예제 #1
 def prepost(pr, pr_s, pr_e, po, po_s, po_e, n):
     :type pr:list
     :type pr_s:int
     :type pr_e:int
     :type po:list
     :type po_s:int
     :type po_e:int
     :type n:dict
     :param pr:
     :param pr_s:
     :param pr_e:
     :param po:
     :param po_s:
     :param po_e:
     :param n:
     if pr_s > pr_e or po_s > po_e:
         return None
     head = Node(pr[pr_s])
     index = n.get(pr[pr_s + 1])
     head.left = prepost(pr, pr_s + 1, pr_s + 1 + index - po_s, po, po_s,
                         index, n)
     head.right = prepost(pr, pr_s + 2 + index - po_s, po, index + 1,
                          po_e - 1, n)
     return head
    def test_delete_with_right(self):
        root = Node(data=3)
        root.left = Node(data=1)
        root.left.right = Node(data=2)

        root = self.binary_tree.delete(node=root, data=1)
        assert root.left.data == 2
def tree_creator(arr, parent=None):
    # if arr is empty
    if len(arr) == 0:
        return None

    node = Node(arr[0])
    node.parent = parent

    # if there is only one node in the array
    if len(arr) == 1:
        return node

    subArr = arr[1:]
    left = []
    right = []
    for i in range(len(subArr)):
        if subArr[i] < node.data:
            right = subArr[i:]

    node.left = tree_creator(left, node)
    node.right = tree_creator(right, node)

    return node
예제 #4
def generate_huffman_tree(array):
    while len(array) > 1:
        array.sort(key=lambda array: array[0])
        first = array.pop(0)
        second = array.pop(0)
        node = Node(first[0] + second[0])
        if type(first[1]) is str:
            node.left = Node(first[1])
            node.left = first[1]
        if type(second[1]) is str:
            node.right = Node(second[1])
            node.right = second[1]
        array.append((first[0] + second[0], node))
    return array[0][1]
def generate_huffman_tree(array):
    while len(array) > 1:
        array.sort(key=lambda array: array[0])
        first = array.pop(0)
        second = array.pop(0)
        node = Node(first[0] + second[0])
        if type(first[1]) is str:
            node.left = Node(first[1])
            node.left = first[1]
        if type(second[1]) is str:
            node.right = Node(second[1])
            node.right = second[1]
        array.append((first[0] + second[0], node))
    return array[0][1]
예제 #6
 def infpost(i, ii, ie, p, ps, pe, n):
     :type i:list
     :type ii:int
     :type ie:int
     :type p:list
     :type ps:int
     :type pe:int
     :type n:dict
     :param i:
     :param ii:
     :param ie:
     :param p:
     :param ps:
     :param pe:
     :param n:
     if ii > ie or ps > pe:
         return n
     head = Node(p[pe])
     index = n.get(p[pe])
     head.left = infpost(i, ii, index - 1, p, ps, ps + index - 1 - ii, node)
     head.right = infpost(i, index + 1, ie, p, ps + index - ii, pe - 1,
     return head
예제 #7
 def preinf(p, ps, pe, i, ii, ie, n):
     :type p:list
     :type ps:int
     :type pe:int
     :type i:list
     :type ii:int
     :type ie:int
     :type n:dict
     :param p:
     :param ps:
     :param pe:
     :param i:
     :param ii:
     :param ie:
     :param n:
     if ps > pe:
         return n
     head = Node(p[ps])
     index = n.get(p[ps])
     head.left = preinf(p, ps + 1, ps + index - ii, i, ii, index - 1, node)
     head.right = preinf(p, ps + index + 1 - ii, pe, i, index + 1, ie, node)
     return head
    def test_lookup(self):
        root = Node(data='two')
        root.left = Node(data='one')
        root.right = Node(data='tww')

        assert self.binary_tree.lookup(node=root, data='one') is True
        assert self.binary_tree.lookup(node=root, data='two') is True
        assert self.binary_tree.lookup(node=root, data='tww') is True
 def test_rank_right(self):
     root = Node(data=4)
     root.left = Node(data=1)
     root.left.right = Node(data=3)
     root.right = Node(data=6)
     root.right.left = Node(data=5)
     assert self.binary_tree.rank(node=root, data=6) == 5
 def _insert_value(self, node, data):
     if node is None:
         node = Node(data)
         if data <= node.data:
             node.left = self._insert_value(node.left, data)
             node.right = self._insert_value(node.right, data)
     return node
예제 #11
    def recurse(i, j):
        if j - i == 0:
            return None

        mid = j // 2 + i // 2
        root = Node(val=vals[mid])
        root.left = recurse(i, mid)
        root.right = recurse(mid + 1, j)
        return root
    def test_delete_with_both_children(self):
        root = Node(data=4)
        root.left = Node(data=2)
        root.left.left = Node(data=1)
        root.left.right = Node(data=3)

        root = self.binary_tree.delete(node=root, data=2)
        assert root.left.data == 3
        assert root.left.left.data == 1
예제 #13
 def _insert_value(self, node, data):
     if node is None:
         node = Node(data)
         # 주어진 이진 트리에 무작위로 배치하기 위한 알고리즘
         random_case = randint(0, 10)
         if random_case >= randint(0, self.random_level):
             node.left = self._insert_value(node.left, data)
             node.right = self._insert_value(node.right, data)
     return node
예제 #14
 def clone(head):
     :type head:Node
     :param head:
     if head is None:
         return head
     res = Node(head.value)
     res.left = clone(head.left)
     res.right = clone(head.right)
     return res
예제 #15
def helper(start, end):
    if start >= end:
        return [None] if start > end else [Node(start)]
    res = []
    for i in range(start, end):
        left = helper(start, i)
        right = helper(i + 1, end)
        for j in left:
            for k in right:
                node = Node(i)
                node.left = j
                node.right = k
    return res
예제 #16
 def rebuild(value, start, end):
     if start > end:
         return None
     head = Node(value[end])
     little_end = 0
     large_start = end
     for i in range(start, end + 1):
         if value[i] < value[end]:
             little_end = i
             large_start = i if large_start == end else large_start
     head.left = rebuild(value, start, little_end)
     head.right = rebuild(value, large_start, end - 1)
     return head
예제 #17
def btree1():
    el1 = Node(1)
    el2 = Node(2)
    el3 = Node(3)
    el4 = Node(4)
    el5 = Node(5)
    el6 = Node(6)

    el1.left = el2
    el1.right = el3
    el1.left.left = el4
    el1.left.right = el5
    el1.left.left.left = el6

    return BinaryTree(el1)
예제 #18
 def rebuild_tree(value_list):
     :param value_list:
     if not len(value_list):
     node_value = value_list.pop(0)
     if node_value == "#":
         return None
     node = Node(node_value)
     node.left = rebuild_tree(value_list)
     node.right = rebuild_tree(value_list)
     return node
예제 #19
def list_to_binary(list):
    if len(list) == 0:
        return None
    if len(list) == 1:
        node = Node(list[0])
        return node
        center_index = math.floor(len(list) / 2)
        left_tree = list[:center_index]
        right_tree = list[center_index + 1:]
        node = Node(list[center_index])
        if len(left_tree) > 0:
            node.left = list_to_binary(left_tree)
        if len(right_tree) > 0:
            node.right = list_to_binary(right_tree)
        return node
예제 #20
 def generate(value, start, end):
     :type value:list
     :type start:int
     :type end:int
     :param value:
     :param start:
     :param end:
     if start > end:
         return None
     mid = (start + end) // 2
     head = Node(value[mid])
     head.left = generate(value, start, mid - 1)
     head.right = generate(value, mid + 1, end)
     return head
예제 #21
def minimal_tree_helper(inp_array, start, end):
    Recursively create a minimal tree, inserting the middle node as the root, left ones of the middle node
    to the left of the node and right one's to the right of the root node
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    :param inp_array: array
    :param start: start index of this array
    :param end: end index of this array
    :return: root of the tree
    if start > end:
        return None

    mid = (start + end) // 2
    node = Node(inp_array[mid])
    node.left = minimal_tree_helper(inp_array, start, mid - 1)
    node.right = minimal_tree_helper(inp_array, mid + 1, end)

    return node
예제 #22
def parse_token(tokens):
    parse tokens from lexical_parse.py;
    1. trait tokens in "()" as a expression token;
    2. find the lowest operator;
    3. binary split tokens with lowest operator;
    4. process left tokens and right tokens
    :param tokens: token list, the toke could be number, operator, scope and expression
    :return: syntax binary tree
    token_size = len(tokens)
    if token_size == 0:
        raise SyntaxError("empty token")
    elif token_size == 1:
        token = tokens[0]
        token_type = token.type
        token_value = token.value
        if token_type == TYPE_OPERATOR:
            raise SyntaxError("expression should be number or sub expression, but %s is an operator" % token_value)
        elif token_type == TYPE_SCOPE:
            raise SyntaxError("expression should be number or sub expression, but %s is a parentheses" % token_value)
        elif token_type == TYPE_NUM:
            return Node(token)
            # expression need to binary split
            tokens = token_value

    # token is a expression, split it with operator
    # split tokens with ()
    token_without_parentheses = _split_sub_expression(tokens)

    # find lowest operator
    lowest_priority_operator_index = _find_lowest_priority_operator(token_without_parentheses)
    if lowest_priority_operator_index == -1:
        raise SyntaxError("can not find operator")

    # split
    left_sub_tokens = token_without_parentheses[:lowest_priority_operator_index]
    right_sub_tokens = token_without_parentheses[lowest_priority_operator_index + 1:]
    node = Node(token_without_parentheses[lowest_priority_operator_index])
    node.left = parse_token(left_sub_tokens)
    node.right = parse_token(right_sub_tokens)
    return node
    def from_in_pre(ino, pre, start, end, preidx):
        """ Construct tree from given inorder and preorder traversal arrays
        - First element of pre order traversal is root of the tree whose position in in-order traversal
        - divides into left sub-tree and right sub-tree.
        if start>end:
            return None

        root = Node(pre[preidx[0]])
        preidx[0] = preidx[0] + 1
        if start == end:
            return root

        inidx = ino.index(root.data, start, end+1)

        root.left = BuildTree.from_in_pre(ino, pre, start, inidx-1, preidx)
        root.right = BuildTree.from_in_pre(ino, pre, inidx+1, end, preidx)

        return root
예제 #24
 def generate(start, end):
     :rtype: list
     :type start:int
     :type end:int
     :param start:
     :param end:
     result = []
     if start > end:
         return result.append(None)
     for i in range(start, end + 1):
         head = Node(i)
         left = generate(start, i)
         right = generate(i + 1, end + 1)
     for l in left:
         for r in right:
             head.left = clone(l)
             head.right = clone(r)
     return result
def k_smallest_pair(nums1, nums2, k):
    q, res = [(nums1[0] + nums2[0], 0, 0)], []
    while k > 0:
        a, b = heapq.heappop(q)[1:]
        res.append((nums1[a], nums2[b]))
        k -= 1
        if a + 1 < len(nums1):
            heapq.heappush(q, (nums1[a + 1] + nums2[b], a + 1, b))
        if b + 1 < len(nums2):
            heapq.heappush(q, (nums1[a] + nums2[b + 1], a, b + 1))
    return res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('leetcode 366')
    root = Node(1)
    root.left = Node(2)
    root.left.left = Node(4)
    root.left.right = Node(5)
    root.right = Node(3)
    head = LinkNode(1)
    head.next = LinkNode(2)
    head.next.next = LinkNode(3)
    head = LinkNode(1)
    head.next = LinkNode(9)
    print(k_smallest_pair([1, 7, 11], [2, 4, 6], 3))
    print(k_smallest_pair([1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], 2))
예제 #26
### Grade 2 , Semester 1 , Chapter 4 , Number 2 ###

from binary_tree import BinaryTree, Node  # (2-1-4-1 binary_tree.py를 binary_tree.py로 이름 변경 필요)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = BinaryTree()  # 이진트리 객체 생성
    # 8개의 노드 생성
    n1 = Node(100)
    n2 = Node(200)
    n3 = Node(300)
    n4 = Node(400)
    n5 = Node(500)
    n6 = Node(600)
    n7 = Node(700)
    n8 = Node(800)
    # 트리 만들기
    n1.left = n2
    n1.right = n3
    n2.left = n4
    n2.right = n5
    n3.left = n6
    n3.right = n7
    n4.left = n8
    t.root = n1
    # 트리높이 및 4가지 트리순회
    print('트리 높이 =', t.height(t.root))
    print('전위순회:\t', end='')
    print('\n중위순회:\t', end='')
    print('\n후위순회:\t', end='')
예제 #27
파일: bmain.py 프로젝트: as950118/outsource
from binary_tree import BinaryTree, Node
if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = BinaryTree() # 이진트리 객체 t 생성 
    n1 = Node(100)   # 8개의 노드 생성  
    n2 = Node(200)
    n3 = Node(300)    
    n4 = Node(400)    
    n5 = Node(500)    
    n6 = Node(600)
    n7 = Node(700)    
    n8 = Node(800)
    n1.left  = n2  # n1의 왼쪽 자식->  n2
    n1.right = n3  # n1의 오른쪽 자식-> n3
    n2.left  = n4  # n2의 왼쪽 자식->  n4
    n2.right = n5  # n2의 오른쪽 자식-> n5
    n3.left  = n6  # n3의 왼쪽 자식->  n6
    n3.right = n7  # n3의 오른쪽 자식-> n7
    n4.left  = n8  # n4의 왼쪽 자식->  n8       
    t.root = n1    # t의 루트노드를 n1으로
    print('트리 높이 =', t.height(t.root))
    print('전위순회:\t', end='')
    print('\n중위순회:\t', end='')
    print('\n후위순회:\t', end='')
    print('\n레벨순회:\t', end='')
예제 #28
from binary_tree import BinaryTree, Node

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = BinaryTree()
    n1 = Node(100)
    n2 = Node(200)
    n3 = Node(300)
    n4 = Node(400)
    n5 = Node(500)
    n6 = Node(600)
    n7 = Node(700)
    n8 = Node(800)

n1.left = n2
n1.right = n3
n2.left = n4
n2.right = n5
n3.left = n6
n3.right = n7
n4.left = n8

t.root = n1

print(f'트리 높이 = {t.height(t.root)}')
print('전위 순회:\t', end='')
print('\n중위 순회:\t', end='')
print('\n후위 순회:\t', end='')
print('\n레벨 순회:\t', end='')
예제 #29
from binary_tree import Node

def path_sum(root, num, path=[]):
    if sum(path) + root.value == num:
        print path + [root.value]
    if root.left:
        path_sum(root.left, num, path+[root.value])
    if root.right:
        path_sum(root.right, num, path+[root.value])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Node(1)
    root.left, root.right = Node(2), Node(1)
    root.left.left, root.left.right = Node(1), Node(0)
    root.right.left, root.right.right = Node(1), Node(3)
    print """
    root =
        2   1
       1 0 1 3
    print 'now running path_sum(root, 3)'
    path_sum(root, 3)
예제 #30
                                                                              node.right.data, )
            return False
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    """ Successfull Case """
    binary_tree = BinaryTree()
    for value in [5, 2, 1, 9, 10, 0, 6]:
    if is_bst(binary_tree.root):
        print "its a BST"
        print "it not a BST"

    """ Root is null case """

    """ Unsuccessful case """
    # Lets construct an invalid tree
    parent_node = Node(5)
    parent_node.left = Node(6)
    parent_node.right = Node(8)
    if is_bst(parent_node):
        print "its a BST"
        print "it not a BST"

예제 #31
        elif left:
            return is_bst(left, min, value)
        elif right:
            return is_bst(right, value, max)
        return True
    return False

   2     6
 1   3 5   7

   2     6
 1   8 5   7

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bst = Node(4)
    bst.left, bst.right = Node(2), Node(6)
    bst.left.left, bst.left.right = Node(1), Node(3)
    bst.right.left, bst.right.right = Node(5), Node(7)
    bt = Node(4)
    bt.left, bt.right = Node(2), Node(6)
    bt.left.left, bt.left.right = Node(1), Node(8)
    bt.right.left, bt.right.right = Node(5), Node(7)
    print 'is_bst(bst) =', is_bst(bst)
    print 'is_bst(bt) =', is_bst(bt)
    def test_min_left(self):
        root = Node(data='b')
        root.left = Node(data='a')

        assert self.binary_tree.min(node=root).data == 'a'
예제 #33
            merge = True
        helper(start + 1)
        if merge:
            tmp[-1] = str(int(tmp[-1]) - 1)
    return res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('leetcode 313, 320')
    root = Node(3)
    root.left = Node(9)
    root.right = Node(20)
    root.right.left = Node(15)
    root.right.right = Node(7)
    root = Node(3)
    root.left = Node(9)
    root.left.left = Node(4)
    root.left.right = Node(5)
    root.right = Node(20)
    root.right.left = Node(2)
    root.right.right = Node(7)
예제 #34
            num = c + num
    return st.pop()

def find_disappear_number(nums):
    i = 0
    while i < len(nums):
        if nums[i] != nums[nums[i] - 1]:
            nums[nums[i] - 1], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[nums[i] - 1]
            i += 1
    return [i for i, v in enumerate(nums) if i != v - 1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('leetcode 437')
    root = Node(10)
    root.left = Node(5)
    root.left.left = Node(3)
    root.left.right = Node(2)
    root.left.left.left = Node(3)
    root.left.left.right = Node(-2)
    root.left.right = Node(2)
    root.left.right.right = Node(1)
    root.right = Node(-3)
    root.right.right = Node(11)
    print(path_sum(root, 8))
    print(find_disappear_number([4, 3, 2, 7, 8, 2, 3, 1]))