예제 #1
    def __init__(self, ccy, exchange):
        super(Client, self).__init__(name=ccy, daemon=True)
        self.sym = ccy
        self.exchange = exchange
        self.ws = None
        self.retry_counter = 0
        self.max_retries = configs.MAX_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS
        self.last_subscribe_time = None
        self.queue = Queue(maxsize=0)

        if self.exchange == 'coinbase':
            self.request = json.dumps(dict(type='subscribe', product_ids=[self.sym], channels=['full']))
            self.request_unsubscribe = json.dumps(dict(type='unsubscribe', product_ids=[self.sym], channels=['full']))
            self.book = CoinbaseOrderBook(self.sym)
            self.trades_request = None
            self.ws_endpoint = configs.COINBASE_ENDPOINT

        elif self.exchange == 'bitfinex':
            self.request = json.dumps({
                "event": "subscribe",
                "channel": "book",
                "prec": "R0",
                "freq": "F0",
                "symbol": self.sym,
                "len": "100"
            self.request_unsubscribe = None
            self.trades_request = json.dumps({
                "event": "subscribe",
                "channel": "trades",
                "symbol": self.sym
            self.book = BitfinexOrderBook(self.sym)
            self.ws_endpoint = configs.BITFINEX_ENDPOINT
예제 #2
def main():
    start_time = dt.now(TIMEZONE)

    query = {
        'ccy': ['BCH-USD', 'tBCHUSD'],
        'start_date': 20181105,
        'end_date': 20181106

    coinbaseOrderBook = CoinbaseOrderBook(query['ccy'][0])
    bitfinexOrderBook = BitfinexOrderBook(query['ccy'][1])

    sim = Simulator()
    tick_history = sim.get_tick_history(query)
    orderbook_snapshot_history = sim.get_orderbook_snapshot_history(
        coinbaseOrderBook, bitfinexOrderBook, tick_history)

    # Export to CSV to verify if order book reconstruction is accurate/good
    # NOTE: this is only to show that the functionality works and
    #       should be fed into an Environment for reinforcement learning.

    elapsed = (dt.now(TIMEZONE) - start_time).seconds
    print('Completed %s in %i seconds' % (__name__, elapsed))
    print('DONE. EXITING %s' % __name__)
예제 #3
    def _get_env_states(self, query):
        start_time = dt.now(TIMEZONE)

        tick_history = self.get_tick_history(query)

        coinbaseOrderBook = CoinbaseOrderBook(query['ccy'][0])
        bitfinexOrderBook = BitfinexOrderBook(query['ccy'][1])

        orderbook_snapshot_history = self.get_orderbook_snapshot_history(
            coinbaseOrderBook, bitfinexOrderBook, tick_history)
        elapsed = (dt.now(TIMEZONE) - start_time).seconds
        print('Sim.get_env_states() executed in %i seconds' % elapsed)
        return orderbook_snapshot_history
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, ccy, exchange):
        super(Client, self).__init__(name=ccy, daemon=False)
        self.sym = ccy
        self.exchange = exchange
        self.ws = None
        self.retry_counter = 0
        self.max_retries = configs.MAX_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS
        self.last_subscribe_time = None
        self.queue = Queue(maxsize=0)
        # print('\nClient __init__ - Process ID: %s | Thread: %s' % (str(os.getpid()), threading.current_thread().name))

        if self.exchange == 'gdax':
            self.request = json.dumps(
            self.request_unsubscribe = json.dumps(
            self.book = GdaxOrderBook(self.sym)
            self.trades_request = None
            self.ws_endpoint = configs.GDAX_ENDPOINT

        elif self.exchange == 'bitfinex':
            self.request = json.dumps({
                "event": "subscribe",
                "channel": "book",
                "prec": "R0",
                "freq": "F0",
                "symbol": self.sym,
                "len": "100"
            self.request_unsubscribe = None
            self.trades_request = json.dumps({
                "event": "subscribe",
                "channel": "trades",
                "symbol": self.sym
            self.book = BitfinexOrderBook(self.sym)
            self.ws_endpoint = configs.BITFINEX_ENDPOINT
예제 #5
def test_get_orderbook_snapshot_history(query):
    start_time = dt.now(TIMEZONE)

    coinbaseOrderBook = CoinbaseOrderBook(query['ccy'][0])
    bitfinexOrderBook = BitfinexOrderBook(query['ccy'][1])
    sim = Simulator()
    tick_history = sim.get_tick_history(query)

    if tick_history is None:
        print('Exiting due to no data being available.')

    orderbook_snapshot_history = sim.get_orderbook_snapshot_history(coinbaseOrderBook,

    # Export to CSV to verify if order book reconstruction is accurate/good
    # NOTE: this is only to show that the functionality works and
    #       should be fed into an Environment for reinforcement learning.
    sim.export_to_csv(data=orderbook_snapshot_history, filename='./orderbook_snapshot_history.csv')

    elapsed = (dt.now(TIMEZONE) - start_time).seconds
    print('Completed %s in %i seconds' % (__name__, elapsed))
    print('DONE. EXITING %s' % __name__)
예제 #6
    def get_orderbook_snapshot_history(self, query):
        Function to replay historical market data and generate
        the features used for reinforcement learning & training.

        The query can either be a single Coinbase CCY, or both Coinbase and Bitfinex,
        but it cannot be only a Biftinex CCY. Later releases of this repo will
        support Bitfinex only orderbook reconstruction.

        :param query: (dict) query for finding tick history in Arctic TickStore
        :return: (list of arrays) snapshots of limit order books using a stationary feature set
        tick_history = self.get_tick_history(query=query)
        loop_length = tick_history.shape[0]

        coinbase_tick_counter = 0
        snapshot_list = list()
        last_snapshot_time = None

        symbols = query['ccy']
        print('querying {}'.format(symbols))

        include_bitfinex = len(symbols) > 1
        if include_bitfinex:
            print('\n\nIncluding Bitfinex data in feature set.\n\n')

        coinbase_order_book = CoinbaseOrderBook(symbols[0])
        bitfinex_order_book = BitfinexOrderBook(symbols[1]) if include_bitfinex else None

        start_time = dt.now(TIMEZONE)
        print('Starting get_orderbook_snapshot_history() loop with %i ticks for %s' %
              (loop_length, query['ccy']))

        for idx, tx in enumerate(tick_history.itertuples()):

            tick = tx._asdict()

            # determine if incoming tick is from coinbase or bitfinex
            coinbase = True if tick['product_id'] == coinbase_order_book.sym else False

            if 'type' not in tick:
                # filter out bad ticks

            if tick['type'] in ['load_book', 'book_loaded', 'preload']:
                # flag for a order book reset
                if coinbase:
                # skip to next loop

            if coinbase:  # incoming tick is from Coinbase exchange
                if coinbase_order_book.done_warming_up():
                    new_tick_time = parse(tick.get('time'))  # timestamp for incoming tick
                    if new_tick_time is None:
                        print('No tick time: {}'.format(tick))

                    coinbase_tick_counter += 1

                if coinbase_tick_counter == 1:
                    # start tracking snapshot timestamps
                    # and keep in mind that snapshots are tethered to coinbase timestamps
                    last_snapshot_time = new_tick_time
                    print('%s first tick: %s | Sequence: %i' %
                          (coinbase_order_book.sym, str(new_tick_time), coinbase_order_book.sequence))
                    # skip to next loop

                # calculate the amount of time between the incoming tick and tick received before that
                diff = (new_tick_time - last_snapshot_time).microseconds

                # multiple = diff // 250000  # 250000 is 250 milliseconds, or 4x a second
                multiple = diff // 500000  # 500000 is 500 milliseconds, or 2x a second

                # if there is a pause in incoming data, continue to create order book snapshots
                if multiple >= 1:
                    # check to include Bitfinex data in features
                    if include_bitfinex:
                        for _ in range(multiple):
                            if coinbase_order_book.done_warming_up() & bitfinex_order_book.done_warming_up():
                                coinbase_order_book_snapshot = coinbase_order_book.render_book()
                                bitfinex_order_book_snapshot = bitfinex_order_book.render_book()
                                midpoint_delta = coinbase_order_book.midpoint - bitfinex_order_book.midpoint
                                snapshot_list.append(list(np.hstack((new_tick_time,  # tick time
                                                                     coinbase_order_book.midpoint,  # midpoint price
                                                                     midpoint_delta,  # price delta between exchanges
                                                                     bitfinex_order_book_snapshot))))  # longs/shorts
                                last_snapshot_time += timedelta(milliseconds=500)  # 250)

                                last_snapshot_time += timedelta(milliseconds=500)  # 250)
                    else:  # do not include bitfinex
                        for _ in range(multiple):
                            if coinbase_order_book.done_warming_up():
                                coinbase_order_book_snapshot = coinbase_order_book.render_book()
                                snapshot_list.append(list(np.hstack((new_tick_time,  # tick time
                                                                     coinbase_order_book.midpoint,  # midpoint price
                                                                     coinbase_order_book_snapshot))))  # longs/shorts
                                last_snapshot_time += timedelta(milliseconds=500)  # 250)

                                last_snapshot_time += timedelta(milliseconds=500)  # 250)

            # incoming tick is from Bitfinex exchange
            elif include_bitfinex & bitfinex_order_book.done_warming_up():

            # periodically print number of steps completed
            if idx % 250000 == 0:
                elapsed = (dt.now(TIMEZONE) - start_time).seconds
                print('...completed %i loops in %i seconds' % (idx, elapsed))

        elapsed = (dt.now(TIMEZONE) - start_time).seconds
        print('Completed run_simulation() with %i ticks in %i seconds at %i ticks/second' %
              (loop_length, elapsed, loop_length//elapsed))

        orderbook_snapshot_history = pd.DataFrame(snapshot_list,
        orderbook_snapshot_history = orderbook_snapshot_history.dropna(axis=0)

        return orderbook_snapshot_history
예제 #7
    def get_orderbook_snapshot_history(self, query):
        Function to replay historical market data and generate
        the features used for reinforcement learning & training
        :param tick_history: (list of dicts) historical tick data
        :return: (list of arrays) snapshots of limit order books using a stationary feature set
        tick_history = self.get_tick_history(query=query)
        loop_length = len(tick_history)

        coinbase_tick_counter = 0
        snapshot_list = list()
        last_snapshot_time = None
        coinbase_order_book = CoinbaseOrderBook(query['ccy'][0])
        bitfinex_order_book = BitfinexOrderBook(query['ccy'][1])

        start_time = dt.now(TIMEZONE)
        print('Starting get_orderbook_snapshot_history() loop with %i ticks for %s and %s' %
              (loop_length, coinbase_order_book.sym, bitfinex_order_book.sym))

        for idx, tick in enumerate(tick_history):
            # determine if incoming tick is from coinbase or bitfinex
            coinbase = True if tick['product_id'] == coinbase_order_book.sym else False

            if 'type' not in tick:
                # filter out bad ticks

            if tick['type'] in ['load_book', 'book_loaded', 'preload']:
                # flag for a order book reset
                if coinbase:
                # skip to next loop

            if coinbase:  # incoming tick is from Coinbase exchange
                if coinbase_order_book.done_warming_up():
                    new_tick_time = parse(tick['time'])  # timestamp for incoming tick
                    coinbase_tick_counter += 1

                if coinbase_tick_counter == 1:
                    # start tracking snapshot timestamps
                    # and keep in mind that snapshots are tethered to coinbase timestamps
                    last_snapshot_time = new_tick_time
                    print('%s first tick: %s | Sequence: %i' %
                          (coinbase_order_book.sym, str(new_tick_time), coinbase_order_book.sequence))
                    # skip to next loop

                # calculate the amount of time between the incoming tick and tick received before that
                diff = (new_tick_time - last_snapshot_time).microseconds
                # multiple = diff // 250000  # 250000 is 250 milliseconds, or 4x a second
                multiple = diff // 500000  # 500000 is 500 milliseconds, or 2x a second

                if multiple >= 1:  # if there is a pause in incoming data, continue to create order book snapshots
                    for _ in range(multiple):
                        if coinbase_order_book.done_warming_up() & bitfinex_order_book.done_warming_up():
                            coinbase_order_book_snapshot = coinbase_order_book.render_book()
                            bitfinex_order_book_snapshot = bitfinex_order_book.render_book()
                            midpoint_delta = coinbase_order_book.midpoint - bitfinex_order_book.midpoint
                            snapshot_list.append(list(np.hstack((new_tick_time,  # tick time
                                                                 coinbase_order_book.midpoint,  # midpoint price
                                                                 midpoint_delta,  # price delta between exchanges
                                                                 bitfinex_order_book_snapshot))))  # longs/shorts
                            last_snapshot_time += timedelta(milliseconds=500)  # 250)

                            last_snapshot_time += timedelta(milliseconds=500)  # 250)

            # incoming tick is from Bitfinex exchange
            elif bitfinex_order_book.done_warming_up():

            # periodically print number of steps completed
            if idx % 250000 == 0:
                elapsed = (dt.now(TIMEZONE) - start_time).seconds
                print('...completed %i loops in %i seconds' % (idx, elapsed))

        elapsed = (dt.now(TIMEZONE) - start_time).seconds
        print('Completed run_simulation() with %i ticks in %i seconds at %i ticks/second' %
              (loop_length, elapsed, loop_length//elapsed))

        orderbook_snapshot_history = pd.DataFrame(snapshot_list, columns=self.get_feature_labels())
        orderbook_snapshot_history = orderbook_snapshot_history.dropna(axis=0)

        return orderbook_snapshot_history