예제 #1
파일: core.py 프로젝트: vincentmr/scalapy
    def self2np(self, srow=0, nrow=None, scol=0, ncol=None, block_shape=None, rank=0):
        """Copy a section of the distributed matrix
        self[srow:srow+nrow, scol:scol+ncol] to a two dimensional numpy
        array owned by rank `rank`. Once copy a section equal or less
        than `block_shape` if the copied section is large.
        Nrow, Ncol = self.global_shape
        srow = srow if srow >= 0 else srow + Nrow
        srow = max(0, srow)
        srow = min(srow, Nrow)
        scol = scol if scol >= 0 else scol + Ncol
        scol = max(0, scol)
        scol = min(scol, Ncol)
        m = Nrow - srow if nrow is None else nrow
        m = max(0, m)
        m = min(m, Nrow - srow)
        n = Ncol - scol if ncol is None else ncol
        n = max(0, n)
        n = min(n, Ncol - scol)

        if self.context.mpi_comm.rank == rank:
            a = np.empty((m, n), dtype=self.dtype, order='F')
            a = None

        if m == 0 or n == 0:
            return a

        block_shape = self.block_shape if block_shape is None else block_shape
        if not _chk_2d_size(block_shape):
            raise ScalapyException("Invalid block_shape")

        bm, bn = block_shape
        br = blockcyclic.num_blocks(m, bm) # number of blocks for row
        bc = blockcyclic.num_blocks(n, bn) # number of blocks for column
        rm = m - (br - 1) * bm # remained number of rows of the last block
        rn = n - (bc - 1) * bn # remained number of columes of the last block

        # due to bugs in scalapy, it is needed to first init an process context here
        ProcessContext([1, self.context.mpi_comm.size], comm=self.context.mpi_comm) # process context

        for bri in range(br):
            M = bm if bri != br - 1 else rm
            for bci in range(bc):
                N = bn if bci != bc - 1 else rn
                if self.context.mpi_comm.rank == rank:
                    pc = ProcessContext([1, 1], comm=MPI.COMM_SELF) # process context
                    desc = self.desc
                    desc[1] = pc.blacs_context
                    desc[2], desc[3] = a.shape
                    desc[4], desc[5] = a.shape
                    desc[8] = a.shape[0]
                    args = [M, N, self._local_array, srow+1+bm*bri, scol+1+bn*bci, self.desc, a , 1+bm*bri, 1+bn*bci, desc, self.context.blacs_context]
                    desc = np.zeros(9, dtype=np.int32)
                    desc[1] = -1
                    args = [M, N, self._local_array, srow+1+bm*bri, scol+1+bn*bci, self.desc, np.zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype) , 1+bm*bri, 1+bn*bci, desc, self.context.blacs_context]

                from . import lowlevel as ll

                call_table = {'S': (ll.psgemr2d, args),
                              'D': (ll.pdgemr2d, args),
                              'C': (ll.pcgemr2d, args),
                              'Z': (ll.pzgemr2d, args)}

                func, args = call_table[self.sc_dtype]

        return a
예제 #2
파일: core.py 프로젝트: vincentmr/scalapy
    def _copy_from_np(self, a, asrow=0, anrow=None, ascol=0, ancol=None, srow=0, scol=0, block_shape=None, rank=0):
        ## copy a section of a numpy array a[asrow:asrow+anrow, ascol:ascol+ancol] to self[srow:srow+anrow, scol:scol+ancol], once per block_shape

        Nrow, Ncol = self.global_shape
        srow = srow if srow >= 0 else srow + Nrow
        srow = max(0, srow)
        srow = min(srow, Nrow)
        scol = scol if scol >= 0 else scol + Ncol
        scol = max(0, scol)
        scol = min(scol, Ncol)
        if self.context.mpi_comm.rank == rank:
            if not (a.ndim == 1 or a.ndim == 2):
                raise ScalapyException('Unsupported high dimensional array.')

            a = np.asfortranarray(a.astype(self.dtype)) # type conversion
            a = a.reshape(-1, a.shape[-1]) # reshape to two dimensional
            am, an = a.shape
            asrow = asrow if asrow >= 0 else asrow + am
            asrow = max(0, asrow)
            asrow = min(asrow, am)
            ascol = ascol if ascol >= 0 else ascol + an
            ascol = max(0, ascol)
            ascol = min(ascol, an)
            m = am - asrow if anrow is None else anrow
            m = max(0, m)
            m = min(m, am - asrow, Nrow - srow)
            n = an - ascol if ancol is None else ancol
            n = max(0, n)
            n = min(n, an - ascol, Ncol - scol)
            m, n = 1, 1

        asrow = self.context.mpi_comm.bcast(asrow, root=rank)
        ascol = self.context.mpi_comm.bcast(ascol, root=rank)
        m = self.context.mpi_comm.bcast(m, root=rank) # number of rows to copy
        n = self.context.mpi_comm.bcast(n, root=rank) # number of columes to copy

        if m == 0 or n == 0:
            return self

        block_shape = self.block_shape if block_shape is None else block_shape
        if not _chk_2d_size(block_shape):
            raise ScalapyException("Invalid block_shape")

        bm, bn = block_shape
        br = blockcyclic.num_blocks(m, bm) # number of blocks for row
        bc = blockcyclic.num_blocks(n, bn) # number of blocks for column
        rm = m - (br - 1) * bm # remained number of rows of the last block
        rn = n - (bc - 1) * bn # remained number of columes of the last block

        # due to bugs in scalapy, it is needed to first init an process context here
        ProcessContext([1, self.context.mpi_comm.size], comm=self.context.mpi_comm) # process context

        for bri in range(br):
            M = bm if bri != br - 1 else rm
            for bci in range(bc):
                N = bn if bci != bc - 1 else rn
                if self.context.mpi_comm.rank == rank:
                    pc = ProcessContext([1, 1], comm=MPI.COMM_SELF) # process context
                    desc = self.desc
                    desc[1] = pc.blacs_context
                    desc[2], desc[3] = a.shape
                    desc[4], desc[5] = a.shape
                    desc[8] = a.shape[0]
                    args = [M, N, a, asrow+1+bm*bri, ascol+1+bn*bci, desc, self._local_array, srow+1+bm*bri, scol+1+bn*bci, self.desc, self.context.blacs_context]
                    desc = np.zeros(9, dtype=np.int32)
                    desc[1] = -1
                    args = [M, N, np.zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype) , asrow+1+bm*bri, ascol+1+bn*bci, desc, self._local_array, srow+1+bm*bri, scol+1+bn*bci, self.desc, self.context.blacs_context]

                from . import lowlevel as ll

                call_table = {'S': (ll.psgemr2d, args),
                              'D': (ll.pdgemr2d, args),
                              'C': (ll.pcgemr2d, args),
                              'Z': (ll.pzgemr2d, args)}

                func, args = call_table[self.sc_dtype]

        return self