def pre_identification_helper(images, probe_id, settings, hash_config_path, callback_code): 'Running verification for user - %s, with given parameters - %s' % (settings.get('userID'), settings)) if AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().exists(key=REDIS_JOB_RESULTS_ERROR % callback_code): 'Job interrupted because of job_results_error key existence.') return None temp_image_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=APP_ROOT) try: image_paths = save_images(images, temp_image_path) # Store photos for test purposes store_test_photo_helper(APP_ROOT, image_paths) settings.update({'data': image_paths}) settings.update({ 'general_data': { 'data_path': temp_image_path, 'hash_config_path': hash_config_path, 'probe_id': probe_id } }) return settings except: return None
def final_helper(temp_image_path, probe_id, error, callback_code, result, ai_response_type, try_type, ai_code): shutil.rmtree(temp_image_path) if error is not None: retries_count = AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().decrement_int_value( REDiS_TRAINING_RETRIES_COUNT_KEY % probe_id) if retries_count == 0: AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().delete_data( key=REDiS_TRAINING_RETRIES_COUNT_KEY % probe_id) logger.debug('Maximum training attempts reached...') result = False ai_response_type.update( dict(status=TRAINING_MAX_RETRIES_STATUS, message=TRAINING_MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE)) # _tell_ai_training_results(result, ai_response_type, try_type, ai_code) else: AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().store_data( key=REDIS_UPDATE_TRAINING_KEY % probe_id, error=error) result = dict(result=False, error=error) AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().store_data(key=REDIS_PROBE_RESULT_KEY % callback_code, result=result)'Job was finished with internal algorithm error %s ' % error) else: AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().delete_data( key=REDiS_TRAINING_RETRIES_COUNT_KEY % probe_id) AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().store_data(key=REDIS_PROBE_RESULT_KEY % callback_code, result=result) tell_ai_training_results(result, ai_response_type, try_type, ai_code)
def pre_verification_helper(image, settings, probe_id, callback_code): 'Running verification for user - %s, with given parameters - %s' % (settings.get('userID'), settings)) if RedisStorage.persistence_instance().exists(key=REDIS_JOB_RESULTS_ERROR % callback_code): 'Job interrupted because of job_results_error key existence.') return database = get_algo_db(probe_id=probe_id) temp_image_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=APP_ROOT) try: temp_image = save_image(image, temp_image_path) # Store photos for test purposes backup_path = store_test_photo_helper( APP_ROOT, [temp_image], "candidates_{}".format(settings.get('userID'))) settings.update({ 'data': temp_image, 'database': database, 'temp_image_path': temp_image_path, 'backup_image_path': backup_path }) return settings except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return None
def importSources(self, source): logger.debug("Database loading started...") self._etalon = ClusterL0Estimation.importDatabase( source.get('data', dict())) # self._etalon = SelfGraphEstimation.importDatabase(source.get('data', dict())) self._prob = source.get('threshold', 100)'Dynamic threshold: %f' % self._prob) logger.debug("Database loading finished.")
def importSettings(self, settings): if len(settings.keys()) > 0:"Settings loading started...") self.kodsettings.importSettings(settings['KODSettings']) self.kodsettings.dump() if self._cascadeROI is None: self._cascadeROI = OptimalROIDetectorSAoS() if self._eyeROI is None: self._eyeROI = CascadesDetectionInterface(loadScript("main_haarcascade_eyes_union.json", True))"Settings loading finished.") return True return False
def apply(self, data): """ :param data: dictionary = { 'temp_image_path': path to the temporary image storage, 'probe_id': probe identifier, 'error': error message, 'callback_code': code of callback function, 'result': status of result 'ai_response_type': type of AI response, 'try_type': type of try 'ai_code': AI response code } :return: """ temp_image_path = data['temp_image_path'] error = data['error'] probe_id = data['probe_id'] ai_response_type = data['ai_response_type'] callback_code = data['callback_code'] result = data['result'] try_type = data['try_type'] ai_code = data['ai_code'] shutil.rmtree(temp_image_path) if error is not None: retries_count = AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().decrement_int_value( REDiS_TRAINING_RETRIES_COUNT_KEY % probe_id) if retries_count == 0: AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().delete_data( key=REDiS_TRAINING_RETRIES_COUNT_KEY % probe_id) logger.debug('Maximum training attempts reached...') result = False ai_response_type.update({ 'status': TRAINING_MAX_RETRIES_STATUS, 'message': TRAINING_MAX_RETRIES_MESSAGE }) else: AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().store_data( key=REDIS_UPDATE_TRAINING_KEY % probe_id, error=error) result = dict(result=False, error=error) AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().store_data( key=REDIS_PROBE_RESULT_KEY % callback_code, result=result)'Job was finished with internal algorithm error %s ' % error) else: AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().delete_data( key=REDiS_TRAINING_RETRIES_COUNT_KEY % probe_id) AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().store_data( key=REDIS_PROBE_RESULT_KEY % callback_code, result=result) tell_ai_training_results(result, ai_response_type, try_type, ai_code) return None
def _detect(self, data, detector): # ROI detection rect = self._eyeROI.detect(data['roi'])[1] if len(rect) <= 0 or len(rect[0]) <= 0:"Eye ROI wasn't found.") self._last_error = "Eye ROI wasn't found." return False # ROI cutting rect = rect[0] lefteye = (rect[0] + rect[3], rect[1] + rect[3] / 2) righteye = (rect[0] + rect[2] - rect[3], rect[1] + rect[3] / 2) centereye = (lefteye[0] + (righteye[0] - lefteye[0]) / 2, lefteye[1] + (righteye[1] - lefteye[1]) / 2) centernose = (lefteye[0] + (righteye[0] - lefteye[0]) / 2, rect[1] + 2 * rect[3]) centermouth = (centernose[0], centernose[1] + rect[3]) leftmouth = (lefteye[0], centermouth[1]) rightmouth = (righteye[0], centermouth[1]) centers = [lefteye, righteye, centereye, centernose, leftmouth, rightmouth] # self.filter_keypoints(data) clusters = KMeans(data['keypoints'], 0, centers) data['true_clusters'] = clusters descriptors = [] centers = [] weights = [] keydescriptors = [] active_clusters = 0 for cluster in clusters: desc = detector.compute(data['roi'], cluster['items']) curr_cluster = desc['descriptors'] descriptors.append(curr_cluster) centers.append(cluster['center']) if curr_cluster is not None and len(curr_cluster) > 0: active_clusters += 1 pairs = [] sum = 0 for index, item in enumerate(cluster['items']): # pairs.append((desc['descriptors'][index], item.response)) sum += item.response weights.append((pairs, sum)) cluster_keypoints = [] for index, item in enumerate(cluster['items']): cluster_keypoints.append((item, desc['descriptors'][index])) keydescriptors.append(cluster_keypoints) data['clusters'] = descriptors data['centers'] = centers data['weights'] = weights data['key_desc'] = keydescriptors if active_clusters < len(centers) - 2:"Number of clusters are insufficient for the recognition.") self._last_error = "Number of clusters are insufficient for the recognition." return False return True
def delete_data(table_class_name, object_ids):'Delete records for table class - %s, with object_ids - %s' % (table_class_name, object_ids)) try: MySQLDataStoreInterface.delete_multiple_data( table_name=table_class_name, object_ids=object_ids) records = dict(status=True) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) records = dict(error=str(e), status=False)'Deleted records for table class - %s, with object_ids - %s' % (table_class_name, object_ids)) return records
def select_records_by_ids(table_class_name, object_ids, flat_result=False):'Getting records for table class - %s, with object_ids - %s' % (table_class_name, object_ids)) try: records = MySQLDataStoreInterface.select_data_by_ids( table_name=table_class_name, object_ids=object_ids, flat_result=flat_result) logger.debug('Data: %s' % records) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) records = dict(error=str(e))'Got records for table class - %s, with object_ids - %s' % (table_class_name, object_ids)) return records
def create_records(table_class_name, values, update=False): 'Store records for table class - %s, values - %s (with updating - %s)' % (table_class_name, values, update)) try: MySQLDataStoreInterface.create_multiple_records( table_name=table_class_name, values=values, update=update) records = dict(status=True) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) records = dict(error=str(e), status=False) 'Stored records for table class - %s, with object_ids - %s (with updating - %s)' % (table_class_name, values, update)) return records
def pre_training_helper(images, probe_id, settings, callback_code, try_type, ai_code):'Running training for user - %s, with given parameters - %s' % (settings.get('userID'), settings)) ai_response_type = dict() try:'Telling AI that we are starting training with code - %s' % ai_code) ai_response_type.update({ 'status': TRAINING_STARTED_STATUS, 'message': TRAINING_STARTED_MESSAGE }) ai_response_sender(ai_code, ai_response_type) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to build rest request to AI - %s' % str(e)) logger.exception(e) ai_response_type.update({ 'status': TRAINING_SUCCESS_STATUS, 'message': TRAINING_SUCCESS_MESSAGE }) result = False error = None if AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().exists(key=REDIS_UPDATE_TRAINING_KEY % probe_id): settings.update({'database': get_algo_db(probe_id=probe_id)}) AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().delete_data( key=REDIS_UPDATE_TRAINING_KEY % probe_id) temp_image_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=APP_ROOT) try: image_paths = save_images(images, temp_image_path) # Store photos for test purposes store_test_photo_helper(APP_ROOT, image_paths) settings.update({'data': image_paths}) settings.update({ 'general_data': { 'data_path': temp_image_path, 'ai_code': ai_code, 'try_type': try_type, 'probe_id': probe_id } }) return settings except: final_helper(temp_image_path, probe_id, error, callback_code, result, ai_response_type, try_type, ai_code) return None
def result_handling(result, probe_id, temp_image_path, settings, callback_code, error=None): if error is not None or RedisStorage.persistence_instance().exists( key=REDIS_JOB_RESULTS_ERROR % callback_code): if not RedisStorage.persistence_instance().exists( key=REDIS_JOB_RESULTS_ERROR % callback_code): result = dict(verified=False, error=error) RedisStorage.persistence_instance().store_data( key=REDIS_JOB_RESULTS_ERROR % callback_code, ex=300, result=result) store_verification_results(result=result, callback_code=callback_code, probe_id=probe_id) if error is not None:'Job was finished with internal algorithm error %s ' % error) else: 'Job was not stored because of job_results_error key existence.' ) else: RedisStorage.persistence_instance().append_value_to_list( key=REDIS_PARTIAL_RESULTS_KEY % callback_code, value=result) results_counter = RedisStorage.persistence_instance( ).decrement_int_value(REDIS_RESULTS_COUNTER_KEY % callback_code) if results_counter <= 0: gathered_results = RedisStorage.persistence_instance( ).get_stored_list(REDIS_PARTIAL_RESULTS_KEY % callback_code) logger.debug('All gathered results for verification job - %s' % gathered_results) if results_counter < 0: logger.exception( 'Results count is less than 0, check worker jobs consistency!' ) result = dict(verified=False) else: true_count = float(gathered_results.count('True')) result = dict(verified=( (true_count / len(gathered_results)) * 100) >= 50) store_verification_results(result=result, callback_code=callback_code, probe_id=probe_id) shutil.rmtree(temp_image_path)'Verification finished for user - %s, with result - %s' % (settings.get('userID'), result))
def apply(self, data): """ :param data: dictionary = { 'images': training image set, 'probe_id': prove identifier, 'settings': general settings dictionary, 'callback_code': code of callback function, 'try_type': type of try request, 'ai_code': AI response code, 'temp_data_dir': Path to the temporary storage } :return: """ images = data['images'] settings = data['settings'] ai_code = data['ai_code'] probe_id = data['probe_id'] try_type = data['try_type'] temp_data_dir = data['temp_data_dir'] 'Running training for user - %s, with given parameters - %s' % (settings.get('userID'), settings)) ai_response_type = dict() try: 'Telling AI that we are starting training with code - %s' % ai_code) ai_response_type.update({ 'status': TRAINING_STARTED_STATUS, 'message': TRAINING_STARTED_MESSAGE }) ai_response_sender(ai_code, ai_response_type) except Exception as e: # TODO: Write Error handler logger.error('Failed to build rest request to AI - %s' % str(e)) logger.exception(e) ai_response_type.update({ 'status': TRAINING_SUCCESS_STATUS, 'message': TRAINING_SUCCESS_MESSAGE }) result = False if AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().exists( key=REDIS_UPDATE_TRAINING_KEY % probe_id): settings.update({'database': get_algo_db(probe_id=probe_id)}) AlgorithmsDataStore.instance().delete_data( key=REDIS_UPDATE_TRAINING_KEY % probe_id) temp_image_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_data_dir) try: image_paths = save_images(images, temp_image_path) # Store photos for test purposes store_test_photo_helper(temp_data_dir, image_paths, "train_{}".format(settings.get('userID'))) settings.update({'data': image_paths}) settings.update({ 'general_data': { 'data_path': temp_image_path, 'ai_code': ai_code, 'try_type': try_type, 'probe_id': probe_id } }) return settings except Exception as error: end_data = data.copy() del end_data['images'] del end_data['settings'] end_data.update({ 'temp_image_path': temp_image_path, 'error': error, 'result': result, 'ai_response_type': ai_response_type }) return self._stages.get(FINAL_TRAINING_STAGE).apply(end_data)