def plot_contour_base(xlim, ylim): fig = plot.new_figure() # shade illegal parameter region, a + b <= 0 min_x, max_x = xlim min_y, max_y = ylim x_vertices = [min_x, min_x, max_x] lowest = min(min_y, -max_x) y_vertices = [-min_x, lowest, lowest] plt.fill(x_vertices, y_vertices, 'gray', alpha=0.3) plt.plot([min_x, max_x], [-min_x, lowest], color='k') #ppl.fill_between([min_x, max_x], [lowest, lowest], [-min_x, lowest], color='gray', alpha=0.2) # turn grid on plt.grid(b=True) # xticks plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)) # axes plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) plt.xlabel(r'discount $\beta$') plt.ylabel(r'strength $\alpha$') return fig
def generate_resource_figure(test, settings, data): file = settings['file'] algos = settings['algos'] resources, format = process_resource_data(settings, data) resources = resources[file] # flatten data flattened = [confidence_interval(resources[algo], config.RESOURCE_ALPHA) for algo in algos] x = np.arange(len(algos)) y = [z[0] for z in flattened] yerr = [z[1] for z in flattened] xticks = list(map(config.ALGO_ABBREVIATIONS.get, algos)) colors = ppl.brewer2mpl.get_map('Set2', 'qualitative', len(algos)).mpl_colors if settings['style']: plot.set_style(settings['style']) plot.new_figure() fig, ax = plt.subplots() rects =, y, xticklabels=xticks, yerr=yerr, log=True, grid='y', color=colors) # Annotate for rect in rects: bar_x = rect.get_x() + rect.get_width()/2. bar_y = rect.get_height() label = format(bar_y) plt.annotate(label, xy=(bar_x, bar_y), xytext=(0, 10), textcoords='offset points', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom') plt.xlabel('Compressor') if settings['col'] == 'runtime': plt.ylabel(r'Runtime (\si{\second})') elif settings['col'] == 'memory': plt.ylabel(r'Memory (\si{\byte})') ax.set_yscale('log', basey=2) # units are in powers of two, so scale should be as well # hack to make labels fit ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() plt.ylim((ymin, ymax*2)) plot.save_figure(fig, 'resources', [test])
def ppm_efficiency_by_depth_helper2(fnames, priors, depths, test_name, opts): test_files = list(itertools.chain(*config.PPM_EFFICIENCY_BY_DEPTH_FILESETS.values())) original_sizes = {f : benchmark.tasks.corpus_size(f) for f in fnames} work = [] for opt, (prior, depth) in zip(opts, itertools.product(priors, depths)): x, fun, status = opt a, b = x work += [benchmark.tasks.my_compressor.s(test_file, paranoia, prior, ['ppm:d={0}:a={1}:b={2}'.format(depth, a, b)]) for test_file in test_files] raw_res = res = {} for effectiveness, (prior, depth, test_file) in zip(raw_res, itertools.product(priors, depths, test_files)): by_prior = res.get(prior, {}) by_depth = by_prior.get(depth, {}) by_depth[test_file] = effectiveness by_prior[depth] = by_depth res[prior] = by_prior fig = plot.new_figure() colors = ppl.brewer2mpl.get_map('Set2', 'qualitative', len(config.PPM_EFFICIENCY_BY_DEPTH_FILESETS)).mpl_colors for (name, fileset), color in zip(config.PPM_EFFICIENCY_BY_DEPTH_FILESETS.items(), colors): for prior in priors: y = [] for d in depths: by_file = res[prior][d] mean = np.mean([by_file[f] / original_sizes[f] * 8 for f in fileset]) y.append(mean) linestyle = config.PPM_EFFICIENCY_BY_DEPTH_PRIOR_LINESTYLES[prior] marker = config.PPM_EFFICIENCY_BY_DEPTH_PRIOR_MARKERS[prior] min_i = np.argmin(y) markevery = list(range(0, min_i)) + list(range(min_i + 1, len(depths))) ppl.plot(depths, y, label='{1} on {0}'.format(name, short_name(config.SHORT_PRIOR_NAME, prior)), color=color, linestyle=linestyle, marker=marker, markevery=markevery) min_depth = depths[min_i] min_y = y[min_i] ppl.plot([min_depth], [min_y], color=color, linestyle='None', marker='D') plt.xlabel(r'Maximal context depth $d$') plt.ylabel(r'Compression effectiveness (bits/byte)') # stretch x-axis slightly so markers are visible plt.xlim(min(depths) - 0.1, max(depths) + 0.1) ppl.legend(handlelength=4, # increase length of line segments so that linestyles can be seen numpoints=1 # but only show marker once ) return plot.save_figure(fig, test_name, ["dummy"])