예제 #1
                logger.error("Extracting metadata and provenance failed")
        shock_id = None
        # Step 3: Package data files into a single compressed file and send to shock
            workspace_id = object_details["metadata"][0][4]
            object_version = object_details["metadata"][0][2]

            name = "KBase_{0}_{1}_{2}".format(workspace_name, object_name, object_version)

            # gather a list of all files downloaded
            files = [x for x in handler_utils.gen_recursive_filelist(transform_directory)]

            # gather total size of all files
            total = 0
            for x in files:
                total += os.path.getsize(x)

            # TODO
            # Workaround for Python 2.7.3 bug 9720, http://bugs.python.org/issue9720
            # The awe workers and KBase V26 are at Python 2.7.3 and we should migrate
            # to the same version of Python that Narrative uses, which is currently
            # Python 2.7.6, after which this workaround can be removed                    
            if total < 2**31:
                archive_name = os.path.join(working_directory, name) + ".zip"
                with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as archive:
                    for n in files:
                # fill in any optional arguments provided by the user
                if "optional_fields" in job_details["validate"]["handler_options"]: 
                    for k in optional_arguments["validate"]:
                        if k in job_details["validate"]["handler_options"]["optional_fields"]:
                            validation_args[k] = optional_arguments["validate"][k]

                # fill in any custom options needed to run the script
                if "custom_options" in job_details["validate"]["handler_options"]: 
                    for c in job_details["validate"]["handler_options"]["custom_options"]:
                        if c["type"] != "boolean":
                            validation_args[c["name"]] = c["value"]
                            validation_args[c["name"]] = c["value"] # TODO: Fix later with example
                # gather a list of all files downloaded
                files = list(handler_utils.gen_recursive_filelist(download_directory))
                # get the directories common to those files
                directories = list()
                for x in files:
                    path = os.path.dirname(x)
                    if path not in directories:
                # TODO: 1) The following logic assumes all files are of the same type 
                #          and will not work properly if there are multiple file types
                #       2) input_directory assumes the script can handle files without 
                #          using input_mapping        
                # validate everything in each directory
예제 #3

                # fill in any custom options needed to run the script
                if "custom_options" in job_details["validate"][
                    for c in job_details["validate"]["handler_options"][
                        if c["type"] != "boolean":
                            validation_args[c["name"]] = c["value"]
                            validation_args[c["name"]] = c[
                                "value"]  # TODO: Fix later with example

                # gather a list of all files downloaded
                files = list(

                # get the directories common to those files
                directories = list()
                for x in files:
                    path = os.path.dirname(x)

                    if path not in directories:

                # TODO: 1) The following logic assumes all files are of the same type
                #          and will not work properly if there are multiple file types
                #       2) input_directory assumes the script can handle files without
                #          using input_mapping
                # validate everything in each directory
                                 "Download from {0} failed.".format(workspace_name), 
                logger.error("Extracting metadata and provenance failed")
        shock_id = None
        # Step 3: Package data files into a single compressed file and send to shock
            name = "KBase_{0}_{1}_to_{2}_{3}".format(object_name, kbase_type, external_type, datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())

            # gather a list of all files downloaded
            files = list(handler_utils.gen_recursive_filelist(transform_directory))        
            archive_name = os.path.join(working_directory,name) + ".zip"
            archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True)
            for n in files:
            shock_info = script_utils.upload_file_to_shock(logger = logger,
                                                           shock_service_url = shock_service_url,
                                                           filePath = archive_name,
                                                           token= kb_token)
            shock_id = shock_info["id"]
        except Exception, e:
            logger.debug("Caught exception while creating archive and sending to SHOCK!")