def test_spec(self): for version in _versions.keys(): compatibility = version in {1, 3} path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))) with open(os.path.join(path, "spec/triplesec_v{}.json".format(version))) as specfile: vectors = json.load(specfile) for v in vectors['vectors']: key = unhex(v['key']) pt = unhex(v['pt']) ct = unhex(v['ct']) rndstream = six.BytesIO(unhex(v['r'])) # Self-consistency got_self_compat = triplesec.encrypt(pt, key, compatibility=compatibility) self.assertEqual(pt, triplesec.decrypt(got_self_compat, key, compatibility=compatibility)) # Self-consistency for reverse compatibility got_self_rev_compat = triplesec.encrypt(pt, key, compatibility=not compatibility) self.assertEqual(pt, triplesec.decrypt(got_self_rev_compat, key, compatibility=not compatibility)) # Able to decrypt spec self.assertEqual(pt, triplesec.decrypt(ct, key, compatibility=compatibility)) # Correct encryption with fixed random tape T = TripleSec(key, rndstream=rndstream) got = T.encrypt(pt, v=version, compatibility=compatibility) self.assertEqual(hexlify(got), hexlify(ct))
def _VerifyMerchant(self,merchantCode): MODEL = "获取令牌"; pak = {Constants.PROJECT_ID:Config.projectId} param = {Constants.MERCHANTCODE:merchantCode} twk = self._getRandomNumAndLetterAF(32) rsaKey = self._createRSAPublicKey(Config.tmk) param[Constants.TWK] = hexlify(rsa.encrypt(unhex(twk), rsaKey)) pak["param"] = param pak_sort = json.dumps(pak,sort_keys=True) print "请求报文:%s"%pak_sort retStr ="",data=pak_sort) print "响应报文:%s"%retStr.text dict_results = json.loads(retStr.text) code = dict_results[Constants.CODE] #获取令牌失败 if not "00" == code: print "失败 code=%s;msg=%s;"%(code, dict_results[Constants.MSG]) data = dict_results[Constants.DATA] token = data[Constants.TOKEN] wk = data[Constants.WK] t_des = triple_des(unhex(twk)) wk = hexlify(t_des.decrypt(unhex(wk.encode('ascii')))) tokens = [token, twk, wk.strip()] print "返回数据:%s"%str(tokens) return tokens
def test_signatures_v1(self): inp = unhex('1c94d7de000000019f1d6915ca8035e207292f3f4f88237da9876505dee100dfbda9fd1cd278d3590840109465e5ed347fdeb6fc2ca8c25fa5cf6e317d977f6c5209f46c30055f5c531c') key = unhex('1ee5eec12cfbf3cc311b855ddfddf913cff40b3a7dce058c4e46b5ba9026ba971a973144cbf180ceca7d35e1600048d414f7d5399b4ae46732c34d898fa68fbb0dbcea10d84201734e83c824d0f66207cf6f1b6a2ba13b9285329707facbc060') out = unhex('aa761d7d39c1503e3f4601f1e331787dca67794357650d76f6408fb9ea37f9eede1f45fcc741a3ec06e9d23be97eb1fbbcbe64bc6b2c010827469a8a0abbb008b11effefe95ddd558026dd2ce83838d7a087e71d8a98e5cbee59f9f788e99dbe7f9032912a4384af760c56da8d7a40ab057796ded052be17a69a6d14e703a621') version = TripleSec.VERSIONS[1] self.assertEqual(out, b''.join(TripleSec._generate_macs(inp, [key[:48], key[48:]], version)))
def __fulltest__(): # This should not produce any unexpected errors or exceptions from binascii import unhexlify as unhex from binascii import hexlify as dohex __test__() print "" k = des("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") d = k.encrypt("DES encryption algorithm") if k.decrypt(d) != "DES encryption algorithm": print "Test 1 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = des("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") d = k.encrypt("Default string of text", '*') if k.decrypt(d, "*") != "Default string of text": print "Test 2 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = des("\r\n\tABC\r\n") d = k.encrypt("String to Pad", '*') if k.decrypt(d) != "String to Pad***": print "'%s'" % k.decrypt(d) print "Test 3 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = des("\r\n\tABC\r\n") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"), unhex("44")) if k.decrypt(d, unhex("44")) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"): print "Test 4a Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB0408044"): print "Test 4b Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = triple_des("MyDesKey\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*543") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080")) if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"): print "Test 5 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = triple_des("\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*543") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080")) if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"): print "Test 6 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data"
def _payment(self, projectId, merchantCode, merPriKey, outUserId, outOrderId, totalAmount, intoCardNo, intoCardName, intoCardType, bankCode, bankName,k): param={ Constants.MERCHANTCODE:merchantCode, Constants.NONCESTR:self._getRandomLetterAndNum(32), Constants.OUTUSERID:outUserId, Constants.OUTORDERID:outOrderId, Constants.TOTALAMOUNT:totalAmount, Constants.INTOCARDNO:intoCardNo, Constants.INTOCARDNAME:intoCardName, Constants.INTOCARDTYPE:intoCardType, Constants.BANKCODE:bankCode, Constants.BANKNAME:bankName } #验证签名 signFields = [Constants.MERCHANTCODE, Constants.NONCESTR, Constants.OUTORDERID, Constants.TOTALAMOUNT, Constants.INTOCARDNO, Constants.INTOCARDNAME, Constants.INTOCARDTYPE, Constants.BANKCODE, Constants.BANKNAME, Constants.OUTUSERID] #签名 signFields.sort() signSrc = self._orgSignSrc(signFields, param) #load java生成的 prikey失败,貌似是因为pyasn1 库有bug priKey = self._createRSAPrivateKey(merPriKey) param[Constants.SIGN] = hexlify(rsa.sign(signSrc,priKey,'MD5')) print "验证商户签名:%s"%str(rsa.verify(signSrc,unhex(param[Constants.SIGN]),self._createRSAPublicKey(Config.merPubKey))) print "商户 订单号 " + outOrderId src_json = json.dumps(param,sort_keys=True) print len(src_json) print "3des加密数据:%s"%src_json #k[1]是16进制字串,需要转化为byte传入才能正确处理,python里3des key长度为16或24,接口服务不是按照python默认的解密来解析,这里需要手动增加长度 #t_des = triple_des(unhex(k[1]),pad='0')#pad='0',padmode=PAD_PKCS5 t_des = triple_des(unhex(k[1])) #转换成二进制数据的16进制表示再调用接口post传入 src_byte = hexlify(src_json) if len(src_byte)%16 != 0: pad_len = 16 - len(src_byte)%16 print "byte_len:%s"%str(len(src_byte)) print "pad_len:%s"%str(pad_len) src_byte=src_byte+pad_len/2*hexlify('\x00') print len(src_byte) src_json=unhex(src_byte) print len(src_byte) packChiper = hexlify(t_des.encrypt(src_json)) #print "3des加密后密文%s"%packChiper print "3des解密数据:%s"%t_des.decrypt(t_des.encrypt(src_json)) reqPak = {Constants.PROJECT_ID:projectId, 'param':json.dumps({Constants.TOKEN:k[0], Constants.MERCHANTCODE:merchantCode,Constants.PACKCHIPER:packChiper},sort_keys=True)} reqPak_sort = json.dumps(reqPak,sort_keys=True) print "出款 请求报文:" + reqPak_sort chukuan_ret ="",data=reqPak_sort) print "出款 应答报文:" + chukuan_ret.text
def test_ciphers(self): s = k = for c in (triplesec.crypto.XSalsa20, triplesec.crypto.AES, triplesec.crypto.Twofish): self.assertEqual(s, c.decrypt(c.encrypt(s, k, c.generate_iv_data(triplesec.rndfile)), k), c.__name__) ciphertext = b'24-byte nonce for xsalsa' + unhex('002d4513843fc240c401e541') self.assertEqual(b'Hello world!', triplesec.crypto.XSalsa20.decrypt(ciphertext, b'this is 32-byte key for xsalsa20')) ciphertext = b'24-byte nonce for xsalsa' + unhex( '4848297feb1fb52fb66d81609bd547fabcbe7026edc8b5e5e449d088bfa69c088f5d8da1d791267c2c195a7f8cae9c4b4050d08ce6d3a151ec265f3a58e47648') self.assertEqual(b'\x00' * 64, triplesec.crypto.XSalsa20.decrypt(ciphertext, b'this is 32-byte key for xsalsa20'))
def example_triple_des(): from time import time # Utility module from binascii import unhexlify as unhex # example shows triple-des encryption using the des class print "Example of triple DES encryption in default ECB mode (DES-EDE3)\n" print "Triple des using the des class (3 times)" t = time() k1 = des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1")) k2 = des(unhex("1122334455667788")) k3 = des(unhex("77661100DD223311")) d = "Triple DES test string, to be encrypted and decrypted..." print "Key1: %s" % repr(k1.getKey()) print "Key2: %s" % repr(k2.getKey()) print "Key3: %s" % repr(k3.getKey()) print "Data: %s" % d e1 = k1.encrypt(d) e2 = k2.decrypt(e1) e3 = k3.encrypt(e2) print "Encrypted: " + repr(e3) d3 = k3.decrypt(e3) d2 = k2.encrypt(d3) d1 = k1.decrypt(d2) print "Decrypted: " + d1 print "DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8)) print "" # Example below uses the triple-des class to achieve the same as above print "Now using triple des class" t = time() t1 = triple_des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1112233445566778877661100DD223311")) print "Key: %s" % repr(t1.getKey()) print "Data: %s" % d td1 = t1.encrypt(d) print "Encrypted: " + repr(td1) td2 = t1.decrypt(td1) print "Decrypted: " + td2 print "Triple DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8))
def decode(self, data: str, depth: int=0, tag: str=None): self._items.append(data if tag is None else _TaggedData(tag, data)) data = bytearray(unhex(data)) self._decode_func[depth](data) if len(data) > 0: print(data.hex()) return self
def test_signatures_v1(self): inp = unhex( '1c94d7de000000019f1d6915ca8035e207292f3f4f88237da9876505dee100dfbda9fd1cd278d3590840109465e5ed347fdeb6fc2ca8c25fa5cf6e317d977f6c5209f46c30055f5c531c' ) key = unhex( '1ee5eec12cfbf3cc311b855ddfddf913cff40b3a7dce058c4e46b5ba9026ba971a973144cbf180ceca7d35e1600048d414f7d5399b4ae46732c34d898fa68fbb0dbcea10d84201734e83c824d0f66207cf6f1b6a2ba13b9285329707facbc060' ) out = unhex( 'aa761d7d39c1503e3f4601f1e331787dca67794357650d76f6408fb9ea37f9eede1f45fcc741a3ec06e9d23be97eb1fbbcbe64bc6b2c010827469a8a0abbb008b11effefe95ddd558026dd2ce83838d7a087e71d8a98e5cbee59f9f788e99dbe7f9032912a4384af760c56da8d7a40ab057796ded052be17a69a6d14e703a621' ) version = TripleSec.VERSIONS[1] self.assertEqual( out, b''.join( TripleSec._generate_macs(inp, [key[:48], key[48:]], version)))
def tripleDesEncrypt(sourceData='',tripleDesKey = '1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF'): result = '' print('source len = ',len(sourceData)) if(len(sourceData) <= 0 ): print('input data len error') return -1 #将数据分成8个字节进行3DES加密,不足8个字节填充0x00补齐8个字节 t1 = triple_des(unhex(tripleDesKey),CBC,b'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0',pad=None ,padmode=PAD_NORMAL) n = len(sourceData) / 8 m = len(sourceData) % 8 for i in range(0,int(n)+1): #result = t1.encrypt(tmp) #print(i,n) if int(n) == i: tmp = sourceData[i * 8 : ] tmp += '\0' * (8 - m) else: tmp = sourceData[i * 8 : (i + 1)*8] #print('tmp len : ',len(tmp)) d = t1.encrypt(tmp) result += bcdhexToaschex(d) print('d = %r' % d) print(t1.decrypt(d)) #result += bcdhexToaschex(t1.encrypt(tmp)) #print('result = %s' % result) return result
def replace_packet_attributes(): # noinspection PyArgumentList data = self._data_producer(addr) if data: self._analyzer.decode_on(visitor, unhex(data)) else: self._analyzer.create(visitor) self._analyzer.encode_on(visitor)
def _example_triple_des_(): from time import time # Utility module from binascii import unhexlify as unhex # example shows triple-des encryption using the des class print ("Example of triple DES encryption in default ECB mode (DES-EDE3)\n") print ("Triple des using the des class (3 times)") t = time() k1 = des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1")) k2 = des(unhex("1122334455667788")) k3 = des(unhex("77661100DD223311")) d = "Triple DES test string, to be encrypted and decrypted..." print ("Key1: %r" % k1.getKey()) print ("Key2: %r" % k2.getKey()) print ("Key3: %r" % k3.getKey()) print ("Data: %r" % d) e1 = k1.encrypt(d) e2 = k2.decrypt(e1) e3 = k3.encrypt(e2) print ("Encrypted: %r" % e3) d3 = k3.decrypt(e3) d2 = k2.encrypt(d3) d1 = k1.decrypt(d2) print ("Decrypted: %r" % d1) print ("DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8))) print ("") # Example below uses the triple-des class to achieve the same as above print ("Now using triple des class") t = time() t1 = triple_des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1112233445566778877661100DD223311")) print ("Key: %r" % t1.getKey()) print ("Data: %r" % d) td1 = t1.encrypt(d) print ("Encrypted: %r" % td1) td2 = t1.decrypt(td1) print ("Decrypted: %r" % td2) print ("Triple DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8)))
def __fulltest__(): # This should not produce any unexpected errors or exceptions from binascii import unhexlify as unhex from binascii import hexlify as dohex __test__() print "" k = des("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") d = k.encrypt("DES encryption algorithm") if k.decrypt(d) != "DES encryption algorithm": print "Test 1 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = des("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") d = k.encrypt("Default string of text", '*') if k.decrypt(d, "*") != "Default string of text": print "Test 2 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = des("\r\n\tABC\r\n") d = k.encrypt("String to Pad", '*') if k.decrypt(d) != "String to Pad***": print "'%s'" % k.decrypt(d) print "Test 3 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = des("\r\n\tABC\r\n") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"), unhex("44")) if k.decrypt(d, unhex("44")) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"): print "Test 4a Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB0408044"): print "Test 4b Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = triple_des("MyDesKey\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*543") d = k.encrypt( unhex( "000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080" )) if k.decrypt(d) != unhex( "000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080" ): print "Test 5 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data" k = triple_des("\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*543") d = k.encrypt( unhex( "000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080" )) if k.decrypt(d) != unhex( "000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080" ): print "Test 6 Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data"
def enbutttr(self): self.txt12.configure(state="normal") self.txt12.delete("1.0", "end") self.txt12.configure(state="disabled") self.trueorfalse.get() data = self.txt1.get("1.0", "end-1c") #Triple DES werkt alleen als de data een lengte heeft van 8 of een meerdere daarvan characters. #Dus als er de data dat niet heeft worden er puntkomma's achter geplakt. print(len(data)) if len(data) % 8 != 0: n = 8 - (len(data) % 8) s = ";" i = 0 while i < n: data += s i += 1 else: pass if self.trueorfalse.get() == 0: try: #Bijna alles is het zelfde als bij normale DES alleen moet de key nu geschreven worden in hexadecimals. #Voor de hexadecimals moet wel unhex zodat de sleutel niet meer in hexadecimals staat. #Met hexadecimals zijn er veel meer mogelijkheden voor de sleutel. #Ook kan er dan voor worden gekozen om 3 keer DES te gebruiken. key = tripledes( unhex("1231231231234567FACEAABBCCDDFACE5E1001005E890098"), CBC) ed = key.encrypt(data) print(ed) self.txt12.configure(state="normal") self.txt12.insert("1.0", ed) self.txt12.configure(state="disabled") except ValueError: raise ValueError("Data cannot be used") else: try: key = tripledes( unhex("1231231231234567FACEAABBCCDDFACE5E1001005E890098"), ECB) ed = key.encrypt(data) self.txt12.configure(state="normal") self.txt12.insert("1.0", ed) self.txt12.configure(state="disabled") except ValueError: raise ValueError("Data cannot be used")
def test_bip32_derivation(self): for v, vector in enumerate(bip32_vectors): mk = hd.bip32.PrivateKey.from_seed(unhex(vector['seed'])) for chain in vector['chain']: child = mk.child_path(chain['path']) self.assertEqual(child.serialize(), chain['xprv'], '{} / {} / xprv'.format(v + 1, chain['path'])) self.assertEqual(child.public().serialize(), chain['xpub'], '{} / {} / xpub'.format(v + 1, chain['path']))
def unpack_smart(self, device, timestamp, data): self.logger.debug("Unpacked %d bytes of smart data", len(data) / 2) #It's hex so each digit is only a nibble if len(data) == 0: self.logger.error("Length of data = 0, unable to proceed") return None RS485 = rs485_message.Rs485() try: RS485.ParseFromString(unhex(data)) except DecodeError as e: self.logger.error("Unpacking buffer gave error %s", e) return None if RS485.type == rs485_message.Rs485.DATA: #this is the type we are expecting if RS485.sensor == rs485_message.Rs485.OW: self.logger.debug("One wire data") for S in RS485.ow: SID = SV = S.value if(248 < SV): # It should be negative due to bug # AVR code SV = -float(((int(SV * 16) ^ 0xFFFF)+1))/16 self.database.save_onewire_reading(device, timestamp, SID, SV) self.logger.debug("Saved onewire reading to db %s, %s, %s", device, timestamp, SID) elif RS485.sensor == rs485_message.Rs485.TA_CHAIN: chain = RS485.tad self.logger.debug("Chain data") self.database.save_chain_reading( device, timestamp, chain[0].temp, chain[0].pitch, chain[0].roll, chain[1].temp, chain[1].pitch, chain[1].roll, chain[2].temp, chain[2].pitch, chain[2].roll, chain[3].temp, chain[3].pitch, chain[3].roll) elif RS485.sensor == rs485_message.Rs485.WP: self.logger.debug("WP data") if len( < 2: self.logger.error("Not enough data from waterpressure sensor") return None ADC1 =[0].value ADC2 =[1].value if len( >=3: ADC3 =[2].value if len( >= 4: ADC4 =[3].value else: ADC4 = None else: ADC3 = None ADC4 = None self.database.save_analog_smart_sensor_reading(device, timestamp, ADC1, ADC2, ADC3, ADC4) self.logger.debug("Saved analog smart sensor value to db %s %s", device, timestamp) else: self.logger.error("Unknown sensor type %d", RS485.sensor) return None else: self.logger.error("Unexpected message type %d". RS485.type) return None return True
def load_inventory_content(file_name: str) -> Tuple[Item, ...]: factory = { 'Item': Item, 'ItemType': ItemType, 'bytes': lambda value: unhex(value) } with open(file_name, 'r') as file: d = json.load(file) return _convert_to_namedtuple(d, factory)
def tripleDesDecrypt(data,tripleDesKey = '1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF' ): t1 = triple_des(unhex(tripleDesKey),CBC,b'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0',pad=None ,padmode=PAD_NORMAL) #print('input :', data) #bcd = ascTobcdhex(data[0:16]) bcd = bytes(data.encode()) print('bdc = %r' % bcd) #print(bcd) result = t1.decrypt(bcd) print(result) pass
def getTorrents(self): d = {} for f in os.listdir(self.dir_torrentcache): f = os.path.basename(f) try: f, garbage = f.split('.') except: pass d[unhex(f)] = 1 return d.keys()
def test_decrypt_invalid_data(self): regex = r'does not look like a TripleSec ciphertext' self.assertRaisesRegexp(TripleSecError, regex, lambda: triplesec.decrypt(b'foo', b'xxx')) self.assertRaisesRegexp( TripleSecError, regex, lambda: triplesec.decrypt( unhex(b'1c94d7de00000003abcdef'), b'xxx')) self.assertRaisesRegexp( TripleSecError, regex, lambda: triplesec.decrypt(b'12345678901235' * 100, b'xxx'))
def detrfile(self): filename = askopenfilename() f = open(filename, "rb+") data = f.close() key = tripledes( unhex("1231231231234567FACEAABBCCDDFACE5E1001005E890098")) data = key.decrypt(data, " ") f = open("TripleDESdecryptedfile.dec", "wb+") f.write(data) f.close()
def _example_triple_des_(file_name): k1 = des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1")) k2 = des(unhex("1122334455667788")) k3 = des(unhex("77661100DD223311")) with open(file_name, 'rb') as fo: d = e1 = k1.encrypt(d,padmode=PAD_PKCS5) e2 = k2.decrypt(e1,padmode=PAD_PKCS5) e3 = k3.encrypt(e2,padmode=PAD_PKCS5) directory1="encrypted files" if not os.path.exists(directory1): os.makedirs(directory1) directory1=directory1+'/' with open(directory1+file_name+'.enc', 'wb') as fo: fo.write(e3)
def UnjumbleString(s): try: #bData = create_string_buffer(s) #bDataLen = c_int(len(s) #CryptDecrypt(keys[0][0], 0, True, 0, bData, byref(bDataLen)) #dec_s = bData.raw[:bDataLen.value] #decrypted string may be shorter, but not longer #decr ="ba64b0087ac48920529183d3572f806bae5715375bb59185"), DES3.MODE_CBC, unhex("0000000000000000")) key = hexlify(keys[0][2][12:]) #print("Key: " + key) decr =, DES3.MODE_CBC, unhex("0000000000000000")) d = decr.decrypt(s) return zlib.decompress(d) except zlib.error: print 'Key failed. Attempting key switch.' del keys[0] if not keys: print >> sys.stderr, '!!! All keys failed. Exiting.' sys.exit(-1) return UnjumbleString(s)
def test_ciphers(self): s = k = for c in (triplesec.crypto.XSalsa20, triplesec.crypto.AES, triplesec.crypto.Twofish): self.assertEqual(s, c.decrypt(c.encrypt(s, k), k), c.__name__) ciphertext = b'24-byte nonce for xsalsa' + unhex( '002d4513843fc240c401e541') self.assertEqual( b'Hello world!', triplesec.crypto.XSalsa20.decrypt( ciphertext, b'this is 32-byte key for xsalsa20')) ciphertext = b'24-byte nonce for xsalsa' + unhex( '4848297feb1fb52fb66d81609bd547fabcbe7026edc8b5e5e449d088bfa69c088f5d8da1d791267c2c195a7f8cae9c4b4050d08ce6d3a151ec265f3a58e47648' ) self.assertEqual( b'\x00' * 64, triplesec.crypto.XSalsa20.decrypt( ciphertext, b'this is 32-byte key for xsalsa20'))
def get_support_data_item(self, support_data): if isinstance(support_data, str): support_data = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex(support_data)) if isinstance(support_data, SAPDiagSupportBits): support_data = SAPDiagItem( item_type="APPL", item_id="ST_USER", item_sid="SUPPORTDATA", item_value=support_data ) if isinstance(support_data, SAPDiagItem): return support_data return None
def load_packets(raknet_raw_file_name: str) -> DecodeAgent: import struct _agent = DecodeAgent(verbose=False) with open(raknet_raw_file_name, 'r') as file: for i, line in enumerate(file.readlines()): try: port_raw, data_raw = line.split() port, = struct.unpack('!H', unhex(port_raw)) # Don't remove comma, to get first one _agent.decode(data_raw, tag='L{}:{}'.format(i+1, port)) except Exception as exc: exc.args = ('{}, line {}, in {}'.format(exc.args[0], i + 1, raknet_raw_file_name), ) import traceback traceback.print_exc() return _agent
def unpackall(self): unprocessed_data = self.database.get_all_unprocessed() no_records = len(unprocessed_data)"%d Records to process", no_records) for record in unprocessed_data: node = record.node"Processing node %s " % node) sample = readings.Sample() try: sample.ParseFromString(unhex([2:])) except DecodeError as e: self.logger.error( "Unpacking %s gave error %s",, e) self.database.mark_processed( self.database.mark_corrupt( continue timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(sample.time)"Timestamp = %s" % timestamp) temperature = sample.temp if temperature < -100: temperature = float((((int(temperature *4) ) ^ 0x1FF) +1))/4 self.database.save_temperature(node, timestamp, temperature) power_mode = sample.WhichOneof("battery")"Got power mode %s" % power_mode) if "power" == power_mode:"Unpacking Power board") self.database.save_soc(node, timestamp, sample.power.soc) self.database.save_mppt(node, timestamp, float(sample.power.mppt)/10) self.database.save_solar_current(node, timestamp, float(sample.power.current)/1000) self.database.save_voltage(node, timestamp, float(sample.power.batt)/1000) elif "batt" == power_mode:"Using onboard ADC value for battery reading") self.database.save_voltage(node, timestamp, sample.batt) else: self.logger.warn("No voltage measurement type set (%s)" % node) # No longer have the accelerometer so no need to even bother storing data #self.database.save_accelerometer( # node, timestamp, # sample.accX, sample.accY, sample.accZ) if sample.HasField("ADC1"): self.database.save_adc(node, timestamp, 1, sample.ADC1) if sample.HasField("ADC2"): self.database.save_adc(node, timestamp, 2, sample.ADC2) if sample.HasField("rain"): self.database.save_rain(node, timestamp, sample.rain) if sample.HasField("AVR"): self.database.save_smart_reading(node, timestamp, sample.AVR) self.database.mark_processed("Processed %d %s %s",, node, timestamp)
def get_support_data_item(self, support_data): if isinstance(support_data, str): support_data = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex(support_data)) if isinstance(support_data, SAPDiagSupportBits): support_data = SAPDiagItem(item_type="APPL", item_id="ST_USER", item_sid="SUPPORTDATA", item_value=support_data) if isinstance(support_data, SAPDiagItem): return support_data return None
def _example_triple_des_(): from time import time # Utility module from binascii import unhexlify as unhex from binascii import hexlify as hexe # example shows triple-des encryption using the des class print("Example of triple DES encryption in default ECB mode (DES-EDE3)\n") print("Triple des using the des class (3 times)") t = time() k1 = des(unhex("CA3A3E989AA7AE58")) k2 = des(unhex("EB806D4E20A6C744")) k3 = des(unhex("21735514632D155D")) d = b"9999999999999999" print("Key1: %r" % k1.getKey()) print("Key2: %r" % k2.getKey()) print("Key3: %r" % k3.getKey()) print("Data: %r" % d) e1 = k1.encrypt(d) e2 = k2.decrypt(e1) e3 = k3.encrypt(e2) print("Encrypted: %r" % e3) print(type(d)) print(hex(15)) d3 = k3.decrypt(e3) d2 = k2.encrypt(d3) d1 = k1.decrypt(d2) print("Decrypted: %r" % d1) print((d1)) print("DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8))) print("")
def generateKey(): import uuid import sys from binascii import unhexlify as unhex if sys.platform == 'win32': mac = _ipconfig_getnode() else: mac = _ifconfig_getnode() if mac == None: mac = hex(_random_getnode())[2:-1] ud = uuid.uuid1() ud = ud.hex hi_time = ud[12:16] key = hi_time + mac return unhex(key)
def load_recipe(file_name: str) -> Tuple[Recipe, ...]: factory = { 'Recipe': Recipe, 'RecipeType': RecipeType, 'RecipeForNormal': RecipeForNormal, 'RecipeForFurnace': RecipeForFurnace, 'RecipeForMulti': RecipeForMulti, 'Item': Item, 'ItemType': ItemType, 'UUID': lambda value: UUID(hex=value), 'bytes': lambda value: unhex(value) } with open(file_name, 'r') as file: d = json.load(file) return _convert_to_namedtuple(d, factory)
def collect_packet( self, actual_data: bytes, addr: Address) -> Tuple[List[ValueObject], List[ValueObject]]: context = self._data_producer.get_context() collector_for_expected = _ExpectedPacketCollector(context) collector_for_actual = _ActualPacketCollector(context) # noinspection PyArgumentList data = self._data_producer(addr) if data: self._analyzer.decode_on(collector_for_expected, unhex(data)) else: self._analyzer.create(collector_for_expected) self._analyzer.decode_on(collector_for_actual, actual_data) return list(collector_for_expected.get_packets()), list( collector_for_actual.get_packets())
def unpacklatest(DB_CONFIG, LOG_LEVEL): logger = logging.getLogger("Latest unpacker") logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) DB = FeshieDb(DB_CONFIG) RAW = DB.get_latest_unprocessed() SAMPLE = readings.Sample() print "node: %s" % RAW.node print "Recieved time: %s" % RAW.recieved_time print "Processed: %s" % RAW.processed print "Raw data:%s" % #try: SAMPLE.ParseFromString(unhex([2:])) #except DecodeError: # print("Unable to decode protocol buffer") # return printReading(SAMPLE)
def changePIN(self): ##fpr is a global variable fpr = self.fpr challenge = json.dumps({'fingerprint': fpr}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} c = httplib.HTTPConnection('') c.request("POST", "/start_pin_change", challenge, headers) r = c.getresponse() if r.status == 200: d = data = json.loads(d) from binascii import unhexlify as unhex challenge = data['challenge'] challenge = [ord(x) for x in list(unhex(challenge))] self.avr.sendPinChal(challenge) # AVR creates HMAC(key, challenge + pin) and sends it to ARM from time import sleep sleep(0.5) hmac = [] while self.avr.get_status() != 0xA7: # read in hmac pass for i in range(64): hmac.append(self.avr.get_status()) #hmac.append(self.avr.getByte()) hmac = "".join([ hex(x)[2:] if len(hex(x)) == 4 else "0" + hex(x)[2] for x in hmac ]) data = json.dumps({'hash': hmac}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} c = httplib.HTTPConnection('') pin_change = json.dumps({'hash': hmac, 'fingerprint': fpr}) c.request("POST", '/pin_change', pin_change, headers) r = c.getresponse() if r.status == 200: #Server verifies the signature return True #changePIN Complete else: return False else: return False
def example_triple_des(): from time import time # Utility module from binascii import unhexlify as unhex # example shows triple-des encryption using the des class #print "Example of triple DES encryption in default ECB mode (DES-EDE3)\n" #print "Triple des using the des class (3 times)" t = time() k1 = des(open("./key/16Key", "r").read()) k2 = des(open("./key/16Key", "r").read()) k3 = des(open("./key/16Key", "r").read()) d = open("./text/10240Text", "r").read() #print "Key1: %s" % k1.getKey() #print "Key2: %s" % k2.getKey() #print "Key3: %s" % k3.getKey() #print "Data: %s" % d e1 = k1.encrypt(d) e2 = k2.decrypt(e1) e3 = k3.encrypt(e2) #print "Encrypted: " + e3 d3 = k3.decrypt(e3) d2 = k2.encrypt(d3) d1 = k1.decrypt(d2) #print "Decrypted: " + d1 #print "DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8)) #print "" # Example below uses the triple-des class to achieve the same as above #print "Now using triple des class" t = time() t1 = triple_des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1112233445566778877661100DD223311")) #print "Key: %s" % t1.getKey() #print "Data: %s" % d td1 = t1.encrypt(d) #print "Encrypted: " + td1 td2 = t1.decrypt(td1) #print "Decrypted: " + td2 print "Triple DES time taken: %f (%d crypt operations)" % (time() - t, 6 * (len(d) / 8))
def changePIN(self): ##fpr is a global variable fpr = self.fpr challenge = json.dumps({'fingerprint': fpr}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} c = httplib.HTTPConnection('') c.request("POST", "/start_pin_change", challenge, headers) r = c.getresponse() if r.status == 200: d = data = json.loads(d) from binascii import unhexlify as unhex challenge = data['challenge'] challenge = [ord(x) for x in list(unhex(challenge))] self.avr.sendPinChal(challenge) # AVR creates HMAC(key, challenge + pin) and sends it to ARM from time import sleep sleep(0.5) hmac = [] while self.avr.get_status() != 0xA7: # read in hmac pass for i in range(64): hmac.append(self.avr.get_status()) #hmac.append(self.avr.getByte()) hmac = "".join([ hex(x)[2:] if len(hex(x)) == 4 else "0"+hex(x)[2] for x in hmac]) data = json.dumps({'hash': hmac}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} c = httplib.HTTPConnection('') pin_change = json.dumps({'hash': hmac, 'fingerprint': fpr}) c.request("POST", '/pin_change', pin_change, headers) r = c.getresponse() if r.status == 200: #Server verifies the signature return True #changePIN Complete else: return False else: return False
def unlock(self): fpr = self.fpr challenge = json.dumps({'fingerprint': fpr}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} c = httplib.HTTPConnection('') c.request("POST", "/start_unlock", challenge, headers) r = c.getresponse() if r.status == 200: # Making sure communication with the server is performed correctly d = data = json.loads(d) challenge = data['challenge'] from binascii import unhexlify as unhex challenge = [ord(x) for x in list(unhex(challenge))] self.avr.sendUnlockChal(challenge) # AVR creates HMAC(key, challenge + pin) and sends it to ARM hmac = [] while self.avr.get_status() != 0xA4: pass for i in range(32): hmac.append(self.avr.getByte()) hmac = "".join([ hex(x)[2:] if len(hex(x)) == 4 else "0" + hex(x)[2] for x in hmac ]) # POST /unlock unlocking = json.dumps({'hash': hmac, 'fingerprint': fpr}) c = httplib.HTTPConnection('') c.request("POST", "/unlock", unlocking, headers) r = c.getresponse() if r.status == 200: #Server validates the request d = data = json.loads(d) flag = data['flag'] return flag #Unlock Complete else: return False else: return False
def unlock(self): fpr = self.fpr challenge = json.dumps({'fingerprint': fpr}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} c = httplib.HTTPConnection('') c.request("POST", "/start_unlock", challenge, headers) r = c.getresponse() if r.status == 200: # Making sure communication with the server is performed correctly d = data = json.loads(d) challenge = data['challenge'] from binascii import unhexlify as unhex challenge = [ord(x) for x in list(unhex(challenge))] self.avr.sendUnlockChal(challenge) # AVR creates HMAC(key, challenge + pin) and sends it to ARM hmac = [] while self.avr.get_status() != 0xA4: pass for i in range(32): hmac.append(self.avr.getByte()) hmac = "".join([ hex(x)[2:] if len(hex(x)) == 4 else "0"+hex(x)[2] for x in hmac]) # POST /unlock unlocking = json.dumps({'hash': hmac, 'fingerprint': fpr}) c = httplib.HTTPConnection('') c.request("POST", "/unlock", unlocking, headers) r = c.getresponse() if r.status == 200: #Server validates the request d = data = json.loads(d) flag = data['flag'] return flag #Unlock Complete else: return False else: return False
class _MagicData(DataCodec[bool]): """Check MAGIC data that is '00:ff:ff:00:fe:fe:fe:fe:fd:fd:fd:fd:12:34:56:78'. >>> c = _MagicData() >>> data = bytearray() >>> context = DataCodecContext() >>> c.write(data, True, context) >>> context.length 16 >>> hexlify(data) b'00ffff00fefefefefdfdfdfd12345678' >>> context.clear() >>>, context) True >>> context.length 16 >>> hexlify(data) b'' >>>'ffffff00fefefefefdfdfdfd12345678'), context) False """ BYTES = unhex(b'00ffff00fefefefefdfdfdfd12345678') _LENGTH = len(BYTES) def read(self, data: bytearray, context: DataCodecContext) -> bool: d = pop_first(data, self._LENGTH) context.length += self._LENGTH return d == _MagicData.BYTES def write(self, data: bytearray, is_valid: bool, context: DataCodecContext) -> None: assert is_valid data += _MagicData.BYTES context.length += self._LENGTH
def send(self, data_producer: Callable[[Address], str], from_: Address) -> None: self._protocol.datagram_received(unhex(data_producer(from_)), from_)
# Support Bits for common SAP Software versions # # SAPGUI 7.02 Java rev 5: ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff0f0000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.02 Java rev 2: ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff030000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.40 Java rev 8: ff7ffe2ddab737f674087e9305971597eff2bf8f4f71ff9f8606000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.02 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb51ed010000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.01 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb5501000000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.30 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed910200000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.40 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed91ca00000000000000 # # SAP EHP 1 for SAP Netweaver 7.0: ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf22f8d03300f000000000000000000 # SAP EHP 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0: ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf23f8d0370ff0f0000000000000000 # SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.50 SP02: ff7ffe2dd8b737f674087e9305971597ebf2bf8f4b71ff9f8606000000000000 support_data_sapgui_701_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb5501000000000000000000") ) support_data_sapgui_702_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb51ed010000000000000000") ) support_data_sapgui_730_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed910200000000000000") ) support_data_sapgui_740_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed91ca00000000000000") ) support_data_sapgui_702_java2 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff030000000000000000") ) support_data_sapgui_702_java5 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff0f0000000000000000")
bind_diagitem(SAPDiagSupportBits, "APPL", 0x06, 0x11) # Support Bits for common SAP Software versions # # SAPGUI 7.02 Java rev 5: ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff0f0000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.02 Java rev 2: ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff030000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.02 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb51ed010000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.01 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb5501000000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.30 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed910200000000000000 # # SAP EHP 1 for SAP Netweaver 7.0: ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf22f8d03300f000000000000000000 # SAP EHP 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0: ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf23f8d0370ff0f0000000000000000 # support_data_sapgui_701_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb5501000000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb51ed010000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_730_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed910200000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_java2 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff030000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_java5 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff0f0000000000000000")) support_data_sapnw_701 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf22f8d03300f000000000000000000")) support_data_sapnw_702 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf23f8d0370ff0f0000000000000000")) support_data = SAPDiagItem(item_type="APPL", item_id="ST_USER",
def TDES_Encrypt (the_stream): tdes = triple_des(unhex(shared_key)) return tdes.encrypt(the_stream,pad="\0")
def postprocess_value(tokens, property, line=0, col=0): """ """ tokens = trim_extra(tokens) if len(tokens) >= 2 and (tokens[-2] == ('CHAR', '!')) and (tokens[-1] == ('IDENT', 'important')): important = True tokens = trim_extra(tokens[:-2]) else: important = False if properties[] in (int, float) and len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[0] == ('CHAR', '-') and tokens[1][0] == 'NUMBER': # put the negative sign on the number tokens = [(tokens[1][0], '-' + tokens[1][1])] value = tokens if properties[] in (int, float, str, color, uri, boolean) or type(properties[]) is tuple: if len(tokens) != 1: raise ParseException('Single value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if properties[] is int: if tokens[0][0] != 'NUMBER': raise ParseException('Number value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = int(tokens[0][1]) elif properties[] is float: if tokens[0][0] != 'NUMBER': raise ParseException('Number value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = float(tokens[0][1]) elif properties[] is str: if tokens[0][0] != 'STRING': raise ParseException('String value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = str(tokens[0][1][1:-1]) elif properties[] is color_transparent: if tokens[0][0] != 'HASH' and (tokens[0][0] != 'IDENT' or tokens[0][1] != 'transparent'): raise ParseException('Hash or transparent value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if tokens[0][0] == 'HASH': if not re.match(r'^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$', tokens[0][1], re.I): raise ParseException('Unrecognized color value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) hex = tokens[0][1][1:] if len(hex) == 3: hex = hex[0]+hex[0] + hex[1]+hex[1] + hex[2]+hex[2] rgb = (ord(unhex(h)) for h in (hex[0:2], hex[2:4], hex[4:6])) value = color(*rgb) else: value = 'transparent' elif properties[] is color: if tokens[0][0] != 'HASH': raise ParseException('Hash value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if not re.match(r'^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$', tokens[0][1], re.I): raise ParseException('Unrecognized color value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) hex = tokens[0][1][1:] if len(hex) == 3: hex = hex[0]+hex[0] + hex[1]+hex[1] + hex[2]+hex[2] rgb = (ord(unhex(h)) for h in (hex[0:2], hex[2:4], hex[4:6])) value = color(*rgb) elif properties[] is uri: if tokens[0][0] != 'URI': raise ParseException('URI value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) raw = str(tokens[0][1]) if raw.startswith('url("') and raw.endswith('")'): raw = raw[5:-2] elif raw.startswith("url('") and raw.endswith("')"): raw = raw[5:-2] elif raw.startswith('url(') and raw.endswith(')'): raw = raw[4:-1] value = uri(raw) elif properties[] is boolean: if tokens[0][0] != 'IDENT' or tokens[0][1] not in ('true', 'false'): raise ParseException('true/false value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = boolean(tokens[0][1] == 'true') elif type(properties[]) is tuple: if tokens[0][0] != 'IDENT': raise ParseException('Identifier value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if tokens[0][1] not in properties[]: raise ParseException('Unrecognized value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = str(tokens[0][1]) elif properties[] is numbers: values = [] # strip the list down to what we think goes number, comma, number, etc. relevant_tokens = [token for token in tokens if token[0] == 'NUMBER' or token == ('CHAR', ',')] for (i, token) in enumerate(relevant_tokens): if (i % 2) == 0 and token[0] == 'NUMBER': try: value = int(token[1]) except ValueError: value = float(token[1]) values.append(value) elif (i % 2) == 1 and token[0] == 'CHAR': # fine, it's a comma continue else: raise ParseException('Value for property "%(property)s" should be a comma-delimited list of numbers' % locals(), line, col) value = numbers(*values) return Value(value, important)
def postprocess_value(property, tokens, important, line, col): """ Convert a list of property value tokens into a single Value instance. Values can be numbers, strings, colors, uris, or booleans: """ # # Helper function. # def combine_negative_numbers(tokens, line, col): """ Find negative numbers in a list of tokens, return a new list. Negative numbers come as two tokens, a minus sign and a number. """ tokens, original_tokens = [], iter(tokens) while True: try: tname, tvalue =[:2] if (tname, tvalue) == ('CHAR', '-'): tname, tvalue =[:2] if tname == 'NUMBER': # minus sign with a number is a negative number tokens.append(('NUMBER', '-'+tvalue)) else: raise ParseException('Unexpected non-number after a minus sign', line, col) else: tokens.append((tname, tvalue)) except StopIteration: break return tokens # # The work. # tokens = combine_negative_numbers(tokens, line, col) if properties[] in (int, float, str, color, uri, boolean) or type(properties[]) is tuple: if len(tokens) != 1: raise ParseException('Single value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if properties[] is int: if tokens[0][0] != 'NUMBER': raise ParseException('Number value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = int(tokens[0][1]) elif properties[] is float: if tokens[0][0] != 'NUMBER': raise ParseException('Number value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = float(tokens[0][1]) elif properties[] is str: if tokens[0][0] != 'STRING': raise ParseException('String value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = str(tokens[0][1][1:-1]) elif properties[] is color_transparent: if tokens[0][0] != 'HASH' and (tokens[0][0] != 'IDENT' or tokens[0][1] != 'transparent'): raise ParseException('Hash or transparent value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if tokens[0][0] == 'HASH': if not re.match(r'^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$', tokens[0][1], re.I): raise ParseException('Unrecognized color value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) hex = tokens[0][1][1:] if len(hex) == 3: hex = hex[0]+hex[0] + hex[1]+hex[1] + hex[2]+hex[2] rgb = (ord(unhex(h)) for h in (hex[0:2], hex[2:4], hex[4:6])) value = color(*rgb) else: value = 'transparent' elif properties[] is color: if tokens[0][0] != 'HASH': raise ParseException('Hash value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if not re.match(r'^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$', tokens[0][1], re.I): raise ParseException('Unrecognized color value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) hex = tokens[0][1][1:] if len(hex) == 3: hex = hex[0]+hex[0] + hex[1]+hex[1] + hex[2]+hex[2] rgb = (ord(unhex(h)) for h in (hex[0:2], hex[2:4], hex[4:6])) value = color(*rgb) elif properties[] is uri: if tokens[0][0] != 'URI': raise ParseException('URI value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) raw = str(tokens[0][1]) if raw.startswith('url("') and raw.endswith('")'): raw = raw[5:-2] elif raw.startswith("url('") and raw.endswith("')"): raw = raw[5:-2] elif raw.startswith('url(') and raw.endswith(')'): raw = raw[4:-1] value = uri(raw) elif properties[] is boolean: if tokens[0][0] != 'IDENT' or tokens[0][1] not in ('true', 'false'): raise ParseException('true/false value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = boolean(tokens[0][1] == 'true') elif type(properties[]) is tuple: if tokens[0][0] != 'IDENT': raise ParseException('Identifier value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if tokens[0][1] not in properties[]: raise ParseException('Unrecognized value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = str(tokens[0][1]) elif properties[] is numbers: values = [] # strip spaces from the list relevant_tokens = [token for token in tokens if token[0] != 'S'] for (i, token) in enumerate(relevant_tokens): if (i % 2) == 0 and token[0] == 'NUMBER': try: value = int(token[1]) except ValueError: value = float(token[1]) values.append(value) elif (i % 2) == 1 and token[0] == 'CHAR': # fine, it's a comma continue else: raise ParseException('Value for property "%(property)s" should be a comma-delimited list of numbers' % locals(), line, col) value = numbers(*values) elif properties[] is strings: values = [] # strip spaces from the list relevant_tokens = [token for token in tokens if token[0] != 'S'] for (i, token) in enumerate(relevant_tokens): if (i % 2) == 0 and token[0] == 'STRING': values.append(str(token[1][1:-1])) elif (i % 2) == 1 and token == ('CHAR', ','): # fine, it's a comma continue else: raise ParseException('Value for property "%(property)s" should be a comma-delimited list of strings' % locals(), line, col) value = strings(*values) return Value(value, important)
def _fulltest_(): # This should not produce any unexpected errors or exceptions from time import time from binascii import unhexlify as unhex from binascii import hexlify as dohex t = time() data = "DES encryption algorithm".encode('ascii') k = des("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") d = k.encrypt(data) if k.decrypt(d) != data: print ("Test 1: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 1: Successful") data = "Default string of text".encode('ascii') k = des("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") d = k.encrypt(data, "*") if k.decrypt(d, "*") != data: print ("Test 2: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 2: Successful") data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii') k = des("\r\n\tABC\r\n") d = k.encrypt(data, "*") if k.decrypt(d, "*") != data: print ("Test 3: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 3: Successful") k = des("\r\n\tABC\r\n") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"), unhex("44")) if k.decrypt(d, unhex("44")) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"): print ("Test 4a: Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data") elif k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB0408044"): print ("Test 4b: Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data") else: print ("Test 4: Successful") data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii') k = des("\r\n\tkey\r\n") d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data: print ("Test 5a: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) # Try same with padmode set on the class instance. k = des("\r\n\tkey\r\n", padmode=PAD_PKCS5) d = k.encrypt(data) if k.decrypt(d) != data: print ("Test 5b: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 5: Successful") k = triple_des("MyDesKey\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*543") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080")) if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"): print ("Test 6: Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data") else: print ("Test 6: Successful") k = triple_des("\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*543") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080")) if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"): print ("Test 7: Error: Unencypted data block does not match start data") else: print ("Test 7: Successful") k = triple_des("MyDesKey\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*54B", CBC, "12341234") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080")) if k.decrypt(d) != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080"): print ("Test 8: Error: Triple DES CBC failed.") else: print ("Test 8: Successful") k = triple_des("MyDesKey\r\n\tABC\r\n0987*54B", CBC, "12341234") d = k.encrypt(unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDC"), '.') if k.decrypt(d, '.') != unhex("000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDCB04080000102030405060708FF8FDC"): print ("Test 9: Error: Triple DES CBC with padding failed.") else: print ("Test 9: Successful") k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey") data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii') d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data: print ("Test 10: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 10: Successful") k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey") data = "String not need Padding.".encode('ascii') d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data: print ("Test 11: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 11: Successful") # Test PAD_PKCS5 with CBC encryption mode. k = des("IGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7") data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii') d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data: print ("Test 12: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 12: Successful") k = des("IGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7") data = "String not need Padding.".encode('ascii') d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data: print ("Test 13: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 13: Successful") k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7") data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii') d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data: print ("Test 14: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 14: Successful") k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7") data = "String not need Padding.".encode('ascii') d = k.encrypt(data, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) if k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) != data: print ("Test 15: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 15: Successful") k = triple_des("\r\n\tkey\rIsGoodKey", mode=CBC, IV="\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7", padmode=PAD_PKCS5) data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii') d = k.encrypt(data) if k.decrypt(d) != data: print ("Test 16: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 16: Successful") # Ensure no error occurs when creating an instance with no IV yet set, # test supplied by "Yoav Aner". k = triple_des("\0" * 24, mode=CBC, pad=None, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) data = "String to Pad".encode('ascii') d = k.encrypt(data) if k.decrypt(d) != data: print ("Test 17: Error: decrypt does not match. %r != %r" % (data, k.decrypt(d))) else: print ("Test 17: Successful") print ("") print ("Total time taken: %f" % (time() - t))
bind_diagitem(SAPDiagSupportBits, "APPL", 0x06, 0x11) # Support Bits for common SAP Software versions # # SAPGUI 7.02 Java rev 5: ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff0f0000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.02 Java rev 2: ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff030000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.02 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb51ed010000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.01 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb5501000000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.30 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed910200000000000000 # # SAP EHP 1 for SAP Netweaver 7.0: ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf22f8d03300f000000000000000000 # SAP EHP 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0: ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf23f8d0370ff0f0000000000000000 # support_data_sapgui_701_win = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb5501000000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_win = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb51ed010000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_730_win = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed910200000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_java2 = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff030000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_java5 = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff0f0000000000000000")) support_data_sapnw_701 = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex("ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf22f8d03300f000000000000000000")) support_data_sapnw_702 = SAPDiagSupportBits(unhex("ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf23f8d0370ff0f0000000000000000")) support_data = SAPDiagItem(item_type="APPL", item_id="ST_USER", item_sid="SUPPORTDATA", item_value=support_data_sapgui_702_java5) # Dynt Atom item types diag_atom_etypes = {
def test_decrypt_invalid_data(self): regex = r'does not look like a TripleSec ciphertext' self.assertRaisesRegexp(TripleSecError, regex, lambda: triplesec.decrypt(b'foo', b'xxx')) self.assertRaisesRegexp(TripleSecError, regex, lambda: triplesec.decrypt(unhex(b'1c94d7de00000003abcdef'), b'xxx')) self.assertRaisesRegexp(TripleSecError, regex, lambda: triplesec.decrypt(b'12345678901235'*100, b'xxx'))
def fuzzer(self,host,port,minim,maxm,salt,timeout): fuzzUDP(host,port,minim,maxm,salt,timeout,"TFTP") # Stage 1 for opcode in stage_1: printCommand(opcode[0]) for length in range(minim, maxm+1, salt): payloadCount(minim,maxm,length) pattern = createPattern(length) payload = unhex(opcode[1][2:]) + pattern + unhex(null[1][2:]) + mode[1] + unhex(null[1][2:]) spattern = opcode[1] + opcode[0] + " + " + pattern + somefile[0] + " + " + null[1] + null[0] + " + " + mode[1] + mode[0] + " + " + null[1] + null[0] sock = createSocketUDP(host,port,"TFTP",spattern,length,timeout) sendDataUDP(sock,host,port,"TFTP",payload,spattern,length,timeout,1) printCommand("(Mode) with" + opcode[0]) for length in range(minim, maxm+1, salt): payloadCount(minim,maxm,length) pattern = createPattern(length) payload = unhex(opcode[1][2:]) + somefile[1] + unhex(null[1][2:]) + pattern + unhex(null[1][2:]) spattern = opcode[1] + opcode[0] + " + " + somefile[1] + somefile[0] + " + " + null[1] + null[0] + " + " + pattern + mode[0] + " + " + null[1] + null[0] sock = createSocketUDP(host,port,"TFTP",spattern,length,timeout) sendDataUDP(sock,host,port,"TFTP",payload,spattern,length,timeout,1) # Stage 2 for opcode in stage_2: printCommand(opcode[0]) for length in range(minim, maxm+1, salt): payloadCount(minim,maxm,length) pattern = createPattern(length) payload = unhex(opcode[1][2:]) + unhex(block[1][2:]) + pattern + unhex(null[1][2:]) spattern = opcode[1] + opcode[0] + " + " + block[1] + block[0] + " + " + pattern + opcode[0] + " + " + null[1] + null[0] sock = createSocketUDP(host,port,"TFTP",spattern,length,timeout) sendDataUDP(sock,host,port,"TFTP",payload,spattern,length,timeout,1) # Stage 3 for opcode in stage_3: for error_opcode in error_opcodes: printCommand(opcode[0] + " with" + error_opcode[0]) for length in range(minim, maxm+1, salt): payloadCount(minim,maxm,length) pattern = createPattern(length) payload = unhex(opcode[1][2:]) + unhex(error_opcode[1][2:]) + pattern + unhex(null[1][2:]) spattern = opcode[1] + opcode[0] + " + " + error_opcode[1] + error_opcode[0] + " + " + pattern + " (Error String)" + " + " + null[1] + null[0] sock = createSocketUDP(host,port,"TFTP",spattern,length,timeout) sendDataUDP(sock,host,port,"TFTP",payload,spattern,length,timeout,1) exitProgram(2)
import socket import os import uuid import time import xlwt import base64 from icon import img from pyDes import * from binascii import unhexlify as unhex from binascii import b2a_hex, a2b_hex import paramiko kk = triple_des(unhex("201809229378ABCDEF9921ABCDEF9921")) hostname = socket.gethostname() uid = str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, hostname).hex[-12:]) # #standard figlet = ''' ____ _____ _ _ _ | _ \| ___|__| |_ _ _ __| (_) ___ | | | | |_ / __| __| | | |/ _` | |/ _ \ | |_| | _|\__ \ |_| |_| | (_| | | (_) | |____/|_| |___/\__|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___/ '''
result.append(block) i += 8 if _pythonMajorVersion < 3: data = ''.join(result) else: data = bytes.fromhex('').join(result) else: data = self.__key3.crypt(data, DECRYPT) data = self.__key2.crypt(data, ENCRYPT) data = self.__key1.crypt(data, DECRYPT) return self._unpadData(data, pad, padmode) data = "Please encrypt my data" k = des("DESCRYPT", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", pad=None, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) d = k.encrypt(data) print "Using Des, msg:", data print "Encrypted: %r" % d print "Decrypted: %r" % k.decrypt(d) assert k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) == data # Triple-des print ("Now using triple des class") from binascii import unhexlify as unhex t1 = triple_des(unhex("133457799BBCDFF1112233445566778877661100DD223311")) print ("Key: %r" % t1.getKey()) print ("Data: %r" % d) td1 = t1.encrypt(d) print ("Encrypted: %r" % td1) td2 = t1.decrypt(td1) print ("Decrypted: %r" % td2)
def test_decrypt_invalid_version(self): regex = r'Unimplemented version' self.assertRaisesRegexp(TripleSecError, regex, lambda: triplesec.decrypt(unhex(b'1c94d7de01200000abcdef'), b'xxx'))
def unhexl(h): """Convert hex to little endian bytecode""" return unhex(h)[::-1]
def postprocess_value(tokens, property, base=None, line=0, col=0): """ """ tokens = trim_extra(tokens) if len(tokens) >= 2 and (tokens[-2] == ("CHAR", "!")) and (tokens[-1] == ("IDENT", "important")): important = True tokens = trim_extra(tokens[:-2]) else: important = False if ( properties[] in (int, float) and len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[0] == ("CHAR", "-") and tokens[1][0] == "NUMBER" ): # put the negative sign on the number tokens = [(tokens[1][0], "-" + tokens[1][1])] value = tokens if properties[] in (int, float, str, color, uri, boolean) or type(properties[]) is tuple: if len(tokens) != 1: raise ParseException('Single value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if properties[] is int: if tokens[0][0] != "NUMBER": raise ParseException('Number value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = int(tokens[0][1]) elif properties[] is float: if tokens[0][0] != "NUMBER": raise ParseException('Number value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = float(tokens[0][1]) elif properties[] is str: if tokens[0][0] != "STRING": raise ParseException('String value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = tokens[0][1][1:-1] elif properties[] is color_transparent: if tokens[0][0] != "HASH" and (tokens[0][0] != "IDENT" or tokens[0][1] != "transparent"): raise ParseException('Hash or transparent value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if tokens[0][0] == "HASH": if not re.match(r"^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$", tokens[0][1], re.I): raise ParseException('Unrecognized color value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) hex = tokens[0][1][1:] if len(hex) == 3: hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2] rgb = (ord(unhex(h)) for h in (hex[0:2], hex[2:4], hex[4:6])) value = color(*rgb) else: value = "transparent" elif properties[] is color: if tokens[0][0] != "HASH": raise ParseException('Hash value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if not re.match(r"^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$", tokens[0][1], re.I): raise ParseException('Unrecognized color value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) hex = tokens[0][1][1:] if len(hex) == 3: hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2] rgb = (ord(unhex(h)) for h in (hex[0:2], hex[2:4], hex[4:6])) value = color(*rgb) elif properties[] is uri: if tokens[0][0] != "URI": raise ParseException('URI value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) raw = tokens[0][1] if raw.startswith('url("') and raw.endswith('")'): raw = raw[5:-2] elif raw.startswith("url('") and raw.endswith("')"): raw = raw[5:-2] elif raw.startswith("url(") and raw.endswith(")"): raw = raw[4:-1] value = uri(raw, base) elif properties[] is boolean: if tokens[0][0] != "IDENT" or tokens[0][1] not in ("true", "false"): raise ParseException('true/false value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = boolean(tokens[0][1] == "true") elif type(properties[]) is tuple: if tokens[0][0] != "IDENT": raise ParseException('Identifier value only for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) if tokens[0][1] not in properties[]: raise ParseException('Unrecognized value for property "%(property)s"' % locals(), line, col) value = tokens[0][1] elif properties[] is numbers: values = [] # strip the list down to what we think goes number, comma, number, etc. relevant_tokens = [token for token in tokens if token[0] == "NUMBER" or token == ("CHAR", ",")] for (i, token) in enumerate(relevant_tokens): if (i % 2) == 0 and token[0] == "NUMBER": try: value = int(token[1]) except ValueError: value = float(token[1]) values.append(value) elif (i % 2) == 1 and token[0] == "CHAR": # fine, it's a comma continue else: raise ParseException( 'Value for property "%(property)s" should be a comma-delimited list of numbers' % locals(), line, col, ) value = numbers(*values) return Value(value, important)
import json import os.path import six import struct import triplesec from triplesec import TripleSec, TripleSecError from triplesec.versions import _versions path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))) vectors = json.load(open(os.path.join(path, 'vectors.json'))) for v in vectors: for k in v: v[k] = v[k].encode('ascii') # JSON insists to decode the loaded objects if v[k].startswith(b'0x'): v[k] = unhex(v[k][2:]) if 'extra' in v: v['extra'] = unhex(v['extra']) v['ciphertext'] = unhex(v['ciphertext']) # A generic vector for various tests VECTOR = vectors[0] assert 'disabled' not in VECTOR class TripleSec_tests(unittest.TestCase): def _test_encrypt(self, encrypt, plaintext, key, pass_key=True): if pass_key: ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, key) else: ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext) self.assertEqual(plaintext, triplesec.decrypt(ciphertext, key))
# SAPGUI 7.02 Java rev 5: ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff0f0000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.02 Java rev 2: ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff030000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.40 Java rev 8: ff7ffe2ddab737f674087e9305971597eff2bf8f4f71ff9f8606000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.02 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb51ed010000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.01 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb5501000000000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.30 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed910200000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.40 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed91ca00000000000000 # SAPGUI 7.50 Windows: ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51fd91ce2c010000000000 # # SAP EHP 1 for SAP Netweaver 7.0: ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf22f8d03300f000000000000000000 # SAP EHP 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0: ff7ffe2dd8b737d674087e1305971597ebf23f8d0370ff0f0000000000000000 # SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.50 SP02: ff7ffe2dd8b737f674087e9305971597ebf2bf8f4b71ff9f8606000000000000 # SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.52 SP01: ff7ffa0d78b737de76186e9325b71597eb73feebdb51fd91ce24010000000000 support_data_sapgui_701_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb5501000000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1593ef73feebdb51ed010000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_730_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed910200000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_740_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51ed91ca00000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_750_win = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffa0d78b737def6196e9325bf1597ef73feebdb51fd91ce2c010000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_java2 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff030000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_702_java5 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737d674087e1305971597eff23f8d0770ff0f0000000000000000")) support_data_sapgui_740_java8 = SAPDiagSupportBits( unhex("ff7ffe2ddab737f674087e9305971597eff2bf8f4f71ff9f8606000000000000")) support_data_sapnw_701 = SAPDiagSupportBits(
def deleteOldCacheData(self, days, still_active = [], delete_torrents = False): if not days: return exptime = time() - (days*24*3600) names = {} times = {} for f in os.listdir(self.dir_torrentcache): p = os.path.join(self.dir_torrentcache, f) f = os.path.basename(f) try: f, garbage = f.split('.') except: pass try: f = unhex(f) assert len(f) == 20 except: continue if delete_torrents: names.setdefault(f, []).append(p) try: t = os.path.getmtime(p) except: t = time() times.setdefault(f, []).append(t) for f in os.listdir(self.dir_datacache): p = os.path.join(self.dir_datacache, f) try: f = unhex(os.path.basename(f)) assert len(f) == 20 except: continue names.setdefault(f, []).append(p) try: t = os.path.getmtime(p) except: t = time() times.setdefault(f, []).append(t) for f in os.listdir(self.dir_piececache): p = os.path.join(self.dir_piececache, f) try: f = unhex(os.path.basename(f)) assert len(f) == 20 except: continue for f2 in os.listdir(p): p2 = os.path.join(p, f2) names.setdefault(f, []).append(p2) try: t = os.path.getmtime(p2) except: t = time() times.setdefault(f, []).append(t) names.setdefault(f, []).append(p) for k, v in times.items(): if max(v) < exptime and not k in still_active: for f in names[k]: try: os.remove(f) except: try: os.removedirs(f) except: pass