예제 #1
def load_data(city, month, day):
    Loads data for the specified city and filters by month and day if applicable.
        (str) city - name of the city to analyze
        (str) month - name of the month to filter by, or "all" to apply no month filter
        (str) day - name of the day of week to filter by, or "all" to apply no day filter
        df - Pandas DataFrame containing city data filtered by month and day

    # load data file into a dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv(b_c.CITY_DATA[city])

    # convert the Start Time column to datetime
    df['Start Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Start Time'])

    b_c.COLUMN_HEADINGS = sorted(list(df.columns), key=str.casefold)

    # extract month and day of week from Start Time to create new columns
    df['Month'] = df['Start Time'].dt.month
        df['Day of Week'] = df['Start Time'].dt.weekday_name
    except AttributeError:
        df['Day of Week'] = df['Start Time'].dt.day_name()
    df['Hour'] = df['Start Time'].dt.hour
    df['Year'] = df['Start Time'].dt.year
    df['Trips'] = df['Start Station'] + '->' + df['End Station']
        df['Year of Birth'] = df['Birth Year'].dropna().astype(int)

    # filter by month if applicable
    if month != 'all':
        # use the index of the months list to get the corresponding int
        months = list(b_c.MONTH_NAMES.values())
        month = months.index(month.title()) + 1

        # filter by month to create the new dataframe
        df = df[df['Month'] == month]

    # filter by day of week if applicable
    if day != 'all':
        # filter by day of week to create the new dataframe
        df = df[df['Day of Week'] == day.title()]

    b_c.clear_screen()  # print a set of characters to clear the screen

        'Bikeshare data has been loaded for the city: {}!\n\nLets proceed with the data analysis!\n'

    return df
예제 #2
def get_inputs( df, city, month, day, proceed ):
    Asks user to specify a city, month, and day to analyze.

        (str) city - name of the city to analyze
        (str) month - name of the month to filter by, or "all" to apply no month filter
        (str) day - name of the day of week to filter by, or "all" to apply no day filter
    b_c.clear_screen() # print a set of characters to clear the screen

    if proceed:
        print('Hello! Let\'s explore some US bikeshare data!')

    # Get the user's input for the city
    city = get_city()

    # Get the user's time filter and process accordingly
    if month is None and day is None:
        answer = get_time_filter()
        if answer == "Filter by both day and month":
            month = get_month()
            day = get_day()
        elif answer == "Filter by month":
            month = get_month()
            day = "all"
        elif answer == "Filter by day":
            month = "all"
            day = get_day()
            month = "all"
            day = "all"

    print( '\nInput complete.\n\nNow data is being loaded ...\n' )

    proceed = True

    return city, month, day, proceed
예제 #3
def user_stats(df, city, month, day):
    """Displays statistics on bikeshare users."""

    # Set up variables in order to store the inputs
    stats = [{}]
    inputs = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Inputs: '])

    # Set up a variable to store the inputs which will later be printed
    inputs['City'] = city.title()
    inputs['Month'] = month.title()
    inputs['Day of Week'] = day.title()
    inputs['Number of Records'] = f'{len(df.index):,}'

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print(inputs, '\n')

    results = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Count: ', 'Percentage: '])

    # Count the number of trips by user type
    prt_str = ''
    for user_type, count in df['User Type'].agg(
            lambda x: x.value_counts().to_dict()).items():
        # Combine the user type and the count into a string
        # in order to combine the user types as a single value
        prt_str += ('[' + user_type[0] +
                    ']:').ljust(7) + f'{count:,}'.rjust(7) + ' '
        results['Trips by User Type'] = prt_str

    # Convert the count of number of trips into percentage by user type
    # https://blog.softhints.com/pandas-count-percentage-value-column/
    prt_str = ''
    user_type = df['User Type']
    items_u_t = user_type.agg(lambda x: (x.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(
        100).round(1).astype(str) + '%').to_dict()).items()
    for user_type, percent in items_u_t:
        # Combine the user type and the percentage into a string in order to make a single value
        prt_str += ('[' + user_type[0] +
                    ']:').ljust(7) + percent.rjust(7) + ' '
        results['Trips by User Type']['Percentage: '] = prt_str

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print('\n', results, '\n')

    if month == 'all':
        # Calculate the count and percentage of user type by month
        results_month = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.MONTH_NAMES.values()),
                                     index=['Count: ', 'Percentage: '])

        title_month = 'Trips by User Type (by Month)'
        print(' ' * 12, title_month.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
              ('-' * (len(title_month))).center(50, ' '))

        # Get the counts of user types by month
        prt_str = ''
        month_u_t = df.groupby('Month')['User Type']
        dict_items = dict(
            month_u_t.agg(lambda x: x.value_counts().to_dict())).items()
        for m, counts in dict_items:
            # loop through each month's counts
            for user_type, count in list(counts.items()):
                # Combine the user type and the count into a string in order to make a single value
                prt_str += ('[' + user_type[0] +
                            ']:').ljust(7) + f'{count:,}'.rjust(7) + ' '

            results_month[b_c.MONTH_NAMES[str(m)]] = prt_str + '|'
            prt_str = ''

        # Calculate the percentages of user types by month
        month_u_t = df.groupby('Month')['User Type']
        dict_items = dict(
            month_u_t.agg(lambda x: (x.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(
                100).round(1).astype(str) + '%').to_dict())).items()
        for m, percentages in dict_items:
            # loop through each month's percentages
            for user_type, percent in list(percentages.items()):
                # Combine the user type and the percentages into a string in order to make single value
                prt_str += ('[' + user_type[0] +
                            ']:').ljust(7) + percent.rjust(7) + ' '

                m)]]['Percentage: '] = prt_str + '|'
            prt_str = ''

        with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
            print(results_month, '\n')

    if day == 'all':
        # Calculate the count and percentage of user type by day
        results_day = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.DAY_NAMES.values()),
                                   index=['Count: ', 'Percentage: '])

        title_day = 'Trips by User Type (by Day)'
        print(' ' * 12, title_day.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
              ('-' * (len(title_day))).center(50, ' '))

        # Get the counts of user types by day
        prt_str = ''
        day_u_t = df.groupby('Day of Week')['User Type']
        dict_items = dict(
            day_u_t.agg(lambda x: x.value_counts().to_dict())).items()
        for d, counts in dict_items:
            # loop through each day's counts
            for user_type, count in list(counts.items()):
                # Combine the user type and the count into a string in order to make a single value
                prt_str += ('[' + user_type[0] +
                            ']:').ljust(7) + f'{count:,}'.rjust(7) + ' '

            results_day[d] = prt_str + '|'
            prt_str = ''

        # Calculate the percentages of user types by day
        day_u_t = df.groupby('Day of Week')['User Type']
        dict_items = dict(
            day_u_t.agg(lambda x: (x.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(
                100).round(1).astype(str) + '%').to_dict())).items()
        for d, percentages in dict_items:
            # loop through each day's percentages
            for user_type, percent in list(percentages.items()):
                # Combine the user type and the percentages into a string in order to make a single value
                prt_str += ('[' + user_type[0] +
                            ']:').ljust(7) + percent.rjust(7) + ' '

            results_day[d]['Percentage: '] = prt_str + '|'
            prt_str = ''

        with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
            print(results_day, '\n')

    print('\nLegend: [S] -> Subscriber.',
          '\n        [C] -> Customer.\n        [D] -> Dependent.\n')

    b_i.get_yes_or_no("Pause. ")

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print('\n', inputs, '\n')

    # Count the number of trips by gender of the rider and also include that count as a percentage
    # Define an error if the data field Gender was not included in the dataset
        stats = [{}]
        results = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Count: ', 'Percentage: '])

        # Count the number of trips by gender
        prt_str = ''
        for gender, count in df['Gender'].agg(
                lambda x: x.value_counts().to_dict()).items():
            # Combine the gender and count into a string in order to make a single value
            prt_str += (gender + ':').ljust(7) + f'{count:,}'.rjust(7) + ' '
            results['Trips by Gender'] = prt_str

        # Calculate the percentage of bike trips by gender
        prt_str = ''
        gender_items = df['Gender'].agg(
            lambda x: (x.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).round(1).astype(
                str) + '%').to_dict()).items()
        for gender, percent in gender_items:
            # Combine the gender and the percentage into a string in order to make a single value
            prt_str += (gender + ':').ljust(7) + percent.rjust(7) + ' '
            results['Trips by Gender']['Percentage: '] = prt_str

        with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
            print('\n', results, '\n')

        if month == 'all':
            # Count the number of bike trips by gender and by month
            # and also calculate the percentage
            results_month = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(
                                         index=['Count: ', 'Percentage: '])

            title_month = 'Trips by Gender (by Month)'
            print(' ' * 12, title_month.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
                  ('-' * (len(title_month))).center(50, ' '))

            # Loop through each month getting the counts
            prt_str = ''
            dict_items = dict(
                    lambda x: x.value_counts().to_dict())).items()
            for m, counts in dict_items:
                # Loop through each gender getting its percent
                for gender, count in list(counts.items()):
                    # Combine the gender and the counts into a string
                    # in order to make a single value
                    prt_str += (gender +
                                ':').ljust(7) + f'{count:,}'.rjust(7) + ' '

                results_month[b_c.MONTH_NAMES[str(m)]] = prt_str + '|'
                prt_str = ''

            # Loop through each month getting the percentages
            month_g = df.groupby('Month')['Gender']
            dict_items = dict(
                month_g.agg(lambda x: (x.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(
                    100).round(1).astype(str) + '%').to_dict())).items()
            for m, percentages in dict_items:
                # Loop through each gender getting its percent
                for gender, percent in list(percentages.items()):
                    # Combine the gender and the percentages into a string
                    # in order to make a single value
                    prt_str += (gender + ':').ljust(7) + percent.rjust(7) + ' '

                    m)]]['Percentage: '] = prt_str + '|'
                prt_str = ''

            with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
                print(results_month, '\n')

        if day == 'all':
            # Count the number of bike trips by gender and by day
            # and also calculate the percentage
            results_day = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.DAY_NAMES.values()),
                                       index=['Count: ', 'Percentage: '])

            title_day = 'Trips by Gender (by Day)'
            print(' ' * 12, title_day.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
                  ('-' * (len(title_day))).center(50, ' '))

            # Loop through each day getting the counts
            prt_str = ''
            day_g = df.groupby('Day of Week')['Gender']
            dict_items = dict(
                day_g.agg(lambda x: x.value_counts().to_dict())).items()
            for d, counts in dict_items:
                # Loop through each gender getting its count
                for gender, count in list(counts.items()):
                    # Combine the gender and the counts into a string
                    # in order to make a single value
                    prt_str += (gender +
                                ':').ljust(7) + f'{count:,}'.rjust(7) + ' '

                results_day[d] = prt_str + '|'
                prt_str = ''

            # Loop through each day getting the percentages
            day_g = df.groupby('Day of Week')['Gender']
            dict_items = dict(
                day_g.agg(lambda x: (x.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(
                    100).round(1).astype(str) + '%').to_dict())).items()
            for d, percentages in dict_items:
                # Loop through each gender getting its percent
                for gender, percent in list(percentages.items()):
                    # Combine the gender and the percentages into a string
                    # in order to make a single value
                    prt_str += (gender + ':').ljust(7) + percent.rjust(7) + ' '

                results_day[d]['Percentage: '] = prt_str + '|'
                prt_str = ''

            with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
                print(results_day, '\n')

        print('No data collected for the gender of the bike rider.\n')

    b_i.get_yes_or_no("Pause. ")

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print('\n', inputs, '\n')

    # Display earliest, most recent, and most common year of birth
    stats = [{}]
    results = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Max: ', 'Min: ', 'Mode: '])

        # Find the max value for the birth year (youngest bike rider)
        results['Rider Birth Year'] = str(int(df['Year of Birth'].max()))

        # Find the min value for the birth year (youngest bike rider)
        results['Rider Birth Year']['Min: '] = str(
            int(df['Year of Birth'].min()))

        # Find the mode value for the birth year (most common birth year of the rider)
        results['Rider Birth Year']['Mode: '] = df['Year of Birth'].mode()[0]

        with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
            print('\n', results, '\n')

        if month == 'all':
            # Find the max, min, mode of the bike rider's birth year by month
            results_month = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(
                                         index=['Max: ', 'Min: ', 'Mode: '])

            title_month = 'Rider Birth Year (by Month)'
            print(' ' * 12, title_month.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
                  ('-' * (len(title_month))).center(50, ' '))

            # Loop through each month
            for m, birth_year in df.groupby('Month')['Year of Birth']:
                # Find the max, min, mode of the birth year
                month_name = b_c.MONTH_NAMES[str(m)]
                results_month[month_name] = str(int(birth_year.max()))
                results_month[month_name]['Min: '] = str(int(birth_year.min()))
                results_month[month_name]['Mode: '] = str(

            with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
                print(results_month, '\n')

        if day == 'all':
            # Find the max, min, mode of the bike rider's birth year by day
            results_day = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.DAY_NAMES.values()),
                                       index=['Max: ', 'Min: ', 'Mode: '])

            title_day = 'Rider Birth Year (by Day)'
            print(' ' * 12, title_day.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
                  ('-' * (len(title_day))).center(50, ' '))

            for day_name, birth_year in df.groupby(
                    'Day of Week')['Year of Birth']:
                # Find the max, min, mode of the birth year
                results_day[day_name] = str(int(birth_year.max()))
                results_day[day_name]['Min: '] = str(int(birth_year.min()))
                results_day[day_name]['Mode: '] = str(int(

            with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):

        print('\nLegend: Max means youngest.', '\n        Min means oldest.\n')

        print('No data collected on the birth year of the rider.\n')

    b_i.get_yes_or_no("Pause. ")
예제 #4
def trip_duration_stats(df, city, month, day):
    """Displays statistics on the total and average trip duration."""

    # Set up variables in order to store the inputs
    stats = [{}]
    inputs = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Inputs: '])

    # Set up a variable to store the inputs which will later be printed
    inputs['City'] = city.title()
    inputs['Month'] = month.title()
    inputs['Day of Week'] = day.title()
    inputs['Number of Records'] = f'{len(df.index):,}'

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print(inputs, '\n')

    results = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Sum: ', 'Mean: '])

    # Calculate in minutes the total travel time
    minutes = f'{int(df["Trip Duration"].sum() // 60):,}' + ' minutes '
    seconds = str(int(df["Trip Duration"].sum() % 60)) + ' Seconds'
    results['Trip Duration'] = minutes + seconds

    # Calculate the mean travel time
    mean_trip_duration = "{0:.2f}".format(df["Trip Duration"].mean() / 60)
    results['Trip Duration']['Mean: '] = mean_trip_duration + ' Minutes'

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print('\n', results, '\n')

    if month == 'all':
        # Calculate in minutes the total travel time and the average but by month
        results_month = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.MONTH_NAMES.values()),
                                     index=['Sum: ', 'Mean: '])

        title_month = 'Trip Duration (by Month)'
        print(' ' * 12, title_month.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
              ('-' * (len(title_month))).center(50, ' '))

        for m, durations in df.groupby('Month')['Trip Duration']:
            # Calculate the sum and then convert to minutes and secs,
            # and format the minutes into thousands
            minutes = f'{int(durations.sum() // 60):,}' + ' minutes '
            seconds = str(int(durations.sum() % 60)) + ' Seconds'
            results_month[b_c.MONTH_NAMES[str(m)]]['Sum: '] = minutes + seconds
            # Calculate the mean but format it with two decimal places
            mean_trip_duration = "{0:.2f}".format(
                durations.mean() / 60) + ' Minutes'
                m)]]['Mean: '] = mean_trip_duration

        with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
            print(results_month, '\n')

    if day == 'all':
        # Calculate in minutes the total travel time and the average but by day
        results_day = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.DAY_NAMES.values()),
                                   index=['Sum: ', 'Mean: '])

        title_day = 'Trip Duration (by Day)'
        print(' ' * 12, title_day.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
              ('-' * (len(title_day))).center(50, ' '))

        for d, durations in df.groupby('Day of Week')['Trip Duration']:
            # Calculate the sum and then convert to minutes and secs,
            # and format the minutes into thousands
            minutes = f'{int(durations.sum() // 60):,}' + ' minutes '
            seconds = str(int(durations.sum() % 60)) + ' Seconds'
            results_day[d]['Sum: '] = minutes + seconds
            # Calculate the mean but format it with two decimal places
            mean_trip_duration = "{0:.2f}".format(
                durations.mean() / 60) + ' Minutes'
            results_day[d]['Mean: '] = mean_trip_duration

        with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
            print(results_day, '\n')

    b_i.get_yes_or_no("Pause. ")
예제 #5
def time_stats(df, city, month, day):
    """Displays statistics on the most frequent times of travel."""

    # Set up variables in order to store the statistics
    stats = [{}]
    inputs = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Inputs: '])

    # Set up a variable to store the inputs which will later be printed
    inputs['City'] = city.title()
    inputs['Month'] = month.title()
    inputs['Day'] = day.title()
    inputs['Number of Records'] = f'{len(df.index):,}'

    # Show the user inputs
    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print(inputs, '\n')

    # Define a variable to store the results
    results = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Mode: ', 'Count: '])

    # Get the mode and convert to 12 hour AM/PM
    mode_start_hour = str(df['Hour'].mode()[0])
    mode_start_hour = datetime.strptime(mode_start_hour,
                                        "%H").strftime("%I %p")
    results['Trip Start hour'] = datetime.strptime(str(df['Hour'].mode()[0]),
                                                   "%H").strftime("%I %p")
    # Count the number of trips for that hour
    results['Trip Start hour'][
        'Count: '] = f'{list(df["Hour"].value_counts())[0]:,}'

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print(results, '\n')

    if month == 'all':
        # Print a title
        title_month = 'Trip Start hour (by Month)'
        print(' ' * 12, title_month.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
              ('-' * (len(title_month))).center(50, ' '))

        results_month = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.MONTH_NAMES.values()),
                                     index=['Mode: ', 'Count: '])

        # Get the mode for the trip start hour by month
        for m, hours in df.groupby('Month')['Hour']:
            # Convert the 24 hour value to 12 hour with the right AM/PM
            mode_start_hour = str(list(hours.mode())[0])
            mode_start_hour = datetime.strptime(mode_start_hour,
                                                "%H").strftime("%I %p")
            results_month[b_c.MONTH_NAMES[str(m)]]['Mode: '] = mode_start_hour
            # Report the count for that trip start hour
                m)]]['Count: '] = f'{list(hours.value_counts())[0]:,}'

        with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
            print(results_month, '\n')

    if day == 'all':
        # Print a title
        title_day = 'Trip Start hour (by Day)'
        print(' ' * 12, title_day.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
              ('-' * (len(title_day))).center(50, ' '))

        results_day = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.DAY_NAMES.values()),
                                   index=['Mode: ', 'Count: '])

        # Get the mode for the trip start hour by day
        for d, hours in df.groupby('Day of Week')['Hour']:
            # Convert the trip start hour into 12 hour AM/PM format
            mode_start_hour = str(list(hours.mode())[0])
            mode_start_hour = datetime.strptime(mode_start_hour,
                                                "%H").strftime("%I %p")
            results_day[d]['Mode: '] = mode_start_hour
            # Report the count for that trip start hour
            results_day[d]['Count: '] = f'{list(hours.value_counts())[0]:,}'

        with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
            print(results_day, '\n')

    b_i.get_yes_or_no("Pause. ")
예제 #6
def station_stats(df, city, month, day):
    """Displays statistics on the most popular stations and trip."""

    # Set up variables in order to store the inputs
    stats = [{}]

    inputs = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Inputs: '])

    # Set up a variable to store the inputs which will later be printed
    inputs['City'] = city.title()
    inputs['Month'] = month.title()
    inputs['Day of Week'] = day.title()
    inputs['Number of Records'] = f'{len(df.index):,}'

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print(inputs, '\n')

    title_month = 'Station Stats'
    print(' ' * 12, title_month.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
          ('-' * (len(title_month))).center(50, ' '))

    results = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=['Mode: ', 'Count: ', 'Range: '])

    # Collect the mode of the start station,
    # plus why it is the mode (count).
    # Finally, report how many unique start stations there were (range)
    results['Start Station'] = df['Start Station'].mode()[0]
    results['Start Station'][
        'Count: '] = f'{list(df["Start Station"].value_counts())[0]:,}'
    results['Start Station'][
        'Range: '] = f'{len(df["Start Station"].value_counts()):,}'

    # Collect the mode of the end station,
    # plus why it is the mode (count).
    # Finally, report how many unique end stations there were (range)
    results['End Station'] = df['End Station'].mode()[0]
    results['End Station'][
        'Count: '] = f'{list(df["End Station"].value_counts())[0]:,}'
    results['End Station'][
        'Range: '] = f'{len(df["End Station"].value_counts()):,}'

    # Collect the mode of the trip,
    # plus why it is the mode (count).
    # Finally, report how many unique trips there were (range)
    results['Trips'] = df['Trips'].mode()[0]
    results['Trips']['Count: '] = f'{list(df["Trips"].value_counts())[0]:,}'
    results['Trips']['Range: '] = f'{len(df["Trips"].value_counts()):,}'

    with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
        print(results, '\n')

        '\nLegend: Trips show Start Station and End Station separated by \'->\'.',
        '\n        Count shows how many trips there were for that mode.',
        '\n        Range shows how many total unique trips there were.\n')

    b_i.get_yes_or_no("Pause. ")

    if month == 'all':
        # Print a title
        title_month = 'Station Stats (by Month)'
        print(' ' * 12, title_month.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
              ('-' * (len(title_month))).center(50, ' '))

        results_month = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.MONTH_NAMES.values()),
                                     index=['Station Stats'])

        # Loop through the months
        for m in list(b_c.MONTH_NAMES.keys()):
            results = pd.DataFrame(stats,
                                   index=['Mode: ', 'Count: ', 'Range: '])
            for field_name in b_c.STATION_FIELDS:
                # get mode, count, range of the three fields
                mode_f_n = df[df['Month'] == int(m)][field_name].mode()[0]
                count_f_n = f'{list(df[df["Month"] == int(m)][field_name].value_counts())[0]:,}'
                range_f_n = f'{len(df[df["Month"] == int(m)][field_name].value_counts()):,}'
                # store the mode, count, range of each field
                results[field_name] = mode_f_n
                results[field_name]['Count: '] = count_f_n
                results[field_name]['Range: '] = range_f_n

            print(' ' * 12, b_c.MONTH_NAMES[str(m)].center(50, ' '), '\n',
                  ' ' * 11,
                  ('-' * (len(b_c.MONTH_NAMES[str(m)]))).center(50, ' '))
            with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
                print(results, '\n')

            '\nLegend: Trips show Start Station and End Station separated by \'->\'.',
            '\n        Count shows how many trips there were for that mode.',
            '\n        Range shows how many total unique trips there were.\n')

        b_i.get_yes_or_no("Pause. ")

    if day == 'all':
        # Print a title
        title_month = 'Station Stats (by Day)'
        print(' ' * 12, title_month.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
              ('-' * (len(title_month))).center(50, ' '))

        results_month = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(b_c.MONTH_NAMES.values()),
                                     index=['Station Stats'])

        # Loop through the months
        for d in list(b_c.DAY_NAMES.values()):
            results = pd.DataFrame(stats,
                                   index=['Mode: ', 'Count: ', 'Range: '])
            for field_name in b_c.STATION_FIELDS:
                # get mode, count, range of the three fields
                mode_f_n = df[df['Day of Week'] == d][field_name].mode()[0]
                count_f_n = f'{list(df[df["Day of Week"] == d][field_name].value_counts())[0]:,}'
                range_f_n = f'{len(df[df["Day of Week"] == d][field_name].value_counts()):,}'
                # store the mode, count, range of each field
                results[field_name] = mode_f_n
                results[field_name]['Count: '] = count_f_n
                results[field_name]['Range: '] = range_f_n

            print(' ' * 12, d.center(50, ' '), '\n', ' ' * 11,
                  ('-' * (len(d))).center(50, ' '))
            with pd.option_context(*b_c.PD_OPTIONS):
                print(results, '\n')

            '\nLegend: Trips show Start Station and End Station separated by \'->\'.',
            '\n        Count shows how many trips there were for that mode.',
            '\n        Range shows how many total unique trips there were.\n')

        b_i.get_yes_or_no("Pause. ")