예제 #1
def rbfbls_train_fscore_incremental(train_x, train_y, train_xf, train_yf, test_x, test_y, s, C, N1, N2, N3, inputData, m, m2, l):

    TestingAccuracy_z = 0;
    f_score = 0;
    train_time_1 = 0;
    test_time_1 = 0;
    # Parameters for RBF function
    cc = 0.1;
    h = 15;

    N11 = N1;
    train_err = np.zeros([1,l])
    l2 = np.zeros(l);

    # Training - begin

    beta11 = [];

    train_x = zscore(train_x.transpose(), axis = 0, ddof = 1).transpose();

    H1 = np.concatenate((train_x, 0.1 * np.ones((train_x.shape[0], 1))), axis=1);
    y = np.zeros((train_x.shape[0], N2 * N11));

    max_list_set = [];
    min_list_set = [];

    ### Generation of mapped features
    for i in range(0, N2):
        we = 2.0 * np.random.rand(N1, train_x.shape[1] + 1).transpose() - 1.0;

        A1 = np.dot(H1, we);
        [A1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(A1);
        del we;

        beta1 = sparse_bls(A1, H1, 1e-3, 50).transpose();
        T1 = np.dot(H1, beta1);

        print("Feature nodes in window ", i, ": Max Val of Output ", T1.max(), " Min Val ", T1.min());

        [T1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(T1.transpose(), 0, 1);
        T1 = T1.transpose();


        y[:, N11 * i: N11 * (i + 1)] = T1;

    del H1;
    del T1;

    ### Generation of enhancement nodes
    H2 = np.concatenate((y, 0.1 * np.ones((y.shape[0], 1))), axis=1);

    if N1 * N2 >= N3:
        wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(N3, N2 * N1 + 1).transpose() - 1);

        wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(N3, N2 * N1 + 1) - 1).transpose();

    Wh = [];

    T2 = np.dot(H2, wh);
    l2[0] = T2.max();
    l2[0] = s * 1.0 / l2[0];

    print("Enhancement nodes: Max Val of Output ", l2, " Min Val ", T2.min());

    T2 = kerf((T2 * l2[0] - cc) / h);

    T3 = np.concatenate((y, T2), axis=1);

    del H2;
    del T2;

    # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
    beta = np.dot(pinv(np.dot(T3.transpose(), T3) + np.identity(T3.transpose().shape[0]) * C),

    beta2 = np.dot(beta, train_y);

    xx = np.dot(T3, beta2);

    Training_time = time_end - time_start
    # Training - end
    train_time[0][0] =Training_time

    ### Training Accuracy
    yy = result(xx);
    train_yy = result(train_y);

    cnt = 0;
    for i in range(0, len(yy)):
        if yy[i] == train_yy[i]:
            cnt = cnt + 1;

    TrainingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / train_yy.shape[0];

    train_err[0][0] = TrainingAccuracy;

    print("Training Accuracy is : ", TrainingAccuracy * 100, " %");

    ### Testing Process at the beginning of the incremental learning
    # Testing - begin

    test_x = zscore( np.float128(test_x).transpose() ,axis = 0, ddof = 1).transpose();

    HH1 = np.concatenate((test_x, 0.1 * np.ones((test_x.shape[0], 1))), axis=1);
    yy1 = np.zeros((test_x.shape[0], N2 * N11));

    ### Generation of mapped features
    for i in range(0, N2):

        beta1 = beta11[i];

        TT1 = np.dot( np.float128(HH1), np.float128(beta1)) ;

        max_list = max_list_set[i];
        min_list = min_list_set[i];

        [TT1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax( TT1.transpose(), 0, 1, max_list, min_list);
        TT1 = TT1.transpose();

        del beta1;
        del max_list;
        del min_list;

        yy1[:, N11 * i: N11 * (i + 1)] = TT1;

    del TT1;
    del HH1;

    ### Generation of enhancement nodes
    HH2 = np.concatenate((yy1, 0.1 * np.ones((yy1.shape[0], 1))), axis=1);

    TT2 = kerf((np.dot(HH2, wh) * l2[0]-cc)/h);                 #Result Different With Matlab

    TT3 = np.concatenate((yy1, TT2), axis=1);

    #del HH2;
    del wh;
    del TT2;

    x = np.dot(TT3, beta2);

    Testing_time = time_end - time_start;

    # Testing - end

    test_time[0][0] = Testing_time

    ### Testing accuracy at the beginning of the incremental learning
    y1 = result(x);
    test_yy = result(test_y);

    cnt = 0;
    for i in range(0, len(y1)):
        if y1[i] == test_yy[i]:
            cnt = cnt + 1;

    TestingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / test_yy.shape[0];
    test_err[0][0] =TestingAccuracy

    ### Incremental training steps
    for e in range(0, l - 1):
        print("Step: ", e)
        # Incremental training - begin
        time_start = time.time()
        train_xx = zscore( np.float128( train_xf[ ((int)(inputData) + e * m ) : (int)(inputData) + (e + 1) * m, : ]  ).transpose() ,axis = 0, ddof = 1).transpose();

        train_yx  = train_yf[ (int)(inputData) + e * m + 1 : (int)(inputData)+(e + 1) * m , : ];
        train_y1 = train_yf[ 0:(int)(inputData)+(e + 1)*m,: ];

        Hx1 = np.concatenate((train_xx, 0.1 * np.ones((train_xx.shape[0], 1))), axis=1);
        yx = [];

        ### Generation of mapped features
        for i in range(0, N2):
            beta1 = beta11[i];

            Tx1 = np.dot( np.float128(Hx1), np.float128(beta1)) ;

            max_list = max_list_set[i];
            min_list = min_list_set[i];

            [Tx1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax( Tx1.transpose(), 0, 1, max_list, min_list);
            Tx1 = Tx1.transpose();

            if i == 0:
            	yx = Tx1;
            	yx = np.concatenate((yx, Tx1), axis=1);

        ### Generation of enhancement nodes
        Hx2 = np.concatenate((yx, 0.1 * np.ones((yx.shape[0], 1))), axis=1);
        tx22 = [];

        # Concatenate enhancement nodes with added enhancement nodes/step
        for o in range(0 , e + 1):
            wh = Wh[o];
            tx2 = np.dot(Hx2, wh);
            tx2 = kerf((tx2 * l2[o]-cc)/h);
            if o == 0:
            	tx22 = tx2;
            	tx22 = np.concatenate( (tx22, tx2 ) , axis=1);

        # Concatenate mapped features with enhancement nodes and added enhancement nodes/step
        tx2x = np.concatenate( (yx, tx22 ) , axis=1);

        # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
        betat = np.dot(pinv(np.dot(tx2x.transpose(), tx2x) + np.identity(tx2x.transpose().shape[0]) * C), 

        beta = np.concatenate( (beta, betat ) , axis=1);

        T3 = np.concatenate( (T3, tx2x ) , axis=0);

        y = np.concatenate( (y, yx ) , axis=0);
        H2 = np.concatenate( (y, 0.1 * np.ones((y.shape[0], 1))  ) , axis=1);

        # Generation of weights randomly for added enhancement nodes/step
        if N1 * N2 >= m2:
            wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(m2, N2 * N1 + 1).transpose() - 1);
            wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(m2, N2 * N1 + 1) - 1).transpose();


        t2 = np.dot(H2, wh);

        l2[e + 1] = t2.max();

        l2[e + 1] = s * 1.0 / l2[e + 1];

        t2 = kerf((t2 * l2[e + 1]-cc)/h);
        T3_Temp = np.concatenate( (T3, t2 ) , axis=1);
        d = np.dot(beta, t2);
        c = t2 - np.dot(T3, d);

        if np.any(c) != 0:
            # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
            b = np.dot(pinv(np.dot(c.transpose(), c) + np.identity(c.transpose().shape[0]) * C), 

            w = d.shape[1];
            # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
            b = np.dot(pinv(np.identity(w) + np.dot(d.transpose(), d )), 
                np.dot(d.transpose(), beta));

        beta = np.concatenate( ( beta - np.dot(d, b), b ) , axis=0);

        beta2 = np.dot( beta, train_y1 );

        T3 = T3_Temp;

        xx = np.dot(T3, beta2);

        Training_time = time_end - time_start

        # Incremental training - end

        train_time[0][e+1] = Training_time;

        ### Incremental training Accuracy
        yy = result(xx);
        train_yy = result(train_y1);

        cnt = 0;
        for i in range(0, len(train_yy)):
            if yy[i] == train_yy[i]:
                cnt = cnt + 1;

        TrainingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / train_yy.shape[0];
        train_err[0][e+1] = TrainingAccuracy

        ### Incremental testing steps
        # Incremental testing - begin
        time_start = time.time()
        wh = Wh[e + 1];                                             
        tt2 = kerf((np.dot(HH2, wh) * l2[e + 1]-cc)/h);
        TT3 = np.concatenate( ( TT3, tt2 ) , axis=1);

        x = np.dot( TT3, beta2 );

        Testing_time = time_end - time_start

        # Incremental testing - end

        test_time[0][e+1] = Testing_time

        ### Incremental testing accuracy
        y1 = result(x);
        test_yy = result(test_y);

        cnt = 0;
        for i in range(0, len(y1)):
            if y1[i] == test_yy[i]:
                cnt = cnt + 1;

        TestingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / test_yy.shape[0];

        label = test_yy;
        predicted = y1;

        TestingAccuracy_z = accuracy_score(label, predicted)
        f_score = f1_score(label, predicted)
        test_err[0][e+1] = TestingAccuracy;
        print("Test Accuracy: ", TestingAccuracy_z, "\tF-Score: ", f_score);

    return np.mean(train_err[0]), TestingAccuracy_z, sum(train_time[0]), sum(test_time[0]), f_score;
예제 #2
def bls_train_fscore(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, s, C, N1, N2, N3):

    # Training - begin
    time_start = time.time()
    beta11 = []

    train_x = zscore(train_x.transpose(), axis=0, ddof=1).transpose()
    H1 = np.concatenate((train_x, 0.1 * np.ones((train_x.shape[0], 1))),

    y = np.zeros((train_x.shape[0], N2 * N1))

    max_list_set = []
    min_list_set = []

    ### Generation of mapped features
    for i in range(0, N2):

        #we = 2.0 * np.random.rand(train_x.shape[1] + 1, N1) - 1.0;
        we = 2.0 * np.random.rand(N1, train_x.shape[1] + 1).transpose() - 1.0

        #we = np.loadtxt("we.csv", delimiter = ",");
        #np.savetxt("we.csv", we, delimiter=",");

        A1 = np.dot(H1, we)
        [A1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(A1)
        del we

        beta1 = sparse_bls(A1, H1, 1e-3, 50).transpose()
        T1 = np.dot(H1, beta1)

        print("Feature nodes in window ", i, ": Max Val of Output ", T1.max(),
              " Min Val ", T1.min())

        [T1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(T1.transpose(), 0, 1)
        T1 = T1.transpose()


        y[:, N1 * i:N1 * (i + 1)] = T1

    del H1
    del T1

    ### Generation of enhancement nodes
    H2 = np.concatenate((y, 0.1 * np.ones((y.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)

    if N1 * N2 >= N3:
        #wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(N2 * N1 + 1, N3) - 1);
        wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(N3, N2 * N1 + 1).transpose() - 1)

        #wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(N2 * N1 + 1, N3).transpose() - 1).transpose();
        wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(N3, N2 * N1 + 1) - 1).transpose()

    #wh = np.loadtxt("wh.csv", delimiter = ",");
    #np.savetxt("wh.csv", wh, delimiter=",");

    T2 = np.dot(H2, wh)
    l2 = T2.max()
    l2 = s * 1.0 / l2

    print("Enhancement nodes: Max Val of Output ", l2, " Min Val ", T2.min())

    T2 = np.tanh(T2 * l2)
    T3 = np.concatenate((y, T2), axis=1)

    del H2
    del T2

    # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
    beta = np.dot(
            np.dot(T3.transpose(), T3) +
            np.identity(T3.transpose().shape[0]) * C),
        np.dot(T3.transpose(), train_y))

    xx = np.dot(T3, beta)

    del T3

    time_end = time.time()
    Training_time = time_end - time_start

    # Training - end

    print("Training has been finished!")
    print("The Total Training Time is : ", Training_time, " seconds")

    ### Training Accuracy
    yy = result(xx)
    train_yy = result(train_y)

    cnt = 0
    for i in range(0, len(yy)):
        if yy[i] == train_yy[i]:
            cnt = cnt + 1

    TrainingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / train_yy.shape[0]

    print("Training Accuracy is : ", TrainingAccuracy * 100, " %")

    ### Testing Process
    # Testing - begin
    time_start = time.time()
    test_x = zscore(np.float128(test_x).transpose(), axis=0,

    HH1 = np.concatenate((test_x, 0.1 * np.ones((test_x.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
    yy1 = np.zeros((test_x.shape[0], N2 * N1))

    ### Generation of mapped features
    for i in range(0, N2):

        beta1 = beta11[i]

        TT1 = np.dot(np.float128(HH1), np.float128(beta1))

        max_list = max_list_set[i]
        min_list = min_list_set[i]

        [TT1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(TT1.transpose(), 0, 1, max_list,
        TT1 = TT1.transpose()

        del beta1
        del max_list
        del min_list

        yy1[:, N1 * i:N1 * (i + 1)] = TT1

    del TT1
    del HH1

    ### Generation of enhancement nodes
    HH2 = np.concatenate((yy1, 0.1 * np.ones((yy1.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
    TT2 = np.tanh(np.dot(HH2, wh) * l2)

    TT3 = np.concatenate((yy1, TT2), axis=1)

    del HH2
    del wh
    del TT2

    x = np.dot(TT3, beta)

    time_end = time.time()
    Testing_time = time_end - time_start

    # Testing - end

    print("Testing has been finished!")
    print("The Total Testing Time is : ", Testing_time, " seconds")

    ### Testing accuracy
    y = result(x)
    test_yy = result(test_y)

    cnt = 0
    for i in range(0, len(y)):
        if y[i] == test_yy[i]:
            cnt = cnt + 1

    TestingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / test_yy.shape[0]

    label = test_yy
    predicted = y

    TestingAccuracy = accuracy_score(label, predicted)
    f_score = f1_score(label, predicted)

    del TT3

    print("Testing Accuracy is : ", TestingAccuracy * 100, " %")
    print("Testing F-Score is : ", f_score * 100, " %")

    return TrainingAccuracy, TestingAccuracy, Training_time, Testing_time, f_score
예제 #3
def cebls_train_fscore_incremental(train_x, train_y, train_xf, train_yf,
                                   test_x, test_y, s, C, N1, N2, N3, inputData,
                                   m, m2, l):

    TestingAccuracy_z = 0
    f_score = 0
    train_time_1 = 0
    test_time_1 = 0
    l = l + 1

    N11 = N1

    train_err = np.zeros([1, l])
    test_err = np.zeros([1, l])
    train_time = np.zeros([1, l])
    test_time = np.zeros([1, l])
    l2 = np.zeros(l)

    # Training - begin
    time_start = time.time()

    beta11 = []

    train_x = zscore(train_x.transpose(), axis=0, ddof=1).transpose()

    H1 = np.concatenate((train_x, 0.1 * np.ones((train_x.shape[0], 1))),

    y = np.zeros((train_x.shape[0], N2 * N11))

    max_list_set = []
    min_list_set = []

    ### Generation of mapped features
    for i in range(0, N2):

        we = 2.0 * np.random.rand(N1, train_x.shape[1] + 1).transpose() - 1.0

        A1 = np.dot(H1, we)
        [A1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(A1)
        del we

        beta1 = sparse_bls(A1, H1, 1e-3, 50).transpose()
        T1 = np.dot(H1, beta1)

        print("Feature nodes in window ", i, ": Max Val of Output ", T1.max(),
              " Min Val ", T1.min())

        [T1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(T1.transpose(), 0, 1)
        T1 = T1.transpose()


        y[:, N11 * i:N11 * (i + 1)] = T1

    del H1
    del T1

    ### Generation of enhancement nodes
    H2 = np.concatenate((y, 0.1 * np.ones((y.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)

    if N1 * N2 >= N3:
        wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(N3, N2 * N1 + 1).transpose() - 1)

        wh = orth(2 * np.random.rand(N3, N2 * N1 + 1) - 1).transpose()

    Wh = []

    # Cascades of enhancement nodes
    wha_list = []

    for i in range(0, N3):

        wha2 = orth(2.0 * np.random.rand(N3, N3) - 1.0)

        if i == 0:
            T2 = np.tanh(np.dot(H2, wh))
            T2_he = T2
            T2_he = np.tanh(np.dot(T2_he, wha2))
            T2 = T2_he

    l2[0] = T2.max()
    l2[0] = s * 1.0 / l2[0]

    print("Enhancement nodes: Max Val of Output ", l2, " Min Val ", T2.min())

    T2 = (T2 * l2[0])
    T2_for0step = T2

    T3 = np.concatenate((y, T2), axis=1)

    del H2
    del T2

    # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
    beta = np.dot(
            np.dot(T3.transpose(), T3) +
            np.identity(T3.transpose().shape[0]) * C), T3.transpose())

    beta2 = np.dot(beta, train_y)

    xx = np.dot(T3, beta2)

    time_end = time.time()
    Training_time = time_end - time_start

    # Training - end

    train_time[0][0] = Training_time

    ### Training Accuracy
    yy = result(xx)
    train_yy = result(train_y)

    cnt = 0
    for i in range(0, len(yy)):
        if yy[i] == train_yy[i]:
            cnt = cnt + 1

    TrainingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / train_yy.shape[0]

    train_err[0][0] = TrainingAccuracy

    print("Training Accuracy is : ", TrainingAccuracy * 100, " %")

    ### Testing Process at the beginning of the incremental learning
    # Testing - begin
    time_start = time.time()

    test_x = zscore(np.float128(test_x).transpose(), axis=0,

    HH1 = np.concatenate((test_x, 0.1 * np.ones((test_x.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
    yy1 = np.zeros((test_x.shape[0], N2 * N11))

    ### Generation of mapped features
    for i in range(0, N2):

        beta1 = beta11[i]

        TT1 = np.dot(np.float128(HH1), np.float128(beta1))

        max_list = max_list_set[i]
        min_list = min_list_set[i]

        [TT1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(TT1.transpose(), 0, 1, max_list,
        TT1 = TT1.transpose()

        del beta1
        del max_list
        del min_list

        yy1[:, N11 * i:N11 * (i + 1)] = TT1

    del TT1
    del HH1

    ### Generation of enhancement nodes
    HH2 = np.concatenate((yy1, 0.1 * np.ones((yy1.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)

    # Cascades of enhnacement nodes
    for i in range(0, N3):
        wha2 = wha_list[i]

        if i == 0:
            TT2 = np.tanh(np.dot(HH2, wh))
            TT2_he = TT2
            TT2_he = np.tanh(np.dot(TT2_he, wha2))
            TT2 = TT2_he

    TT2 = (TT2 * l2[0])

    TT3 = np.concatenate((yy1, TT2), axis=1)

    #del HH2;
    del wh
    #del TT2;

    x = np.dot(TT3, beta2)
    time_end = time.time()
    Testing_time = time_end - time_start

    # Testing - end

    test_time[0][0] = Testing_time

    ### Testing accuracy at the beginning of the incremental learning
    y1 = result(x)
    test_yy = result(test_y)

    cnt = 0
    for i in range(0, len(y1)):
        if y1[i] == test_yy[i]:
            cnt = cnt + 1

    TestingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / test_yy.shape[0]

    test_err[0][0] = TestingAccuracy

    ### Incremental training steps
    for e in range(0, l - 1):
        print("Step: ", e)

        # Incremental training - begin
        time_start = time.time()
        train_xx = zscore(np.float128(train_xf[((int)(inputData) +
                                                e * m):(int)(inputData) +
                                               (e + 1) * m, :]).transpose(),

        train_yx = train_yf[(int)(inputData) + e * m + 1:(int)(inputData) +
                            (e + 1) * m, :]
        train_y1 = train_yf[0:(int)(inputData) + (e + 1) * m, :]

        Hx1 = np.concatenate((train_xx, 0.1 * np.ones((train_xx.shape[0], 1))),
        yx = []

        ### Generate mapped features
        for i in range(0, N2):

            beta1 = beta11[i]

            Tx1 = np.dot(np.float128(Hx1), np.float128(beta1))

            max_list = max_list_set[i]
            min_list = min_list_set[i]

            [Tx1, max_list, min_list] = mapminmax(Tx1.transpose(), 0, 1,
                                                  max_list, min_list)
            Tx1 = Tx1.transpose()

            if i == 0:
                yx = Tx1
                yx = np.concatenate((yx, Tx1), axis=1)

        ### Generation of enhancement nodes
        Hx2 = np.concatenate((yx, 0.1 * np.ones((yx.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
        tx22 = []

        # Concatenate enhancement nodes with added cascades of enhancement nodes/step
        for o in range(0, e + 1):
            wh = Wh[o]

            if o == 0:
                for i in range(0, N3):
                    wha2 = wha_list[i]
                    if i == 0:
                        tx2 = np.tanh(np.dot(Hx2, wh))
                        tx2_he = tx2
                        tx2_he = np.tanh(np.dot(tx2_he, wha2))
                        tx2 = tx2_he
                    tx2 = (tx2 * l2[o])
                tx22 = tx2
                tx22_0step = tx22
                if o == 1:
                    tx2 = np.dot(tx22_0step, wh)
                    tx2 = np.tanh(tx2 * l2[o])

                    tx2 = np.dot(tx2, wh)
                    tx2 = np.tanh(tx2 * l2[o])
                tx22 = np.concatenate((tx22, tx2), axis=1)

        # Concatenate mapped features with enhancement nodes and added enhancement nodes/step
        tx2x = np.concatenate((yx, tx22), axis=1)

        # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
        betat = np.dot(
                np.dot(tx2x.transpose(), tx2x) +
                np.identity(tx2x.transpose().shape[0]) * C), tx2x.transpose())

        beta = np.concatenate((beta, betat), axis=1)

        T3 = np.concatenate((T3, tx2x), axis=0)

        y = np.concatenate((y, yx), axis=0)
        H2 = np.concatenate((y, 0.1 * np.ones((y.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)

        # Generate weights randomly for added cascades of enhancement nodes/step
        # Note that added cascades of enhancement nodes were generated by enhancement
        # nodes in step e=0 while added cascades of enhancement nodes were generated by previous
        # added enhancement nodes from step e=1.
        if e == 0:
            T2_0step = np.concatenate((T2_for0step, tx22_0step), axis=0)

            if N3 >= m2:
                wh_0step = orth(2 * np.random.rand(m2, N3).transpose() - 1)
                wh_0step = orth(2 * np.random.rand(m2, N3)).transpose()

            t2 = np.dot(T2_0step, wh_0step)
            t2_vary = t2
            wh_m2 = orth(2 * np.random.rand(m2, m2).transpose() - 1)
            t2_vary = np.concatenate((t2_vary, tx2), axis=0)

        l2[e + 1] = t2_vary.max()

        l2[e + 1] = s * 1.0 / l2[e + 1]

        t2_vary = np.tanh(t2_vary * l2[e + 1])
        T3_Temp = np.concatenate((T3, t2_vary), axis=1)
        d = np.dot(beta, t2_vary)
        c = t2_vary - np.dot(T3, d)

        if np.any(c) != 0:
            # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
            b = np.dot(
                    np.dot(c.transpose(), c) +
                    np.identity(c.transpose().shape[0]) * C), c.transpose())

            w = d.shape[1]
            # Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (function pinv)
            b = np.dot(pinv(np.identity(w) + np.dot(d.transpose(), d)),
                       np.dot(d.transpose(), beta))

        beta = np.concatenate((beta - np.dot(d, b), b), axis=0)

        beta2 = np.dot(beta, train_y1)

        T3 = T3_Temp

        xx = np.dot(T3, beta2)

        time_end = time.time()
        Training_time = time_end - time_start

        # Incremental training - end

        train_time[0][e + 1] = Training_time

        ### Incremental training Accuracy
        yy = result(xx)
        train_yy = result(train_y1)

        cnt = 0
        for i in range(0, len(train_yy)):
            if yy[i] == train_yy[i]:
                cnt = cnt + 1

        TrainingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / train_yy.shape[0]
        train_err[0][e + 1] = TrainingAccuracy

        ### Incremental testing steps
        # Incremental testing - begin
        time_start = time.time()
        if e == 0:
            wh = Wh[e + 1]
            tt2 = np.tanh(np.dot(TT2, wh) * l2[e + 1])
            wh = Wh[e + 1]
            tt2 = np.tanh(np.dot(tt2, wh) * l2[e + 1])

        TT3 = np.concatenate((TT3, tt2), axis=1)
        x = np.dot(TT3, beta2)

        time_end = time.time()
        Testing_time = time_end - time_start

        # Incremental testing - end

        test_time[0][e + 1] = Testing_time

        ### Incremental testing accuracy
        y1 = result(x)
        test_yy = result(test_y)

        cnt = 0
        for i in range(0, len(y1)):
            if y1[i] == test_yy[i]:
                cnt = cnt + 1

        TestingAccuracy = cnt * 1.0 / test_yy.shape[0]

        label = test_yy
        predicted = y1

        TestingAccuracy_z = accuracy_score(label, predicted)
        f_score = f1_score(label, predicted)
        test_err[0][e + 1] = TestingAccuracy
        print("Test Accuracy: ", TestingAccuracy_z, "\tF-Score: ", f_score)

    return np.mean(train_err[0]), TestingAccuracy_z, sum(train_time[0]), sum(
        test_time[0]), f_score