예제 #1
def get_autotags():
    """ call all analysis functions """
    ui = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
    if ui.asset_type == 'MODEL':
        ob = utils.get_active_model()
        obs = utils.get_hierarchy(ob)
        props = ob.blenderkit
        if props.name == "":
            props.name = ob.name

        # reset some properties here, because they might not get re-filled at all when they aren't needed anymore.
        props.texture_resolution_max = 0
        props.texture_resolution_min = 0
        # disabled printing checking, some 3d print addon bug.
        # check_printable( props, obs)
        check_render_engine(props, obs)

        dim, bbox_min, bbox_max = utils.get_dimensions(obs)
        props.dimensions = dim
        props.bbox_min = bbox_min
        props.bbox_max = bbox_max

        check_rig(props, obs)
        check_anim(props, obs)
        check_meshprops(props, obs)
        check_modifiers(props, obs)
        countObs(props, obs)
    elif ui.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
        # reset some properties here, because they might not get re-filled at all when they aren't needed anymore.

        mat = utils.get_active_asset()
        props = mat.blenderkit
        props.texture_resolution_max = 0
        props.texture_resolution_min = 0
        check_material(props, mat)
예제 #2
def get_autotags():
    """ call all analysis functions """
    ui = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
    if ui.asset_type =='MODEL':
        ob = utils.get_active_model()
        obs = utils.get_hierarchy(ob)
        props = ob.blenderkit
        if props.name == "":
            props.name = ob.name

        # reset some properties here, because they might not get re-filled at all when they aren't needed anymore.
        props.texture_resolution_max = 0
        props.texture_resolution_min = 0
        # disabled printing checking, some 3d print addon bug.
        # check_printable( props, obs)
        check_render_engine(props, obs)

        dim, bbox_min, bbox_max = utils.get_dimensions(obs)
        props.dimensions = dim
        props.bbox_min = bbox_min
        props.bbox_max = bbox_max

        check_rig(props, obs)
        check_anim(props, obs)
        check_meshprops(props, obs)
        check_modifiers(props, obs)
        countObs(props, obs)
    elif ui.asset_type =='MATERIAL':
        # reset some properties here, because they might not get re-filled at all when they aren't needed anymore.

        mat = utils.get_active_asset()
        props = mat.blenderkit
        props.texture_resolution_max = 0
        props.texture_resolution_min = 0
        check_material(props, mat)
def duplicate_asset(source, **kwargs):
    '''Duplicate asset when it's already appended in the scene, so that blender's append doesn't create duplicated data.'''

    # we need to save selection
    sel = utils.selection_get()

    # check visibility
    obs = utils.get_hierarchy(source)
    if not check_all_visible(obs):
        return None
    # check selectability and select in one run
    if not check_selectible(obs):
        return None

    # duplicate the asset objects

    nobs = bpy.context.selected_objects[:]
    #get parent
    for ob in nobs:
        if ob.parent not in nobs:
            parent = ob
    # restore original selection
    return parent, nobs
예제 #4
def get_upload_data(self, context, asset_type):
    user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
    api_key = user_preferences.api_key

    export_data = {
        "type": asset_type,
    upload_params = {}
    if asset_type == 'MODEL':
        # Prepare to save the file
        mainmodel = utils.get_active_model()

        props = mainmodel.blenderkit

        obs = utils.get_hierarchy(mainmodel)
        obnames = []
        for ob in obs:
        export_data["models"] = obnames
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.objects['%s']" % mainmodel.name

        engines = [props.engine.lower()]
        if props.engine1 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine2 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine3 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine == 'OTHER':

        style = props.style.lower()
        if style == 'OTHER':
            style = props.style_other.lower()

        pl_dict = {'FINISHED': 'finished', 'TEMPLATE': 'template'}

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'model',

        upload_params = {
            "productionLevel": props.production_level.lower(),
            "model_style": style,
            "engines": engines,
            "modifiers": comma2array(props.modifiers),
            "materials": comma2array(props.materials),
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,
            "dimensionX": round(props.dimensions[0], 4),
            "dimensionY": round(props.dimensions[1], 4),
            "dimensionZ": round(props.dimensions[2], 4),

            "boundBoxMinX": round(props.bbox_min[0], 4),
            "boundBoxMinY": round(props.bbox_min[1], 4),
            "boundBoxMinZ": round(props.bbox_min[2], 4),

            "boundBoxMaxX": round(props.bbox_max[0], 4),
            "boundBoxMaxY": round(props.bbox_max[1], 4),
            "boundBoxMaxZ": round(props.bbox_max[2], 4),

            "animated": props.animated,
            "rig": props.rig,
            "simulation": props.simulation,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "faceCount": props.face_count,
            "faceCountRender": props.face_count_render,
            "manifold": props.manifold,
            "objectCount": props.object_count,

            # "scene": props.is_scene,
        if props.use_design_year:
            upload_params["designYear"] = props.design_year
        if props.condition != 'UNSPECIFIED':
            upload_params["condition"] = props.condition.lower()
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_params["pbrType"] = pt

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min
        if props.mesh_poly_type != 'OTHER':
            upload_params["meshPolyType"] = props.mesh_poly_type.lower()  # .replace('_',' ')

        optional_params = ['manufacturer', 'designer', 'design_collection', 'design_variant']
        for p in optional_params:
            if eval('props.%s' % p) != '':
                upload_params[sub_to_camel(p)] = eval('props.%s' % p)

    if asset_type == 'SCENE':
        # Prepare to save the file
        s = bpy.context.scene

        props = s.blenderkit

        export_data["scene"] = s.name
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.scenes['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % s.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.scenes['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % s.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.scenes['%s']" % s.name

        engines = [props.engine.lower()]
        if props.engine1 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine2 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine3 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine == 'OTHER':

        style = props.style.lower()
        if style == 'OTHER':
            style = props.style_other.lower()

        pl_dict = {'FINISHED': 'finished', 'TEMPLATE': 'template'}

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'scene',

        upload_params = {
            "productionLevel": props.production_level.lower(),
            "model_style": style,
            "engines": engines,
            "modifiers": comma2array(props.modifiers),
            "materials": comma2array(props.materials),
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,

            "animated": props.animated,
            # "simulation": props.simulation,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "faceCount": 1,  # props.face_count,
            "faceCountRender": 1,  # props.face_count_render,
            "objectCount": 1,  # props.object_count,

            # "scene": props.is_scene,
        if props.use_design_year:
            upload_params["designYear"] = props.design_year
        if props.condition != 'UNSPECIFIED':
            upload_params["condition"] = props.condition.lower()
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_params["pbrType"] = pt

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min
        if props.mesh_poly_type != 'OTHER':
            upload_params["meshPolyType"] = props.mesh_poly_type.lower()  # .replace('_',' ')

    elif asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
        mat = bpy.context.active_object.active_material
        props = mat.blenderkit

        # props.name = mat.name

        export_data["material"] = str(mat.name)
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)
        # mat analytics happen here, since they don't take up any time...
        asset_inspector.check_material(props, mat)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.materials['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % mat.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.materials['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % mat.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.materials['%s']" % mat.name

        engine = props.engine
        if engine == 'OTHER':
            engine = props.engine_other
        engine = engine.lower()
        style = props.style.lower()
        if style == 'OTHER':
            style = props.style_other.lower()

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'material',


        upload_params = {
            "material_style": style,
            "engine": engine,
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,
            "animated": props.animated,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "textureSizeMeters": props.texture_size_meters,


        if props.pbr:
            upload_params["pbrType"] = props.pbr_type.lower()

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min

    elif asset_type == 'BRUSH':
        brush = utils.get_active_brush()

        props = brush.blenderkit
        # props.name = brush.name

        export_data["brush"] = str(brush.name)
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(brush.icon_filepath)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.brushes['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % brush.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.brushes['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % brush.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.brushes['%s']" % brush.name

        # mat analytics happen here, since they don't take up any time...

        brush_type = ''
        if bpy.context.sculpt_object is not None:
            brush_type = 'sculpt'

        elif bpy.context.image_paint_object:  # could be just else, but for future p
            brush_type = 'texture_paint'

        upload_params = {
            "mode": brush_type,

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'brush',

    elif asset_type == 'TEXTURE':
        style = props.style
        if style == 'OTHER':
            style = props.style_other

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'texture',

        upload_params = {
            "style": style,
            "animated": props.animated,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "resolution": props.resolution,
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_data["pbrType"] = pt


    upload_data["name"] = props.name
    upload_data["description"] = props.description
    upload_data["tags"] = comma2array(props.tags)
    if props.category == '':
        upload_data["category"] = asset_type.lower()
        upload_data["category"] = props.category
    if props.subcategory != '':
        upload_data["category"] = props.subcategory
    upload_data["license"] = props.license
    upload_data["isFree"] = props.is_free
    upload_data["isPrivate"] = props.is_private == 'PRIVATE'
    upload_data["token"] = user_preferences.api_key

    if props.asset_base_id != '':
        upload_data['assetBaseId'] = props.asset_base_id
        upload_data['id'] = props.id

    upload_data['parameters'] = upload_params

    return export_data, upload_data, eval_path_computing, eval_path_state, eval_path, props
예제 #5
def start_thumbnailer(self, context):
    # Prepare to save the file
    mainmodel = utils.get_active_model()
    mainmodel.blenderkit.is_generating_thumbnail = True
    mainmodel.blenderkit.thumbnail_generating_state = 'starting blender instance'

    binary_path = bpy.app.binary_path
    script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)
    if not basename:
        basename = os.path.join(basename, "temp")
    if not ext:
        ext = ".blend"
    asset_name = mainmodel.name
    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    file_dir = os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath)
    thumb_path = os.path.join(file_dir, asset_name)
    rel_thumb_path = os.path.join('//', asset_name)

    i = 0
    while os.path.isfile(thumb_path + '.jpg'):
        thumb_path = os.path.join(file_dir, asset_name + '_' + str(i).zfill(4))
        rel_thumb_path = os.path.join('//', asset_name + '_' + str(i).zfill(4))
        i += 1

    filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, "thumbnailer_blenderkit" + ext)
    tfpath = paths.get_thumbnailer_filepath()
    datafile = os.path.join(tempdir, BLENDERKIT_EXPORT_DATA_FILE)
        # save a copy of actual scene but don't interfere with the users models

        obs = utils.get_hierarchy(mainmodel)
        obnames = []
        for ob in obs:
        with open(datafile, 'w') as s:
            bkit = mainmodel.blenderkit
                    "type": "model",
                    "models": str(obnames),
                    "thumbnail_angle": bkit.thumbnail_angle,
                    "thumbnail_snap_to": bkit.thumbnail_snap_to,
                    "thumbnail_resolution": bkit.thumbnail_resolution,
                    "thumbnail_samples": bkit.thumbnail_samples,
                    "thumbnail_denoising": bkit.thumbnail_denoising,
                }, s)

        proc = subprocess.Popen([
            binary_path, "--background", "-noaudio", tfpath, "--python",
            os.path.join(script_path, "autothumb_model_bg.py"), "--", datafile,
            filepath, thumb_path, tempdir

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.is_generating_thumbnail" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.thumbnail_generating_state" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.objects['%s']" % mainmodel.name


        mainmodel.blenderkit.thumbnail = rel_thumb_path + '.jpg'
        mainmodel.blenderkit.thumbnail_generating_state = 'Saving .blend file'

    except Exception as e:
        self.report({'WARNING'}, "Error while exporting file: %s" % str(e))
        return {'FINISHED'}
예제 #6
def start_thumbnailer(self, context):
    # Prepare to save the file
    mainmodel = utils.get_active_model()
    mainmodel.blenderkit.is_generating_thumbnail = True
    mainmodel.blenderkit.thumbnail_generating_state = 'starting blender instance'

    binary_path = bpy.app.binary_path
    script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)
    if not basename:
        basename = os.path.join(basename, "temp")
    if not ext:
        ext = ".blend"
    asset_name = mainmodel.blenderkit.name
    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    file_dir = os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath)
    thumb_path = os.path.join(file_dir, asset_name)
    rel_thumb_path = os.path.join('//', asset_name)

    i = 0
    while os.path.isfile(thumb_path + '.jpg'):
        thumb_path = os.path.join(file_dir, asset_name + '_' + str(i).zfill(4))
        rel_thumb_path = os.path.join('//', asset_name + '_' + str(i).zfill(4))
        i += 1

    filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, "thumbnailer_blenderkit" + ext)
    tfpath = paths.get_thumbnailer_filepath()
    datafile = os.path.join(tempdir, BLENDERKIT_EXPORT_DATA_FILE)
        # save a copy of actual scene but don't interfere with the users models
        bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=filepath, compress=False, copy=True)

        obs = utils.get_hierarchy(mainmodel)
        obnames = []
        for ob in obs:
        with open(datafile, 'w') as s:
            bkit = mainmodel.blenderkit
                "type": "model",
                "models": str(obnames),
                "thumbnail_angle": bkit.thumbnail_angle,
                "thumbnail_snap_to": bkit.thumbnail_snap_to,
                "thumbnail_background_lightness": bkit.thumbnail_background_lightness,
                "thumbnail_samples": bkit.thumbnail_samples,
                "thumbnail_denoising": bkit.thumbnail_denoising,
            }, s)

        if sys.platform != 'win32':  # TODO test this on windows and find out how to change process priority on linux
            # without psutil - we don't want any more libs in the addon
            flags = 0

        proc = subprocess.Popen([
            "--python", os.path.join(script_path, "autothumb_model_bg.py"),
            "--", datafile, filepath, thumb_path, tempdir
        ], bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=flags)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.is_generating_thumbnail" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.thumbnail_generating_state" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.objects['%s']" % mainmodel.name

        bg_blender.add_bg_process(eval_path_computing=eval_path_computing, eval_path_state=eval_path_state,
                                  eval_path=eval_path, process_type='THUMBNAILER', process=proc)

        mainmodel.blenderkit.thumbnail = rel_thumb_path + '.jpg'
        mainmodel.blenderkit.thumbnail_generating_state = 'Saving .blend file'

    except Exception as e:
        self.report({'WARNING'}, "Error while exporting file: %s" % str(e))
        return {'FINISHED'}
예제 #7
def get_upload_data(caller=None, context=None, asset_type=None):
    works though metadata from addom props and prepares it for upload to dicts.
    caller - upload operator or none
    context - context
    asset_type - asset type in capitals (blender enum)

    export_ddta- all extra data that the process needs to upload and communicate with UI from a thread.
        - eval_path_computing - string path to UI prop that denots if upload is still running
        - eval_path_state - string path to UI prop that delivers messages about upload to ui
        - eval_path - path to object holding upload data to be able to access it with various further commands
        - models - in case of model upload, list of objects
        - thumbnail_path - path to thumbnail file

    upload_data - asset_data generated from the ui properties

    user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
    api_key = user_preferences.api_key

    export_data = {
        # "type": asset_type,
    upload_params = {}
    if asset_type == 'MODEL':
        # Prepare to save the file
        mainmodel = utils.get_active_model()

        props = mainmodel.blenderkit

        obs = utils.get_hierarchy(mainmodel)
        obnames = []
        for ob in obs:
        export_data["models"] = obnames
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.objects['%s']" % mainmodel.name

        engines = [props.engine.lower()]
        if props.engine1 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine2 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine3 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine == 'OTHER':

        style = props.style.lower()
        # if style == 'OTHER':
        #     style = props.style_other.lower()

        pl_dict = {'FINISHED': 'finished', 'TEMPLATE': 'template'}

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'model',

        upload_params = {
            "productionLevel": props.production_level.lower(),
            "model_style": style,
            "engines": engines,
            "modifiers": comma2array(props.modifiers),
            "materials": comma2array(props.materials),
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,
            "dimensionX": round(props.dimensions[0], 4),
            "dimensionY": round(props.dimensions[1], 4),
            "dimensionZ": round(props.dimensions[2], 4),

            "boundBoxMinX": round(props.bbox_min[0], 4),
            "boundBoxMinY": round(props.bbox_min[1], 4),
            "boundBoxMinZ": round(props.bbox_min[2], 4),

            "boundBoxMaxX": round(props.bbox_max[0], 4),
            "boundBoxMaxY": round(props.bbox_max[1], 4),
            "boundBoxMaxZ": round(props.bbox_max[2], 4),

            "animated": props.animated,
            "rig": props.rig,
            "simulation": props.simulation,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "faceCount": props.face_count,
            "faceCountRender": props.face_count_render,
            "manifold": props.manifold,
            "objectCount": props.object_count,

            "procedural": props.is_procedural,
            "nodeCount": props.node_count,
            "textureCount": props.texture_count,
            "megapixels": round(props.total_megapixels / 1000000),
            # "scene": props.is_scene,
        if props.use_design_year:
            upload_params["designYear"] = props.design_year
        if props.condition != 'UNSPECIFIED':
            upload_params["condition"] = props.condition.lower()
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_params["pbrType"] = pt

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min
        if props.mesh_poly_type != 'OTHER':
            upload_params["meshPolyType"] = props.mesh_poly_type.lower()  # .replace('_',' ')

        optional_params = ['manufacturer', 'designer', 'design_collection', 'design_variant']
        for p in optional_params:
            if eval('props.%s' % p) != '':
                upload_params[sub_to_camel(p)] = eval('props.%s' % p)

    if asset_type == 'SCENE':
        # Prepare to save the file
        s = bpy.context.scene

        props = s.blenderkit

        export_data["scene"] = s.name
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.scenes['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % s.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.scenes['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % s.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.scenes['%s']" % s.name

        engines = [props.engine.lower()]
        if props.engine1 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine2 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine3 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine == 'OTHER':

        style = props.style.lower()
        # if style == 'OTHER':
        #     style = props.style_other.lower()

        pl_dict = {'FINISHED': 'finished', 'TEMPLATE': 'template'}

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'scene',

        upload_params = {
            "productionLevel": props.production_level.lower(),
            "model_style": style,
            "engines": engines,
            "modifiers": comma2array(props.modifiers),
            "materials": comma2array(props.materials),
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,

            "animated": props.animated,
            # "simulation": props.simulation,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "faceCount": 1,  # props.face_count,
            "faceCountRender": 1,  # props.face_count_render,
            "objectCount": 1,  # props.object_count,

            # "scene": props.is_scene,
        if props.use_design_year:
            upload_params["designYear"] = props.design_year
        if props.condition != 'UNSPECIFIED':
            upload_params["condition"] = props.condition.lower()
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_params["pbrType"] = pt

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min
        if props.mesh_poly_type != 'OTHER':
            upload_params["meshPolyType"] = props.mesh_poly_type.lower()  # .replace('_',' ')

    elif asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
        mat = bpy.context.active_object.active_material
        props = mat.blenderkit

        # props.name = mat.name

        export_data["material"] = str(mat.name)
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)
        # mat analytics happen here, since they don't take up any time...
        asset_inspector.check_material(props, mat)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.materials['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % mat.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.materials['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % mat.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.materials['%s']" % mat.name

        engine = props.engine
        if engine == 'OTHER':
            engine = props.engine_other
        engine = engine.lower()
        style = props.style.lower()
        # if style == 'OTHER':
        #     style = props.style_other.lower()

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'material',


        upload_params = {
            "material_style": style,
            "engine": engine,
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,
            "animated": props.animated,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "textureSizeMeters": props.texture_size_meters,
            "procedural": props.is_procedural,
            "nodeCount": props.node_count,
            "textureCount": props.texture_count,
            "megapixels": round(props.total_megapixels / 1000000),


        if props.pbr:
            upload_params["pbrType"] = props.pbr_type.lower()

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min

    elif asset_type == 'BRUSH':
        brush = utils.get_active_brush()

        props = brush.blenderkit
        # props.name = brush.name

        export_data["brush"] = str(brush.name)
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(brush.icon_filepath)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.brushes['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % brush.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.brushes['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % brush.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.brushes['%s']" % brush.name

        # mat analytics happen here, since they don't take up any time...

        brush_type = ''
        if bpy.context.sculpt_object is not None:
            brush_type = 'sculpt'

        elif bpy.context.image_paint_object:  # could be just else, but for future p
            brush_type = 'texture_paint'

        upload_params = {
            "mode": brush_type,

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'brush',

    elif asset_type == 'HDR':
        ui_props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI

        # imagename = ui_props.hdr_upload_image
        image = ui_props.hdr_upload_image  # bpy.data.images.get(imagename)
        if not image:
            return None, None

        props = image.blenderkit
        # props.name = brush.name
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(image.filepath)
        thumb_path = base + '.jpg'
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(thumb_path)

        export_data["hdr"] = str(image.name)
        export_data["hdr_filepath"] = str(bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath))
        # export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(brush.icon_filepath)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.images['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % image.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.images['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % image.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.images['%s']" % image.name

        # mat analytics happen here, since they don't take up any time...

        upload_params = {
            "textureResolutionMax": props.texture_resolution_max


        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'hdr',

    elif asset_type == 'TEXTURE':
        style = props.style
        # if style == 'OTHER':
        #     style = props.style_other

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'texture',

        upload_params = {
            "style": style,
            "animated": props.animated,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "resolution": props.resolution,
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_data["pbrType"] = pt


    # caller can be upload operator, but also asset bar called from tooltip generator
    if caller and caller.main_file == True:
        upload_data["name"] = props.name
        upload_data["displayName"] = props.name
        upload_data["displayName"] = props.name

    upload_data["description"] = props.description
    upload_data["tags"] = comma2array(props.tags)
    # category is always only one value by a slug, that's why we go down to the lowest level and overwrite.
    if props.category == '':
        upload_data["category"] = asset_type.lower()
        upload_data["category"] = props.category
    if props.subcategory != 'NONE':
        upload_data["category"] = props.subcategory
    if props.subcategory1 != 'NONE':
        upload_data["category"] = props.subcategory1

    upload_data["license"] = props.license
    upload_data["isFree"] = props.is_free
    upload_data["isPrivate"] = props.is_private == 'PRIVATE'
    upload_data["token"] = user_preferences.api_key

    upload_data['parameters'] = upload_params

    # if props.asset_base_id != '':
    export_data['assetBaseId'] = props.asset_base_id
    export_data['id'] = props.id
    export_data['eval_path_computing'] = eval_path_computing
    export_data['eval_path_state'] = eval_path_state
    export_data['eval_path'] = eval_path

    return export_data, upload_data
예제 #8
    def execute(self, context):
        asset = utils.get_active_model()
        asset.blenderkit.is_generating_thumbnail = True
        asset.blenderkit.thumbnail_generating_state = 'starting blender instance'

        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        ext = '.blend'
        filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, "thumbnailer_blenderkit" + ext)

        path_can_be_relative = True
        file_dir = os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath)
        if file_dir == '':
            file_dir = tempdir
            path_can_be_relative = False

        an_slug = paths.slugify(asset.name)
        thumb_path = os.path.join(file_dir, an_slug)
        if path_can_be_relative:
            rel_thumb_path = os.path.join('//', an_slug)
            rel_thumb_path = thumb_path

        i = 0
        while os.path.isfile(thumb_path + '.jpg'):
            thumb_path = os.path.join(file_dir,
                                      an_slug + '_' + str(i).zfill(4))
            rel_thumb_path = os.path.join('//',
                                          an_slug + '_' + str(i).zfill(4))
            i += 1
        bkit = asset.blenderkit

        bkit.thumbnail = rel_thumb_path + '.jpg'
        bkit.thumbnail_generating_state = 'Saving .blend file'

        # save a copy of actual scene but don't interfere with the users models
        # get all included objects
        obs = utils.get_hierarchy(asset)
        obnames = []
        for ob in obs:

        args_dict = {
            "type": "material",
            "asset_name": asset.name,
            "filepath": filepath,
            "thumbnail_path": thumb_path,
            "tempdir": tempdir,
        thumbnail_args = {
            "type": "model",
            "models": str(obnames),
            "thumbnail_angle": bkit.thumbnail_angle,
            "thumbnail_snap_to": bkit.thumbnail_snap_to,
            "thumbnail_resolution": bkit.thumbnail_resolution,
            "thumbnail_samples": bkit.thumbnail_samples,
            "thumbnail_denoising": bkit.thumbnail_denoising,

        return {'FINISHED'}
예제 #9
def get_upload_data(self, context, asset_type):
    user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
    api_key = user_preferences.api_key

    export_data = {
        "type": asset_type,
    upload_params = {}
    if asset_type == 'MODEL':
        # Prepare to save the file
        mainmodel = utils.get_active_model()

        props = mainmodel.blenderkit

        obs = utils.get_hierarchy(mainmodel)
        obnames = []
        for ob in obs:
        export_data["models"] = obnames
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.objects['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % mainmodel.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.objects['%s']" % mainmodel.name

        engines = [props.engine.lower()]
        if props.engine1 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine2 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine3 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine == 'OTHER':

        style = props.style.lower()
        if style == 'OTHER':
            style = props.style_other.lower()

        pl_dict = {'FINISHED': 'finished', 'TEMPLATE': 'template'}

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'model',

        upload_params = {
            "productionLevel": props.production_level.lower(),
            "model_style": style,
            "engines": engines,
            "modifiers": comma2array(props.modifiers),
            "materials": comma2array(props.materials),
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,
            "dimensionX": round(props.dimensions[0], 4),
            "dimensionY": round(props.dimensions[1], 4),
            "dimensionZ": round(props.dimensions[2], 4),

            "boundBoxMinX": round(props.bbox_min[0], 4),
            "boundBoxMinY": round(props.bbox_min[1], 4),
            "boundBoxMinZ": round(props.bbox_min[2], 4),

            "boundBoxMaxX": round(props.bbox_max[0], 4),
            "boundBoxMaxY": round(props.bbox_max[1], 4),
            "boundBoxMaxZ": round(props.bbox_max[2], 4),

            "animated": props.animated,
            "rig": props.rig,
            "simulation": props.simulation,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "faceCount": props.face_count,
            "faceCountRender": props.face_count_render,
            "manifold": props.manifold,
            "objectCount": props.object_count,

            # "scene": props.is_scene,
        if props.use_design_year:
            upload_params["designYear"] = props.design_year
        if props.condition != 'UNSPECIFIED':
            upload_params["condition"] = props.condition.lower()
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_params["pbrType"] = pt

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min
        if props.mesh_poly_type != 'OTHER':
            upload_params["meshPolyType"] = props.mesh_poly_type.lower()  # .replace('_',' ')

        optional_params = ['manufacturer', 'designer', 'design_collection', 'design_variant']
        for p in optional_params:
            if eval('props.%s' % p) != '':
                upload_params[sub_to_camel(p)] = eval('props.%s' % p)

    if asset_type == 'SCENE':
        # Prepare to save the file
        s = bpy.context.scene

        props = s.blenderkit

        export_data["scene"] = s.name
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.scenes['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % s.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.scenes['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % s.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.scenes['%s']" % s.name

        engines = [props.engine.lower()]
        if props.engine1 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine2 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine3 != 'NONE':
        if props.engine == 'OTHER':

        style = props.style.lower()
        if style == 'OTHER':
            style = props.style_other.lower()

        pl_dict = {'FINISHED': 'finished', 'TEMPLATE': 'template'}

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'scene',

        upload_params = {
            "productionLevel": props.production_level.lower(),
            "model_style": style,
            "engines": engines,
            "modifiers": comma2array(props.modifiers),
            "materials": comma2array(props.materials),
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,

            "animated": props.animated,
            # "simulation": props.simulation,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "faceCount": 1,  # props.face_count,
            "faceCountRender": 1,  # props.face_count_render,
            "objectCount": 1,  # props.object_count,

            # "scene": props.is_scene,
        if props.use_design_year:
            upload_params["designYear"] = props.design_year
        if props.condition != 'UNSPECIFIED':
            upload_params["condition"] = props.condition.lower()
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_params["pbrType"] = pt

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min
        if props.mesh_poly_type != 'OTHER':
            upload_params["meshPolyType"] = props.mesh_poly_type.lower()  # .replace('_',' ')

    elif asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
        mat = bpy.context.active_object.active_material
        props = mat.blenderkit

        # props.name = mat.name

        export_data["material"] = str(mat.name)
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(props.thumbnail)
        # mat analytics happen here, since they don't take up any time...
        asset_inspector.check_material(props, mat)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.materials['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % mat.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.materials['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % mat.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.materials['%s']" % mat.name

        engine = props.engine
        if engine == 'OTHER':
            engine = props.engine_other
        engine = engine.lower()
        style = props.style.lower()
        if style == 'OTHER':
            style = props.style_other.lower()

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'material',


        upload_params = {
            "material_style": style,
            "engine": engine,
            "shaders": comma2array(props.shaders),
            "uv": props.uv,
            "animated": props.animated,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "textureSizeMeters": props.texture_size_meters,


        if props.pbr:
            upload_params["pbrType"] = props.pbr_type.lower()

        if props.texture_resolution_max > 0:
            upload_params["textureResolutionMax"] = props.texture_resolution_max
            upload_params["textureResolutionMin"] = props.texture_resolution_min

    elif asset_type == 'BRUSH':
        brush = utils.get_active_brush()

        props = brush.blenderkit
        # props.name = brush.name

        export_data["brush"] = str(brush.name)
        export_data["thumbnail_path"] = bpy.path.abspath(brush.icon_filepath)

        eval_path_computing = "bpy.data.brushes['%s'].blenderkit.uploading" % brush.name
        eval_path_state = "bpy.data.brushes['%s'].blenderkit.upload_state" % brush.name
        eval_path = "bpy.data.brushes['%s']" % brush.name

        # mat analytics happen here, since they don't take up any time...

        brush_type = ''
        if bpy.context.sculpt_object is not None:
            brush_type = 'sculpt'

        elif bpy.context.image_paint_object:  # could be just else, but for future p
            brush_type = 'texture_paint'

        upload_params = {
            "mode": brush_type,

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'brush',

    elif asset_type == 'TEXTURE':
        style = props.style
        if style == 'OTHER':
            style = props.style_other

        upload_data = {
            "assetType": 'texture',

        upload_params = {
            "style": style,
            "animated": props.animated,
            "purePbr": props.pbr,
            "resolution": props.resolution,
        if props.pbr:
            pt = props.pbr_type
            pt = pt.lower()
            upload_data["pbrType"] = pt


    upload_data["name"] = props.name
    upload_data["description"] = props.description
    upload_data["tags"] = comma2array(props.tags)
    if props.category == '':
        upload_data["category"] = asset_type.lower()
        upload_data["category"] = props.category
    if props.subcategory != '':
        upload_data["category"] = props.subcategory
    upload_data["license"] = props.license
    upload_data["isFree"] = props.is_free
    upload_data["token"] = user_preferences.api_key

    if props.asset_base_id != '':
        upload_data['assetBaseId'] = props.asset_base_id
        upload_data['id'] = props.id

    upload_data['parameters'] = upload_params

    return export_data, upload_data, eval_path_computing, eval_path_state, eval_path, props