예제 #1
    def from_satoshi(cls, value, denominator=None, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK):
        Initialize Value class with smallest denominator as input. Such as represented in script and transactions cryptocurrency values.

        :param value: Amount of Satoshi's / smallest denominator for this network
        :type value: int
        :param denominator: Denominator as integer or string. Such as 0.001 or m for milli, 1000 or k for kilo, etc. See NETWORK_DENOMINATORS for list of available denominator symbols.
        :type denominator: int, float, str
        :param network: Specify network if not supplied already in the value string
        :type network: str, Network

        :return Value:
        if not isinstance(network, Network):
            network = Network(network)
        if denominator is None:
            denominator = network.denominator
            if isinstance(denominator, str):
                dens = [
                    den for den, symb in NETWORK_DENOMINATORS.items()
                    if symb == denominator
                if dens:
                    denominator = dens[0]
            value = value * (network.denominator / denominator)
        return cls(value or 0, denominator, network)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, value, denominator=None, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK):
        Create a new Value class. Specify value as integer, float or string. If a string is provided
        the amount, denominator and currency will be extracted if provided

        Examples: Initialize value class
        >>> Value(10)
        Value(value=10.00000000000000, denominator=1.00000000, network='bitcoin')

        >>> Value('15 mBTC')
        Value(value=0.01500000000000, denominator=0.00100000, network='bitcoin')

        >>> Value('10 sat')
        Value(value=0.00000010000000, denominator=0.00000001, network='bitcoin')

        >>> Value('1 doge')
        Value(value=1.00000000000000, denominator=1.00000000, network='dogecoin')

        >>> Value(500, 'm')
        Value(value=0.50000000000000, denominator=0.00100000, network='bitcoin')

        >>> Value(500, 0.001)
        Value(value=0.50000000000000, denominator=0.00100000, network='bitcoin')

        All frequently used arithmetic, comparision and logical operators can be used on the Value object. So you can compare Value object, add them together, divide or multiply them, etc.

        Values need to use the same network / currency if you work with multiple Value objects. I.e. Value('1 BTC') + Value('1 LTC') raises an error.

        # Examples: Value operators
        >>> Value('50000 sat') == Value('5000 fin')  # 1 Satoshi equals 10 Finney, see https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Units

        >>> Value('1 btc') > Value('2 btc')

        >>> Value('1000 LTC') / 5
        Value(value=200.00000000000000, denominator=1.00000000, network='litecoin')

        >>> Value('0.002 BTC') + 0.02
        Value(value=0.02200000000000, denominator=1.00000000, network='bitcoin')

        The Value class can be represented in several formats.

        # Examples: Format Value class
        >>> int(Value("10.1 BTC"))

        >>> float(Value("10.1 BTC"))

        >>> round(Value("10.123 BTC"), 2).str()
        '10.12000000 BTC'

        >>> hex(Value("10.1 BTC"))

        :param value: Value as integer, float or string. Numeric values must be supllied in smallest denominator such as Satoshi's. String values must be in the format: <value> [<denominator>][<currency_symbol>]
        :type value: int, float, str
        :param denominator: Denominator as integer or string. Such as 0.001 or m for milli, 1000 or k for kilo, etc. See NETWORK_DENOMINATORS for list of available denominator symbols.
        :type denominator: int, float, str
        :param network: Specify network if not supplied already in the value string
        :type network: str, Network

        self.network = network
        if not isinstance(network, Network):
            self.network = Network(network)
        if isinstance(denominator, str):
            dens = [
                den for den, symb in NETWORK_DENOMINATORS.items()
                if symb == denominator
            if dens:
                denominator = dens[0]
        den_arg = denominator

        if isinstance(value, str):
            value_items = value.split()
            value = value_items[0]
            cur_code = self.network.currency_code
            den_input = 1
            if len(value_items) > 1:
                cur_code = value_items[1]
            network_names = [
                n for n in NETWORK_DEFINITIONS if NETWORK_DEFINITIONS[n]
                ['currency_code'].upper() == cur_code.upper()
            if network_names:
                self.network = Network(network_names[0])
                self.currency = cur_code
                for den, symb in NETWORK_DENOMINATORS.items():
                    if len(symb) and cur_code[:len(symb)] == symb:
                        cur_code = cur_code[len(symb):]
                        network_names = [
                            n for n in NETWORK_DEFINITIONS
                            if NETWORK_DEFINITIONS[n]['currency_code'].upper()
                            == cur_code.upper()
                        if network_names:
                            self.network = Network(network_names[0])
                            self.currency = cur_code
                        elif len(cur_code):
                            raise ValueError("Currency symbol not recognised")
                        den_input = den
            self.value = float(value) * den_input
            self.denominator = den_input if den_arg is None else den_arg
            self.denominator = den_arg or 1.0
            self.value = float(value) * self.denominator
예제 #3
    def str(self, denominator=None, decimals=None, currency_repr='code'):
        Get string representation of Value with requested denominator and number of decimals.

        >>> Value(1200000, 'sat').str('m')  # milli Bitcoin
        '12.00000 mBTC'

        >>> Value(12000.3, 'sat').str(1)  # Use denominator = 1 for Bitcoin
        '0.00012000 BTC'

        >>> Value(12000, 'sat').str('auto')
        '120.00 µBTC'

        >>> Value(0.005).str('m')
        '5.00000 mBTC'

        >>> Value(12000, 'sat').str('auto', decimals=0)
        '120 µBTC'

        >>> Value('13000000 Doge').str('auto')  # Yeah, mega Dogecoins...
        '13.00000000 MDOGE'

        >>> Value('2100000000').str('auto')
        '2.10000000 GBTC'

        >>> Value('1.5 BTC').str(currency_repr='symbol')
        '1.50000000 ฿'

        >>> Value('1.5 BTC').str(currency_repr='name')
        '1.50000000 bitcoins'

        :param denominator: Denominator as integer or string. Such as 0.001 or m for milli, 1000 or k for kilo, etc. See NETWORK_DENOMINATORS for list of available denominator symbols. If not provided the default self.denominator value is used. Use value 'auto' to automatically determine best denominator for human readability.
        :type denominator: int, float, str
        :param decimals: Number of decimals to use
        :type decimals: float
        :param currency_repr: Representation of currency. I.e. code: BTC, name: bitcoins, symbol: ฿
        :type currency_repr: str

        :return str:
        if denominator is None:
            denominator = self.denominator
        elif denominator == 'auto':
            # First try denominator=1 and smallest denominator (satoshi)
            if 0.001 <= self.value < 1000:
                denominator = 1
            elif 1 <= self.value / self.network.denominator < 1000:
                denominator = self.network.denominator
            else:  # Try other frequently used denominators
                for den, symb in NETWORK_DENOMINATORS.items():
                    if symb in ['n', 'fin', 'da', 'c', 'd', 'h']:
                    if 1 <= self.value / den < 1000:
                        denominator = den
        elif isinstance(denominator, str):
            dens = [
                den for den, symb in NETWORK_DENOMINATORS.items()
                if symb == denominator[:len(symb)] and len(symb)
            if len(dens) > 1:
                dens = [
                    den for den, symb in NETWORK_DENOMINATORS.items()
                    if symb == denominator
            if dens:
                denominator = dens[0]
        if denominator in NETWORK_DENOMINATORS:
            den_symb = NETWORK_DENOMINATORS[denominator]
            raise ValueError(
                "Denominator not found in NETWORK_DENOMINATORS definition")

        if decimals is None:
            decimals = -int(math.log10(self.network.denominator / denominator))
            if decimals > 8:
                decimals = 8
        if decimals < 0:
            decimals = 0
        balance = round(self.value / denominator, decimals)
        cur_code = self.network.currency_code
        if currency_repr == 'symbol':
            cur_code = self.network.currency_symbol
        if currency_repr == 'name':
            cur_code = self.network.currency_name_plural
        if 'sat' in den_symb and self.network.name == 'bitcoin':
            cur_code = ''
        return ("%%.%df %%s%%s" % decimals) % (balance, den_symb, cur_code)