def peer_check(peer, DB): cmd=(lambda x: networking.send_command(peer, x)) block_count=cmd({'type':'blockCount'}) if type(block_count)!=type({'a':1}): return if 'error' in block_count.keys(): return length=copy.deepcopy(DB['length']) us=copy.deepcopy(DB['diffLength']) them=block_count['diffLength'] ahead=length-block_count['length'] if them < us and ahead>0:#if we are ahead of them cmd({'type':'pushblock', 'block':blockchain.db_get(block_count['length']+1, DB)}) return [] if length<0: return [] if us == them:#if we are on the same block, ask for any new txs block=blockchain.db_get(length, DB) if 'recent_hash' in block_count: if tools.det_hash(block)!=block_count['recent_hash']: blockchain.delete_block() #print('WE WERE ON A FORK. time to back up.') return [] my_txs=DB['txs'] txs=cmd({'type':'txs'}) for tx in txs: DB['suggested_txs'].append(tx) pushers=[x for x in my_txs if x not in txs] for push in pushers: cmd({'type':'pushtx', 'tx':push}) return [] start=length-2 if start<0: start=0 if ahead>custom.download_many: end=length+custom.doanload_many-1 else: end=block_count['length'] blocks= cmd({'type':'rangeRequest', 'range':[start, end]}) if type(blocks)!=type([1,2]): return [] times=2 while fork_check(blocks, DB) and times>0: times-=1 blockchain.delete_block(DB) for block in blocks: DB['suggested_blocks'].append(block)
def spend_verify(tx, txs, DB): def sigs_match(sigs, pubs, msg): return all(tools.verify(msg, sig, pub) for sig in sigs for pub in pubs) tx_copy = copy.deepcopy(tx) tx_copy_2 = copy.deepcopy(tx) tx_copy.pop('signatures') if len(tx['pubkeys']) == 0: return False if len(tx['signatures']) > len(tx['pubkeys']): return False msg = tools.det_hash(tx_copy) if not sigs_match(copy.deepcopy(tx['signatures']), copy.deepcopy(tx['pubkeys']), msg): return False if tx['amount'] < custom.fee: return False address = addr(tx_copy_2) total_cost = 0 for Tx in filter(lambda t: address == addr(t), [tx] + txs): if Tx['type'] == 'spend': total_cost += Tx['amount'] if Tx['type'] == 'mint': total_cost -= custom.block_reward return int(blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount']) >= total_cost
def home(DB, dic): if 'BrainWallet' in dic: dic['privkey'] = pt.sha256(dic['BrainWallet']) elif 'privkey' not in dic: return "<p>You didn't type in your brain wallet.</p>" privkey = dic['privkey'] pubkey = pt.privtopub(dic['privkey']) if 'do' in dic.keys(): if dic['do'] == 'spend': spend(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic['to'], DB) out = empty_page out = out.format('<p>your address: ' + str(tools.pub2addr(pubkey)) + '</p>{}') out = out.format('<p>current block: ' + str(DB['length']) + '</p>{}') try: balance = blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) balance = balance['amount'] except: balance = 0 for tx in DB['txs']: if tx['type'] == 'spend' and tx['to'] == tools.pub2addr(pubkey): balance += tx['amount'] if tx['type'] == 'spend' and tx['id'] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] out = out.format('<p>current balance is: ' + str(balance / 100000.0) + '</p>{}') if balance > 0: out = out.format(easyForm('/home', 'spend money', ''' <input type="hidden" name="do" value="spend"> <input type="text" name="to" value="address to give to"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount to spend"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format(privkey))) txt = ''' <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">''' s = easyForm('/home', 'Refresh', txt.format(privkey)) return out.format(s)
def home(DB, dic): if 'BrainWallet' in dic: dic['privkey'] = tools.det_hash(dic['BrainWallet']) elif 'privkey' not in dic: return "<p>You didn't type in your brain wallet.</p>" privkey = dic['privkey'] pubkey = tools.privtopub(dic['privkey']) address = tools.make_address([pubkey], 1) if 'do' in dic: if dic['do'] == 'spend': spend(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic['to'], DB) out = empty_page out = out.format('<p>your address: ' + str(address) + '</p>{}') out = out.format('<p>current block: ' + str(DB['length']) + '</p>{}') balance = blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount'] for tx in DB['txs']: if tx['type'] == 'spend' and tx['to'] == address: balance += tx['amount'] - custom.fee if tx['type'] == 'spend' and tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] out = out.format('<p>current balance is: ' + str(balance/100000.0) + '</p>{}') if balance > 0: out = out.format(easyForm('/home', 'spend money', ''' <input type="hidden" name="do" value="spend"> <input type="text" name="to" value="address to give to"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount to spend"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format(privkey))) txt=''' <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">''' s = easyForm('/home', 'Refresh', txt.format(privkey)) return out.format(s)
def spend_verify(tx, txs, DB): tx_copy=copy.copy(tx) tx_copy.pop('signature') if not pt.ecdsa_verify(tools.det_hash(tx_copy), tx['signature'], tx['id']): return False if tx['amount']<custom.fee: return False if int(blockchain.db_get(tx['id'], DB)['amount'])<int(tx['amount']): return False return True
def home(DB, dic): if 'BrainWallet' in dic: dic['privkey']=tools.det_hash(dic['BrainWallet']) elif 'privkey' not in dic: return "<p>You didn't type in your brain wallet.</p>" privkey=dic['privkey'] pubkey=tools.privtopub(dic['privkey']) address=tools.make_address([pubkey], 1) if 'do' in dic.keys(): if dic['do']=='spend': spend(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic['to'], DB) out=empty_page out=out.format('<p>your address: ' +str(address)+'</p>{}') out=out.format('<p>current block: ' +str(DB['length'])+'</p>{}') balance=blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount'] for tx in DB['txs']: if tx['type'] == 'spend' and tx['to'] == address: balance += tx['amount'] - custom.fee if tx['type'] == 'spend' and tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] out=out.format('<p>current balance is: ' +str(balance/100000.0)+'</p>{}') if balance>0: out=out.format(easyForm('/home', 'spend money', ''' <input type="hidden" name="do" value="spend"> <input type="text" name="to" value="address to give to"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount to spend"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format(privkey))) txt=''' <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">''' s=easyForm('/home', 'Refresh', txt.format(privkey)) return out.format(s)
def adjust_amount(pubkey, amount, DB): try: acc=blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) except: blockchain.db_put(pubkey, {'amount': amount}, DB) return if 'amount' not in acc: acc['amount']=amount else: acc['amount']+=amount blockchain.db_put(pubkey, acc, DB)
def mine(hashes_till_check, reward_address, DB): #tries to mine the next block hashes_till_check many times. def make_mint(pubkey, DB): return {'type':'mint', 'id':[pubkey], 'signature':['first_sig'], 'count':blockchain.count(pubkey, DB)} def genesis(pubkey, DB): out={'version':custom.version, 'length':0, 'time':time.time(), 'target':target, 'diffLength':blockchain.hexInvert(target), 'txs':[make_mint(pubkey, DB)]} out=tools.unpackage(tools.package(out)) return out def make_block(prev_block, txs, pubkey, DB): leng=int(prev_block['length'])+1, leng) diffLength=blockchain.hexSum(prev_block['diffLength'], blockchain.hexInvert(target)) out={'version':custom.version, 'txs':txs+[make_mint(pubkey, DB)], 'length':leng, 'time':time.time(), 'diffLength':diffLength, 'target':target, 'prevHash':tools.det_hash(prev_block)} out=tools.unpackage(tools.package(out)) return out def POW(block, hashes, target): halfHash=tools.det_hash(block) block[u'nonce']=random.randint(0,100000000000000000) count=0 while tools.det_hash({u'nonce':block['nonce'], u'halfHash':halfHash})>target: count+=1 block[u'nonce']+=1 if count>hashes: return {'error':False} ''' for testing sudden loss in hashpower from miners. if block[u'length']>150: else: time.sleep(0.01) ''' return block length=copy.deepcopy(DB['length']) if length==-1: block=genesis(reward_address, DB) txs=[] else: prev_block=blockchain.db_get(length, DB) txs=DB['txs'] block=make_block(prev_block, txs, reward_address, DB) block=POW(block, hashes_till_check,, block['length'])) DB['suggested_blocks'].append(block)
def enough_coins(tx, txs, DB): address=addr(tx) total_cost=0 for Tx in filter(lambda t: address==addr(t), [tx]+txs): if Tx['type'] in ['spend', 'post', 'reputation']: total_cost+=Tx['amount'] if Tx['type']=='mint': total_cost-=custom.block_reward return int(blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount'])>=total_cost+custom.fee
def adjust_count(pubkey, DB, upward=True): try: acc=blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) except: blockchain.db_put(pubkey, {'count': 1}, DB) return if 'count' not in acc: acc['count']=0 if upward: acc['count']+=1 else: acc['count']-=1 blockchain.db_put(pubkey, acc, DB)
def enough_coins(tx, txs, DB): address = addr(tx) total_cost = 0 for Tx in filter(lambda t: address == addr(t), [tx] + txs): if Tx['type'] in ['spend', 'post', 'reputation']: total_cost += Tx['amount'] if Tx['type'] == 'mint': total_cost -= custom.block_reward return int(blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount']) >= total_cost + custom.fee
def fork_check(newblocks, DB): #if we are on a fork, return True try: length=copy.deepcopy(DB['length']) block=blockchain.db_get(length, DB) recent_hash=tools.det_hash(block) return recent_hash not in map(tools.det_hash, newblocks) except Exception as e: #print('ERROR: ' +str(e)) return False
def rangeRequest(dic, DB): ran = dic['range'] out = [] counter = 0 while len(tools.package(out)) < 50000 and ran[0] + counter <= ran[1]: block = blockchain.db_get(ran[0] + counter, DB) if 'length' in block: out.append(block) counter += 1 return out
def spend_verify(tx, txs, DB): tx_copy = copy.copy(tx) tx_copy.pop("signature") msg = tools.det_hash(tx_copy) if not pt.ecdsa_verify(msg, tx["signature"], tx["id"]): return False if tx["amount"] < custom.fee: return False if int(blockchain.db_get(tx["id"], DB)["amount"]) < int(tx["amount"]): return False return True
def adjust_amount(pubkey, amount, DB): try: acc = blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) except: blockchain.db_put(pubkey, {"amount": amount}, DB) return if "amount" not in acc: acc["amount"] = amount else: acc["amount"] += amount blockchain.db_put(pubkey, acc, DB)
def rangeRequest(dic, DB): ran = dic['range'] out = [] counter = 0 while len(tools.package( out)) < custom.max_download and ran[0] + counter <= ran[1]: block = blockchain.db_get(ran[0] + counter, DB) if 'length' in block: out.append(block) counter += 1 return out
def balance_(address, DB): balance = blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount'] for tx in DB['txs']: if tx['type'] == 'spend': if tx['to'] == address: balance += tx['amount'] if tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] + custom.fee if tx['type'] == 'post': if tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] + custom.fee return balance
def balance_(address, DB): balance=blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount'] for tx in DB['txs']: if tx['type'] == 'spend': if tx['to'] == address: balance += tx['amount'] if tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] + custom.fee if tx['type'] == 'post': if tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] + custom.fee return balance
def adjust_count(pubkey, DB, upward=True): try: acc = blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) except: blockchain.db_put(pubkey, {"count": 1}, DB) return if "count" not in acc: acc["count"] = 0 if upward: acc["count"] += 1 else: acc["count"] -= 1 blockchain.db_put(pubkey, acc, DB)
def mine(hashes_till_check, reward_address, DB): def make_mint(pubkey, DB): return {'type':'mint', 'id':pubkey, 'count':blockchain.count(pubkey, DB)} def genesis(pubkey, DB): out={'version':custom.version, 'length':0, 'time':time.time(), 'target', 'txs':[make_mint(pubkey, DB)]} out=tools.unpackage(tools.package(out)) return out def make_block(prev_block, txs, pubkey, DB): leng=int(prev_block['length'])+1 out={'version':custom.version, 'txs':txs+[make_mint(pubkey, DB)], 'length':leng, 'time':time.time(), 'target', leng), 'prevHash':tools.det_hash(prev_block)} out=tools.unpackage(tools.package(out)) return out def POW(block, hashes, target): halfHash=tools.det_hash(block) block[u'nonce']=random.randint(0,100000000000000000) count=0 while tools.det_hash({u'nonce':block['nonce'], u'halfHash':halfHash})>target: count+=1 block[u'nonce']+=1 if count>hashes: return {'error':False} ''' for testing sudden loss in hashpower from miners. if block[u'length']>150:# and block[u'nonce']%10==0: time.sleep(0.1) else: time.sleep(0.01) ''' print('found block: ' +str(block)) return block length=copy.deepcopy(DB['length']) if length==-1: block=genesis(reward_address, DB) txs=[] else: prev_block=blockchain.db_get(length, DB) txs=DB['txs'] block=make_block(prev_block, txs, reward_address, DB) block=POW(block, hashes_till_check,, block['length'])) DB['suggested_blocks'].append(block)
def home(DB, dic): if "BrainWallet" in dic: dic["privkey"] = pt.sha256(dic["BrainWallet"]) elif "privkey" not in dic: return "<p>You didn't type in your brain wallet.</p>" privkey = dic["privkey"] pubkey = pt.privtopub(dic["privkey"]) if "do" in dic.keys(): if dic["do"] == "spend": spend(float(dic["amount"]), pubkey, privkey, dic["to"], DB) out = empty_page out = out.format("<p>your address is: " + str(tools.pub2addr(pubkey)) + "</p>{}") out = out.format("<p>current block is: " + str(DB["length"]) + "</p>{}") try: balance = blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) balance = balance["amount"] except: balance = 0 for tx in DB["txs"]: if tx["type"] == "spend" and tx["to"] == tools.pub2addr(pubkey): balance += tx["amount"] if tx["type"] == "spend" and tx["id"] == pubkey: balance -= tx["amount"] out = out.format("<p>current balance is: " + str(balance / 100000.0) + "</p>{}") if balance > 0: out = out.format( easyForm( "/home", "spend money", """ <input type="hidden" name="do" value="spend"> <input type="text" name="to" value="address to give to"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount to spend"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">""".format( privkey ), ) ) s = easyForm("/home", "Refresh", """ <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">""".format(privkey)) return out.format(s)
def spend_verify(tx, txs, DB): def sigs_match(sigs, pubs, msg): for sig in sigs: for pub in pubs: try: if tools.verify(msg, sig, pub): sigs.remove(sig) pubs.remove(pub) except: pass return len(sigs)==0 tx_copy=copy.deepcopy(tx) tx_copy_2=copy.deepcopy(tx) tx_copy.pop('signature') if len(tx['id'])==0: return False if len(tx['signature'])>len(tx['id']): return False msg=tools.det_hash(tx_copy) if not sigs_match(copy.deepcopy(tx['signature']), copy.deepcopy(tx['id']), msg): return False if tx['amount']<custom.fee: return False address=tools.make_address(tx_copy_2['id'], len(tx_copy_2['signature'])) print('tx: ' +str(tx_copy_2)) print('address: ' +str(address)) return int(blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount'])>=int(tx['amount'])
def home(DB, dic): def display_msg(msg): try: return str(msg['msg'])+' : '+str(msg['reputation']/100000.0) except: return str(msg['msg'])+' : '+str(msg['amount']/100000.0) def display_posts(posts, parent, tabs): out='{}' if tabs>2: return out for pos in posts: id_=transactions.postid(pos) if pos['parent']==parent: bumper='<div class="contentcontainer med left" style="margin-left: '+str(100*tabs)+'px;"><p>{}</p></div>' if pos in zeroth_confirmations: print('pos: ' +str(pos)) out=out.format(bumper.format(display_msg(pos))+'{}') else: txt=bumper.format(easyForm('/home', display_msg(pos), ''' <input type="hidden" name="location" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format(id_, id_,privkey))).format('')+'{}' out=out.format(txt) out=out.format(display_posts(posts, id_, tabs+1)) return out def balance_(address, DB): balance=blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount'] for tx in DB['txs']: if tx['type'] == 'spend': if tx['to'] == address: balance += tx['amount'] if tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] + custom.fee if tx['type'] == 'post': if tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] + custom.fee return balance if 'BrainWallet' in dic: dic['privkey']=tools.det_hash(dic['BrainWallet']) elif 'privkey' not in dic: return "<p>You didn't type in your brain wallet.</p>" privkey=dic['privkey'] pubkey=tools.privtopub(dic['privkey']) address=tools.make_address([pubkey], 1) balance=balance_(address, DB) doFunc={'spend': (lambda dic: spend(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic['to'], DB)), 'post': (lambda dic: post(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic['msg'], dic['parent'], DB)), 'vote': (lambda dic: vote(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic['location'], DB))} try: if 'do' in dic.keys(): doFunc[dic['do']](dic) except: pass out=empty_page out=out.format('<p>your address: ' +str(address)+'</p>{}') out=out.format('<p>current block: ' +str(DB['length'])+'</p>{}') out=out.format('<p>current balance is: ' +str(balance/100000.0)+'</p>{}') if balance>0: out=out.format(easyForm('/home', 'spend money', ''' <input type="hidden" name="location" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="spend"> <input type="text" name="to" value="address to give to"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount to spend"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format(dic['location'], privkey))) out=out.format(newline) out=out.format(easyForm('/home', 'create post', ''' <input type="hidden" name="location" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="post"> <input type="text" name="msg" value="message"> <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="{}"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount to spend"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format(dic['location'], dic['location'], privkey))) out=out.format(newline) posts=map(lambda x: blockchain.db_get(x, DB), DB['posts']) zeroth_confirmations=filter(lambda tx: tx['type']=='post', DB['txs']) posts+=zeroth_confirmations msg=blockchain.db_get(dic['location'], DB) txt=''' <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="location" value="{}"> '''.format(privkey, '{}') out=out.format(easyForm('/home', 'Refresh: cd ./', txt.format(dic['location']))) out=out.format(easyForm('/home', 'Back: cd ../', txt.format(msg['parent']))) out=out.format(easyForm('/home', 'Root: cd /', txt.format('root'))) out=out.format('<h2>'+display_msg(msg)+'</h2>{}') if balance>0: out=out.format(easyForm('/home', 'upvote/downvote', txt.format(dic['location'])+''' <input type="hidden" name="do" value="vote"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount +/-"> ''')) out=out.format(display_posts(posts, dic['location'], 0)) return out.format('')
def mine(dic): hashes_till_check = dic['hashes'] reward_address = dic['reward_address'] DB = dic['DB'] # Tries to mine the next block hashes_till_check many times. def make_mint(pubkey, DB): address = tools.make_address([reward_address], 1) return { 'type': 'mint', 'pubkeys': [pubkey], 'signatures': ['first_sig'], 'count': blockchain.count(address, DB) } def genesis(pubkey, DB): target = out = { 'version': custom.version, 'length': 0, 'time': time.time(), 'target': target, 'diffLength': blockchain.hexInvert(target), 'txs': [make_mint(pubkey, DB)] } out = tools.unpackage(tools.package(out)) return out def make_block(prev_block, txs, pubkey, DB): try: leng = int(prev_block['length']) + 1 except: print('prev: ' + str(prev_block)) error('here') target =, leng) diffLength = blockchain.hexSum(prev_block['diffLength'], blockchain.hexInvert(target)) out = { 'version': custom.version, 'txs': txs + [make_mint(pubkey, DB)], 'length': leng, 'time': time.time(), 'diffLength': diffLength, 'target': target, 'prevHash': tools.det_hash(prev_block) } out = tools.unpackage(tools.package(out)) return out def POW(block, hashes, target): halfHash = tools.det_hash(block) block[u'nonce'] = random.randint(0, 100000000000000000) count = 0 while tools.det_hash({ u'nonce': block['nonce'], u'halfHash': halfHash }) > target: count += 1 block[u'nonce'] += 1 if count > hashes: return {'error': False} ''' for testing sudden loss in hashpower from miners. if block[u'length']>150: else: time.sleep(0.01) ''' return block length = DB['length'] if length == -1: block = genesis(reward_address, DB) txs = [] else: prev_block = blockchain.db_get(length, DB) txs = DB['txs'] block = make_block(prev_block, txs, reward_address, DB) block = POW(block, hashes_till_check,, block['length'])) DB['suggested_blocks'].append(block)
def fork_check(newblocks, DB): length = copy.deepcopy(DB['length']) block = blockchain.db_get(length, DB) recent_hash = tools.det_hash(block) their_hashes = map(tools.det_hash, newblocks) return recent_hash not in map(tools.det_hash, newblocks)
def give_block(peer, DB, block_count): cmd({'type': 'pushblock', 'block': blockchain.db_get(block_count['length'] + 1, DB)}) return []
def adjust(key, pubkey, amount, DB): acc=blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) acc[key]+=amount blockchain.db_put(pubkey, acc, DB)
def adjust(key, pubkey, amount, DB): acc = blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) acc[key] += amount blockchain.db_put(pubkey, acc, DB)
def fork_check(newblocks, DB): block = blockchain.db_get(DB['length'], DB) recent_hash = tools.det_hash(block) their_hashes = map(tools.det_hash, newblocks) return recent_hash not in their_hashes
def home(DB, dic): def display_msg(msg): try: return str(msg['msg']) + ' : ' + str(msg['reputation'] / 100000.0) except: return str(msg['msg']) + ' : ' + str(msg['amount'] / 100000.0) def display_posts(posts, parent, tabs): out = '{}' if tabs > 2: return out for pos in posts: id_ = transactions.postid(pos) if pos['parent'] == parent: bumper = '<div class="contentcontainer med left" style="margin-left: ' + str( 100 * tabs) + 'px;"><p>{}</p></div>' if pos in zeroth_confirmations: print('pos: ' + str(pos)) out = out.format(bumper.format(display_msg(pos)) + '{}') else: txt = bumper.format( easyForm( '/home', display_msg(pos), ''' <input type="hidden" name="location" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format( id_, id_, privkey))).format('') + '{}' out = out.format(txt) out = out.format(display_posts(posts, id_, tabs + 1)) return out def balance_(address, DB): balance = blockchain.db_get(address, DB)['amount'] for tx in DB['txs']: if tx['type'] == 'spend': if tx['to'] == address: balance += tx['amount'] if tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] + custom.fee if tx['type'] == 'post': if tx['pubkeys'][0] == pubkey: balance -= tx['amount'] + custom.fee return balance if 'BrainWallet' in dic: dic['privkey'] = tools.det_hash(dic['BrainWallet']) elif 'privkey' not in dic: return "<p>You didn't type in your brain wallet.</p>" privkey = dic['privkey'] pubkey = tools.privtopub(dic['privkey']) address = tools.make_address([pubkey], 1) balance = balance_(address, DB) doFunc = { 'spend': (lambda dic: spend(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic[ 'to'], DB)), 'post': (lambda dic: post(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic[ 'msg'], dic['parent'], DB)), 'vote': (lambda dic: vote(float(dic['amount']), pubkey, privkey, dic[ 'location'], DB)) } try: if 'do' in dic.keys(): doFunc[dic['do']](dic) except: pass out = empty_page out = out.format('<p>your address: ' + str(address) + '</p>{}') out = out.format('<p>current block: ' + str(DB['length']) + '</p>{}') out = out.format('<p>current balance is: ' + str(balance / 100000.0) + '</p>{}') if balance > 0: out = out.format( easyForm( '/home', 'spend money', ''' <input type="hidden" name="location" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="spend"> <input type="text" name="to" value="address to give to"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount to spend"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format( dic['location'], privkey))) out = out.format(newline) out = out.format( easyForm( '/home', 'create post', ''' <input type="hidden" name="location" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="post"> <input type="text" name="msg" value="message"> <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="{}"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount to spend"> <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}">'''.format( dic['location'], dic['location'], privkey))) out = out.format(newline) posts = map(lambda x: blockchain.db_get(x, DB), DB['posts']) zeroth_confirmations = filter(lambda tx: tx['type'] == 'post', DB['txs']) posts += zeroth_confirmations msg = blockchain.db_get(dic['location'], DB) txt = ''' <input type="hidden" name="privkey" value="{}"> <input type="hidden" name="location" value="{}"> '''.format(privkey, '{}') out = out.format( easyForm('/home', 'Refresh: cd ./', txt.format(dic['location']))) out = out.format( easyForm('/home', 'Back: cd ../', txt.format(msg['parent']))) out = out.format(easyForm('/home', 'Root: cd /', txt.format('root'))) out = out.format('<h2>' + display_msg(msg) + '</h2>{}') if balance > 0: out = out.format( easyForm( '/home', 'upvote/downvote', txt.format(dic['location']) + ''' <input type="hidden" name="do" value="vote"> <input type="text" name="amount" value="amount +/-"> ''')) out = out.format(display_posts(posts, dic['location'], 0)) return out.format('')
def adjust(key, pubkey, amount, DB, sign=1): acc = blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) if not DB['add_block']: sign=-1 acc[key] += amount*sign blockchain.db_put(pubkey, acc, DB)
def miner_controller(reward_address, peers, hashes_till_check, DB): """ Spawns worker CPU mining processes and coordinates the effort.""" def make_mint(pubkey, DB): address = tools.make_address([reward_address], 1) return {'type': 'mint', 'pubkeys': [pubkey], 'signatures': ['first_sig'], 'count': blockchain.count(address, DB)} def genesis(pubkey, DB): target = out = {'version': custom.version, 'length': 0, 'time': time.time(), 'target': target, 'diffLength': blockchain.hexInvert(target), 'txs': [make_mint(pubkey, DB)]} print('out: ' + str(out)) out = tools.unpackage(tools.package(out)) return out def make_block(prev_block, txs, pubkey, DB): leng = int(prev_block['length']) + 1 target =, leng) diffLength = blockchain.hexSum(prev_block['diffLength'], blockchain.hexInvert(target)) out = {'version': custom.version, 'txs': txs + [make_mint(pubkey, DB)], 'length': leng, 'time': time.time(), 'diffLength': diffLength, 'target': target, 'prevHash': tools.det_hash(prev_block)} out = tools.unpackage(tools.package(out)) return out def restart_workers(): print("Possible solution found, restarting mining workers.") for worker_mailbox in worker_mailboxes: worker_mailbox['restart'].set() def spawn_worker(): print("Spawning worker") restart_signal = multiprocessing.Event() work_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() worker_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=miner, args=(submitted_blocks, work_queue, restart_signal)) worker_proc.daemon = True worker_proc.start() return {'restart': restart_signal, 'worker': worker_proc, 'work_queue': work_queue} submitted_blocks = multiprocessing.Queue() num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() print("Creating %d mining workers." % num_cores) worker_mailboxes = [spawn_worker() for _ in range(num_cores)] candidate_block = None length = None while True: length = DB['length'] if length == -1: candidate_block = genesis(reward_address, DB) txs = [] else: prev_block = blockchain.db_get(length, DB) txs = DB['txs'] candidate_block = make_block(prev_block, txs, reward_address, DB) work = (candidate_block, hashes_till_check) for worker_mailbox in worker_mailboxes: worker_mailbox['work_queue'].put(copy.copy(work)) # When block found, add to suggested blocks. solved_block = submitted_blocks.get() # TODO(roasbeef): size=1? if solved_block['length'] != length + 1: continue DB['suggested_blocks'].append(solved_block) restart_workers()
def adjust(key, pubkey, amount, DB, sign=1): acc = blockchain.db_get(pubkey, DB) if not DB['add_block']: sign = -1 acc[key] += amount * sign blockchain.db_put(pubkey, acc, DB)