예제 #1
    def refund(self, contract):
        fundtx = self.find_transaction_to_address(contract.p2sh)
        print("Fund tx found in refund: ", fundtx)
        refundPubKey = self.find_refundAddr(contract)
        print('refundPubKey: {0}'.format(refundPubKey))

        redeemScript = CScript(x(contract.redeemScript))
        txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
        txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,

        # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
        tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
        # Set nSequence and nLockTime
        txin.nSequence = 0
        tx.nLockTime = contract.redeemblocknum
        sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
        privkey = self.bitcoind.dumpprivkey(refundPubKey)
        sig = privkey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])

        # Sign without secret
        txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, privkey.pub, OP_FALSE, redeemScript])

        # txin.nSequence = 2185
        txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
        print('Raw redeem transaction hex: {0}'.format(b2x(tx.serialize())))
        res = VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey,
                           tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
        print("Script verified, sending raw transaction... (NOT)", res)
        txid = self.bitcoind.sendrawtransaction(tx)
        refund_tx = b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
        fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
        return {"refund_tx": refund_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
예제 #2
def main():
    ''' Our main function. '''


    decoded_transaction = eval(open('transaction_to_sign.txt').read()) # pylint: disable=eval-used

    txin_txid = lx(decoded_transaction['vin'][0]['txid'])
    txin_vout = 0
    tx_in = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txin_txid, txin_vout))

    tx_out = []
    for idx in range(len(decoded_transaction['vout'])):
        satoshis = int(COIN * decoded_transaction['vout'][idx]['value'])
        script_pub_key = CScript(bytes.fromhex(decoded_transaction['vout'][idx]['scriptPubKey']['hex']))
        tx_out.append(CMutableTxOut(satoshis, script_pub_key))

    tx_to_spend = CMutableTransaction([tx_in], tx_out)

    priv_1 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(bytes.fromhex(PRIV_HEX_1))
    priv_2 = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(bytes.fromhex(PRIV_HEX_2))

    txin_redeem_script = CScript(bytes.fromhex(decoded_transaction['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex']))
    # Input 0 is fixed.
    sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeem_script, tx_to_spend, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    signatures = []
    for priv in [priv_1, priv_2]:
        signatures.append(priv.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL]))

    tx_in.scriptSig = CScript([CScriptOp(0x00), signatures[0], signatures[1], txin_redeem_script])

    # script_pub_key Defined in cycle.
    VerifyScript(tx_in.scriptSig, txin_redeem_script, tx_to_spend, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

예제 #3
    def make_unsigned(cls, outpoints, output_address, tx_fee=TRANSACTION_FEE, testnet=False, out_value=None):
        Build an unsigned transaction.

            outpoints: A `list` of `dict` objects which contain a txid, vout, value, and scriptPubkey.
            output_address: The address to send the full value (minus the tx fee) of the inputs to.
            tx_fee: The Bitcoin network fee to be paid on this transaction.
            testnet: Should this transaction be built for testnet?
            out_value: used if you want to specify a specific output value otherwise the full value
                of the inputs (minus the tx fee) will be used.
        # build the inputs from the outpoints object
        SelectParams("testnet" if testnet else "mainnet")
        txins = []
        in_value = 0
        for outpoint in outpoints:
            in_value += outpoint["value"]
            txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx(outpoint["txid"]), outpoint["vout"]))
            txin.scriptSig = CScript(x(outpoint["scriptPubKey"]))

        # build the output
        value = out_value if out_value is not None else (in_value - tx_fee)
        txout = CMutableTxOut(value, CBitcoinAddress(output_address).to_scriptPubKey())

        # make the transaction
        tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, [txout])

        return BitcoinTransaction(tx)
예제 #4
def redeem(proxy, redeemerGuy, contract, fundtx, secret):
    print('redeemPubKey', redeemerGuy['addr'])
    # TODO: Compare with script on blockchain?
    redeemScript = CScript(x(contract['redeemScript']))
    txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
    txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,

    # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
    sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    # TODO: protect privkey better, separate signing from rawtx creation
    #privkey = self.bitcoind.dumpprivkey(self.redeemPubKey)
    sig = redeemerGuy['key'].sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    preimage = secret.encode('utf-8')
    # preimage = x(secret)
    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, redeemerGuy['key'].pub, preimage,
                              OP_TRUE, redeemScript])

    # print("txin.scriptSig", b2x(txin.scriptSig))
    txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    print('Raw redeem transaction hex: ', b2x(tx.serialize()))
    VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey,
                 tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
    print("Script verified, sending raw transaction...")
    txid = proxy.sendrawtransaction(tx)
    fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
    redeem_tx = b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
    return {"redeem_tx": redeem_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
예제 #5
def refund(proxy, refundGuy, contract):
    redeemScript = CScript(x(contract['redeemScript']))
    txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
    txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,

    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
    txin.nSequence = 0
    tx.nLockTime = contract['redeemblocknum']
    sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)

    sig = refundGuy['key'].sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])

    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, refundGuy['key'].pub, OP_FALSE, redeemScript])

    txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    print('Raw redeem transaction hex: {0}'.format(b2x(tx.serialize())))
    res = VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey,
                       tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
    print("Script verified, sending raw transaction... (NOT)", res)

    txid = proxy.sendrawtransaction(tx)
    refund_tx = b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
    fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
    return {"refund_tx": refund_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
예제 #6
def build_crediting_tx(script_pubkey):
    tx = Transaction(version=1, locktime=0)
    txin = CMutableTxIn()
    txin.scriptSig = Script.from_human('0x00 0x00')
    tx.vin = [txin]
    txout = CMutableTxOut(0, script_pubkey)
    tx.vout = [txout]
    return tx
예제 #7
def build_crediting_tx(script_pubkey):
    tx = Transaction(version=1, locktime=0)
    txin = CMutableTxIn()
    txin.scriptSig = Script.from_human('0x00 0x00')
    tx.vin = [txin]
    txout = CMutableTxOut(0, script_pubkey)
    tx.vout = [txout]
    return tx
예제 #8
 def test_json_roundtrip(self):
     VALUES = [
         "basic string",
         "\U00010000Wide Unicode",
         "\x00\n\t\r\nEscape codes",
         b"\x00\x01\xFFBinary data",
         CBase58Data.from_bytes(b'\x00\x01\xFF', 42),
         CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(b'\x00' * 16 + b'\xFF' * 16, 42),
                      CScript(b'\x00\x01\xFF'), 42),
         CMutableTxOut(42, CScript(b'\x00\x01\xFF')),
             CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(b'\x00' * 32, 42),
                          CScript(b'\x00\x01\xFF'), 42),
             CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(b'\xFF' * 32, 42),
                          CScript(b'\xFF\x01\x00'), 43)
         ], [
             CMutableTxOut(42, CScript(b'\x00\x01\xFF')),
             CMutableTxOut(43, CScript(b'\xFF\x01\x00'))
         ], 42, 3),
             "List Test",
             'a': 1,
             'key': b'\xFF\x01\x00',
             1: 'Dictionary Test'
                 3: [
                     b'\xFFRecursion Test',
     for value in VALUES:
         self.assertEqual(from_json(to_json(value)), value)
예제 #9
    def add_input(self, tx_input=None, input_index=None):
        """Add an input at input_index, or append one if input_index is None."""
        if tx_input is None:
            tx_input = CMutableTxIn()
        elif tx_input.__class__ == CTxIn:
            tx_input = CMutableTxIn.from_txin(tx_input)

        if input_index is None:
            input_index = len(self.vin)
        self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), input_index, input_index)
        self.vin.insert(input_index, tx_input)
예제 #10
    def redeem_contract(self, contract, secret):
        print("Parsing script for redeem_contract...")
        scriptarray = self.parse_script(contract.redeemScript)
        redeemblocknum = scriptarray[8]
        redeemPubKey = P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_bytes(x(scriptarray[6]))
        refundPubKey = P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_bytes(x(scriptarray[13]))
        p2sh = contract.p2sh
        #checking there are funds in the address
        amount = self.check_funds(p2sh)
        if(amount == 0):
            print("address ", p2sh, " not funded")
        fundtx = self.find_transaction_to_address(p2sh)
        amount = fundtx['amount'] / COIN
        # print("Found fund_tx: ", fundtx)
        p2sh = P2SHBitcoinAddress(p2sh)
        if fundtx['address'] == p2sh:
            print("Found {0} in p2sh {1}, redeeming...".format(amount, p2sh))

            blockcount = self.bitcoind.getblockcount()
            print("\nCurrent blocknum at time of redeem on Zcash:", blockcount)
            if blockcount < int(redeemblocknum):
                print('redeemPubKey', redeemPubKey)
                zec_redeemScript = CScript(x(contract.redeemScript))
                txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
                txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE, redeemPubKey.to_scriptPubKey())
                # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
                tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
                sighash = SignatureHash(zec_redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
                # TODO: protect privkey better, separate signing from rawtx creation
                privkey = self.bitcoind.dumpprivkey(redeemPubKey)
                sig = privkey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
                preimage = secret.encode('utf-8')
                txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, privkey.pub, preimage, OP_TRUE, zec_redeemScript])

                # print("txin.scriptSig", b2x(txin.scriptSig))
                txin_scriptPubKey = zec_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
                print('Raw redeem transaction hex: ', b2x(tx.serialize()))
                VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
                print("Script verified, sending raw transaction...")
                txid = self.bitcoind.sendrawtransaction(tx)
                fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
                redeem_tx =  b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
                return  {"redeem_tx": redeem_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
                print("nLocktime exceeded, refunding")
                print('refundPubKey', refundPubKey)
                txid = self.bitcoind.sendtoaddress(refundPubKey, fundtx['amount'] - FEE)
                fund_tx = str(fundtx['outpoint'])
                refund_tx =  b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
                return  {"refund_tx": refund_tx, "fund_tx": fund_tx}
            print("No contract for this p2sh found in database", p2sh)
예제 #11
파일: bXcat.py 프로젝트: xiaoqge/ZBXCAT
def redeem_after_timelock(contract):
    p2sh = contract.p2sh
    fundtx = find_transaction_to_address(p2sh)
    amount = fundtx['amount'] / COIN

    if (fundtx['address'].__str__() != p2sh):
        print("no fund transaction found to the contract p2sh address ", p2sh)
    print("Found fundtx:", fundtx)
    # Parsing redeemblocknum from the redeemscript of the p2sh
    redeemblocknum = find_redeemblocknum(contract)
    blockcount = bitcoind.getblockcount()
    print("Current block:", blockcount, "Can redeem from block:",
    if (still_locked(contract)):
        print("too early for redeeming with timelock try again at block",
              redeemblocknum, "or later")
        return 0

    print("Found {0} in p2sh {1}, redeeming...".format(amount, p2sh))

    redeemPubKey = find_refundAddr(contract)
    print('refundPubKey', redeemPubKey)

    redeemScript = CScript(x(contract.redeemScript))
    txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
    txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,
    # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
    txin.nSequence = 0
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
    tx.nLockTime = redeemblocknum

    sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    # TODO: figure out how to better protect privkey
    privkey = bitcoind.dumpprivkey(redeemPubKey)
    sig = privkey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, privkey.pub, OP_FALSE, redeemScript])

    # exit()

    # print("txin.scriptSig", b2x(txin.scriptSig))
    txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    # print('Redeem txhex', b2x(tx.serialize()))
    VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, 0,
                 (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, ))
    print("script verified, sending raw tx")
    txid = bitcoind.sendrawtransaction(tx)
    print("Txid of submitted redeem tx: ", b2x(lx(b2x(txid))))
    return b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
    def make_unsigned(cls,
        Build an unsigned transaction.

            outpoints: A `list` of `dict` objects which contain a txid, vout, value, and scriptPubkey.
            outputs: If a single address the full value of the inputs (minus the tx fee) will be sent there.
                Otherwise it should be a `list` of `dict` objects containing address and value.
            tx_fee: The Bitcoin network fee to be paid on this transaction.
            testnet: Should this transaction be built for testnet?
            out_value: used if you want to specify a specific output value otherwise the full value
                of the inputs (minus the tx fee) will be used.
        # build the inputs from the outpoints object
        SelectParams("testnet" if testnet else "mainnet")
        txins = []
        in_value = 0
        for outpoint in outpoints:
            in_value += outpoint["value"]
            txin = CMutableTxIn(
                COutPoint(lx(outpoint["txid"]), outpoint["vout"]))
            txin.scriptSig = CScript(x(outpoint["scriptPubKey"]))

        # build the outputs
        txouts = []
        if isinstance(outputs, list):
            for output in outputs:
                value = output["value"]
                address = output["address"]
            value = out_value if out_value is not None else (in_value - tx_fee)

        # make the transaction
        tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, txouts)

        return BitcoinTransaction(tx)
예제 #13
def create(url, mymoney, theirmoney, fees=10000):
    """Open a payment channel.

    After this method returns, a payment channel will have been established
    with the node identified by url, in which you can send mymoney satoshis
    and recieve theirmoney satoshis. Any blockchain fees involved in the
    setup and teardown of the channel should be collected at this time.
    bob = jsonrpcproxy.Proxy(url+'channel/')
    # Choose inputs and change output
    coins, change = select_coins(mymoney + 2 * fees)
    pubkey = get_pubkey()
    my_out_addr = g.bit.getnewaddress()
    # Tell Bob we want to open a channel
    transaction, redeem, their_out_addr = bob.open_channel(
        g.addr, theirmoney, mymoney, fees,
        coins, change,
        pubkey, my_out_addr)
    # Sign and send the anchor
    transaction = g.bit.signrawtransaction(transaction)
    assert transaction['complete']
    transaction = transaction['tx']
    # Set up the channel in the DB
    channel = Channel(url,
                      CMutableTxIn(CMutableOutPoint(transaction.GetHash(), 0),
                                   AnchorScriptSig(1, b'', redeem)),
                      CMutableTxOut(mymoney, my_out_addr),
                      CMutableTxOut(theirmoney, their_out_addr))
    # Exchange signatures for the inital commitment transaction
    channel.anchor.scriptSig.sig = \
        bob.update_anchor(g.addr, transaction.GetHash(), channel.sig_for_them())
    # Event: channel opened
    CHANNEL_OPENED.send('channel', address=url)
예제 #14
def open_channel(address, mymoney, theirmoney, fees, their_coins, their_change, their_pubkey, their_out_addr): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    """Open a payment channel."""
    # Get inputs and change output
    coins, change = select_coins(mymoney + 2 * fees)
    # Make the anchor script
    anchor_output_script = anchor_script(get_pubkey(), their_pubkey)
    anchor_output_address = anchor_output_script.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    # Construct the anchor utxo
    payment = CMutableTxOut(mymoney + theirmoney + 2 * fees, anchor_output_address)
    # Anchor tx
    transaction = CMutableTransaction(
        their_coins + coins,
        [payment, change, their_change])
    # Half-sign
    transaction = g.bit.signrawtransaction(transaction)['tx']
    # Create channel in DB
    channel = Channel(address,
                      CMutableTxIn(CMutableOutPoint(transaction.GetHash(), 0),
                                   AnchorScriptSig(0, b'', anchor_output_script)),
                      CMutableTxOut(mymoney, g.bit.getnewaddress()),
                      CMutableTxOut(theirmoney, their_out_addr))
    # Event: channel opened
    CHANNEL_OPENED.send('channel', address=address)
    return (transaction, anchor_output_script, channel.our.scriptPubKey)
예제 #15
def spend_p2sh_mediator(redeemScript, txins_str, amounts, daddrs, sig, rein):
    txin_redeemScript = CScript(x(redeemScript))
    txin_scriptPubKey = txin_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    txins_obj = []
    for txin_str in txins_str.split():
        txin_list = txin_str.split("-")
            CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txin_list[0]), int(txin_list[1]))))
    txouts = []
    len_amounts = len(amounts)
    for i in range(0, len_amounts):
                round(amounts[i], 8) * COIN,
    tx = CMutableTransaction(txins_obj, txouts)
    seckey = CBitcoinSecret(rein.user.dkey)
    ntxins = len(txins_obj)
    sig_list = []
    for s in sig.split():
    sig2_str = ""
    for i in range(0, ntxins):
        sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeemScript, tx, i, SIGHASH_ALL)
        sig2 = seckey.sign(sighash) + x("01")
        sig2_str += " " + b2x(sig2)
        txins_obj[i].scriptSig = CScript(
            [OP_0, sig2, sig_list[i], txin_redeemScript])
        VerifyScript(txins_obj[i].scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, i,
                     (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, ))
    tx_bytes = tx.serialize()
    hash = sha256(sha256(tx_bytes).digest()).digest()
    txid = b2x(hash[::-1])
    txid_causeway = broadcast_tx(b2x(tx_bytes), rein)
    return (txid, sig2_str[1:])
예제 #16
파일: tx.py 프로젝트: mazaclub/hashmal
 def set_tx(self, tx):
     """Reset the model to reflect tx."""
     self.vin = []
     for i in tx.vin:
예제 #17
def bump_feerate(bitcoind, tx, feerate_add, prevouts_amount=None):
    """Bump the feerate of a CTransaction.

    :param bitcoind: The bitcoind RPC connection, to access the wallet.
    :param tx: The CTransaction which is to be bumped.
    :param feerate_add: How much to increase the feerate, in sat/vbyte.
    :param prevouts_amount: The sum of the value of all the consumed outputs.

    :return: (CTransaction) The modified transaction.
    # Work on a copy
    vin = [CMutableTxIn.from_txin(txin) for txin in tx.vin]
    vout = [CMutableTxOut.from_txout(txout) for txout in tx.vout]
    # FIXME: Add this to python-bitcoinlib
    wit = CTxWitness([
        CTxInWitness.from_txinwitness(txinwit) for txinwit in tx.wit.vtxinwit
    mut_tx = CMutableTransaction(vin,

    fees = fees_to_add(bitcoind, mut_tx, feerate_add, prevouts_amount)
    if bitcoind.getbalance() * COIN > fees:
        return add_input(bitcoind, mut_tx, fees)

    raise Exception("Could not bump fees, no suitable utxo available!")
예제 #18
    def as_tx(self):
        sum_in = sum(prevtx.nValue for _, prevtx, _ in self.prevouts)
        sig_size = sum(redeemer.spendbytes for _, _, redeemer in self.prevouts)
        tx_size = (
            4 +  # version field
            2 +  # # of txins
            len(self.prevouts) * 41 +  # txins, excluding sigs
            sig_size +  # txins, sigs only
            1 +  # # of txouts
            34 +  # txout
            4  # nLockTime field
        feerate = int(self.proxy._call('estimatefee', 1) * COIN)
        # satoshi's per KB
        if feerate <= 0:
            feerate = 10000
        fees = int(tx_size * feerate / 1000)

        tx = CMutableTransaction(
            [CTxIn(outpoint, nSequence=0) for outpoint, _, _ in self.prevouts],
            [CTxOut(sum_in - fees, self.payto.to_scriptPubKey())], 0)

        for n, (_, _, redeemer) in enumerate(self.prevouts):
            redeemer.mutate_spend(tx, n)

        unsigned_tx = CTransaction.from_tx(tx)

        for n, (_, _, redeemer) in enumerate(self.prevouts):
            txin = CMutableTxIn.from_txin(tx.vin[n])
            txin.scriptSig = redeemer.sign_spend(unsigned_tx, n)
            tx.vin[n] = CTxIn.from_txin(txin)

예제 #19
    def as_tx(self):
        sum_in = sum(prevtx.nValue for _,prevtx,_ in self.prevouts)
        sig_size = sum(redeemer.spendbytes for _,_,redeemer in self.prevouts)
        tx_size = (4                        + # version field
                   2                        + # # of txins
                   len(self.prevouts) * 41  + # txins, excluding sigs
                   sig_size                 + # txins, sigs only
                   1                        + # # of txouts
                   34                       + # txout
                   4                          # nLockTime field
        feerate = int(self.proxy._call('estimatefee', 1) * COIN) 
        # satoshi's per KB
        if feerate <= 0:
            feerate = 10000
        fees = int(tx_size * feerate / 1000)

        tx = CMutableTransaction(
                [CTxIn(outpoint, nSequence=0)
                    for outpoint,_,_ in self.prevouts],
                [CTxOut(sum_in - fees, self.payto.to_scriptPubKey())],

        for n,(_,_,redeemer) in enumerate(self.prevouts):
            redeemer.mutate_spend(tx, n)

        unsigned_tx = CTransaction.from_tx(tx)

        for n,(_,_,redeemer) in enumerate(self.prevouts):
            txin = CMutableTxIn.from_txin(tx.vin[n])
            txin.scriptSig = redeemer.sign_spend(unsigned_tx, n)
            tx.vin[n] = CTxIn.from_txin(txin)

예제 #20
def build_spending_tx(script_sig, credit_tx):
    tx = Transaction(version=1, locktime=0)
    txin = CMutableTxIn(CMutableOutPoint(credit_tx.GetHash(), 0), script_sig)
    tx.vin = [txin]
    txout = CMutableTxOut(0, Script())
    tx.vout = [txout]
    return tx
예제 #21
파일: channel.py 프로젝트: jashug/Lightning
 def __init__(self, address):
     self.address = address
     self.state = 'begin'
     self.anchor = CMutableTxIn()
     self.our = CMutableTxOut()
     self.their = CMutableTxOut()
     self.cmd_id = None
예제 #22
    def fundrawtransaction(self, given_transaction, *args, **kwargs):
        Make up some inputs for the given transaction.
        # just use any txid here
        vintxid = lx("99264749804159db1e342a0c8aa3279f6ef4031872051a1e52fb302e51061bef")

        if isinstance(given_transaction, str):
            given_bytes = x(given_transaction)
        elif isinstance(given_transaction, CMutableTransaction):
            given_bytes = given_transaction.serialize()
            raise FakeBitcoinProxyException("Wrong type passed to fundrawtransaction.")

        # this is also a clever way to not cause a side-effect in this function
        transaction = CMutableTransaction.deserialize(given_bytes)

        for vout_counter in range(0, self._num_fundrawtransaction_inputs):
            txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(vintxid, vout_counter))

        # also allocate a single output (for change)
        txout = make_txout()

        transaction_hex = b2x(transaction.serialize())

        return {"hex": transaction_hex, "fee": 5000000}
예제 #23
def create_transaction_input(input_):
	transform the unsigned transaction input
	:param input_: unsigned transaction input
	:return: input formatted as transaction hex code
    return CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx(input_['txid']), input_['index']))
예제 #24
 def set_tx(self, tx):
     """Reset the model to reflect tx."""
     self.vin = []
     for i in tx.vin:
예제 #25
def partial_spend_p2sh_mediator(redeemScript,
    txin_redeemScript = CScript(x(redeemScript))
    txin_scriptPubKey = txin_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    txin_p2sh_address = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txin_scriptPubKey)
    (txins, total_value) = unspent_txins(txin_p2sh_address, rein.testnet)
    if len(txins) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No unspent txins found')
    txins_str = ""
    txins_obj = []
    for txid, vout in txins:
        txins_str += " " + txid + "-" + str(vout)
        txins_obj.append(CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txid), vout)))
    fee = 0.00025
    amount = round(total_value - fee, 8)
    if amount <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Not enough value in the inputs')
    if mediator_sig:
        txout = CMutableTxOut(
            amount * COIN,
        tx = CMutableTransaction(txins_obj, [txout])
        seckey = CBitcoinSecret(rein.user.dkey)
        ntxins = len(txins_obj)
        sig = ""
        for i in range(0, ntxins):
            sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeemScript, tx, i, SIGHASH_ALL)
            sig += " " + b2x(seckey.sign(sighash) + x("01"))
        return (txins_str[1:], "{:.8f}".format(amount), str(mediator_address),
    return (txins_str[1:], "{:.8f}".format(amount), str(mediator_address))
예제 #26
파일: bXcat.py 프로젝트: xiaoqge/ZBXCAT
def redeem_with_secret(contract, secret):
    # How to find redeemScript and redeemblocknum from blockchain?
    print("Redeeming contract using secret", contract.__dict__)
    p2sh = contract.p2sh
    minamount = float(contract.amount)
    #checking there are funds in the address
    amount = check_funds(p2sh)
    if (amount < minamount):
        print("address ", p2sh, " not sufficiently funded")
        return false
    fundtx = find_transaction_to_address(p2sh)
    amount = fundtx['amount'] / COIN
    p2sh = P2SHBitcoinAddress(p2sh)
    if fundtx['address'] == p2sh:
        print("Found {0} in p2sh {1}, redeeming...".format(amount, p2sh))

        redeemPubKey = find_redeemAddr(contract)
        print('redeemPubKey', redeemPubKey)

        redeemScript = CScript(x(contract.redeemScript))
        txin = CMutableTxIn(fundtx['outpoint'])
        txout = CMutableTxOut(fundtx['amount'] - FEE,
        # Create the unsigned raw transaction.
        tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
        sighash = SignatureHash(redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
        # TODO: figure out how to better protect privkey
        privkey = bitcoind.dumpprivkey(redeemPubKey)
        sig = privkey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
        print("SECRET", secret)
        preimage = secret.encode('utf-8')
        txin.scriptSig = CScript(
            [sig, privkey.pub, preimage, OP_TRUE, redeemScript])

        # exit()

        # print("txin.scriptSig", b2x(txin.scriptSig))
        txin_scriptPubKey = redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
        # print('Redeem txhex', b2x(tx.serialize()))
        VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, 0,
                     (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, ))
        print("script verified, sending raw tx")
        txid = bitcoind.sendrawtransaction(tx)
        print("Txid of submitted redeem tx: ", b2x(lx(b2x(txid))))
        return b2x(lx(b2x(txid)))
        print("No contract for this p2sh found in database", p2sh)
예제 #27
파일: spend.py 프로젝트: 7jdope8/Prototypes
def maketx(tx):
    #txid from blockr. bitcoind does not support tx index!
    txid = lx(tx)
    vout = 0

    outp = COutPoint(txid, vout)
    print("output: %s" % outp)
    # Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint
    txin = CMutableTxIn(outp)

    txin_scriptPubKey = CScript(
        [OP_DUP, OP_HASH160,
         Hash160(seckey.pub), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])


    amount = 0.001 * COIN
    txout = CMutableTxOut(amount, CBitcoinAddress(a).to_scriptPubKey())


    # Create the unsigned transaction.
    newtx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])

    sighash = SignatureHash(txin_scriptPubKey, newtx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)

    # Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in
    # this case the usual SIGHASH_ALL.
    sig = seckey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])

    # Set the scriptSig of our transaction input appropriately.
    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, seckey.pub])

        VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, newtx, 0,
                     (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, ))

    print('*' * 20)
예제 #28
파일: tx.py 프로젝트: mbaniasad/ahunavar
    def get_tx(self,
               Returns a raw transaction and it's signature hash
               that pays to address from funding_tx

               vout -> which vout of funding_tx
               nLockTime -> set's transaction locktime

        # Set P2SH funding tx in little-endian
        fx = lx(funding_tx)

        if lock_time > 0:
            nlock_time = lock_time
            nlock_time = 0

        # nSequence must be any number less than 0xffffffff to enable nLockTime
        if (nlock_time != 0):
            txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(fx, vout), nSequence=0)
            txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(fx, vout))

        # Convert amount to Satoshi's
        amount *= COIN

        # Create the txout to address
        script_pubkey = CBitcoinAddress(address).to_scriptPubKey()
        txout = CMutableTxOut(amount, script_pubkey)

        # Create the unsigned transaction.
        tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout], nLockTime=nlock_time)

        # Calculte TX sig hash
        sighash = SignatureHash(CScript(redeem_script), tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)

        self.logger.info("get_tx: TX SIGHASH is %s", b2x(sighash))

        return (tx.serialize(), sighash)
예제 #29
        def add_input():
            outpoint = CMutableOutPoint(n=0)
            new_input = CMutableTxIn(prevout=outpoint)

            if len(self.inputs_tree.get_inputs()) > 0:
                self.inputs_tree.view.selectRow(self.inputs_tree.model.rowCount() - 1)
예제 #30
파일: spend.py 프로젝트: benjyz/protomarket
def maketx(tx):
    #txid from blockr. bitcoind does not support tx index!
    txid = lx(tx)
    vout = 0

    outp = COutPoint(txid, vout)
    print ("output: %s"%outp)
    # Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint
    txin = CMutableTxIn(outp)
    print (txin)

    txin_scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, Hash160(seckey.pub), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])

    print (txin_scriptPubKey)

    amount = 0.001*COIN
    txout = CMutableTxOut(amount, CBitcoinAddress(a).to_scriptPubKey())

    print (txout)

    # Create the unsigned transaction.
    newtx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])
    print (newtx)

    sighash = SignatureHash(txin_scriptPubKey, newtx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
    print (sighash)

    # Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in
    # this case the usual SIGHASH_ALL.
    sig = seckey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    print (sig)

    # Set the scriptSig of our transaction input appropriately.
    txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, seckey.pub])

        VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, newtx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

    print ('*'*20)

예제 #31
 def commitment(self, ours=False):
     """Return an unsigned commitment transaction."""
     first = CMutableTxOut(self.our_balance,
     second = CMutableTxOut(self.their_balance,
     if not ours:
         first, second = second, first
     return CMutableTransaction([CMutableTxIn(self.anchor_point)],
                                [first, second])
예제 #32
def test_create_transaction_object_2(inputs_2, outputs_2):
    r = PaymentService.create_transaction_object(inputs=inputs_2, outputs=outputs_2)

    tx_in: List[CMutableTxIn] = [
        CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx('4521418569de2f78d5d2d3c535567ac9c48c95314c53a67788d4dcdc9a8d915b'), 0)),
        CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx('0bb4abea99101197cf2ddf43a2af1e73f868887d5f4a3619241cbb67413a34e7'), 0)),

    pk1 = CBitcoinAddress('34s7MXyL5sEbgsto6SRdvV3YYUu8XVs4xg').to_scriptPubKey()
    pk2 = CBitcoinAddress('16moGJwkzWhNC1pfnfJptKj9G1ogQz16xd').to_scriptPubKey()
    pk3 = CBitcoinAddress('17A16QmavnUfCW11DAApiJxp7ARnxN5pGX').to_scriptPubKey()
    tx_out: List[CMutableTxOut] = [
        CMutableTxOut(100000, pk1),
        CMutableTxOut(2000, pk2),
        CMutableTxOut(20000000, pk3),

    expected = CMutableTransaction(tx_in, tx_out)
    assert b2x(r.serialize()) == b2x(expected.serialize())
예제 #33
파일: node.py 프로젝트: andreaskern/simcoin
    def generate_tx(self):
        tx_chain = self.get_next_tx_chain()
        txid = lx(tx_chain.current_unspent_tx)
        txins = [
            CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, 0)),
            CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, 1))
        txin_seckeys = [tx_chain.seckey, self._spent_to.seckey]

        amount_in = tx_chain.amount
        tx_chain.amount -= int(config.transaction_fee / 2)

        txout1 = CMutableTxOut(
        txout2 = CMutableTxOut(

        tx = CMutableTransaction(txins, [txout1, txout2], nVersion=2)

        for i, txin in enumerate(txins):
            txin_scriptPubKey = CScript([
                OP_DUP, OP_HASH160,
                Hash160(txin_seckeys[i].pub), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG
            sighash = SignatureHash(txin_scriptPubKey, tx, i, SIGHASH_ALL)
            sig = txin_seckeys[i].sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
            txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, txin_seckeys[i].pub])

        tx_serialized = tx.serialize()
        logging.debug('{} trying to sendrawtransaction'
                      ' (in=2x{} out=2x{} fee={} bytes={})'
                      ' using tx_chain number={}'.format(
                          self._name, amount_in, txout1.nValue,
                          (amount_in * 2) - (txout1.nValue * 2),
                          len(tx_serialized), self._current_tx_chain_index))
        tx_hash = self.execute_rpc('sendrawtransaction', b2x(tx_serialized))
        tx_chain.current_unspent_tx = tx_hash
            '{} sendrawtransaction was successful; tx got hash={}'.format(
                self._name, tx_hash))
예제 #34
def test_create_transaction_object_1(inputs_1, outputs_1):
    r = PaymentService.create_transaction_object(inputs=inputs_1, outputs=outputs_1)

    tx_in: List[CMutableTxIn] = [
        CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx('4521418569de2f78d5d2d3c535567ac9c48c95314c53a67788d4dcdc9a8d915b'), 0))]

    pk = CBitcoinAddress('16moGJwkzWhNC1pfnfJptKj9G1ogQz16xd').to_scriptPubKey()
    tx_out: List[CMutableTxOut] = [CMutableTxOut(100000, pk)]

    expected = CMutableTransaction(tx_in, tx_out)
    assert b2x(r.serialize()) == b2x(expected.serialize())
예제 #35
파일: tx.py 프로젝트: mazaclub/hashmal
    def add_input(self, tx_input=None, input_index=None):
        """Add an input at input_index, or append one if input_index is None."""
        if tx_input is None:
            tx_input = CMutableTxIn()
        elif tx_input.__class__ == CTxIn:
            tx_input = CMutableTxIn.from_txin(tx_input)

        if input_index is None:
            input_index = len(self.vin)
        self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), input_index, input_index)
        self.vin.insert(input_index, tx_input)
예제 #36
def get_unsigned_tx(funding_tx,
    Returns a raw transaction and it's signature hash
    that pays to address from funding_tx

        funding_tx (str): the 'input' tx
        redeem_script (str): The redeem script
        address (str): The output address that would receive `amount`
        lock_time (int, optional): The time the tx should be locked to
        n_sequence (int, optional): The sequence number to use in tx
        vout (int, optional):  The index of the output point of `funding_tx`

        A tuple containing:
            1/ The serial tx
            2/ The tx hash

    # Set P2SH funding tx in little-endian
    fx = lx(funding_tx)

    # nSequence must be any number less than 0xffffffff to enable nLockTime
    txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(fx, vout), nSequence=n_sequence)

    # if(nlock_time != 0):
    #     txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(fx, vout), nSequence=n_sequence)
    # else:
    #     txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(fx, vout))

    # Convert amount to Satoshi's
    amount *= COIN

    # Create the txout to address
    script_pubkey = CBitcoinAddress(address).to_scriptPubKey()
    txout = CMutableTxOut(amount, script_pubkey)

    # Create the unsigned transaction.
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout], nLockTime=lock_time)

    # Calculte TX sig hash
    sighash = SignatureHash(CScript(redeem_script), tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)

    return (tx.serialize(), sighash)
예제 #37
def partial_spend_p2sh(redeemScript,
    if daddr is None:
        daddr = rein.user.daddr
    txin_redeemScript = CScript(x(redeemScript))
    txin_scriptPubKey = txin_redeemScript.to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    txin_p2sh_address = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txin_scriptPubKey)
    (txins, total_value) = unspent_txins(txin_p2sh_address, rein.testnet)
    if len(txins) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'Primary escrow is empty. Please inform client to add funds.')
    txins_str = ""
    txins_obj = []
    for txid, vout in txins:
        txins_str += " " + txid + "-" + str(vout)
        txins_obj.append(CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txid), vout)))
    fee = float(PersistConfig.get(rein, 'fee', 0.001))
    amount = round(total_value - fee, 8)
    if alt_amount:
        amount = round(amount - alt_amount, 8)
    if amount <= 0. or alt_amount > total_value - fee:
        click.echo("amount: " + str(amount) + " alt_amount: " +
                   str(alt_amount) + " total_value: " + str(total_value))
        raise ValueError(
            'Primary escrow balance too low. Please inform client to add funds.'
    txouts = []
    txout = CMutableTxOut(amount * COIN,
    if alt_amount:
        txout_alt = CMutableTxOut(
            round(alt_amount, 8) * COIN,
    tx = CMutableTransaction(txins_obj, txouts)
    ntxins = len(txins_obj)
    seckey = CBitcoinSecret(rein.user.dkey)
    sig = ""
    for i in range(0, ntxins):
        sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeemScript, tx, i, SIGHASH_ALL)
        sig += " " + b2x(seckey.sign(sighash)) + "01"
    if alt_amount:
        return (txins_str[1:], "{:.8f}".format(amount), daddr,
                "{:.8f}".format(alt_amount), alt_daddr, sig[1:])
    return (txins_str[1:], "{:.8f}".format(amount), daddr, sig[1:])
# You'll need to send some funds to it to create a txout to spend.
txin_p2sh_address = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txin_scriptPubKey)
print('Pay to:',str(txin_p2sh_address))

# Same as the txid:vout the createrawtransaction RPC call requires
# lx() takes *little-endian* hex and converts it to bytes; in Bitcoin
# transaction hashes are shown little-endian rather than the usual big-endian.
# There's also a corresponding x() convenience function that takes big-endian
# hex and converts it to bytes.
txid = lx('bff785da9f8169f49be92fa95e31f0890c385bfb1bd24d6b94d7900057c617ae')
vout = 0

# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig
# defaults to being empty.
txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))

# Create the txout. This time we create the scriptPubKey from a Bitcoin
# address.
txout = CMutableTxOut(0.0005*COIN, CBitcoinAddress('323uf9MgLaSn9T7vDaK1cGAZ2qpvYUuqSp').to_scriptPubKey())

# Create the unsigned transaction.
tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])

# Calculate the signature hash for that transaction. Note how the script we use
# is the redeemScript, not the scriptPubKey. That's because when the CHECKSIG
# operation happens EvalScript() will be evaluating the redeemScript, so the
# corresponding SignatureHash() function will use that same script when it
# replaces the scriptSig in the transaction being hashed with the script being
# executed.
sighash = SignatureHash(txin_redeemScript, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
예제 #39
def make_transaction(sum_inputs, input_hashes, output_addr, seckey, mining_fee=0.00005): #TODO add change address?
	"""all values in btc. input_hashes is a list of tuples (tx_hash, vout).
		output_addr is P2PKHBitcoinAddress"""

	# key = CBitcoinSecret("L4vB5fomsK8L95wQ7GFzvErYGht49JsCPJyJMHpB4xGM6xgi2jvG")
	# print(type(address), address)
	# print(address)
	# print (CBitcoinAddress(address).to_scriptPubKey())
	# print(dir(seckey))
	# print("Secret key: ", seckey)
	# print("Public key: ", base58.encode(seckey.pub))
	# print(base58.encode(Hash160(seckey.pub)))
	# print('~',type(our_keys), our_keys)
	# print('~',type(seckey), seckey)
	# print('~',type(seckey.pub), seckey.pub)

	src_money = []
	sum_of_src_money = 0

	for tx_tup in input_hashes:
		# takes a transaction hash, like you would see on blockchain.info
		txid = lx(tx_tup[0])

		# vout points at which address we are using, 0 for the first and 1 for the second
		vout = tx_tup[1]

		# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig
		# defaults to being empty.
		txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))
		# print(COutPoint(txid, vout))
		# print(dir(txin))
		# print(txin)
		# print(txin.prevout)

		# TODO add queries to blockcypher to get the sum_of_src_money

	# We also need the scriptPubKey of the output we're spending because
	# SignatureHash() replaces the transaction scriptSig's with it.
	# Here we'll create that scriptPubKey from scratch using the pubkey that
	# corresponds to the secret key we generated above.
	txin_scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, output_addr, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])
	# print(b2x(txin_scriptPubKey))

	# Create the txout. This time we create the scriptPubKey from a Bitcoin
	# address.
	txout = CMutableTxOut((sum_inputs - mining_fee) * COIN,output_addr.to_scriptPubKey())

	# Create the unsigned transaction.
	tx = CMutableTransaction(src_money, [txout])

	i = 0
	while i < len(src_money):
		# Calculate the signature hash for that transaction.
		sighash = SignatureHash(txin_scriptPubKey, tx, i, SIGHASH_ALL)

		# print sighash in hex (2 ways)
		# import binascii
		# print('~', binascii.hexlify(sighash))
		# import codecs
		# print(codecs.encode(sighash, 'hex'))

		# Now sign it. We have to append the type of signature we want to the end, in
		# this case the usual SIGHASH_ALL.
		sig = seckey.sign(sighash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
		# print(sig)
		# print(b2x(sig))
		# for txin in src_money:
		# Set the scriptSig of our transaction input appropriately.
		txin = src_money[i]
		txin.scriptSig = CScript([sig, seckey.pub])

		# Verify the signature worked. This calls EvalScript() and actually executes
		# the opcodes in the scripts to see if everything worked out. If it doesn't an
		# exception will be raised.
		VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, i, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))
		i += 1

	# Done! Print the transaction to standard output with the bytes-to-hex
	# function.
	# send the message printed out to other nodes and they will receive the transaction
	# print("Raw TX: ", b2x(tx.serialize()))
	# print("TX hash: ", b2lx(tx.GetHash()))
	return tx
# Create the (in)famous correct brainwallet secret key.
h = hashlib.sha256(b'correct horse battery staple').digest()
seckey = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(h)

# Same as the txid:vout the createrawtransaction RPC call requires
# lx() takes *little-endian* hex and converts it to bytes; in Bitcoin
# transaction hashes are shown little-endian rather than the usual big-endian.
# There's also a corresponding x() convenience function that takes big-endian
# hex and converts it to bytes.
txid = lx('7e195aa3de827814f172c362fcf838d92ba10e3f9fdd9c3ecaf79522b311b22d')
vout = 0

# Create the txin structure, which includes the outpoint. The scriptSig
# defaults to being empty.
txin = CMutableTxIn(COutPoint(txid, vout))

# We also need the scriptPubKey of the output we're spending because
# SignatureHash() replaces the transaction scriptSig's with it.
# Here we'll create that scriptPubKey from scratch using the pubkey that
# corresponds to the secret key we generated above.
txin_scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, Hash160(seckey.pub), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])

# Create the txout. This time we create the scriptPubKey from a Bitcoin
# address.
txout = CMutableTxOut(0.001*COIN, CBitcoinAddress('1C7zdTfnkzmr13HfA2vNm5SJYRK6nEKyq8').to_scriptPubKey())

# Create the unsigned transaction.
tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [txout])