def execute(self): bufferSize = getSettings().get("chunkSize") targetFile = self.parseTargetPath() try: f = open(targetFile, "rb") except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("[!] FILE NOT FOUND") return False if self.communication: self.getConnection()().send( bytes( json.dumps( { "routine": self.__class__.__name__, "function": self.getMethodName()(), "type": "", "bytes": os.path.getsize(targetFile), } ), "ascii", ) ) part = totalBytes = 0 # Providing there is a chunk of data to read let us loop until fin. while part: responseSize = len(part) totalBytes += responseSize"Sending %d (%d received) bytes", responseSize, totalBytes) # Send off the chunk to the socket client if self.communication: self.getConnection()().send(part) # Read another chunk from the file part = # Flush and close the file stream f.close() self.setResponse(file=targetFile, bytes=totalBytes)
def execute(self): bufferSize = getSettings().get('chunkSize') targetFile = self.parseTargetPath() try: f = open(targetFile, 'rb') except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning('[!] FILE NOT FOUND') return False if self.communication: self.getConnection()().send( bytes( json.dumps({ "routine": self.__class__.__name__, "function": self.getMethodName()(), "type": "", "bytes": os.path.getsize(targetFile) }), 'ascii')) part = totalBytes = 0 #Providing there is a chunk of data to read let us loop until fin. while (part): responseSize = len(part) totalBytes += responseSize"Sending %d (%d received) bytes", responseSize, totalBytes) #Send off the chunk to the socket client if self.communication: self.getConnection()().send(part) #Read another chunk from the file part = #Flush and close the file stream f.close() self.setResponse(file=targetFile, bytes=totalBytes)
def getRoutine(self, routine, function): importedRoutines = {} # Scan 'routines' defined director(y/ies) for routineModule in os.listdir(getSettings().get('routines').get('dir')): # Cherry pick .py files only for time being # Potentially support for routines to be created in other languages in the future. if routineModule.endswith('.py'): # Strip the file extension moduleName = routineModule[:-3] # Dynamically import the module via the file location spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("", os.path.join(getSettings().get('routines').get('dir'), "{}.py".format(moduleName))) importedRoutines[moduleName] = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(importedRoutines[moduleName]) # Iterate through all classes in module to see if any match the client 'routine' for className in importedRoutines[moduleName].classes: if className == routine: return getattr(importedRoutines[moduleName], routine) return False