예제 #1
def test_bip32_descend():
    master = btc.bip32_master_key('\x07'*32)
    end_key = btc.bip32_descend(master, [2, 3, 10000])
    assert end_key=="6856ef965940a1a7b1311dc041050ac0013e326c7ff4e2c677a7694b4f0405c901"
    end_key = btc.bip32_descend(master, 2, 5, 4, 5)
    assert end_key=="d2d816b6485103c0d7ff95482788f0e8e73fa11817079e006d47979d8196c4b101"


예제 #2
파일: icebox.py 프로젝트: badmofo/pyicebox
def derive_keypairs(hd_key, keys=3):
    keypairs = []    
    for i in range(keys):
        privkey = encode_privkey(bip32_descend(hd_key, [i]), 'hex')
        addr = decode_addr(ethereum.keys.privtoaddr(privkey)).decode('utf-8')
        keypairs.append((privkey, addr))
    return keypairs
예제 #3
def seed2pvkey(seed, path, bip44=True):
    if bip44:
        master_xprv = bitcoin.bip32_master_key(seed, b'\x04\x88\xAD\xE4')
        path_list = path2list(path)
        return bitcoin.bip32_descend(master_xprv, path_list)
        return seed + "00"
예제 #4
def address(args):
    c = 1 if args.change else 0
    if (args.index < 0):
        unspents = bitcoin.BlockchainInfo.unspent_xpub(args.xpub)
        index = check_outputs_max_index(unspents, c)
        index = args.index
    address = bitcoin.pubtoaddr(bitcoin.bip32_descend(args.xpub, c, index))

예제 #5
def address(args):
    c = 1 if args.change else 0
    if args.index < 0:
        unspents = bitcoin.BlockchainInfo.unspent_xpub(args.xpub)
        index = check_outputs_max_index(unspents, c)
    address = bitcoin.pubtoaddr(bitcoin.bip32_descend(args.xpub, c, index))

예제 #6
 def generate_new_address(self, index):
     Generate new bitcoin address from a hd public master key based on a particlar index
     Address can be generated sequentially like in the case of electrum
     :param index: Index to use to generate address
     :return: Generated address
     address = btc.pubkey_to_address(
         btc.bip32_descend(self.public_key, [0, index]))
     return address
예제 #7
def address(args):
    c = 1 if args.change else 0
    if (args.index < 0):
        unspents = bitcoin.BlockchainInfo.unspent_xpub(args.xpub)
        index = check_outputs_max_index(unspents, c)
        index = args.index

    if (coin_arg_parse(args.coin) != coin_arg_parse('BTC')):
        print("Error: not known how to build address for coin \"" + args.coin +

    address = bitcoin.pubtoaddr(bitcoin.bip32_descend(args.xpub, c, index))

예제 #8
def send(args):
    if (len(args.outputs) % 2 != 0):
        raise Exception(
            "When sending, there must be an even number of arguments for the outputs (address,price)"
    unspents = bitcoin.BlockchainInfo.unspent_xpub(args.xpub)

    def btctosatoshi(vs):
        return int(float(vs) * 100000000.0)

    fee = btctosatoshi(args.fee)
    if (fee < 0):
        fee = int(
            0.0001 * 100000000
        )  #todo do something to estimated fee...make it negative or something though... DONT
    outaddrval = [(args.outputs[2 * i], btctosatoshi(args.outputs[2 * i + 1]))
                  for i in range(len(args.outputs) // 2)]
    outtotalval = sum([o[1] for o in outaddrval])
    changeindex = check_outputs_max_index(unspents, 1)
    changeaddress = bitcoin.pubtoaddr(
        bitcoin.bip32_descend(args.xpub, 1, changeindex))

    unspents = bitcoin.select(unspents, outtotalval + fee)
    #unspents cull using outtotalval
    unspenttotalval = sum([u['value'] for u in unspents])
    changeamount = unspenttotalval - (outtotalval + abs(fee))

    if (changeamount < 0):
        raise Exception(
            "There is unlikely to be enough unspent outputs to cover the transaction and fees"
    out = {}
    outs = outaddrval
    if (changeamount > 0):
        outs += [[changeaddress, changeamount]]
    otx = [{'address': o[0], 'value': o[1]} for o in outs]
    tx = bitcoin.mktx(unspents, otx)

    #compute all the underlying addresses and pubkeys into a string hash
    #estimate the fee
    #build the transaction
    out['tx'] = tx
    u['xpub']['value'] = u['value']
    out['keys'] = dict([(u['output'], u['xpub']) for u in unspents])
    json.dump(out, sys.stdout)
예제 #9
def sign(args):
    master_key = get_master_key()

    input_transaction = json.load(args.input_file)
    privs = input_transaction['keys']
    tx = input_transaction['tx']
    for k, p in privs.items():
        pstr = bitcoin.bip32_path_from_string(p['path'])
        xpubk = p['m']
        a = 0
        priv_key = bitcoin.hd_lookup(master_key, account=a)
        while (bitcoin.bip32_privtopub(priv_key) != xpubk):
            priv_key = bitcoin.hd_lookup(master_key, account=a)
            a += 1
        privs[k] = bitcoin.bip32_descend(priv_key, pstr[0], pstr[1])
    print(bitcoin.signall(str(tx), privs))
예제 #10
def sign(args):
    master_key = get_master_key()

    input_transaction = json.load(args.input_file)
    privs = input_transaction['keys']
    tx = input_transaction['tx']
    for k, p in privs.items():
        pstr = bitcoin.bip32_path_from_string(p['path'])
        xpubk = p['m']
        a = 0
        priv_key = bitcoin.hd_lookup(master_key, account = a)
        while bitcoin.bip32_privtopub(priv_key) != xpubk:
            priv_key = bitcoin.hd_lookup(master_key, account = a)
        a += 1
        privs[k] = bitcoin.bip32_descend(priv_key, pstr[0], pstr[1])
    print(bitcoin.signall(str(tx), privs))
예제 #11
def send(args):
    if len(args.outputs) % 2 != 0:
        raise Exception("When sending, there must be an even number of arguments " +
                        "for the outputs (address, price)")
    unspents = bitcoin.BlockchainInfo.unspent_xpub(args.xpub)
    def btctosatoshi(vs):
        return int(float(vs)*100000000.0)
    fee = btctosatoshi(args.fee)
    if fee < 0:
        fee = int(0.0001*100000000) #todo do something to estimated fee...make it negative or something though... DONT
    outaddrval = [(args.outputs[2*i],btctosatoshi(args.outputs[2*i+1])) for i in range(len(args.outputs)//2)]
    outtotalval = sum([o[1] for o in outaddrval])
    changeindex = check_outputs_max_index(unspents,1)
    changeaddress = bitcoin.pubtoaddr(bitcoin.bip32_descend(args.xpub, 1, changeindex))

    unspents = bitcoin.select(unspents, outtotalval+fee)
    #unspents cull using outtotalval
    unspenttotalval = sum([u['value'] for u in unspents])
    changeamount = unspenttotalval - (outtotalval + abs(fee))

    if changeamount < 0:
        raise Exception("There is unlikely to be enough unspent outputs to cover the transaction and fees")
    out = {}
    outs = outaddrval
    if changeamount > 0:
        outs += [[changeaddress, changeamount]]
    otx = [{'address':o[0], 'value':o[1]} for o in outs]
    tx = bitcoin.mktx(unspents, otx)

    #compute all the underlying addresses and pubkeys into a string hash
    #estimate the fee
    #build the transaction
    out['tx'] = tx
    out['keys'] = dict([(u['output'], u['xpub']) for u in unspents])
    json.dump(out, sys.stdout)
예제 #12
import bitcoin
from bitcoin.deterministic import bip32_harden as h

mnemonic = 'saddle observe obtain scare burger nerve electric alone minute east walnut motor omit coyote time'
seed = bitcoin.mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic)
mpriv = bitcoin.bip32_master_key(seed)

accountroot = mpriv
accountroot = bitcoin.bip32_ckd(accountroot, h(44))
accountroot = bitcoin.bip32_ckd(accountroot, h(0))
accountroot = bitcoin.bip32_ckd(accountroot, h(0))

for i in range(19):
    dkey = bitcoin.bip32_descend(accountroot, 0, i)
예제 #13
import bitcoin
from bitcoin.deterministic import bip32_harden as h

mnemonic='saddle observe obtain scare burger nerve electric alone minute east walnut motor omit coyote time'


for i in range(19):