def test_no_birth_weight_to_low():
    """Test that the birth function returns None if the weight of the animal is to low."""
    herb = Herbivore(5, 15)
    carn = Carnivore(5, 15)
    nr_animals = 2

    assert herb.birth(nr_animals) is None
    assert carn.birth(nr_animals) is None
def test_birth(mocker):
    """Test that the animals can't reproduce if only one animal is present regardless of random
    mocker.patch("numpy.random.random", return_value=0)
    herb = Herbivore(5, 35)
    carn = Carnivore(5, 30)
    nr_animals = 1

    assert herb.birth(nr_animals) is None
    assert carn.birth(nr_animals) is None

    mocker.patch("numpy.random.random", return_value=1)
    herb = Herbivore(5, 35)
    carn = Carnivore(5, 30)
    nr_animals = 1

    assert herb.birth(nr_animals) is None
    assert carn.birth(nr_animals) is None
def test_no_birth_probability(mocker):
    """Test that the animal should not give birth if the random value is higher than the birth
    mocker.patch("numpy.random.random", return_value=1)
    herb = Herbivore(5, 35)
    carn = Carnivore(5, 30)
    nr_animals = 10

    assert herb.birth(nr_animals) is None
    assert carn.birth(nr_animals) is None
def test_no_birth_baby_to_heavy(mocker):
    """Test that the animal doesn't give birth if the baby is heavier than the mother."""
    mocker.patch("numpy.random.normal", return_value=50)
    mocker.patch("numpy.random.random", return_value=0)
    herb = Herbivore(5, 35)
    carn = Carnivore(5, 30)
    nr_animals = 10

    assert herb.birth(nr_animals) is None
    assert carn.birth(nr_animals) is None
def test_mother_loose_weight(mocker):
    """Test that the mother looses weight according to the birth weight and sat parameters
    when giving birth."""
    mocker.patch("numpy.random.normal", return_value=20)
    mocker.patch("numpy.random.random", return_value=0)
    herbivore = Herbivore(5, 35)
    carnivore = Carnivore(5, 30)
    nr_animals = 10

    new_herb = herbivore.birth(nr_animals)
    new_carn = carnivore.birth(nr_animals)

    assert herbivore.weight == 11
    assert carnivore.weight == 8
    assert new_herb.age == 0, "New baby should be age zero"
    assert new_carn.age == 0, "New baby should be age zero"