예제 #1
class App(object):

  def __init__(self, host, user, passwd,
               maker, model, release):
    self.kb = KB(driver='omero')(host, user, passwd)
    self.mset = self.kb.get_snp_markers_set(maker, model, release)
    self.logger = logging.getLogger()
    if not self.mset:
      raise ValueError('SNPMarkersSet[%s,%s,%s] has not been defined.'
                       % (maker, model, release))
    alabel = 'load_genotypes-setup-%s' % time.time()
    self.asetup = self.kb.factory.create(self.kb.ActionSetup,
                                         {'label' : alabel,
                                          'conf'  : ''}).save()
    dmaker, dmodel, drelease = 'CRS4', 'load_genotypes', '0.1'
    dlabel = '%s-%s-%s' % (dmaker, dmodel, drelease)
    device = self.kb.get_device(dlabel)
    if not device:
      device = self.kb.factory.create(self.kb.Device,
                                      {'label' : dlabel,
                                       'maker' : dmaker,
                                       'model' : dmodel,
                                       'release' : drelease}).save()
    self.device = device
    #-- FIXME this will break if study is not defined.
    self.study = self.kb.get_study(study_label)

  def check_snp_markers_set(self, marker_types, marker_names):
    self.logger.info('start checking snp_markers_set')
    mdefs, msetc = self.kb.get_snp_markers_set_content(self.mset)
    rs_labels = mdefs['rs_label']
    for t, n in it.izip(marker_types, marker_names):
      if t == 'M':
        if not n in rs_labels:
          msg = 'marker %s is not in the specified SNPMarkersSet' % n
          raise ValueError(msg)
    self.logger.info('done checking snp_markers_set')

  def create_action(self, target):
    conf = {'setup' : self.asetup,
            'device' : self.device,
            'actionCategory' : self.kb.ActionCategory.MEASUREMENT,
            'operator' : 'Alfred E. Neumann',
            'context'  : self.study,
            'target'   : target,
    action = self.kb.factory.create(self.kb.ActionOnVessel, conf).save()
    return action

  def create_data_sample(self, action, label):
    conf = {'snpMarkersSet' : self.mset,
            'label' : label,
            'status' : self.kb.DataSampleStatus.USABLE,
            'action' : action}
    return self.kb.factory.create(self.kb.GenotypeDataSample, conf).save()

  def load(self, pedfile, datfile, conf_value=1.0):
    pr = PedReader(pedfile, datfile, conf_value)
    self.check_snp_markers_set(pr.marker_types, pr.marker_names)
    self.logger.info('start loading from pedfile %s' % pedfile.name)
    for x in pr:
      sample = self.kb.get_vessel(x['sample_label'])
      if not sample:
        self.logger.error('No sample with label %s in VL' % x['sample_label'])
      action = self.create_action(sample)
      avid = action.id
      data_sample = self.create_data_sample(action, x['label'])
      data_object = self.kb.add_gdo_data_object(avid, data_sample,
                                                x['probs'], x['confs'])
      self.logger.info('-- loaded %s' % x['label'])
    self.logger.info('done loading from pedfile %s' % pedfile.name)
예제 #2
class App(object):
    def __init__(self, host, user, passwd, study_label, maker, model, release):
        self.kb = KB(driver='omero')(host, user, passwd)
        self.mset = self.kb.get_snp_markers_set(maker, model, release)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger()
        if not self.mset:
            raise ValueError('SNPMarkersSet[%s,%s,%s] has not been defined.' %
                             (maker, model, release))
        alabel = 'load_genotypes-setup-%s' % time.time()
        self.asetup = self.kb.factory.create(self.kb.ActionSetup, {
            'label': alabel,
            'conf': ''
        dmaker, dmodel, drelease = 'CRS4', 'load_genotypes', '0.1'
        dlabel = '%s-%s-%s' % (dmaker, dmodel, drelease)
        device = self.kb.get_device(dlabel)
        if not device:
            device = self.kb.factory.create(
                self.kb.Device, {
                    'label': dlabel,
                    'maker': dmaker,
                    'model': dmodel,
                    'release': drelease
        self.device = device
        #-- FIXME this will break if study is not defined.
        self.study = self.kb.get_study(study_label)

    def check_snp_markers_set(self, marker_types, marker_names):
        self.logger.info('start checking snp_markers_set')
        mdefs, msetc = self.kb.get_snp_markers_set_content(self.mset)
        rs_labels = mdefs['rs_label']
        for t, n in it.izip(marker_types, marker_names):
            if t == 'M':
                if not n in rs_labels:
                    msg = 'marker %s is not in the specified SNPMarkersSet' % n
                    raise ValueError(msg)
        self.logger.info('done checking snp_markers_set')

    def create_action(self, target):
        conf = {
            'setup': self.asetup,
            'device': self.device,
            'actionCategory': self.kb.ActionCategory.MEASUREMENT,
            'operator': 'Alfred E. Neumann',
            'context': self.study,
            'target': target,
        action = self.kb.factory.create(self.kb.ActionOnVessel, conf).save()
        return action

    def create_data_sample(self, action, label):
        conf = {
            'snpMarkersSet': self.mset,
            'label': label,
            'status': self.kb.DataSampleStatus.USABLE,
            'action': action
        return self.kb.factory.create(self.kb.GenotypeDataSample, conf).save()

    def load(self, pedfile, datfile, conf_value=1.0):
        pr = PedReader(pedfile, datfile, conf_value)
        self.check_snp_markers_set(pr.marker_types, pr.marker_names)
        self.logger.info('start loading from pedfile %s' % pedfile.name)
        for x in pr:
            sample = self.kb.get_vessel(x['sample_label'])
            if not sample:
                self.logger.error('No sample with label %s in VL' %
            action = self.create_action(sample)
            avid = action.id
            data_sample = self.create_data_sample(action, x['label'])
            data_object = self.kb.add_gdo_data_object(avid, data_sample,
                                                      x['probs'], x['confs'])
            self.logger.info('-- loaded %s' % x['label'])
        self.logger.info('done loading from pedfile %s' % pedfile.name)