예제 #1
def writer_loop():
    """ The main loop.


    Please see http://www.balabit.com/sites/default/files/documents/syslog-ng-admin-guide_en.html/reference_macros.html
    for a description of the macros used above.
    dbconn = DatabaseConnection()

    NODES = {}
    rows = dbconn.select("SELECT hostname, id FROM nm_node")
    for row in rows:
        NODES[row[0]] = row[1]

    while True:
        in_line = sys.stdin.readline()

        if not in_line: #EOF occured

        host, facility, priority, level, tag, program, isodate, msg = in_line.split('[-]')

        host = host.strip()
        node_id = NODES.get(host, None)

        if node_id is None:
            rows = dbconn.select("SELECT id FROM nm_node WHERE hostname=%s",(host,))
            if rows:
                NODES[host] = rows[0][0]
                node_id = rows[0][0]

        dbconn.modify("INSERT INTO logs (node_id, host, facility, priority, level, tag, program, log_timestamp, msg) \
                            VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (node_id, host, facility.strip(), priority.strip(),
                            level.strip(), tag.strip(), program.strip(), isodate.strip(), msg.strip()))
    def test_02_simulate_call(self):
        dbconn = DatabaseConnection()
        caller = friBase.FriCaller()
        packet = {  'uuid': '32542523esdf23r32r3fr',
                    'hostname': 'test_node_01',
                    'ip_address': '',
                    'mac_address': '34:34:34:34:34:34',
                    'login': '******',
                    'password': '******',
                    'processor': 'Intel i7 3.4Ghz',
                    'memory': '4023'

        code,msg = caller.call('', packet, 1986)
        self.assertEqual(code, 0, msg)

        rows = dbconn.select("SELECT hostname FROM nm_node WHERE node_uuid='32542523esdf23r32r3fr'")
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1)
        self.assertEqual(rows[0][0], 'test_node_01')

        #change params and call
        packet['ip_address'] = ''
        code,msg = caller.call('', packet, 1986)
        self.assertEqual(code, 0, msg)
        rows = dbconn.select("SELECT ip_address, login FROM nm_node WHERE node_uuid='32542523esdf23r32r3fr'")
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1)
        self.assertEqual(rows[0][0], '')
        self.assertEqual(rows[0][1], 'fabregas')

        #ip_address is optional
        del packet['ip_address']
        code,msg = caller.call('', packet, 1986)
        self.assertEqual(code, 0, msg)

        #ip_address is optional
        del packet['login']
        code,msg = caller.call('', packet, 1986)
        self.assertNotEqual(code, 0, msg)
예제 #3
class NodesMonitor(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__monitor_timeout = Config.nodes_monitor_timeout

        self.__threads = []
        self.__nodes_queue = Queue()
        self.__dbconn = DatabaseConnection()
        self.__stoped = False

        for i in xrange(Config.monitor_workers_count):
            thread = MonitorWorkerThread(self.__nodes_queue, Config.monitor_wait_response_timeout)


        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name='NodesMonitor')

    def stop(self):
        if self.__stoped:

        self.__stoped = True

        for i in self.__threads:


    def run(self):
        logger.info('NodesMonitor started!')

        while not self.__stoped:
                t0_point = datetime.now()

                rows = self.__dbconn.select("SELECT N.hostname, N.current_state FROM nm_node N, nm_cluster C \
                                    WHERE N.cluster_id=C.id AND N.admin_status=%s AND C.status=%s",
                                    (ANS_ACTIVE, CS_ACTIVE))

                logger.debug('NodesMonitor: Selected %i nodes for checking state'%len(rows))

                for row in rows:
                    self.__nodes_queue.put((row[0], row[1]))

            except Exception, err:
                logger.error('NodesMonitor failed: %s' % err)
예제 #4
    def test_02_simulate_node(self):
        db = DatabaseConnection()
        state = db.modify("UPDATE nm_node SET current_state=0 WHERE hostname=''")  # shutdown node :)

        node = NodeSimulator()

        def start_server(node):

        thread.start_new_thread(start_server, (node,))

            state = db.select("SELECT current_state FROM nm_node WHERE hostname=''")[0][0]
            self.assertEqual(state, 1)  # ON


            state = db.select("SELECT current_state FROM nm_node WHERE hostname=''")[0][0]
            self.assertEqual(state, 0)  # OFF
        print "STOPED"
예제 #5
class BootEventListener(FriServer):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__dbconn = DatabaseConnection()
        FriServer.__init__(self, hostname='', port=LISTENER_PORT, workers_count=1)

    def onDataReceive( self, json_object ):
        #get hostname
        hostname = self.__get_element(json_object, 'hostname')

        #get ip_address (this field is optional)
        ip_address = json_object.get('ip_address', None)

        #get login
        login = self.__get_element(json_object, 'login')

        #get password
        password = self.__get_element(json_object, 'password')

        #get processor
        processor = self.__get_element(json_object, 'processor')

        #get memory
        memory = self.__get_element(json_object, 'memory')

        #get mac_address
        mac_address = self.__get_element(json_object, 'mac_address')

        #get uuid
        uuid = self.__get_element(json_object, 'uuid')

        #process boot event
        self.__process_event(uuid, hostname, login, password, mac_address, ip_address, processor, memory)

    def __get_element(self, json_object, name):
        element = json_object.get(name, None)
        if element is None:
            raise Exception('Element <%s> is not found in boot event packet!'%name)

        if type(element) == str:
            element = element.strip()

        return element

    def __process_event(self, uuid, hostname, login, password, mac_address, ip_address, processor, memory):
        hw_info = 'Processor: %s\nMemory: %s'%(processor, memory)

        rows = self.__dbconn.select("SELECT hostname FROM nm_node WHERE node_uuid=%s", (uuid,))

        if not rows:
            #this is new node, create it in database in NEW status
            self.__dbconn.modify("INSERT INTO nm_node (node_uuid, hostname, login, password, mac_address, ip_address, admin_status, current_state, hw_info)\
                                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                                    (uuid, hostname, login, password, mac_address, ip_address, NAS_NEW, NCS_UP, hw_info))

            #we already has this node in database, update it
            self.__dbconn.modify("UPDATE nm_node SET hostname=%s, login=%s, password=%s, mac_address=%s, ip_address=%s, hw_info=%s, current_state=%s\
                                    WHERE node_uuid=%s", (hostname, login, password, mac_address, ip_address, hw_info, NCS_UP, uuid))

            caller = self._get_operation_caller()
            if caller:
                logger.debug('Synchronize %s node parameters'%hostname)
                ret_code, ret_message = caller.call_nodes_operation(ADMIN, [hostname], SYNC_OPER, {})
                logger.debug('call SYNC operation result: [%s] %s'%(ret_code, ret_message))

    def _get_operation_caller(self):
        #try import nodes manager caller
            from blik.nodesManager.dbusClient import DBUSInterfaceClient
            client = DBUSInterfaceClient()

            return client
        except ImportError, err:
            logger.warning('Boot manager require nodes manager for automatic changing hostname.')

            return None