def test_blocksparse_simple_feature_axis1(): init_blocksparse() from blocksparse.matmul import BlocksparseMatMul import tensorflow as tf import numpy n_in = 64 n_out = 32 * 32 block_size = 32 n_batch = 4 # Create a dense sparsity pattern mask = numpy.ones((n_in // block_size, n_out // block_size), dtype=numpy.int32) # MatMul object bsmm = BlocksparseMatMul(mask, block_size=block_size, feature_axis=1, name="bsmm") # Input x_np = numpy.arange(n_in * n_batch, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape((n_batch, n_in)) + 1.0 x = tf.constant(x_np, name='x') # Block-sparse weights w_np = bsmm.identity_init()() w = tf.constant(w_np, name="w") # Block-sparse matrix multiplication y = bsmm(x, w) y.set_shape((n_batch, n_out)) # Run result = print(result) print('L2:', numpy.sum(result ** 2)) y_test = bsmm.fprop_test(x_np, w_np) print(y_test) assert_allclose(result, y_test)
def atestBlocksparseMatMulCPU(self): # n, m = 64*8, 64 # #layout = networkx.generators.barabasi_albert_graph(n, m) # layout = networkx.generators.random_graphs.watts_strogatz_graph(n, m*2, .2) # layout = networkx.adjacency_matrix(layout).toarray().astype(np.int32) + np.eye(n, dtype=np.int32) # layout[0:m,0:m] = 1 # blocks = layout.sum() # print(100 * blocks / n**2) # print(layout.sum(axis=0).max()) with self.test_session(config=conf) as sess, tf.device("/cpu:0"): for bsize, axis in ((32, 0), (16, 0), (8, 0)): # (32,0), (16,0), (8,0) layout = np.ones((4 * 1024 // bsize, 4 * 1024 // bsize), dtype=np.int32) bsmm = BlocksparseMatMul(layout, block_size=bsize, feature_axis=axis, name="test") if one: W = np.ones(bsmm.w_shape, dtype=np.float32) X = np.ones(bsmm.i_shape(1), dtype=np.float32) else: W = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, bsmm.w_shape).astype(np.float32) X = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, bsmm.i_shape(1)).astype(np.float32) w = tf.constant(W) x = tf.constant(X) y =, w, bench=bench)) #start = time() Y = bsmm.fprop_test(X, W) #print("np time:", round(time() - start, 2)) difY = abs(Y - y) avgval = np.average(abs(Y)) maxdif = difY.max() max_err = maxdif if avgval == 0 else maxdif / avgval l2_err = np.sqrt(np.square(difY).sum()) / np.sqrt( np.square(Y).sum()) print("cpu max_err%%: %11.8f L2_err: %12.10f" % (100 * max_err, l2_err))
def test_blocksparse_simple(): init_blocksparse() from blocksparse.matmul import BlocksparseMatMul import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np hidden_size = 4096 block_size = 32 minibatch_size = 64 # Create a (random) sparsity pattern sparsity = np.random.randint(2, size=(hidden_size // block_size, hidden_size // block_size)) # Initialize the sparse matrix multiplication object bsmm = BlocksparseMatMul(sparsity, block_size=block_size, feature_axis=0) # Input to graph x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[hidden_size, None]) x_np = np.ones((hidden_size, minibatch_size), dtype='float32') # Initialize block-sparse weights w = tf.get_variable("w", bsmm.w_shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-0.1, 0.1, seed=3)) # Block-sparse matrix multiplication y = bsmm(x, w) # Run print('init vars') print('blocksparse matmul') result =, feed_dict={x: x_np}) print(result) print('test') w_np = y_test = bsmm.fprop_test(x_np, w_np) print(y_test) i = numpy.argmax((y_test - result)**2) print('biggest diff at %i: %r vs %r' % (i, y_test.flatten()[i], result.flatten()[i])) assert_allclose(result, y_test, rtol=1e-2) # rtol=1e-03 still fails
def test_blocksparse_simple_identity(): init_blocksparse() from blocksparse.matmul import BlocksparseMatMul import tensorflow as tf import numpy n_in = 64 n_out = 32 * 32 block_size = 32 # Note: It seems everything less than 4 fails, as well as non-power-of-2. n_batch = 4 # Create a dense sparsity pattern mask = numpy.ones((n_in // block_size, n_out // block_size), dtype=numpy.int32) # MatMul object bsmm = BlocksparseMatMul(mask, block_size=block_size, feature_axis=0, name="bsmm") # Input x_np = numpy.arange(n_in * n_batch, dtype=numpy.float32).reshape( (n_in, n_batch)) + 1.0 x = tf.constant(x_np, name='x') # Block-sparse weights w_np = bsmm.identity_init()() w = tf.constant(w_np, name="w") #for b in range(bsmm.blocks): # cb, kb = bsmm.updat_list[b] # print("block %i/%i, cb %i/%i, kb %i/%i" % (b, bsmm.blocks, cb, bsmm.KB, kb, bsmm.CB)) # Block-sparse matrix multiplication y = bsmm(x, w) y.set_shape((n_out, n_batch)) # Run result = print(result) print('L2:', numpy.sum(result**2)) y_test = bsmm.fprop_test(x_np, w_np) print(y_test) i = numpy.argmax((y_test - result)**2) print('biggest diff at %i: %r vs %r' % (i, y_test.flatten()[i], result.flatten()[i])) assert_allclose(result, y_test, rtol=1e-2)
def testBlocksparseMatMul(self): # layout = np.zeros((2,2), dtype=np.int32) # layout[0,0] = 1 n, m = 56 * 8, 8 layout = networkx.generators.barabasi_albert_graph(n, m) #layout = networkx.generators.random_graphs.watts_strogatz_graph(n, m*2, .5) layout = networkx.adjacency_matrix(layout).toarray().astype( np.int32) + np.eye(n, dtype=np.int32) layout[0:m, 0:m] = 1 #layout[0:60,0:60] = 1 #layout = np.zeros((4,4), dtype=np.int32) #layout = np.ones((28*12,28*12), dtype=np.int32) #layout[0,0] = 1 blocks = layout.sum() n = layout.shape[0] print(100 * blocks / n**2) print(layout.sum(axis=0).max()) #exit() with self.test_session(config=conf) as sess, tf.device("/gpu:0"): for bsize, axis in ( (32, 1), (32, 0), (16, 0), (8, 0), ): # (32,1), (32,0), (16,0), (8,0) bsmm = BlocksparseMatMul(layout, block_size=bsize, feature_axis=axis, name="test") if one: W = np.ones(bsmm.w_shape, dtype=np.float32) #W[:] += np.arange(8, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1,8) else: W = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, bsmm.w_shape).astype(np.float32) # WW = np.zeros((bsmm.C, bsmm.K), dtype=np.float32) # for w, (c, k) in enumerate(bsmm.updat_list): # WW[c*bsize:(c+1)*bsize, k*bsize:(k+1)*bsize] = W[w,:,:] w = tf.constant(W) # s1 = bsmm.identity_init(gpu=True)(bsmm.w_shape) ) # s2 = bsmm.identity_init(gpu=False)(bsmm.w_shape) # print("identity_init: ", (s1 - s2).max()) for N in (64, ): # 128,64,32,16,1, if one: X = np.ones(bsmm.i_shape(N), dtype=np.float32) E = np.ones(bsmm.o_shape(N), dtype=np.float32) #X[:] += np.arange(8, dtype=np.float32).reshape(8,1) else: X = np.random.uniform( -1.0, 1.0, bsmm.i_shape(N)).astype(np.float32) E = np.random.uniform( -1.0, 1.0, bsmm.o_shape(N)).astype(np.float32) x = tf.constant(X) e = tf.constant(E) for dtF, dtB in dtypes: print("Axis:%d Bsize:%2d N:%d F:%s B:%s Params:%d" % (axis, bsize, N,,, bsize * bsize * blocks)) # compute in tensorflow if l2norm: w2 = bsmm.l2_normalize(w, dtype=dtF) else: w2 = ew.float_cast(w, dtype=dtF) y = ew.float_cast(x, dtype=dtF) for j in range(depth): repeat = bench if bench and j == depth - 1 else 0 y = bsmm( y, w2, dw_dtype=dtF, bench=repeat ) # (bench and j==depth-1) (bench and j==0) y = ew.float_cast(y, dtype=tf.float32, dx_dtype=dtB) if bench: #y = y ) d = tf.gradients(y, [x, w], e, aggregation_method=am) if depth > 1: d[1] = group_param_grads(d[1], 8) y, (dx, dw) =[y, d]) if not bench: # compute in numpy if l2norm: W2 = bsmm.l2_normalize_test(W) else: W2 = W # YY =, X) # ZZ = , E) # uu = X , E.T) # UU = np.zeros(bsmm.w_shape, dtype=np.float32) # for w, (c, k) in enumerate(bsmm.updat_list): # UU[w,:,:] = uu[c*bsize:(c+1)*bsize, k*bsize:(k+1)*bsize] Ys = [X] for j in range(depth): Ys.append(bsmm.fprop_test(Ys[-1], W2)) Y = Ys.pop() DW = np.zeros(bsmm.w_shape, dtype=np.float32) DX = E for j in range(depth): DW += bsmm.updat_test(Ys.pop(), DX) DX = bsmm.bprop_test(DX, W2) if l2norm: DW = bsmm.l2_normalize_grad_test(W, DW) for op, cpuA, devA in ( # ("YY:", YY, y), # ("ZZ:", ZZ, dx), # ("UU:", UU, dw), (" y:", Y, y), ("dx:", DX, dx), ("dw:", DW, dw), ): difA = abs(cpuA - devA) avgval = np.average(abs(cpuA)) maxdif = difA.max() max_err = maxdif if avgval == 0 else maxdif / avgval l2_err = np.sqrt( np.square(difA).sum()) / np.sqrt( np.square(cpuA).sum()) #print("max_err: %5.3f, max_val: %7.3f, l1_err: %7.5f, l2_err: %7.5f" % (difO.max(), cpuO.max(), l1_err, l2_err)) print("%s max_err%%:%11.8f L2_err: %12.10f" % (op, 100 * max_err, l2_err)) # rtol = 1e-4 if dtF is tf.float32 else 1e-1 # self.assertAllClose(devA, cpuA, rtol=rtol, atol=rtol) if out: dim = bsmm.K if op == "dw:" else N np.savetxt("out.txt", difA.reshape((-1, dim)), fmt='%5.1f') np.savetxt("outC.txt", cpuA.reshape((-1, dim)), fmt='%5.1f') np.savetxt("outD.txt", devA.reshape((-1, dim)), fmt='%5.1f') exit() print("")
def atestBlocksparseMatMulGated(self): with self.test_session(config=conf) as sess, tf.device("/gpu:0"): N = 128 K = 8 * 56 * 2 * 4 n = K // 8 m = 30 dtype = tf.bfloat16 repeat = 10000 layout = networkx.generators.barabasi_albert_graph(n, m) layout = networkx.adjacency_matrix(layout).toarray().astype( np.int32) + np.eye(n, dtype=np.int32) layout[0:m, 0:m] = 1 blocks = layout.sum() n = layout.shape[0] print(100 * blocks / n**2) print(layout.sum(axis=0).max()) # layout = np.ones((112,32), dtype=np.int32) bsmm = BlocksparseMatMul(layout, block_size=8, feature_axis=0, name="test") if one: X = np.ones(bsmm.i_shape(N), dtype=np.float32) E = np.ones(bsmm.o_shape(N), dtype=np.float32) W = np.ones(bsmm.w_shape, dtype=np.float32) G = np.ones(bsmm.blocks, dtype=np.float32) else: X = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, bsmm.i_shape(N)).astype(np.float32) E = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, bsmm.o_shape(N)).astype(np.float32) W = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, bsmm.w_shape).astype(np.float32) G = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, bsmm.blocks).astype(np.float32) G = np.ones(bsmm.blocks, dtype=np.float32) # for w, (c, k) in enumerate(bsmm.updat_list): # G[w] = (c & 1) ^ (k & 1) ^ 1 #G[::2] = 0.0 # block = dict() # for w, (c, k) in enumerate(bsmm.updat_list): # block[(c,k)] = w # grid = [] # for c in range(bsmm.CB): # row = [] # for k in range(bsmm.KB): # row.append(G[block[(c,k)]]) # grid.append(row) # for row in grid: # print(row) # exit() x = tf.constant(X) e = tf.constant(E) w = tf.constant(W) g = tf.constant(G) w2 = ew.float_cast(w, dtype=dtype) y = ew.float_cast(x, dtype=dtype) y = bsmm(y, w2, gate=g, bench=repeat) y = ew.float_cast(y, dtype=tf.float32, dx_dtype=dtype) d = tf.gradients(y, [x, w], e) y, (dx, dw) =[y, d]) # gpu kernel doesn't touch zero gate blocks # for b in range(bsmm.blocks): # if G[b] == 0.0: # dw[b,:,:] = 0.0 Y = bsmm.fprop_test(X, W, gate=G) DX = bsmm.bprop_test(E, W, gate=G) DW = bsmm.updat_test(X, E, gate=G) #print(Y.shape, dtype) for op, cpuA, devA in ( (" y:", Y, y), ("dx:", DX, dx), ("dw:", DW, dw), ): difA = abs(cpuA - devA) avgval = np.average(abs(cpuA)) maxdif = difA.max() max_err = maxdif if avgval == 0 else maxdif / avgval l2_err = np.sqrt(np.square(difA).sum()) / np.sqrt( np.square(cpuA).sum() + 1e-12) print("%s max_err%%:%11.8f L2_err: %12.10f" % (op, 100 * max_err, l2_err)) if out: dim = K if op == "dw:" else N np.savetxt("out.txt", difA.reshape((-1, dim)), fmt='%5.1f') np.savetxt("outC.txt", cpuA.reshape((-1, dim)), fmt='%5.1f') np.savetxt("outD.txt", devA.reshape((-1, dim)), fmt='%5.1f') exit()