def create_analysisservices(self, as_data): """ Creates a set of analaysis services to be used in the tests :as_data: [{ 'title':'xxx', 'ShortTitle':'xxx', 'Keyword': 'xxx', 'PointOfCapture': 'Lab', 'Category':category object, 'Methods': [methods object,], }, ...] """ folder = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_analysisservices ans_list = [] for as_d in as_data: _id = folder.invokeFactory('AnalysisService', id=tmpID()) ans = folder[_id] ans.edit( title=as_d['title'], ShortTitle=as_d.get('ShortTitle', ''), Keyword=as_d.get('Keyword', ''), PointOfCapture=as_d.get('PointOfCapture', 'Lab'), Category=as_d.get('Category', ''), Methods=as_d.get('Methods', []), ) ans.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(ans) ans_list.append(ans) return ans_list
def create_methods(self, methods_data): """ Creates a set of methods to be used in the tests :methods_data: [{ 'title':'xxx', 'description':'xxx', 'Instructions':'xxx', 'MethodID':'xxx', 'Accredited':'False/True'}, ...] """ folder = self.portal.bika_setup.methods methods_list = [] for meth_d in methods_data: _id = folder.invokeFactory('Method', id=tmpID()) meth = folder[_id] meth.edit( title=meth_d['title'], description=meth_d.get('description', ''), Instructions=meth_d.get('Instructions', ''), MethodID=meth_d.get('MethodID', ''), Accredited=meth_d.get('Accredited', True), ) meth.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(meth) methods_list.append(meth) return methods_list
def load_analysis_profiles(self, sheet): nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Analysis Profiles' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_arprofiles for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) _id = folder.invokeFactory("ARProfile", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] services = [d.strip() for d in unicode(row["Service"]).split(",")] proxies = self.bsc(portal_type="AnalysisService", getKeyword=services) if len(proxies) != len(services): raise Exception( "Analysis Profile services invalid. Got %s, found %s" % (services, [p.getKeyword for p in proxies]) ) obj.edit( title=unicode(row["title"]), description=unicode(row["description"]), Service=[s.UID for s in proxies], ProfileKey=unicode(row["ProfileKey"]), ) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def load_analysis_specifications(self, sheet): nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Analysis Specifications' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_analysisspecs ResultsRange = [] for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) if row["SampleType"]: if ResultsRange: obj.setResultsRange(ResultsRange) ResultsRange = [] _id = folder.invokeFactory("AnalysisSpec", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] SampleType = self.sampletypes[row["SampleType"]] obj.edit(SampleType=SampleType.UID(), title=row["SampleType"]) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) else: ResultsRange.append( { "keyword": row["keyword"], "min": str(row["min"]), "max": str(row["max"]), "error": str(row["error"]), } )
def load_methods(self, sheet): nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Methods' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_methods self.methods = {} for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) _id = folder.invokeFactory("Method", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] obj.edit( title=unicode(row["title"]), description=unicode(row["description"]), Instructions=unicode(row["Instructions"]), ) if row["MethodDocument"]: file_title = sortable_title(obj, row["MethodDocument"]) path = resource_filename( "bika.lims", "setupdata/%s/methods/%s" % (self.file_name, row["MethodDocument"]) ) # file_id = obj.invokeFactory("File", id=row['MethodDocument']) # thisfile = obj[file_id] file_data = open(path, "rb").read() obj.setMethodDocument(file_data) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) self.methods[unicode(row["title"])] = obj
def __call__(self): if "viewlet_submitted" in self.request.form: data = {} try: data = self.validate_form_inputs() except ValidationError as e: self.form_error(e.message) return from Products.CMFPlone.utils import _createObjectByType from bika.lims.utils import tmpID instance = _createObjectByType('InvoiceBatch', self.context, tmpID(), title=data['title']) instance.unmarkCreationFlag() instance.edit( Project=data['project_uid'], Services=data['services'], BatchStartDate=data['start_date'], BatchEndDate=data['end_date'] ) renameAfterCreation(instance) instance.processForm() msg = u'Invoice for period "%s" to "%s" created.' % (data['start_date'], data['end_date']) self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(msg) self.request.response.redirect(self.context.absolute_url())
def load_lab_departments(self, sheet): self.departments = {} lab_contacts = self.bsc(portal_type="LabContact") nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Lab Departments' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_departments for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) _id = folder.invokeFactory("Department", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] manager = None for contact in lab_contacts: contact = contact.getObject() if contact.getFullname() == unicode(row["_LabContact_Fullname"]): manager = contact break if not manager: message = "Error: lookup of '%s' in LabContacts/Fullname failed." % unicode(row["_LabContact_Fullname"]) self.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message) raise Exception(message) obj.edit(title=unicode(row["title"]), description=unicode(row["description"]), Manager=manager.UID()) self.departments[unicode(row["title"])] = obj obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) # set importedlab contact's department references if hasattr(self, "lab_contacts"): for contact in self.lab_contacts: if contact["Department"] == unicode(row["title"]): contact["obj"].setDepartment(obj.UID())
def load_instruments(self, sheet): nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Instruments' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_instruments for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) _id = folder.invokeFactory("Instrument", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] obj.edit( title=unicode(row["title"]), description=unicode(row["description"]), Type=unicode(row["Type"]), Brand=unicode(row["Brand"]), Model=unicode(row["Model"]), SerialNo=unicode(row["SerialNo"]), CalibrationCertificate=unicode(row["CalibrationCertificate"]), CalibrationExpiryDate=unicode(row["CalibrationExpiryDate"]), DataInterface=row["DataInterface"], ) self.instruments[unicode(row["title"])] = obj obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def load_lab_contacts(self, sheet): self.lab_contacts = [] nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Lab Contacts' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_labcontacts for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) _id = folder.invokeFactory("LabContact", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) Fullname = unicode(row["Firstname"]) + " " + unicode(row["Surname"]) obj.edit( title=Fullname, description=Fullname, Firstname=unicode(row["Firstname"]), Surname=unicode(row["Surname"]), EmailAddress=unicode(row["EmailAddress"]), BusinessPhone=unicode(row["BusinessPhone"]), BusinessFax=unicode(row["BusinessFax"]), MobilePhone=unicode(row["MobilePhone"]), JobTitle=unicode(row["JobTitle"]), ) # Department = row['Department'], # Signature = row['Signature'], row["obj"] = obj self.lab_contacts.append(row)
def load_containers(self, sheet): nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Containers' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_containers self.containers = {} for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) _id = folder.invokeFactory("Container", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] P = row["Preservation"] obj.edit( title=unicode(row["title"]), description=unicode(row["description"]), Capacity=unicode(row["Capacity"]), ContainerType=row["ContainerType"] and self.containertypes[row["ContainerType"]] or None, PrePreserved=row["PrePreserved"] and row["PrePreserved"] or False, Preservation=P and self.preservations[P] or None, ) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) self.containers[unicode(row["title"])] = obj
def load_preservations(self, sheet): nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Preservations' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_preservations self.preservations = {} for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) _id = folder.invokeFactory("Preservation", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] containertypes = [] if row["ContainerType"]: for ct in row["ContainerType"].split(","): containertypes.append(self.containertypes[ct.strip()]) obj.edit( title=unicode(row["title"]), description=unicode(row["description"]), RetentionPeriod=row["RetentionPeriod"] and eval(row["RetentionPeriod"]) or {}, ContainerType=containertypes, ) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) self.preservations[unicode(row["title"])] = obj
def workflow_script_receive(self): """ receive order """ products = self.aq_parent.objectValues('Product') items = self.order_lineitems for item in items: quantity = int(item['Quantity']) if quantity < 1: continue product = [p for p in products if p.getId() == item['Product']][0] folder = self.bika_setup.bika_stockitems for i in range(quantity): pi = _createObjectByType('StockItem', folder, tmpID()) pi.setProduct(product) pi.setOrderId(self.getId()) pi.setDateReceived(DateTime()) pi.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(pi) # Manually reindex stock item in catalog self.bika_setup_catalog.reindexObject(pi) product.setQuantity(product.getQuantity() + quantity) self.setDateReceived(DateTime()) self.reindexObject() # Print stock item stickers if opted for if self.bika_setup.getAutoPrintInventoryStickers(): # TODO: Use better method to redirect after transition self.REQUEST.response.write( "<script>window.location.href='%s'</script>" % ( self.absolute_url() + '/stickers/?items=' + self.getId()))
def addReferenceAnalysis(self, service_uid, reference_type): """ add an analysis to the sample """ rc = getToolByName(self, REFERENCE_CATALOG) service = rc.lookupObject(service_uid) analysis = _createObjectByType("ReferenceAnalysis", self, tmpID()) analysis.unmarkCreationFlag() calculation = service.getCalculation() interim_fields = calculation and calculation.getInterimFields() or [] renameAfterCreation(analysis) # maxtime = service.getMaxTimeAllowed() and service.getMaxTimeAllowed() \ # or {'days':0, 'hours':0, 'minutes':0} # starttime = DateTime() # max_days = float(maxtime.get('days', 0)) + \ # ( # (float(maxtime.get('hours', 0)) * 3600 + \ # float(maxtime.get('minutes', 0)) * 60) # / 86400 # ) # duetime = starttime + max_days analysis.setReferenceType(reference_type) analysis.setService(service_uid) analysis.setInterimFields(interim_fields) return analysis.UID()
def create_reflex_rule(self, title, method, rules_data): """ Given a dict with reflex rules data, it creates a reflex rules object :title: a string with the title :method: a method object :rules_data: there is an example [{'actions': [{'act_row_idx': 0, 'action': 'repeat', 'an_result_id': 'rep-1', 'analyst': '', 'otherWS': 'current', 'setresultdiscrete': '', 'setresulton': 'original', 'setresultvalue': '', 'worksheettemplate': ''}], 'conditions': [{'analysisservice': '52853cf7d5114b5aa8c159afad2f3da1', 'and_or': 'no', 'cond_row_idx': 0, 'discreteresult': '', 'range0': '11', 'range1': '12'}], 'mother_service_uid': '52853cf7d5114b5aa8c159afad2f3da1', 'rulenumber': '0', 'trigger': 'submit'}, {'actions': [{'act_row_idx': 0, 'action': 'repeat', 'an_result_id': 'rep-2', 'analyst': '', 'otherWS': 'current', 'setresultdiscrete': '', 'setresulton': 'original', 'setresultvalue': '', 'worksheettemplate': ''}], 'conditions': [{'analysisservice': 'rep-1', 'and_or': 'no', 'cond_row_idx': 0, 'discreteresult': '', 'range0': '12', 'range1': '12'},], 'mother_service_uid': '52853cf7d5114b5aa8c159afad2f3da1', 'rulenumber': '2', 'trigger': 'submit'}] """ # Creating a rule rules_list = [] folder = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_reflexrulefolder _id = folder.invokeFactory('ReflexRule', id=tmpID()) rule = folder[_id] rule.edit( title=title, ) rule.setMethod(method.UID()) if rules_data: rule.setReflexRules(rules_data) rule.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(rule) return rule
def Import(self): folder = self.context.patients rows = self.get_rows(3) for row in rows: if not row['Firstname'] or not row['PrimaryReferrer']: continue pc = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog') client = pc(portal_type='Client', Title=row['PrimaryReferrer']) if len(client) == 0: raise IndexError("Primary referrer invalid: '%s'" % row['PrimaryReferrer']) client = client[0].getObject() _id = folder.invokeFactory('Patient', id=tmpID()) obj = folder[_id] obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) Fullname = (row['Firstname'] + " " + row.get('Surname', '')).strip() obj.edit(title=Fullname, ClientPatientID = row.get('ClientPatientID', ''), Salutation = row.get('Salutation', ''), Firstname = row.get('Firstname', ''), Surname = row.get('Surname', ''), PrimaryReferrer = client.UID(), Gender = row.get('Gender', 'dk'), Age = row.get('Age', ''), BirthDate = row.get('BirthDate', ''), BirthDateEstimated =self.to_bool(row.get('BirthDateEstimated','False')), BirthPlace = row.get('BirthPlace', ''), Ethnicity = row.get('Ethnicity', ''), Citizenship =row.get('Citizenship', ''), MothersName = row.get('MothersName', ''), CivilStatus =row.get('CivilStatus', ''), Anonymous = self.to_bool(row.get('Anonymous','False')) ) self.fill_contactfields(row, obj) self.fill_addressfields(row, obj) if 'Photo' in row and row['Photo']: try: path = resource_filename("bika.lims", "setupdata/%s/%s" \ % (self.dataset_name, row['Photo'])) file_data = open(path, "rb").read() obj.setPhoto(file_data) except: logger.error("Unable to load Photo %s"%row['Photo']) if 'Feature' in row and row['Feature']: try: path = resource_filename("bika.lims", "setupdata/%s/%s" \ % (self.dataset_name, row['Feature'])) file_data = open(path, "rb").read() obj.setFeature(file_data) except: logger.error("Unable to load Feature %s"%row['Feature']) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_casesyndromicclassifications for row in self.get_rows(3): obj = _createObjectByType('CaseSyndromicClassification', folder, tmpID()) if row['title']: obj.edit(title=row['title'], description=row.get('description', ''),) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_identifiertypes for row in self.get_rows(3): obj = _createObjectByType('IdentifierType', folder, tmpID()) if row['title']: obj.edit(title=row['title'], description=row.get('description', ''),) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_cultivars for row in self.get_rows(3): if 'title' in row and row['title']: _id = folder.invokeFactory('Cultivar', id=tmpID()) obj = folder[_id] obj.edit(title=row['title'], description=row['description']) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_ethnicities rows = self.get_rows(3) for row in rows: _id = folder.invokeFactory('Ethnicity', id=tmpID()) obj = folder[_id] if row.get('Title', None): obj.edit(title=row['Title'], description=row.get('Description', '')) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_casestatuses rows = self.get_rows(3) for row in rows: if row['title']: _id = folder.invokeFactory('CaseStatus', id=tmpID()) obj = folder[_id] obj.edit(title=row['title'], description=row.get('description', '')) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_diseases rows = self.get_rows(3) for row in rows: _id = folder.invokeFactory('Disease', id=tmpID()) obj = folder[_id] if row['Title']: obj.edit(ICDCode=row.get('ICDCode', ''), title=row['Title'], description=row.get('Description', '')) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): print "EOOO" s_t = '' c_t = 'lab' bucket = {} pc = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog') bsc = getToolByName(self.context, 'bika_setup_catalog') # collect up all values into the bucket for row in self.get_rows(3): c_t = row['Client_title'] if row['Client_title'] else 'lab' if c_t not in bucket: bucket[c_t] = {} s_t = row['SampleType_title'] if row['SampleType_title'] else s_t if s_t not in bucket[c_t]: bucket[c_t][s_t] = [] service = bsc(portal_type='AnalysisService', title=row['service']) if not service: service = bsc(portal_type='AnalysisService', getKeyword=row['service']) try: service = service[0].getObject() bucket[c_t][s_t].append({ 'keyword': service.getKeyword(), 'min': row.get('min','0'), 'max': row.get('max','0'), 'minpanic': row.get('minpanic','0'), 'maxpanic': row.get('maxpanic','0'), 'error': row.get('error','0'), }) except IndexError: warning = "Error with service name %s on sheet %s. Service not uploaded." logger.warning(warning, row.get('service', ''), self.sheetname) # write objects. for c_t in bucket: if c_t == 'lab': folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_analysisspecs else: folder = pc(portal_type='Client', title=c_t) if (not folder or len(folder) != 1): logger.warn("Client %s not found. Omiting client specifications." % c_t) continue folder = folder[0].getObject() for s_t in bucket[c_t]: resultsrange = bucket[c_t][s_t] sampletype = bsc(portal_type='SampleType', title=s_t)[0] _id = folder.invokeFactory('AnalysisSpec', id=tmpID()) obj = folder[_id] obj.edit( title=sampletype.Title, ResultsRange=resultsrange) obj.setSampleType(sampletype.UID) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_storagetypes rows = self.get_rows(3) for row in rows: title = row.get('title') description = row.get('description', '') obj = _createObjectByType('StorageType', folder, tmpID()) obj.edit( title=title, description=description ) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def add_to_logs(self, instrument, interface, log, filename): if not log: return log = ''.join(log) log = log[:80]+'...' if len(log) > 80 else log _id = instrument.invokeFactory("AutoImportLog", id=tmpID(), Instrument=instrument, Interface=interface, Results=log, ImportedFile=filename) item = instrument[_id] item.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(item)
def Import(self): subtypes = self.get_subtypes() folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_aetiologicagents for row in self.get_rows(3): obj = _createObjectByType('AetiologicAgent', folder, tmpID()) if not row['title']: continue ae_title = row['title'] ae_subtypes = subtypes.get(ae_title, []) obj.edit(title=row['title'], description=row.get('description', ''), AetiologicAgentSubtypes=ae_subtypes) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_treatments for row in self.get_rows(3): obj = _createObjectByType('Treatment', folder, tmpID()) if row['title']: obj.edit(title=row['title'], description=row.get('description', ''), Type=row.get('Type', 'active'), Procedure=row.get('Procedure', ''), Care=row.get('Care', ''), SubjectiveClinicalFindings=row.get('SubjectiveClinicalFindings', ''), ObjectiveClinicalFindings=row.get('ObjectiveClinicalFindings', ''),) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_drugs for row in self.get_rows(3): obj = _createObjectByType('Drug', folder, tmpID()) if row['title']: obj.edit(title=row['title'], description=row.get('description', ''), Category=row.get('Category', ''), Indications=row.get('Indications', ''), Posology=row.get('Posology', ''), SideEffects=row.get('SideEffects', ''), Preservation=row.get('Preservation', ''),) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_symptoms rows = self.get_rows(3) for row in rows: _id = folder.invokeFactory('Symptom', id=tmpID()) obj = folder[_id] if row['Title']: obj.edit(Code=row.get('Code', ''), title=row['Title'], description=row.get('Description', ''), Gender=row.get('Gender', 'dk'), SeverityAllowed=self.to_bool(row.get('SeverityAllowed', 1))) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def load_worksheet_templates(self, sheet): nr_rows = sheet.get_highest_row() nr_cols = sheet.get_highest_column() ## self.request.response.write("<input type='hidden' id='load_section' value='Worksheet Templates' max='%s'/>"%(nr_rows-3)) ## self.request.response.flush() rows = [[sheet.cell(row=row_nr, column=col_nr).value for col_nr in range(nr_cols)] for row_nr in range(nr_rows)] fields = rows[1] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_worksheettemplates for row in rows[3:]: row = dict(zip(fields, row)) if not row["title"]: if row["pos"]: control_ref = self.definitions.get(unicode(row["control_ref"]), "") blank_ref = self.definitions.get(unicode(row["blank_ref"]), "") l = [ { "pos": unicode(row["pos"]), "type": unicode(row["type"]), "control_ref": control_ref, "blank_ref": blank_ref, "dup": unicode(row["dup"]), } ] wst_obj.setLayout(wst_obj.getLayout() + l) continue _id = folder.invokeFactory("WorksheetTemplate", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] services = row["Service"] and [d.strip() for d in unicode(row["Service"]).split(",")] or [] proxies = services and self.bsc(portal_type="AnalysisService", getKeyword=services) or [] services = [p.UID for p in proxies] control_ref = self.definitions.get(unicode(row["control_ref"]), "") blank_ref = self.definitions.get(unicode(row["blank_ref"]), "") obj.edit( title=unicode(row["title"]), description=unicode(row["description"]), Service=services, Layout=[ { "pos": unicode(row["pos"]), "type": unicode(row["type"]), "control_ref": control_ref, "blank_ref": blank_ref, "dup": unicode(row["dup"]), } ], ) wst_obj = obj obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def CreateServiceObjects(self, services): deferred = 0 if not hasattr(self, "service_objs"): self.service_objs = {} if not self.deferred.has_key("Analysis Services"): self.deferred["Analysis Services"] = [] folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_analysisservices for row in services: if row["Calculation"] and not row["Calculation"] in [c.Title() for c in self.calcs.values()]: self.deferred["Analysis Services"].append(row) deferred = 1 continue deferred = 0 _id = folder.invokeFactory("AnalysisService", id="tmp") obj = folder[_id] obj.edit( title=unicode(row["title"]), description=row["description"] and unicode(row["description"]) or "", Method=row["Method"] and self.methods[unicode(row["Method"])] or None, Container=row["Container"] and [self.containers[c] for c in row["Container"].split(",")] or [], Preservation=row["Preservation"] and [self.preservations[c] for c in row["Preservation"].split(",")] or [], PointOfCapture=unicode(row["PointOfCapture"]), Unit=row["Unit"] and unicode(row["Unit"]) or None, Category=self.cats[unicode(row["Category"])].UID(), Price="%02f" % float(row["Price"]), CorporatePrice="%02f" % float(row["BulkPrice"]), VAT="%02f" % float(row["VAT"]), Precision=unicode(row["Precision"]), Accredited=row["Accredited"] and True or False, Keyword=unicode(row["Keyword"]), MaxTimeAllowed=row["MaxTimeAllowed"] and eval(row["MaxTimeAllowed"]) or {}, DuplicateVariation="%02f" % float(row["DuplicateVariation"]), Uncertanties=row["Uncertainties"] and eval(row["Uncertainties"]) or [], ResultOptions=row["ResultOptions"] and eval(row["ResultOptions"]) or [], ReportDryMatter=row["ReportDryMatter"] and True or False, ) if row["Instrument"]: obj.setInstrument(row["Instrument"] in self.instruments and self.instruments[row["Instrument"]].UID()), if row["Calculation"]: obj.setCalculation(self.calcs[row["Calculation"]]) service_obj = obj[row["Keyword"]] = obj obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj)
def publishFromHTML(self, aruid, results_html): # The AR can be published only and only if allowed uc = getToolByName(self.context, 'uid_catalog') #ars = uc(UID=aruid) ars = [p.getObject() for p in uc(UID=aruid)] if not ars or len(ars) != 1: return [] ar = ars[0] wf = getToolByName(ar, 'portal_workflow') allowed_states = ['verified', 'published'] # Publish/Republish allowed? if wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') not in allowed_states: # Pre-publish allowed? if not ar.getAnalyses(review_state=allowed_states): return [] # HTML written to debug file debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode if debug_mode: tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".html") logger.debug("Writing HTML for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn)) open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(results_html) # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR) # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone. pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf") pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html, outfile=pdf_fn) # PDF written to debug file if debug_mode: logger.debug("Writing PDF for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), pdf_fn)) else: os.remove(pdf_fn) recipients = [] contact = ar.getContact() lab = ar.bika_setup.laboratory # BIKA Cannabis hack. Create the CSV they desire here now #csvdata = self.create_cannabis_csv(ars) csvdata = self.create_metrc_csv(ars) pdf_fn = to_utf8(ar.getRequestID()) if pdf_report: if contact: recipients = [{ 'UID': contact.UID(), 'Username': to_utf8(contact.getUsername()), 'Fullname': to_utf8(contact.getFullname()), 'EmailAddress': to_utf8(contact.getEmailAddress()), 'PublicationModes': contact.getPublicationPreference() }] reportid = ar.generateUniqueId('ARReport') report = _createObjectByType("ARReport", ar, reportid) report.edit(AnalysisRequest=ar.UID(), Pdf=pdf_report, CSV=csvdata, Html=results_html, Recipients=recipients) report.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(report) # Set blob properties for fields containing file data fld = report.getField('Pdf') fld.get(report).setFilename(pdf_fn + ".pdf") fld.get(report).setContentType('application/pdf') fld = report.getField('CSV') fld.get(report).setFilename(pdf_fn + ".csv") fld.get(report).setContentType('text/csv') # Set status to prepublished/published/republished status = wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') transitions = {'verified': 'publish', 'published': 'republish'} transition = transitions.get(status, 'prepublish') try: wf.doActionFor(ar, transition) except WorkflowException: pass # compose and send email. # The managers of the departments for which the current AR has # at least one AS must receive always the pdf report by email. # mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0] mime_msg['From'] = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) to = [] #mngrs = ar.getResponsible() #for mngrid in mngrs['ids']: # name = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('name', '') # email = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('email', '') # if (email != ''): # to.append(formataddr((encode_header(name), email))) #if len(to) > 0: # # Send the email to the managers # mime_msg['To'] = ','.join(to) # attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn) # # BIKA Cannabis hack. Create the CSV they desire here now # fn = pdf_fn # attachCSV(mime_msg,csvdata,fn) # try: # host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost') # host.send(mime_msg.as_string(), immediate=True) # except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg: # logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg) # except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg: # raise WorkflowException(str(msg)) # Send report to recipients recips = self.get_recipients(ar) for recip in recips: if 'email' not in recip.get('pubpref', []) \ or not recip.get('email', ''): continue title = encode_header(recip.get('title', '')) email = recip.get('email') formatted = formataddr((title, email)) # Create the new mime_msg object, cause the previous one # has the pdf already attached mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0] mime_msg['From'] = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) mime_msg['To'] = formatted # Attach the pdf to the email if requested if pdf_report and 'pdf' in recip.get('pubpref'): attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn) # BIKA Cannabis hack. Create the CSV they desire here now fn = pdf_fn attachCSV(mime_msg, csvdata, fn) # For now, I will simply ignore mail send under test. if hasattr(self.portal, 'robotframework'): continue msg_string = mime_msg.as_string() # content of outgoing email written to debug file if debug_mode: tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".email") logger.debug("Writing MIME message for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn)) open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(msg_string) try: host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost') host.send(msg_string, immediate=True) except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg: logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg) except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg: raise WorkflowException(str(msg)) # Save file on the filesystem folder = os.environ.get('COAs_FOLDER', '') if len(folder) != 0: client_path = '{}/{}/'.format(folder, ar.getClientID()) if not os.path.exists(client_path): os.makedirs(client_path) today = self.ulocalized_time(DateTime(), long_format=0) today_path = '{}{}/'.format(client_path, today) if not os.path.exists(today_path): os.makedirs(today_path) fname = '{}{}.pdf'.format(today_path, pdf_fn) f = open(fname, 'w') f.write(pdf_report) f.close() csvname = '{}{}.csv'.format(today_path, pdf_fn) fcsv = open(csvname, 'w') fcsv.write(csvdata) fcsv.close() return [ar]
def _renameAfterCreation(self, check_auto_id=False): """Rename with the IDServer """ from bika.lims.idserver import renameAfterCreation renameAfterCreation(self)
def Import(self): folder = self.context.patients rows = self.get_rows(3) for row in rows: if not row['Firstname'] or not row['PrimaryReferrer']: continue pc = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog') client = pc(portal_type='Client', Title=row['PrimaryReferrer']) if len(client) == 0: error = "Primary referrer invalid: '%s'. Patient '%s %s' will not be uploaded" logger.error(error, row['PrimaryReferrer'], row['Firstname'], row.get('Surname', '')) continue client = client[0].getObject() # Getting an existing ethnicity bsc = getToolByName(self.context, 'bika_setup_catalog') ethnicity = bsc(portal_type='Ethnicity', Title=row.get('Ethnicity', '')) if len(ethnicity) == 0: raise IndexError("Invalid ethnicity: '%s'" % row['Ethnicity']) ethnicity = ethnicity[0].getObject() _id = folder.invokeFactory('Patient', id=tmpID()) obj = folder[_id] obj.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(obj) Fullname = (row['Firstname'] + " " + row.get('Surname', '')).strip() obj.edit( PatientID=row.get('PatientID'), title=Fullname, ClientPatientID=row.get('ClientPatientID', ''), Salutation=row.get('Salutation', ''), Firstname=row.get('Firstname', ''), Surname=row.get('Surname', ''), PrimaryReferrer=client.UID(), Gender=row.get('Gender', 'dk'), Age=row.get('Age', ''), BirthDate=row.get('BirthDate', ''), BirthDateEstimated=self.to_bool( row.get('BirthDateEstimated', 'False')), BirthPlace=row.get('BirthPlace', ''), # TODO Ethnicity_Obj -> Ethnicity on health v319 Ethnicity_Obj=ethnicity.UID(), Citizenship=row.get('Citizenship', ''), MothersName=row.get('MothersName', ''), CivilStatus=row.get('CivilStatus', ''), Anonymous=self.to_bool(row.get('Anonymous', 'False'))) self.fill_contactfields(row, obj) self.fill_addressfields(row, obj) if 'Photo' in row and row['Photo']: try: path = resource_filename(self.dataset_project, "setupdata/%s/%s" \ % (self.dataset_name, row['Photo'])) file_data = open(path, "rb").read() if os.path.isfile(path) \ else open(path+'.jpg', "rb").read() obj.setPhoto(file_data) except: logger.error("Unable to load Photo %s" % row['Photo']) if 'Feature' in row and row['Feature']: try: path = resource_filename(self.dataset_project, "setupdata/%s/%s" \ % (self.dataset_name, row['Feature'])) file_data = open(path, "rb").read() if os.path.isfile(path) \ else open(path+'.pdf', "rb").read() obj.setFeature(file_data) except: logger.error("Unable to load Feature %s" % row['Feature']) obj.unmarkCreationFlag() transaction.savepoint(optimistic=True) if row.get('PatientID'): # To maintain the patient spreadsheet's IDs, we cannot do a 'renameaftercreation()' if obj.getPatientID() != row.get('PatientID'): transaction.savepoint(optimistic=True) obj.aq_inner.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(, row.get('PatientID')) else: renameAfterCreation(obj)
def Import(self):"*** Custom import of Analysis Specifications ***") for row in self.get_rows(3): keyword = row.get('utestid') if not keyword: logger.warn("No keyword found") continue query = dict(portal_type="AnalysisService", getKeyword=keyword) analysis =, 'bika_setup_catalog') if not analysis: logger.warn("No analysis service found for {}".format(keyword)) continue if len(analysis) > 1: logger.warn( "More than one service found for {}".format(keyword)) continue analysis = api.get_object(analysis[0]) # TODO No Sample Type defined in the file, just use Whole Blood st_title = row.get('sample_type', 'Whole Blood') query = dict(portal_type="SampleType", title=st_title) sample_type =, 'bika_setup_catalog') if not sample_type: logger.warn("No sample type found for {}".format(st_title)) continue if len(sample_type) > 1: logger.warn( "More than one sample type found for {}".format(st_title)) continue sample_type = api.get_object(sample_type[0]) unit = row.get('utestid_units') min_spec = row.get('lln', '') max_spec = row.get('uln', '') gender = row.get('gender', 'a') gender = gender == 'mf' and 'a' or gender age_low = row.get('age_low', '') if age_low: age_low = '{}{}'.format(age_low, row.get('age_low_unit', 'd')) age_high = row.get('age_high', '') if age_high: age_high = '{}{}'.format(age_high, row.get('age_high_unit', 'd')) if not age_low and not age_high: logger.warn( "Cannot create Spec, Age low and high not defined.") continue max_panic = row.get('panic_high_value', '') min_panic = row.get('panic_low_value', '') # TODO No Specs title defined in the file, just use sample type's specs_title = row.get('title', st_title) specs_key = [] specs_key.append(specs_title) if gender: str_gender = gender.upper() if gender == 'a': str_gender = 'MF' specs_key.append(str_gender) if age_low and age_high: specs_key.append('{} - {}'.format(age_low, age_high)) elif age_low: specs_key.append('({}+)'.format(age_low)) elif age_high: specs_key.append('(-{})'.format(age_high)) specs_title = ' '.join(specs_key) specs_dict = { 'keyword': analysis.getKeyword(), 'min': min_spec, 'max': max_spec, 'minpanic': min_panic, 'maxpanic': max_panic, 'warn_min': '', 'warn_max': '', 'hidemin': '', 'hidemax': '', 'rangecomments': '', } query = dict(portal_type='AnalysisSpec', title=specs_title) aspec =, 'bika_setup_catalog') if not aspec: # Create a new one folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_analysisspecs _id = folder.invokeFactory('AnalysisSpec', id=tmpID()) aspec = folder[_id] aspec.edit(title=specs_title) aspec.Schema().getField("Gender").set(aspec, gender) aspec.Schema().getField("Agefrom").set(aspec, age_low) aspec.Schema().getField("Ageto").set(aspec, age_high) aspec.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(aspec) elif len(aspec) > 1: logger.warn( "More than one Analysis Specification found for {}".format( specs_title)) continue else: aspec = api.get_object(aspec[0]) result_range = aspec.Schema().getField('ResultsRange').get(aspec) result_range.append(specs_dict) aspec.Schema().getField('ResultsRange').set(aspec, result_range) aspec.setSampleType(sample_type.UID()) aspec.reindexObject()
def create_analysisrequest(client, request, values, analyses=None, partitions=None, specifications=None, prices=None): """This is meant for general use and should do everything necessary to create and initialise an AR and any other required auxilliary objects (Sample, SamplePartition, Analysis...) :param client: The container (Client) in which the ARs will be created. :param request: The current Request object. :param values: a dict, where keys are AR|Sample schema field names. :param analyses: Analysis services list. If specified, augments the values in values['Analyses']. May consist of service objects, UIDs, or Keywords. :param partitions: A list of dictionaries, if specific partitions are required. If not specified, AR's sample is created with a single partition. :param specifications: These values augment those found in values['Specifications'] :param prices: Allow different prices to be set for analyses. If not set, prices are read from the associated analysis service. """ # Don't pollute the dict param passed in values = dict(values.items()) # Create the Analysis Request ar = _createObjectByType('AnalysisRequest', client, tmpID()) # Resolve the services uids and set the analyses for this Analysis Request service_uids = get_services_uids(context=client, values=values, analyses_serv=analyses) ar.setAnalyses(service_uids, prices=prices, specs=specifications) values.update({"Analyses": service_uids}) ar.processForm(REQUEST=request, values=values) # Handle rejection reasons rejection_reasons = resolve_rejection_reasons(values) ar.setRejectionReasons(rejection_reasons) # Handle secondary Analysis Request primary = ar.getPrimaryAnalysisRequest() if primary: # Mark the secondary with the `IAnalysisRequestSecondary` interface alsoProvides(ar, IAnalysisRequestSecondary) # Rename the secondary according to the ID server setup renameAfterCreation(ar) # Set dates to match with those from the primary ar.setDateSampled(primary.getDateSampled()) ar.setSamplingDate(primary.getSamplingDate()) ar.setDateReceived(primary.getDateReceived()) # Force the transition of the secondary to received and set the # description/comment in the transition accordingly. if primary.getDateReceived(): primary_id = primary.getId() comment = "Auto-received. Secondary Sample of {}".format( primary_id) changeWorkflowState(ar, AR_WORKFLOW_ID, "sample_received", action="receive", comments=comment) # Mark the secondary as received alsoProvides(ar, IReceived) # Initialize analyses do_action_to_analyses(ar, "initialize") # Notify the ar has ben modified modified(ar) # Reindex the AR ar.reindexObject() # If rejection reasons have been set, reject automatically if rejection_reasons: doActionFor(ar, "reject") # In "received" state already return ar # Try first with no sampling transition, cause it is the most common config success, message = doActionFor(ar, "no_sampling_workflow") if not success: doActionFor(ar, "to_be_sampled") # If rejection reasons have been set, reject the sample automatically if rejection_reasons: doActionFor(ar, "reject") return ar
def create_analysisrequest(client, request, values, analyses=None, results_ranges=None, prices=None): """Creates a new AnalysisRequest (a Sample) object :param client: The container where the Sample will be created :param request: The current Http Request object :param values: A dict, with keys as AnalaysisRequest's schema field names :param analyses: List of Services or Analyses (brains, objects, UIDs, keywords). Extends the list from values["Analyses"] :param results_ranges: List of Results Ranges. Extends the results ranges from the Specification object defined in values["Specification"] :param prices: Mapping of AnalysisService UID -> price. If not set, prices are read from the associated analysis service. """ # Don't pollute the dict param passed in values = dict(values.items()) # Resolve the Service uids of analyses to be added in the Sample. Values # passed-in might contain Profiles and also values that are not uids. Also, # additional analyses can be passed-in through either values or services service_uids = to_services_uids(values=values, services=analyses) # Remove the Analyses from values. We will add them manually values.update({"Analyses": []}) # Create the Analysis Request and submit the form ar = _createObjectByType('AnalysisRequest', client, tmpID()) ar.processForm(REQUEST=request, values=values) # Set the analyses manually ar.setAnalyses(service_uids, prices=prices, specs=results_ranges) # Handle hidden analyses from template and profiles # # apply_hidden_services(ar) # Handle rejection reasons rejection_reasons = resolve_rejection_reasons(values) ar.setRejectionReasons(rejection_reasons) # Handle secondary Analysis Request primary = ar.getPrimaryAnalysisRequest() if primary: # Mark the secondary with the `IAnalysisRequestSecondary` interface alsoProvides(ar, IAnalysisRequestSecondary) # Rename the secondary according to the ID server setup renameAfterCreation(ar) # Set dates to match with those from the primary ar.setDateSampled(primary.getDateSampled()) ar.setSamplingDate(primary.getSamplingDate()) ar.setDateReceived(primary.getDateReceived()) # Force the transition of the secondary to received and set the # description/comment in the transition accordingly. if primary.getDateReceived(): primary_id = primary.getId() comment = "Auto-received. Secondary Sample of {}".format( primary_id) changeWorkflowState(ar, AR_WORKFLOW_ID, "sample_received", action="receive", comments=comment) # Mark the secondary as received alsoProvides(ar, IReceived) # Initialize analyses do_action_to_analyses(ar, "initialize") # Notify the ar has ben modified modified(ar) # Reindex the AR ar.reindexObject() # If rejection reasons have been set, reject automatically if rejection_reasons: doActionFor(ar, "reject") # In "received" state already return ar # Try first with no sampling transition, cause it is the most common config success, message = doActionFor(ar, "no_sampling_workflow") if not success: doActionFor(ar, "to_be_sampled") # If rejection reasons have been set, reject the sample automatically if rejection_reasons: doActionFor(ar, "reject") return ar
def _renameAfterCreation(self, check_auto_id=False): """Autogenerate the ID of the object based on core's ID formatting settings for this type """ idserver.renameAfterCreation(self)
def cloneAR(self, ar): newar = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", ar.aq_parent, tmpID()) newar.title = ar.title newar.description = ar.description newar.setContact(ar.getContact()) newar.setCCContact(ar.getCCContact()) newar.setCCEmails(ar.getCCEmails()) newar.setBatch(ar.getBatch()) newar.setTemplate(ar.getTemplate()) newar.setProfile(ar.getProfile()) newar.setSamplingDate(ar.getSamplingDate()) newar.setSampleType(ar.getSampleType()) newar.setSamplePoint(ar.getSamplePoint()) newar.setStorageLocation(ar.getStorageLocation()) newar.setSamplingDeviation(ar.getSamplingDeviation()) newar.setPriority(ar.getPriority()) newar.setSampleCondition(ar.getSampleCondition()) newar.setSample(ar.getSample()) newar.setClientOrderNumber(ar.getClientOrderNumber()) newar.setClientReference(ar.getClientReference()) newar.setClientSampleID(ar.getClientSampleID()) newar.setDefaultContainerType(ar.getDefaultContainerType()) newar.setAdHoc(ar.getAdHoc()) newar.setComposite(ar.getComposite()) newar.setReportDryMatter(ar.getReportDryMatter()) newar.setInvoiceExclude(ar.getInvoiceExclude()) newar.setAttachment(ar.getAttachment()) newar.setInvoice(ar.getInvoice()) newar.setDateReceived(ar.getDateReceived()) newar.setMemberDiscount(ar.getMemberDiscount()) # Set the results for each AR analysis ans = ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=True) for an in ans: nan = _createObjectByType("Analysis", newar, an.getKeyword()) nan.setService(an.getService()) nan.setCalculation(an.getCalculation()) nan.setInterimFields(an.getInterimFields()) nan.setResult(an.getResult()) nan.setResultDM(an.getResultDM()) nan.setRetested = False, nan.setMaxTimeAllowed(an.getMaxTimeAllowed()) nan.setDueDate(an.getDueDate()) nan.setDuration(an.getDuration()) nan.setReportDryMatter(an.getReportDryMatter()) nan.setAnalyst(an.getAnalyst()) nan.setInstrument(an.getInstrument()) nan.setSamplePartition(an.getSamplePartition()) nan.unmarkCreationFlag() zope.event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(nan)) changeWorkflowState(nan, 'bika_analysis_workflow', 'to_be_verified') nan.reindexObject() newar.reindexObject() newar.aq_parent.reindexObject() renameAfterCreation(newar) newar.setRequestID(newar.getId()) if hasattr(ar, 'setChildAnalysisRequest'): ar.setChildAnalysisRequest(newar) newar.setParentAnalysisRequest(ar) return newar
def publishFromHTML(self, ar_uids, results_html): """ar_uids can be a single UID or a list of AR uids. The resulting ARs will be published together (ie, sent as a single outbound email) and the entire report will be saved in each AR's published-results tab. """ debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode wf = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow') # The AR can be published only and only if allowed uc = getToolByName(self.context, 'uid_catalog') ars = [p.getObject() for p in uc(UID=ar_uids)] if not ars: return [] results_html = self.localize_images(results_html) # Create the pdf report for the supplied HTML. open('/tmp/2499.html', 'w').write(results_html) pdf_report = createPdf(results_html, False) # PDF written to debug file? if debug_mode: pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf")"Writing PDF for {} to {}".format( ', '.join([ar.Title() for ar in ars]), pdf_fn)) open(pdf_fn, 'wb').write(pdf_report) for ar in ars: # Generate in each relevant AR, a new ARReport reportid = ar.generateUniqueId('ARReport') report = _createObjectByType("ARReport", ar, reportid) report.edit( AnalysisRequest=ar.UID(), Pdf=pdf_report, Html=results_html, ) report.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(report) # Modify the workflow state of each AR that's been published status = wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') transitions = {'verified': 'publish', 'published': 'republish'} transition = transitions.get(status, 'prepublish') try: wf.doActionFor(ar, transition) except WorkflowException: pass # compose and send email. # The managers of the departments for which the current AR has # at least one AS must receive always the pdf report by email. # lab = ars[0].bika_setup.laboratory mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = "Published results for %s" % \ ",".join([ar.Title() for ar in ars]) mime_msg['From'] = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) to = [] to_emails = [] mngrs = [] for ar in ars: resp = ar.getResponsible() if 'dict' in resp and resp['dict']: for mngrid, mngr in resp['dict'].items(): if mngr['email'] not in [m['email'] for m in mngrs]: mngrs.append(mngr) for mngr in mngrs: name = mngr['name'] email = mngr['email'] to.append(formataddr((encode_header(name), email))) # Send report to recipients for ar in ars: recips = self.get_recipients(ar) for recip in recips: if 'email' not in recip.get('pubpref', []) \ or not recip.get('email', ''): continue title = encode_header(recip.get('title', '')) email = recip.get('email') if email not in to_emails: to.append(formataddr((title, email))) to_emails.append(email) # Create the new mime_msg object, cause the previous one # has the pdf already attached mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = "Published results for %s" % \ ",".join([ar.Title() for ar in ars]) mime_msg['From'] = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) mime_msg['To'] = ",".join(to) # Attach the pdf to the email fn = "_".join([ar.Title() for ar in ars]) attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, fn) # ALS hack. Create the CSV they desire here now csvdata = self.create_als_csv(ars) # Attach to email part = MIMEBase('text', "csv") fn = self.current_certificate_number() part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="{}.csv"'.format(fn)) part.set_payload(csvdata) mime_msg.attach(part) msg_string = mime_msg.as_string() try: host = getToolByName(ars[0], 'MailHost') host.send(msg_string, immediate=True) except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg: logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg) except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg: raise WorkflowException(str(msg)) return ars
def notify_rejection(analysisrequest): """ Notifies via email that a given Analysis Request has been rejected. The notification is sent to the Client contacts assigned to the Analysis Request. :param analysisrequest: Analysis Request to which the notification refers :returns: true if success """ # We do this imports here to avoid circular dependencies until we deal # better with this notify_rejection thing. from bika.lims.browser.analysisrequest.reject import \ AnalysisRequestRejectPdfView, AnalysisRequestRejectEmailView arid = analysisrequest.getId() # This is the template to render for the pdf that will be either attached # to the email and attached the the Analysis Request for further access tpl = AnalysisRequestRejectPdfView(analysisrequest, analysisrequest.REQUEST) html = tpl.template() html = safe_unicode(html).encode('utf-8') filename = '%s-rejected' % arid pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf") pdf = createPdf(htmlreport=html, outfile=pdf_fn) if pdf: # Attach the pdf to the Analysis Request attid = analysisrequest.aq_parent.generateUniqueId('Attachment') att = _createObjectByType("Attachment", analysisrequest.aq_parent, attid) att.setAttachmentFile(open(pdf_fn)) # Awkward workaround to rename the file attf = att.getAttachmentFile() attf.filename = '%s.pdf' % filename att.setAttachmentFile(attf) att.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(att) analysisrequest.addAttachment(att) os.remove(pdf_fn) # This is the message for the email's body tpl = AnalysisRequestRejectEmailView(analysisrequest, analysisrequest.REQUEST) html = tpl.template() html = safe_unicode(html).encode('utf-8') # compose and send email. mailto = [] lab = analysisrequest.bika_setup.laboratory mailfrom = formataddr( (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress())) mailsubject = _('%s has been rejected') % arid contacts = [analysisrequest.getContact()] + analysisrequest.getCCContact() for contact in contacts: name = to_utf8(contact.getFullname()) email = to_utf8(contact.getEmailAddress()) if email: mailto.append(formataddr((encode_header(name), email))) if not mailto: return False mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related') mime_msg['Subject'] = mailsubject mime_msg['From'] = mailfrom mime_msg['To'] = ','.join(mailto) mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.' msg_txt = MIMEText(html, _subtype='html') mime_msg.attach(msg_txt) if pdf: attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf, filename) try: host = getToolByName(analysisrequest, 'MailHost') host.send(mime_msg.as_string(), immediate=True) except: logger.warning( "Email with subject %s was not sent (SMTP connection error)" % mailsubject) return True
def _renameAfterCreation(self, check_auto_id=False): renameAfterCreation(self)
def __call__(self): form = self.request.form plone.protect.CheckAuthenticator(form) workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow') rc = getToolByName(self.context, REFERENCE_CATALOG) uc = getToolByName(self.context, 'uid_catalog') action, came_from = WorkflowAction._get_form_workflow_action(self) if action == 'duplicate': selected_services = WorkflowAction._get_selected_items(self) ## Create a copy of the selected services folder = self.context.bika_setup.bika_analysisservices created = [] for service in selected_services.values(): _id = folder.invokeFactory('AnalysisService', id = 'tmp') folder[_id].setTitle('%s (copy)' % service.Title()) _id = renameAfterCreation(folder[_id]) folder[_id].unmarkCreationFlag() folder[_id].edit( description = service.Description(), PointOfCapture = service.getPointOfCapture(), ReportDryMatter = service.getReportDryMatter(), Unit = service.getUnit(), Precision = service.getPrecision(), Price = service.getPrice(), BulkDiscount = service.getBulkPrice(), VAT = service.getVAT(), Calculation = service.getCalculation(), Instrument = service.getInstrument(), MaxTimeAllowed = service.getMaxTimeAllowed(), DuplicateVariation = service.getDuplicateVariation(), Category = service.getCategory(), Department = service.getDepartment(), Accredited = service.getAccredited(), Uncertainties = service.getUncertainties(), ResultOptions = service.getResultOptions() ) folder[_id].reindexObject() created.append(_id) if len(created) > 1: message = self.context.translate( _('Services ${services} were successfully created.', mapping = {'services': ', '.join(created)})) self.destination_url = \ self.request.get_header("referer", self.context.absolute_url()) else: message = self.context.translate( _('Analysis request ${service} was successfully created.', mapping = {'service': ', '.join(created)})) self.destination_url = folder[_id].absolute_url() + "/base_edit" self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'info') self.request.response.redirect(self.destination_url) else: # default for other transitions WorkflowAction.__call__(self)
def _renameAfterCreation(self, check_auto_id=False): from bika.lims.idserver import renameAfterCreation # ResourceLockedError: Object "multifile..." is locked via WebDAV self.wl_clearLocks() renameAfterCreation(self)
def workflow_script_import(self): """Create objects from valid ARImport """ def convert_date_string(datestr): return datestr.replace('-', '/') def lookup_sampler_uid(import_user): #Lookup sampler's uid found = False userid = None user_ids = [] users = getUsers(self, ['LabManager', 'Sampler']).items() for (samplerid, samplername) in users: if import_user == samplerid: found = True userid = samplerid break if import_user == samplername: user_ids.append(samplerid) if found: return userid if len(user_ids) == 1: return user_ids[0] if len(user_ids) > 1: #raise ValueError('Sampler %s is ambiguous' % import_user) return '' #Otherwise #raise ValueError('Sampler %s not found' % import_user) return '' bsc = getToolByName(self, 'bika_setup_catalog') workflow = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow') client = self.aq_parent title = _('Submitting AR Import') description = _('Creating and initialising objects') bar = ProgressBar(self, self.REQUEST, title, description) notify(InitialiseProgressBar(bar)) profiles = [x.getObject() for x in bsc(portal_type='AnalysisProfile')] gridrows = self.schema['SampleData'].get(self) row_cnt = 0 for therow in gridrows: row = therow.copy() row_cnt += 1 # Create Sample sample = _createObjectByType('Sample', client, tmpID()) sample.unmarkCreationFlag() # First convert all row values into something the field can take sample.edit(**row) sample._renameAfterCreation() event.notify(ObjectInitializedEvent(sample)) sample.at_post_create_script() swe = self.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled() if swe: workflow.doActionFor(sample, 'sampling_workflow') else: workflow.doActionFor(sample, 'no_sampling_workflow') part = _createObjectByType('SamplePartition', sample, 'part-1') part.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(part) if swe: workflow.doActionFor(part, 'sampling_workflow') else: workflow.doActionFor(part, 'no_sampling_workflow') container = self.get_row_container(row) if container: part.edit(Container=container) # Profiles are titles, profile keys, or UIDS: convert them to UIDs. newprofiles = [] for title in row['Profiles']: objects = [ x for x in profiles if title in (x.getProfileKey(), x.UID(), x.Title()) ] for obj in objects: newprofiles.append(obj.UID()) row['Profiles'] = newprofiles # BBB in bika.lims < 3.1.9, only one profile is permitted # on an AR. The services are all added, but only first selected # profile name is stored. row['Profile'] = newprofiles[0] if newprofiles else None # Same for analyses newanalyses = set( self.get_row_services(row) + self.get_row_profile_services(row)) row['Analyses'] = [] # get batch batch = self.schema['Batch'].get(self) if batch: row['Batch'] = batch # Add AR fields from schema into this row's data row['ClientReference'] = self.getClientReference() row['ClientOrderNumber'] = self.getClientOrderNumber() row['Contact'] = self.getContact() row['DateSampled'] = convert_date_string(row['DateSampled']) if row['Sampler']: row['Sampler'] = lookup_sampler_uid(row['Sampler']) # Create AR ar = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", client, tmpID()) ar.setSample(sample) ar.unmarkCreationFlag() ar.edit(**row) ar._renameAfterCreation() ar.setAnalyses(list(newanalyses)) for analysis in ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=True): analysis.setSamplePartition(part) ar.at_post_create_script() if swe: workflow.doActionFor(ar, 'sampling_workflow') else: workflow.doActionFor(ar, 'no_sampling_workflow') # If the Sampling Workflow field values are valid, # and the SamplingWorkflow is enabled, we will # automatically kick off the "sample" transition now tids = [t['id'] for t in get_transitions_for(ar)] if 'sample' in tids and ar.getSampler() and ar.getDateSampled(): do_transition_for(ar, 'sample') progress_index = float(row_cnt) / len(gridrows) * 100 progress = ProgressState(self.REQUEST, progress_index) notify(UpdateProgressEvent(progress)) # document has been written to, and redirect() fails here self.REQUEST.response.write( '<script>document.location.href="%s"</script>' % (self.aq_parent.absolute_url()))
def create_retest(ar): """Creates a retest (Analysis Request) from an invalidated Analysis Request :param ar: The invalidated Analysis Request :type ar: IAnalysisRequest :rtype: IAnalysisRequest """ if not ar: raise ValueError("Source Analysis Request cannot be None") if not IAnalysisRequest.providedBy(ar): raise ValueError("Type not supported: {}".format(repr(type(ar)))) if ar.getRetest(): # Do not allow the creation of another retest! raise ValueError("Retest already set") if not ar.isInvalid(): # Analysis Request must be in 'invalid' state raise ValueError( "Cannot do a retest from an invalid Analysis Request".format( repr(ar))) # Open the actions pool actions_pool = ActionHandlerPool.get_instance() actions_pool.queue_pool() # Create the Retest (Analysis Request) ignore = ['Analyses', 'DatePublished', 'Invalidated', 'Sample'] retest = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", ar.aq_parent, tmpID()) copy_field_values(ar, retest, ignore_fieldnames=ignore) # Mark the retest with the `IAnalysisRequestRetest` interface alsoProvides(retest, IAnalysisRequestRetest) # Assign the source to retest retest.setInvalidated(ar) # Rename the retest according to the ID server setup renameAfterCreation(retest) # Copy the analyses from the source intermediate_states = ['retracted', 'reflexed'] for an in ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=True): if (api.get_workflow_status_of(an) in intermediate_states): # Exclude intermediate analyses continue nan = _createObjectByType("Analysis", retest, an.getKeyword()) # Make a copy ignore_fieldnames = ['DataAnalysisPublished'] copy_field_values(an, nan, ignore_fieldnames=ignore_fieldnames) nan.unmarkCreationFlag() push_reindex_to_actions_pool(nan) # Transition the retest to "sample_received"! changeWorkflowState(retest, 'bika_ar_workflow', 'sample_received') alsoProvides(retest, IReceived) # Initialize analyses for analysis in retest.getAnalyses(full_objects=True): if not IRoutineAnalysis.providedBy(analysis): continue changeWorkflowState(analysis, "bika_analysis_workflow", "unassigned") # Reindex and other stuff push_reindex_to_actions_pool(retest) push_reindex_to_actions_pool(retest.aq_parent) # Resume the actions pool actions_pool.resume() return retest
def auto_generate_id(obj, event): """Generate ID with the IDServer from senaite.core """"Auto-Generate ID for {}".format(repr(obj))) renameAfterCreation(obj)
def import_specifications(portal): """Creates (or updates) dynamic specifications from resources/results_ranges.xlsx """"*** Importing specifications ***") def get_bs_object(xlsx_row, xlsx_keyword, portal_type, criteria): text_value = xlsx_row.get(xlsx_keyword, None) if not text_value: logger.warn("Value not set for keyword {}".format(xlsx_keyword)) return None query = {"portal_type": portal_type, criteria: text_value} brain =, 'bika_setup_catalog') if not brain: logger.warn("No objects found for type {} and {} '{}'".format( portal_type, criteria, text_value)) return None if len(brain) > 1: logger.warn( "More than one object found for type {} and {} '{}'".format( portal_type, criteria, text_value)) return None return api.get_object(brain[0]) raw_specifications = get_xls_specifications() for spec in raw_specifications: # Valid Sample Type? sample_type = get_bs_object(spec, "sample_type", "SampleType", "title") if not sample_type: continue # Valid Analysis Service? service = get_bs_object(spec, "keyword", "AnalysisService", "getKeyword") if not service: continue # The calculation exists? calc_title = "Ranges calculation" query = dict(calculation=calc_title) calc = get_bs_object(query, "calculation", "Calculation", "title") if not calc: # Create a new one folder = portal.bika_setup.bika_calculations _id = folder.invokeFactory("Calculation", id=tmpID()) calc = folder[_id] calc.edit(title=calc_title, PythonImports=[{ "module": "bhp.lims.specscalculations", "function": "get_specification_for" }], Formula="get_specification_for($spec)") calc.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(calc) # Existing AnalysisSpec? specs_title = "{} - calculated".format(sample_type.Title()) query = dict(portal_type='AnalysisSpec', title=specs_title) aspec =, 'bika_setup_catalog') if not aspec: # Create the new AnalysisSpecs object! folder = portal.bika_setup.bika_analysisspecs _id = folder.invokeFactory('AnalysisSpec', id=tmpID()) aspec = folder[_id] aspec.edit(title=specs_title) aspec.unmarkCreationFlag() renameAfterCreation(aspec) elif len(aspec) > 1: logger.warn( "More than one Analysis Specification found for {}".format( specs_title)) continue else: aspec = api.get_object(aspec[0]) aspec.setSampleType(sample_type) # Set the analysis keyword and bind it to the calculation to use keyword = service.getKeyword() specs_dict = { 'keyword': keyword, 'min_operator': 'geq', 'min': '0', 'max_operator': 'lt', 'max': '0', 'minpanic': '', 'maxpanic': '', 'warn_min': '', 'warn_max': '', 'hidemin': '', 'hidemax': '', 'rangecomments': '', 'calculation': api.get_uid(calc), } ranges = _api.get_field_value(aspec, 'ResultsRange', [{}]) ranges = filter(lambda val: val.get('keyword') != keyword, ranges) ranges.append(specs_dict) aspec.setResultsRange(ranges)