtil.YARN_getRMHANodes(): JobSummaryLog = ComponentLogUtil.MAPRED_getJobSummaryLogFile( host) LocalJobSummaryLog = os.path.join( Config.getEnv('ARTIFACTS_DIR'), "jobsummary_" + host + ".log") Machine.copyToLocal(Machine.getAdminUser(), host, JobSummaryLog, LocalJobSummaryLog, Machine.getAdminPasswd()) Machine.chmod("777", LocalJobSummaryLog, user=Machine.getAdminUser(), passwd=Machine.getAdminPasswd()) if Machine.pathExists(Machine.getAdminUser(), None, LocalJobSummaryLog, passwd=Machine.getAdminPasswd()): LocalJobSummaryLogs.append(LocalJobSummaryLog) return LocalJobSummaryLogs except Exception as e:"Exception occurs at job_summary_log collection %s", e) tb = traceback.format_exc() return LocalJobSummaryLogs
def Zookeeper_getZooLogDir(cls, logoutput=True): try: from beaver.component.zookeeper import ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE matchObjList = None if Machine.isHumboldt(): for node in cls.Zookeeper_getZKHosts(): try: Machine.copyToLocal(None, node, ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE, Machine.getTempDir()) REMOTE_ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE = os.path.join( Machine.getTempDir(), '') matchObjList = util.findMatchingPatternInFile( REMOTE_ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE, "export ZOO_LOG_DIR=(.*)", return0Or1=False) if matchObjList: returnValue = matchObjList[0].group(1) if returnValue == "${LOG_DIR}": continue else: break except Exception: pass if not matchObjList: try: matchObjList = util.findMatchingPatternInFile( ZOOKEEPER_ENV_FILE, "export ZOO_LOG_DIR=(.*)", return0Or1=False) except Exception as e: "Exception occured during Zookeeper_getZooLogDir() call: %s", str(e)) if Machine.isWindows():"Using the default zookeer log dir") winZKLogDir = "D:\\hadoop\\logs\\zookeeper" return winZKLogDir returnValue = None if matchObjList: returnValue = matchObjList[0].group(1) if returnValue == "${LOG_DIR}": return None return returnValue except Exception: if logoutput: logger.error( "Exception occured during Zookeeper_getZooLogDir() call") logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return None
def smoke_test_setup(cls): ''' Setup required to run Smoke test created new topology file to check service registry does not persist after upgrade ''' Machine.copyToLocal(user=Machine.getAdminUser(), host=KNOX_HOST, srcpath=os.path.join(KNOX_TOPOLOGY, 'default.xml'), destpath=os.path.join(KNOX_TOPOLOGY, 'default_new.xml'), passwd=Machine.getAdminPasswd()) time.sleep(15) #Knox.setupHttpRequestsVerboseLogging() cls.setupRanger()"TODO")
def getConfigValue(cls, propertyValue, defaultValue=None): _localHiveConf = os.path.join(Config.getEnv('ARTIFACTS_DIR'), cls._localConfDir) if not os.path.exists(_localHiveConf): admin_user = Machine.getAdminUser() Machine.copyToLocal(admin_user, cls.getHiveHost(), cls._configDir, _localHiveConf) Machine.chmod('777', _localHiveConf, recursive=True, user=admin_user) if cls._modifiedConfigs.has_key(propertyValue): return cls._modifiedConfigs[propertyValue] value = util.getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile( os.path.join(_localHiveConf, 'hiveserver2-site.xml'), propertyValue ) if value is None or value == '': value = util.getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile( os.path.join(_localHiveConf, 'hive-site.xml'), propertyValue, defaultValue=defaultValue ) return value
def retrieveGatewaySiteConfig(cls): # Retrieve the remote file to a local temp file. timestamp = str(time.time()) tempConfFile = os.path.join(Machine.getTempDir(), "gateway-site.xml_%s" % timestamp) remoteConfFile = os.path.join(Config.get('knox', 'KNOX_CONF'), 'gateway-site.xml') Machine.copyToLocal(user=None, host=KNOX_HOST, srcpath=remoteConfFile, destpath=tempConfFile) assert os.stat( tempConfFile ).st_size > 0, "Failed to copy Knox config from remote host, file empty %s" % tempConfFile # Parse the local temp file conf = util.readDictFromConfigXMLFile(tempConfFile) # Delete the local temp file Machine.rm(filepath=tempConfFile, user=None, host=None) assert not os.path.isfile( tempConfFile ), "Failed to delete temp Knox config file %s" & tempConfFile # Return the dict return conf
def modifyConfigRemote(changes, OriginalConfDir, ConfDir, nodes, id=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ''' Modifies hadoop config or config with similar structure. Returns None. Linux: 1. Create tmpModifyConfDir_<time> in artifacts dir based on source config directory in gateway 2. Modify contents in created directory. 3. Copy the directory to /tmp/hadoopConf in target machines ''' _backuploc = getBackupConfigLocation(id=id) tmpConfDir = os.path.join( ARTIFACTS_DIR, 'tmpModifyConfDir_' + str(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))) Config.set(PYTHON_CONFIG_NAME, TMP_CONF_DIR_VAR, tmpConfDir, overwrite=True) tmpConfDir = Config.get(PYTHON_CONFIG_NAME, TMP_CONF_DIR_VAR) for node in nodes: Machine.rm(Machine.getAdminUser(), node, ConfDir, isdir=True) Machine.rm(Machine.getAdminUser(), Machine.getfqdn(), tmpConfDir, isdir=True)"*** COPY ORIGINAL CONFIGS FROM REMOTE TO LOCAL ***") Machine.copyToLocal(None, node, OriginalConfDir, tmpConfDir) #if node == Machine.getfqdn(): # Machine.copy(OriginalConfDir,tmpConfDir) for filename, values in changes.items(): filepath = os.path.join(tmpConfDir, filename) if os.path.isfile(filepath):"Modifying file locally: %s", filepath) _fname, fext = os.path.splitext(filepath) if fext == ".xml": util.writePropertiesToConfigXMLFile( filepath, filepath, values) elif fext == ".json": util.writePropertiesToConfigJSONFile( filepath, filepath, values, ["global"], "site.hbase-site.") elif fext == ".properties": util.writePropertiesToFile(filepath, filepath, values) elif fext == ".cfg": util.writePropertiesToFile(filepath, filepath, values) elif fext == ".conf": util.writePropertiesToConfFile(filepath, filepath, values) elif fext == ".sh": text = "" for value in values: text += "\n" + value util.writeToFile(text, filepath, isAppend=True) elif fext == ".yaml": text = "" for k, v in values.iteritems(): text += k + " : " + v util.writeToFile(text, filepath, isAppend=True) elif fext == ".cmd": text = "" for value in values: text += "\n" + value util.writeToFile(text, filepath, isAppend=True) elif fext is None or fext == "" or fext == ".include": text = "" isFirst = True for value in values: if isFirst: text += value else: text += "\n" + value isFirst = False util.writeToFile(text, filepath, isAppend=True)"****** Copy back the configs to remote ******") #if node!=Machine.getfqdn(): Machine.copyFromLocal(None, node, tmpConfDir, ConfDir) Machine.chmod('777', ConfDir, recursive=True, host=node)
def generateTestReportConf(infile, outfile, results, startTime, endTime): config = ConfigParser() config.optionxform = str if config.has_section(SECTION): # set the version to 2.0 so new keys are processed config.set(SECTION, 'report_version', '2.0') # Stores the original component value, some testsuite runs like HiveServer2Concurr, Sqoop # change this for reporting, but we need to preserve for log archiving for uniqueness config.set(SECTION, "TESTSUITE_COMPONENT", config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT")) for option, value in config.items(SECTION): try: if ((option != "SECURE" and value != "") or (Config.getEnv("HDP_STACK_INSTALLED").lower() == "false" and value != "")): continue elif option == "BUILD_ID": # if REPO_URL is not set, set the BUILD_ID to 0 # otherwise get the BUILD_ID from the file if config.get(SECTION, "REPO_URL") == "" or not config.has_option(SECTION, "REPO_URL"): config.set(SECTION, option, 0) else: config.set(SECTION, option, getBuildId(config.get(SECTION, "REPO_URL"))) elif option == "HOSTNAME": config.set(SECTION, option, socket.getfqdn()) elif option == "COMPONENT_VERSION": if not config.has_option(SECTION, "COMPONENT") or config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "": config.set(SECTION, "COMPONENT", "Hadoop") if "ambarieu-hdf" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"): config.set(SECTION, option, getComponentVersion(config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"))) elif "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"): config.set(SECTION, option, getComponentVersion("Ambari")) else: config.set(SECTION, option, getComponentVersion(config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"))) elif option == "OS": if Machine.isWindows(): cmd = 'powershell (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption' _exit_code, stdout = Machine.runasDeprecated( user=Machine.getAdminUser(), cmd=cmd, passwd=Machine.getAdminPasswd() ) config.set(SECTION, option, stdout) continue osname = platform.dist()[0] # hack to check for oracle os as there # is no diff for python if os.path.exists('/etc/oracle-release'): osname = 'oracle' ver = platform.dist()[1] # Need a hack for SLES as python cannot determine 11.1 vs 11.3 if osname.lower() == 'suse': # read the file /etc/SuSE-release and determine the patch version. f = open('/etc/SuSE-release', 'r') txt = f.close() # get the patch level. For example # PATCHLEVEL = 3 m ='PATCHLEVEL = (.*)', txt, re.MULTILINE) # if you find a match append to the version string if m and ver = '%s.%s' % (ver, arch = platform.architecture()[0] if os.path.exists('/etc/os-release'): try: f = open('/etc/os-release', 'r') txt = f.close() m ='NAME="(.*)"', txt, re.MULTILINE) if m and if == "Amazon Linux": osname = "amazonlinux" m ='VERSION="(.*)"', txt, re.MULTILINE) if m and ver = if "2 (2017.12)" in ver: ver = "2" # the amzn ami which qe team is using is of 64 bit arch = "64bit" except Exception: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) config.set(SECTION, option, '%s-%s-%s' % (osname, ver, arch)) elif option == "HDP_STACK": if "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"): from beaver.component.ambari import Ambari hdpVersion = Ambari.getHDPVersion() if hdpVersion and hdpVersion[0] in ('1', '2'): config.set(SECTION, option, "h" + hdpVersion[0]) else: config.set(SECTION, option, 'h2') else: hadoopVersion = getComponentVersion("Hadoop") if hadoopVersion and hadoopVersion[0] in ('1', '2'): config.set(SECTION, option, "h" + hadoopVersion[0]) elif option == "TDE": from beaver.component.hadoop import HDFS2 if HDFS2.isKMSEnabled(): config.set(SECTION, option, "on") else: config.set(SECTION, option, "off") elif option == "SECURE": if "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"): from beaver.component.ambari import Ambari config.set(SECTION, option, str(Ambari.isSecure()).lower()) secure_str = str(Ambari.isSecure()).lower() else: from beaver.component.hadoop import Hadoop secure_str = str(Hadoop.isSecure()).lower() if config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2Concurr": config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard") if Hadoop.isSecure(): config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Kerberos") else: config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false") elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrHTTP": if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): secure_str += "-http-en" else: secure_str += "-http" config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard") if Hadoop.isSecure(): config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Kerberos") else: config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "HTTP") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false") elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrLDAP": if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): secure_str += "-ldap-en" else: secure_str += "-ldap" config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "LDAP") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false") elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrLDAPHTTP": if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): secure_str += "-ldap-http-en" else: secure_str += "-ldap-http" config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "LDAP") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "HTTP") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false") elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrSSL": if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): secure_str += "-ssl-en" else: secure_str += "-ssl" config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "true") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false") elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrSSLHTTP": if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): secure_str += "-ssl-http-en" else: secure_str += "-ssl-http" config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "HTTP") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "true") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false") elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrTPUser": if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): secure_str += "-tpuser-en" else: secure_str += "-tpuser" config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Kerberos") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "true") elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrLongRunning": if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): secure_str += "-longrun-en" else: secure_str += "-longrun" config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard") if Hadoop.isSecure(): config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Kerberos") else: config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false") config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false") elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "SqoopDb2": config.set(SECTION, "COMPONENT", "Sqoop") else: if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): secure_str += '-en' config.set(SECTION, option, secure_str) elif option == "BLOB": pass elif option == "RAN": # dont add skipped, just pass + fail + aborted config.set(SECTION, option, results[0] + len(results[1]) + results[3]) elif option == "PASS": config.set(SECTION, option, results[0]) elif option == "FAIL": config.set(SECTION, option, len(results[1])) elif option == "SKIPPED": config.set(SECTION, option, results[2]) elif option == "ABORTED": config.set(SECTION, option, results[3]) elif option == "FAILED_TESTS": failedTests = ",".join(results[1]) failureSummary = ReportHelper.getFailureSummary(failedTests) config.set(SECTION, "FAILURE_SUMMARY", failureSummary) tmpFailedTests = ReportHelper.getGroupedFailedTests(failedTests) config.set(SECTION, option, ReportHelper.getMergedFailedTests(tmpFailedTests, failureSummary)) elif option == "NUM_OF_DATANODES": if "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"): config.set(SECTION, option, "N/A") else: from beaver.component.hadoop import HDFS config.set(SECTION, option, HDFS.getDatanodeCount()) elif option == "BUILD_URL": if 'BUILD_URL' in os.environ: config.set(SECTION, option, os.environ['BUILD_URL']) elif option == "HDP_RELEASE": # If RU/RB, we must override HDP_RELEASE # (we can't fix this with product front. Discussed in BUG-31369.) if config.get(SECTION, "TESTSUITE_COMPONENT").lower() in ["rollingupgrade", "rollback", "rollingupgrade-ha", "rollback-ha"]: config.set(SECTION, option, "dal") else: config.set(SECTION, option, getRepoId(config.get(SECTION, "REPO_URL"))) elif option == "JDK": config.set(SECTION, option, Machine.getJDK()) elif option == "DB": if not config.has_option(SECTION, "COMPONENT") or config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "": config.set(SECTION, "COMPONENT", "Hadoop") config.set(SECTION, option, getDatabaseFlavor(config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"))) except Exception as error: logger.error("ERROR processing option: %s", option) logger.error("Exception: %s", error) # make sure Hadoop is installed before append Tez to the component name if Config.getEnv("HDP_STACK_INSTALLED").lower() == "true" and config.has_option(SECTION, "COMPONENT"): if "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"): kerberos_server_type = 'n/a' from beaver.component.ambari import Ambari if Ambari.isSecure(): kerberos_server_type = 'mit' config.set(SECTION, 'kerberos_server_type', kerberos_server_type) else: from beaver.component.hadoop import Hadoop, HDFS from beaver.component.slider import Slider # set execution_framework. New columns for dashboard v2 # TODO: This needs to be improved to be component specific. if Hadoop.isTez(): if Slider.isInstalled(): config.set(SECTION, 'execution_framework', 'tez-slider') else: config.set(SECTION, 'execution_framework', 'tez') else: if Slider.isInstalled(): config.set(SECTION, 'execution_framework', 'mr-slider') else: config.set(SECTION, 'execution_framework', 'mr') # set wire_encryption # TODO: This needs to be improved to be component specific. if Hadoop.isEncrypted(): config.set(SECTION, 'wire_encryption', 'true') else: config.set(SECTION, 'wire_encryption', 'false') # set kerberos_server_type kerberos_server_type = 'n/a' if Hadoop.isSecure(): kerberos_server_type = 'mit' # add a check for AD if Machine.isLinux(): gateway = Config.get("machine", "GATEWAY") Machine.copyToLocal(Machine.getAdminUser(), gateway, '/etc/krb5.conf', '/tmp/krb5.conf') f = open('/tmp/krb5.conf', 'r') txt = f.close() #Finding all the admin_server in the krb5.conf with ports, if any p = re.compile('admin_server = ((?!FILE).*)') admin_server_list_with_ports = p.findall(txt) admin_server_list = [] for admin_server_with_port in admin_server_list_with_ports: admin_server_list.append(admin_server_with_port.split(':')[0]) #If len is greater than 1, first checking if one of the admin server is AD host, # than to ensure that not all the hosts are AD hosts, checking if one of the admin # server is not in AD Hosts Lists. if len(admin_server_list) > 1: for ad_host in AD_HOSTS_LIST: if ad_host in admin_server_list: for admin_server in admin_server_list: if admin_server not in AD_HOSTS_LIST: kerberos_server_type = 'ad+mit' break else: for ad_host in AD_HOSTS_LIST: if ad_host in admin_server_list: kerberos_server_type = 'ad' break config.set(SECTION, 'kerberos_server_type', kerberos_server_type) try: from beaver.component.xa import Xa # set argus. New column for dashboard v2 if Xa.isArgus(): config.set(SECTION, 'argus', 'true') else: config.set(SECTION, 'argus', 'false') except Exception as error: logger.error("ERROR processing argus") logger.error("Exception: %s", error) #set TDE if HDFS.isKMSEnabled(): config.set(SECTION, 'tde', 'true') else: config.set(SECTION, 'tde', 'false') config.set(SECTION, 'START_TIME', startTime) config.set(SECTION, 'END_TIME', endTime) coverage_summary_file = os.path.join(Config.getEnv('ARTIFACTS_DIR'), "coverage_summary.json") if os.path.exists(coverage_summary_file): fp = open(coverage_summary_file, "r") json_str = "\n".join(fp.readlines()) fp.close() coverage_summary = json.loads(json_str) for key, value in coverage_summary.items(): config.set(SECTION, key, value) config.write(open(outfile, 'w')) elif config.has_section('SANDBOX'): out_config = ConfigParser() out_config.optionxform = str out_config.add_section(SECTION) sb_type = config.get('SANDBOX', 'vm_env') out_config.set(SECTION, 'BUILD_ID', '0') ova_uri = '' if sb_type == 'VBOX': ova_uri = config.get(sb_type, 'vbox_ova_uri') elif sb_type == 'FUSION': ova_uri = config.get(sb_type, 'fus_ova_uri') if sb_type == 'HYPERV': ova_uri = config.get(sb_type, 'hyperv_ova_uri') out_config.set(SECTION, 'REPO_URL', ova_uri) sb_host = '' if != 'nt': sb_host = os.popen("hostname -f").read().strip() sb_host = sb_host + '(' + os.popen("ifconfig en0 | grep 'inet ' | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'" ).read().strip() + ')' else: sb_host = 'Kiev local host' out_config.set(SECTION, 'HOSTNAME', sb_host) out_config.set(SECTION, 'HDP_STACK', "h" + (config.get('VERSIONS', 'hadoop_version')[0])) out_config.set(SECTION, 'COMPONENT', 'SANDBOX') out_config.set(SECTION, 'TESTSUITE_COMPONENT', 'SANDBOX') if sb_type == 'HYPERV': sb_ver = 'hyper-v' else: tmp = ['%20', 'Hortonworks', 'VirtualBox', '.ova', 'VMware', '_'] sb_ver = ova_uri.split('/')[5] for rstr in tmp: sb_ver = sb_ver.replace(rstr, '') out_config.set(SECTION, 'COMPONENT_VERSION', sb_ver) out_config.set(SECTION, 'CHECKSUM', 'N/A') ver_num = os.popen("sw_vers | grep 'ProductVersion:' | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'").read().strip() if sb_type == 'HYPERV': out_config.set(SECTION, 'OS', 'Windows 8.1') else: out_config.set(SECTION, 'OS', 'MAC OS X ' + ver_num) out_config.set(SECTION, 'SECURE', 'false') out_config.set(SECTION, 'TYPE', 'System, UI') out_config.set(SECTION, 'BLOB', 'N/A') out_config.set(SECTION, 'PKG', 'OVA') if sb_type == 'VBOX': out_config.set(SECTION, 'INSTALLER', 'Oracle VirtualBox') elif sb_type == 'FUSION': out_config.set(SECTION, 'INSTALLER', 'VMWare Fusion') elif sb_type == 'HYPERV': out_config.set(SECTION, 'INSTALLER', 'Windows Hyper-V') out_config.set(SECTION, 'RAN', results[0] + len(results[1]) + results[3]) out_config.set(SECTION, 'PASS', results[0]) out_config.set(SECTION, 'FAIL', len(results[1])) out_config.set(SECTION, 'SKIPPED', results[2]) out_config.set(SECTION, 'ABORTED', results[3]) out_config.set(SECTION, 'FAILED_DEPENDENCY', 'N/A') out_config.set(SECTION, 'FAILED_TESTS', ",".join(results[1])) out_config.set(SECTION, 'NUM_OF_DATANODES', '1') out_config.set(SECTION, 'HDP_RELEASE', ova_uri.split('/')[4]) out_config.set(SECTION, 'JDK', '1.6.0_51') out_config.set(SECTION, 'DB', 'N/A') out_config.set(SECTION, 'BROWSER', config.get('SANDBOX', 'test_browser')) out_config.write(open(outfile, 'w'))