예제 #1
   def gameTurn(self, user=None, diff=None, disp=None , minYr=1926, maxYr=2010):
      l.sLogger.debug("game:gameTurn<s> - create a randomly generated turn for the game")
      l.sLogger.debug("variables passed: ")

      title = None
      artist = None
      album = None
      self.conn = sqlite3.connect("subset_track_metadata.db")
      self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()

      preview = None
      tries = 0
      cherrypy.session['diff'] = diff
      #guarentee we get a preveiw
      while preview == None and tries <100:
         l.sLogger.debug("generating a random song")
         tries += 1
         self.songID, self.compGuess, self.correct = self.g.getRandSong()
         #make sure the song is in the year range specified
         if self.correct >= int(minYr) and self.correct <= int(maxYr):
            cherrypy.session['songID'] = self.songID
            cherrypy.session['compGuess'] = self.compGuess
            cherrypy.session['correct'] = self.correct
            cherrypy.session['disp'] = disp
            cherrypy.session['minYr'] = minYr
            cherrypy.session['maxYr'] = maxYr
            cherrypy.session['session'] = ""
            preview = song_preview.getPreview(self.songID)
            self.cursor.execute("SELECT title, artist_name, release FROM songs WHERE song_id == '{}'".format(self.songID))
            data = self.cursor.fetchone()
            if diff != None:
               if diff == "H" or diff == "M" or diff == "E":
                  try: title = data[0]
                  except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get track title")
               if diff == "M" or diff == "E":
                  try: artist = data[1]
                  except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get artist name")
               if diff == "E":
                  try: album = data[2]
                  except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get album name")
               #custom game
               if diff == "C":
                  if 't' in disp:
                     try: title = data[0]
                     except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get track title")
                  if 'A' in disp:
                     try: artist = data[1]
                     except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get artist name")
                  if 'a' in disp:
                     try: album = data[2]
                     except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get album name")
      if tries == 100:
         return "<font size='7'>Sorry, could not find a song of that type. Please try again with different settings.</font>"
      l.sLogger.debug("preview url="+preview)
      #this is a html file that is dynamically added to, depending on parameters passed in the url
      html = """
         <!DOCTYPE html>
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/layout.css" type="text/css" />
                margin: auto;
                width: 60%;
                padding: 10px;
            input[type=submit] {
               width: 10em;  height: 2em;
         <script type="text/javascript">
               function noBack(){window.history.forward();}
         <body onload="noBack();" onpageshow="if (event.persisted) noBack();" onunload="">
      #Title, artist, and album parameters. If nothing is provided in url, nothing is shown
      if (title != None):
         html +="""
            <div class="center" id="header">
               <font size="10">Title: """+title+"""</font>
      if (artist != None):
         html +="""
            <div class="center" id="header">
               <font size="10">Artist: """+artist+"""</font>
      if (album != None):
         html +="""      
            <div class="center" id="header">
               <font size="10">Album: """+album+"""</font>
      html +="""
         <div class="center">
            <font size="5">Listen:</font>
                <audio controls>
               <source src="""+preview+""" type="audio/mpeg" align="center">
               Your browser doesn't support playing audio. C'mon...update the browser.
         <div class="center">
            <font size='5'>I think it came out in:  </font>
            <form method="get", action="checkAnswer?">
               <select id="guess" name="guess">
                  <option value="0">----</option>"""
      #if the maxYr or minYr are provided, they come as strings. Convert to ints just in case
      maxYr = int(maxYr)
      minYr = int(minYr)
      #generate the year spinner
      for i in range(maxYr, minYr-1, -1):
         html += '<option value ="' + str(i) + '">' + str(i) + '</option>'
      #finish up the remaining html code   
      html +="""        
                  <input type="submit" value="Guess">
                  <input type="hidden" name="user" value='"""+str(user)+"""'/>
                  <input type="hidden" name="session" value='"""+self.randomword(20)+"""'/>
#       #prevent cheating 
      self.session = None
      l.sLogger.info("Showing gameTurn for songid:"+str(self.songID))
      #return the html to be displayed
      return html
예제 #2
 def sample(self, gen=True, user=None, url=DEATH_OR_GLORY, diff=None, title=None, artist=None, album=None, minYr=1926, maxYr=2010):
    l.sLogger.debug("game:sample<s> - generates a webpage where everything can be specified. Used for samples")
    #disables the guess button
    #generate song randomly
    if gen == "F":
       generate = False
       preview = url
       generate = True
       self.conn = sqlite3.connect("subset_track_metadata.db")
       self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
    if generate:
       preview = None
       cherrypy.session['diff'] = diff
       #guarentee we get a preveiw
       while preview == None:
          self.songID, self.compGuess, self.correct = self.g.getRandSong()
          cherrypy.session['songID'] = self.songID
          cherrypy.session['compGuess'] = self.compGuess
          cherrypy.session['correct'] = self.correct
          preview = song_preview.getPreview(self.songID)
          self.cursor.execute("SELECT title, artist_name, release FROM songs WHERE song_id == '{}'".format(self.songID))
          data = self.cursor.fetchone()
          if diff != None:
             if diff == "H" or diff == "M" or diff == "E":
                try: title = data[0]
                except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get track title")
             if diff == "M" or diff == "E":
                try: artist = data[1]
                except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get artist name")
             if diff == "E":
                try: album = data[2]
                except: l.sLogger.debug("couldn't get album name")
    #this is a html file that is dynamically added to, depending on parameters passed in the url
    html = """
       <!DOCTYPE html>
       <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/layout.css" type="text/css" />
              margin: auto;
              width: 60%;
              padding: 10px;
       <script type="text/javascript">
             function noBack(){window.history.forward();}
       <body onload="noBack();" onpageshow="if (event.persisted) noBack();" onunload="">
    #Title, artist, and album parameters. If nothing is provided in url, nothing is shown
    if (title != None):
       html +="""
          <div class="center" id="header">
             <font size="10">Title: """+title+"""</font>
    if (artist != None):
       html +="""
          <div class="center" id="header">
             <font size="10">Artist: """+artist+"""</font>
    if (album != None):
       html +="""      
          <div class="center" id="header">
             <font size="10">Album: """+album+"""</font>
    html +="""
       <div class="center">
          <font size="5">Listen:</font>
              <audio controls>
             <source src="""+preview+""" type="audio/mpeg" align="center">
             Your browser doesn't support playing audio. C'mon...update the browser.
       <div class="center">
          <font size='5'>I think it came out in:  </font>
             <select id="guess" name="guess">
                <option value="0">----</option>"""
    #if the maxYr or minYr are provided, they come as strings. Convert to ints just in case
    maxYr = int(maxYr)
    minYr = int(minYr)
    #generate the year spinner
    for i in range(maxYr, minYr-1, -1):
       html += '<option value ="' + str(i) + '">' + str(i) + '</option>'
    #finish up the remaining html code   
    html +="""        
                <input type="submit" value="Guess">
                <input type="hidden" name="user" value='"""+str(user)+"""'/>
    l.sLogger.info("Generating webpage for song: "+ str(title))
    #return the html to be displayed
    return html