def fix_sqlite_db(database): db = sqlite3.connect(database) cursor = db.cursor() chr_name= cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM chrNames") for chromosome in chr_name.fetchall(): exist = cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='"+chromosome[0]+"';").fetchone()[0] if exist == 0: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM chrNames WHERE name=?", (chromosome[0],)) #~ result = cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM chrNames") #~ for i in result.fetchall(): #~ cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '"+i[0]+"'(start INTEGER, end INTEGER, score REAL);") db.commit() cursor.close() db.close() track_scanned_signal_tmp = unique_filename_in() track_scanned_signal = unique_filename_in() # temp result with duplicate element with new(track_scanned_signal_tmp, format = "sql", datatype= "quantitative") as t: with load(database) as b: t.chrmeta = b.chrmeta for chrom in b: for value in, fields=['start','end','score', 'strand']): if value[3] == 1: t.write(chrom, (t.chrmeta[chrom]-(value[1]+1), t.chrmeta[chrom]-(value[0]), value[2],)) else: t.write(chrom, (value[0:3],)) # result without duplicate element id duplicate element exist take higher score with new(track_scanned_signal, format = "sql", datatype= "quantitative") as t: with load(database) as b: t.chrmeta = b.chrmeta db1 = sqlite3.connect(track_scanned_signal) db2 = sqlite3.connect(track_scanned_signal_tmp) cursor1 = db1.cursor() cursor2 = db2.cursor() chr_name= cursor2.execute("SELECT name FROM chrNames") for chromosome in chr_name.fetchall(): cursor1.execute("CREATE TABLE '"+chromosome[0]+"' (start INTEGER, end INTEGER, score REAL);") #~ values = cursor2.execute("SELECT DISTINCT start, end, score FROM '"+chromosome[0]+"'")* values = cursor2.execute (""" SELECT t.start, t.end, t.score FROM '"""+chromosome[0]+"""' t INNER JOIN ( SELECT start, end, MAX(score) AS MAXSCORE FROM '"""+chromosome[0]+"""' GROUP BY start ) groupedt ON t.start=groupedt.start AND t.score=MAXSCORE; """) for v in values.fetchall(): cursor1.execute("INSERT INTO '"+chromosome[0]+"' VALUES (?,?,?) ", (v[0], v[1], v[2],) ) db1.commit() db2.commit() cursor1.close() cursor2.close() db2.close() db2.close() return track_scanned_signal
def main(argv = None): """ Entry point when program start """ genrep = None assembly = None lims = None job = None config = None config_file = None background = "" matrix = "" original_sql_data = "" random_sql_data = "" track_filtered = "" track_scanned = "" project = "" username = "" identity_file = "" host = "" website = "" remote_path = "" result_path = "" track_regions_path = "" via = "" limspath = "" fdr = 0 runs = {} logging.basicConfig(filename='run_scanning.log',level=logging.INFO) if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt ( argv[1:],"hu:c:" , [ "help", "via = ", "host = " , "remote_path = " , "website = " , "minilims = ","config = " , "matrix = ", "username = "******"identity_file = ", "project = " ] ) except getopt.error, msg: raise Usage(msg) for option, value in opts: if option in ("-h", "--help"): print __doc__ print USAGE sys.exit(0) elif option == "--via": if value == "local": via = "local" elif value == "lsf": via = "lsf" else: raise Usage("Via (-u) can only be \"local\" or \"lsf\", got %s." % (value,)) elif option == "--website": website = normalize_url(value) elif option == "--minilims": limspath = normcase(expanduser(value)) elif option == "--host": host = value elif option == "--identity_file": identity_file = value elif option == "--remote_path": remote_path = normcase(expanduser(value)) if not remote_path.endswith(sep): remote_path += sep elif option == "--matrix": matrix = {basename(value):normcase(expanduser(value))} elif option == "--username": username = value elif option == "--project": project = value elif option in ("-c", "--config"): config_file = normcase(expanduser(value)) else: raise Usage("Unhandled option: " + option) # read config file if config_file is None or not exists(config_file) or not isfile(config_file): raise Usage("Config file missing") else: job, config = parseConfig(normcase(expanduser(config_file))) if project == "": project = job.description if matrix == "": if "matrix" in job.options: path = normcase(expanduser(job.options["matrix"])) matrix = {basename(path): path} else: raise Usage("You need give value matrix file ") if limspath == "": if "minilims" in job.options: limspath = job.options["minilims"] else: raise Usage("You need give value minilims path/name") if via == "": if "via" in job.options: via = job.options["via"] else: via = "lsf" if host == "" and "host" in job.options: host = job.options["host"] if identity_file == "" and "identity_file" in job.options: identity_file = job.options["identity_file"] if remote_path == "" and "remote_path" in job.options: remote_path = job.options["remote_path"] if username == "" and "username" in job.options: username = job.options["username"] if website == "" and "website" in job.options: website = job.options["website"] genrep = GenRep(config = config) assembly = genrep.assembly(job.assembly_id) lims = MiniLIMS(limspath) json = create_gdv_project( config["gdv"]["key"], config["gdv"]["email"], project, assembly.nr_assembly_id, config["gdv"]["url"], public = True ) project_id = get_project_id( json ) # compute false discovery rate with execution(lims, description = job.description) as ex: background = genrep.statistics ( assembly, output = unique_filename_in(), frequency = True, matrix_format = True ) if len(job.groups) >2: raise ValueError("They are more than 2 group in config file") for group_number in job.groups: group = job.groups[group_number] for run_number in group["runs"]: run_iter = job.groups[group_number]["runs"][run_number] if "url" in run_iter: url = run_iter["url"] uri = "" if run_iter["run"] not in runs: runs[run_iter["run"]] = {"name":None, "control":None, "experimental":None} if url.startswith("http") or url.startswith("www."): url = normalize_url(url) # download data data = urllib2.urlopen(url) uri = unique_filename_in() with open(uri, "w") as opening_file: opening_file.write( else: uri = normcase(expanduser(url)) if group["control"]: runs[run_iter["run"]]["control"] = uri runs[run_iter["run"]]["name"] = basename(uri) else: runs[run_iter["run"]]["experimental"] = uri for run in runs: current_run = runs[run] original_sql_data = unique_filename_in() random_sql_data = unique_filename_in() track_filtered = unique_filename_in() "[%s]" % job.description ) "alias %s => %s" % (current_run["experimental"], track_filtered) ) # convert data to sql with Track(current_run["experimental"], chrmeta = assembly.chromosomes) as track: # Get sqlite file if is not arleady in this format if track.format != "sql" or track.format != "db" or track.format != "sqlite": track.convert(original_sql_data, format = "sql") else: original_sql_data = current_run["experimental"] # Generate a random population from orginal if it is not give from config file if current_run["control"] is None: # create random track track.shuffle_track(random_sql_data, repeat_number = 5) else: with Track(current_run["control"], chrmeta = assembly.chromosomes) as track_random: # Get sqlite file if is not arleady in this format if track_random.format != "sql" or \ track_random.format != "db" or \ track_random.format != "sqlite": track_random.convert(random_sql_data, format = "sql") else: random_sql_data = current_run["control"] track_scanned, fdr, p_value = sqlite_to_false_discovery_rate( ex, matrix, background, genrep, assembly.chromosomes, original_sql_data, random_sql_data, threshold = -100, via = via, keep_max_only = False, alpha = 0.05, nb_sample = 5.0 ) # filter track with fdr as treshold with new(track_filtered, format = "sql", datatype = "qualitative") as track_out: chromosome_used = {} track_out.meta_track = {"source": basename(current_run["experimental"])} track_out.meta_track.update({"k":"v"}) with Track(track_scanned, format = "sql", chrmeta = assembly.chromosomes) as track_in: meta = dict([(v["name"], dict([("length", v["length"])])) for v in track_in.chrmeta.values()]) for chromosome in track_in.all_chrs: data_list = [] for data in ( {"chr": chromosome, "score": (fdr, sys.maxsize)}, fields = Track.qualitative_fields ): data_list.append(data) chromosome_used[chromosome] = meta[chromosome] if len(data_list) > 0: track_out.write(chromosome, data_list) track_out.chrmeta = chromosome_used ex.add(track_filtered, "sql: filtred %s" % track_filtered) "scanned: %s" % track_scanned ) "score selected: %f with p: %.3f" % (fdr, p_value) ) "filtred: %s" % track_filtered ) # fix track track_scanned_signal = fix_sqlite_db(track_scanned) "scanned signal: %s" % track_scanned_signal ) ex.add(track_scanned_signal, description="%s: sql track signal %s" % (job.description, track_scanned_signal)) # send filtred track and scanned track to remote if host != "" and remote_path != "" and username != "": args = [] if identity_file != "": args = ["-i", normcase(expanduser(identity_file)), "-C" ] source_filtred = normcase(expanduser(track_filtered)) source_scanned = normcase(expanduser(track_scanned_signal)) result_destination = "%s@%s:%s%s%s.db" % (username, host, remote_path, sep, track_filtered) result_path = "%s%s%s.db" % (website, sep, track_filtered) track_regions_destination = "%s@%s:%s%s%s.db" % (username, host, remote_path, sep, track_scanned_signal) track_regions_path = "%s%s%s.db" % (website, sep, track_scanned_signal) scp(ex, source_filtred, result_destination, args = args) scp(ex, source_scanned, track_regions_destination, args = args) else: result_path = track_filtered # Send to GDV filtred track add_gdv_track ( config["gdv"]["key"], config["gdv"]["email"], project_id, result_path, name = "filtred_%s" % (splitext( basename( current_run["experimental"] ) )[0]), gdv_url = config["gdv"]["url"] ) # Send to GDV scanned track add_gdv_track ( config["gdv"]["key"], config["gdv"]["email"], project_id, track_regions_path, name = "regions_%s" % (splitext( basename( current_run["experimental"] ) )[0]), gdv_url = config["gdv"]["url"] ) "++++++++++++") "-------------------END--------------------")
def restore(self, ex, filename): target_filename = unique_filename_in(ex.working_directory) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(ex.lims.memopad_path, filename), os.path.join(ex.working_directory, target_filename)) return target_filename
def serialize(self, ex, value): file_to_copy = os.path.join(ex.working_directory, value) target_filename = unique_filename_in(ex.lims.memopad_path) shutil.copyfile(file_to_copy, os.path.join(ex.lims.memopad_path, target_filename)) return target_filename
def serialize(self, ex, value): pickle_filename = unique_filename_in(ex.lims.memopad_path) with open(os.path.join(ex.lims.memopad_path, pickle_filename), 'w') as pickle_file: cPickle.dump(value, pickle_file) return pickle_filename