class Experiements: def __init__(self, cutoff: int): self.benchmarker = Benchmarker() self.SQL = SQL_interface() self.timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) self.cold_cutoff = cutoff # get from sql when done testing local self.avg_exe_time = 0.4 # get from sql def run( self, fux_name: str, command: str, iterations: int, accuracy: int, extra=None, ): self.accuracy = accuracy self.iter = iterations return for i in range(iterations): time.sleep(self.cold_cutoff) data = function_call(fux_name, command, extra) def function_call(self, name: str, command: str, extra=None): switcher = { 'getter': self.benchmarker.request_getter(), 'putter': self.benchmarker.request_putter(), 'feed': self.benchjmarker.request_feed_generator(), 'webview': self.benchmarker.request_feed_webview() } return switcher.get(name)
class Max_warm_test: def __init__(self, f*x, interval, offset, accuracy: float): self.lambda_function = f*x self.interval = interval self.offset = offset self.accuracy = accuracy self.bench = Benchmarker() run() def compute_avg(l=list): total_value = 0 for val in l: total_value += val return total_value / len(l) def avg_warm_time(): avg_time_list = [] for i in range(10): test_data = bench.request_getter( command='get_file_url', filename="blue.png") # arguments response_dict = test_data.json_dict latency = response_dict['time'][ response_dict['identifier']]['latency'] avg_time_list.append(latency) return avg_time_list def get_warm_cutoff(coldtime, avg_warm_time, min_start, interval, offs): # benchmark cold time cold = coldtime # excepted offset from cold local_offset = offs # init with average warm time for call to function longest_meassured = avg_warm_time # minutes between calls increment = min_start # values gathered from for-loop vals = [] for i in range(5): print() print('local increment', increment) #delete print('measure', longest_meassured) # delete print('cold - offset', cold, local_offset) # delete print('bool', longest_meassured < cold - local_offset) # delete print() # check if meassured time falls into span defined for cold while longest_meassured < cold - local_offset: # compute latency of call after making the function sleep print('sleeping for minutes', increment) # delete time.sleep(60 * increment) test_data = self.bench.request_getter( command='get_file_url', filename="blue.png") response_dict = test_data.json_dict latency = response_dict['time'][ response_dict['identifier']]['latency'] # check if latency is higher then current high if (latency > longest_meassured): longest_meassured = latency # avoid infinate loop if increment > 90: local_offset += offs increment = increment + interval # print('increment in round',i,increment) vals.append((longest_meassured, increment, local_offset)) longest_meassured = 0 increment = int(min_start / 2) # print('increment set for round',i+1,increment) return vals def output_reults(list1, cold_plus_risk, cold_minus_risk): # values to be outputted avg_time = 0 avg_min = 0 avg_offset = 0 min_time = 1000 max_time = 0 min_min = 1000 max_min = 0 min_offset = 1000 max_offset = 0 plus_risk = True minus_risk = True print('values for each run') for i in range(len(list1)): (t, m, o) = list1[i] avg_time += t avg_min += m avg_offset = o print(t, m, o) if t < min_time: min_time = t if t > max_time: max_time = t if m < min_min: min_min = m if m > max_min: max_min = m if o < min_offset: min_offset = o if o > max_offset: max_offset = o if t > cold_plus_risk: plus_risk = False if t < cold_minus_risk: minus_risk = False print('Run:', i, 'latency:', str(t), 'minutes from warm to cold:', m, 'ofsset used:', o, 'within upper bound:', t > cold_plus_risk, 'within lower bound', t < cold_minus_risk) print() print('Averaged values for all runs') print('latency:', str(avg_time / len(list1)), 'minutes:', str(avg_min / len(list1)), 'offset:', str(avg_offset / len(list1))) print() print('min time:', str(min_time), 'max time:', str(max_time)) print('min minutes:', min_min, 'max minutes:', max_min) print('min offset:', min_offset, 'max offset', max_offset) print('All rund within upper bound:', plus_risk) print('All rund within lower bound:', minus_risk) return (avg_time, avg_min, avg_offset, plus_risk and minus_risk) def run(self): test_data = self.bench.request_getter(command='get_file_url', filename="blue.png") response_dict = test_data.json_dict cold_time = response_dict['time'][ response_dict['identifier']]['latency'] print('Time for cold function -', lambda_function, '- meassured time:', str(cold_time)) avg_warm_time = self.compute_avg(avg_warm_time()) print('Time for average warm function call:', avg_warm_time) print('warm function is', cold_time / avg_warm_time, 'times faster') cold_plus_risk = cold_time * (1 + self.accuracy) cold_minus_risk = cold_time * self.accuracy if avg_warm_time > cold_minus_risk: print( 'Lambda seems to have been warm when experiment was started - coldtime:', cold_time, 'warmtime:', avg_warm_time) # First run of meassurements print('interval', interval) first_run = self.get_warm_cutoff(cold_time, avg_warm_time, interval, interval, offset) (latency, minutes, ofset, b) = self.output_reults(first_run, cold_plus_risk, cold_minus_risk) print('first run was within expected bounds?', b) # Run again with inputs from first run and reduced interval and offset for greater accuracy second_run = self.get_warm_cutoff(latency, avg_warm_time, minutes - interval, interval / 2, offset / 2) (l, m, o, b) = self.output_reults(second_run, latency * (1 + self.accuracy), latency * self.accuracy) print() print('final result') print('latency:', l, 'minutes to cold:', m, 'offset used:', o, 'within expected bounds:', b, 'bounds', (latency * (1 + self.accuracy)), (latency * self.accuracy))
class max_warm_test: global print def __init__(self, f*x, filename, interval, offset, accuracy: float): self.lambda_function = f*x self.fux_id = self.get_function_id(f*x) self.filename = filename self.interval = interval self.offset = offset self.accuracy = accuracy self.bench = Benchmarker() self.SQL = SQL_Interface() self.uuid = uuid.uuid1() def compute_avg(self, l=list): total_value = 0 for val in l: total_value += val return total_value / len(l) def avg_warm_time(self): avg_time_list = [] for i in range(10): test_data = self.bench.request_getter(command='get_file_url', filename=self.filename) response_dict = test_data.json_dict latency = response_dict['time'][ response_dict['identifier']]['latency'] avg_time_list.append(latency) return avg_time_list def get_function_id(self, lambda_name): switcher = { 'putter': 1, 'getter': 2, 'feed_generator': 3, 'feed_webview': 4 } return switcher.get(lambda_name, 'Error function name') # Executing the experiment and returning minutes for lambda to go from warm to cold def get_warm_cutoff(self, coldtime, avg_warm_time, increment, interval, offs): # benchmark cold time cold = coldtime # excepted offset from cold local_offset = offs # init with average warm time for call to function longest_meassured = avg_warm_time # minutes between calls minutes = increment # values gathered from for-loop vals = [] for i in range(5): print() print('Starting run ' + str(i) + ' Minutes used = ' + str(minutes) + ' offset used = ' + str(local_offset)) print() # check if meassured time falls into span defined for cold print('longest: ' + str(longest_meassured) + ' cold-offset: ' + str(cold - local_offset)) while longest_meassured < cold - local_offset: # compute latency of call after making the function sleep print('sleeping for minutes ' + str(minutes)) # delete time.sleep(60 * minutes) test_data = self.bench.request_getter(command='get_file_url', filename="blue.png") test_data.description = self.uuid self.SQL.insert_test(test_data) response_dict = test_data.json_dict latency = response_dict['time'][ response_dict['identifier']]['latency'] # check if latency is higher then current high if (latency > longest_meassured): longest_meassured = latency # avoid infinate loop if minutes > 90: local_offset += offs minutes = minutes + interval vals.append((longest_meassured, minutes, local_offset)) longest_meassured = avg_warm_time minutes = int(minutes / 2) return vals # Transform list of results into a avg result and output results to log file def output_reults(self, list1, cold_plus_risk, cold_minus_risk): print('Outputting results') print('plus_risk ' + str(cold_plus_risk)) print('minus_risk ' + str(cold_minus_risk)) # values to be outputted avg_time = 0 avg_min = 0 avg_offset = 0 min_time = 1000 max_time = 0 min_min = 1000 max_min = 0 min_offset = 1000 max_offset = 0 plus_risk = True minus_risk = True print('values for each run') for i in range(len(list1)): (t, m, o) = list1[i] avg_time += t avg_min += m avg_offset += o if t < min_time: min_time = t if t > max_time: max_time = t if m < min_min: min_min = m if m > max_min: max_min = m if o < min_offset: min_offset = o if o > max_offset: max_offset = o if t > cold_plus_risk: plus_risk = False if t < cold_minus_risk: minus_risk = False print('Run: ' + 'latency: ' + str(t) + ' minutes from warm to cold: ' + str(m) + ' ofsset used: ' + str(o) + ' within upper bound: ' + str(t < cold_plus_risk) + ' within lower bound ' + str(t > cold_minus_risk)) print() print('Averaged values for all runs') print('latency: ' + str(avg_time / len(list1)) + ' minutes: ' + str(avg_min / len(list1)) + ' offset: ' + str(avg_offset / len(list1))) print() print('min time: ' + str(min_time) + ' max time: ' + str(max_time)) print('min minutes: ' + str(min_min) + ' max minutes: ' + str(max_min)) print('min offset: ' + str(min_offset) + ' max offset ' + str(max_offset)) print('All rund within upper bound: ' + str(plus_risk)) print('All rund within lower bound: ' + str(minus_risk)) self.SQL.insert_coldtimes_run_avg( self.fux_id, self.uuid, max_min, avg_time / len(list1), avg_offset / len(list1), (plus_risk and minus_risk), cold_minus_risk, cold_plus_risk, min_time, max_time, min_min, min_offset, max_offset) return (avg_time / len(list1), max_min, avg_offset / len(list1), plus_risk and minus_risk) # maybe return avg minutes too def run(self): test_data = self.bench.request_getter(command='get_file_url', filename="blue.png") test_data.description = self.uuid self.SQL.insert_test(test_data) response_dict = test_data.json_dict cold_time = response_dict['time'][ response_dict['identifier']]['latency'] print('Starting experiemnt') print() print('UUID: ' + str(self.uuid)) print() print('Time for cold function - ' + self.lambda_function + ' - meassured time: ' + str(cold_time)) avg_warm_time = self.compute_avg(self.avg_warm_time()) print('Time for average warm function call: ' + str(avg_warm_time)) print('warm function is ' + str(cold_time / avg_warm_time) + ' times faster') print() cold_plus_risk = cold_time * (1 + (1 - self.accuracy)) cold_minus_risk = cold_time * self.accuracy # protect against non cold start if avg_warm_time > cold_minus_risk: print( 'Lambda seems to have been warm when experiment was started - coldtime: ' + str(cold_time) + ' warmtime: ' + str(avg_warm_time)) print('sleeping for 90 minutes and will re-run experiment') time.sleep(60 * 90) # First run of meassurements print() print('interval ' + str(self.interval)) first_run = self.get_warm_cutoff(cold_time, avg_warm_time * (1 + self.accuracy), self.interval, self.interval, self.offset) print() print('first run') print() (latency, minutes, offset, b) = self.output_reults(first_run, cold_plus_risk, cold_minus_risk) self.SQL.insert_coldtimes_finalrun(self.fux_id, self.uuid, minutes, latency, offset, b, False) print('latency: ' + str(latency) + ' minutes to cold: ' + str(minutes) + ' offset used: ' + str(offset) + ' within expected bounds: ' + str(b) + ' bounds ' + str(latency * (1 + self.accuracy)) + ' ' + str(latency * self.accuracy)) # Run again with inputs from first run and reduced interval and offset for greater accuracy print() print('SECOND RUN') print() second_run = self.get_warm_cutoff(latency, avg_warm_time, minutes - self.interval, self.interval / 2, self.offset / 2) (l, m, o, b2) = self.output_reults(second_run, latency * (1 + (1 - self.accuracy)), latency * (1 - self.accuracy)) self.SQL.insert_coldtimes_finalrun(self.fux_id, self.uuid, m, l, o, b2, True) print() print('final result') print('latency: ' + str(l) + ' minutes to cold: ' + str(m) + ' offset used: ' + str(o) + ' within expected bounds: ' + str(b2) + ' bounds ' + str(latency * (1 + self.accuracy)) + ' ' + str(latency * self.accuracy)) print() print()