예제 #1
def initial_model_gaussian1d(observations, nstates, reversible=True):
    """Generate an initial model with 1D-Gaussian output densities

    observations : list of ndarray((T_i), dtype=float)
        list of arrays of length T_i with observation data
    nstates : int
        The number of states.


    Generate initial model for a gaussian output model.

    >>> from bhmm import testsystems
    >>> [model, observations, states] = testsystems.generate_synthetic_observations(output_model_type='gaussian')
    >>> initial_model = initial_model_gaussian1d(observations, model.nstates)

    ntrajectories = len(observations)

    # Concatenate all observations.
    collected_observations = np.array([], dtype=config.dtype)
    for o_t in observations:
        collected_observations = np.append(collected_observations, o_t)

    # Fit a Gaussian mixture model to obtain emission distributions and state stationary probabilities.
    from bhmm._external.sklearn import mixture
    gmm = mixture.GMM(n_components=nstates)
    gmm.fit(collected_observations[:, None])
    from bhmm import GaussianOutputModel
    output_model = GaussianOutputModel(nstates,
                                       means=gmm.means_[:, 0],
                                       sigmas=np.sqrt(gmm.covars_[:, 0]))

    logger().info("Gaussian output model:\n" + str(output_model))

    # Extract stationary distributions.
    Pi = np.zeros([nstates], np.float64)
    Pi[:] = gmm.weights_[:]

    logger().info("GMM weights: %s" % str(gmm.weights_))

    # Compute fractional state memberships.
    Nij = np.zeros([nstates, nstates], np.float64)
    for o_t in observations:
        # length of trajectory
        T = o_t.shape[0]
        # output probability
        pobs = output_model.p_obs(o_t)
        # normalize
        pobs /= pobs.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
        # Accumulate fractional transition counts from this trajectory.
        for t in range(T - 1):
            Nij[:, :] = Nij[:, :] + np.outer(pobs[t, :], pobs[t + 1, :])

        logger().info("Nij\n" + str(Nij))

    # Compute transition matrix maximum likelihood estimate.
    import msmtools.estimation as msmest
    Tij = msmest.transition_matrix(Nij, reversible=reversible)

    # Update model.
    model = HMM(Tij, output_model, reversible=reversible)

    return model
예제 #2
파일: discrete.py 프로젝트: yarden/bhmm
def initial_model_discrete(observations, nstates, lag=1, reversible=True):
    """Generate an initial model with discrete output densities

    observations : list of ndarray((T_i), dtype=int)
        list of arrays of length T_i with observation data
    nstates : int
        The number of states.
    lag : int, optional, default=1
        The lag time to use for initializing the model.

    * Why do we have a `lag` option?  Isn't the HMM model, by definition, lag=1 everywhere?  Why would this be useful instead of just having the user subsample the data?


    Generate initial model for a discrete output model.

    >>> from bhmm import testsystems
    >>> [model, observations, states] = testsystems.generate_synthetic_observations(output_model_type='discrete')
    >>> initial_model = initial_model_discrete(observations, model.nstates)

    # check input
    if not reversible:
            "nonreversible initialization of discrete HMM currently not supported. Using a reversible matrix for initialization."
        reversible = True

    # estimate Markov model
    C_full = msmtools.estimation.count_matrix(observations, lag)
    lcc = msmtools.estimation.largest_connected_set(C_full)
    Clcc = msmtools.estimation.largest_connected_submatrix(C_full, lcc=lcc)
    T = msmtools.estimation.transition_matrix(Clcc, reversible=True).toarray()

    # pcca
    pcca = msmtools.analysis.dense.pcca.PCCA(T, nstates)

    # default output probability, in order to avoid zero columns
    nstates_full = C_full.shape[0]
    eps = 0.01 * (1.0 / nstates_full)

    # Use PCCA distributions, but avoid 100% assignment to any state (prevents convergence)
    B_conn = np.maximum(pcca.output_probabilities, eps)

    # full state space output matrix
    B = eps * np.ones((nstates, nstates_full), dtype=np.float64)
    # expand B_conn to full state space
    B[:, lcc] = B_conn[:, :]
    # renormalize B to make it row-stochastic
    B /= B.sum(axis=1)[:, None]

    # coarse-grained transition matrix
    M = pcca.memberships
    W = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(M.T, M))
    A = np.dot(np.dot(M.T, T), M)
    P_coarse = np.dot(W, A)

    # symmetrize and renormalize to eliminate numerical errors
    X = np.dot(np.diag(pcca.coarse_grained_stationary_probability), P_coarse)
    X = 0.5 * (X + X.T)
    # if there are values < 0, set to eps
    X = np.maximum(X, eps)
    # turn into coarse-grained transition matrix
    A = X / X.sum(axis=1)[:, None]

    logger().info('Initial model: ')
    logger().info('transition matrix = \n' + str(A))
    logger().info('output matrix = \n' + str(B.T))

    # initialize HMM
    # --------------
    output_model = DiscreteOutputModel(B)
    model = HMM(A, output_model)
    return model