def __init__(self, logger): super() self.logger = logger = "BitMEX" self.symbols = ["XBTUSD"] # "ETHUSD", "XRPUSD" self.channels = ["trade"] # , "orderBookL2" self.origin_tss = { "XBTUSD": 1483228800, "ETHUSD": 1533200520, "XRPUSD": 1580875200 } self.api_key = None self.api_secret = None # Non persistent datastores. self.bars = {} self.ticks = {} # Connect to trade websocket = Bitmex_WS(self.logger, self.symbols, self.channels, self.WS_URL, self.api_key, self.api_secret) if not self.logger.debug("Failed to to connect to BitMEX websocket.")
def __init__(self, logger): super() self.logger = logger = "BitMEX" self.symbols = ["XBTUSD"] # "ETHUSD", "XRPUSD", "BCHUSD", LTCUSD", "LINKUSDT"] # Minimum price increment for each instrument. self.symbol_min_increment = { 'XBTUSD': 0.5, 'ETHUSD': 0.05, 'XRPUSD': 0.0001} # 'BCHUSD': 0.05, # 'LTCUSD' : 0.01, # 'LINKUSDT': 0.0005} # Websocket subscription channels. self.channels = ["trade"] # Not needed but saves a few rest polls, thus saves time. self.origin_tss = { "XBTUSD": 1483228800, "ETHUSD": 1533200520, "XRPUSD": 1580875200} # 'BCHUSD': , # 'LTCUSD' : , # 'LINKUSDT': } self.api_key, self.api_secret = self.load_api_keys() # Connect to websocket stream. = Bitmex_WS( self.logger, self.symbols, self.channels, self.WS_URL, self.api_key, self.api_secret) if not"Failed to to connect to BitMEX websocket.") # Set default https request retry behaviour. retries = Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.25, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504], method_whitelist=False) self.session = Session() self.session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) # Non persistent storage for ticks and new 1 min bars. self.bars = {} self.ticks = {}
def __init__(self, logger): super() self.logger = logger = "BitMEX" self.symbols = ["XBTUSD", "ETHUSD"] self.channels = ["trade"] # , "orderBookL2" self.origin_tss = {"XBTUSD": 1483228800, "ETHUSD": 1533200520} self.api_key = None self.api_secret = None # only ever stores the most recent minutes bars, not persistent self.bars = {} # connect to websocket = Bitmex_WS(self.logger, self.symbols, self.channels, self.WS_URL, self.api_key, self.api_secret) if not self.logger.debug("Failed to to connect to BitMEX websocket.")
class Bitmex(Exchange): """BitMEX exchange model""" MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST = 750 BASE_URL = "" BARS_URL = "/trade/bucketed?binSize=" # WS_URL = "wss://" WS_URL = "wss://" TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S.%f' def __init__(self, logger): super() self.logger = logger = "BitMEX" self.symbols = ["XBTUSD", "ETHUSD"] self.channels = ["trade"] # , "orderBookL2" self.origin_tss = {"XBTUSD": 1483228800, "ETHUSD": 1533200520} self.api_key = None self.api_secret = None # only ever stores the most recent minutes bars, not persistent self.bars = {} # connect to websocket = Bitmex_WS(self.logger, self.symbols, self.channels, self.WS_URL, self.api_key, self.api_secret) if not self.logger.debug("Failed to to connect to BitMEX websocket.") def parse_ticks(self): if not self.logger.debug("BitMEX websocket disconnected.") else: all_ticks = target_minute = datetime.datetime.utcnow().minute - 1 ticks_target_minute = [] tcount = 0 # search from end of tick list to grab newest ticks first for i in reversed(all_ticks): try: ts = i['timestamp'] if type(ts) is not datetime.datetime: ts = parser.parse(ts) except Exception: self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) # scrape prev minutes ticks if ts.minute == target_minute: ticks_target_minute.append(i) ticks_target_minute[tcount]['timestamp'] = ts tcount += 1 # store the previous-to-target bar's last # traded price to use as the open price for target bar if ts.minute == target_minute - 1: ticks_target_minute.append(i) ticks_target_minute[tcount]['timestamp'] = ts break ticks_target_minute.reverse() # reset bar dict ready for new bars self.bars = {i: [] for i in self.symbols} # build 1 min bars for each symbol for symbol in self.symbols: ticks = [ i for i in ticks_target_minute if i['symbol'] == symbol ] bar = self.build_OHLCV(ticks, symbol) self.bars[symbol].append(bar) # self.logger.debug(bar) def get_bars_in_period(self, symbol, start_time, total): """Returns specified amount of 1 min bars starting from start_time. E.g get_bars_in_period("XBTUSD", 1562971900, 100)""" if total >= self.MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST: total = self.MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST # convert epoch timestamp to ISO 8601 start = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_time).isoformat() timeframe = "1m" # request url string payload = (f"{self.BASE_URL}{self.BARS_URL}{timeframe}&" f"symbol={symbol}&filter=&count={total}&" f"startTime={start}&reverse=false") bars_to_parse = requests.get(payload).json() # store only required values (OHLCV) and convert timestamp to epoch new_bars = [] for bar in bars_to_parse: new_bars.append({ 'symbol': symbol, 'timestamp': int(parser.parse(bar['timestamp']).timestamp()), 'open': bar['open'], 'high': bar['high'], 'low': bar['low'], 'close': bar['close'], 'volume': bar['volume'] }) return new_bars def get_origin_timestamp(self, symbol: str): """Return millisecond timestamp of first available 1 min bar. If the timestamp is stored, return that, otherwise poll the exchange.""" if self.origin_tss[symbol] is not None: return self.origin_tss[symbol] else: payload = ( f"{self.BASE_URL}{self.BARS_URL}1m&symbol={symbol}&filter=&" f"count=1&startTime=&reverse=false") response = requests.get(payload).json()[0]['timestamp'] return int(parser.parse(response).timestamp())
class Bitmex(Exchange): """ BitMEX exchange model. """ MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST = 750 BASE_URL = "" BARS_URL = "/trade/bucketed?binSize=" TICKS_URL = "/trade?symbol=" # WS_URL = "wss://" WS_URL = "wss://" TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S.%f' def __init__(self, logger): super() self.logger = logger = "BitMEX" self.symbols = ["XBTUSD"] # "ETHUSD", "XRPUSD" self.channels = ["trade"] # , "orderBookL2" self.origin_tss = { "XBTUSD": 1483228800, "ETHUSD": 1533200520, "XRPUSD": 1580875200 } self.api_key = None self.api_secret = None # Non persistent datastores. self.bars = {} self.ticks = {} # Connect to trade websocket = Bitmex_WS(self.logger, self.symbols, self.channels, self.WS_URL, self.api_key, self.api_secret) if not self.logger.debug("Failed to to connect to BitMEX websocket.") # Note, for future channel subs, create assitional Bitmex_WS. def parse_ticks(self): if not self.logger.debug("BitMEX websocket disconnected.") else: all_ticks = target_minute = - 1 ticks_target_minute = [] tcount = 0 # Search from end of tick list to grab newest ticks first. for i in reversed(all_ticks): try: ts = i['timestamp'] if type(ts) is not datetime: ts = parser.parse(ts) except Exception: self.logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) # Scrape prev minutes ticks. if ts.minute == target_minute: ticks_target_minute.append(i) ticks_target_minute[tcount]['timestamp'] = ts tcount += 1 # Store the previous-to-target bar's last # traded price to use as the open price for target bar. if ts.minute == target_minute - 1: ticks_target_minute.append(i) ticks_target_minute[tcount]['timestamp'] = ts break ticks_target_minute.reverse() # Group ticks by symbol. self.ticks = {i: [] for i in self.symbols} for tick in ticks_target_minute: self.ticks[tick['symbol']].append(tick) # Build bars from ticks. self.bars = {i: [] for i in self.symbols} for symbol in self.symbols: bar = self.build_OHLCV(self.ticks[symbol], symbol) self.bars[symbol].append(bar) def get_bars_in_period(self, symbol, start_time, total): if total >= self.MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST: total = self.MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST # Convert epoch timestamp to ISO 8601. start = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_time).isoformat() timeframe = "1m" payload = (f"{self.BASE_URL}{self.BARS_URL}{timeframe}&" f"symbol={symbol}&filter=&count={total}&" f"startTime={start}&reverse=false") # Uncomment below line to manually verify results. # self.logger.debug("API request string: " + payload) bars_to_parse = requests.get(payload).json() # Store only required values (OHLCV) and convert timestamp to epoch. new_bars = [] for bar in bars_to_parse: new_bars.append({ 'symbol': symbol, 'timestamp': int(parser.parse(bar['timestamp']).timestamp()), 'open': bar['open'], 'high': bar['high'], 'low': bar['low'], 'close': bar['close'], 'volume': bar['volume'] }) return new_bars def get_origin_timestamp(self, symbol: str): if self.origin_tss[symbol] is not None: return self.origin_tss[symbol] else: payload = ( f"{self.BASE_URL}{self.BARS_URL}1m&symbol={symbol}&filter=&" f"count=1&startTime=&reverse=false") response = requests.get(payload).json()[0]['timestamp'] timestamp = int(parser.parse(response).timestamp()) self.logger.debug("BitMEX" + symbol + " origin timestamp: " + str(timestamp)) return timestamp def get_recent_bars(timeframe, symbol, n=1): payload = str(self.BASE_URL + self.BARS_URL + timeframe + "&partial=false&symbol=" + symbol + "&count=" + str(n) + "&reverse=true") result = requests.get(payload).json() bars = [] for i in result: bars.append({ 'symbol': symbol, 'timestamp': i['timestamp'], 'open': i['open'], 'high': i['high'], 'low': i['low'], 'close': i['close'], 'volume': i['volume'] }) return bars def get_recent_ticks(symbol, n=1): # Find difference between start and end of period. delta = n * 60 # Find start timestamp and convert to ISO1806. start_epoch = self.previous_minute() + 60 - delta start_iso = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_epoch).isoformat() # find end timestamp and convert to ISO1806 end_epoch = previous_minute() + 60 end_iso = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end_epoch).isoformat() # Initial poll. sleep(1) payload = str(self.BASE_URL + self.TICKS_URL + symbol + "&count=" + "1000&reverse=false&startTime=" + start_iso + "&endTime" + end_iso) ticks = [] initial_result = requests.get(payload).json() for tick in initial_result: ticks.append(tick) # If 1000 ticks in result (max size), keep polling until # we get a response with length <1000. if len(initial_result) == 1000: maxed_out = True while maxed_out: # Dont use endTime as it seems to cut off the final few ticks. payload = str(BASE_URL + TICKS_URL + symbol + "&count=" + "1000&reverse=false&startTime=" + ticks[-1]['timestamp']) interim_result = requests.get(payload).json() for tick in interim_result: ticks.append(tick) if len(interim_result) != 1000: maxed_out = False # Check median tick timestamp matches start_iso. median_dt = parser.parse(ticks[int((len(ticks) / 2))]['timestamp']) match_dt = parser.parse(start_iso) if median_dt.minute != match_dt.minute: raise Exception("Tick data timestamp error: timestamp mismatch.") # Populate list with matching-timestamped ticks only. final_ticks = [ i for i in ticks if parser.parse(i['timestamp']).minute == match_dt.minute ] return final_ticks
class Bitmex(Exchange): """ BitMEX exchange model. """ MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST = 750 TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S.%f' REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 10 BASE_URL = "" BASE_URL_TESTNET = "" WS_URL = "wss://" BARS_URL = "/trade/bucketed?binSize=" TICKS_URL = "/trade?symbol=" POSITIONS_URL = "/position" ORDERS_URL = "/order" BULK_ORDERS_URL = "/order/bulk" TRADE_HIST_URL = "/execution/tradeHistory" def __init__(self, logger): super() self.logger = logger = "BitMEX" self.symbols = ["XBTUSD"] # "ETHUSD", "XRPUSD", "BCHUSD", LTCUSD", "LINKUSDT"] # Minimum price increment for each instrument. self.symbol_min_increment = { 'XBTUSD': 0.5, 'ETHUSD': 0.05, 'XRPUSD': 0.0001} # 'BCHUSD': 0.05, # 'LTCUSD' : 0.01, # 'LINKUSDT': 0.0005} # Websocket subscription channels. self.channels = ["trade"] # Not needed but saves a few rest polls, thus saves time. self.origin_tss = { "XBTUSD": 1483228800, "ETHUSD": 1533200520, "XRPUSD": 1580875200} # 'BCHUSD': , # 'LTCUSD' : , # 'LINKUSDT': } self.api_key, self.api_secret = self.load_api_keys() # Connect to websocket stream. = Bitmex_WS( self.logger, self.symbols, self.channels, self.WS_URL, self.api_key, self.api_secret) if not"Failed to to connect to BitMEX websocket.") # Set default https request retry behaviour. retries = Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.25, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504], method_whitelist=False) self.session = Session() self.session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) # Non persistent storage for ticks and new 1 min bars. self.bars = {} self.ticks = {} # Note, for future channel subs, create new Bitmex_WS in new process. def parse_ticks(self): if not"BitMEX websocket disconnected.") else: all_ticks = target_minute = - 1 ticks_target_minute = [] tcount = 0 # Search from end of tick list to grab newest ticks first. for i in reversed(all_ticks): try: ts = i['timestamp'] if type(ts) is not datetime: ts = parser.parse(ts) except Exception: # Scrape prev minutes ticks. if ts.minute == target_minute: ticks_target_minute.append(i) ticks_target_minute[tcount]['timestamp'] = ts tcount += 1 # Store the previous-to-target bar's last # traded price to use as the open price for target bar. if ts.minute == target_minute - 1: ticks_target_minute.append(i) ticks_target_minute[tcount]['timestamp'] = ts break ticks_target_minute.reverse() # Group ticks by symbol. self.ticks = {i: [] for i in self.symbols} for tick in ticks_target_minute: self.ticks[tick['symbol']].append(tick) # Build bars from ticks. self.bars = {i: [] for i in self.symbols} for symbol in self.symbols: bar = self.build_OHLCV(self.ticks[symbol], symbol) self.bars[symbol].append(bar) def get_bars_in_period(self, symbol, start_time, total): if total >= self.MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST: total = self.MAX_BARS_PER_REQUEST # Convert epoch timestamp to ISO 8601. start = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_time).isoformat() timeframe = "1m" payload = ( f"{self.BASE_URL}{self.BARS_URL}{timeframe}&" f"symbol={symbol}&filter=&count={total}&" f"startTime={start}&reverse=false") #"API request string: " + payload) bars_to_parse = requests.get(payload).json() # Store only required values (OHLCV) and convert timestamp to epoch. new_bars = [] for bar in bars_to_parse: new_bars.append({ 'symbol': symbol, 'timestamp': int(parser.parse(bar['timestamp']).timestamp()), 'open': bar['open'], 'high': bar['high'], 'low': bar['low'], 'close': bar['close'], 'volume': bar['volume']}) return new_bars def get_origin_timestamp(self, symbol: str): if self.origin_tss[symbol] is not None: return self.origin_tss[symbol] else: payload = ( f"{self.BASE_URL}{self.BARS_URL}1m&symbol={symbol}&filter=&" f"count=1&startTime=&reverse=false") response = requests.get(payload).json()[0]['timestamp'] timestamp = int(parser.parse(response).timestamp()) "BitMEX" + symbol + " origin timestamp: " + str(timestamp)) return timestamp def get_recent_bars(self, timeframe, symbol, n=1): payload = str( self.BASE_URL + self.BARS_URL + timeframe + "&partial=false&symbol=" + symbol + "&count=" + str(n) + "&reverse=true") result = requests.get(payload).json() bars = [] for i in result: bars.append({ 'symbol': symbol, 'timestamp': i['timestamp'], 'open': i['open'], 'high': i['high'], 'low': i['low'], 'close': i['close'], 'volume': i['volume']}) return bars def get_recent_ticks(self, symbol, n=1): # Find difference between start and end of period. delta = n * 60 # Find start timestamp and convert to ISO1806. start_epoch = self.previous_minute() + 60 - delta start_iso = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_epoch).isoformat() # find end timestamp and convert to ISO1806 end_epoch = self.previous_minute() + 60 end_iso = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end_epoch).isoformat() # Initial poll. time.sleep(1) payload = str( self.BASE_URL + self.TICKS_URL + symbol + "&count=" + "1000&reverse=false&startTime=" + start_iso + "&endTime" + end_iso) ticks = [] initial_result = requests.get(payload).json() for tick in initial_result: ticks.append(tick) # If 1000 ticks in result (max size), keep polling until # we get a response with length <1000. if len(initial_result) == 1000: maxed_out = True while maxed_out: # Dont use endTime as it seems to cut off the final few ticks. payload = str( self.BASE_URL + self.TICKS_URL + symbol + "&count=" + "1000&reverse=false&startTime=" + ticks[-1]['timestamp']) interim_result = requests.get(payload).json() for tick in interim_result: ticks.append(tick) if len(interim_result) != 1000: maxed_out = False # Check median tick timestamp matches start_iso. median_dt = parser.parse(ticks[int((len(ticks) / 2))]['timestamp']) match_dt = parser.parse(start_iso) if median_dt.minute != match_dt.minute: raise Exception("Tick data timestamp error: timestamp mismatch.") # Populate list with matching-timestamped ticks only. final_ticks = [ i for i in ticks if parser.parse( i['timestamp']).minute == match_dt.minute] return final_ticks def get_position(self, symbol): prepared_request = Request( 'GET', self.BASE_URL_TESTNET + self.POSITIONS_URL, params='').prepare() request = self.generate_request_headers(prepared_request, self.api_key, self.api_secret) response = self.session.send(request).json() for pos in response: if pos['symbol'] == symbol: status = "OPEN" if pos['isOpen'] is True else "CLOSED" direction = "LONG" if pos['currentQty'] > 0 else "SHORT" return { 'size': pos['currentQty'], 'avg_entry_price': pos['avgEntryPrice'], 'symbol': symbol, 'direction': direction, 'currency': pos['quoteCurrency'], 'opening_timestamp': pos['openingTimestamp'], 'opening_size': pos['openingQty'], 'status': status} def get_executions(self, symbol, start_timestamp=None, end_timestamp=None, count=500): # Convert epoch ts's to utc human-readable start = str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp)) if start_timestamp else None end = str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(end_timestamp)) if end_timestamp else None payload = { 'symbol': symbol, 'count': count, 'startTime': start, 'endTime': end, 'reverse': True} prepared_request = Request( 'GET', self.BASE_URL_TESTNET + self.TRADE_HIST_URL, json=payload, params='').prepare() request = self.generate_request_headers( prepared_request, self.api_key, self.api_secret) response = self.session.send(request).json() executions = [] for res in response: fee_type = "TAKER" if res['lastLiquidityInd'] == "RemovedLiquidity" else "MAKER" direction = "LONG" if res['side'] == "Buy" else "SHORT" if res['ordStatus'] == "Filled": fill = "FILLED" elif res['ordStatus'] == "Canceled": fill = "CANCELLED" elif res['ordStatus'] == "New": fill = "NEW" elif res['ordStatus'] == "PartiallyFilled": fill = "PARTIAL" else: raise Exception(res['ordStatus']) if res['ordType'] == "Limit": order_type = "LIMIT" elif res['ordType'] == "Market": order_type = "MARKET" elif res['ordType'] == "StopLimit": order_type = "STOP_LIMIT" elif res['ordType'] == "Stop": order_type = "STOP" else: raise Exception(res['ordType']) executions.append({ 'order_id': res['clOrdID'], 'venue_id': res['orderID'], 'timestamp': int(parser.parse(res['timestamp']).timestamp()), 'avg_exc_price': res['avgPx'], 'currency': res['currency'], 'symbol': res['symbol'], 'direction': direction, 'size': res['lastQty'], 'order_type': order_type, 'fee_type': fee_type, 'fee_amt': res['commission'], 'total_fee': res['execComm'] / res['avgPx'], 'status': fill}) return executions def close_position(self, symbol, qty=None, direction=None): position = self.get_position(symbol) if direction == "LONG": amt = -qty elif direction == "SHORT": amt = qty else: raise Exception(direction) if qty and direction: payload = { 'symbol': symbol, 'orderQty': amt, 'ordType': "Market"} else: payload = { 'symbol': symbol, 'orderQty': -position['currentQty'], 'ordType': "Market"} # Don't do anything if closing size or position size is 0. if payload['orderQty'] != 0 and position['currentQty'] != 0: prepared_request = Request( 'POST', self.BASE_URL_TESTNET + self.ORDERS_URL, json=payload, params='').prepare() request = self.generate_request_headers( prepared_request, self.api_key, self.api_secret) response = self.session.send(request).json() if response['ordStatus'] == "Filled": return True else: return False else: return False def get_orders(self, symbol=None, start_timestamp=None, count=500): # Convert epoch ts's to utc human-readable start = str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_timestamp)) if start_timestamp else None payload = { 'symbol': symbol, 'count': count, 'startTime': start, 'reverse': True} prepared_request = Request( 'GET', self.BASE_URL_TESTNET + self.ORDERS_URL, params='', json=payload).prepare() request = self.generate_request_headers(prepared_request, self.api_key, self.api_secret) response = self.session.send(request).json() orders = [] for res in response: if res['clOrdID']: direction = "LONG" if res['side'] == "Buy" else "SHORT" if res['ordStatus'] == "Filled": fill = "FILLED" elif res['ordStatus'] == "Canceled": fill = "CANCELLED" elif res['ordStatus'] == "New": fill = "NEW" elif res['ordStatus'] == "PartiallyFilled": fill = "PARTIAL" else: raise Exception(res['ordStatus']) if res['ordType'] == "Limit": order_type = "LIMIT" elif res['ordType'] == "Market": order_type = "MARKET" elif res['ordType'] == "StopLimit": order_type = "STOP_LIMIT" elif res['ordType'] == "Stop": order_type = "STOP" else: raise Exception(res['ordType']) # If "\n" in response text field, use substring after "\n". if "\n" in res['text']: text = res['text'].split("\n") metatype = text[1] elif ( res['text'] == "ENTRY" or res['text'] == "STOP" or res['text'] == "TAKE_PROFIT" or res['text'] == "FINAL_TAKE_PROFIT"): metatype = res['text'] else: # raise Exception("Order metatype error:", res['text']) metatype = None orders.append({ 'order_id': res['clOrdID'], 'venue_id': res['orderID'], 'timestamp': int(parser.parse(res['timestamp']).timestamp()), 'price': res['price'], 'avg_fill_price': res['avgPx'], 'currency': res['currency'], 'venue': "BitMEX", 'symbol': res['symbol'], 'direction': direction, 'size': res['orderQty'], 'order_type': order_type, 'metatype': metatype, 'void_price': res['stopPx'], 'status': fill}) return orders def place_single_order(self, order): payload = self.format_orders([order])[0] prepared_request = Request( 'POST', self.BASE_URL_TESTNET + self.ORDERS_URL, json=payload, params='').prepare() request = self.generate_request_headers( prepared_request, self.api_key, self.api_secret) response = self.session.send(request) return response def place_bulk_orders(self, orders): # Separate market orders as BitMEX doesnt allow bulk market orders. m_o = [o for o in orders if o['order_type'] == "MARKET"] nm_o = [o for o in orders if o not in m_o] # Send market orders individually amd store responses. responses = [self.place_single_order(o) for o in m_o if m_o] # Submit non-market orders in a single batch. response = None if nm_o: payload = {'orders': self.format_orders(nm_o)} prepared_request = Request( 'POST', self.BASE_URL_TESTNET + self.BULK_ORDERS_URL, json=payload, params='').prepare() request = self.generate_request_headers( prepared_request, self.api_key, self.api_secret) response = self.session.send(request) # Unpack successful order confirmations and handle errors. order_confirmations = [] for r in responses + [response]: if r.status_code == 200: res = r.json() if isinstance(res, list): for item in res: order_confirmations.append(item) elif isinstance(res, dict): order_confirmations.append(res) elif 401 <= r.status_code <= 404: # Syntax, auth or system limit error messages, raise exception. # Code likely wrong if this occurs. raise Exception(r.status_code, r.json()['error']['message']) elif r.status_code == 503: # Server overloaded, retry after 500ms, dont raise exception. str(r.status_code) + " " + r.json()['error']['message']) else: + " " + str(r.json())) updated_orders = [] if order_confirmations: for res in order_confirmations: for order in orders: if order['order_id'] == res['clOrdID']: if res['ordStatus'] == "Filled": fill = "FILLED" elif res['ordStatus'] == "Canceled": fill = "CANCELLED" elif res['ordStatus'] == "New": fill = "NEW" elif res['ordStatus'] == "PartiallyFilled": fill = "PARTIAL" else: raise Exception(res['ordStatus']) new = { 'trade_id': order['trade_id'], 'order_id': order['order_id'], 'venue': order['venue'], 'symbol': order['symbol'], 'order_type': order['order_type'], 'metatype': order['metatype'], 'void_price': order['void_price'], 'direction': order['direction'], 'reduce_only': order['reduce_only'], 'post_only': order['post_only'], 'batch_size': order['batch_size'], 'size': order['size'], 'trail': order['trail'], 'timestamp': int(parser.parse(res['timestamp']).timestamp()), 'avg_fill_price': res['avgPx'], 'currency': res['currency'], 'venue_id': res['orderID'], 'price': res['price'], 'status': fill} updated_orders.append(new) return updated_orders def cancel_orders(self, order_ids: list): # Only cancel orders if they have been submitted to venue # order_ids will only contain ids if orders already submitted if order_ids[0] is not None: payload = {"orderID": order_ids} prepared_request = Request( "DELETE", self.BASE_URL_TESTNET + self.ORDERS_URL, json=payload, params='').prepare() request = self.generate_request_headers( prepared_request, self.api_key, self.api_secret) response = self.session.send(request).json() response = [response] if not isinstance(response, list) else response cancel_confs = {} for i in response: try: if i['orderID'] is not None: cancel_confs[i['orderID']] = "SUCCESS" elif i['error'] is not None: cancel_confs[i['orderID']] = i['error'] except KeyError: cancel_confs = i # print(traceback.format_exc(), ke) return cancel_confs else: return None def format_orders(self, orders): formatted = [] for order in orders: price = self.round_increment(order['price'], order['symbol']) # TODO: add logic for execInst and stopPx execInst = None stopPx = None timeInForce = None symbol = order['symbol'] side = "Buy" if order['direction'] == "LONG" else "Sell" orderQty = self.round_increment(order['size'], order['symbol']) clOrdID = order['order_id'] text = order['metatype'] if order['order_type'] == "LIMIT": ordType = "Limit" timeInForce = 'GoodTillCancel' elif order['order_type'] == "MARKET": ordType = "Market" price = None timeInForce = 'ImmediateOrCancel' elif order['order_type'] == "STOP_LIMIT": ordType = "StopLimit" timeInForce = 'GoodTillCancel' elif order['order_type'] == "STOP": ordType = "Stop" stopPx = price price = None timeInForce = 'ImmediateOrCancel' else: raise Exception("Incorrect order type specified.") formatted.append({ 'symbol': symbol, 'side': side, 'orderQty': orderQty, 'price': price, 'stopPx': stopPx, 'clOrdID': order['order_id'], 'ordType': ordType, 'timeInForce': timeInForce, 'execInst': execInst, 'text': text}) return formatted def generate_request_signature(self, secret, request_type, url, nonce, data): """ Generate BitMEX-compatible authenticated request signature header. Args: secret: API secret key. request_type: Request type (GET, POST, etc). url: full request url. validity: seconds request will be valid for after creation. Returns: signature: hex(HMAC_SHA256(apiSecret, verb + path + expires + data) Raises: None. """ parsed_url = urlparse(url) path = parsed_url.path if parsed_url.query: path = path + '?' + parsed_url.query if isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)): data = data.decode('utf8') message = str(request_type).upper() + path + str(nonce) + data signature =, 'utf8'), bytes(message, 'utf8'), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() return signature def generate_request_headers(self, request, api_key, api_secret): """ Add BitMEX-compatible authentication headers to a request object. Args: api_key: API key. api_secret: API secret key. request: Request object to be amended. Returns: request: Modified request object. Raises: None. """ nonce = str(int(round(time.time()) + self.REQUEST_TIMEOUT)) request.headers['api-expires'] = nonce request.headers['api-key'] = self.api_key request.headers['api-signature'] = self.generate_request_signature( self.api_secret, request.method, request.url, nonce, request.body or '') # noqa request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' request.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' return request
logging.getLogger("urllib3").propagate = False requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests") requests_log.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) requests_log.propagate = False BASE_URL = "" BARS_URL = "/trade/bucketed?binSize=" TICKS_URL = "/trade?symbol=" WS_URL = "wss://" symbols = ["XBTUSD", "ETHUSD"] channels = ["trade"] api_key = None api_secret = None ws = Bitmex_WS(logger, symbols, channels, WS_URL, api_key, api_secret) if not logger.debug("Failed to to connect to BitMEX websocket.") def get_recent_bar(timeframe, symbol, n=1): """ Return n recent 1-min bars of desired timeframe and symbol. """ sleep(0.5) payload = str(BASE_URL + BARS_URL + timeframe + "&partial=false&symbol=" + symbol + "&count=" + str(n) + "&reverse=true") # print(payload)nnnnnn result = requests.get(payload).json()