예제 #1
    def actions_for_project(
            self, project: Project) -> tp.MutableSequence[actions.Step]:
        """Returns the specified steps to run the project(s) specified in the
        call in a fixed order."""

        # Add the required runtime extensions to the project(s).
        project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(project, self) \
            << time.RunWithTime()

        # Add the required compiler extensions to the project(s).
        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(project, self) \
            << RunWLLVM() \
            << run.WithTimeout()

        # Add own error handler to compile step.
        project.compile = get_default_compile_error_wrapped(
            self.get_handle(), project, CR)

        # This c-flag is provided by VaRA and it suggests to use the git-blame
        # annotation.
        project.cflags = ["-fvara-GB"]

        analysis_actions = []

        analysis_actions += get_bc_cache_actions(
                self.get_handle(), project, self.REPORT_SPEC.main_report))

        analysis_actions.append(CRAnalysis(project, self.get_handle()))

        return analysis_actions
예제 #2
def setup_basic_blame_experiment(
    experiment: VersionExperiment, project: Project,
    report_type: tp.Type[BaseReport]
) -> None:
    Setup the project for a blame experiment.

    - run time extensions
    - compile time extensions
    - prepare compiler
    - configure C/CXX flags
    # Add the required runtime extensions to the project(s).
    project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(project, experiment) \
        << time.RunWithTime()

    # Add the required compiler extensions to the project(s).
    project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(project, experiment) \
        << RunWLLVM() \
        << run.WithTimeout()

    # Add own error handler to compile step.
    project.compile = get_default_compile_error_wrapped(
        experiment.get_handle(), project, report_type

    # This c-flag is provided by VaRA and it suggests to use the git-blame
    # annotation.
    project.cflags += ["-fvara-GB"]
    def actions_for_project(
        self, project: Project
    ) -> tp.MutableSequence[actions.Step]:
        Returns the specified steps to run the project(s) specified in the call
        in a fixed order.

            project: to analyze
        # Try, to build the project without optimizations to get more precise
        # blame annotations. Note: this does not guarantee that a project is
        # build without optimizations because the used build tool/script can
        # still add optimizations flags after the experiment specified cflags.
        project.cflags += ["-O1", "-Xclang", "-disable-llvm-optzns", "-g0"]
        bc_file_extensions = [

        # Add the required runtime extensions to the project(s).
        project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(project, self) \
            << time.RunWithTime()

        # Add the required compiler extensions to the project(s).
        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(project, self) \
            << RunWLLVM() \
            << run.WithTimeout()

        # Add own error handler to compile step.
        project.compile = get_default_compile_error_wrapped(
            self.get_handle(), project, self.REPORT_SPEC.main_report

        analysis_actions = get_bc_cache_actions(
            project, bc_file_extensions,
                self.get_handle(), project, self.REPORT_SPEC.main_report

        for _ in range(0, 10):
                RunGlobalsTestAnalysis(project, self.get_handle(), True)
                RunGlobalsTestAnalysis(project, self.get_handle(), False)

        # Clean up the generated files afterwards

        return analysis_actions
    def actions_for_project(
        self, project: Project
    ) -> tp.MutableSequence[actions.Step]:
        Returns the specified steps to run the project(s) specified in the call
        in a fixed order.

            project: to analyze

        # Add tracing markers.
        fm_provider = FeatureModelProvider.create_provider_for_project(project)
        if fm_provider is None:
            raise Exception("Could not get FeatureModelProvider!")

        fm_path = fm_provider.get_feature_model_path(project.version_of_primary)

        if fm_path is None or not fm_path.exists():
            raise FeatureModelNotFound(project, fm_path)

        # Sets vara tracing flags
        project.cflags += [
            "-fvara-feature", f"-fvara-fm-path={fm_path.absolute()}",
            "-fsanitize=vara", "-fvara-instr=usdt", "-flto", "-fuse-ld=lld"

        project.ldflags += ["-flto"]

        # Add the required runtime extensions to the project(s).
        project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(project, self) \
            << bbtime.RunWithTime()

        # Add the required compiler extensions to the project(s).
        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(project, self) \
            << run.WithTimeout()

        # Add own error handler to compile step.
        project.compile = get_default_compile_error_wrapped(
            self.get_handle(), project, VaraInstrumentationStatsReport

        analysis_actions = []

            CaptureInstrumentationStats(project, self.get_handle())


        return analysis_actions
예제 #5
    def actions_for_project(self, project: Project) -> tp.List[actions.Step]:
        Returns the specified steps to run the project(s) specified in the call
        in a fixed order.

            project: to analyze

        # Add the required runtime extensions to the project(s).
        project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(project, self) \
            << time.RunWithTime()

        # Add the required compiler extensions to the project(s).
        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(project, self) \
            << RunWLLVM() \
            << run.WithTimeout()

        # Add own error handler to compile step.
        project.compile = get_default_compile_error_wrapped(
            self.get_handle(), project, self.REPORT_SPEC.main_report)

        fm_provider = FeatureModelProvider.get_provider_for_project(project)

        fm_path = fm_provider.get_feature_model_path(

        project.cflags += [
            "-O1", "-Xclang", "-disable-llvm-optzns", "-fvara-feature",
            "-fvara-fm-path=" + str(fm_path), "-g"

        bc_file_extensions = [
            BCFileExtensions.NO_OPT, BCFileExtensions.TBAA,
            BCFileExtensions.FEATURE, BCFileExtensions.DEBUG

        analysis_actions = []

        analysis_actions += get_bc_cache_actions(
                self.get_handle(), project, self.REPORT_SPEC.main_report))

            PhASARFTACheck(project, self.get_handle(), bc_file_extensions))

        return analysis_actions
예제 #6
    def actions_for_project(self,
                            project: Project) -> tp.MutableSequence[Step]:
        Defines the actions, which should be run on a project.

            project: the project we run our `Experiment` on
        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(
            project, self) << TraceBinaryCreator(project, self, "Print")

        project.cflags = ["-fvara-handleRM=High"]

        project_actions: tp.MutableSequence[
            Step] = self.default_compiletime_actions(project)

        return project_actions
예제 #7
    def actions_for_project(
            self, project: Project) -> tp.MutableSequence[actions.Step]:
        """Returns the specified steps to run the project(s) specified in the
        call in a fixed order."""

        fm_provider = FeatureModelProvider.create_provider_for_project(project)
        if fm_provider is None:
            raise Exception("Could not get FeatureModelProvider!")

        fm_path = fm_provider.get_feature_model_path(
        if fm_path is None or not fm_path.exists():
            raise FeatureModelNotFound(project, fm_path)

        # We need debug info to later determine source code locations in a
        # utility pass. Also, include feature information.
        project.cflags += [
            "-g", "-fvara-feature", f"-fvara-fm-path={fm_path.absolute()}"

        # Add the required runtime extensions to the project(s).
        project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(project, self) \
            << time.RunWithTime()

        # Add the required compiler extensions to the project(s). We want to
        # transfer the whole project into LLVM-IR.
        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(project, self) \
            << RunWLLVM() \
            << run.WithTimeout()

        project.compile = get_default_compile_error_wrapped(
            self.get_handle(), project, self.REPORT_SPEC.main_report)

        bc_file_extensions = [BCFileExtensions.DEBUG, BCFileExtensions.FEATURE]

        analysis_actions = []
        analysis_actions.append(Extract(project, bc_file_extensions))
            CollectInstrumentationPoints(project, self.get_handle()))

        return analysis_actions
    def actions_for_project(self,
                            project: Project) -> tp.MutableSequence[Step]:
        Defines the actions, which should be run on a project.

            project: the project we run our `Experiment` on
        project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(
            project, self) << time.RunWithTime()

        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(
            project, self) << RunWLLVM() << time.RunWithTime()

        project.ldflags = ["-lTrace"]
        project.cflags = ["-fvara-handleRM=High", "-mllvm", "-vara-tracer"]

        actns: tp.MutableSequence[Step] = self.default_runtime_actions(project)
        return actns
    def actions_for_project(
        self, project: Project
    ) -> tp.MutableSequence[actions.Step]:
        Returns the specified steps to run the project(s) specified in the call
        in a fixed order.

            project: to analyze

        # Add the required runtime extensions to the project(s).
        project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(project, self) \
            << time.RunWithTime()

        # Add the required compiler extensions to the project(s).
        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(project, self) \
            << RunWLLVM() \
            << run.WithTimeout()

        # Add own error handler to compile step.
        project.compile = get_default_compile_error_wrapped(
            self.get_handle(), project, EmptyReport

        analysis_actions = []

        analysis_actions += get_bc_cache_actions(
                self.get_handle(), project, self.REPORT_SPEC.main_report

            IDELinearConstantAnalysis(project, self.get_handle())

        return analysis_actions
예제 #10
    def actions_for_project(
            self, project: Project) -> tp.MutableSequence[actions.Step]:
        """Returns the specified steps to run the project(s) specified in the
        call in a fixed order."""

        # Add the required runtime extensions to the project(s).
        project.runtime_extension = run.RuntimeExtension(project, self) \
            << time.RunWithTime()

        # Add the required compiler extensions to the project(s).
        project.compiler_extension = compiler.RunCompiler(project, self) \
            << RunWLLVM() \
            << run.WithTimeout()

        project.compile = get_default_compile_error_wrapped(
            self.get_handle(), project, self.REPORT_SPEC.main_report)

        analysis_actions = []
        analysis_actions.append(EmptyAnalysis(project, self.get_handle()))

        return analysis_actions
예제 #11
class Project(metaclass=ProjectDecorator):
    """Abstract class for benchbuild projects.

    A project is an arbitrary software system usable by benchbuild in
    Subclasses of Project are registered automatically by benchbuild, if
    imported in the same interpreter session. For this to happen, you must list
    the in the settings under plugins -> projects.

    A project implementation *must* provide the following method:
        compile: Downloads & Compiles the source.

    A project implementation *may* provide the following functions:
        run_tests: Wrap any binary that has to be run under the
            runtime_extension wrapper and execute an implementation defined
            set of run-time tests.
            Defaults to a call of a binary with the name `run_f` in the
            build directory without arguments.
        clean: Clean the project's build directory. Defaults to
            recursive 'rm' on the build directory and can be disabled
            by setting the environment variable ``BB_CLEAN=false``.

        AttributeError: Class definition raises an attribute error, if
            the implementation does not provide a value for the attributes
            `NAME`, `DOMAIN`, and `GROUP`
        TypeError: Validation of properties may throw a TypeError.

        experiment (benchbuild.experiment.Experiment):
            The experiment this project is assigned to.
        name (str, optional):
            The name of this project. Defaults to `NAME`.
        domain (str, optional):
            The application domain of this project. Defaults to `DOMAIN`.
        group (str, optional):
            The group this project belongs to. Defaults to `GROUP`.
        src_file (str, optional):
            A main src_file this project is assigned to. Defaults to `SRC_FILE`
        container (benchbuild.utils.container.Container, optional):
            A uchroot compatible container that we can use for this project.
            Defaults to `benchbuild.utils.container.Gentoo`.
        version (str, optional):
            A version information for this project. Defaults to `VERSION`.
        builddir (str, optional):
            The build directory for this project. Auto generated, if not set.
        testdir (str, optional):
            The location of any additional test-files for this project,
            usually stored out of tree. Auto generated, if not set. Usually a
            project implementation
            will define this itself.
        cflags (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional)
            A list of cflags used, for compilation of this project.
        ldflags (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional)
            A list of ldflags used, for compilation of this project.
        run_f (str, optional):
            A filename that points to the binary we want to track.
            Usually a project implementation will define this itself.
        run_uuid (uuid.UUID, optional):
            An UUID that identifies all binaries executed by a single run of
            this project. In the database schema this is named the 'run_group'.
        compiler_extension (Callable[str, iterable[str], RunInfo], optional):
            A composable extension that will be used in place of the real
            compiler. Defaults to running the compiler with a timeout command
            wrapped around it.
        runtime_extension (Callable[str, iterable[str], RunInfo], optional):
            A composable extension that will be used in place of any binary
            this project
            wants to execute. Which binaries to replace is defined by the
            implementation using `benchbuild.utils.wrapping.wrap`.
            Defaults to None.
    NAME = None
    DOMAIN = None
    GROUP = None
    VERSION = None
    SRC_FILE = None
    CONTAINER = None

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new project instance and set some defaults."""
        new_self = super(Project, cls).__new__(cls)
        if cls.NAME is None:
            raise AttributeError(
                "{0} @ {1} does not define a NAME class attribute.".format(
                    cls.__name__, cls.__module__))
        if cls.DOMAIN is None:
            raise AttributeError(
                "{0} @ {1} does not define a DOMAIN class attribute.".format(
                    cls.__name__, cls.__module__))
        if cls.GROUP is None:
            raise AttributeError(
                "{0} @ {1} does not define a GROUP class attribute.".format(
                    cls.__name__, cls.__module__))
        return new_self

    experiment = attr.ib()

    name = attr.ib(
        default=attr.Factory(lambda self: type(self).NAME, takes_self=True))

    domain = attr.ib(
        default=attr.Factory(lambda self: type(self).DOMAIN, takes_self=True))

    group = attr.ib(
        default=attr.Factory(lambda self: type(self).GROUP, takes_self=True))

    src_file = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(lambda self: type(self).SRC_FILE,

    container = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(lambda self: type(self).CONTAINER,

    version = attr.ib(
        default=attr.Factory(lambda self: type(self).VERSION, takes_self=True))

    testdir = attr.ib()

    def __default_testdir(self):
        if self.group:
            return local.path(str(
                CFG["test_dir"])) / self.domain / self.group / self.name
        return local.path(str(CFG["test_dir"])) / self.domain / self.name

    cflags = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list))

    ldflags = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list))

    run_uuid = attr.ib()

    def __default_run_uuid(self):
        run_group = getenv("BB_DB_RUN_GROUP", None)
        if run_group:
            return uuid.UUID(run_group)
        return uuid.uuid4()

    def __check_if_uuid(self, _, value):
        if not isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
            raise TypeError("{attribute} must be a valid UUID object")

    builddir = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(lambda self: local.path(
        str(CFG["build_dir"])) / "{}-{}".format(self.experiment.name, self.id),

    run_f = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(
        lambda self: local.path(self.builddir) / self.name, takes_self=True))

    compiler_extension = attr.ib(
        default=attr.Factory(lambda self: ext_run.WithTimeout(
            compiler.RunCompiler(self, self.experiment)),

    runtime_extension = attr.ib(default=None)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):

    def run_tests(self, runner):
        Run the tests of this project.

        Clients override this method to provide customized run-time tests.

            experiment: The experiment we run this project under
            run: A function that takes the run command.
        exp = wrapping.wrap(self.run_f, self)

    def run(self):
        """Run the tests of this project.

        This method initializes the default environment and takes care of
        cleaning up the mess we made, after a successfull run.

            experiment: The experiment we run this project under
        from benchbuild.utils.run import (begin_run_group, end_run_group,
        CFG["experiment"] = self.experiment.name
        CFG["project"] = self.NAME
        CFG["domain"] = self.DOMAIN
        CFG["group"] = self.GROUP
        CFG["version"] = self.VERSION
        CFG["db"]["run_group"] = str(self.run_uuid)

        group, session = begin_run_group(self)
        signals.handlers.register(fail_run_group, group, session)

            end_run_group(group, session)
        except ProcessExecutionError:
            fail_run_group(group, session)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            fail_run_group(group, session)

    def clean(self):
        """Clean the project build directory."""
        builddir_p = local.path(self.builddir)

    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the build diretory."""
        builddir_p = local.path(self.builddir)
        if not builddir_p.exists():

    def compile(self):
        """Compile the project."""

    def download(self, version=None):
        """Auto-generated by with_* decorators."""
        del version
        LOG.error("Not implemented.")

    def redirect(self):
        """Redirect execution to a containerized benchbuild instance."""
        LOG.error("Redirection not supported by project.")

    def clone(self):
        """Create a deepcopy of ourself."""
        new_p = copy.deepcopy(self)
        new_p.run_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
        return new_p

    def id(self):
        return "{name}-{group}@{version}_uuid_{id}".format(

    def versions(cls):
        """Return all available versions."""
        if cls.VERSION:
            return [cls.VERSION]
        return ["unknown"]