예제 #1
    def generate_forward_diffusion_sample(self, X_noiseless):
        Corrupt a training image with t steps worth of Gaussian noise, and
        return the corrupted image, as well as the mean and covariance of the
        posterior q(x^{t-1}|x^t, x^0).

        X_noiseless = X_noiseless.reshape(
            (-1, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width))

        n_images = X_noiseless.shape[0].astype('int16')
        rng = Random().theano_rng
        # choose a timestep in [1, self.trajectory_length-1].
        # note the reverse process is fixed for the very
        # first timestep, so we skip it.
        # TODO for some reason random_integer is missing from the Blocks
        # theano random number generator.
        t = T.floor(rng.uniform(size=(1,1), low=1, high=self.trajectory_length,
        t_weights = self.get_t_weights(t)
        N = rng.normal(size=(n_images, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width),

        # noise added this time step
        beta_forward = self.get_beta_forward(t)
        # decay in noise variance due to original signal this step
        alpha_forward = 1. - beta_forward
        # compute total decay in the fraction of the variance due to X_noiseless
        alpha_arr = 1. - self.beta_arr
        alpha_cum_forward_arr = T.extra_ops.cumprod(alpha_arr).reshape((self.trajectory_length,1))
        alpha_cum_forward = T.dot(t_weights.T, alpha_cum_forward_arr)
        # total fraction of the variance due to noise being mixed in
        beta_cumulative = 1. - alpha_cum_forward
        # total fraction of the variance due to noise being mixed in one step ago
        beta_cumulative_prior_step = 1. - alpha_cum_forward/alpha_forward

        # generate the corrupted training data
        X_uniformnoise = X_noiseless + (rng.uniform(size=(n_images, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width),
        X_noisy = X_uniformnoise*T.sqrt(alpha_cum_forward) + N*T.sqrt(1. - alpha_cum_forward)

        # compute the mean and covariance of the posterior distribution
        mu1_scl = T.sqrt(alpha_cum_forward / alpha_forward)
        mu2_scl = 1. / T.sqrt(alpha_forward)
        cov1 = 1. - alpha_cum_forward/alpha_forward
        cov2 = beta_forward / alpha_forward
        lam = 1./cov1 + 1./cov2
        mu = (
                X_uniformnoise * mu1_scl / cov1 +
                X_noisy * mu2_scl / cov2
            ) / lam
        sigma = T.sqrt(1./lam)
        sigma = sigma.reshape((1,1,1,1))

        mu.name = 'mu q posterior'
        sigma.name = 'sigma q posterior'
        X_noisy.name = 'X_noisy'
        t.name = 't'

        return X_noisy, t, mu, sigma