def test_lookup(self): """ Check lookup """ for fqu in test_names: resp = client.lookup(fqu) if 'v' not in resp: raise ValueError('version info not in response') self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict, msg="Not json")
def run_cli(): """ run cli """ conf = config.get_config() if conf is None: log.error("Failed to load config") sys.exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Blockstore Cli version {}'.format(config.VERSION)) parser.add_argument( '--blockstored-server', help="""the hostname/IP of server (default: {})""".format(config.BLOCKSTORED_SERVER)) parser.add_argument( '--blockstored-port', type=int, help="""the server port to connect to (default: {})""".format(config.BLOCKSTORED_PORT)) parser.add_argument( '--txid', type=str, help="tx hash of a partially-failed storage operation") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest='action', help='the action to be taken') # ------------------------------------ # start commands subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'delete_immutable', help='<name> <hash> <privatekey> | Delete immutable data from the storage providers.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name of the user') subparser.add_argument( 'hash', type=str, help='the hash of the data') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the user') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'delete_mutable', help='<name> <data_id> <privatekey> | Delete mutable data from the storage providers.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name of the user') subparser.add_argument( 'data_id', type=str, help='the unchanging identifier for this data') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the user') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_all_names', help='[offset] [count] | get all names that exist') subparser.add_argument( 'offset', nargs='?', help='The offset into the list at which to start reading') subparser.add_argument( 'count', nargs='?', help='The maximum number of names to return') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_consensus_at', help='<block ID> | get the consensus hash at a particular block') subparser.add_argument( 'block_id', type=int, help='The block ID.') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_immutable', help='<name> <hash> | get immutable data from storage') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name of the user') subparser.add_argument( 'hash', type=str, help='the hash of the data') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_mutable', help='<name> <data_id> | get mutable data from storage') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name associated with the data') subparser.add_argument( 'data_id', type=str, help='the unchanging identifier for this data') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_name_cost', help="<name> | get the cost of a name") subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help="The fully-qualified name to check") # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_names_in_namespace', help='<namespace ID> [offset] [count] | get all names in a particular namespace') subparser.add_argument( 'namespace_id', type=str, help='The namespace to search') subparser.add_argument( 'offset', nargs='?', help='The offset into the list at which to start reading') subparser.add_argument( 'count', nargs='?', help='The maximum number of names to return') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_names_owned_by_address', help='<address> | get all names owned by an address') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, help='The address to query') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_namespace_cost', help="<namespace_id> | get the cost of a namespace") subparser.add_argument( 'namespace_id', type=str, help="The namespace ID to check") # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_name_record', help='<name> | get the off-blockchain record for a given name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name to look up') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'getinfo', help='get basic info from the blockstored server') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_name_blockchain_record', help='<name> | get the blockchain-hosted information for a particular name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name to query') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_namespace_blockchain_record', help='<namespace_id> | get the blockchain-hosted information for a particular namespace') subparser.add_argument( 'namespace_id', type=str, help='the namespace to look up') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'lookup', help='<name> | get name record for a particular name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name to look up') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'lookup_snv', help='<name> <block_id> <consensus_hash> | Look up a name as it existed at a particular block, using SNV protocol') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name to look up') subparser.add_argument( 'block_id', type=int, help='the block ID in the desired point in the past') subparser.add_argument( 'consensus_hash', type=str, help='the trusted consensus hash at the given block') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_nameops_at', help='<block_id> | Look up all name operations that occurred at a block') subparser.add_argument( 'block_id', type=int, help='the block ID in the desired point in the past') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'name_import', help='import a name into a revealed namespace') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to import') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, help='the new owner\'s Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'hash', type=str, help='hash of the storage index to associate with the name') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the private key of the namespace revealer\'s address') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'namespace_preorder', help='preorder a namespace and claim the name') subparser.add_argument( 'namespace_id', type=str, help='the human-readable namespace identifier') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the namespace creator') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, nargs='?', help='[OPTIONAL] the address of private key that will import names into this namespace (should be different from the private key given here). \ If not given, a new private key will be generated. The private key must be used to sign name_import requests, and the address must be submitted on namespace_reveal') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'namespace_reveal', help='define a namespace\'s parameters once preorder succeeds') subparser.add_argument( 'namespace_id', type=str, help='the human-readable namespace identifier') subparser.add_argument( 'addr', type=str, help='the address that will import names into the namespace, and open it for registration') subparser.add_argument( 'lifetime', type=int, help='the number of blocks for which a name will be valid (any value less than zero means "forever")') subparser.add_argument( 'coeff', type=int, help='constant cost multipler for names (in range [0, 256))') subparser.add_argument( 'base', type=int, help='base cost for names (in range [0, 256))') subparser.add_argument( 'bucket_exponents', type=str, help='per-name-length cost exponents (CSV string of 16 values in range [0, 16))') subparser.add_argument( 'nonalpha_discount', type=int, help='non-alpha discount multipler (in range [0, 16))') subparser.add_argument( 'no_vowel_discount', type=int, help='no-vowel discount multipler (in range [0, 16))') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the namespace creator (from namespace_preorder)') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'namespace_ready', help='open namespace for registrations') subparser.add_argument( 'namespace_id', type=str, help='the human-readable namespace identifier') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the namespace creator') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'ping', help='check if the blockstored server is up') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'preorder', help='<name> <privatekey> | preorder a name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to preorder') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the private key of the Bitcoin account to pay for the name') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, nargs='?', help='[OPTIONAL] the address that will own the name (should be different from the address of the private key given here). \ If not given, a new private key will be generated, and its address must be submitted upon register.') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'preorder_tx', help='<name> <privatekey> [address] | create an unsigned serialized transaction that will preorder a name.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to preorder') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the private key of the Bitcoin account to pay for the name and register it') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, nargs='?', help='[OPTIONAL] the address that will own the name (should be different from the address of the private key given here). \ If not given, a new private key will be generated, and its address must be submitted upon register.') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'preorder_subsidized', help='<name> <public_key> <address> <subsidy_key> | create an "anyone-can-pay" transaction to preorder a name, subsidized with a separate key. The client must sign the <public_key>\'s address input separately to complete the transaction.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to preorder') subparser.add_argument( 'public_key', type=str, help='the client\'s public key, whose private counterpart will sign the subsidized transaction.') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, help='The address that will own the name (should be different from the address of the public key given here). \ If not given, a new private key will be generated, and its address must be submitted upon register.') subparser.add_argument( 'subsidy_key', type=str, help='the private key of the Bitcoin account to pay for the name') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'put_immutable', help='store immutable data into storage') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that owns this data') subparser.add_argument( 'data', type=str, help='the data to store') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the private key associated with the name') # ------------------------------------ put_mutable_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'put_mutable', help='<name> <data_id> <data> <privatekey> [<nonce>] | Store mutable data into the storage providers, creating it if it does not exist.') put_mutable_parser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that owns this data') put_mutable_parser.add_argument( 'data_id', type=str, help='the unchanging identifier for this data') put_mutable_parser.add_argument( 'data', type=str, help='the data to store') put_mutable_parser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the private key assocated with the name') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'register', help='<name> <privatekey> <addr> | register/claim a name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to register/claim') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the private key used to preorder the name') subparser.add_argument( 'addr', type=str, help='the address that will own the name (given in the preorder)') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'register_tx', help='<name> <privatekey> <addr> | Generate an unsigned transaction to register/claim a name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to register/claim') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the private key used to preorder the name') subparser.add_argument( 'addr', type=str, help='the address that will own the name (given in the preorder)') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'register_subsidized', help='<name> <public_key> <addr> <subsidy_key> | create an "anyone-can-pay" transaction to register/claim a name, subsidized by a separate key. The client must sign the <public_key>\'s address inputs before broadcasting it.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to register/claim') subparser.add_argument( 'public_key', type=str, help='the private key used to preorder the name') subparser.add_argument( 'addr', type=str, help='the address that will own the name (given in the preorder)') subparser.add_argument( 'subsidy_key', type=str, help='the private key used to pay for this transaction') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'renew', help='<name> <privatekey> | renew a name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to renew') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the owner Bitcoin address') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'renew_tx', help='<name> <privatekey> | create an unsigned transaction to renew a name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to renew') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the owner Bitcoin address') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'renew_subsidized', help='<name> <public_key> <subsidy_key> | create an "anyone-can-pay" transaction to renew a name, subsidized by a separate key. The client must sign the <public_key>\'s address inputs before broadcasting it.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to renew') subparser.add_argument( 'public_key', type=str, help='the public key of the owner') subparser.add_argument( 'subsidy_key', type=str, help='the key to subsidize the transaction') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'revoke', help='<name> <privatekey> | revoke a name and its data') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to revoke') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the owner Bitcoin address') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'revoke_tx', help='<name> <privatekey> | generate an unsigned transaction to revoke a name and its data') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to revoke') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the owner Bitcoin address') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'revoke_subsidized', help='<name> <public_key> <subsidy_key> | create an "anyone-can-pay" transaction to revoke a name and its data, subsidized by a separate key. The client must sign the <public_key>\'s address inputs before broadcasting it.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to revoke') subparser.add_argument( 'public_key', type=str, help='the public key of the owner Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'subsidy_key', type=str, help='the key to subsidize the transaction') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'transfer', help='<name> <address> <keepdata> <privatekey> | transfer a name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to register/claim') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, help='the new owner Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'keepdata', type=str, help='whether or not the storage index should remain associated with the name [true|false]') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the owner Bitcoin address') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'transfer_tx', help='<name> <address> <keepdata> <privatekey> | create an unsigned transaction that will transfer a name') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to register/claim') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, help='the new owner Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'keepdata', type=str, help='whether or not the storage index should remain associated with the name [true|false]') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the owner Bitcoin address') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'transfer_subsidized', help='<name> <address> <keepdata> <public_key> <subsidy_key> | create an "anyone-can-pay" transaction that will transfer a name, subsidized by a separate key. The client must sign the <public_key>\s address inputs before broadcasting it.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to register/claim') subparser.add_argument( 'address', type=str, help='the new owner Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'keepdata', type=str, help='whether or not the storage index should remain associated with the name [true|false]') subparser.add_argument( 'public_key', type=str, help='the public key of the owner Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'subsidy_key', type=str, help='the key to subsidize the transaction.') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'update', help='<name> <record_json> <private_key> [txid] | update and store a name record') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to update') subparser.add_argument( 'record_json', type=str, help='the JSON-encoded user record to associate with the name') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the owner Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'txid', type=str, nargs='?', help='[OPTIONAL] the transaction ID of the previously-attempted, partially-successful update') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'update_tx', help='<name> <record_json> <private_key> [txid] | generate an unsigned transaction to update and store a name record') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to update') subparser.add_argument( 'record_json', type=str, help='the JSON-encoded user record to associate with the name') subparser.add_argument( 'privatekey', type=str, help='the privatekey of the owner Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'txid', type=str, nargs='?', help='[OPTIONAL] the transaction ID of the previously-attempted, partially-successful update') # ------------------------------------ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( 'update_subsidized', help='<name> <record_json> <public_key> <subsidy_key> [txid] | generate an "anyone-can-pay" transaction to update and store a name record, subsidized by a separate key. The client will need to sign the <public_key>\'s address inputs before broadcasting it.') subparser.add_argument( 'name', type=str, help='the name that you want to update') subparser.add_argument( 'record_json', type=str, help='the JSON-encoded user record to associate with the name') subparser.add_argument( 'public_key', type=str, help='the public key of the owner Bitcoin address') subparser.add_argument( 'subsidy_key', type=str, help='the key to subsidize the transaction') subparser.add_argument( 'txid', type=str, nargs='?', help='[OPTIONAL] the transaction ID of the previously-attempted, partially-successful update') # Print default help message, if no argument is given if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() result = {} blockstore_server = args.blockstored_server blockstore_port = args.blockstored_port if blockstore_server is None: blockstore_server = config.BLOCKSTORED_SERVER if blockstore_port is None: blockstore_port = config.BLOCKSTORED_PORT proxy = client.session(conf=conf, server_host=blockstore_server, server_port=blockstore_port ) if args.action == 'getinfo': result = client.getinfo() elif args.action == 'ping': result = elif args.action == 'preorder': register_addr = None if args.address is not None: register_addr = str(args.address) result = client.preorder(str(, str(args.privatekey), register_addr=register_addr ) elif args.action == 'preorder_tx': register_addr = None if args.address is not None: register_addr = str(args.address) result = client.preorder(str(, str(args.privatekey), register_addr=register_addr, tx_only=True ) elif args.action == 'preorder_subsidized': result = client.preorder_subsidized( str(, str(args.public_key), str(args.address), str(args.subsidy_key) ) elif args.action == 'register': result = client.register(str(, str(args.privatekey), str(args.addr)) elif args.action == 'register_tx': result = client.register(str(, str(args.privatekey), str(args.addr), tx_only=True ) elif args.action == 'register_subsidized': result = client.register_subsidized(str(, str(args.privatekey), str(args.addr), str(args.subsidy_key) ) elif args.action == 'update': txid = None if args.txid is not None: txid = str(args.txid) result = client.update(str(, str(args.record_json), str(args.privatekey), txid=txid) elif args.action == 'update_tx': txid = None if args.txid is not None: txid = str(args.txid) result = client.update(str(, str(args.record_json), str(args.privatekey), txid=txid, tx_only=True) elif args.action == 'update_subsidized': txid = None if args.txid is not None: txid = str(args.txid) result = client.update_subsidized(str(, str(args.record_json), str(args.public_key), str(args.subsidy_key), txid=txid) elif args.action == 'transfer': keepdata = False if args.keepdata.lower() not in ["true", "false"]: print >> sys.stderr, "Pass 'true' or 'false' for keepdata" sys.exit(1) if args.keepdata.lower() == "true": keepdata = True result = client.transfer(str(, str(args.address), keepdata, str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'transfer_tx': keepdata = False if args.keepdata.lower() not in ["true", "false"]: print >> sys.stderr, "Pass 'true' or 'false' for keepdata" sys.exit(1) if args.keepdata.lower() == "true": keepdata = True result = client.transfer(str(, str(args.address), keepdata, str(args.privatekey), tx_only=True) elif args.action == 'transfer_subsidized': keepdata = False if args.keepdata.lower() not in ["true", "false"]: print >> sys.stderr, "Pass 'true' or 'false' for keepdata" sys.exit(1) if args.keepdata.lower() == "true": keepdata = True result = client.transfer_subsidized(str(, str(args.address), keepdata, str(args.public_key), str(args.subsidy_key)) elif args.action == 'renew': result = client.renew(str(, str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'renew_tx': result = client.renew(str(, str(args.privatekey), tx_only=True) elif args.action == 'renew_subsidized': result = client.renew_subsidized(str(, str(args.public_key), str(args.subsidy_key)) elif args.action == 'revoke': result = client.revoke(str(, str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'revoke_tx': result = client.revoke(str(, str(args.privatekey), tx_only=True) elif args.action == 'revoke_subsidized': result = client.revoke_subsidized(str(, str(args.public_key), str(args.subsidy_key)) elif args.action == 'name_import': result = client.name_import(str(, str(args.address), str(args.hash), str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'namespace_preorder': reveal_addr = None if args.address is not None: reveal_addr = str(args.address) result = client.namespace_preorder(str(args.namespace_id), str(args.privatekey), reveal_addr=reveal_addr) elif args.action == 'namespace_reveal': bucket_exponents = args.bucket_exponents.split(',') if len(bucket_exponents) != 16: raise Exception("bucket_exponents must be a 16-value CSV of integers") for i in xrange(0, len(bucket_exponents)): try: bucket_exponents[i] = int(bucket_exponents[i]) except: raise Exception("bucket_exponents must contain integers in range [0, 16)") lifetime = int(args.lifetime) if lifetime < 0: lifetime = 0xffffffff # means "infinite" to blockstore result = client.namespace_reveal(str(args.namespace_id), str(args.addr), lifetime, int(args.coeff), int(args.base), bucket_exponents, int(args.nonalpha_discount), int(args.no_vowel_discount), str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'namespace_ready': result = client.namespace_ready(str(args.namespace_id), str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'put_mutable': result = client.put_mutable(str(, str(args.data_id), str(, str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'put_immutable': result = client.put_immutable(str(, str(, str(args.privatekey), conf=conf) elif args.action == 'get_mutable': result = client.get_mutable(str(, str(args.data_id), conf=conf) elif args.action == 'get_immutable': result = client.get_immutable(str(, str(args.hash)) elif args.action == 'delete_immutable': result = client.delete_immutable(str(, str(args.hash), str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'delete_mutable': result = client.delete_mutable(str(, str(args.data_id), str(args.privatekey)) elif args.action == 'get_name_blockchain_record': result = client.get_name_blockchain_record(str( elif args.action == 'get_namespace_blockchain_record': result = client.get_namespace_blockchain_record(str(args.namespace_id)) elif args.action == 'lookup': result = client.lookup(str( elif args.action == 'lookup_snv': result = client.lookup_snv(str(, int(args.block_id), str(args.consensus_hash) ) elif args.action == 'get_name_record': result = client.get_name_record( str( ) elif args.action == 'get_name_cost': result = client.get_name_cost(str( elif args.action == 'get_names_owned_by_address': result = client.get_names_owned_by_address(str(args.address)) elif args.action == 'get_namespace_cost': result = client.get_namespace_cost(str(args.namespace_id)) elif args.action == 'get_all_names': offset = None count = None if args.offset is not None: offset = int(args.offset) if args.count is not None: count = int(args.count) result = client.get_all_names( offset, count ) elif args.action == 'get_names_in_namespace': offset = None count = None if args.offset is not None: offset = int(args.offset) if args.count is not None: count = int(args.count) result = client.get_names_in_namespace( str(args.namespace_id), offset, count ) elif args.action == 'get_consensus_at': result = client.get_consensus_at( int(args.block_id) ) elif args.action == 'get_nameops_at': result = client.get_nameops_at( int(args.block_id) ) print_result(result)