예제 #1
    def __init__(self, ui_debug=False, ipc=None):
        # init logging

        # Palette maps colors to attribute specifiers
        # All UI-Elements may be assigned these attributes
        palette = self.load_palette()
        # Set Encoding to UTF-8
        # usually urwid respects the system locale
        # but it is much more likely that the locale is wrong,
        # than that we ever need other encodings than utf-8.
        # register signals
        urwid.register_signal(DataFieldWidget, ["field_changed"])
        urwid.register_signal(KeyframeWidget, ["frame_changed"])
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_sigterm)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_sigint)

        # Set to true when a shutdown was sheduled
        # Set to false when a sheduled shutdown shall be aborted
        self.shutdown_sheduled = False

        # init ipc if not given
        if not ipc:
            ipc = SharedMemoryIPC()

        self.rec = Recorder(ipc, self, ilog)

        self.converter = JsonConverter()

        # Define the ListWalker for the list of FrameElements
        self.listWalker = urwid.SimpleListWalker([])
        self.keyframelist = urwid.ListBox(self.listWalker)
        # Header of the UI-Frame (stays on top)
        self.headline = "Record Script - Exit:<q> Leave ConsoleWidget:<ESC> Use ConsoleWidget:<:>"
        self.header = urwid.Text(("caption3", self.headline))
        # Footer of the UI-Frame (stays on bottom, contains the console)
        loglevel = config["console_log_level"]
        self.console = ConsoleWidget(ipc, self.rec, self, loglevel)

        # HelpView
        self.helpView = HelpView()

        # Motor View
        self.motorView = MotorViewWidget()

        # Motor Info View
        self.motorInfoProvider = MotorInfoProvider()
        self.motorInfoLW = urwid.SimpleListWalker([])
        self.motorInfos = urwid.ListBox(self.motorInfoLW)
        self.motorInfoList = ScrollIndicatorWidget(self.motorInfos)

        # Frame View
        self.frameList = ScrollIndicatorWidget(self.keyframelist)

        # Initialise the Mainframe
        super(Mainframe, self).__init__(self.frameList, self.header, self.console)

        # Select the Screen Type ('curses' or the default 'raw')
        if "screen" in config and config["screen"] == "curses":
            screen = urwid.curses_display.Screen()
            screen = urwid.raw_display.Screen()
            screen.set_terminal_properties(colors=256, bright_is_bold=False, has_underline=True)

        # Start the UI-Loop
        self.loop = urwid.MainLoop(self, palette, unhandled_input=self.unhandled_input, screen=screen)
        with ipc.record:
            if not ui_debug:
예제 #2
class Mainframe(urwid.Frame):
    """ The top-level container for the GUI. Essentially the GUI itself.
    :param size: Irrellevant for us
    :param key: pressed key (bytes or unicode string)

    def __init__(self, ui_debug=False, ipc=None):
        # init logging

        # Palette maps colors to attribute specifiers
        # All UI-Elements may be assigned these attributes
        palette = self.load_palette()
        # Set Encoding to UTF-8
        # usually urwid respects the system locale
        # but it is much more likely that the locale is wrong,
        # than that we ever need other encodings than utf-8.
        # register signals
        urwid.register_signal(DataFieldWidget, ["field_changed"])
        urwid.register_signal(KeyframeWidget, ["frame_changed"])
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_sigterm)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_sigint)

        # Set to true when a shutdown was sheduled
        # Set to false when a sheduled shutdown shall be aborted
        self.shutdown_sheduled = False

        # init ipc if not given
        if not ipc:
            ipc = SharedMemoryIPC()

        self.rec = Recorder(ipc, self, ilog)

        self.converter = JsonConverter()

        # Define the ListWalker for the list of FrameElements
        self.listWalker = urwid.SimpleListWalker([])
        self.keyframelist = urwid.ListBox(self.listWalker)
        # Header of the UI-Frame (stays on top)
        self.headline = "Record Script - Exit:<q> Leave ConsoleWidget:<ESC> Use ConsoleWidget:<:>"
        self.header = urwid.Text(("caption3", self.headline))
        # Footer of the UI-Frame (stays on bottom, contains the console)
        loglevel = config["console_log_level"]
        self.console = ConsoleWidget(ipc, self.rec, self, loglevel)

        # HelpView
        self.helpView = HelpView()

        # Motor View
        self.motorView = MotorViewWidget()

        # Motor Info View
        self.motorInfoProvider = MotorInfoProvider()
        self.motorInfoLW = urwid.SimpleListWalker([])
        self.motorInfos = urwid.ListBox(self.motorInfoLW)
        self.motorInfoList = ScrollIndicatorWidget(self.motorInfos)

        # Frame View
        self.frameList = ScrollIndicatorWidget(self.keyframelist)

        # Initialise the Mainframe
        super(Mainframe, self).__init__(self.frameList, self.header, self.console)

        # Select the Screen Type ('curses' or the default 'raw')
        if "screen" in config and config["screen"] == "curses":
            screen = urwid.curses_display.Screen()
            screen = urwid.raw_display.Screen()
            screen.set_terminal_properties(colors=256, bright_is_bold=False, has_underline=True)

        # Start the UI-Loop
        self.loop = urwid.MainLoop(self, palette, unhandled_input=self.unhandled_input, screen=screen)
        with ipc.record:
            if not ui_debug:

    def unhandled_input(self, key):
        """ Input accepted by no UI-Element ends up here.
        if key == "q":
            raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
        elif key == "m":
            if self.contents["body"] == (self.frameList, None):
        elif key == "M":
            if isinstance(self.contents["body"][0], MetaViewWidget):
        elif key == "g":
        elif key == "G":
        elif key == ":":
            self.focus_position = "footer"
        elif key == "esc":
            self.focus_position = "body"
        elif key == "f12":

    def reload_ipc(self):
        Tries to reload the IPC
        ipc = SharedMemoryIPC()

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        """ Listen to some attribute-changes
        We hack in to urwid to check when the Focus changes
        # Increase Consol-Size on focus
        if name is "focus_part":
            ilog.debug("Changing Main-Focus")
            body = self.contents["body"][0]
            if value is "footer":
                if isinstance(body, MetaViewWidget):
                    ilog.debug("Leaving Meta-View, better save it.")
                self.contents["body"] = (self.frameList, None)
        super(Mainframe, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def append_keyframe(self, frame):
        """ Add a new keyframe to the UI.
        Called by the recorder to update the UI after a "record" command

        # The converter gives back a nicer representation of the keyframe for
        # our purpose.
        values = self.converter.get_keyframe_data(frame)

        # A bit of error handling
        if not values:
            ilog.warning("Keyframe not loaded, because of previous error")
            return False

        # Determine new "current" keyframe-number
        current = len(self.listWalker) + 1

        # Make us a shiny new UI-element for this keyframe
        fe = KeyframeWidget(current, values)
        # Listen to Events by this UI-element
        urwid.connect_signal(fe, "frame_changed", self.on_frame_change)
        # Attach it to our ListViewWidget (by handing it to the walker)
        # Make sure the user can look at his new keyframe without additional
        # keypresses

        return True

    def pop_keyframe(self, framenumber=-1):
        """ Remove a Keyframe from the Keyframelist

        :param framenumber: the number of the frame to pop (0 == first element)
        return self.listWalker.pop(framenumber)

    def update_meta(self):
        """ Update the Meta information in the header
        meta = "name: %s | version: %s | last edited: %s" % (self.rec.name, self.rec.version, self.rec.last_edited)
        self.header = urwid.Text([("caption3", self.headline + "\n"), ("caption2", meta)])

    def display_keyframes(self, anim):
        """ display a new animation replacing the old one.

        :param anim: new animation in original dict representation (like in the file)
        del self.listWalker[:]
        for frame in anim:
            if not self.append_keyframe(frame):
                # If an error occured while loading the keyframe for the UI
                # The Recorder itself SHOULD notice our negative feedback
                # however if it won't, this might induce problems.
                ilog.error("The new animation made me sick... check for unexpected behaviour")
                del self.listWalker[:]
                return False

    def write_frame(self, frame, field):
        """ write frame back to the recorder, if it was changed in the gui.
        index = frame.framenumber - 1
        frame = self.listWalker[index]
        keyframedata = frame.get_data()
        anim = self.converter.get_dict(keyframedata)
            "Changed Keyframe %03d, Field %s to value %s" % (frame.framenumber, field.title_text, field.edit_text)
        self.rec.anim[index] = anim

    def is_valid(self):
        if len(self.listWalker) is 0:
            return False
        for keyframe in self.listWalker:
            if not keyframe.valid:
                return False
            if __debug__:
                ilog.debug("Keyframe %i is valid" % keyframe.framenumber)
        return True

    def on_frame_change(self, frame, field):
        if frame.valid:
            self.write_frame(frame, field)
            if __debug__:
                ilog.debug("Frame %03d updated because field %s was changed" % (frame.framenumber, field.title_text))
        ilog.debug("Redrawing Screen after Frame-change")

        # Having update-issues when the frame-title is changed
        # Calling draw_screen right away (as documented) will not help
        # I spent two days trying to figure out the reason for
        # this behaviour, found nothing and ended up using this:
        def call_draw(loop, user_data):

        self.loop.set_alarm_in(0.01, call_draw)

    def display_motor_ids(self, group=None):
        # self.contents['body'] = (urwid.Filler(urwid.Text(
        #    motorIdsFormated)), None)
        success = True
        if group:
            success = self.motorView.highlight(group)
        self.contents["body"] = (self.motorView, None)
        self.focus_position = "body"
        return success

    def display_help(self, topic):
        """ Shows help to topic
        :param list topic: help arguments
        if self.helpView.show_topic(topic):
            self.contents["body"] = (self.helpView, None)
            return True
        return False

    def display_meta(self):
        self.contents["body"] = (MetaViewWidget(self, self.rec), None)
        self.focus_position = "body"

    def display_frames(self):
        self.contents["body"] = (self.frameList, None)

    def display_motor_info(self, arg=None):
        infos = self.motorInfoProvider.get_motor_info(arg)
        if infos:
            del self.motorInfoLW[:]
            for widget in infos:
            self.contents["body"] = (self.motorInfoList, None)
            return True
        return False

    def load_palette(self):
        """ Identifys the Theme requested by the user and tries to load it

        def obtain_palette(theme):
            """ Makes the I/O to load a theme
                path = find_resource("record_themes/" + theme)
                ilog.info("record color specification located as: %s" % path)
                with open(path, "r") as f:
                    palette = yaml.load(f)
                    ilog.debug("colors successfully loaded")
                    return palette
            except IOError:
                ilog.warn("color-file could not be opened!")
                self.helpmap = None
            except yaml.YAMLError as e:
                ilog.warn("color-file could not be parsed!")
                ilog.warn("Error in color-file: %s" % e)
            return []

        palette = []

        if "theme" in config:
            theme = config["theme"]
            ilog.debug("Using Theme %s" % theme)
            if not theme.endswith(".yaml"):
                theme += ".yaml"
            theme = "default.yaml"
            ilog.debug("No Theme specified in the config - using default")
        palette = obtain_palette(theme)
        if not palette and not theme == "default.yaml":
            ilog.warning("Could not load theme %s, trying default-theme instead!" % theme)
            palette = obtain_palette("default.yaml")

        return palette

    def handle_sigterm(self, signal, frame):
        """ Reacts on System-Termination
        by saving.
        ilog.warning("Received Termination-Signal by system!")
        ilog.info("Trying to rescue Animation...")
        self.rec.dump("terminated", force=True)
        ilog.warning("Exiting... press ANY KEY to abort!")
        self.shutdown_sheduled = True

        # we are outside of the urwid-loop, so we have to refresh manually:

        # shedule shutdown
        self.loop.set_alarm_in(5, self.exit_when_no_reaction)

    def handle_sigint(self, signal, frame):
        ilog.warning("Received SIGINT, but I have no way to handle this right now.")

    def exit_when_no_reaction(self, mainloop, user_data):
        if self.shutdown_sheduled:
            print "Exiting as a result of a SIGTERM, Good Bye"
            raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
            ilog.debug("Sheduled Shutdown should be executed now, but it was abortet")

    def keypress(self, size, key):
        """ Handle Keypresses, before
        we let our children get them.

        # abort shutdown
        if self.shutdown_sheduled:
            self.shutdown_sheduled = False
            ilog.info("Shutdown aborted.")
        return super(Mainframe, self).keypress(size, key)