def limitOrder(): try: data = request.json print(data) params = data["options"] acct = data["account"] params['type'] = int(params['type']) params['size'] = float(params['size']) params["price"] = float(params["price"]) restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(acct['httpkey'], acct['httpsecret']) side = '' if (params['type'] == 1): #买入 side = 'buy' elif params['type'] == 2: #卖出 side = 'sell' result = restAPI.create_order(params['instrument_id'], 'limit', side, volume=params['size'], price=params["price"]) print(result) except Exception as err: print(str(err)) return res_format(False, {'error': str(err)}) return res_format(True, {'result': True})
def get_biki_ticker(): restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(settings.KEYS['biki']['API'], settings.KEYS['biki']['SECRET']) ticker = restAPI.get_ticker('btcusdt') res = {'sell': ticker['data']['sell'], 'buy': ticker['data']['buy']} return res
def get_symbol(symbol): restAPI = restapi.RestAPI('', '') result = restAPI.get_symbols() res = result['data'] if res: for element in res: if element['symbol'] == symbol: return element return None
def cancel_batch_order(): data = request.json params = data["options"] acct = data["account"] params['startPrice'] = float(params['startPrice']) params['topPrice'] = float(params['topPrice']) print(data) symbol = params['instrument_id'] restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(acct['httpkey'], acct['httpsecret']) try: orders = [] order_ids = [] for i in range(1, 3): res_data = restAPI.get_new_order(symbol, pagesize=1000, page=i) if res_data['data'] and res_data['data']['resultList']: orders += res_data['data']['resultList'] result = 'no orders' if params['startPrice'] == float(0) and params['topPrice'] == float(0): try: print('cancel all') result = restAPI.cancel_order_all(symbol) except Exception as e: print(e) return res_format(False, {'error': str(e)}) return res_format(True, {'result': result}) if orders: for ele in orders: print("价格和id", ele['price'], ele['id']) if params['startPrice'] <= float( ele['price']) and params['topPrice'] >= float( ele['price']): order_ids.append(ele['id']) if len(order_ids) > 0: # for (let j = 0; j < order_ids.length; j += 10) { # let tmp = order_ids.slice(j, j + 10) # let result = await[{ 'instrument_id': params.instrument_id, 'order_ids': tmp }]); # await sleep(50);//每秒20次 限制是每2秒50次 # console.log("撤消订单tmp---" + JSON.stringify(result))// # } result = restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders( symbol, cancel_orders=order_ids) print('create_and_cancel_mass_orders ', result) except Exception as e: print(e) return res_format(False, {'error': str(e)}) return res_format(True, {'result': result})
def get_order_data(): data = request.json params = data["options"] acct = data["account"] symbol = params['instrument_id'] restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(acct['httpkey'], acct['httpsecret']) try: res_data = restAPI.get_all_trade(symbol) except Exception as err: return res_format(False, {'error': str(err)}) return res_format( True, { 'result': { 'list': res_data['data']['resultList'], 'length': len(res_data['data']['resultList']) } })
def batch_order(): data = request.json print(data) params = data["options"] batchOrder = params['orders'] acct = data["account"] restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(acct['httpkey'], acct['httpsecret']) symbol = symbol_info['symbol'] try: # for j in range(0,len(batchOrder),1) : # tmp = batchOrder[j, j + 1] restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders(symbol=symbol, create_orders=batchOrder) # ins = params.instrument_id.toLowerCase() # for i in range (0,len(res[ins]),1): # if res[ins][i].order_id != -1 : # res[ins][i].instrument_id = params.instrument_id except Exception as err: print(str(err)) return res_format(True, {'error': str(err)}) return res_format(True, {'result': True})
def marketOrder(): data = request.json print(data) params = data["options"] acct = data["account"] params['type'] = int(params['type']) restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(acct['httpkey'], acct['httpsecret']) side = '' if (params['type'] == 1): #买入 side = 'buy' a = float(params['notional']) result = restAPI.create_order(params['instrument_id'], 'market', side, volume=a) elif params['type'] == 2: #卖出 side = 'sell' a = float(params['size']) result = restAPI.create_order(params['instrument_id'], 'market', side, volume=a) return res_format(True, {'result': True})
import biki.rest_api as restapi if __name__ == '__main__': api_key = 'd7e4d03168ac95fca79ffd60a9dc3632' secretkey = '23dd2c1b3090b5fw03a4b5f0af428cb1' # REST API restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(api_key, secretkey) # Public result = restAPI.get_symbols() result = restAPI.get_all_ticker() result = restAPI.get_market() result = restAPI.get_ticker('btcusdt') result = restAPI.get_trades('btcusdt') result = restAPI.get_records('btcusdt', 30) result = restAPI.get_market_dept('btcusdt', 'step0') # Privite result = restAPI.get_account() # result = restAPI.get_new_order('btcusdt') # result = restAPI.get_all_order('btcusdt') # result = restAPI.get_all_trade('btcusdt') # result = restAPI.get_order_info(30, 'btcusdt') # result = restAPI.create_order('btcusdt', 'limit', 'buy', 1, 9000) # result = restAPI.create_order('btcusdt', 'market', 'sell', 3.333) # result = restAPI.cancel_order(39,'btcusdt') # result = restAPI.cancel_order_all('btcusdt') # result = restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders('btcusdt', create_orders=[{'side':'buy', 'type':'market', 'volume':1000},{'side':'buy', 'type':'limit', 'volume':1.5, 'price':10000}], cancel_orders=[100001, 100002]) # result = restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders('btcusdt', create_orders=[{'side': 'buy', 'type': 'limit', 'volume': 2,'price': 10000},{'side': 'buy', 'type': 'limit', 'volume': 1.5,'price': 10000}])
def get_biki_ticker(): restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(settings.KEYS['biki']['API'], settings.KEYS['biki']['SECRET']) ticker = restAPI.get_ticker('btcusdt') res = {'sell': ticker['data']['sell'], 'buy': ticker['data']['buy']} return res # 100 USDT で売り買いする BUY_UNIT = 100.0 binance_client = Client(settings.KEYS['binance']['API'], settings.KEYS['binance']['SECRET']) biki_client = restapi.RestAPI(settings.KEYS['biki']['API'], settings.KEYS['biki']['SECRET']) while True: try: binance = get_binance_ticker() biki = get_biki_ticker() # 基準価格は全部の価格の平均としそこからの解離で判断する base = (biki['buy'] + biki['sell'] + binance['buy'] + binance['sell']) / 4.0 diff1 = (biki['buy'] - binance['sell']) * 100 / base diff2 = (binance['buy'] - biki['sell']) * 100 / base diff = diff1 if diff2 > diff1: diff = diff2 if diff > 0.4:
def start_auto_market(): data = request.json params = data["options"] acct = data["account"] params['distance'] = int(params['distance']) params['count'] = int(params['count']) params['startSize'] = float(params['startSize']) params['topSize'] = float(params['topSize']) params['countPerM'] = int(params['countPerM']) params['type'] = int(params['type']) symbol = params['instrument_id'] order_interval = 60 / params['countPerM'] restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(acct['httpkey'], acct['httpsecret']) to_cancel = [] # def auto_market(): # t=wsinfo.depth['ts'] # print( abs(time.time() - t) ) # if wsinfo.depth and abs(time.time() - t) > 60*1000 : # print("无法自动补单! ticker data time exceed ",abs(time.time() - t), "s") # return def auto_market(): # print("auto_market==== in") if not wsinfo.depth: print("无法自动补单!") return t = wsinfo.depth['ts'] nonlocal to_cancel # print( abs(time.time() - t/1000) ) if t and abs(time.time() - t / 1000) > 300: print("无法自动补单! ticker data time exceed ", abs(time.time() - t), "s") return if wsinfo.depth['tick'] and (wsinfo.depth['tick']['asks'] and wsinfo.depth['tick']['buys']): asks = wsinfo.depth['tick']['asks'][ params['distance']:params['distance'] + 1] bids = wsinfo.depth['tick']['buys'][ params['distance']:params['distance'] + 1] asks_orders = [] bids_orders = [] # print("asks====", asks) # print("bids====", bids) for i in range(1, 11): perSize = round( random.uniform(params['startSize'], params['topSize']), symbol_info['amount_precision']) sellprice = 0.0 buyprice = 0.0 sellprice = floor(float(asks[0][0]) + i * 0.00001, 6) buyprice = floor(float(bids[0][0]) - i * 0.00001, 6) sellOrder = { 'side': 'sell', 'type': 'limit', 'volume': perSize, 'price': sellprice } buyOrder = { 'side': 'buy', 'type': 'limit', 'volume': perSize, 'price': buyprice } asks_orders.append(sellOrder) bids_orders.append(buyOrder) asks_o = [] bids_o = [] # params.count = params.count<10?params.count:10 ran_count = params['count'] if ran_count >= 10: ran_count = 10 # print("补单下单! ran_count",ran_count) for j in range(ran_count): #(let j = 0; j < params.count; j++) { randInt = 1 if params['type'] == 1: randInt = random.randint(0, 19) elif params['type'] == 2: randInt = random.randint(0, 9) elif params['type'] == 3: randInt = random.randint(10, 19) if randInt < 10: bids_o.append(bids_orders[randInt]) else: randInt = randInt % 10 asks_o.append(asks_orders[randInt]) orderss = asks_o + bids_o print("补单下单! orderss", orderss) print("orders price:", list(map(lambda x: x['price'], orderss))) res = restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders(symbol=symbol, create_orders=orderss) print("补单下单! res", res) if res['code'] == '0': orderids = res['data']['mass_place'][0]['order_id'] if res['data']['mass_place'][0]['code'] == '0': #下单成功 to_cancel += orderids # print('add to cancel',to_cancel) res = restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders( symbol=symbol, cancel_orders=orderids) print('cancel orders :', res) if res['code'] == '0' and res['data']['mass_cancel'][0][ 'code'] == '0': for to_rm in res['data']['mass_cancel'][0]['order_id']: to_cancel.remove(to_rm) print('to cancel', to_cancel) def cancel_orders(): # print('cancel orders :',to_cancel) if len(to_cancel) > 0: c_res = restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders( symbol=symbol, cancel_orders=to_cancel) if c_res['code'] == '0' and c_res['data']['mass_cancel'][0][ 'code'] == '0': for to_rm in c_res['data']['mass_cancel'][0]['order_id']: to_cancel.remove(to_rm) # print('cancel orders :',to_cancel) try: if not sched.get_job("biki_auto_market"): sched.add_job(func=auto_market, id="biki_auto_market", max_instances=5,, trigger=IntervalTrigger(seconds=order_interval)) if not sched.get_job("biki_auto_cancel_orders"): sched.add_job(func=cancel_orders, id="biki_auto_cancel_orders", max_instances=5,, trigger=IntervalTrigger(seconds=6)) except Exception as err: print(err) return res_format(False, {'error': str(err)}) return res_format(True, {'result': True})
def depinfo(): depth_time = time.time() data = request.json print(data) params = data["options"] restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(params['httpkey'], params['httpsecret']) def get_order(): pending_order = [] for i in range(1, 3): res = restAPI.get_new_order(params['instrument_id'], pagesize=1000, page=i) if res['data'] and res['data']['resultList']: pending_order += res['data']['resultList'] # print('Tick! The time is: %s pendingorder %s' % (,pending_order)) # ws.send(message) nonlocal depth_time if wsinfo.depth and (time.time() - depth_time > SEND_DEPTH): order_price.clear() if pending_order: for order in pending_order: # print(order['price']) price = float(order['price']) if price in order_price: order_price[price] = float( order_price.get(price)) + float( order['remain_volume']) else: order_price[price] = float(order['remain_volume']) # if order['price'] in order_price: # order_price[float(order['price'])] = float(order_price.get(order['price'])) + float(order['remain_volume']) # else : # order_price[float(order['price'])] = float(order['remain_volume']) else: tem_a = copy.copy(wsinfo.depth['tick']['asks']) tem_b = copy.copy(wsinfo.depth['tick']['buys']) depth_data = { "asks": tem_a, "bids": tem_b, "ts": wsinfo.depth['ts'] } # print('order_price',order_price) tem_a = copy.copy(wsinfo.depth['tick']['asks']) for index in range(len(tem_a)): element = tem_a[index] if element[0] in order_price: if len(tem_a[index]) > 2: print("before error1111", tem_a[index]) tempv = copy.copy(tem_a[index]) if len(tempv) <= 2: tempv.append(order_price[element[0]]) else: tempv[2] = order_price[element[0]] tem_a[index] = tempv #tem_a[index][2] = order_price[str(element[0])] tem_b = copy.copy(wsinfo.depth['tick']['buys']) # print("order price:",order_price) for index in range(len(tem_b)): element = tem_b[index] if element[0] in order_price: if len(tem_b[index]) > 2: print("before error1111", tem_b[index]) tempv = copy.copy(tem_b[index]) if len(tempv) <= 2: tempv.append(order_price[element[0]]) else: tempv[2] = order_price[element[0]] tem_b[index] = tempv # print('tem_b:',tem_b) depth_data = { "asks": tem_a, "bids": tem_b, "ts": wsinfo.depth['ts'] } # global socketio symbol = symbol_info['symbol'] socketio.emit("depth" + ":" + symbol, depth_data) depth_time = time.time() try: if pending_order_sched.get_job(params['httpkey']): print("server has started !") return res_format(True, {'result': "server has started"}) else: # pending_order_sched.add_job(get_new_order, 'interval',max_instances=10, seconds=1,id=params['httpkey']) pending_order_sched.add_job(func=get_order, id=params['httpkey'], max_instances=5,, trigger=IntervalTrigger(seconds=1)) except Exception as err: print('Exception!!!', err) return res_format(False, {'error': str(err)}) return res_format(True, {'result': True})
def auto_trade(): ''' 每次挂单数量 perStartSize perTopSize countPerM //每分钟成交多少笔 instrument_id ''' data = request.json params = data["options"] acct = data["account"] params['perStartSize'] = float(params['perStartSize']) params['perTopSize'] = float(params['perTopSize']) params['countPerM'] = int(params['countPerM']) params['type'] = int(params['type']) symbol = params['instrument_id'] restAPI = restapi.RestAPI(acct['httpkey'], acct['httpsecret']) if params['countPerM'] > 50: return jsonify({'result': False, 'error_message': "too many per min!"}) order_interval = 60 / params['countPerM'] def auto_run(): ''' 现在对倒逻辑: 以每分钟对倒6次为例 第一次:会在前10秒里面的任意一秒对倒一次。 第二次:会在10-20秒里面任意一秒对倒一次。 依次类推 如果每分钟对倒10次: 第一次:会在前6秒里面的任意一秒对倒一次。 第二次:会在6-12秒里面任意一秒对倒一次。 依次类推 ps:1.以上逻辑会出现些误差,但误差不会太多 2.频率设置太快(例如:每分钟对倒60次,那么每秒都会对倒)会失去随机的意义 ''' print('auto_run in.....') to_wait = [] for i in range(params['countPerM']): #一分钟内随机时间 ranint = random.uniform(1, order_interval) j = i - 1 if j >= 0: to_wait.append([order_interval - to_wait[j][1], ranint]) else: to_wait.append([0, ranint]) for w in range(len(to_wait)): time.sleep(to_wait[w][0] + to_wait[w][1]) # print('auto_run .....',w, ticker_data = restAPI.get_ticker(params['instrument_id']) ticker_data = ticker_data['data'] randomPrice = round( random.uniform(ticker_data['buy'], ticker_data['sell']), symbol_info['price_precision'] ) #symbol_info['price_precision'] # print('对倒andomPrice',randomPrice) perSize = round( random.uniform(params['perStartSize'], params['perTopSize']), symbol_info['amount_precision'] ) #symbol_info['amount_precision'] # print('对倒perSize',perSize) print('Time & tick :', ticker_data['buy'], ticker_data['sell'], perSize, randomPrice) side1 = '' side2 = '' if (params['type'] == 1): side1 = 'buy' side2 = 'sell' elif (params['type'] == 2): side1 = 'sell' side2 = 'buy' elif params['type'] == 3: randomint = random.randrange(0, 2) if (randomint == 0): side1 = 'buy' side2 = 'sell' else: side1 = 'sell' side2 = 'buy' toOrder = { 'side': side1, 'type': 'limit', 'volume': perSize, 'price': randomPrice } toTaker = { 'side': side2, 'type': 'limit', 'volume': perSize, 'price': randomPrice } print("下单! ", [toOrder, toTaker]) res = restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders( symbol=symbol, create_orders=[toOrder, toTaker]) print("对倒下单res! ", res) if res['code'] == '0': orderids = res['data']['mass_place'][0]['order_id'] # print('create mass orders :',res,orderids) res = restAPI.create_and_cancel_mass_orders( symbol=symbol, cancel_orders=orderids) # print('cancel orders :',res) if res['code'] == '0': for ido in res['data']['mass_cancel']: if ido['code'] == '0': print('auto maker cancel orders :', ido) res = restAPI.get_order_info( ido['order_id'][0], params['instrument_id']) print('auto maker get cancel orders :', res) if res['code'] == '0': order_db.orders_add(res['data']['order_info'], acct['httpkey']) # res = restAPI.get_order_info(params['instrument_id'],orderids) #print('get_order_info:',res) # if res['code'] == 0: # mass_place TODO 记录订单完成情况 # if wsinfo.ticker and abs(time.time - t) > 5*60*1000 : # print("无法刷量下单! ticker data time exceed %s%s" %(str(time.time - t),"s")) try: if not sched.get_job("biki_auto"): # sched.add_job(auto_run, trigger=IntervalTrigger(seconds=3),max_instances=10, seconds=order_interval,id="biki_auto") sched.add_job(func=auto_run, id="biki_auto", max_instances=5,, trigger=IntervalTrigger(seconds=60)) except Exception as err: print(err) return res_format(False, {'error': str(err)}) return res_format(True, {'result': True})