def __init__(self,
                     "OCEAN_FLOOR", "WORLD_SURFACE"
        self.rect = rect
        self.chunkRect = (rect[0] >> 4, rect[1] >> 4,
                          ((rect[0] + rect[2] - 1) >> 4) - (rect[0] >> 4) + 1,
                          ((rect[1] + rect[3] - 1) >> 4) - (rect[1] >> 4) + 1)
        self.heightmapTypes = heightmapTypes

        bytes = getChunks(*self.chunkRect, rtype='bytes')
        file_like = BytesIO(bytes)

        print("parsing NBT")
        self.nbtfile = nbt.nbt.NBTFile(buffer=file_like)

        rectOffset = [rect[0] % 16, rect[1] % 16]

        # heightmaps
        self.heightmaps = {}
        for hmName in self.heightmapTypes:
            self.heightmaps[hmName] = np.zeros((rect[2], rect[3]),

        # Sections are in x,z,y order!!! (reverse minecraft order :p)
        self.sections = [[[None for i in range(16)]
                          for z in range(self.chunkRect[3])]
                         for x in range(self.chunkRect[2])]

        # heightmaps
        print("extracting heightmaps")

        for x in range(self.chunkRect[2]):
            for z in range(self.chunkRect[3]):
                chunkID = x + z * self.chunkRect[2]

                hms = self.nbtfile['Chunks'][chunkID]['Level']['Heightmaps']
                for hmName in self.heightmapTypes:
                    # hmRaw = hms['MOTION_BLOCKING']
                    hmRaw = hms[hmName]
                    heightmapBitArray = BitArray(9, 16 * 16, hmRaw)
                    heightmap = self.heightmaps[hmName]
                    for cz in range(16):
                        for cx in range(16):
                                heightmap[-rectOffset[0] + x * 16 + cx,
                                          -rectOffset[1] + z * 16 +
                                          cz] = heightmapBitArray.getAt(cz *
                                                                        16 +
                            except IndexError:

        # sections
        print("extracting chunk sections")

        for x in range(self.chunkRect[2]):
            for z in range(self.chunkRect[3]):
                chunkID = x + z * self.chunkRect[2]
                chunkSections = self.nbtfile['Chunks'][chunkID]['Level'][

                for section in chunkSections:
                    y = section['Y'].value

                    if not ('BlockStates' in section) or len(
                            section['BlockStates']) == 0:

                    palette = section['Palette']
                    rawBlockStates = section['BlockStates']
                    bitsPerEntry = max(4, ceil(log2(len(palette))))
                    blockStatesBitArray = BitArray(bitsPerEntry, 16 * 16 * 16,

                    self.sections[x][z][y] = CachedSection(
                        palette, blockStatesBitArray)

    def __init__(self, x1, z1, x2, z2,
        """**Initialise WorldSlice with region and heightmaps**."""
        self.rect = x1, z1, x2 - x1, z2 - z1
        self.chunkRect = (self.rect[0] >> 4, self.rect[1] >> 4,
                          ((self.rect[0] + self.rect[2] - 1) >> 4)
                          - (self.rect[0] >> 4) + 1,
                          ((self.rect[1] + self.rect[3] - 1) >> 4)
                          - (self.rect[1] >> 4) + 1)
        self.heightmapTypes = heightmapTypes

        t0 = time.perf_counter()
        bytes = getChunks(*self.chunkRect, rtype='bytes')

        showPerf = False

        if showPerf: 
            print(f"took {time.perf_counter() - t0}s")
        t0 = time.perf_counter()

        file_like = BytesIO(bytes)

        print("parsing NBT")
        self.nbtfile = nbt.nbt.NBTFile(buffer=file_like)
        if showPerf: 
            print(f"took {time.perf_counter() - t0}s")
        t0 = time.perf_counter()

        rectOffset = [self.rect[0] % 16, self.rect[1] % 16]

        # heightmaps
        self.heightmaps = {}
        for hmName in self.heightmapTypes:
            self.heightmaps[hmName] = np.zeros(
                (self.rect[2], self.rect[3]),

        # Sections are in x,z,y order!!! (reverse minecraft order :p)
        self.sections = [[[None for i in range(16)] for z in range(
            self.chunkRect[3])] for x in range(self.chunkRect[2])]

        # heightmaps
        print("extracting heightmaps")

        for x in range(self.chunkRect[2]):
            for z in range(self.chunkRect[3]):
                chunkID = x + z * self.chunkRect[2]

                hms = self.nbtfile['Chunks'][chunkID]['Level']['Heightmaps']
                for hmName in self.heightmapTypes:
                    # hmRaw = hms['MOTION_BLOCKING']
                    hmRaw = hms[hmName]
                    heightmapBitArray = BitArray(9, 16 * 16, hmRaw)
                    heightmap = self.heightmaps[hmName]
                    for cz in range(16):
                        for cx in range(16):
                                heightmap[-rectOffset[0] + x * 16 + cx,
                                          -rectOffset[1] + z * 16 + cz] \
                                    = heightmapBitArray.getAt(cz * 16 + cx)
                            except IndexError:

        if showPerf: 
            print(f"took {time.perf_counter() - t0}s")
        t0 = time.perf_counter()

        # sections
        print("extracting chunk sections")

        for x in range(self.chunkRect[2]):
            for z in range(self.chunkRect[3]):
                chunkID = x + z * self.chunkRect[2]
                chunk = self.nbtfile['Chunks'][chunkID]
                chunkSections = chunk['Level']['Sections']

                for section in chunkSections:
                    y = section['Y'].value

                    if (not ('BlockStates' in section)
                            or len(section['BlockStates']) == 0):

                    palette = section['Palette']
                    rawBlockStates = section['BlockStates']
                    bitsPerEntry = max(4, ceil(log2(len(palette))))
                    blockStatesBitArray = BitArray(
                        bitsPerEntry, 16 * 16 * 16, rawBlockStates)

                    self.sections[x][z][y] = CachedSection(
                        palette, blockStatesBitArray)

        if showPerf: 
            print(f"took {time.perf_counter() - t0}s")