예제 #1
def genelist2fs(gl):
    qid2cds = ids2cds(gl)
    fs = {
        "description": "Feature set generated by " + ",".join(gl),
        "elements": {}
    cdmie = CDMI_EntityAPI(URLS.cdmi)
    cdmic = CDMI_API(URLS.cdmi)
    cds_ids = qid2cds.values()
    cds2l = cds2locus(cds_ids)
    lfunc = cdmic.fids_to_functions(cds2l.values())

    fm = cdmie.get_entity_Feature(
        ['feature_type', 'source_id', 'sequence_length', 'function', 'alias'])
    for i in cds_ids:
        if i in fm:
            if not fm[i]['function'] and cds2l[i] in lfunc:
                fm[i]['function'] = lfunc[cds2l[i]]
            fs['elements'][i] = {
                "data": {
                    'type': fm[i]['feature_type'],
                    'id': i,
                    'dna_sequence_length': int(fm[i]['sequence_length']),
                    'function': fm[i]['function'],
                    'aliases': fm[i]['alias']
    return fs
예제 #2
def fidsToSequences(fidlist, config):
    ''' Given a list of feature IDs, returns a dictionary from FID to its amino acid sequence.

        @note Features with no amino acid sequence are discarded.
        @param List of feature IDs
        @param config Dictionary of configuration variables
        @return Dictionary keyed by feature ID of amino acid sequence for feature

    cdmi = CDMI_API(config["cdmi_url"])
    fidlist = list(set(fidlist))
    start = 0
    increment = 5000
    end = start + increment
    counter = len(fidlist)
    seqs = {}
    while counter > 0:
            ps = cdmi.fids_to_protein_sequences(fidlist[start:end])
        except HTTPError as e:
            if increment > 1:
                increment = increment / 2
                end = start + increment
            sys.stderr.write("caught '%s' error, increment is now %d\n" %(e.reason, increment))
        # Move to next sub-list
        start += increment
        end += increment
        if end >= len(fidlist):
            end = len(fidlist)
        counter -= increment
    return seqs
예제 #3
def getDlitFids(count, config):
    ''' Query the CDMI for a list of feature IDs with direct literature evidence (dlits).

        @param count Number of entities to retrieve in each function call
        @param config Dictionary of configuration variables
        @return List of literature feature IDs

    cdmi = CDMI_API(config["cdmi_url"])
    cdmi_entity = CDMI_EntityAPI(config["cdmi_url"])
    pubdict = dict()
    start = 0
    done = False
    while not done:
        subdict = cdmi_entity.all_entities_Publication(start, count, ["id"])
        start += count
        if len(subdict) < count:
            done = True

    pubids = getFieldFromEntity(pubdict, "id")
    sys.stderr.write("Found %d publication IDs\n" %(len(pubids)))
    pub2seq = cdmi_entity.get_relationship_Concerns(pubids, [], [], ["id"])
    pubseqs = getFieldFromRelationship(pub2seq, "id", "to")
    sys.stderr.write("Found %d protein sequences from publications\n" %(len(pubseqs)))
    seq2fids = cdmi_entity.get_relationship_IsProteinFor(pubseqs, [], [], ["id"])
    fids = getFieldFromRelationship(seq2fids, "id", "to")
    return fids
예제 #4
def subsystemFids(count, config):
    ''' Query the CDMI for a list of feature IDs in the subsystems.

        @param count Number of entities to retrieve in each function call
        @param config Dictionary of configuration variables
        @return List of subsystem feature IDs

    cdmi = CDMI_API(config["cdmi_url"])
    cdmi_entity = CDMI_EntityAPI(config["cdmi_url"])

    # Get the genes that are in subsystems and in OTUs.
    ssdict = dict()
    start = 0
    done = False
    while not done:
        subdict = cdmi_entity.all_entities_Subsystem(start, count, ["id"])
        start += count
        if len(subdict) < count:
            done = True
    ssids = getFieldFromEntity(ssdict, "id")
    sys.stderr.write('Found %d subsystems\n' %(len(ssids)))

    # Now lets get a list of FIDs within those subsystems
    # Break the complete list into smaller sub-lists to avoid timeouts
    start = 0
    increment = 10
    end = start + increment
    counter = len(ssids)
    ssfids = []
    while counter > 0:
            ssfiddict = cdmi.subsystems_to_fids(ssids[start:end], [])
        except HTTPError as e:
            if increment > 1:
                increment = increment / 2
                end = start + increment
            sys.stderr.write("caught '%s' error, increment is now %d\n" %(e.reason, increment))
        for key in ssfiddict:
            for ssfid in ssfiddict[key]:
                ls = ssfiddict[key][ssfid]
                for arr in ls:
                    if len(arr) > 1:
                        gl = arr[1]
                        for l in gl:
        # Move to next sub-list
        start += increment
        end += increment
        if end >= len(ssids):
            end = len(ssids)
        counter -= increment

    # Uniquify!
    return list(set(ssfids))
예제 #5
def fidsToRoles(fidlist, config):
    ''' Given a list of feature IDs return a dictionary from FID to the list of roles the encoding gene
        performs and a dictionary from roles to the FIDs performing them.

        @param fidlist List of feature IDs
        @param config Dictionary of configuration variables
        @return Dictionary keyed by feature ID of list of roles encoding gene performs, dictionary
            keyed by role of list of feature IDs performing the role

    cdmi = CDMI_API(config["cdmi_url"])
    cdmi_entity = CDMI_EntityAPI(config["cdmi_url"])
    # Break the complete list into smaller sub-lists to avoid timeouts
    start = 0
    increment = 1000
    end = start + increment
    counter = len(fidlist)
    fidsToRoles = {}
    rolesToFids = {}
    while counter > 0:
            roledict = cdmi_entity.get_relationship_HasFunctional(fidlist[start:end], [], [], ["id"])
        except HTTPError as e:
            if increment > 1:
                increment = increment / 2
                end = start + increment
            sys.stderr.write("caught '%s' error, increment is now %d\n" %(e.reason, increment))
        flist = getFieldFromRelationship(roledict, "from_link", "rel")
        rolelist = getFieldFromRelationship(roledict, "id", "to")
        for ii in range(len(flist)):
            # We have to use sets here because a bug(?) in get_relationship_HasFunctional allows multiple identical
            # links between fids and roles.
            # See for example what happens when you call it on g.9647.peg.2332
            if flist[ii] in fidsToRoles:
                fidsToRoles[flist[ii]] = set([rolelist[ii]])
            if rolelist[ii] in rolesToFids:
                rolesToFids[rolelist[ii]] = set([flist[ii]])
        # Move to next sub-list
        start += increment
        end += increment
        if end >= len(fidlist):
            end = len(fidlist)
        counter -= increment
    # Convert back to lists to not break other functions.
    for f in fidsToRoles:
        fidsToRoles[f] = list(fidsToRoles[f])
    for r in rolesToFids:
        rolesToFids[r] = list(rolesToFids[r])
    return fidsToRoles, rolesToFids
예제 #6
def ids2cds(ql):
    cdmic = CDMI_API(URLS.cdmi)
    idm = IdMap(URLS.idmap)

    gl = set()
    rd = {}
    eids = []
    lids = set()
    mids = set()
    for gid in ql:
        rd[gid] = gid
        if 'kb|g.' in gid:
            if 'locus' in gid:
            elif 'mRNA' in gid:

    sid2fids = cdmic.source_ids_to_fids(eids)
    for sid in sid2fids:
        for fid in sid2fids[sid]:
            rd[sid] = fid
            if 'locus' in fid:
            elif 'mRNA' in fid:
    lidmap = ()
    if len(lids) > 0: lidmap = idm.longest_cds_from_locus(list(lids))
    for lid in lidmap:
        for k in lidmap[lid]:
    midl = list(mids)
    midmap = ()
    if len(mids) > 0: lidmap = idm.longest_cds_from_mrna(list(mids))
    for lid in midmap:
        for k in midmap[lid]:

    for gid in ql:
        if 'kb|g.' in gid:
            if 'locus' in gid:
                for k in lidmap[gid]:
                    rd[gid] = k
            elif 'mRNA' in gid:
                for k in midmap[gid]:
                    rd[gid] = k
            if 'locus' in rd[gid]:
                for k in lidmap[rd[gid]]:
                    rd[gid] = k
            elif 'mRNA' in rd[gid]:
                for k in midmap[rd[gid]]:
                    rd[gid] = k
    return rd
예제 #7
def getOtuGenomeDictionary(count, config):
    ''' Obtain a dictionary from OTU representatives to all genomes in the OTU.

        @param count Number of entities to retrieve in each function call
        @param config Dictionary of configuration variables
        @return Dictionary keyed by OTU representative of list of OTU members
    cdmi = CDMI_API(config["cdmi_url"])
    # Get list of OTUs
    otulist = getOtuGenomeIds(count, config)
    otudict = cdmi.otu_members(otulist[0])
    return otudict
예제 #8
def go_anno_net(meth, net_obj_id=None):
    """Add Gene Ontology annotation to network gene nodes

    :param net_obj_id: Network object id
    :type net_obj_id: kbtypes.KBaseNetworks.Network
    :return: Workspace id
    :rtype: kbtypes.Unicode
    :output_widget: ValueListWidget
    meth.stages = 5

    meth.advance("Prepare annotation service")
    #gc = GWAS(URLS.gwas, token=meth.token)

    # load from current or other workspace
    wsid = meth.workspace_id
    # save to current workspace
    ws_save_id = meth.workspace_id

    meth.advance("Load network object")
    wsd = Workspace2(token=meth.token, wsid=wsid)
    oc = Ontology(url=URLS.ontology)

    net_object = wsd.get(net_obj_id)
    nc = Node(net_object['nodes'], net_object['edges'])

    idc = IDServerAPI(URLS.ids)
    cdmic = CDMI_API(URLS.cdmi)
    cdmie = CDMI_EntityAPI(URLS.cdmi)
    #idm = IdMap(URLS.idmap)
    gids = [
        i for i in sorted(nc.ugids.keys()) if 'CDS' in i or 'locus' in i or (
            not 'clst' in i and not i.startswith('cluster') and 'ps.' not in i)

    meth.advance("Get relationships from central data model")
    #eids = idc.kbase_ids_to_external_ids(gids)
    eids = kb_id2ext_id(idc, gids, 100)
    gids2cds = ids2cds(gids)
    cgids = gids2cds.values()
    cds2l = cds2locus(cgids)
    #mrnas_l = cdmie.get_relationship_Encompasses(gids, [], ['to_link'], [])
    #mrnas = dict((i[1]['from_link'], i[1]['to_link']) for i in mrnas_l)
    #locus_l = cdmie.get_relationship_Encompasses(mrnas.values(), [], ['to_link'], [])
    #locus = dict((i[1]['from_link'], i[1]['to_link']) for i in locus_l)
    #lgids = [locus[mrnas[i]] for i in gids if i in mrnas.keys()]  # ignore original locus ids in gids
    lgids = cds2l.values()

    meth.advance("Annotate ({:d} nodes, {:d} edges)".format(
        len(net_object['nodes']), len(net_object['edges'])))
    #ots = oc.get_goidlist(lgids, ['biological_process'], ['IEA'])
    ots = oc.get_goidlist(cgids, [], [])
    oan = ()  #oc.get_go_annotation(lgids)
    funcs = cdmic.fids_to_functions(lgids)
    funcs_org = cdmic.fids_to_functions(cgids)

    meth.advance("Save annotated object to workspace {}".format(ws_save_id))
    obj = {
        'type': 'KBaseNetworks.Network',
        'data': net_object,
        'name': net_obj_id + ".ano",
        'meta': {
            'original': net_obj_id
    wsd.save_objects({'workspace': ws_save_id, 'objects': [obj]})

    return _workspace_output(net_obj_id + ".ano")
예제 #9
def featureset_go_anal(meth,
    """This method annotate GO terms and execute GO enrichment test

    :param feature_set_id: FeatureSet workspace object id
    :type feature_set_id: kbtypes.KBaseSearch.FeatureSet
    :param p_value: p-value cutoff
    :type p_value: kbtypes.Unicode
    :param ec: Evidence code list (comma separated, IEA,ISS,IDA,IEP,IPI,RCA ..)
    :type ec:kbtypes.Unicode
    :param domain: Domain list (comma separated, biological_process,molecular_function,cellular_component)
    :type domain: kbtypes.Unicode
    :param out_id: Output FeatureSet object identifier
    :type out_id: kbtypes.KBaseSearch.FeatureSet
    :return: New workspace object
    :rtype: kbtypes.Unicode
    :output_widget: GeneTableWidget
    meth.stages = 4
    meth.advance("Prepare Enrichment Test")

    oc = Ontology(url=URLS.ontology)
    ws = Workspace2(token=meth.token, wsid=meth.workspace_id)
    fs = ws.get(feature_set_id)
    qid2cds = ids2cds(fs['elements'].keys())
    cds2l = cds2locus(qid2cds.values())
    cdmic = CDMI_API(URLS.cdmi)
    lfunc = cdmic.fids_to_functions(cds2l.values())

    meth.advance("Annotate GO Term")
    ec = ec.replace(" ", "")
    domain = domain.replace(" ", "")
    ec_list = [i for i in ec.split(',')]
    domain_list = [i for i in domain.split(',')]
    ots = oc.get_goidlist(list(set(qid2cds.values())), domain_list, ec_list)
    go_key = lambda go, i, ext: "go.{}.{:d}.{}".format(go, i, ext)
    go2cds = {}
    for gid in fs['elements']:
        lid = qid2cds[gid]
        if 'data' in fs['elements'][gid]:
            if not fs['elements'][gid]['data']['function']:
                fs['elements'][gid]['data']['function'] = lfunc[cds2l[lid]]
        if 'metadata' not in fs['elements'][gid]:
            fs['elements'][gid]['metadata'] = {}
        if lid in ots:
            go_enr_list = []
            for lcnt, go in enumerate(ots[lid].keys()):
                if go not in go2cds: go2cds[go] = set()
                for i, goen in enumerate(ots[lid][go]):
                    for ext in "domain", "ec", "desc":
                            go, i, ext)] = goen[ext]
                            go, i, ext)] = goen[ext]

    meth.advance("Execute Enrichment Test")
    enr_list = oc.get_go_enrichment(list(set(qid2cds.values())), domain_list,
                                    ec_list, 'hypergeometric', 'GO')
    enr_list = sorted(enr_list, key=itemgetter('pvalue'), reverse=False)
    header = [
        "GO ID", "Description", "Domain", "p-value", "FeatureSet ID (# genes)"
    fields = []
    objects = []
    go_enr_smry = ""
    for i in range(len(enr_list)):
        goen = enr_list[i]
        if goen['pvalue'] > float(p_value): continue
        cfs = genelist2fs(list(go2cds[goen['goID']]))
        goid = goen['goID'].replace(":", "")
            goen['goID'], goen['goDesc'][0], goen['goDesc'][1],
            "{}_to_{} ({})".format(out_id, goid, len(go2cds[goen['goID']]))
            'type': 'KBaseSearch.FeatureSet',
            'data': cfs,
            'name': out_id + "_to_" + goid,
            'meta': {
                'original': feature_set_id,
                'domain': domain,
                'ec': ec,
                'GO_ID': goen['goID']
        if i < 3:
            go_enr_smry += goen['goID'] + "(" + "{:6.4f}".format(
                goen['pvalue']) + ")" + goen['goDesc'][0] + "\n"
    data = {'table': [header] + fields}

    meth.advance("Saving output to Workspace")
        'type': 'KBaseSearch.FeatureSet',
        'data': fs,
        'name': out_id,
        'meta': {
            'original': feature_set_id,
            'enr_summary': go_enr_smry
    ws.save_objects({'workspace': meth.workspace_id, 'objects': objects})
    return json.dumps(data)