def signup(): if request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get( 'email') and request.form.get('username') and request.form.get( 'password'): username = request.form.get('username') password = request.form.get('password') email = request.form.get('email') if User.query.filter_by(username=username).first(): flash('Username taken') return render_template('signup.html') else: wallet = PrivateKey() user = User(username=username, password=password, email=email, address=wallet.address, wallet=wallet.to_wif()) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('login')) elif request.method == 'POST': flash('Check your input') else: return render_template('signup.html') return render_template('signup.html')
def create_tx(self, coin, account, to, amount): """ Return prepared transaction for coin and account. """ if coin is ETH: gasEstimate = self.w3.eth.estimateGas({ "from": account.address, "to": to, "value": amount }) return { "from": account.address, "to": to, "value": self.w3.toWei(amount, 'ether'), "gasPrice": self.w3.eth.gasPrice, "gas": gasEstimate, "nonce": self.w3.eth.getTransactionCount(account.address), } elif coin is BTCTEST: return PrivateKeyTestnet.prepare_transaction( account.address, [(to, amount, BTC)]) elif coin is BTC: return PrivateKey.prepare_transaction(account.address, [(to, amount, BTC)]) else: return None
def transaction(): getbalance(current_user.wallet) if request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get( 'amount') and request.form.get('address'): if current_user.wallet < int(amount): flash('not enough funds') return render_template('transaction.html') amount = request.form.get('amount') address = request.form.get('address') key = PrivateKey(current_user.wallet) myamount = (app.config['TRANSACTION_PERCENTAGE']) / 100 * amount youramount = amount - myamount transactionid = key.send([(address, youramount, 'usd'), (app.config['COMPANY_ADRESS'], myamount, 'usd')]) flash('transaction succeded transactionid ={transactionid}') return render_template('transaction.html')
def priv_key_to_account(self, coin, priv_key): """ Return private key to account. """ if coin is ETH: return Account.from_key(priv_key) elif coin is BTCTEST: return PrivateKeyTestnet(priv_key) elif coin is BTC: return PrivateKey(priv_key) else: return None
def get_bitcoin(page): html = requests.get(f'{page}').text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') sp = soup.find_all('span') sp_a = [] for i in sp: sp1 = [] try: sp1.append([ i.find('span').get_text()[:-1], i.find_all('a')[1].get_text(), i.find_all('a')[2].get_text() ]) sp_a.append(sp1) except: pass for col, i in enumerate(sp_a): key1 = PrivateKey(i[0][0]) print(col) if key1.get_balance() != '0': print(i)
def priv_key_to_account(coin, priv_key): """ This function return the address of a wallet given its corresponding private key """ if coin == ETH: account_address = Account.privateKeyToAccount(priv_key).address if coin == BTCTEST: account_address = PrivateKeyTestnet(priv_key).address if coin == BTC: account_address = PrivateKey(priv_key).address return account_address
def make_keys(): key = PrivateKey() code = qrcode.QRCode(version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_M, box_size=10, border=4) code.add_data(f'bitcoin:{key.address}') code.make(fit=True) img = code.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white") with io.BytesIO() as output:, format="PNG") contents = output.getvalue() return contents, key
def priv_key_to_account(coin, priv_key): """ Convert Private Key of specific coin type to wallet account --- Parameter: coin - coin type (defined in ``) priv_key - private key """ if (coin == ETH): #print("ETH Account") return Account.privateKeyToAccount(priv_key) elif (coin == BTCTEST): #print("BTC-Test Account") return PrivateKeyTestnet(priv_key) elif (coin == BTC): return PrivateKey(priv_key) else: print(f"Unable to process {coin}") return ""
def create_tx(coin, account, to, amount): """ Create transaction --- Parameter: coin - coin type (defined in ``) account - eth_account Account object to - recipient wallet address amount - amount to send """ if (coin == ETH): return create_eth_tx(account, to, amount) elif (coin == BTCTEST): return PrivateKeyTestnet.prepare_transaction(account.address, [(to, amount, BTC)]) elif (coin == BTC): return PrivateKey.prepare_transaction(account.address, [(to, amount, BTC)]) else: print(f"Unable to process {coin}") return ""
def getbalance(wallet): key = PrivateKey(wallet) newbalance = key.balance_as('usd') user = User.query.filter_by(wallet=wallet) user.amount = newbalance db.session.commit()
from flask import Flask, render_template, flash, request, redirect, send_file, url_for from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, login_user, login_required, logout_user, current_user from flask_admin import Admin from flask_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename import os from bit import PrivateKey wallet = PrivateKey('') print(wallet.address) print(wallet.balance) print(wallet.to_wif()) app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///mydb.db' db = SQLAlchemy(app) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'SUPERSECRETKEY' app.config['TRANSACTION_PERCENTAGE'] = 5 app.config['COMPANY_ADRESS'] = 123456789 login_manager = LoginManager(app) class User(db.Model, UserMixin): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.String(50), unique=True) password = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False) email = db.Column(db.String(1000), unique=True, nullable=False) wallet = db.Column(db.String(1000), nullable=False)
def ProcessSweepDeposit(message): username = userAccount = reddit.redditor(username) RegisterNewUser(username, False) tipbitWindow.AddEventString('Attempting Sweep Deposit: {}'.format( message.body)) if (tipbitUtilities.ImportPrivateKey(message.body, '', True) is False): print('Failed to sweep private key "{}"'.format(message.body)) return legacyAddress = PrivateKeyTestnet( message.body).address if botSpecificData.testnet else PrivateKey( message.body).address print('legacy sweep - {}'.format(legacyAddress)) segwitAddress = tipbitUtilities.GetUnusedAddressSegwit('', legacyAddress) print('segwit sweep - {}'.format(segwitAddress)) sweepAddress = '' balanceList = tipbitUtilities.WalletBalancesList if (legacyAddress in balanceList): sweepAddress = legacyAddress elif (segwitAddress in balanceList): sweepAddress = segwitAddress if (sweepAddress == ''): print( 'Attempted sweep of empty wallet. Cancelling Sweep Deposit for {}'. format(username)) return print('Balance found at sweep address: {}'.format(sweepAddress)) sweepBalance = tipbitUtilities.BTCToSatoshis(balanceList[sweepAddress]) print('Sweep Balance: {} Satoshis'.format(sweepBalance)) if (sweepBalance < botSpecificData.MINIMUM_DEPOSIT): MINIMUM_DEPOSIT_MBTC = tipbitUtilities.SatoshisToMBTC( botSpecificData.MINIMUM_DEPOSIT) tipbitWindow.AddEventString( 'Failed to perform sweep deposit for user [{}] (balance under minimum deposit)' .format(username)) userAccount.message( 'Sweep Deposit failed!', messageTemplates. USER_FAILED_SWEEP_DEPOSIT_UNDER_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_TEXT.format( MINIMUM_DEPOSIT_MBTC, (' Testnet Bitcoins' if botSpecificData.testnet else ''))) return False # Attempt to prepare a transaction so we can determine the fee to take out so the user eats the cost depositBalance = sweepBalance storageTX = '' estimatedFee, storageTX = tipbitUtilities.SendFromAddressToAddress( sweepAddress, botSpecificData.PRIMARY_STORAGE_ADDRESS, depositBalance, botSpecificData.STORAGE_TRANSFER_FEE_PER_BYTE) newDepositDelta = depositBalance - estimatedFee depositBalanceMBTC = tipbitUtilities.SatoshisToMBTC(depositBalance) estimatedFeeMBTC = tipbitUtilities.SatoshisToMBTC(estimatedFee) newDepositDeltaMBTC = tipbitUtilities.SatoshisToMBTC(newDepositDelta) # Now we should have an estimated fee, so we can subtract that from the amount we're sending, and transfer it addToUserBalance(username, int(newDepositDelta)) balanceMBTC = tipbitUtilities.SatoshisToMBTC(getUserBalance(username)) tipbitWindow.AddEventString( 'Sweep Deposit successfully sent to storage: {} mBTC{}'.format( tipbitUtilities.SatoshisToMBTC(newDepositDelta), (' Testnet Bitcoins' if botSpecificData.testnet else ''))) userAccount.message( 'Your deposit was successful!', messageTemplates.USER_NEW_SWEEP_DEPOSIT_MESSAGE_TEXT.format( depositBalanceMBTC, (' Testnet Bitcoins' if botSpecificData.testnet else ''), depositBalanceMBTC, estimatedFeeMBTC, newDepositDeltaMBTC, balanceMBTC, (' Testnet Bitcoins' if botSpecificData.testnet else ''), storageTX)) tipbitUtilities.SetAddressToAccount(legacyAddress, '') tipbitUtilities.SetAddressToAccount(segwitAddress, '') # Return True so that we know to return True
async def main_logic(message: types.Message): # Логика для пользователя # Получаем данные пользователя data = reg_and_data_main(message) if data is not None: if data[6] == 0: if message.text == '💳 Получить BTC': img = qrcode.make(data[3])'qr.jpg') await bot.send_message(, f'''💳 Ваш адрес биткойн кошелька: *{data[3]}*''', parse_mode="Markdown") await bot.send_photo(, photo=open('qr.jpg', 'rb')) if message.text == '🌐 Ваш баланс': url = f'{data[3]}' x = requests.get(url) wallet = x.json() await bot.send_message(, f'''💰 *Итоговый баланс:* {format(wallet['final_balance'] / 100000000, '.9f')} BTC *Всего получено:* {format(wallet['total_received'] / 100000000, '.9f')} BTC *Всего отправлено:* {format(wallet['total_sent'] / 100000000, '.9f')} BTC{data[3]}''', parse_mode="Markdown") if message.text == '📤 Отправить BTC': sql = "UPDATE users SET state = {} WHERE chatid = {}".format( 1, cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() button = KeyboardButton('⬇️ Назад') kb = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True).add(button) # Отправляем сообщение с кнопкой await bot.send_message(, '📤 Отправьте *адрес биткойн кошелька*, куда хотите перевести BTC (Например: 12rAUoBgNgCqBpKTHwKksrAwkHBFdq1yvr)', reply_markup=kb, parse_mode="Markdown") if data[6] == 1: if message.text == '⬇️ Назад': sql = "UPDATE users SET state = {} WHERE chatid = {}".format( 0, cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() button = KeyboardButton('🌐 Ваш баланс') button2 = KeyboardButton('💳 Получить BTC') button3 = KeyboardButton('📤 Отправить BTC') kb = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True).add(button).add( button2, button3) await bot.send_message(, 'Вы вернулись в меню', reply_markup=kb) if message.text != '⬇️ Назад': result = re.match( r'^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-zA-Z])[\da-zA-Z]{27,34}$', message.text) if result is None: mes = '''❗️*Ошибка* Check that BTC wallet is entered correctly!''' await bot.send_message(, mes, parse_mode="Markdown") else: sql = "UPDATE users SET state = {} WHERE chatid = {}".format( 2, cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sql = "UPDATE users SET btc_sent = '{}' WHERE chatid = {}".format(, cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() button = KeyboardButton('⬇️ Назад') kb = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True).add(button) # Отправляем сообщение с кнопкой await bot.send_message(, f'💰 Отправьте сумму, которую хотите перевести по адресу *{}* в BTC (Например: 0.0001). *Комиссия перевода 0.0001 BTC*', reply_markup=kb, parse_mode="Markdown") if data[6] == 2: if message.text == '⬇️ Назад': sql = "UPDATE users SET state = {} WHERE chatid = {}".format( 0, cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() button = KeyboardButton('🌐 Ваш баланс') button2 = KeyboardButton('💳 Получить BTC') button3 = KeyboardButton('📤 Отправить BTC') kb = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True).add(button).add( button2, button3) await bot.send_message(, 'Вы вернулись в меню', reply_markup=kb) if message.text != '⬇️ Назад': try: sum = float(message.text) url = f'{data[3]}' x = requests.get(url) wallet = x.json() if sum + 10000 <= wallet['final_balance'] / 100000000: try: my_key = PrivateKey(wif=data[4]) # Коммисия перевода, если поставить слишком маленькую, то транзакцию не примут # И чем больше коммисия, тем быстрее пройдет перевод fee = 10000 # Генерация транзакции tx_hash = my_key.create_transaction( [(data[5], sum, 'btc')], fee=fee, absolute_fee=True) print(tx_hash) url = '' x =, data={'tx': tx_hash}) result = x.text sql = "UPDATE users SET state = {} WHERE chatid = {}".format( 0, cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() button = KeyboardButton('🌐 Ваш баланс') button2 = KeyboardButton('💳 Получить BTC') button3 = KeyboardButton('📤 Отправить BTC') kb = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( resize_keyboard=True).add(button).add( button2, button3) await bot.send_message(, result, reply_markup=kb) except Exception: sql = "UPDATE users SET state = {} WHERE chatid = {}".format( 0, cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() button = KeyboardButton('🌐 Ваш баланс') button2 = KeyboardButton('💳 Получить BTC') button3 = KeyboardButton('📤 Отправить BTC') kb = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( resize_keyboard=True).add(button).add( button2, button3) await bot.send_message(, "⚠ Ошибка при выолнении транзакции", reply_markup=kb) else: await bot.send_message(, '⚠️ На вашем балансе недостаточно средств.') except ValueError: await bot.send_message(, '⚠️Неправильно введена сумма отправления, попробуйте еще раз' ) else: await bot.send_message(, 'Нажмите /start')