예제 #1
def do_mem(logdir, network, batch_size):
    """Do basic JCT on workload"""
    batch_num = 20
    if network == "speech":
        batch_num = 5

    logger.info(f'Measuring memory for {network}_{batch_size} for {batch_num} iter')

    ex = "salus" if FLAGS.use_salus else "tf"
    final_dst = logdir / ex / WTL.from_name(network).canonical_name(RunConfig(batch_size, batch_num, None))
    with atomic_directory(final_dst) as outputdir:
        if not FLAGS.use_salus:
            logger.info('    Running on TF')
            wl = WTL.create(network, batch_size, batch_num, Executor.TF)
            wl.env['TF_CPP_MIN_VLOG_LEVEL'] = '1'
            wl.env['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = ''
            run_tf(outputdir, wl)
            # filter and move file to a more convinent name
            for f in pathlib.Path(outputdir).iterdir():
                with f.with_name('alloc.output').open('w') as file:
                    grep = execute(['egrep', r"] (\+|-)", f.name], stdout=file, cwd=str(f.parent))
            scfg = maybe_forced_preset(presets.AllocProf)
            scfg.logconf = "memop"
            scfg.output_dir = outputdir
            server = SalusServer(scfg)
            with server.run():
                logger.info('    Running on Salus')
                WTL.block_run(network, batch_size, batch_num, Executor.Salus, outputdir / 'rpc.output')

    return final_dst
예제 #2
파일: jct.py 프로젝트: vycezhong/Salus-1
def do_jct(logdir, network, batch_size):
    """Do basic JCT on workload"""
    batch_num = 20

    final_dst = logdir / WTL.from_name(network).canonical_name(RunConfig(batch_size, batch_num, None))
    with atomic_directory(final_dst) as outputdir:
        logger.info(f'Measuring basic JCT for {batch_num} iterations')
        mps_name = '-mps' if FLAGS.is_mps else ''
        if not (final_dst/'gpu{}.output'.format(mps_name)).exists() or not FLAGS.resume:
            logger.info('    Running on TF')
            WTL.block_run(network, batch_size, batch_num, Executor.TF, outputdir / 'gpu{}.output'.format(mps_name))

        if FLAGS.do_tfdist:
            if not (final_dst/'tfdist{}.output'.format(mps_name)).exists() or not FLAGS.resume:
                with TFDistServer().run():
                    logger.info('    Running on TFDist')
                    WTL.block_run(network, batch_size, batch_num, Executor.TFDist, outputdir / 'tfdist{}.output'.format(mps_name))

        if FLAGS.is_mps:
            logger.info('    Skipping Salus jct when MPS is on')
            return final_dst

        if not (final_dst / 'rpc.output').exists() or not FLAGS.resume:
            scfg = maybe_forced_preset(presets.MostEfficient)
            scfg.output_dir = outputdir
            server = SalusServer(scfg)
            with server.run():
                logger.info('    Warming up Salus')
                # always use 20 batch num when warming up
                WTL.block_run(network, batch_size, 20, Executor.Salus, outputdir / 'rpc-warm.output')

                logger.info('    Running on Salus')
                WTL.block_run(network, batch_size, batch_num, Executor.Salus, outputdir / 'rpc.output')

    return final_dst
예제 #3
def run_seq(scfg, *actions):
    # type: (SalusConfig, *TAction) -> List[Workload]
    """Run a sequence of actions"""
    workloads = []  # type: List[Workload]

        with atomic_directory(scfg.output_dir) as temp_dir:  # type: Path
            # start server
            ss = SalusServer(scfg.copy(output_dir=temp_dir))
            with ss.run():
                # Do action specified in seq
                for act in actions:

                    if isinstance(act, Workload):
                        output_file = temp_dir / f'{act.output_name}.{act.batch_num}iter.{len(workloads)}.output'

                    elif isinstance(act, (Pause, RunFn)):
                        act.run(workloads, temp_dir=temp_dir)
                        raise ValueError(f"Unexpected value `{act}' of {type(act)} passed to run_seq")

                logger.info(f'Waiting all workloads to finish')
        # if there's alive, we are doing cleanup
        for w in workloads:
            if w.proc is not None and w.proc.poll() is None:
                logger.warning(f'Killing workload that is not stopped yet: {w.canonical_name}')
                kill_tree(w.proc, hard=True)

        # check each workloads and fix workload output_file path
        for w in workloads:
            if not FLAGS.ignore_error and w.proc.returncode != 0:
                raise RuntimeError(f'Workload {w.canonical_name} did not finish cleanly: {w.proc.returncode}')
            w.output_file = scfg.output_dir / w.output_file.name
    return workloads
예제 #4
파일: jct.py 프로젝트: vycezhong/Salus-1
def do_jct_hint(logdir, network, batch_size, per_iter, target, tag):
    """Calculate JCT for target time"""
    final_dst = logdir / f"{network}_{batch_size}_{tag}"
    with atomic_directory(final_dst) as outputdir:
        if (final_dst / 'rpc.output').exists() and FLAGS.resume:
            per_iter = parse_output_float(final_dst / 'rpc.output', r'^Average excluding[^0-9.]+([0-9.]+).*')
            return per_iter

        logger.info(f"Finding suitable batch_num for {tag}")
        actual = 0
        chance = FLAGS.max_chance
        batch_num = int(target / per_iter)
        while chance > 0 and abs(actual - target) >= target * FLAGS.threshold:
            chance -= 1
            batch_num = int(target / per_iter)

            logger.info(f'    Trying batch_num={batch_num}')
            file = outputdir / 'gpu.output'
            WTL.block_run(network, batch_size, batch_num, Executor.TF, file)

            actual = parse_output_float(file, r'^JCT[^0-9.]+([0-9.]+).*')
            # assume linear time distribution
            per_iter = actual / batch_num
            logger.info(f"   actual_time={actual}, per_iter={per_iter}")

        # use the batch_num to run salus
        logger.info(f"Using batch_num={batch_num} for {tag}")
        scfg = maybe_forced_preset(presets.MostEfficient)
        scfg.output_dir = outputdir
        server = SalusServer(scfg)
        with server.run():
            logger.info('    Warming up Salus')
            WTL.block_run(network, batch_size, 20, Executor.Salus, outputdir / 'rpc-warm.output')

            logger.info('    Running on Salus')
            WTL.block_run(network, batch_size, batch_num, Executor.Salus, outputdir / 'rpc.output')
    return per_iter
예제 #5
파일: exp15.py 프로젝트: vycezhong/Salus-1
def main(argv):
    # type: (Sequence[str]) -> None
    scfg = maybe_forced_preset(presets.MostEfficient)
    scfg.scheduler = 'pack'

    ex = Executor.Salus if FLAGS.use_salus else Executor.TF
    if FLAGS.fifo:
        logdir = FLAGS.save_dir / 'fifo'
        logdir = FLAGS.save_dir / ex.value
    # create workload instances
    workloads = load_trace(argv[0], ex)

    # Check and update if workloads have the info we need
    if ex == Executor.TF and not FLAGS.fifo:
        for w, _, _ in workloads:
            for field in ['peakmem']:
                if find_geometry(w, field) is None:
                    raise ValueError(f'Missing {field} data for workload {w.canonical_name} of {w.batch_num} iters'
                                     f', available geometries: {w.wtl._geometries}')

    # enable overcommit
    if FLAGS.overcommit > 1:
        for w, _, _ in workloads:
            w.env['TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR'] = 'cuda_managed'

    def accept_workload(w, alive):
        if FLAGS.fifo:
            return len(alive) == 0
        elif FLAGS.use_salus:
            return len(alive) < FLAGS.concurrent
            currmem = sum(wl.geometry.peakmem for wl in alive)
            return w.geometry.peakmem + currmem < FLAGS.overcommit * FLAGS.phymem

            with atomic_directory(logdir) as tmp:
                # copy trace file
                shutil.copy2(argv[0], str(tmp/'trace.csv'))

                with (tmp / 'exp15.output').open('w') as f:
                    started = []
                    pending = []
                    alive = []

                    def workload_done(proc):
                        w = proc.workload
                        logger.info(f'Finished workload {w.output_name}.{w.batch_num}iter.{w.job_id}')
                        print(f'{datetime.now()}: Finished workload '

                    def do_stuff(rel_time):
                        if workloads:
                            w, submit_time, row = workloads[0]
                            if rel_time >= submit_time:
                                w.job_id = row["job_id"]
                                logger.info(f'Queued workload {w.output_name}.{w.batch_num}iter.{w.job_id}')
                                print(f'{datetime.now()}: Queued workload '

                        _, alive[:] = SalusServer.wait_workloads(alive, timeout=0, callback=workload_done)

                        while pending and accept_workload(pending[0], alive):
                            w = pending.pop(0)

                            logger.info(f'Started workload {w.output_name}.{w.batch_num}iter.{w.job_id}')
                            print(f'{datetime.now()}: Started workload '

                            output_file = tmp / f'{w.output_name}.{w.batch_num}iter.{w.job_id}.output'

                            _, alive[:] = SalusServer.wait_workloads(alive, timeout=0, callback=workload_done)

                        if not workloads and not pending:
                            _, alive[:] = SalusServer.wait_workloads(alive, callback=workload_done)
                            return False

                        return True

                    def event_loop():
                        # check every 0.1 second
                        interval = 0.1
                        origin = default_timer()
                        while True:
                            st = default_timer()
                            should_continue = do_stuff(st - origin)
                            if not should_continue:
                            ed = default_timer()

                            elispped = ed - st
                            time.sleep(interval - (elispped % interval))

                    if FLAGS.use_salus:
                        ss = SalusServer(scfg.copy(output_dir=logdir))
                        with ss.run():

        except Exception as ex:
            logger.exception("Got exception when running workloads")
        # if there's alive, we are doing cleanup
        for w, _, _ in workloads:
            if w.proc is not None and w.proc.poll() is None:
                logger.warning(f'Killing workload that is not stopped yet: {w.canonical_name}')
                kill_tree(w.proc, hard=True)

        # check each workloads and fix workload output_file path
        for w, _, _ in workloads:
            if not FLAGS.ignore_error and w.proc is not None and w.proc.returncode != 0:
                raise RuntimeError(f'Workload {w.canonical_name} did not finish cleanly: {w.proc.returncode}')
            if w.output_file is not None:
                w.output_file = logdir / w.output_file.name