예제 #1
def evaluate_ann(ann):
    score = blocky_bird.game_function(ann, False)
    return score
    # Evaluate fitness of each individual - make each individual object play the game
    for individual in population:
    print "Scores for all individuals: " + str(list(i.fitness for i in population))

    # Find the best individual
    best = max(population, key = lambda x:x.fitness)
    print "Best: " + str(best.fitness)

    # Create new population, first adding the most fit individual from the old one
    new_population = [best]
    for x in range(1, pop_size):
        if random.random() < 0.5:
            # Mutate a random individual from the old population
            child = random.choice(population).mutate()
            # Breed and crossover two individuals from the old population
            p1 = random.choice(population)
            p2 = random.choice(population)
            child = p1.crossover(p2)
    population = new_population

    print ""

ann = best.create_neuron()
print "Score: " + str(game_function(ann, True))