예제 #1
    def acquireSignature(self, nym, auth):
        if self.caKey is None:
            raise Exception('no public key')

        r, hashTwo, sigTime, blinded = blinding.blind(self.caKey, None, nym)

        data, result = self._sendRequest(auth, blinded.rep())
        if data is None or result != 'ok':
            return None, result

        blindSig = OpenPGP.messages.fromRadix64(data)
        sig = blinding.unblind(self.caKey, sigTime, r, hashTwo, blindSig)
        return sig, result
예제 #2
    def testCASign(self):
        caConfig = blindca.Config()
        caConfig.secretKey = 'testdata/foo-bar.com_secret_openpgp.txt'
        caConfig.publicKey = 'testdata/foo-bar.com_public_openpgp.txt'
        ca = blindca.BlindCA(caConfig)
        publicKey  = messages.fromRadix64(
            open('testdata/foo-bar.com_public_openpgp.txt', 'r').read())
        data = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n'

        r, hashtwo, sigTime, blinded = blinding.blind(publicKey, None, data)
        blindSig = ca.sign(blinded)
        sig = blinding.unblind(publicKey, sigTime, r, hashtwo, blindSig)

        self.assertTrue(verifySignature(data, sig, publicKey))
        self.assertTrue(sigTime.value >= publicKey.creationTime().value)
        self.assertTrue(sigTime.value <= publicKey.expirationTime().value)
예제 #3
    def testBlinding(self):
        secretKey  = messages.fromRadix64(
            open('testdata/foo-bar.com_secret_openpgp.txt', 'r').read())
        publicKey  = messages.fromRadix64(
            open('testdata/foo-bar.com_public_openpgp.txt', 'r').read())

        data = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n'
        sigTime = elements.TimeElement.now()

        r, hashTwo, newSigTime, blinded = blinding.blind(publicKey, sigTime, data)
        self.assertEqual(sigTime.value, newSigTime.value)
        blindSig = crypto.rsaSign(blinded.packets[TAG_BLINDMSG].m.value,
        packet = packets.BlindSignaturePacket()
        packet.s = elements.MPIElement(blindSig)
        message = messages.BlindSignatureMessage.fromPackets((packet,))

        s = blinding.unblind(publicKey, sigTime, r, hashTwo, message)
        self.assertTrue(verifySignature(data, s, publicKey))
예제 #4
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys

from OpenPGP import *
import blinding

if len(sys.argv) != 3 and len(sys.argv) != 4:
    print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: blind.py <RANDOMFILE> <PUBKEYFILE> [<TIME>]'

publicKey  = messages.fromRadix64(open(sys.argv[2], 'r').read())
message = sys.stdin.read()
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
    sigTime = elements.TimeElement(int(sys.argv[3]))
    sigTime = None

r, hashtwo, sigTime, blinded = blinding.blind(publicKey, sigTime, message)

randfile = open(sys.argv[1], 'w')
randfile.write(elements.ScalarElement(r).rep().encode('hex') + '\n')
randfile.write(hashtwo.encode('hex') + '\n')
randfile.write('%d\n' % sigTime.value)

#print >>sys.stderr, blinded
print blinded.rep()