예제 #1
class WidgetManager(object):
    Manages data (and other) visualization widgets for use in the KBase Narrative.

    Basic flow for use:
    1. Instantiate the manager:
       wm = WidgetManager()

    This loads the widget info. If things have changed, reload_info can be used to update the known widgets.

    2. wm.widget_info
    This contains a large dictionary of KBase widget info as reported by the Narrative Method Store.

    2a. wm.widget_info['release'].keys()
    This returns a list of available widget names

    3. wm.print_widget_inputs(widget_name, release_tag)
    This will print out all non-constant variable names and their required values

    4. wm.show_output_widget(widget_name, tag="release", **kwargs)
    This will render the widget with the given name and tag. The kwargs are the list of variables from print_widget_inputs

    5. wm.show_external_widget({see method for details})
    This will fetch and render a widget and its required environment from the configured external CDN.
    widget_info = dict()
    _version_tags = ["release", "beta", "dev"]
    _cell_id_prefix = "kb-vis-"
    _default_input_widget = "kbaseNarrativeDefaultInput"
    _default_output_widget = "kbaseDefaultNarrativeOutput"

    def __init__(self):
        self._sm = SpecManager()
            nar_path = os.environ["NARRATIVE_DIR"]
            widget_param_file = open(
                os.path.join(nar_path, "src", "widget_param_mapping.json"))
            self.widget_param_map = json.loads(widget_param_file.read())
            self.widget_param_map = dict()

    def reload_info(self):
        Fetches all widget information from the method store and contains it in this object.
        self.widget_info = self._load_all_widget_info()

    def _load_all_widget_info(self):
        Loads all widget info and stores it in this object.
        It does this by calling load_widget_info on all available tags.
        info = dict()
        for tag in self._version_tags:
            info[tag] = self.load_widget_info(tag)
        return info

    def load_widget_info(self, tag="release", verbose=False):
        Loads widget info and mapping.
        Eventually will fetch from kbase-ui, a kbase CDN, or the catalog service.
        For now, it gets known vis widgets from all method specs.

        This returns the a Dict where all keys are the name of a widget, and all values
        contain widget information in this structure:
            "params": {
                "param_name": {
                    "is_constant": boolean,
                    "param_type": one of (string|boolean|dropdown),
                    "allowed_values": list of strings (exists when param_type==dropdown),
                    "allowed_types": list of data types (when param_type==string),
                    "param_value": something, mainly when is_constant==True
        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        methods = list(self._sm.app_specs[tag].values())
        all_widgets = dict()

        # keys = widget names / namespaced require path / etc.
        # Individual widget values should be:
        # {params: {
        #     name1: {
        #         is_constant: boolean,
        #         value: (***something*** | None) (something = any structure),
        #         allowed: [ list of allowed values, optional ],
        #         type: (string, int, float, boolean, etc. list? hash?)
        #         allowed_types: [ list of allowed ws types, optional ]
        #     },
        #     name2: { is_constant, value }
        # }

        for method in methods:
            if 'output' not in method['widgets']:
                widget_name = self._default_output_widget
                widget_name = method['widgets']['output']
            if widget_name == 'null':
                if verbose:
                        f"Ignoring a widget named 'null' in {tag} - {method['info']['id']}"
            out_mapping = method['behavior'].get(
                method['behavior'].get('output_mapping', None))
            if out_mapping is not None:
                params = {}
                for p in out_mapping:
                    param_name = p['target_property']
                    allowed_values = set()
                    is_constant = False
                    param_value = None
                    param_type = 'string'
                    allowed_types = set()

                    if 'constant_value' in p:
                        # add this val to a set of constant values for that param in that widget.
                        # if more than one possible, this need to be optional
                        is_constant = True
                    if 'input_parameter' in p:
                        # this is a user given input. look up what it expects from the
                        # associated parameter of that name
                        in_param = p['input_parameter']
                        for spec_param in method['parameters']:
                            if spec_param['id'] == in_param:
                                # want its:
                                # field_type = text, float, number, ...
                                in_type = spec_param['field_type']
                                if in_type == 'text':
                                    param_type = 'string'
                                    if 'text_options' in spec_param:
                                        validate_as = spec_param[
                                                'validate_as', None)
                                        if validate_as == 'int':
                                            param_type = 'int'
                                        elif validate_as == 'float':
                                            param_type = 'float'
                                        if 'valid_ws_types' in spec_param[
                                elif param_type == 'textarea':
                                    param_type = 'string'
                                elif param_type == 'checkbox':
                                    param_type = 'boolean'
                                elif param_type == 'dropdown':
                                    param_type = 'dropdown'
                                        for o in spec_param['dropdown_options']
                    if 'narrative_system_variable' in p:
                        # this is something like the ws name or token that needs to get fetched
                        # by the system. Shouldn't be handled by the user.
                        is_constant = True
                        param_value = system_variable(
                    if 'service_method_output_path' in p:
                        param_type = 'from_service_output'

                    param_info = {
                        'is_constant': is_constant,
                        'param_type': param_type,
                    if allowed_values:
                        param_info['allowed_values'] = allowed_values
                    if allowed_types:
                        param_info['allowed_types'] = allowed_types
                    if param_value:
                        param_info['param_value'] = param_value
                    params[param_name] = param_info

                if widget_name in all_widgets:
                    # if it's already there, just update the allowed_types and allowed_values for some params that have them
                    for p_name in params.keys():
                        if 'allowed_types' in params[p_name]:
                            if p_name not in all_widgets[widget_name][
                                    p_name] = params[p_name]
                                widget_types = all_widgets[widget_name][
                                    'params'].get(p_name, {}).get(
                                        'allowed_types', set())
                                    'allowed_types'] = widget_types
                        if 'allowed_values' in params[p_name]:
                            if p_name not in all_widgets[widget_name][
                                    p_name] = params[p_name]
                                widget_vals = all_widgets[widget_name][
                                    'params'].get(p_name, {}).get(
                                        'allowed_values', set())
                                    'allowed_values'] = widget_vals
                    all_widgets[widget_name] = {'params': params}

        # finally, turn all sets into lists
        for w in all_widgets:
            for p in all_widgets[w]["params"]:
                if "allowed_types" in all_widgets[w]["params"][p]:
                    all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_types"] = list(
                if "allowed_values" in all_widgets[w]['params'][p]:
                    all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_values"] = list(
        return all_widgets

    def print_widget_inputs(self, widget_name, tag="release"):
        Prints a list of expected user inputs for a widget.
        These are printed as the following:
        variable name - variable type - <extra information>

        for example:

        id - string - is a workspace object where the type is one of [KBaseGenomes.Genome, KBaseGenome.GenomeSet]
        object_name - string - must be one of ["x", "y", "z"]

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the inputs for.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.
        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
            raise ValueError("Widget %s not found!" % widget_name)
        params = self.widget_info[tag][widget_name]["params"]
        for p in params:
            is_const = params[p].get("is_constant", False)
            if not is_const or "allowed_values" in params[p]:
                p_def = "%s - %s" % (p, params[p]["param_type"])
                if "allowed_types" in params[p]:
                    p_def = p_def + " - is a workspace object where the type is one of: %s" % (
                if "allowed_values" in params[p]:
                    p_def = p_def + " - must be one of: %s" % (json.dumps(

    def get_widget_constants(self, widget_name, tag="release"):
        Returns a Dict with constants required for each widget.
        These constants are either part of the widget spec itself, or are provided by the current
        Narrative environment (e.g. Workspace name, user name).

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the constants for.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.

        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
            raise ValueError("Widget %s not found!" % widget_name)

        params = self.widget_info[tag][widget_name]["params"]
        constants = dict()
        for p in params:
            if params[p]["is_constant"]:
                if "param_value" in params[p]:
                    constants[p] = params[p]["param_value"]
                elif "allowed_values" in params[p] and len(
                        params[p]["allowed_values"]) == 1:
                    constants[p] = params[p]["allowed_values"][0]
        return constants

    def show_output_widget(self,
        Renders a widget using the generic kbaseNarrativeOutputWidget container.

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the widgets for.
        params : dict
            The dictionary of parameters that gets fed into the widget.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.
        type : string, default="method"
            The type of output widget to show (options = method,app,viewer)
        check_widget: boolean, default=True
            If True, checks for the presense of the widget_name and get its known constants from
            the various app specs that invoke it. Raises a ValueError if the widget isn't found.
            If False, skip that step.
        upas : dict -- REQUIRED! but left as a kwarg for backwards compatibility
            The set of UPAs to be displayed in the output widget
            These vary, based on the widget. Look up required variable names
            with WidgetManager.print_widget_inputs()

        input_data = dict()

        if check_widget:
            check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)
            if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
                raise ValueError("Widget %s not found with %s tag!" %
                                 (widget_name, tag))
            input_data = self.get_widget_constants(widget_name, tag)

        # Let the kwargs override constants

        if cell_id is not None:
            cell_id = f"\"{cell_id}\""

        if upas is None:
            # infer what it is based on mapping and inputs
                upas = self.infer_upas(widget_name, input_data)

        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'></div>");
        require(['kbaseNarrativeOutputCell'], function(KBaseNarrativeOutputCell) {
            var w = new KBaseNarrativeOutputCell($('#{{input_id}}'), {
                "upas": {{upas}},
                "data": {{input_data}},
                "type": "{{output_type}}",
                "widget": "{{widget_name}}",
                "cellId": {{cell_id}},
                "title": "{{cell_title}}",
                "time": {{timestamp}}

        js = Template(input_template).render(
            input_id=self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
            timestamp=int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)

    def infer_upas(self, widget_name, params):
        Use the given widget_name and parameters (to be passed to the widget) to infer any upas.
        This will generally mean using the workspace object name and workspace name to do a
        lookup in the Workspace and constructing the upa or upa path from there.

        widget_name - string - Name of the widget to be used, this gets looked up in the widget
                    param map. This maps all widget input parameters onto some sensible language.
        params - dict - keys = id of parameter, values = value of parameter.

        So the general flow is something like this. We go through all parameters, see what context
        those map on to, and infer, from that, what are the workspace objects. We can then look up
        those objects by the workspace and object name, and use the info to construct UPAs.

        Example: wm.infer_upas("kbasePanGenome", { "ws": "my_workspace", "name": "my_pangenome" })
        The widget parameter map has this entry:
        "kbasePanGenome": {
            "ws": "ws_name",
            "name": "obj_name"
        So we know, by inference, that "my_workspace" is a workspace name, and "my_pangenome" is an
        object name.

        We can use this info to look up the object info from the Workspace, let's say it's 3/4/5.
        This then gets returned as another dict:
            "name": "3/4/5"

        This applies for lists, too. If, above, the value for the "name" parameter was a list of
        strings, this would treat all of those as objects, and try to return a list of UPAs instead.

        param_to_context = self.widget_param_map.get(widget_name, {})
        obj_names = list(
        )  # list of tuples - first = param id, second = object name
        obj_refs = list()  # list of tuples - first = param id, second = UPA
        obj_name_list = list(
        )  # list of tuples, but the second is a list of names
        obj_ref_list = list()  # list of tuples, but second is a list of upas
        ws = None
        for param in params.keys():
            if param in param_to_context and params.get(param) is not None:
                context = param_to_context[param]
                if context == "ws_id" or context == "ws_name":
                    ws = params[param]
                elif context == "obj_name" or context == "obj_id":
                    obj_names.append((param, params[param]))
                elif context == "obj_name_list":
                    obj_name_list.append((param, params[param]))
                elif context == "obj_ref":
                    obj_refs.append((param, params[param]))
                elif context == "obj_ref_list":
                    obj_ref_list.append((param, params[param]))

        # return value will look like this:
        # {
        #   param1: upa,
        #   param2: upa
        #   param3: [upa1, upa2],
        #   ... etc
        # }
        upas = dict()

        # First, test obj_refs, and obj_refs_list
        # These might be references of the form ws_name/obj_name, which are not proper UPAs and
        # need to be resolved. Gotta test 'em all.
        lookup_params = list()
        info_params = list()

        for (param, ref) in obj_refs:
            if is_upa(str(ref)):
                upas[param] = ref
            elif is_ref(str(ref)):
                info_params.append({"ref": ref})
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Parameter {param} has value {ref} which was expected to refer to an object'

        # params for get_object_info3
        for (param, name) in obj_names:
            # it's possible that these are misnamed and are actually upas already. test and add to
            # the upas dictionary if so.
            if is_upa(str(name)):
                upas[param] = name
            elif is_ref(str(name)):
                info_params.append({"ref": name})
                info_params.append({"ref": f"{ws}/{name}"})

        if (len(lookup_params)):
            ws_client = clients.get('workspace')
            ws_info = ws_client.get_object_info3({'objects': info_params})
            for (idx, path) in enumerate(ws_info['paths']):
                upas[lookup_params[idx]] = ';'.join(path)

        # obj_refs and obj_names are done. Do the list versions now.
        lookup_params = list()
        info_params = list()
        for (param, ref_list) in obj_ref_list:
            # error fast if any member of a list isn't actually a ref.
            # this might be me being lazy, but I suspect there's a problem if the inputs aren't
            # actually uniform.
            for ref in ref_list:
                if not is_ref(str(ref)):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Parameter {param} has value {ref_list} which contains an item that is not a valid object reference'
            info_params.append([{'ref': ref} for ref in ref_list])

        for (param, name_list) in obj_name_list:
            info_param = list()
            for name in name_list:
                if is_ref(str(name)):
                    info_param.append({'ref': name})
                    info_param.append({'ref': f"{ws}/{name}"})

        # This time we have a one->many mapping from params to each list. Run ws lookup in a loop
        for (idx, param) in enumerate(lookup_params):
            ws_info = ws_client.get_object_info3({'objects': info_params[idx]})
            upas[param] = [';'.join(path) for path in ws_info['paths']]
        return upas

    def show_advanced_viewer_widget(self,
        Renders a widget using the generic kbaseNarrativeOutputWidget container.

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the widgets for.
        params : dict
            The dictionary of parameters that gets fed into the widget.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.
        type : string, default="method"
            The type of output widget to show (options = method,app,viewer)
        check_widget: boolean, default=True
            If True, checks for the presense of the widget_name and get its known constants from
            the various app specs that invoke it. Raises a ValueError if the widget isn't found.
            If False, skip that step.
            These vary, based on the widget. Look up required variable names
            with WidgetManager.print_widget_inputs()

        input_data = dict()

        if check_widget:
            check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)
            if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
                raise ValueError("Widget %s not found with %s tag!" %
                                 (widget_name, tag))
            input_data = self.get_widget_constants(widget_name, tag)

        # Let the kwargs override constants

        if cell_id is not None:
            cell_id = f"\"{cell_id}\""

        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'></div>");
        require(['widgets/custom/advancedViewerOutputWrapper'], function(wrapperWidget) {
                id: '{{input_id}}',
                data: {{input_data}},
                state: {{output_state}},
                widget: '{{widget_name}}',
                cellId: {{cell_id}},
                title: '{{cell_title}}',
                time: {{timestamp}}

        js = Template(input_template).render(
            input_id=self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
            timestamp=int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)

    def show_data_widget(self, upa, title=None, cell_id=None, tag="release"):
        Renders a widget using the generic kbaseNarrativeOutputCell container.
        First, it looks up the UPA to get its object type. It then uses that type to look up
        what the viewer app should be. This contains the widget and the parameter mapping to view
        that widget. It then maps all of these together to run show_output_widget against a widget
        with a set of parameters for it.

        If there's an error here at any step, it still renders a widget, but it makes a
        kbaseNarrativeError widget instead, that'll hopefully be informative.

        upa : string
            UPA defining a workspace object. Used to translate that object into parameters
            for the mapping to the data object used in the output cell.
            This may also be a Workspace reference path.
        title=None : string
            A title for the cell. If None, this just gets replaced with an empty string.
        cell_id=None : string
            if not None, this should be the id of the cell where the widget will live. Generated by
            the Narrative frontend.
        tag="release" : string
            All objects are related to their viewers by an app. This is the tag for that app's
            release state (should be one of release, beta, or dev)
        widget_name = 'widgets/function_output/kbaseDefaultObjectView'  # set as default, overridden below
        widget_data = dict()
        upas = dict()
        info_tuple = clients.get('workspace').get_object_info_new({
            'objects': [{
                'ref': upa
        bare_type = info_tuple[2].split('-')[0]
        type_module = bare_type.split(".")[0]

        type_spec = self._sm.get_type_spec(bare_type, raise_exception=False)

        if type_spec is None:
            widget_data = {
                "error": {
                    f"Unable to find viewer specification for objects of type {bare_type}.",
                    "method_name": "WidgetManager.show_data_widget",
                    f"Can't find type spec info for type {bare_type}"
            upas['upas'] = [upa]  # doompety-doo
            if not type_spec.get('view_method_ids'):
                return f"No viewer found for objects of type {bare_type}"
            app_id = type_spec['view_method_ids'][0]
            app_spec = None
                app_spec = self._sm.get_spec(app_id, tag=tag)
            except Exception as e:
                widget_data = {
                    "error": {
                        f"Unable to find specification for viewer app {app_id}",
                        "method_name": "WidgetManager.show_data_widget",
                        "traceback": e.message
            if app_spec is not None:
                spec_params = self._sm.app_params(app_spec)
                input_params = {}
                is_ref_path = ';' in upa
                is_external = info_tuple[7] != os.environ['KB_WORKSPACE_ID']
                # it's not safe to use reference yet (until we switch to them all over the Apps)
                # But in case we deal with ref-path we have to do it anyway:
                obj_param_value = upa if (is_ref_path
                                          or is_external) else info_tuple[1]
                upa_params = list()
                for param in spec_params:
                    if param.get('allowed_types') is None or any(
                        (t == bare_type or t == type_module)
                            for t in param.get('allowed_types', [])):
                        input_params[param['id']] = obj_param_value

                 ws_refs) = validate_parameters(app_id, tag, spec_params,
                 widget_data) = map_outputs_from_state([], input_params,

                # Figure out params for upas.
                for mapping in app_spec.get('behavior',
                                            {}).get('output_mapping', []):
                    if mapping.get(
                            '') in upa_params and 'target_property' in mapping:
                        upas[mapping['target_property']] = upa

        return self.show_output_widget(widget_name,

    def show_external_widget(self,
        Renders a JavaScript widget as loaded from a very simple hosted CDN.
        The CDN information is fetched dynamically from the local configuration.

        widget: string or list
            If a string, should just be the name of the widget
            If a list, should be components on the versioned CDN path to that widget.
            E.g. "pairedEndLibrary" vs. ["widgets", "0.1.0", "pairedEndLibrary"]

        widget_title: string
            The title that appears in the header of the created widget.

        objects: dictionary
            This dict has the object information that feeds into the widget.

        options: dictionary
            This dict has widget-specific options used for rendering

        auth_required: boolean, default == True
            Whether or not authentication is required for fetching object data
        #  Interface from Narrative's Python layer.
        #  The template placeholders will be substituted.
        #  widget_name - the registered widget name
        #  input_data - the expected input data (aka params) for the widget
        #  token - the current auth token, made available within the containing python function
        #  element - the output cell DOM node, as visible to this code due to the environment it is inserted into.
        #  The Javascript functions doc from Jupyter:
        #  "When this object is returned by an expression or passed to the
        #  display function, it will result in the data being displayed
        #  in the frontend. If the data is a URL, the data will first be
        #  downloaded and then displayed.
        #  In the Notebook, the containing element will be available as `element`,
        #  and jQuery will be available.  Content appended to `element` will be
        #  visible in the output area.""

        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'>");

        ], function (Jupyter, NarrativeDataWidget) {

            var widgetDef = JSON.parse('{{widget_def}}'),
                objectRefs = JSON.parse('{{object_refs}}'),
                options = JSON.parse('{{options}}'),
                config = JSON.parse('{{config}}'),
                packageName = widgetDef.package,
                packageVersion = widgetDef.package_version,
                widgetName = widgetDef.name,
                widgetParentNode = $('#{{input_id}}')[0];

            var dataWidget = NarrativeDataWidget.make({
                package: packageName,
                version: packageVersion,
                widget: widgetName,
                title: widgetDef.title,
                parent: widgetParentNode,
                authRequired: config.authRequired

            dataWidget.runWidget(objectRefs, options)
                .then(function () {
                .catch(function (err) {
                    console.error('ERROR', err);

        # Prepare data for export into the Javascript.

        if type(widget) is list:
            widget_package = widget[0]
            widget_package_version = widget[1]
            widget_name = widget[2]
            widget_package = None
            widget_package_version = None
            widget_name = widget

        # Note: All Python->Javascript data flow is serialized as JSON strings.
        widget_def = {
            'id': self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
            'package': widget_package,
            'package_version': widget_package_version,
            'name': widget_name,
            'title': widget_title

        config = {'auth_required': auth_required}

        # context - Data for building the Javascript prior to insertion is provided
        # input_data - raw widget input data as provided by the caller
        js = Template(input_template).render(input_id=widget_def['id'],

        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)
예제 #2
class WidgetManager(object):
    Manages data (and other) visualization widgets for use in the KBase Narrative.

    Basic flow for use:
    1. Instantiate the manager:
       wm = WidgetManager()

    This loads the widget info. If things have changed, reload_info can be used to update the known widgets.

    2. wm.widget_info
    This contains a large dictionary of KBase widget info as reported by the Narrative Method Store.

    2a. wm.widget_info['release'].keys()
    This returns a list of available widget names

    3. wm.print_widget_inputs(widget_name, release_tag)
    This will print out all non-constant variable names and their required values

    4. wm.show_output_widget(widget_name, tag="release", **kwargs)
    This will render the widget with the given name and tag. The kwargs are the list of variables from print_widget_inputs

    5. wm.show_external_widget({see method for details})
    This will fetch and render a widget and its required environment from the configured external CDN.
    widget_info = dict()
    _version_tags = ["release", "beta", "dev"]
    _cell_id_prefix = "kb-vis-"
    _default_input_widget = "kbaseNarrativeDefaultInput"
    _default_output_widget = "kbaseNarrativeDefaultOutput"

    def __init__(self):
        self._sm = SpecManager()

    def reload_info(self):
        Fetches all widget information from the method store and contains it in this object.
        self.widget_info = self._load_all_widget_info()

    def _load_all_widget_info(self):
        Loads all widget info and stores it in this object.
        It does this by calling load_widget_info on all available tags.
        info = dict()
        for tag in self._version_tags:
            info[tag] = self.load_widget_info(tag)
        return info

    def load_widget_info(self, tag="release", verbose=False):
        Loads widget info and mapping.
        Eventually will fetch from kbase-ui, a kbase CDN, or the catalog service.
        For now, it gets known vis widgets from all method specs.

        This returns the a Dict where all keys are the name of a widget, and all values
        contain widget information in this structure:
            "params": {
                "param_name": {
                    "is_constant": boolean,
                    "param_type": one of (string|boolean|dropdown),
                    "allowed_values": list of strings (exists when param_type==dropdown),
                    "allowed_types": list of data types (when param_type==string),
                    "param_value": something, mainly when is_constant==True
        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        methods = self._sm.app_specs[tag].values()
        all_widgets = dict()

        # keys = widget names / namespaced require path / etc.
        # Individual widget values should be:
        # {params: {
        #     name1: {
        #         is_constant: boolean,
        #         value: (***something*** | None) (something = any structure),
        #         allowed: [ list of allowed values, optional ],
        #         type: (string, int, float, boolean, etc. list? hash?)
        #         allowed_types: [ list of allowed ws types, optional ]
        #     },
        #     name2: { is_constant, value }
        # }

        for method in methods:
            if 'output' not in method['widgets']:
                widget_name = self._default_output_widget
                widget_name = method['widgets']['output']
            if widget_name == 'null':
                if verbose:
                    print("Ignoring a widget named 'null' in {} - {}".format(tag, method['info']['id']))
            out_mapping = method['behavior'].get('kb_service_output_mapping', method['behavior'].get('output_mapping', None))
            if out_mapping is not None:
                params = {}
                for p in out_mapping:
                    param_name = p['target_property']
                    allowed_values = set()
                    is_constant = False
                    param_value = None
                    param_type = 'string'
                    allowed_types = set()

                    if 'constant_value' in p:
                        # add this val to a set of constant values for that param in that widget.
                        # if more than one possible, this need to be optional
                        is_constant = True
                    if 'input_parameter' in p:
                        # this is a user given input. look up what it expects from the
                        # associated parameter of that name
                        in_param = p['input_parameter']
                        for spec_param in method['parameters']:
                            if spec_param['id'] == in_param:
                                # want its:
                                # field_type = text, float, number, ...
                                in_type = spec_param['field_type']
                                if in_type == 'text':
                                    param_type = 'string'
                                    if spec_param.has_key('text_options'):
                                        validate_as = spec_param['text_options'].get('validate_as', None)
                                        if validate_as == 'int':
                                            param_type = 'int'
                                        elif validate_as == 'float':
                                            param_type = 'float'
                                        if spec_param['text_options'].has_key('valid_ws_types'):
                                elif param_type == 'textarea':
                                    param_type = 'string'
                                elif param_type == 'checkbox':
                                    param_type = 'boolean'
                                elif param_type == 'dropdown':
                                    param_type = 'dropdown'
                                    allowed_values.update([o['value'] for o in spec_param['dropdown_options']])
                    if 'narrative_system_variable' in p:
                        # this is something like the ws name or token that needs to get fetched
                        # by the system. Shouldn't be handled by the user.
                        is_constant = True
                        param_value = system_variable(p['narrative_system_variable'])
                    if 'service_method_output_path' in p:
                        param_type = 'from_service_output'

                    param_info = {
                        'is_constant': is_constant,
                        'param_type': param_type,
                    if allowed_values:
                        param_info['allowed_values'] = allowed_values
                    if allowed_types:
                        param_info['allowed_types'] = allowed_types
                    if param_value:
                        param_info['param_value'] = param_value
                    params[param_name] = param_info

                if widget_name in all_widgets:
                    # if it's already there, just update the allowed_types and allowed_values for some params that have them
                    for p_name in params.keys():
                        if 'allowed_types' in params[p_name]:
                            if p_name not in all_widgets[widget_name]['params']:
                                all_widgets[widget_name]['params'][p_name] = params[p_name]
                                widget_types = all_widgets[widget_name]['params'].get(p_name, {}).get('allowed_types', set())
                                all_widgets[widget_name]['params'][p_name]['allowed_types'] = widget_types
                        if 'allowed_values' in params[p_name]:
                            if p_name not in all_widgets[widget_name]['params']:
                                all_widgets[widget_name]['params'][p_name] = params[p_name]
                                widget_vals = all_widgets[widget_name]['params'].get(p_name, {}).get('allowed_values', set())
                                all_widgets[widget_name]['params'][p_name]['allowed_values'] = widget_vals
                    all_widgets[widget_name] = { 'params': params }

        # finally, turn all sets into lists
        for w in all_widgets:
            for p in all_widgets[w]["params"]:
                if "allowed_types" in all_widgets[w]["params"][p]:
                    all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_types"] = list(all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_types"])
                if "allowed_values" in all_widgets[w]['params'][p]:
                    all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_values"] = list(all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_values"])
        return all_widgets

    def print_widget_inputs(self, widget_name, tag="release"):
        Prints a list of expected user inputs for a widget.
        These are printed as the following:
        variable name - variable type - <extra information>

        for example:

        id - string - is a workspace object where the type is one of [KBaseGenomes.Genome, KBaseGenome.GenomeSet]
        object_name - string - must be one of ["x", "y", "z"]

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the inputs for.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.
        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
            raise ValueError("Widget %s not found!" % widget_name)
        params = self.widget_info[tag][widget_name]["params"]
        for p in params:
            if not params[p].get("is_constant", False):
                p_def = "%s - %s" % (p, params[p]["param_type"])
                if "allowed_types" in params[p]:
                    p_def = p_def + " - is a workspace object where the type is one of: %s" % (json.dumps(params[p]["allowed_types"]))
                if "allowed_values" in params[p]:
                    p_def = p_def + " - must be one of: %s" % (json.dumps(params[p]["allowed_values"]))

    def get_widget_constants(self, widget_name, tag="release"):
        Returns a Dict with constants required for each widget.
        These constants are either part of the widget spec itself, or are provided by the current
        Narrative environment (e.g. Workspace name, user name).

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the constants for.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.

        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
            raise ValueError("Widget %s not found!" % widget_name)

        params = self.widget_info[tag][widget_name]["params"]
        constants = dict()
        for p in params:
            if params[p]["is_constant"]:
                if "param_value" in params[p]:
                    constants[p] = params[p]["param_value"]
                elif "allowed_values" in params[p] and len(params[p]["allowed_values"]) == 1:
                    constants[p] = params[p]["allowed_values"][0]
        return constants

    def show_output_widget(self, widget_name, params, tag="release", title="", type="method", cell_id=None, check_widget=True, **kwargs):
        Renders a widget using the generic kbaseNarrativeOutputWidget container.

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the widgets for.
        params : dict
            The dictionary of parameters that gets fed into the widget.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.
        type : string, default="method"
            The type of output widget to show (options = method,app,viewer)
        check_widget: boolean, default=True
            If True, checks for the presense of the widget_name and get its known constants from
            the various app specs that invoke it. Raises a ValueError if the widget isn't found.
            If False, skip that step.
            These vary, based on the widget. Look up required variable names
            with WidgetManager.print_widget_inputs()

        input_data = dict()

        if check_widget:
            check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)
            if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
                raise ValueError("Widget %s not found with %s tag!" % (widget_name, tag))
            input_data = self.get_widget_constants(widget_name, tag)

        # Let the kwargs override constants

        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'></div>");
        require(['kbaseNarrativeOutputCell'], function(KBaseNarrativeOutputCell) {
            var w = new KBaseNarrativeOutputCell($('#{{input_id}}'), {
                "data": {{input_data}},

        js = Template(input_template).render(input_id=self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)

    def show_data_widget2(self, ref, title="", cell_id=None, tag="release"):
        return self.show_data_widget("kbaseNarrativeDataCell", {'ref': ref}, 
                                     title=title, cell_id=cell_id, tag=tag)

    def show_data_widget(self, widget_name, params, title="", cell_id=None, tag="release"):
        Renders a widget using the generic kbaseNarrativeOutputWidget container.

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the widgets for.
        params : dict
            The dictionary of parameters that gets fed into the widget.

        input_data = dict(params)
        obj_ref = None
        info = None
        if 'info' in params:
            info = params['info']
            obj_ref = str(info['ws_id']) + '/' + str(info['id']) + '/' + str(info['version'])
        elif 'ref' in params:
            obj_ref = params['ref']  # may include ref-path (or chain, not sure which one is text)
            raise ValueError("Neither 'info' nor 'ref' field is set in input parameters")
        info_tuple = clients.get('workspace').get_object_info_new({'objects': [{'ref': obj_ref}],
                                                                   'includeMetadata': 1})[0]
        input_data['info'] = info
        input_data['info_tuple'] = info_tuple

        bare_type = info_tuple[2].split('-')[0]
        type_spec = self._sm.get_type_spec(bare_type, raise_exception=False)
        if type_spec is None:
            input_data['error_message'] = "Type-spec wasn't found for '" + bare_type + "'"
        elif 'view_method_ids' not in type_spec or len(type_spec['view_method_ids']) != 1:
            input_data['error_message'] = ("Type-spec for '" + bare_type + "' should " +
                                           "have exactly one ID in 'view_method_ids' field")
            input_data['type_spec'] = type_spec
            method_id = type_spec['view_method_ids'][0]
            spec = self._sm.get_spec(method_id, tag=tag)
            input_data['app_spec'] = spec
            # Let's build output according to mappings in method-spec
            spec_params = self._sm.app_params(spec)
            input_params = {}
            is_ref_path = ';' in obj_ref
            is_external = info_tuple[7] != os.environ['KB_WORKSPACE_ID']
            # it's not safe to use reference yet (until we switch to them all over the Apps)
            # But in case we deal with ref-path we have to do it anyway:
            obj_param_value = obj_ref if (is_ref_path or is_external) else info_tuple[1]
            for param in spec_params:
                if any(t == bare_type for t in param['allowed_types']):
                    input_params[param['id']] = obj_param_value
            (input_params, ws_refs) = validate_parameters(method_id, tag,
                                                          spec_params, input_params)
            (output_widget, output) = map_outputs_from_state([], input_params, spec)
            input_data['output'] = output
        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'></div>");

        require(['kbaseNarrativeOutputCell'], function(KBaseNarrativeOutputCell) {
            var w = new KBaseNarrativeOutputCell($('#{{input_id}}'), {
                "data": {{input_data}},

        js = Template(input_template).render(input_id=self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)

    def show_custom_widget(self, widget_id, app_id, app_version, app_tag, spec, cell_id):
        input_template = """
        element.html('<div id="{{widget_root_id}}" class="kb-custom-widget">');

        ], function (CustomWidgetWrapper) {
            'use strict';
            var widgetArg = JSON.parse('{{widget_arg}}'),
                widgetParentNode = document.getElementById(widgetArg.env.rootId),
                widget = CustomWidgetWrapper.make({
                    widget: widgetArg.widget,
                    app: widgetArg.app,
                    cellId: widgetArg.env.cellId

            widget.start({root: widgetParentNode})
                .then(function () {
                .catch(function (err) {
                    console.error('ERROR', err);
                    widgetParentNode.innerHTML = 'ERROR! ' + err.message;
                    // dataWidget.showErrorMessage(err.message);

        # Prepare data for export into the Javascript.

        #if type(widget) is list:
        #    widget_package = widget[0]
        #    widget_package_version = widget[1]
        #    widget_name = widget[2]
        #    widget_package = None
        #    widget_package_version = None
        #    widget_name = widget

        # Note: All Python->Javascript data flow is serialized as JSON strings.

        widget_root_id = self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4())

        widget_arg = {
            'app': {
                'id': app_id,
                'version': app_version,
                'tag': app_tag,
                'spec': spec
            'widget': {
                'id': widget_id
            'env': {
                'rootId': widget_root_id,
                'cellId': cell_id

        #widget_def = {
        #    'id': self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
        #    'package': widget_package,
        #    'package_version': widget_package_version,
        #    'name': widget_name,
        #    'title': widget_title

        ##config = {
        #    'auth_required': auth_required

        # context - Data for building the Javascript prior to insertion is provided
        # input_data - raw widget input data as provided by the caller

        js = Template(input_template).render(widget_root_id=widget_root_id,
                                             widget_arg=json.dumps(widget_arg).replace('\\', '\\\\'))

        # print(repr(js))

        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)

    def show_external_widget(self, widget, widget_title, objects, options, auth_required=True):
        Renders a JavaScript widget as loaded from a very simple hosted CDN.
        The CDN information is fetched dynamically from the local configuration.

        widget: string or list
            If a string, should just be the name of the widget
            If a list, should be components on the versioned CDN path to that widget.
            E.g. "pairedEndLibrary" vs. ["widgets", "0.1.0", "pairedEndLibrary"]

        widget_title: string
            The title that appears in the header of the created widget.

        objects: dictionary
            This dict has the object information that feeds into the widget.

        options: dictionary
            This dict has widget-specific options used for rendering

        auth_required: boolean, default == True
            Whether or not authentication is required for fetching object data
        #  Interface from Narrative's Python layer.
        #  The template placeholders will be substituted.
        #  widget_name - the registered widget name
        #  input_data - the expected input data (aka params) for the widget
        #  token - the current auth token, made available within the containing python function
        #  element - the output cell DOM node, as visible to this code due to the environment it is inserted into.
        #  The Javascript functions doc from Jupyter:
        #  "When this object is returned by an expression or passed to the
        #  display function, it will result in the data being displayed
        #  in the frontend. If the data is a URL, the data will first be
        #  downloaded and then displayed.
        #  In the Notebook, the containing element will be available as `element`,
        #  and jQuery will be available.  Content appended to `element` will be
        #  visible in the output area.""

        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'>");

        ], function (Jupyter, NarrativeDataWidget) {

            var widgetDef = JSON.parse('{{widget_def}}'),
                objectRefs = JSON.parse('{{object_refs}}'),
                options = JSON.parse('{{options}}'),
                config = JSON.parse('{{config}}'),
                packageName = widgetDef.package,
                packageVersion = widgetDef.package_version,
                widgetName = widgetDef.name,
                widgetParentNode = $('#{{input_id}}')[0];

            var dataWidget = NarrativeDataWidget.make({
                package: packageName,
                version: packageVersion,
                widget: widgetName,
                title: widgetDef.title,
                parent: widgetParentNode,
                authRequired: config.authRequired

            dataWidget.runWidget(objectRefs, options)
                .then(function () {
                .catch(function (err) {
                    console.error('ERROR', err);

        # Prepare data for export into the Javascript.

        if type(widget) is list:
            widget_package = widget[0]
            widget_package_version = widget[1]
            widget_name = widget[2]
            widget_package = None
            widget_package_version = None
            widget_name = widget

        # Note: All Python->Javascript data flow is serialized as JSON strings.
        widget_def = {
            'id': self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
            'package': widget_package,
            'package_version': widget_package_version,
            'name': widget_name,
            'title': widget_title

        config = {
            'auth_required': auth_required

        # context - Data for building the Javascript prior to insertion is provided
        # input_data - raw widget input data as provided by the caller
        js = Template(input_template).render(input_id=widget_def['id'],

        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)
예제 #3
class WidgetManager(object):
    Manages data (and other) visualization widgets for use in the KBase Narrative.

    Basic flow for use:
    1. Instantiate the manager:
       wm = WidgetManager()

    This loads the widget info. If things have changed, reload_info can be used to update the known widgets.

    2. wm.widget_info
    This contains a large dictionary of KBase widget info as reported by the Narrative Method Store.

    2a. wm.widget_info['release'].keys()
    This returns a list of available widget names

    3. wm.print_widget_inputs(widget_name, release_tag)
    This will print out all non-constant variable names and their required values

    4. wm.show_output_widget(widget_name, tag="release", **kwargs)
    This will render the widget with the given name and tag. The kwargs are the list of variables from print_widget_inputs

    5. wm.show_external_widget({see method for details})
    This will fetch and render a widget and its required environment from the configured external CDN.
    widget_info = dict()
    _version_tags = ["release", "beta", "dev"]
    _cell_id_prefix = "kb-vis-"
    _default_input_widget = "kbaseNarrativeDefaultInput"
    _default_output_widget = "kbaseDefaultNarrativeOutput"

    def __init__(self):
        self._sm = SpecManager()
            nar_path = os.environ["NARRATIVE_DIR"]
            widget_param_file = open(os.path.join(nar_path, "src", "widget_param_mapping.json"))
            self.widget_param_map = json.loads(widget_param_file.read())
            self.widget_param_map = dict()

    def reload_info(self):
        Fetches all widget information from the method store and contains it in this object.
        self.widget_info = self._load_all_widget_info()

    def _load_all_widget_info(self):
        Loads all widget info and stores it in this object.
        It does this by calling load_widget_info on all available tags.
        info = dict()
        for tag in self._version_tags:
            info[tag] = self.load_widget_info(tag)
        return info

    def load_widget_info(self, tag="release", verbose=False):
        Loads widget info and mapping.
        Eventually will fetch from kbase-ui, a kbase CDN, or the catalog service.
        For now, it gets known vis widgets from all method specs.

        This returns the a Dict where all keys are the name of a widget, and all values
        contain widget information in this structure:
            "params": {
                "param_name": {
                    "is_constant": boolean,
                    "param_type": one of (string|boolean|dropdown),
                    "allowed_values": list of strings (exists when param_type==dropdown),
                    "allowed_types": list of data types (when param_type==string),
                    "param_value": something, mainly when is_constant==True
        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        methods = self._sm.app_specs[tag].values()
        all_widgets = dict()

        # keys = widget names / namespaced require path / etc.
        # Individual widget values should be:
        # {params: {
        #     name1: {
        #         is_constant: boolean,
        #         value: (***something*** | None) (something = any structure),
        #         allowed: [ list of allowed values, optional ],
        #         type: (string, int, float, boolean, etc. list? hash?)
        #         allowed_types: [ list of allowed ws types, optional ]
        #     },
        #     name2: { is_constant, value }
        # }

        for method in methods:
            if 'output' not in method['widgets']:
                widget_name = self._default_output_widget
                widget_name = method['widgets']['output']
            if widget_name == 'null':
                if verbose:
                    print("Ignoring a widget named 'null' in {} - {}".format(tag, method['info']['id']))
            out_mapping = method['behavior'].get('kb_service_output_mapping', method['behavior'].get('output_mapping', None))
            if out_mapping is not None:
                params = {}
                for p in out_mapping:
                    param_name = p['target_property']
                    allowed_values = set()
                    is_constant = False
                    param_value = None
                    param_type = 'string'
                    allowed_types = set()

                    if 'constant_value' in p:
                        # add this val to a set of constant values for that param in that widget.
                        # if more than one possible, this need to be optional
                        is_constant = True
                    if 'input_parameter' in p:
                        # this is a user given input. look up what it expects from the
                        # associated parameter of that name
                        in_param = p['input_parameter']
                        for spec_param in method['parameters']:
                            if spec_param['id'] == in_param:
                                # want its:
                                # field_type = text, float, number, ...
                                in_type = spec_param['field_type']
                                if in_type == 'text':
                                    param_type = 'string'
                                    if spec_param.has_key('text_options'):
                                        validate_as = spec_param['text_options'].get('validate_as', None)
                                        if validate_as == 'int':
                                            param_type = 'int'
                                        elif validate_as == 'float':
                                            param_type = 'float'
                                        if spec_param['text_options'].has_key('valid_ws_types'):
                                elif param_type == 'textarea':
                                    param_type = 'string'
                                elif param_type == 'checkbox':
                                    param_type = 'boolean'
                                elif param_type == 'dropdown':
                                    param_type = 'dropdown'
                                    allowed_values.update([o['value'] for o in spec_param['dropdown_options']])
                    if 'narrative_system_variable' in p:
                        # this is something like the ws name or token that needs to get fetched
                        # by the system. Shouldn't be handled by the user.
                        is_constant = True
                        param_value = system_variable(p['narrative_system_variable'])
                    if 'service_method_output_path' in p:
                        param_type = 'from_service_output'

                    param_info = {
                        'is_constant': is_constant,
                        'param_type': param_type,
                    if allowed_values:
                        param_info['allowed_values'] = allowed_values
                    if allowed_types:
                        param_info['allowed_types'] = allowed_types
                    if param_value:
                        param_info['param_value'] = param_value
                    params[param_name] = param_info

                if widget_name in all_widgets:
                    # if it's already there, just update the allowed_types and allowed_values for some params that have them
                    for p_name in params.keys():
                        if 'allowed_types' in params[p_name]:
                            if p_name not in all_widgets[widget_name]['params']:
                                all_widgets[widget_name]['params'][p_name] = params[p_name]
                                widget_types = all_widgets[widget_name]['params'].get(p_name, {}).get('allowed_types', set())
                                all_widgets[widget_name]['params'][p_name]['allowed_types'] = widget_types
                        if 'allowed_values' in params[p_name]:
                            if p_name not in all_widgets[widget_name]['params']:
                                all_widgets[widget_name]['params'][p_name] = params[p_name]
                                widget_vals = all_widgets[widget_name]['params'].get(p_name, {}).get('allowed_values', set())
                                all_widgets[widget_name]['params'][p_name]['allowed_values'] = widget_vals
                    all_widgets[widget_name] = { 'params': params }

        # finally, turn all sets into lists
        for w in all_widgets:
            for p in all_widgets[w]["params"]:
                if "allowed_types" in all_widgets[w]["params"][p]:
                    all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_types"] = list(all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_types"])
                if "allowed_values" in all_widgets[w]['params'][p]:
                    all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_values"] = list(all_widgets[w]["params"][p]["allowed_values"])
        return all_widgets

    def print_widget_inputs(self, widget_name, tag="release"):
        Prints a list of expected user inputs for a widget.
        These are printed as the following:
        variable name - variable type - <extra information>

        for example:

        id - string - is a workspace object where the type is one of [KBaseGenomes.Genome, KBaseGenome.GenomeSet]
        object_name - string - must be one of ["x", "y", "z"]

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the inputs for.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.
        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
            raise ValueError("Widget %s not found!" % widget_name)
        params = self.widget_info[tag][widget_name]["params"]
        for p in params:
            is_const = params[p].get("is_constant", False)
            if not is_const or "allowed_values" in params[p]:
                p_def = "%s - %s" % (p, params[p]["param_type"])
                if "allowed_types" in params[p]:
                    p_def = p_def + " - is a workspace object where the type is one of: %s" % (json.dumps(params[p]["allowed_types"]))
                if "allowed_values" in params[p]:
                    p_def = p_def + " - must be one of: %s" % (json.dumps(params[p]["allowed_values"]))

    def get_widget_constants(self, widget_name, tag="release"):
        Returns a Dict with constants required for each widget.
        These constants are either part of the widget spec itself, or are provided by the current
        Narrative environment (e.g. Workspace name, user name).

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the constants for.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.

        check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)

        if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
            raise ValueError("Widget %s not found!" % widget_name)

        params = self.widget_info[tag][widget_name]["params"]
        constants = dict()
        for p in params:
            if params[p]["is_constant"]:
                if "param_value" in params[p]:
                    constants[p] = params[p]["param_value"]
                elif "allowed_values" in params[p] and len(params[p]["allowed_values"]) == 1:
                    constants[p] = params[p]["allowed_values"][0]
        return constants

    def show_output_widget(self, widget_name, params, upas=None, tag="release", title="", type="method", cell_id=None, check_widget=False, **kwargs):
        Renders a widget using the generic kbaseNarrativeOutputWidget container.

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the widgets for.
        params : dict
            The dictionary of parameters that gets fed into the widget.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.
        type : string, default="method"
            The type of output widget to show (options = method,app,viewer)
        check_widget: boolean, default=True
            If True, checks for the presense of the widget_name and get its known constants from
            the various app specs that invoke it. Raises a ValueError if the widget isn't found.
            If False, skip that step.
        upas : dict -- REQUIRED! but left as a kwarg for backwards compatibility
            The set of UPAs to be displayed in the output widget
            These vary, based on the widget. Look up required variable names
            with WidgetManager.print_widget_inputs()

        input_data = dict()

        if check_widget:
            check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)
            if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
                raise ValueError("Widget %s not found with %s tag!" % (widget_name, tag))
            input_data = self.get_widget_constants(widget_name, tag)

        # Let the kwargs override constants

        if cell_id is not None:
            cell_id = "\"{}\"".format(cell_id)

        if upas is None:
            # infer what it is based on mapping and inputs
                upas = self.infer_upas(widget_name, input_data)

        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'></div>");
        require(['kbaseNarrativeOutputCell'], function(KBaseNarrativeOutputCell) {
            var w = new KBaseNarrativeOutputCell($('#{{input_id}}'), {
                "upas": {{upas}},
                "data": {{input_data}},
                "type": "{{output_type}}",
                "widget": "{{widget_name}}",
                "cellId": {{cell_id}},
                "title": "{{cell_title}}",
                "time": {{timestamp}}

        js = Template(input_template).render(input_id=self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)

    def infer_upas(self, widget_name, params):
        Use the given widget_name and parameters (to be passed to the widget) to infer any upas.
        This will generally mean using the workspace object name and workspace name to do a
        lookup in the Workspace and constructing the upa or upa path from there.

        widget_name - string - Name of the widget to be used, this gets looked up in the widget
                    param map. This maps all widget input parameters onto some sensible language.
        params - dict - keys = id of parameter, values = value of parameter.

        So the general flow is something like this. We go through all parameters, see what context
        those map on to, and infer, from that, what are the workspace objects. We can then look up
        those objects by the workspace and object name, and use the info to construct UPAs.

        Example: wm.infer_upas("kbasePanGenome", { "ws": "my_workspace", "name": "my_pangenome" })
        The widget parameter map has this entry:
        "kbasePanGenome": {
            "ws": "ws_name",
            "name": "obj_name"
        So we know, by inference, that "my_workspace" is a workspace name, and "my_pangenome" is an
        object name.

        We can use this info to look up the object info from the Workspace, let's say it's 3/4/5.
        This then gets returned as another dict:
            "name": "3/4/5"

        This applies for lists, too. If, above, the value for the "name" parameter was a list of
        strings, this would treat all of those as objects, and try to return a list of UPAs instead.

        param_to_context = self.widget_param_map.get(widget_name, {})
        obj_names = list()  # list of tuples - first = param id, second = object name
        obj_refs = list()   # list of tuples - first = param id, second = UPA
        obj_name_list = list()  # list of tuples, but the second is a list of names
        obj_ref_list = list()   # list of tuples, but second is a list of upas
        ws = None
        for param in params.keys():
            if param in param_to_context:
                context = param_to_context[param]
                if context == "ws_id" or context == "ws_name":
                    ws = params[param]
                elif context == "obj_name" or context == "obj_id":
                    obj_names.append((param, params[param]))
                elif context == "obj_name_list":
                    obj_name_list.append((param, params[param]))
                elif context == "obj_ref":
                    obj_refs.append((param, params[param]))
                elif context == "obj_ref_list":
                    obj_ref_list.append((param, params[param]))

        # return value will look like this:
        # {
        #   param1: upa,
        #   param2: upa
        #   param3: [upa1, upa2],
        #   ... etc
        # }
        upas = dict()

        # First, test obj_refs, and obj_refs_list
        # These might be references of the form ws_name/obj_name, which are not proper UPAs and
        # need to be resolved. Gotta test 'em all.
        lookup_params = list()
        info_params = list()

        for (param, ref) in obj_refs:
            if is_upa(str(ref)):
                upas[param] = ref
            elif is_ref(str(ref)):
                info_params.append({"ref": ref})
                raise ValueError('Parameter {} has value {} which was expected to refer to an object'.format(param, ref))

        # params for get_object_info3
        for (param, name) in obj_names:
            # it's possible that these are misnamed and are actually upas already. test and add to
            # the upas dictionary if so.
            if is_upa(str(name)):
                upas[param] = name
            elif is_ref(str(name)):
                info_params.append({"ref": name})
                info_params.append({"ref": "{}/{}".format(ws, name)})

        if (len(lookup_params)):
            ws_client = clients.get('workspace')
            ws_info = ws_client.get_object_info3({'objects': info_params})
            for (idx, path) in enumerate(ws_info['paths']):
                upas[lookup_params[idx]] = ';'.join(path)

        # obj_refs and obj_names are done. Do the list versions now.
        lookup_params = list()
        info_params = list()
        for (param, ref_list) in obj_ref_list:
            # error fast if any member of a list isn't actually a ref.
            # this might be me being lazy, but I suspect there's a problem if the inputs aren't
            # actually uniform.
            for ref in ref_list:
                if not is_ref(str(ref)):
                    raise ValueError('Parameter {} has value {} which contains an item that is not a valid object reference'.format(param, ref_list))
            info_params.append([{'ref': ref} for ref in ref_list])

        for (param, name_list) in obj_name_list:
            info_param = list()
            for name in name_list:
                if is_ref(str(name)):
                    info_param.append({'ref': name})
                    info_param.append({'ref': "{}/{}".format(ws, name)})

        # This time we have a one->many mapping from params to each list. Run ws lookup in a loop
        for (idx, param) in enumerate(lookup_params):
            ws_info = ws_client.get_object_info3({'objects': info_params[idx]})
            upas[param] = [';'.join(path) for path in ws_info['paths']]
        return upas

    def show_advanced_viewer_widget(self, widget_name, params, output_state, tag="release",
                                    title="", type="method", cell_id=None, check_widget=False,
        Renders a widget using the generic kbaseNarrativeOutputWidget container.

        widget_name : string
            The name of the widget to print the widgets for.
        params : dict
            The dictionary of parameters that gets fed into the widget.
        tag : string, default="release"
            The version tag to use when looking up widget information.
        type : string, default="method"
            The type of output widget to show (options = method,app,viewer)
        check_widget: boolean, default=True
            If True, checks for the presense of the widget_name and get its known constants from
            the various app specs that invoke it. Raises a ValueError if the widget isn't found.
            If False, skip that step.
            These vary, based on the widget. Look up required variable names
            with WidgetManager.print_widget_inputs()

        input_data = dict()

        if check_widget:
            check_tag(tag, raise_exception=True)
            if widget_name not in self.widget_info[tag]:
                raise ValueError("Widget %s not found with %s tag!" % (widget_name, tag))
            input_data = self.get_widget_constants(widget_name, tag)

        # Let the kwargs override constants

        if cell_id is not None:
            cell_id = "\"{}\"".format(cell_id)

        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'></div>");
        require(['widgets/custom/advancedViewerOutputWrapper'], function(wrapperWidget) {
                id: '{{input_id}}',
                data: {{input_data}},
                state: {{output_state}},
                widget: '{{widget_name}}',
                cellId: {{cell_id}},
                title: '{{cell_title}}',
                time: {{timestamp}}

        js = Template(input_template).render(input_id=self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)

    def show_data_widget(self, upa, title=None, cell_id=None, tag="release"):
        Renders a widget using the generic kbaseNarrativeOutputCell container.
        First, it looks up the UPA to get its object type. It then uses that type to look up
        what the viewer app should be. This contains the widget and the parameter mapping to view
        that widget. It then maps all of these together to run show_output_widget against a widget
        with a set of parameters for it.

        If there's an error here at any step, it still renders a widget, but it makes a
        kbaseNarrativeError widget instead, that'll hopefully be informative.

        upa : string
            UPA defining a workspace object. Used to translate that object into parameters
            for the mapping to the data object used in the output cell.
            This may also be a Workspace reference path.
        title=None : string
            A title for the cell. If None, this just gets replaced with an empty string.
        cell_id=None : string
            if not None, this should be the id of the cell where the widget will live. Generated by
            the Narrative frontend.
        tag="release" : string
            All objects are related to their viewers by an app. This is the tag for that app's
            release state (should be one of release, beta, or dev)
        widget_name = 'widgets/function_output/kbaseDefaultObjectView'   # set as default, overridden below
        widget_data = dict()
        upas = dict()
        info_tuple = clients.get('workspace').get_object_info_new({'objects': [{'ref': upa}],
                                                                   'includeMetadata': 1})[0]
        bare_type = info_tuple[2].split('-')[0]
        type_module = bare_type.split(".")[0]

        type_spec = self._sm.get_type_spec(bare_type, raise_exception=False)

        if type_spec is None:
            widget_data = {
                "error": {
                    "msg": "Unable to find viewer specification for objects of type {}.".format(bare_type),
                    "method_name": "WidgetManager.show_data_widget",
                    "traceback": "Can't find type spec info for type {}".format(bare_type)
            upas['upas'] = [upa]  # doompety-doo
            if not type_spec.get('view_method_ids'):
                return "No viewer found for objects of type {}".format(bare_type)
            app_id = type_spec['view_method_ids'][0]
            app_spec = None
                app_spec = self._sm.get_spec(app_id, tag=tag)
            except Exception as e:
                widget_data = {
                    "error": {
                        "msg": "Unable to find specification for viewer app {}".format(app_id),
                        "method_name": "WidgetManager.show_data_widget",
                        "traceback": e.message
            if app_spec is not None:
                spec_params = self._sm.app_params(app_spec)
                input_params = {}
                is_ref_path = ';' in upa
                is_external = info_tuple[7] != os.environ['KB_WORKSPACE_ID']
                # it's not safe to use reference yet (until we switch to them all over the Apps)
                # But in case we deal with ref-path we have to do it anyway:
                obj_param_value = upa if (is_ref_path or is_external) else info_tuple[1]
                upa_params = list()
                for param in spec_params:
                    if param.get('allowed_types') is None or any((t == bare_type or t == type_module) for t in param.get('allowed_types', [])):
                        input_params[param['id']] = obj_param_value

                (input_params, ws_refs) = validate_parameters(app_id, tag,
                                                              spec_params, input_params)
                (widget_name, widget_data) = map_outputs_from_state([], input_params, app_spec)

                # Figure out params for upas.
                for mapping in app_spec.get('behavior', {}).get('output_mapping', []):
                    if mapping.get('input_parameter', '') in upa_params and 'target_property' in mapping:
                        upas[mapping['target_property']] = upa

        return self.show_output_widget(

    def show_external_widget(self, widget, widget_title, objects, options, auth_required=True):
        Renders a JavaScript widget as loaded from a very simple hosted CDN.
        The CDN information is fetched dynamically from the local configuration.

        widget: string or list
            If a string, should just be the name of the widget
            If a list, should be components on the versioned CDN path to that widget.
            E.g. "pairedEndLibrary" vs. ["widgets", "0.1.0", "pairedEndLibrary"]

        widget_title: string
            The title that appears in the header of the created widget.

        objects: dictionary
            This dict has the object information that feeds into the widget.

        options: dictionary
            This dict has widget-specific options used for rendering

        auth_required: boolean, default == True
            Whether or not authentication is required for fetching object data
        #  Interface from Narrative's Python layer.
        #  The template placeholders will be substituted.
        #  widget_name - the registered widget name
        #  input_data - the expected input data (aka params) for the widget
        #  token - the current auth token, made available within the containing python function
        #  element - the output cell DOM node, as visible to this code due to the environment it is inserted into.
        #  The Javascript functions doc from Jupyter:
        #  "When this object is returned by an expression or passed to the
        #  display function, it will result in the data being displayed
        #  in the frontend. If the data is a URL, the data will first be
        #  downloaded and then displayed.
        #  In the Notebook, the containing element will be available as `element`,
        #  and jQuery will be available.  Content appended to `element` will be
        #  visible in the output area.""

        input_template = """
        element.html("<div id='{{input_id}}' class='kb-vis-area'>");

        ], function (Jupyter, NarrativeDataWidget) {

            var widgetDef = JSON.parse('{{widget_def}}'),
                objectRefs = JSON.parse('{{object_refs}}'),
                options = JSON.parse('{{options}}'),
                config = JSON.parse('{{config}}'),
                packageName = widgetDef.package,
                packageVersion = widgetDef.package_version,
                widgetName = widgetDef.name,
                widgetParentNode = $('#{{input_id}}')[0];

            var dataWidget = NarrativeDataWidget.make({
                package: packageName,
                version: packageVersion,
                widget: widgetName,
                title: widgetDef.title,
                parent: widgetParentNode,
                authRequired: config.authRequired

            dataWidget.runWidget(objectRefs, options)
                .then(function () {
                .catch(function (err) {
                    console.error('ERROR', err);

        # Prepare data for export into the Javascript.

        if type(widget) is list:
            widget_package = widget[0]
            widget_package_version = widget[1]
            widget_name = widget[2]
            widget_package = None
            widget_package_version = None
            widget_name = widget

        # Note: All Python->Javascript data flow is serialized as JSON strings.
        widget_def = {
            'id': self._cell_id_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()),
            'package': widget_package,
            'package_version': widget_package_version,
            'name': widget_name,
            'title': widget_title

        config = {
            'auth_required': auth_required

        # context - Data for building the Javascript prior to insertion is provided
        # input_data - raw widget input data as provided by the caller
        js = Template(input_template).render(input_id=widget_def['id'],

        return Javascript(data=js, lib=None, css=None)