def get_binance(key, secret): """Get balance from binance exchange API.""" client = BinClient(key, secret) acct = client.get_account() df = pd.DataFrame(acct['balances']) df['source'] = 'binance' df = df[['free', 'asset', 'source']] df.columns = ['balance', 'coin', 'source'] return df
def ms_handler(bot, update): global last_evnt text = update.channel_post.text client = Client(key, secret_key) ord_book = client.get_order_book(symbol='BNBUSDT', limit=50) cur_evnt = text[-7:] if cur_evnt == last_evnt: return if cur_evnt == 'Buy BNB': text = 'BUY ' + '\n' + 'BIRDS: ' + ord_book['bids'][0][0] + '\n' + 'ASKS: ' + ord_book['asks'][0][0] last_evnt = cur_evnt #order = client.order_market_buy(symbol='BNBUSDT', quantity=quantity) else: text = 'SELL ' + '\n' + 'BIRDS: ' + ord_book['bids'][0][0] + '\n' + 'ASKS: ' + ord_book['asks'][0][0] last_evnt = cur_evnt #order = client.order_market_sell(symbol='BNBUSDT', quantity=quantity) bot.send_message(chat_id='-1001395901109', text=text)
class PublicAPI(): def __init__(self): self.client = Client() def __truncate(self, f, n): return math.floor(f * 10**n) / 10**n def getClient(self): return self.client def getHistoricalData(self, market='BTCGBP', granularity='1h', iso8601start='', iso8601end=''): # validates the market is syntactically correct p = re.compile(r"^[A-Z]{6,12}$") if not p.match(market): raise TypeError('Binance market required.') # validates granularity is a string if not isinstance(granularity, str): raise TypeError('Granularity string required.') # validates the granularity is supported by Binance if not granularity in ['1m', '5m', '15m', '1h', '6h', '1d']: raise TypeError('Granularity options: 1m, 5m, 15m. 1h, 6h, 1d') # validates the ISO 8601 start date is a string (if provided) if not isinstance(iso8601start, str): raise TypeError('ISO8601 start integer as string required.') # validates the ISO 8601 end date is a string (if provided) if not isinstance(iso8601end, str): raise TypeError('ISO8601 end integer as string required.') # if only a start date is provided if iso8601start != '' and iso8601end == '': multiplier = 1 if (granularity == '1m'): multiplier = 1 elif (granularity == '5m'): multiplier = 5 elif (granularity == '15m'): multiplier = 10 elif (granularity == '1h'): multiplier = 60 elif (granularity == '6h'): multiplier = 360 elif (granularity == '1d'): multiplier = 1440 # calculate the end date using the granularity iso8601end = str( (datetime.strptime(iso8601start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') + timedelta(minutes=granularity * multiplier)).isoformat()) if iso8601start != '' and iso8601end != '': print('Attempting to retrieve data from ' + iso8601start) resp = self.client.get_historical_klines(market, granularity, iso8601start) if len(resp) > 300: resp = resp[:300] else: if granularity == '5m': resp = self.client.get_historical_klines( market, granularity, '2 days ago UTC') resp = resp[-300:] elif granularity == '15m': resp = self.client.get_historical_klines( market, granularity, '4 days ago UTC') resp = resp[-300:] elif granularity == '1h': resp = self.client.get_historical_klines( market, granularity, '13 days ago UTC') resp = resp[-300:] elif granularity == '6h': resp = self.client.get_historical_klines( market, granularity, '75 days ago UTC') resp = resp[-300:] elif granularity == '1d': resp = self.client.get_historical_klines( market, granularity, '251 days ago UTC') else: raise Exception('Something went wrong!') # convert the API response into a Pandas DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(resp, columns=[ 'open_time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'close_time', 'quote_asset_volume', 'number_of_trades', 'taker_buy_base_asset_volume', 'traker_buy_quote_asset_volume', 'ignore' ]) df['market'] = market df['granularity'] = granularity # binance epoch is too long df['open_time'] = df['open_time'] + 1 df['open_time'] = df['open_time'].astype(str) df['open_time'] = df['open_time'].str.replace(r'\d{3}$', '', regex=True) if (granularity == '1m'): freq = 'T' elif (granularity == '5m'): freq = '5T' elif (granularity == '15m'): freq = '15T' elif (granularity == '1h'): freq = 'H' elif (granularity == '6h'): freq = '6H' else: freq = 'D' # convert the DataFrame into a time series with the date as the index/key try: tsidx = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.to_datetime(df['open_time'], unit='s'), dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=freq) df.set_index(tsidx, inplace=True) df = df.drop(columns=['open_time']) df.index.names = ['ts'] df['date'] = tsidx except ValueError: tsidx = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.to_datetime(df['open_time'], unit='s'), dtype='datetime64[ns]') df.set_index(tsidx, inplace=True) df = df.drop(columns=['open_time']) df.index.names = ['ts'] df['date'] = tsidx # re-order columns df = df[[ 'date', 'market', 'granularity', 'low', 'high', 'open', 'close', 'volume' ]] # correct column types df['low'] = df['low'].astype(float) df['high'] = df['high'].astype(float) df['open'] = df['open'].astype(float) df['close'] = df['close'].astype(float) df['volume'] = df['volume'].astype(float) # reset pandas dataframe index df.reset_index() return df def getTicker(self, market): # validates the market is syntactically correct p = re.compile(r"^[A-Z]{6,12}$") if not p.match(market): raise TypeError('Binance market required.') resp = self.client.get_symbol_ticker(symbol=market) if 'price' in resp: return float('{:.8f}'.format(float(resp['price']))) return 0.0
import websocket, json, pprint, talib, numpy import config from binance.client import Client from binance.enums import * import math client = Client(config.API_KEY, config.API_SECRET, tld='com') #exchange_info = client.get_exchange_info() #for s in exchange_info['symbols']: # print(s['symbol']) #order = client.create_order(symbol="ADAUSDT", side=SIDE_SELL, type=ORDER_TYPE_MARKET, quoteOrderQty=10) #print(order) asset_name = str("ADAUSDT".replace("USDT", "")) order_info = client.get_asset_balance(asset=asset_name) print(order_info['free'])
from binance.client import Client from binance.websockets import BinanceSocketManager from twisted.internet import reactor from datetime import datetime from numpy import array from numpy import hstack import sys sys.path.insert(0, '..') from config import binance_api_key, binance_api_secret from data.get_data import get_binance_data from data.prep_data import split_sequences_multivariate_multistep from models.multivariate_multistep import vanilla, stacked, bidirectional client = Client(api_key=binance_api_key, api_secret=binance_api_secret) btc_price = { 'error': False, 'buy_next_period': False, 'sell_next_period': False, 'prev_period_price': 0 } wallet = {'cash': 1000000, 'coins': 0, 'value': 1000000} def refresh(): seq_size, n_steps_in, n_steps_out = 360, 5, 2 batch_size, num_epochs = 60, 100 in_seq1 = array( get_binance_data('BTCBUSD', '1m', download=True, col_name='close')[-seq_size:]) in_seq2 = array(
from binance.client import Client from binance.websockets import BinanceSocketManager from time import sleep import os api_key = os.environ['API_KEY'] api_secret = os.environ['API_SECRET'] client = Client(api_key, api_secret) klines = client.get_historical_klines("NEOBTC", Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1WEEK, "1 Jan, 2017") print(klines) def process_message(msg): print("message type: {}".format(msg['e'])) print(msg) # do something #bm = BinanceSocketManager(client) #bm.start_trade_socket('BNBBTC', process_message) #bm.start()
def sell_alt(client: Client, alt: Coin, crypto: Coin): ''' Sell altcoin ''' trade_log = TradeLog(alt, crypto, True) alt_symbol = alt.symbol crypto_symbol = crypto.symbol ticks = {} for filt in client.get_symbol_info(alt_symbol + crypto_symbol)['filters']: if filt['filterType'] == 'LOT_SIZE': if filt['stepSize'].find('1') == 0: ticks[alt_symbol] = 1 - filt['stepSize'].find('.') else: ticks[alt_symbol] = filt['stepSize'].find('1') - 1 break order_quantity = (math.floor( get_currency_balance(client, alt_symbol) * 10**ticks[alt_symbol]) / float(10**ticks[alt_symbol]))'Selling {0} of {1}'.format(order_quantity, alt_symbol)) alt_balance = get_currency_balance(client, alt_symbol) crypto_balance = get_currency_balance(client, crypto_symbol)'Balance is {0}'.format(alt_balance)) order = None while order is None: order = client.order_market_sell(symbol=alt_symbol + crypto_symbol, quantity=(order_quantity))'order') trade_log.set_ordered(alt_balance, crypto_balance, order_quantity) # Binance server can take some time to save the order"Waiting for Binance") time.sleep(5) order_recorded = False stat = None while not order_recorded: try: time.sleep(3) stat = client.get_order(symbol=alt_symbol + crypto_symbol, orderId=order[u'orderId']) order_recorded = True except BinanceAPIException as e: time.sleep(10) except Exception as e:"Unexpected Error: {0}".format(e)) while stat[u'status'] != 'FILLED': try: stat = client.get_order(symbol=alt_symbol + crypto_symbol, orderId=order[u'orderId']) time.sleep(1) except BinanceAPIException as e: time.sleep(2) except Exception as e:"Unexpected Error: {0}".format(e)) newbal = get_currency_balance(client, alt_symbol) while (newbal >= alt_balance): newbal = get_currency_balance(client, alt_symbol)'Sold {0}'.format(alt_symbol)) trade_log.set_complete(stat['cummulativeQuoteQty']) return order
def call_chart(self, other_args): """Process chart command""" if self.current_coin: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, prog="chart", description= """Display chart for loaded coin. You can specify currency vs which you want to show chart and also number of days to get data for.""", ) if self.source == "cp": parser.add_argument( "--vs", default="usd", dest="vs", help="Currency to display vs coin", choices=["usd", "btc", "BTC", "USD"], type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--days", default=30, dest="days", help="Number of days to get data for", type=check_positive, ) if self.source == "cg": parser.add_argument("--vs", default="usd", dest="vs", help="Currency to display vs coin") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--days", default=30, dest="days", help="Number of days to get data for", ) if self.source == "bin": client = Client(cfg.API_BINANCE_KEY, cfg.API_BINANCE_SECRET) interval_map = { "1day": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1DAY, "3day": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_3DAY, "1hour": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1HOUR, "2hour": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_2HOUR, "4hour": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_4HOUR, "6hour": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_6HOUR, "8hour": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_8HOUR, "12hour": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_12HOUR, "1week": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1WEEK, "1min": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, "3min": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_3MINUTE, "5min": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_5MINUTE, "15min": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_15MINUTE, "30min": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_30MINUTE, "1month": client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MONTH, } _, quotes = binance_model.show_available_pairs_for_given_symbol( self.current_coin) parser.add_argument( "--vs", help="Quote currency (what to view coin vs)", dest="vs", type=str, default="USDT", choices=quotes, ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--interval", help="Interval to get data", choices=list(interval_map.keys()), dest="interval", default="1day", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--limit", dest="limit", default=100, help="Number to get", type=check_positive, ) if self.source == "cb": interval_map = { "1min": 60, "5min": 300, "15min": 900, "1hour": 3600, "6hour": 21600, "24hour": 86400, "1day": 86400, } _, quotes = coinbase_model.show_available_pairs_for_given_symbol( self.current_coin) if len(quotes) < 0: print( f"Couldn't find any quoted coins for provided symbol {self.current_coin}" ) return parser.add_argument( "--vs", help="Quote currency (what to view coin vs)", dest="vs", type=str, default="USDT" if "USDT" in quotes else quotes[0], choices=quotes, ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--interval", help="Interval to get data", choices=list(interval_map.keys()), dest="interval", default="1day", type=str, ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--limit", dest="limit", default=100, help="Number to get", type=check_positive, ) try: ns_parser = parse_known_args_and_warn(parser, other_args) if not ns_parser: return if self.source in ["bin", "cb"]: limit = ns_parser.limit interval = ns_parser.interval days = 0 else: limit = 0 interval = "1day" days = ns_parser.days plot_chart( coin=self.current_coin, limit=limit, interval=interval, days=days, currency=ns_parser.vs, source=self.source, ) except Exception as e: print(e, "\n") else: print( "No coin selected. Use 'load' to load the coin you want to look at.\n" )
class Trader(object): # Static variables logger = logging.getLogger("Trader") client = Client(API_KEY, API_SECRET) exchange_data_lock = threading.Lock() exchange_data = DictMap({}) db_lock = threading.Lock() database = Database() close_prices = deque(maxlen=500) symbol_info = DictMap(client.get_symbol_info(symbol=TRADING_PAIR)) order_queue = Queue() order_queue_lock = threading.Lock() analyzed_data = DictMap({}) analyzed_data_lock = threading.Lock() buy_prices = [] buy_prices_lock = threading.Lock() buying_lock = threading.Lock() selling_analyzed_data = DictMap({}) buy_now_tracking = False def __init__(self): self.order_id = 0 self.last_buy_price = None self.last_sell_price = None self.buying_lock_acquired = False self.partially_filled_wait_start_time = None self.order_wait_start_time = None self.stoploss_triggered = False def timeout(self, t, order_type='partially_filled'): """ Check for timeout """ if order_type == 'partially_filled': if int(time.time()) > (int(t) + PARTIALLY_FILLED_WAIT_TIME): return True else: if int(time.time()) > (int(t) + ORDER_WAIT_TIME): return True return False @staticmethod def get_exchange_data(): """ Get exchange data """ def get_order_book(symbol): """ { "lastUpdateId": 1027024, "bids": [ [ "4.00000000", # PRICE "431.00000000", # QTY [] # Can be ignored ] ], "asks": [ [ "4.00000200", "12.00000000", [] ] ] } """ order_book = Trader.client.get_order_book(symbol=symbol, limit=10) return DictMap(order_book) def get_balance(asset): """ { "asset": "BTC", "free": "4723846.89208129", "locked": "0.00000000" } """ balance = Trader.client.get_asset_balance(asset) return DictMap(balance) def get_order_book_ticker(symbol): """ { "symbol": "LTCBTC", "bidPrice": "4.00000000", "bidQty": "431.00000000", "askPrice": "4.00000200", "askQty": "9.00000000" } """ ticker = Trader.client.get_orderbook_ticker(symbol=symbol) return DictMap(ticker) order_book = get_order_book(TRADING_PAIR) order_book_ticker = get_order_book_ticker(TRADING_PAIR) return DictMap({'order_book': order_book, 'ticker': order_book_ticker}) @staticmethod def print_exchange_info(): """ Print exchange information """ ask = Trader.exchange_data.ticker.askPrice bid = Trader.exchange_data.ticker.bidPrice diff = '%.8lf' % (float(ask) - float(bid)) spread = '%.2lf' % ((float(ask) / float(bid) - 1) * 100)"*** ask: %s - bid: %s - diff: %s - spread: %s" % (ask, bid, diff, spread)) @staticmethod def update_exchange_info(): """ Update the exchange data periodically. Start as a daemon thread in main program """ while True: Trader.logger.debug("Updating exchange data...") start_time = time.time() Trader.exchange_data_lock.acquire() try: Trader.exchange_data = Trader.get_exchange_data() except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) Trader.exchange_data_lock.release() Trader.print_exchange_info() end_time = time.time() time_diff = end_time - start_time if time_diff < UPDATE_EXCHANGE_WAIT_TIME: Trader.logger.debug("Sleeping ...") time.sleep(UPDATE_EXCHANGE_WAIT_TIME - time_diff) @staticmethod def get_order_status(order_id): """ { "symbol": "LTCBTC", "orderId": 1, "clientOrderId": "myOrder1", "price": "0.1", "origQty": "1.0", "executedQty": "0.0", "status": "NEW", "timeInForce": "GTC", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "stopPrice": "0.0", "icebergQty": "0.0", "time": 1499827319559 } """ order = Trader.client.get_order(orderId=order_id, symbol=TRADING_PAIR) return DictMap(order) def buy(self, quantity, price): """ Create buy order """ price = self.format_price(price) quantity = self.format_quantity(quantity)"Buying %s at %s..." % (str(quantity), str(price))) try: order = Trader.client.order_limit_buy(symbol=TRADING_PAIR, quantity=quantity, price=price, newOrderRespType='RESULT') except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) raise self.last_buy_price = price"Buying order %s created." % order['orderId']) return order['orderId'] def sell(self, quantity, price): """ Create sell order """ price = self.format_price(price) quantity = self.format_quantity(quantity)"Selling %s at %s..." % (str(quantity), str(price))) try: order = Trader.client.order_limit_sell(symbol=TRADING_PAIR, quantity=quantity, price=price, newOrderRespType='RESULT') except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) raise self.last_sell_price = price"Selling order %s created." % order['orderId']) return order['orderId'] def cancel(self, order_id): """ Cancel open order """ try: resp = Trader.client.cancel_order(symbol=TRADING_PAIR, orderId=order_id) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) raise"Order %s has been cancelled." % resp['orderId']) return resp['orderId'] @staticmethod def get_market_price(): """ Get market price """ try: ticker = Trader.client.get_symbol_ticker(symbol=TRADING_PAIR) except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) raise return float(ticker['price']) @staticmethod def get_open_24h_price(): """ Get open price 24h """ try: ticker = Trader.client.get_ticker(symbol=TRADING_PAIR) except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) raise return float(ticker['openPrice']) @staticmethod def get_last_close_price(limit=1): """ Get recent close price """ try: klines = Trader.client.get_klines(symbol=TRADING_PAIR, interval=KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, limit=limit) except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) raise close_prices = [float(kline[4]) for kline in klines] if len(close_prices) == 1: return close_prices[0] return close_prices @staticmethod def analyze(signal): """ Analyze data """ def calc_rsi(prices, n=14): deltas = np.diff(prices) seed = deltas[:n + 1] up = seed[seed >= 0].sum() / n down = -seed[seed < 0].sum() / n rs = up / down rsi = np.zeros_like(prices) rsi[:n] = 100. - 100. / (1. + rs) for i in range(n, len(prices)): delta = deltas[i - 1] # cause the diff is 1 shorter if delta > 0: upval = delta downval = 0. else: upval = 0. downval = -delta up = (up * (n - 1) + upval) / n down = (down * (n - 1) + downval) / n rs = up / down rsi[i] = 100. - 100. / (1. + rs) return rsi def get_last_peak(data): np_data = np.array(data) peaks = (np_data >= np.roll(np_data, 1)) & (np_data > np.roll( np_data, -1)) peaks = list(peaks[1:len(peaks) - 1]) idx = len(peaks) - peaks[::-1].index(True) return DictMap({'index': idx, 'value': data[idx]}) def get_last_trough(data): np_data = np.array(data) troughs = (np_data <= np.roll(np_data, 1)) & (np_data < np.roll( np_data, -1)) troughs = list(troughs[1:len(troughs) - 1]) idx = len(troughs) - troughs[::-1].index(True) return DictMap({'index': idx, 'value': data[idx]}) data = list(signal) ema = exponential_moving_average(data[-EMA_PERIOD:], EMA_PERIOD)[-1] if Trader.selling_analyzed_data: hull_data = hull_moving_average(data[-(HULL_PERIOD + 30):], HULL_PERIOD) else: hull_data = hull_moving_average(data, HULL_PERIOD) # @TODO: clean up the code sell_now = False if not Trader.selling_analyzed_data: # first time hd = [x for x in hull_data if x >= 0] last_peak = get_last_peak(hd) last_trough = get_last_trough(hd) if last_peak.index > last_trough.index: Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough = False else: Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough = True Trader.selling_analyzed_data.peak = last_peak.value Trader.selling_analyzed_data.trough = last_trough.value Trader.selling_analyzed_data.previous_peak = None Trader.selling_analyzed_data.previous_trough = None Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last = hull_data[-1] else: last = hull_data[-1] height = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.peak - Trader.selling_analyzed_data.trough if Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough: retrace_height = last - Trader.selling_analyzed_data.trough else: retrace_height = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.peak - last retrace_perc = retrace_height / height * 100.0 if Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough: if retrace_perc < 0: Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough = False if Trader.selling_analyzed_data.previous_trough: Trader.selling_analyzed_data.trough = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.previous_trough if last < Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last: if retrace_perc > IGNORE_SMALL_PEAK_PERCENTAGE: Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough = False Trader.selling_analyzed_data.previous_peak = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.peak Trader.selling_analyzed_data.peak = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last else: if retrace_perc < 0: Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough = True if Trader.selling_analyzed_data.previous_peak: Trader.selling_analyzed_data.peak = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.previous_peak if last > Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last: # got a new reversal if retrace_perc > IGNORE_SMALL_PEAK_PERCENTAGE: Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough = True Trader.selling_analyzed_data.previous_trough = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.trough Trader.selling_analyzed_data.trough = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last if retrace_perc >= SELL_MAX_RETRACEMENT_PERCENTAGE: sell_now = True Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last = last Trader.logger.debug("selling analyze data: %s" % str(Trader.selling_analyzed_data)) rsi = calc_rsi(data[-(RSI_PERIOD + 1):], RSI_PERIOD)[-1] ma_spread = 100 * (ema / hull_data[-1] - 1) Trader.logger.debug("ema - rsi - ma_spread: %s - %s - %s" % (str(ema), str(rsi), str(ma_spread))) buy_now = False if rsi < RSI_OVERSOLD_PERCENTAGE and ma_spread > MIN_MA_SPREAD and hull_data[ -1] <= hull_data[-2]: Trader.buy_now_tracking = True else: if Trader.buy_now_tracking and hull_data[-1] > hull_data[ -2] and Trader.selling_analyzed_data.last_is_trough: height = Trader.selling_analyzed_data.peak - Trader.selling_analyzed_data.trough retrace_height = last - Trader.selling_analyzed_data.trough retrace_perc = retrace_height / height * 100.0 if retrace_perc >= BUY_MAX_RETRACEMENT_PERCENTAGE: buy_now = True Trader.buy_now_tracking = False return DictMap({ 'buy_now': buy_now, 'sell_now': sell_now, 'ema': ema, 'hull': hull_data[-1], 'close': data[-1] }) @staticmethod def analyze_market_data(): """ Analyze market data Start as daemon thread """ server_time = Trader.client.get_server_time() server_time_offset = int(time.time() * 1000) - int( server_time['serverTime']) Trader.logger.debug("Time offset: %d" % server_time_offset) close_time = 0 while True: Trader.logger.debug("RUNNING...") st = time.time() if len(Trader.close_prices) == 0: # first time fetch data = Trader.client.get_klines( symbol=TRADING_PAIR, interval=KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, limit=500) for point in data: Trader.close_prices.append(float(point[4])) close_time = int(data[-1][6]) else: current_time_with_offset = int( time.time() * 1000) - server_time_offset Trader.logger.debug("close time: " + str(close_time)) Trader.logger.debug("current time with offset: " + str(current_time_with_offset)) if current_time_with_offset > close_time: try: data = Trader.client.get_klines( symbol=TRADING_PAIR, interval=KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, limit=2) except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) continue close_time_new = int(data[-1][6]) if close_time != close_time_new: # to avoid duplicate close_time = close_time_new Trader.close_prices.append(float(data[0][4])) Trader.analyzed_data_lock.acquire() Trader.analyzed_data = Trader.analyze( Trader.close_prices) Trader.logger.debug(str(Trader.analyzed_data)) Trader.analyzed_data_lock.release() et = time.time() if (et - st) < ANALYZE_WAIT: Trader.logger.debug("SLEEPING...") time.sleep(ANALYZE_WAIT - (et - st)) @staticmethod def check_order(): """ Check status for orders in queue Start as daemon thread """ while True: Trader.order_queue_lock.acquire() order_queue_empty = Trader.order_queue.empty() Trader.order_queue_lock.release() if not order_queue_empty: Trader.order_queue_lock.acquire() order_id = Trader.order_queue.get() Trader.order_queue_lock.release()"Checking for order #%d status..." % order_id) order_status = Trader.get_order_status(order_id)"Order #%s status: %s" % (order_id, order_status.status)) Trader.db_lock.acquire() order_data = { 'order_id': str(order_id), 'price': order_status.price, 'orig_quantity': order_status.origQty, 'executed_quantity': order_status.executedQty, 'side': order_status.side, 'time': order_status.time, 'status': order_status.status } Trader.database.order_update(order_data) Trader.db_lock.release()"Checking done for order #%d" % order_id) else: "Order queue is empty. Waiting for new order...") time.sleep(CHECK_ORDER_WAIT_TIME) def update_balance(self, name, initial_amount=None, initial_quantity=None, executed_quantity=None, price=None, side=None, first_time=False): """ Update balance to database """ Trader.logger.debug("Updating balance...") data = {'thread_name': name, 'pairs': {}} modifier = 1 - FEE / 100.0 Trader.db_lock.acquire() if first_time: if not initial_amount: data['pairs']['initial_amount'] = '0.0' data['pairs']['current_amount'] = '0.0' else: data['pairs']['initial_amount'] = str(initial_amount) data['pairs']['current_amount'] = str(initial_amount) if not initial_quantity: data['pairs']['initial_quantity'] = '0.0' data['pairs']['current_quantity'] = '0.0' else: data['pairs']['initial_quantity'] = str(initial_quantity) data['pairs']['current_quantity'] = str(initial_quantity) else: executed_quantity = float(executed_quantity) price = float(price) current_amount = float( Trader.database.trader_read( name, key='current_amount')['pairs']['current_amount']) current_quantity = float( Trader.database.trader_read( name, key='current_quantity')['pairs']['current_quantity']) if executed_quantity > 0.0: if side == 'SELL': current_quantity = current_quantity - executed_quantity current_amount = current_amount + executed_quantity * price * modifier else: #BUY current_quantity = current_quantity + executed_quantity * modifier current_amount = current_amount - executed_quantity * price else: return data['pairs']['current_amount'] = str(current_amount) data['pairs']['current_quantity'] = str(current_quantity) Trader.database.trader_update(data) Trader.db_lock.release() def validate(self, quantity, price): """ Check validity of an order before sending it to the exchange """ filters = Trader.symbol_info.filters price_filter = filters[0] lot_size_filter = filters[1] notional_filter = filters[2] min_price = float(price_filter['minPrice']) max_price = float(price_filter['maxPrice']) tick_size = float(price_filter['tickSize']) min_quantity = float(lot_size_filter['minQty']) max_quantity = float(lot_size_filter['maxQty']) step_size = float(lot_size_filter['stepSize']) min_notional = float(notional_filter['minNotional']) if price < min_price or price > max_price: raise Exception('PRICE_EXCEPTION') if quantity < min_quantity or quantity > max_quantity: raise Exception('QUANTITY_EXCEPTION') if price * quantity < min_notional: raise Exception('MIN_NOTIONAL') return True def amount_to_quantity(self, amount, price): """ Calculate quantity """ quantity = amount / price return self.format_quantity(quantity) def format_quantity(self, quantity): """ Format quantity """ step_size = float(Trader.symbol_info.filters[1]['stepSize']) return round( float(step_size * math.floor(float(quantity) / step_size)), 8) def format_price(self, price): """ Format price """ tick_size = float(Trader.symbol_info.filters[0]['tickSize']) return round(float(tick_size * math.floor(float(price) / tick_size)), 8) def calc_profit(self, price): """ Calculate the profit """ profit = (price / self.last_buy_price - 1) * 100 return profit def is_profitable(self, price): """ Check for profitability """ if self.calc_profit(price) >= PREFERRED_PROFIT: return True return False def is_stoploss(self, price): """ Check for loss """ loss_perc = 100 * (1 - price / float(self.last_buy_price)) if loss_perc >= STOPLOSS_TRIGGER_PERCENTAGE: return True return False def calc_profitable_price(self): """ Calculate the profitable price """ price = self.last_buy_price * (1 + PREFERRED_PROFIT / 100.0) return self.format_price(price) def calc_buy_price(self): """ Calculate buy price """ order_book = self.exchange_data.order_book orders = order_book.bids last_ask = float(order_book.asks[0][0]) quantities = [float(order[1]) for order in orders] prices = [float(order[0]) for order in orders] for i in range(1, len(quantities)): if sum(quantities[:i]) >= (QUANTITY_COEFFICIENT * INITIAL_AMOUNT / prices[0]): break optimal_prices = prices[:i] tick_size = float(Trader.symbol_info.filters[0]['tickSize']) buy_price = optimal_prices[-1] while True: buy_price = buy_price + tick_size if buy_price not in optimal_prices: break buy_price = buy_price + BUY_PRICE_TICK_OFFSET * tick_size if buy_price > last_ask: buy_price = last_ask return self.format_price(buy_price) def calc_sell_price(self): """ Calculate sell price """ order_book = self.exchange_data.order_book orders = order_book.asks last_bid = float(order_book.bids[0][0]) quantities = [float(order[1]) for order in orders] prices = [float(order[0]) for order in orders] for i in range(1, len(quantities)): if sum(quantities[:i]) >= (QUANTITY_COEFFICIENT * INITIAL_AMOUNT / prices[0]): break optimal_prices = prices[:i] tick_size = float(Trader.symbol_info.filters[0]['tickSize']) sell_price = optimal_prices[-1] while True: sell_price = sell_price - tick_size if sell_price not in optimal_prices: break sell_price = sell_price - SELL_PRICE_TICK_OFFSET * tick_size if sell_price < last_bid: sell_price = last_bid return self.format_price(sell_price) def calc_sell_quantity(self): """ Calculate sell quantity """ name = threading.currentThread().getName() Trader.db_lock.acquire() balance = float( Trader.database.trader_read( name, key='current_quantity')['pairs']['current_quantity']) Trader.db_lock.release() return self.format_quantity(balance) def calc_buy_quantity(self, price): """ Calculate buy quantity """ name = threading.currentThread().getName() Trader.db_lock.acquire() balance = float( Trader.database.trader_read( name, key='current_amount')['pairs']['current_amount']) Trader.db_lock.release() return self.amount_to_quantity(balance, price) def calc_price_range(self, price=None, side='buy'): """ Calculate price range. If the price of an open order is out of this range, cancel that order and place it again with new price. """ order_book = self.exchange_data.order_book tick_size = float(Trader.symbol_info.filters[0]['tickSize']) if side == 'buy': orders = order_book.bids else: #sell orders = order_book.asks lower_price = float(orders[0][0]) if price: my_price = float(price) if my_price == float(orders[0][0]) and \ abs(my_price - float(orders[1][0])) > DIFF_TICKS * tick_size: lower_price = float(orders[1][0]) quantities = [float(order[1]) for order in orders] for i in range(1, len(quantities)): if sum(quantities[:i]) >= (QUANTITY_COEFFICIENT * INITIAL_AMOUNT / lower_price): break upper_price = float(orders[i - 1][0]) return [lower_price, upper_price] def buy_action(self, status=None):"*** BUY ACTION ***") if status == 'filled' or status == 'cancelled_partially_filled': if status == 'filled' and self.stoploss_triggered: self.stoploss_triggered = False self.partially_filled_wait_start_time = None self.order_wait_start_time = None Trader.buy_prices_lock.acquire() Trader.logger.debug("Removing price %s from buy_prices" % (str(self.last_buy_price))) Trader.logger.debug("buy_prices: %s" % str(Trader.buy_prices)) Trader.buy_prices = list(set(Trader.buy_prices)) try: Trader.buy_prices.remove(self.last_buy_price) except Exception as e: "Probably the buy order was partially filled but not enough to sell." ) Trader.logger.exception(e) Trader.logger.debug("buy_prices: %s" % str(Trader.buy_prices)) Trader.buy_prices_lock.release() if not self.buying_lock_acquired: # Acquire the lock until the buying action is complete # It blocks other threads to avoid multiple buy orders at a time Trader.logger.debug("Acquiring buying lock...") Trader.buying_lock.acquire() self.buying_lock_acquired = True Trader.logger.debug("Buying lock acquired.") if not status or status == 'filled' or status == 'cancelled_partially_filled': self.order_id = 0 buy_price = self.calc_buy_price() Trader.buy_prices_lock.acquire() buy_prices = Trader.buy_prices Trader.buy_prices_lock.release() Trader.analyzed_data_lock.acquire() buy_now = Trader.analyzed_data.buy_now ema = Trader.analyzed_data.ema Trader.analyzed_data_lock.release() if not ema: return perc = 100 * (ema / buy_price - 1)"ema - buy_price percentage: %.2lf - buy: %s" % (perc, str(buy_price))) if perc < EMA_TO_BUY_PRICE_PERCENTAGE: return if not buy_now: return if len(buy_prices) > 0: Trader.logger.debug("buy_prices: %s" % str(buy_prices)) min_price = min(buy_prices) min_price_perc = (min_price / buy_price - 1) * 100 if min_price_perc >= BUY_MORE_PRICE_PERCENTAGE: pass else: "There are incomplete actions. Waiting...") return quantity = self.calc_buy_quantity(buy_price) try: self.validate(quantity, buy_price) self.order_id =, buy_price) except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e)"An error occurred during buying.") Trader.logger.debug("Releasing the buying lock...") self.buying_lock_acquired = False Trader.buying_lock.release() elif status == 'new' or status == 'partially_filled': if status == 'new': if not self.order_wait_start_time: self.order_wait_start_time = time.time() if not self.timeout(self.order_wait_start_time, order_type='new'): return if status == 'partially_filled': if not self.partially_filled_wait_start_time: self.partially_filled_wait_start_time = time.time() if not self.timeout(self.partially_filled_wait_start_time): "Partially filled. Waiting for order to be filled...") return else:"Waiting for order timed out.") price_range = self.calc_price_range(side='buy', price=self.last_buy_price) self.logger.debug("BUY_ACTION: price_range: %s" % str(price_range)) # if the price is not in range, cancel and try to place an order again if self.last_buy_price < price_range[ 0] or self.last_buy_price > price_range[1]: try: self.cancel(self.order_id) except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) def sell_action(self, status=None):"*** SELL ACTION ***") sell_price = self.calc_sell_price() quantity = self.calc_sell_quantity() profitable_price = self.calc_profitable_price() if not status or status == 'filled' or status == 'cancelled' or status == 'cancelled_partially_filled': if status == 'filled' or status == 'cancelled_partially_filled': self.partially_filled_wait_start_time = None self.order_wait_start_time = None Trader.buy_prices_lock.acquire() Trader.logger.debug("Appending price %s to buy_prices" % (str(self.last_buy_price))) Trader.logger.debug("buy_prices: %s" % str(Trader.buy_prices)) Trader.buy_prices.append(self.last_buy_price) Trader.logger.debug("buy_prices: %s" % str(Trader.buy_prices)) Trader.buy_prices_lock.release() Trader.logger.debug("Releasing buying lock...") try: Trader.buying_lock.release() except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) else: self.buying_lock_acquired = False self.order_id = -1 Trader.analyzed_data_lock.acquire() sell_now = Trader.analyzed_data.sell_now Trader.analyzed_data_lock.release() if self.is_stoploss(sell_price):"Stop loss.") self.stoploss_triggered = True if not sell_now and not self.stoploss_triggered:"waiting for sell signal.") return if self.stoploss_triggered: loss_perc = 100 * (1 - sell_price / float(self.last_buy_price)) if loss_perc <= STOPLOSS_PERCENTAGE and not sell_now:"Stop loss: waiting for sell signal.") return if loss_perc <= STOPLOSS_PERCENTAGE or loss_perc >= IMMEDIATELY_STOPLOSS_PERCENTAGE:"Selling at %.2lf percent loss." % loss_perc) quantity = self.calc_sell_quantity() else: return elif self.is_profitable(sell_price): "The profit is %.2lf. Try to sell it. Least profitable_price is %.8lf." % (self.calc_profit(sell_price), profitable_price)) else:"Least profitable_price is %.8lf." % (profitable_price)) return try: self.validate(quantity, sell_price) self.order_id = self.sell(quantity, sell_price) except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) if status == 'cancelled_partially_filled': raise Trader.logger.error( "Cannot sell. Please handle it manually. Exiting...") sys.exit(1) elif status == 'new' or status == 'partially_filled': if status == 'new': if not self.order_wait_start_time: self.order_wait_start_time = time.time() if not self.timeout(self.order_wait_start_time, order_type='new'): return if status == 'partially_filled': if not self.partially_filled_wait_start_time: self.partially_filled_wait_start_time = time.time() if not self.timeout(self.partially_filled_wait_start_time):"Waiting for order to be filled...") return else:"Waiting for filled order timed out.") price_range = self.calc_price_range(price=self.last_sell_price) self.logger.debug( "SELL_ACTION: last_sell: %s - sell_price: %s - price_range: %s" % (str(self.last_sell_price), str(sell_price), str(price_range))) if self.is_profitable(sell_price) or self.stoploss_triggered: if self.last_sell_price > price_range[ 0] or self.last_sell_price < price_range[1]: try: self.cancel(self.order_id) except Exception as e: Trader.logger.exception(e) "Cannot cancel order #%s. Maybe it has already fully filled." % str(self.order_id)) def trade(self): """ Trading logic """ name = threading.currentThread().getName()"%s starting...", name) self.update_balance(name, initial_amount=INITIAL_AMOUNT, first_time=True) while True: # make a copy of exchange data Trader.exchange_data_lock.acquire() self.exchange_data = Trader.exchange_data Trader.exchange_data_lock.release() if self.order_id == 0: self.buy_action() elif self.order_id == -1: self.sell_action() else: Trader.db_lock.acquire() order_data = Trader.database.order_read(self.order_id) Trader.db_lock.release() if not order_data: "Waiting for order data to be available... Sleeping for a while..." ) time.sleep(CHECK_ORDER_WAIT_TIME) else: order_data = DictMap(order_data) if order_data.status == 'NEW' and order_data.side == 'BUY': self.buy_action(status='new') elif order_data.status == 'NEW' and order_data.side == 'SELL': self.sell_action(status='new') elif order_data.status == 'FILLED' and order_data.side == 'BUY': self.update_balance( name, executed_quantity=order_data.executed_quantity, price=order_data.price, side='BUY') self.sell_action(status='filled') elif order_data.status == 'FILLED' and order_data.side == 'SELL': self.update_balance( name, executed_quantity=order_data.executed_quantity, price=order_data.price, side='SELL') self.buy_action(status='filled') elif order_data.status == 'PARTIALLY_FILLED' and order_data.side == 'BUY': self.buy_action(status='partially_filled') elif order_data.status == 'PARTIALLY_FILLED' and order_data.side == 'SELL': self.sell_action(status='partially_filled') elif order_data.status == 'CANCELED': #if the order was cancelled and executed_quantity is 0, handle it as a normal case if float(order_data.executed_quantity) == 0.0: if order_data.side == 'BUY': self.buy_action() else: self.sell_action() # buy all with the current amount # if the amount is not enough, sell more else: self.update_balance( name, executed_quantity=order_data.executed_quantity, price=order_data.price, side=order_data.side) Trader.db_lock.acquire() current_amount = float( Trader.database.trader_read( name, key='current_amount')['pairs'] ['current_amount']) current_quantity = float( Trader.database.trader_read( name, key='current_quantity')['pairs'] ['current_quantity']) Trader.db_lock.release() if current_quantity * float( order_data.price) > float( Trader.symbol_info.filters[2] ['minNotional']): if order_data.side == 'BUY': self.sell_action( status='cancelled_partially_filled') else: # sell more when the selling order was partially filled self.sell_action() else: try: self.buy_action( status='cancelled_partially_filled') except: 'Order was partially filled. Unable to buy or sell. Please handle it manually.' )'%s exits now...' % name) sys.exit(1) # Only put an order to the queue if its orderId > 0 if int(self.order_id) > 0: Trader.order_queue_lock.acquire() Trader.order_queue.put(self.order_id) Trader.order_queue_lock.release() time.sleep(TRADER_WAIT_TIME)
def getTRXUSD(key, pwd): client = Client(key, pwd) ticker = client.get_symbol_ticker(symbol='TRXUSDT') return float(ticker["price"])
def __init__(self, k, s): self.k, self.s = k, s self.client = Client(self.k, self.k) self.request_count = 0
import requests import time from pprint import pprint import numpy import sys import os import pickle import gzip import datetime from binance.client import Client while True: api_key = '41EwcPBxLxrwAw4a4W2cMRpXiQwaJ9Vibxt31pOWmWq8Hm3ZX2CBnJ80sIRJtbsI' api_secret = 'pnHoASmoe36q54DZOKsUujQqo4n5Ju25t5G0kBaioZZgGDOQPEHqgDDPA6s5dUiB' client = Client(api_key, api_secret) asset_balance = client.get_asset_balance(asset='BTC') # pprint(asset_balance) account_btc_balance = float(asset_balance['free']) + float( asset_balance['locked']) print('account_btc_balance', account_btc_balance) ryan_btc_before_bots = 1.76225309 + 2.00011051 + 2.26803360 + 1.75044720 + 1.44937472 #9.23021912 ryans_symbols = { 'TRXBTC': 575806, 'ADABTC': 0, 'XRPBTC': 9734.518, 'BNBBTC': 850.6494634,
def __init__(self): self.client = Client(settings.api_key, settings.api_secret)
# Jason Bonilla # Live sentiment analysis trading bot that handles cryptocurrencies specifically # Bitcoin, based off the overall sentiment of live comments under r/bitcoin import praw import config from textblob import TextBlob from binance.client import Client from binance.enums import * # Passing API key and API secret client = Client(config.BINANCE_KEY, config.BINANCE_SECRET, tld='us') # configuring the python Reddit API wrapper reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=config.REDDIT_ID, client_secret=config.REDDIT_SECRET, password=config.REDDIT_PASS, user_agent="USERAGENT", username=config.REDDIT_USER, ) sentimentList = [] neededSentiments = 300 TRADE_SYMBOL = 'BTCUSDT' TRADE_QUANTIY = 0.0001 # ensures that the coin is not being bought repeatedly # waits until a sell signal is recieved in order to proceed in_position = False
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests import json import math import datetime import key import telegram import sys from binance.client import Client client = Client(key.api_key, key.api_secret) from telegram import (Animation, Audio, Contact, Document, Chat, Location, PhotoSize, Sticker, TelegramObject, User, Video, Voice, Venue, MessageEntity, Game, Invoice, SuccessfulPayment, VideoNote, PassportData) bot = telegram.Bot(token=key.token) bot.send_message(chat_id=key.chat_id, text="Start NuBot") def RSI14(market, tick_interval): try: licznik = 1 avaGain = 0 avaLoss = 0 #parms #market = 'GTOBTC' #tick_interval = '1h' url = '' + market + '&interval=' + tick_interval + '&limit=17' data = requests.get(url).json()
def setKey(self): from binance.client import Client import config import sys client = Client(config.api_key, config.api_secret) return client
from tkinter import * from binance.client import Client from pprint import pprint import time api_key = '7' api_secret = '' client = Client(api_key, api_secret) # Account endpoint / Account info info = client.get_account() # pprint(info) doge = client.get_asset_balance(asset='DOGE') usdt = client.get_asset_balance(asset='USDT') print('DOGE', doge) print('USDT', usdt) try: print(doge['asset']) except TypeError: textdoge = 'DOGE : None' else: textdoge = '{} : {} (In order: {})'.format(doge['asset'], doge['free'], doge['locked']) try: print(usdt['asset']) except TypeError: textusdt = 'USDT : None'
class Bian(object): client = None action = None db = None cursor = None action = None use_conf = None cache_data = None proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', } def __init__(self): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("your command is error") return self.action = sys.argv[1] self.use_conf = dict(conf_main.config) self.use_conf.update(conf_local.config) self.db = pymysql.connect(host="", user="******", password=self.use_conf['db_password'], db="huobi", port=3306, charset="utf8") self.cursor = self.db.cursor() self.client = Client( 'PBM4vgJTZ0aWKKaIeB720VqUm9TQDzcdW3yxnpdd0Urj9niLjT1D1YGpU65RUDaa', 'aMDicDTNI7J0Qhzh2RDmNj2jc7Y2fjsTvLM8Np5Cft0uAeqa4ZVHbg8JG8UFJctK', { # "proxies": self.proxies, "verify": True, "timeout": 20 }) def test(self): # data = self.client.get_recent_trades(symbol='BNBBTC') # data = self.client.get_historical_klines("BNBBTC", Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, "1 day ago UTC") data = self.client.get_klines(symbol='BTCUSDT', interval=Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE) print(data) def get_cache(self): cache_sql = '''select buy_code from bian_base_detail order by id desc limit 800 ''' self.cursor.execute(cache_sql) data = self.cursor.fetchall() if data is not None: cache_data = [x[0] for x in data] return cache_data return [] def get_trades(self): data = self.client.get_recent_trades(symbol='BTCUSDT') if data is not None: # 加载缓存 self.cache_data = self.get_cache() for item in data: ts_time = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(int(round(item['time'] / 1000)))) # 进行去重 if str(item['id']) in self.cache_data: continue else: now_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S", time.localtime(time.time())) if True == item['isBuyerMaker']: item['isBuyerMaker'] = 1 elif False == item['isBuyerMaker']: item['isBuyerMaker'] = 0 if True == item['isBestMatch']: item['isBestMatch'] = 1 elif False == item['isBestMatch']: item['isBestMatch'] = 0 use_sql = '''insert into bian_base_detail (symbol, qty, price, ts_id, isBuyerMaker, isBestMatch, buy_code, ts, created_at, updated_at) values ('%s', %f, %f, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') ''' % ( 'btc_usdt', float(item['qty']), float(item['price']), int(item['time']), int( item['isBuyerMaker']), int(item['isBestMatch']), item['id'], ts_time, now_time, now_time) try: self.cursor.execute(use_sql) except Exception: print('this sql has some error ' + item['tid']) else: pass self.db.commit() self.cache_data = [] return 'ok' def to_strip(self, params): if params == {}: print("need some params") return False if 'get_kline' == params['action']: sql = '''select id from bian_data_kline where opentime = '%s' and closetime = '%s' limit 1 ''' % ( params['opentime'], params['closetime']) elif 'get_trades' == params['action']: sql = '' else: sql = '' self.cursor.execute(sql) data = self.cursor.fetchone() if data is None: return True else: return False def get_kline(self): data = self.client.get_klines(symbol='BTCUSDT', interval=Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, limit=120) if data is not None: for item in data: open_time = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(int(round(item[0] / 1000)))) close_time = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(int(round(item[6] / 1000)))) # 进行去重 if self.to_strip({ 'opentime': open_time, 'closetime': close_time, 'action': 'get_kline' }): now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) use_sql = '''insert into bian_data_kline (symbol, period, opentime, open, high, low, close, volumn, closetime, quote_asset_volume, number_of_trades, buy_base_asset_volume, buy_quote_asset_volume, `ignore`, created_at, updated_at) values ('%s', '%s', '%s', %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, '%s', %f, %d, %f, %f, %f, '%s', '%s') ''' % ( 'btc_usdt', '1min', open_time, float(item[1]), float(item[2]), float(item[3]), float(item[4]), float(item[5]), close_time, float(item[7]), int( item[8]), float(item[9]), float( item[10]), float(item[11]), now_time, now_time) try: self.cursor.execute(use_sql) except Exception: print("this sql has some error " + use_sql) else: pass self.db.commit() return 'ok'
class binanceThread(QThread): binance_data = pyqtSignal(dict) def __init__(self): QThread.__init__(self) self.mutex = QMutex() self.binance = Client() self.binanceList = list() self.exchange_rate = float(1100) self.isRun = True def delSymbol(self, symbol): if symbol + "BTC" in self.binanceList: self.binanceList.remove(symbol + "BTC") def _start(self): self.isRun = True self.start() def stop(self): self.isRun = False def get_symbol_list(self): binanceList = list() try: for i in self.binance.get_all_tickers(): symbol = i['symbol'] if symbol[-3:] == 'BTC': binanceList.append(symbol[:-3]) if symbol == 'BTCUSDT': binanceList.append(symbol[:-4]) except Exception as e: debuginfo(e) pass return binanceList def save_list(self, list): for i in list: if i == 'BTC': self.binanceList.append('BTCUSDT') else: self.binanceList.append(i + 'BTC') def get_dollor(self): try: res = requests.get('') text = res.text soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser') td = soup.select_one( "#content > div.article2 > div.section1 > div.group1 > table > tbody > tr > td" ) exchange_rate = '' for i in td.text: if i == ',': pass else: exchange_rate += i self.exchange_rate = float(exchange_rate) except Exception as e: debuginfo(e) def get_prices(self): prices = dict() try: for i in self.binance.get_all_tickers(): prices[i['symbol']] = i['price'] except Exception as e: debuginfo(e) pass return prices def get_orderbooks(self): orderbooks = dict() try: for i in self.binance.get_orderbook_tickers(): orderbooks[i['symbol']] = dict() orderbooks[i['symbol']]['bidPrice'] = i['bidPrice'] orderbooks[i['symbol']]['bidQty'] = i['bidQty'] orderbooks[i['symbol']]['askPrice'] = i['askPrice'] orderbooks[i['symbol']]['askQty'] = i['askQty'] except Exception as e: debuginfo(e) pass return orderbooks def calculate_krw(self, price, BTCUSDT, exchange_rate): return str(round(float(price) * BTCUSDT * exchange_rate, 2)) def run(self): while self.isRun: self.mutex.lock() binanceDict = dict() self.get_dollor() prices = self.get_prices() orderbooks = self.get_orderbooks() try: BTCUSDT = float(prices['BTCUSDT']) binanceDict['BTC'] = dict() binanceDict['BTC']['price'] = str( round(BTCUSDT * self.exchange_rate, 2)) binanceDict['BTC']['ask'] = str( round( float(orderbooks['BTCUSDT']['askPrice']) * self.exchange_rate, 2)) + '/' + str( round(float(orderbooks['BTCUSDT']['askQty']), 2)) binanceDict['BTC']['bid'] = str( round( float(orderbooks['BTCUSDT']['bidPrice']) * self.exchange_rate, 2)) + '/' + str( round(float(orderbooks['BTCUSDT']['bidQty']), 2)) except Exception as e: debuginfo(e) for i in self.binanceList: if i == 'BTCUSDT': continue try: symbol = i.replace('BTC', '') binanceDict[symbol] = dict() binanceDict[symbol]['price'] = self.calculate_krw( prices[i], BTCUSDT, self.exchange_rate) binanceDict[symbol]['ask'] = self.calculate_krw( orderbooks[i]['askPrice'], BTCUSDT, self.exchange_rate) + '/' + str( round(float(orderbooks[i]['askQty']), 2)) binanceDict[symbol]['bid'] = self.calculate_krw( orderbooks[i]['bidPrice'], BTCUSDT, self.exchange_rate) + '/' + str( round(float(orderbooks[i]['bidQty']), 2)) except Exception as e: debuginfo(e) pass self.binance_data.emit(binanceDict) self.mutex.unlock()
def buy_alt(client: Client, alt: Coin, crypto: Coin): ''' Buy altcoin ''' trade_log = TradeLog(alt, crypto, False) alt_symbol = alt.symbol crypto_symbol = crypto.symbol ticks = {} for filt in client.get_symbol_info(alt_symbol + crypto_symbol)['filters']: if filt['filterType'] == 'LOT_SIZE': if filt['stepSize'].find('1') == 0: ticks[alt_symbol] = 1 - filt['stepSize'].find('.') else: ticks[alt_symbol] = filt['stepSize'].find('1') - 1 break alt_balance = get_currency_balance(client, alt_symbol) crypto_balance = get_currency_balance(client, crypto_symbol) order_quantity = ((math.floor( crypto_balance * 10**ticks[alt_symbol] / get_market_ticker_price(client, alt_symbol + crypto_symbol)) / float(10**ticks[alt_symbol])))'BUY QTY {0}'.format(order_quantity)) # Try to buy until successful order = None while order is None: try: order = client.order_limit_buy(symbol=alt_symbol + crypto_symbol, quantity=order_quantity, price=get_market_ticker_price( client, alt_symbol + crypto_symbol)) except BinanceAPIException as e: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e:"Unexpected Error: {0}".format(e)) trade_log.set_ordered(alt_balance, crypto_balance, order_quantity) order_recorded = False while not order_recorded: try: time.sleep(3) stat = client.get_order(symbol=alt_symbol + crypto_symbol, orderId=order[u'orderId']) order_recorded = True except BinanceAPIException as e: time.sleep(10) except Exception as e:"Unexpected Error: {0}".format(e)) while stat[u'status'] != 'FILLED': try: stat = client.get_order(symbol=alt_symbol + crypto_symbol, orderId=order[u'orderId']) time.sleep(1) except BinanceAPIException as e: time.sleep(2) except Exception as e:"Unexpected Error: {0}".format(e))'Bought {0}'.format(alt_symbol)) trade_log.set_complete(stat['cummulativeQuoteQty']) return order
django.setup() from decouple import config from binance.client import Client from django.forms.models import model_to_dict from dashboard.models import PairStats, CointParams, Quotes from dashboard.forms import PERIODOS_CALCULO from dashboard.forms import BINANCE_FUTURES from coint.cointegration import coint_model, beta_rotation, clean_timeseries # TODO: Criar um arquivos com from coint.b3_calc import create_cointparams, create_pairstats, gera_pares client = Client(config('BINANCE_APIKEY'), config('BINANCE_SECRETKEY')) def download_hquotes_binance(): # Faz o calculo obj_buffer = [] for idx, ticker in enumerate(BINANCE_FUTURES): print(idx, ticker) # fetch weekly klines since it listed klines = client.get_historical_klines(ticker, Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1DAY, "1 Jan, 2017") ts_list, q_list = [], [] for k in klines:
from binance.client import Client from binance.enums import * RSI_PERIOD = 14 # set RSI period RSI_OVERBOUGHT = 70 # set RSI threshold RSI_OVERSOLD = 30 # set RSI threshold TRADE_SYMBOL = 'BTCUSD' # set coin type TRADE_QUANTITY = 0.05 # socket for getting candle stick data SOCKET = "wss://" closes = [] # a list for storing the close prices in_position = False # a variable for checking if in position client = Client(config.API_KEY, config.API_SECRET, tld='us') def order(side, quantity, symbol, order_type=ORDER_TYPE_MARKET): try: print("sending order") order = client.create_order(symbol=symbol, side=side, type=order_type, quantity=quantity) print(order) except Exception as e: print("An exception occured - {}".format(e)) return False
class Controller: def __init__(self, request, api_key, api_secret): self._request = request # init binance client self.__client = Client(api_key, api_secret) self.__api_key = api_key # create dir for templates self._env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('main', 'templates'), autoescape=select_autoescape( ['html', 'xml', 'tpl'])) def __calc(self, symbol_ticker, in_amount): # get price from args price = symbol_ticker['price'] # calculate excange result calculate_result = Decimal(price) * Decimal(in_amount.strip("'")) return calculate_result def _responce(self): # main view # get status and data status, data = self.__get_price() if status == 'OK': # return func that create tamplate, pass data into return self._get_template('index.html', title='Calc sanic', data=data) else: return self._get_template('index.html', title='Error', data=data) def _get_template(self, tpl, **kwargs): # get file .html with new from args template = self._env.get_template(tpl) # pass kwargs in template get_template = html(template.render(kwargs)) return get_template def __generate_sign(self): # sort list by alphabet result = sorted(self.__strip_currency()) # create part of sign # example: 2BTCUSDT prepare_sign = "{}{}{}".format(result[0], result[1], result[2]) # encode strings api_key_bytes = self.__api_key.encode('UTF-8') prepare_sign_bytes = prepare_sign.encode('UTF-8') # create signature using hmac lib with alg sha256 signature =, prepare_sign_bytes, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() return signature def __check_sign(self): signature = self.__generate_sign() # check if sign in requests headers if 'sign' in self._request.headers: # check sign from request and real sign if self._request.headers['sign'] == signature: data = 'OK' else: data = 'Signature from header isnt valid' else: data = 'Not found signature in headers' return data, signature def __get_price(self): status = 'ERROR' # check if all nessesary params were pass if "in_currency" not in self._request.args: data = { "status": status, "msg": "The currency you want to exchange is not specified" } elif "out_currency" not in self._request.args: data = {"status": status, "msg": "Output currency not specified"} elif "in_amount" not in self._request.args: data = { "status": status, "msg": "The amount of currency is not specified" } else: # get request of check sign check_sign, signature = self.__check_sign() if check_sign == "OK": result_strip_currency = self.__strip_currency() symbol = "{}{}".format(result_strip_currency[0], result_strip_currency[1]) try: status = "OK" # get data rate from binance api symbol_ticker = self.__client.get_symbol_ticker( params={'symbol': symbol}) data = { "rate": symbol_ticker, "out_amount": self.__calc(symbol_ticker, result_strip_currency[2]) } # if symbols arent exist except BinanceAPIException: status = 'ERROR' data = { "status": status, "msg": "Make sure the names of the currencies you entered are correct" } else: data = { "status": status, "msg": check_sign, "Example!!! Paste it in headers(its valid signature)": signature } return status, data def __strip_currency(self): # format params from request strip_in_currency = str(self._request.args["in_currency"]).strip('[]"') strip_out_currency = str( self._request.args["out_currency"]).strip('[]"') in_amount = str(self._request.args["in_amount"]).strip('[]"') result = [ strip_in_currency.strip("'"), strip_out_currency.strip("'"), in_amount.strip("'") ] return result
def session(): with open("lib/settings.json", "r") as settings_json: settings = json.load(settings_json) account_settings = settings["BinanceSettings"]["Account"] filter_settings = settings["BinanceSettings"]["Filter"] print("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S,%f")) client = Client(api_key=account_settings["API_Key"], api_secret=account_settings["API_Secret"]) ############################################### # ticker_df: 24h change stats per symbol # symbol_prices: 'BTCUSDT': xxxx.xx ############################################### ticker_df = pd.DataFrame(client.get_ticker()) symbol_prices = {} for pair_price in client.get_all_tickers(): symbol_prices[pair_price['symbol']] = float(pair_price['price']) ################################################################# # -> only pairs with USDT (will be updated to work individually) # -> only pairs with volume > minimal volume of interest to trade # -> only pairs not containing other quote asset than USDT ################################################################# # filter ticker data for specific quote asset (USDT is the quote asset of BTCUSDT) filter_ticker_df = ticker_df['symbol'].str.contains('USDT') ticker_df = ticker_df[filter_ticker_df] # filter ticker data for minimum 24 volume filter_ticker_df = ticker_df['quoteVolume'].astype( float) > filter_settings["Min_Volume_USDT"] ticker_df = ticker_df[filter_ticker_df] # filter ticker data to skip all pairs containing any of these coins # Note: somehow TKOUSDT had no close price in its Dataframe while testing ignore_coins = ['USDC', 'PAX', 'BUSD', 'TUSD', 'USDS', 'BNB', 'MTL' ] + filter_settings["Coins_to_ignore"] for coin in ignore_coins: filter_ticker_df = ticker_df['symbol'].str.contains(coin) ticker_df = ticker_df[~filter_ticker_df] # filter all pairs to examine trade_pairs = ticker_df['symbol'].tolist() trade_pairs = [pair for pair in trade_pairs if pair[-4:] == 'USDT' ] # this needs to be checked for every quote asset for pair in filter_settings["Coins_to_include"]: if pair not in trade_pairs: trade_pairs.append(pair) ################################################# # check if any pair meets conditions to be traded ################################################# sell_signals = [] # list of pairs to sell (e.g. ["BTCUSDT", ...] buy_signals = [] # list of pairs to buy (e.g. ["BTCUSDT", ...] currencies = {} # for the Charts generator ####################################### # buy_dict: symbol: Strategy_object ####################################### buy_dict = {} for pair in trade_pairs: if any([ignore in pair for ignore in ignore_coins]): continue ######################################################### # run checks and execute sell order if conditions are met ######################################################### print(f"Checking {pair}...") # check pair in buy/sell strategy signal = Strategy(pair) currencies[pair] = signal.symbol # Note: maybe check only intersection set of criteria pairs and coins in possession for sell orders # close open position if criteria are met if signal.is_hot_sell: sell_signals.append(pair) try: binance_account = BinanceAccount("admin") market_order = MarketOrder( symbol=pair, acc_name="admin", symbol_info=signal.symbol.symbol_info, amount=binance_account.value_per_trade, stoploss= 0.1, # not necessary in sell order, parameter will be deleted type="SELL") market_order.run_order() except BinanceAPIException as e: print(e.message) # save every pair to buy after all possible open positions are closed if signal.is_hot_buy: buy_signals.append(pair) buy_dict[pair] = signal ######################################################## # run checks and execute buy order if conditions are met ######################################################## buy_list = [(val.enough_data, key, val.symbol.lot_size) for key, val in buy_dict.items()] for buy_signal in buy_list: try: binance_account = BinanceAccount(account_settings["API_Key"], account_settings["API_Secret"]) # update price again tickers_raw = binance_account.client.get_orderbook_tickers() # hardcoded name will be deleted later tickers_usdt = [ tck_usdt for tck_usdt in tickers_raw if 'USDT' in tck_usdt['symbol'] and not float(tck_usdt['bidPrice']) == 0 ] # open new positions only if bid price and ask price differ less than 0.4% for ticker in tickers_usdt: if ticker['symbol'] == buy_signal[1]: diff = (float(ticker['askPrice']) / float(ticker['bidPrice']) - 1) * 100 if diff < 0.4: market_order = MarketOrder( symbol=buy_signal[1], acc_name="admin", symbol_info=buy_dict[ buy_signal[1]].symbol.symbol_info, amount=binance_account.value_per_trade, stoploss=0.1, type="BUY") market_order.run_order() except BinanceAPIException as e: print(e.message)
from binance.client import Client from binance.enums import * from env import API_KEY, API_SECRET client = Client(API_KEY, API_SECRET) # transaction = client.create_margin_loan(asset='USDT', amount=f'{0.01 * 1500}', isIsolated='TRUE', symbol='ETHUSDT') # order = client.create_margin_order( # symbol='ETHUSDT', # side=SIDE_BUY, # type=ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT, # timeInForce=TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC, # quantity=0.01, # price='1500', # isIsolated='TRUE') # orders = client.get_open_margin_orders(symbol='ETHUSDT', isIsolated='TRUE') # print(orders) # result = client.cancel_margin_order( # symbol='ETHUSDT', # orderId='3145302551', # isIsolated='TRUE') # print(result) info = client.get_isolated_margin_account() borrowed = info['assets'][0]['quoteAsset']['borrowed'] transaction = client.repay_margin_loan(asset='USDT', amount=borrowed, isIsolated='TRUE',
from binance.client import Client import pandas as pd from stockstats import StockDataFrame as Sdf from time import time import numpy as np import json import collections import pickle secret = open("secret.txt", "r").read() api_key = secret.split(",")[0] api_secret = secret.split(",")[1] client = Client(api_key, api_secret) def getTradingSymbols(): return client.get_all_tickers() def getKlineData(symbol, interval, startTime=None, endTime=None): try: return client.get_klines(symbol=symbol, interval=interval, startTime=startTime, endTime=endTime) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return getKlineData(symbol, interval) def getKlines(symbol, interval, startTime=None, endTime=None): klineData = getKlineData(symbol, interval, startTime, endTime)
def get_historical_klines(symbol, interval, start_str, end_str=None): """Get Historical Klines from Binance See dateparse docs for valid start and end string formats If using offset strings for dates add "UTC" to date string e.g. "now UTC", "11 hours ago UTC" :param symbol: Name of symbol pair e.g BNBBTC :type symbol: str :param interval: Biannce Kline interval :type interval: str :param start_str: Start date string in UTC format :type start_str: str :param end_str: optional - end date string in UTC format :type end_str: str :return: list of OHLCV values """ # create the Binance client, no need for api key client = Client("", "") # init our list output_data = [] # setup the max limit limit = 500 # convert interval to useful value in seconds timeframe = interval_to_milliseconds(interval) # convert our date strings to milliseconds start_ts = date_to_milliseconds(start_str) # if an end time was passed convert it end_ts = None if end_str: end_ts = date_to_milliseconds(end_str) idx = 0 # it can be difficult to know when a symbol was listed on Binance so allow start time to be before list date symbol_existed = False while True: # fetch the klines from start_ts up to max 500 entries or the end_ts if set temp_data = client.get_klines( symbol=symbol, interval=interval, limit=limit, startTime=start_ts, endTime=end_ts ) # handle the case where our start date is before the symbol pair listed on Binance if not symbol_existed and len(temp_data): symbol_existed = True if symbol_existed: # append this loops data to our output data output_data += temp_data # update our start timestamp using the last value in the array and add the interval timeframe start_ts = temp_data[len(temp_data) - 1][0] + timeframe else: # it wasn't listed yet, increment our start date start_ts += timeframe idx += 1 # check if we received less than the required limit and exit the loop if len(temp_data) < limit: # exit the while loop break # sleep after every 3rd call to be kind to the API if idx % 3 == 0: time.sleep(1) return output_data
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from os import environ from binance.client import Client real_api_key = environ.get("BINANCE_API_KEY") real_api_sec = environ.get("BINANCE_API_SEC") client = Client(real_api_key, real_api_sec) def parseKline(kline): newKline = [] for candle in kline: newCandle = { "openTime": datetime.fromtimestamp(candle[0] / 1000), "open": Decimal(candle[1]), "high": Decimal(candle[2]), "low": Decimal(candle[3]), "close": Decimal(candle[4]) } newKline.append(newCandle) return newKline #for line in newKline: #print(line) class Checker: """Antigua clase ALGO. Esta clase engloba las comprobaciones de los datos de la clase AT y determina si un par cualifica o no para un trade. Por el momento, la comprobación se compone de 2 etapas. """
class Aquisition(object): def __init__(self): self.client = Client('', '') self.df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Open_time', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Close_time' ]) def cast_to_dataframe(self, opentime, lopen, lhigh, llow, lclose, lvol, closetime): self.df['Open_time'] = opentime self.df["date"] = opentime self.df['Open'] = np.array(lopen).astype(np.float) self.df['High'] = np.array(lhigh).astype(np.float) self.df['Low'] = np.array(llow).astype(np.float) self.df['Close'] = np.array(lclose).astype(np.float) self.df['Volume'] = np.array(lvol).astype(np.float) self.df['Close_time'] = closetime self.df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(self.df['date'], unit='ms') def parse(self, candles): opentime, lopen, lhigh, llow, lclose, lvol, closetime = [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for candle in candles: opentime.append(candle[0]) lopen.append(candle[1]) lhigh.append(candle[2]) llow.append(candle[3]) lclose.append(candle[4]) lvol.append(candle[5]) closetime.append(candle[6]) self.cast_to_dataframe(opentime, lopen, lhigh, llow, lclose, lvol, closetime) def get_candles(self): candles = self.client.get_historical_klines( "BTCUSDT", Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1HOUR, "1 Ago, 2018") #candles = self.client.get_klines(symbol='BTCUSDT', interval=Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1DAY) self.parse(candles) return self.df def get_price_now(self): r = requests.get( "") r = r.content jsonResponse = json.loads(r.decode('utf-8')) return float(jsonResponse['price']) def plot_candles(self): df = self.df[450:] df["date"] = df["Open_time"] df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(self.df['date'], unit='ms') inc = df.Close > df.Open dec = df.Open > df.Close w = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000 # half day in ms TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save" p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", tools=TOOLS, plot_width=1000, title="BITCOIN Candlestick") p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4 p.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3 p.segment(, df.High,, df.Low, color="black") p.vbar([inc], w, df.Open[inc], df.Close[inc], fill_color="#006400", line_color="black") p.vbar([dec], w, df.Open[dec], df.Close[dec], fill_color="#F2583E", line_color="black") output_notebook() return p
### Parámetros para cálculo RSI y órdenes Compra/Venta RSI_PERIOD = 14 RSI_OVERBOUGHT = 70 RSI_OVERSOLD = 30 TRADE_SYMBOL = 'THETABNB' TRADE_QUANTITY = 0.05 ### Array de cierres closes closes = [] ### En posición de compra in_posicion = True ### Client client = Client(config.API_KEY, config.API_SECRET) ### Función para enviar orden (compra/venta) def order(side, quantity, symbol, order_type=ORDER_TYPE_MARKET): try: print("Enviando Orden") order = client.create_order(symbol=symbol, side=side, type=order_type, quantity=quantity) print(order) except Exception as e: print("Ha ocurrido un error al enviar la orden - {}".format(e)) return False
def __init__(self): self.client = Client('', '') self.df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Open_time', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Close_time' ])
def main(): client = None #get the user api keys and check balance while True: try: api_secret = input("Enter your binance api secret: ") api_key = input("Enter your binance api key: ") client = Client(api_key, api_secret, {"timeout": 100}) #test to see if client is valid eth = float(client.get_asset_balance(asset='ETH')['free']) break except: print("api secret and/or api key does not match existing user") print("Successfully logged into your binance account.") while True: option = input("enter '1' to check your balance. \n" + "enter '2' to start trading ETHBTC pair. \n" + "enter '3' to start trading XRPBTC pair. \n" + "enter 'exit' to exit. \n") # checking account balance if (option == "1"): check_balance(client) # ETHBTC trading pair elif (option == "2"): while True: option2 = input( "enter the starting coin and amount and the percent increase per cycle (ex: ETH 1.0 2) to continue or\n" + "enter '2' to go back \n" + "enter 'exit' to exit \n") if (option2 == "2"): break elif (option2 == "exit"): exit() else: starting_coin_amount = option2.split(" ") if (len(starting_coin_amount) != 3): print("invalid input") elif (starting_coin_amount[0] != "ETH" and starting_coin_amount[0] != "BTC"): print("only support ETH or BTC") elif (not check_coin_available( client, starting_coin_amount[0], float(starting_coin_amount[1]))): print( "trading amount cannot be larger than account balance" ) elif (float(starting_coin_amount[2]) < 0.2): print( "trading percent increase should be > 0.2% to offset binance trading fees" ) else: ETHBTC_bot(client, starting_coin_amount[0], float(starting_coin_amount[1]), float(starting_coin_amount[2]) / 100) # XRPBTC trading pair elif (option == "3"): while True: option2 = input( "enter the starting coin and amount and the percent increase per cycle (ex: XRP 1.0 2 or BTC 1.0 3) to continue or\n" + "enter '2' to go back \n" + "enter 'exit' to exit \n") if (option2 == "2"): break elif (option2 == "exit"): exit() else: starting_coin_amount = option2.split(" ") if (len(starting_coin_amount) != 3): print("invalid input") elif (starting_coin_amount[0] != "XRP" and starting_coin_amount[0] != "BTC"): print("only support XRP or BTC") elif (not check_coin_available( client, starting_coin_amount[0], float(starting_coin_amount[1]))): print( "trading amount cannot be larger than account balance" ) elif (float(starting_coin_amount[2]) < 0.2): print( "trading percent increase should be > 0.2% to offset binance trading fees" ) else: XRPBTC_bot(client, starting_coin_amount[0], float(starting_coin_amount[1]), float(starting_coin_amount[2]) / 100) #exit elif (option == "exit"): exit() else: print("Not a valid option \n")
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import math import ta from datetime import datetime from binance.client import Client # Initialize the client client = Client() def fetchData(symbol, amount, timeframe): """ Pandas DataFrame with the latest OHLCV data from Binance. Parameters -------------- symbol : string, combine the coin you want to get with the pair. For instance "BTCUSDT" for BTC/USDT. amount : int, the amount of rows that should be returned divided by 500. For instance 2 will return 1000 rows. timeframe : string, the timeframe according to the Binance API. For instance "4h" for the 4 hour candles. All the timeframe options are: '1m', '3m', '5m', '15m', '30m', '1h', '2h', '4h', '6h', '8h', '12h', '1d', '3d', '1w', '1M' """ # # ms calculations based on: # 1m = 60000 ms if (timeframe == '1m'): diff = 60000 if (timeframe == '3m'): diff = 3 * 60000 if (timeframe == '5m'): diff = 5 * 60000