def test_env_fill_places_correct_num_foods(env: Env) -> None: """ Tests that we get exactly ``self.initial_num_foods`` in the grid. """ env.fill() num_grid_foods = 0 for pos in itertools.product(range(env.width), range(env.height)): if env.grid[pos][env.obj_type_ids["food"]] == 1: num_grid_foods += 1 assert num_grid_foods == env.initial_num_foods
def test_env_fill_generates_id_map_positions_correctly(env: Env) -> None: """ Tests that ``self.id_map`` is correct after ``self.fill`` is called. """ env.fill() for x, y in itertools.product(range(env.width), range(env.height)): object_map = env.id_map[x][y] for obj_type_id, obj_ids in object_map.items(): if len(obj_ids) > 0: assert env.grid[x][y][obj_type_id] == 1
def test_env_fill_generates_id_map_ids_correctly(env: Env) -> None: """ Tests that ``self.id_map`` is correct after ``self.fill`` is called. """ env.fill() for x, y in itertools.product(range(env.width), range(env.height)): object_map = env.id_map[x][y] for obj_type_id, obj_ids in object_map.items(): if obj_type_id == env.obj_type_ids["agent"]: for obj_id in obj_ids: assert obj_id in env.agents
def test_env_fill_sets_all_agent_positions_correctly(env: Env) -> None: """ Tests that ``agent.pos`` is set correctly. """ env.fill() agent_positions = [agent.pos for agent in env.agents.values()] for pos in itertools.product(range(env.width), range(env.height)): if pos in agent_positions: assert env.grid[pos][env.obj_type_ids["agent"]] == 1 if env.grid[pos][env.obj_type_ids["agent"]] == 1: assert pos in agent_positions
def test_env_fill_places_correct_number_of_agents(env: Env) -> None: """ Tests that we find a place for each agent in ``self.agents``. """ env.fill() num_grid_agents = 0 for row in env.grid: for square in row: if square[env.obj_type_ids["agent"]] == 1: num_grid_agents += 1 assert num_grid_agents == len(env.agents)
def empty_positions(_draw: Callable[[SearchStrategy], Any], env: Env, obj_type_id: int) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Strategy for grid positions with any objects of type ``obj_type_id``. """ for x in range(env.width): for y in range(env.height): if not env._obj_exists(obj_type_id, (x, y)): return (x, y) return None
def test_env_reset_sees_correct_number_of_objects(env: Env) -> None: """ Tests that each observation has the correct number of each object type. """ obs = env.reset() for agent_id, agent_obs in obs.items(): # Calculate correct number of each object type. correct_obj_nums = {obj_type: 0 for obj_type in env.obj_type_ids.values()} for dx, dy in product(range(-env.sight_len, env.sight_len + 1), repeat=2): x = env.agents[agent_id].pos[0] + dx y = env.agents[agent_id].pos[1] + dy if (x, y) not in product(range(env.width), range(env.height)): continue for obj_type in env.obj_type_ids.values(): correct_obj_nums[obj_type] += int(env.grid[x][y][obj_type]) # Calculate number of each object type in returned observations. observed_obj_nums = {obj_type: 0 for obj_type in env.obj_type_ids.values()} for dx, dy in product(range(-env.sight_len, env.sight_len + 1), repeat=2): for obj_type in env.obj_type_ids.values(): observed_obj_nums[obj_type] += int(agent_obs[obj_type][dx][dy]) assert correct_obj_nums == observed_obj_nums
def train(args: argparse.Namespace) -> float: """ Runs the environment. Three command line arguments ``--settings``, ``--load-from``, ``--save-root``. If you want to run training from scratch, you must pass ``--settings``, so that the program knows what to do, and you may optionally pass ``--save-root`` in the case where you would like to save elsewhere from the canonical directory. Passing ``--load-from`` will tell the program to attempt to load from a previously saved training run at the directory specified by the value of the argument. If ``--save-root`` is passed, then all saves during the current run will be saved in that root directory, regardless of the root directory implied by ``--load-from``. If ``--settings`` is passed, then the settings file, if any, in the ``--load-from`` directory will be ignored. If no ``--settings`` argument is passed and there is no settings file in the ``--load-from`` directory, then the program will raise an error. If no ``--save-root`` is passed, the root will be implicitly set to the parent directory of ``--load-from``, i.e. the ``--save-root`` from the training run being loaded in. It will NOT default to the canonical root unless this is also the parent directory of ``--load-from``. Since there are a lot of cases, we should add an ``validate_args()`` function which raises errors when needed. --save-root : ALWAYS OPTIONAL -> Canonical rootdir default. --load-from : ALWAYS OPTIONAL -> Empty default. --settings : OPTIONAL IF --load-from ELSE REQUIRED -> Empty default. Parameters ---------- args : ``argparse.Namespace``. Contains arguments as described above. """ # Create metrics and timer. metrics = Metrics() timer = Timer() # TIMER timer.start_interval("initialization") setup = Setup(args) config: Config = setup.config save_dir: str = setup.save_dir codename: str = setup.codename env_log: TextIO = setup.env_log visual_log: TextIO = setup.visual_log metrics_log: TextIO = setup.metrics_log env_state_path: str = setup.env_state_path trainer_state: Dict[str, Any] = setup.trainer_state # Create environment. if config.print_repr: print("Arguments:", str(config)) env = Env(config) if not config.reuse_state_dicts: print( "Warning: ``config.reuse_state_dicts`` is False. This is slower, but the " "alternative bounds the number of unique policy initializations, i.e. " "policy initializations will be reused for multiple agents.") # Set random seed for all packages. random.seed(config.seed) np.random.seed(config.seed) torch.manual_seed(config.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(config.seed) # GPU setup. torch.set_num_threads(2) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if config.cuda else "cpu") if config.cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() and config.cuda_deterministic: torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True log_dir = os.path.expanduser(config.log_dir) eval_log_dir = log_dir + "_eval" utils.cleanup_log_dir(log_dir) utils.cleanup_log_dir(eval_log_dir) # Create multiagent maps. agents: Dict[int, Algo] = {} rollout_map: Dict[int, RolloutStorage] = {} minted_agents: Set[int] = set() # Save dead objects to make creation faster. dead_agents: Set[Algo] = set() dead_pipes: Dict[int, Pipe] = {} state_dicts: List[collections.OrderedDict] = [] optim_state_dicts: List[collections.OrderedDict] = [] # Multiprocessing maps. workers: Dict[int, mp.Process] = {} devices: Dict[int, torch.device] = {} pipes: Dict[int, Pipe] = {} # Set spawn start method for compatibility with torch. mp.set_start_method("spawn") # TODO: Implement this. if args.load_from: # Load the environment state from file. env.load(env_state_path) # Load in multiagent maps. agents = trainer_state["agents"] rollout_map = trainer_state["rollout_map"] minted_agents = trainer_state["minted_agents"] metrics = trainer_state["metrics"] # Load in dead objects. dead_agents = trainer_state["dead_agents"] state_dicts = trainer_state["state_dicts"] optim_state_dicts = trainer_state["optim_state_dicts"] # Don't reset environment if we are resuming a previous run. obs = { agent_id: agent.observation for agent_id, agent in env.agents.items() } else: obs = env.reset() # Initialize first policies. env_done = False step_ema = 1.0 last_time = time.time() for agent_id, ob in obs.items(): agent, rollouts, worker, device, pipe = get_agent( agent_id, env.iteration, env.agents[agent_id].age, ob, config, env.observation_space, env.action_space, agents, rollout_map, dead_agents, dead_pipes, state_dicts, optim_state_dicts, ) # Optionally save a copy of each state dict for reuse in dead policies. if config.reuse_state_dicts and agent_id not in agents: state_dict = agent.actor_critic.state_dict() optim_state_dict = agent.optimizer.state_dict() state_dicts.append(copy.deepcopy(state_dict)) optim_state_dicts.append(copy.deepcopy(optim_state_dict)) # Copy first observations to rollouts, and send to device. if not initial_observation = torch.FloatTensor([ob]) rollouts.obs[0].copy_(initial_observation) agents[agent_id] = agent workers[agent_id] = worker devices[agent_id] = device pipes[agent_id] = pipe rollout_map[agent_id] = rollouts # Whether or not we make a weight update on this iteration. backward_pass: bool = False while env.iteration < config.time_steps: # Should these all be defined up above with other maps? minted_agents = set() action_dict: Dict[int, int] = {} act_map: Dict[int, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], ] = {} timestep_scores: Dict[int, float] = {} # Get actions. if for agent_id in pipes: action_dict[agent_id] = pipes[agent_id].action_spout.recv() else: decay = config.use_linear_lr_decay and backward_pass for agent_id in agents: act_map[agent_id] = act( env.iteration, decay, agents[agent_id], rollout_map[agent_id], config, env.agents[agent_id].age, None, ) action_dict[agent_id] = int(act_map[agent_id][1][0]) # Execute environment step. obs, rewards, dones, infos = env.step(action_dict) backward_pass = env.iteration % config.num_steps == 0 and env.iteration > 0 # TODO: Check for keyerror: for agent_id in obs: if for agent_id in pipes: pipes[agent_id].env_funnel.send(( env.iteration, obs[agent_id], rewards[agent_id], dones[agent_id], infos[agent_id], backward_pass, )) # Write env state and metrics to log. env.log_state(env_log, visual_log) metrics_log.write(str(metrics.get_summary()) + "\n") # Update the policy score. if (env.iteration + 1) % config.policy_score_frequency == 0: # TODO: Check for keyerror: for agent_id in infos: if for agent_id in pipes: timestep_scores[agent_id] = pipes[ agent_id].action_dist_spout.recv() else: for agent_id in act_map: action_dist = act_map[agent_id][4] timestep_score = get_policy_score(action_dist, infos[agent_id]) timestep_scores[agent_id] = timestep_score metrics = update_policy_score( env=env, config=config, timestep_scores=timestep_scores, metrics=metrics, ) # This block will run if train() was called with optuna for parameter # optimization. If policy score loss explodes, end the training run # early. if hasattr(args, "trial"):, env.iteration) if args.trial.should_prune() or metrics.policy_score == float( "inf"): print( "\nEnding training because ``policy_score_loss`` diverged." ) return metrics.policy_score step_ema = (config.ema_alpha * step_ema) + ((1 - config.ema_alpha) * (time.time() - last_time)) last_time = time.time() # Print debug output. end = "\n" if config.print_repr else "\r" print("Iteration: %d| " % env.iteration, end="") print("Num agents: %d| " % len(agents), end="") print("Policy score loss: %.6f" % metrics.policy_score, end="") print("/%.6f| " % metrics.initial_policy_score, end="") print("Step EMA: %.6f" % step_ema, end="") print("||||||", end=end) # Agent creation and termination, rollout stacking. for agent_id in obs: ob = obs[agent_id] reward = rewards[agent_id] done = dones[agent_id] info = infos[agent_id] # Initialize new policies. if agent_id not in agents: agent, rollouts, worker, device, pipe = get_agent( agent_id, env.iteration, env.agents[agent_id].age, ob, config, env.observation_space, env.action_space, agents, rollout_map, dead_agents, dead_pipes, state_dicts, optim_state_dicts, ) # Copy first observations to rollouts, and send to device. if not initial_observation = torch.FloatTensor([ob]) rollouts.obs[0].copy_(initial_observation) agents[agent_id] = agent workers[agent_id] = worker devices[agent_id] = device pipes[agent_id] = pipe rollout_map[agent_id] = rollouts minted_agents.add(agent_id) # Optionally save a copy of each state dict for reuse in dead policies. if config.reuse_state_dicts: state_dict = agent.actor_critic.state_dict() optim_state_dict = agent.optimizer.state_dict() state_dicts.append(copy.deepcopy(state_dict)) optim_state_dicts.append(copy.deepcopy(optim_state_dict)) else: # If done then remove from environment. if done: agent = agents.pop(agent_id) # TODO: Should we save a reference to dead ``rollouts``? # TODO: Does garbage collection get these? Use ``del``? rollout_map.pop(agent_id) pipes.pop(agent_id) dead_agents.add(agent) elif not rollouts = rollout_map[agent_id] fwds = act_map[agent_id] stack_rollouts(rollouts, ob, reward, done, info, fwds) # Print out environment state. if all(dones.values()): if config.print_repr: print("All agents have died.") env_done = True # Only update losses and save on backward passes. if env.iteration % config.num_steps == 0 and env.iteration > 0: value_losses: Dict[int, float] = {} action_losses: Dict[int, float] = {} dist_entropies: Dict[int, float] = {} # Should we iterate over a different object? for agent_id, agent in agents.items(): if agent_id not in minted_agents: if losses = pipes[agent_id].loss_spout.recv() else: rollouts = rollout_map[agent_id] losses = update(agent, rollouts, config) value_losses[agent_id] = losses[0] action_losses[agent_id] = losses[1] dist_entropies[agent_id] = losses[2] metrics = update_losses( env=env, config=config, losses=(value_losses, action_losses, dist_entropies), metrics=metrics, minted_agents=minted_agents, ) # Save for every ``config.save_interval``-th step or on the last update. # TODO: Ensure that we aren't saving out an empty state on the last interation. save_state: bool = env.iteration % config.save_interval == 0 if save_state or env.iteration == config.time_steps - 1: # Update ``agents`` and ``rollouts`` from worker processes. if for agent_id, agent in agents.items(): agent, rollouts = pipes[agent_id].save_spout.recv() agents[agent_id] = agent rollout_map[agent_id] = rollouts # Save trainer state objects trainer_state = { "agents": agents, "rollout_map": rollout_map, "minted_agents": minted_agents, "metrics": metrics, "dead_agents": dead_agents, "state_dicts": state_dicts, "optim_state_dicts": optim_state_dicts, } trainer_state_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "%s_trainer.pkl" % codename) with open(trainer_state_path, "wb") as trainer_file: pickle.dump(trainer_state, trainer_file) # Save out environment state. state_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "%s_env.pkl" % codename) # Save out settings, removing log files (not paths) from object. settings_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "%s_settings.json" % codename) with open(settings_path, "w") as settings_file: json.dump(config.settings, settings_file) if env_done: break env.iteration += 1 # Prints a single line to reset carriage. print("") return metrics.policy_score
def envs(draw: Callable[[SearchStrategy], Any]) -> Env: """ A hypothesis strategy for generating ``Env`` objects. """ sample: Dict[str, Any] = {} sample["width"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=9)) sample["height"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=9)) num_squares = sample["width"] * sample["height"] sample["num_agents"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=num_squares)) sample["sight_len"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=4)) sample["food_density"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["food_size_mean"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["food_size_stddev"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["food_plant_retries"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=5)) sample["aging_rate"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=1e-6, max_value=1.0)) sample["mating_cooldown_len"] = draw( st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=100)) sample["target_agent_density"] = draw( st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["print_repr"] = draw(st.booleans()) sample["time_steps"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=1000)) sample["reuse_state_dicts"] = draw(st.booleans()) sample["policy_score_frequency"] = draw( st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=1000)) sample["ema_alpha"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["n_layers"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=3)) sample["hidden_dim"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=64)) sample["reward_weight_mean"] = draw( st.floats(min_value=-2.0, max_value=2.0)) sample["reward_weight_stddev"] = draw( st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) reward_inputs = st.sampled_from(["actions", "obs", "health"]) sample["reward_inputs"] = list( draw(st.frozensets(reward_inputs, min_size=1))) sample["mut_sigma"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["mut_p"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["algo"] = draw(st.sampled_from(["ppo", "a2c", "acktr"])) sample["lr"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=1e-6, max_value=0.2)) sample["min_lr"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=1e-6, max_value=0.2)) sample["eps"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1e-2)) sample["alpha"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1e-2)) sample["gamma"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["use_gae"] = draw(st.booleans()) sample["gae_lambda"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["value_loss_coef"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["max_grad_norm"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["seed"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)) sample["cuda_deterministic"] = draw(st.booleans()) sample["num_processes"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10)) sample["num_steps"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=1000)) sample["ppo_epoch"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=8)) sample["num_mini_batch"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=8)) sample["clip_param"] = draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)) sample["log_interval"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=100)) sample["save_interval"] = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=100)) sample["cuda"] = draw(st.booleans()) sample["use_proper_time_limits"] = draw(st.booleans()) sample["recurrent_policy"] = draw(st.booleans()) sample["use_linear_lr_decay"] = draw(st.booleans()) # Read settings file for defaults. settings_path = "bees/settings/settings.json" with open(settings_path, "r") as settings_file: settings = json.load(settings_file) # Fill settings with values from arguments. for key, value in sample.items(): settings[key] = value config = Config(settings) env = Env(config) return env