예제 #1
 def test_valid_no_headers(self):
     """Test the function with valid Sequences and no variable headers."""
     seq1 = Sequence(name='seq1')
     seq1.set_cont_values([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
     seq2 = Sequence(name='seq2')
     seq2.set_cont_values([3.0, 3.2, 4.1])
     test_sequence_list = [seq1, seq2]
     mtx = dr.get_character_matrix_from_sequences_list(test_sequence_list)
     assert isinstance(mtx, Matrix)
예제 #2
 def test_valid_with_headers(self):
     """Test the function with valid Sequences and include headers."""
     seq1 = Sequence(name='seq1')
     seq1.set_cont_values([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
     seq2 = Sequence(name='seq2')
     seq2.set_cont_values([3.0, 3.2, 4.1])
     test_sequence_list = [seq1, seq2]
     col_headers = ['Val 1', 'Val 2', 'Val 3']
     mtx = dr.get_character_matrix_from_sequences_list(
         test_sequence_list, var_headers=col_headers)
     assert isinstance(mtx, Matrix)
     assert mtx.get_column_headers() == col_headers
예제 #3
    #     try:
    #         # Try looking for the string
    #         label_column = headers.index(args.annotate_labels)
    #     except:
    #         try:
    #             # Treat it as an integer
    #             label_column = int(args.annotate_labels)
    #         except:
    #             raise Exception(
    #                 'Could not find column to use for labels.  '
    #                 'Check the name to make sure it matches or use column'
    #                 ' index.')

    # Convert data to PAM format
    # TODO: CJG - This should use our Matrix class to read a csv or matrix lmm
    pam = data_readers.get_character_matrix_from_sequences_list(
        sequences, headers)

    # Read the tree
    tree = TreeWrapper.get(path=args.in_tree_filename,

    # Run analysis
    if args.family_name == 'jaccard':
        results = phylo_beta_diversity.calculate_phylo_beta_diversity_jaccard(
            pam, tree)
        res_names = [
            'beta_jtu', 'phylo_beta_jtu', 'beta_jne', 'phylo_beta_jne',
            'beta_jac', 'phylo_beta_jac'
    elif args.family_name == 'sorensen':
        results = phylo_beta_diversity.calculate_phylo_beta_diversity_sorensen(
예제 #4
    if args.annotate_labels is not None:
            # Try looking for the string
            label_column = headers.index(args.annotate_labels)
        except Exception:
                # Treat it as an integer
                label_column = int(args.annotate_labels)
            except Exception:
                raise Exception(
                    'Could not find column to use for labels.  '
                    'Check the name to make sure it matches or use column'
                    ' index.')

    # Get character matrix
    char_mtx = data_readers.get_character_matrix_from_sequences_list(
        sequences, var_headers=headers)
    # Run analysis
    tree, results = anc_dp.calculate_ancestral_distributions(tree, char_mtx)

    # Should we annotate the tree labels?
    if label_column is not None:
        # Annotate tree
        annotators.add_all_annotations(tree, results, update=True)

    # Write the tree
    tree.write(path=args.out_tree_filename, schema=args.out_tree_schema)