def iterate1(n=None, **kwargs): localvars = {} def postIterCallbackFn(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls, stoppingResult): (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter bellman.appendIter() bellman.setInLastIter('v', newVArray) bellman.setInLastIter('opt_d', optControls[0]) bellman.setInLastIter('opt_r', optControls[1]) v0_array = scipy.zeros((len(g.grid_M), len(g.grid_D))); # initial guess for value function bellman.resetIters() bellman.appendIter() bellman.setInLastIter('v', v0_array) bellman.setInLastIter('opt_d', None) bellman.setInLastIter('opt_r', None) params = PonziParams() time1 = time.time() result = bellman.grid_valueIteration([g.grid_M, g.grid_D], v0_array, params, postIterCallbackFn=postIterCallbackFn) (nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls) = result time2 = time.time() nIters = localvars[0] print("total time: %f, avg time: %f" % (time2-time1, (time2-time1)/nIters))
def test_consumptionSavings1(useValueIter=True, parallel=True, evMethod=EVMethodT.EV_MONTECARLO2): global g_IterList, g_Grid, g_Params time1 = time.time() localvars = {} def postVIterCallbackFn(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls, stoppingResult): (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter g_IterList.append((currentVArray, optControls[0], optControls[1])) def postPIterCallbackFn(nIter, newVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList, stoppingResult): (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter grid = scipy.linspace(0.0001, 10, 500) g_Grid = grid params = ConsumptionSavingsParams(grid, gamma=1.0, beta=0.75, mean1=0.05, mean2=0.5, var2=1.0, evMethod=evMethod) g_Params = params initialVArray = grid; # initial guess for V: a linear fn g_IterList.append((initialVArray, None, None)) if (useValueIter == True): result = bellman.grid_valueIteration([grid], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postVIterCallbackFn, parallel=parallel) (nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls) = result else: result = bellman.grid_policyIteration([grid], [initialPolicyArray], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postPIterCallbackFn, parallel=False) (nIter, currentVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList) = result newVArray = currentVArray optControls = currentPolicyArrayList time2 = time.time() nIters = localvars[0] print("total time: %f, avg time: %f" % (time2-time1, (time2-time1)/nIters)) # plot V fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, newVArray) ax.set_xlabel("W") ax.set_ylabel("V") # plot optimal c fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, optControls[0]) ax.set_xlabel("W") ax.set_ylabel("fraction consumed") # plot optimal s fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, optControls[1]) ax.set_xlabel("W") ax.set_ylabel("fraction invested in risky asset") return result
def test_optdiv2(delta=0.1, mu=0.5, sigma=1.0, dt=1.0, grid=scipy.linspace(0, 5, 200), useValueIter=True): time1 = time.time() localvars = {} def postVIterCallbackFn(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls, stoppingResult): global g_iterList (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter def postPIterCallbackFn(nIter, newVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList, stoppingResult): (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter initialVArray = grid; # initial guess for V: a linear fn initialPolicyArray = grid; # initial guess for d: pay out everything utilityFn = lambda x: x; # linear utility beta = scipy.power(scipy.e, -(delta * dt)) print("beta = exp(- %f * %f) = %f" % (delta, dt, beta)) zRV = scipy.stats.norm(loc=mu*dt, scale=sigma*scipy.sqrt(dt)) print("income shock: mean %f, sd %f" % (mu*dt, sigma*dt)) bstar = calc_opt_b(mu, sigma, delta) print("optimal barrier: %f" % bstar) params = OptDivParams2(utilityFn, beta, zRV, grid); # don't use parallel search with this, since it makes a callback to Python if (useValueIter == True): result = bellman.grid_valueIteration([grid], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postVIterCallbackFn, parallel=False) (nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls) = result else: result = bellman.grid_policyIteration([grid], [initialPolicyArray], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postPIterCallbackFn, parallel=False) (nIter, currentVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList) = result newVArray = currentVArray optControls = currentPolicyArrayList time2 = time.time() nIters = localvars[0] print("total time: %f, avg time: %f" % (time2-time1, (time2-time1)/nIters)) # plot V fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, newVArray) ax.set_xlabel("M") ax.set_ylabel("V") # plot optimal d fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, optControls[0]) ax.axvline(bstar, color='gray') ax.set_xlabel("M") ax.set_ylabel("optimal d") return
def test_optdiv1(beta=0.9, pHigh=0.75, grid=scipy.arange(21.0), useValueIter=True): time1 = time.time() localvars = {} def postVIterCallbackFn(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls, stoppingResult): global g_iterList (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter def postPIterCallbackFn(nIter, newVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList, stoppingResult): (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter initialVArray = grid; # initial guess for V: a linear fn initialPolicyArray = grid; # initial guess for d: pay out everything utilityFn = lambda x: x; # linear utility zStates = [-1.0, 1.0]; zProbs = [1.0-pHigh, pHigh]; # income shock params = OptDivParams1(utilityFn, beta, zStates, zProbs, grid); # don't use parallel search with this, since it makes a callback to Python if (useValueIter == True): result = bellman.grid_valueIteration([grid], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postVIterCallbackFn, parallel=False) (nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls) = result else: result = bellman.grid_policyIteration([grid], [initialPolicyArray], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postPIterCallbackFn, parallel=False) (nIter, currentVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList) = result newVArray = currentVArray optControls = currentPolicyArrayList time2 = time.time() nIters = localvars[0] print("total time: %f, avg time: %f" % (time2-time1, (time2-time1)/nIters)) print("x_0 == 0: %d" % alwaysPayAll(beta, pHigh)) n0 = getn0(beta, pHigh) optd_fn = linterp.LinInterp1D(grid, optControls[0]) print("n0: %f, d(floor(n0)): %f" % (n0, optd_fn(scipy.floor(n0)))) # plot V fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, newVArray) ax.set_xlabel("M") ax.set_ylabel("V") # plot optimal d fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, optControls[0]) ax.axvline(scipy.floor(n0), color='gray') ax.set_xlabel("M") ax.set_ylabel("optimal d") return result
def test_optdiv3(beta=0.9, grid=scipy.arange(21.0), zDraws=scipy.array([-1.0]*25 + [1.0]*75), useValueIter=True): time1 = time.time() localvars = {} def postVIterCallbackFn(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls, stoppingResult): global g_iterList (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter def postPIterCallbackFn(nIter, newVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList, stoppingResult): (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter initialVArray = grid; # initial guess for V: a linear fn initialPolicyArray = grid; # initial guess for d: pay out everything params = OptDivParams3(grid, beta, zDraws); if (useValueIter == True): result = bellman.grid_valueIteration([grid], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postVIterCallbackFn, parallel=True) (nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls) = result else: result = bellman.grid_policyIteration([grid], [initialPolicyArray], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postPIterCallbackFn, parallel=False) (nIter, currentVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList) = result newVArray = currentVArray optControls = currentPolicyArrayList time2 = time.time() nIters = localvars[0] print("total time: %f, avg time: %f" % (time2-time1, (time2-time1)/nIters)) optd_fn = linterp.LinInterp1D(grid, optControls[0]) # plot V fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, newVArray) dx = grid[1] - grid[0] deriv = scipy.diff(newVArray) / dx ax.plot(grid[:-1], deriv) ax.set_xlabel("M") ax.set_ylabel("V") # plot optimal d fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(grid, optControls[0]) ax.set_xlabel("M") ax.set_ylabel("optimal d") return result
def test_cake2(): time1 = time.time() localvars = {} cakeSizeGrid = scipy.linspace(0.001, 5, 200); # state variable grid def postIterCallbackFn(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls, stoppingResult): global g_iterList (stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff)) localvars[0] = nIter initialVArray = cakeSizeGrid; # initial guess for V: a linear fn utilityFn = scipy.log; # log utility beta = 0.9 params = CakeParams2(utilityFn, beta, cakeSizeGrid); # don't use parallel search with this, since it makes a callback to Python result = bellman.grid_valueIteration([cakeSizeGrid], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postIterCallbackFn, parallel=False) (nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls) = result time2 = time.time() nIters = localvars[0] print("total time: %f, avg time: %f" % (time2-time1, (time2-time1)/nIters)) compareCakeSolution(cakeSizeGrid, beta, currentVArray, optControls[0]) return result