예제 #1
def test_pull(full_heap, empty_heap):
    assert len(full_heap) == 11
    assert helper(full_heap) is True
    assert len(full_heap) == 10
    assert helper(full_heap) is True
    empty_heap = BinHeap()
    with pytest.raises(LookupError):
    assert empty_heap.pop() == 2
    with pytest.raises(LookupError):
예제 #2
class PriorityQ(object):
    """Class for implementing a priority queue."""
    def __init__(self):
        self._heap = BinHeap(order='min')
        self._cumulative_idx = 0

    def insert(self, pri, val):
        """Insert a value at the end of the priority queue."""
        self._heap.push((pri, self._cumulative_idx, val))
        self._cumulative_idx += 1

    def pop(self):
        """Remove and return the value at the root of the priority queue."""
            result = self._heap.pop()
            return result[2]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError("Cannot pop from empty queue.")

    def peek(self):
        """Return the value of at the root of the priority queue."""
            return self._heap._heap_list[0][2]
        except IndexError:
            return None
예제 #3
class PriorityQ(object):
    """Class for implementing a priority queue."""

    def __init__(self):
        self._heap = BinHeap(order='min')
        self._cumulative_idx = 0

    def insert(self, pri, val):
        """Insert a value at the end of the priority queue."""
        self._heap.push((pri, self._cumulative_idx, val))
        self._cumulative_idx += 1

    def pop(self):
        """Remove and return the value at the root of the priority queue."""
            result = self._heap.pop()
            return result[2]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError("Cannot pop from empty queue.")

    def peek(self):
        """Return the value of at the root of the priority queue."""
            return self._heap._heap_list[0][2]
        except IndexError:
            return None
예제 #4
def test_pop_from_random_min_heap_in_sorted_order():
    """Test that popping all the items from a heap are in sorted order."""
    from binheap import BinHeap
    from random import randint
    random_nums = [randint(0, 100) for _ in range(20)]
    h = BinHeap(random_nums, is_max_heap=False)
    popped = [h.pop() for _ in range(len(h._values) - 1)]
    assert popped == sorted(random_nums)
예제 #5
def test_pop_from_unique_random_max_heap_in_sorted_order():
    """Test that popping all items from a unique heap are in sorted order."""
    from binheap import BinHeap
    from random import randint
    random_nums = list(set([randint(0, 100) for _ in range(20)]))
    h = BinHeap(random_nums)
    popped = [h.pop() for _ in range(len(h._values) - 1)]
    assert popped == sorted(random_nums, reverse=True)
예제 #6
def main():

    # greeting
    print("Welcome to Alice's Restaurant")
    print("Open everyday except Thanksgiving.")

    # display command list
    print('Enter "a" to add a guest to the waiting list.')
        'Enter "s" to remove the next guest from the waiting list once they have been seated.'
    print('Enter "q" to quit.')

    # initialize reservation list & guest tracking number
    reservationList = BinHeap()
    guestnumber = 0

    # get user imput
    command = input("Command: ")
    while command.lower() != "q":

        # add guest
        if command.lower() == "a":
            name = input("Guest name: ")
            priority = input("Guest priority: ")
            guestnumber += 1
            newguest = Guest(name, priority, guestnumber)
            print("A reservation for", newguest.name, "has been made.")
            print("They have been assigned a priority of",
                  newguest.priority + ".")
            print("They are currently", reservationList._heap.index(newguest),
                  "in line for a table.")
            command = input("Command: ")

        # get next guest from list
        elif command.lower() == "s":
            serving = reservationList.pop()

            # check if there are guests on list
            if serving:
                print("Now serving", serving.name)
                command = input("Command: ")

            # warn if no guests on list
                print("There are no customers on the waiting list")
                command = input("Command: ")

        # control for invalid commands
        elif command.lower() != "a" or "s":
            print("Unrecognised command! Please try again.")
            command = input("Command: ")

    # exit program
예제 #7
class Priorityq(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.binheap = BinHeap()
        self._count = 0

    def insert(self, priority, val):
        new_node = Node(priority, val, self._count)
        self._count += 1

    def pop(self):
        return_node = self.binheap.pop()
        return return_node.val

    def peek(self):
        return self.binheap[0].val
예제 #8
def test_pop(iterable, expected):
    from binheap import BinHeap
    bh = BinHeap(iterable)
    assert bh._container == expected
예제 #9
def test_pop_empty_heap():
    from binheap import BinHeap
    bh = BinHeap()
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
예제 #10
파일: astar.py 프로젝트: csharrison/ASTAR
def create_path(s, end, grid,timelimit):
    "Creates the shortest path between s (start) and end."
    runtime = 0
    # yay nested list comprehension
    # the ons list is a 2d list of node status
    # None means the node has not been checked yet
    # a node object for a value means it is on the open list
    # a False value means that it is on the closed list
    ons = [[None for y in xrange(len(grid[x]))] for x in xrange(len(grid))]

    #n is the current best node on the open list, starting with the initial node
    n = node(s, None ,0, 0)

    #we store the fscores of the nodes and the nodes themselves in a binary heap
    openl = BinHeap()

    #local functions accessed faster than global functions
    get_time = time.clock
    geth = get_h_score
    while n.loc != end:
        t = get_time()

        #search adjacent nodes
        #if the node is already on the open list, then
        #and change their pointer the the current node
        #if their path from current node is shorter than their
        #previous path from previous parent
        #if the node is not on the open list and is not a wall,
        #add it to the open list
        for x in xrange(n.loc[0] -1, n.loc[0] +2):
            for y in xrange(n.loc[1] -1 , n.loc[1] + 2):
                #the checked node can't be our central node
                if (x,y) != n.loc:
                    #if the node is not on the closed list or open list
                    if ons[x][y] != None and ons[x][y] != False:
                        #get cost of the new path made from switching parents
                        new_cost = getdircost(n.loc,(x,y)) + n.gscore

                        # if the path from the current node is shorter
                        if new_cost < ons[x][y].gscore:
                            #find the index of the node
                            #to change in the open list
                            index = openl.index([ons[x][y].fscore,ons[x][y]])

                            #update the node to include this new change
                            openl[index][1] = node((x,y), n, new_cost,
                                                   geth((x,y),end) + new_cost)
                            #update the ons list and the fscore list in the heap
                            openl[index][0] = openl[index][1].fscore
                            ons[x][y] = openl[index][1]

                    #if the node is not a wall and not on the closed list
                    #then simply add it to the open list
                    elif grid[x][y] == True and ons[x][y] != False:
                        h = geth((x,y),end)
                        #movement score gets the direction cost
                        #added to the parent's directional cost
                        g = getdircost(n.loc,(x,y)) + n.gscore

                        ons[x][y] = node((x, y), n, g, g+h)#turn it on baby
                        openl.add([g+h, ons[x][y]])

        #if the length of the open list is zero(all nodes on closed list)
        #then return an empty path list
        if len(openl) == 0:
            print runtime
            return []

        #pop from the binary heap (the zeroth index stores fscore only)
        #this will give the node with the smallest fscore, hopefully closer
        #to the goal
        n = openl.pop()[1]

        #remove from the 'closed' list
        ons[n.loc[0]][n.loc[1]] = False

        runtime += get_time()-t
        if runtime > timelimit:
            print runtime

    #Now we have our path, we just need to trace it
    #trace the parent of every node until the beginning is reached
    moves = []
    while n.loc != s:
        n = n.parent
    print runtime
    return moves 
예제 #11
class PriorityQ(object):
    """Structure for values in a priorty queue.

    Items added to the priority queue are given a priority. If not set
    by the user, priority is set to be the lowest. When removing items,
    higher priority items are removed before lower priority items.
    def __init__(self):
        """Construct a new priority queue."""
        self._values = BinHeap()
        self._min_priority = 0

    def __len__(self):
        """Overwrite length to give us the amount of items in priority Q.

        Get all the items from all the buckets in the priority Q.
        return sum(len(b) for b in self._all_values[1:])

    def _all_values(self):
        return self._values._values

    def _size(self):
        return self._values._size

    def insert(self, val, priority=None):
        """Add a new value into the priority queue.

        If no priority is given, uses current lowest priority.
        if priority is None:
            priority = self._min_priority

        if priority < self._min_priority:
            self._min_priority = priority

            i = self._all_values.index(priority)
            bucket = self._all_values[i]

        except ValueError:
            self._values.push(Bucket(priority, [val]))

    def pop(self):
        """Remove the first value from priority Q.

        If no values in bucket then bucket is removed.
        if len(self._all_values) < 2:
            raise IndexError('Can not pop from empty priority Q.')
        bucket = self._all_values[1]
        result = bucket._values.dequeue()
        if len(bucket._values) == 0:
        return result

    def peek(self):
        """Get the the most important item without removing it."""
        if len(self._all_values) < 2:
        bucket = self._all_values[1]
        return bucket._values.peek()
예제 #12
def pop_empty():
    heap = BinHeap()
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
예제 #13
def test_pop_last():
    heap = BinHeap()
    assert heap.pop() == 5
    assert heap.list == []
예제 #14
def test_pop_one_child():
    heap = BinHeap()
    assert heap.pop() == 5