def run_tests(self): import mdp import bimdp # Fix random seed here, as we want reproducible failures in # automatic builds using "python test" # If the tests are run manually with pytest or # using the mdp.test and bimdp.test functions, the seed # is not set errno = mdp.test(seed=725021957) errno += bimdp.test(seed=725021957) sys.exit(errno)
def covTest(): x = array([1., 3., 8., 9.]) variance = cov(x) # normalized by N-1 variance = cov(x, bias=1) # normalized by N T = array([1.3, 4.5, 2.8, 3.9]) # temperature measurements P = array([2.7, 8.7, 4.7, 8.2]) # corresponding pressure measurements cov(T,P) # covariance between temperature and pressure rho = array([8.5, 5.2, 6.9, 6.5]) # corresponding density measurements data = column_stack([T,P,rho]) print T print P print rho print data print cov(data) # covariance matrix of T,P and rho def describe(module): "Print some information about a module" print module.__name__, module.__file__ if __name__=='__main__': describe(numpy) describe(scipy) describe(mdp) describe(bimdp) covTest() mdp.test() bimdp.test()