예제 #1
파일: util.py 프로젝트: quistian/bamcli
def show_rights(uname):
    fn = 'show_rights'
    networks = []
    zones = []
    gebn_ent = api.get_entity_by_name(config.RootId, uname, 'User')
    user_id = gebn_ent['id']
    user_rights = api.get_access_rights_for_user(user_id, 0, 15)
    if config.Debug:
        Logger.debug('Get Ent By Name for {}: {}'.format(uname, gebn_ent))
        Logger.debug('User name: {} User Id: {}'.format(uname, user_id))
    for right in user_rights:
        if config.Debug:
            Logger.debug('Right: {}'.format(right))
        ent_id = right['entityId']
        par_ent = api.get_parent(ent_id)
        par_id = par_ent['id']
        for typ in ['IP4Network', 'Zone']:
            ents = api.get_entities(par_id, typ, 0, 10)
            for e in ents:
                pairs = e['properties'].split('|')
                for pair in pairs:
                    (name, val) = pair.split('=')
                    if name == 'CIDR':
                        if val not in networks:
                    elif name == 'absoluteName':
                        if val not in zones:
    print('CIDR blocks:')
    for net in networks:
        print('    {}'.format(net))
    for zone in zones:
        print('    {}'.format(zone))
예제 #2
파일: util.py 프로젝트: quistian/bamcli
def get_info_by_name(fqdn):
    fn = 'get_info_by_name'
    obj_id = config.ViewId
    names = fqdn.split('.')
    lg = len(names)
    for name in names[::-1]:
        ent = api.get_entity_by_name(obj_id, name, 'Entity')
        if config.Debug:
            Logger.debug('{} name: {} entity: {}'.format(fn, name, ent))
        pid = obj_id
        obj_id = ent['id']
    ent['pid'] = pid
    if ent['type'] == 'Zone':
        pid = ent['id']
        name = ''
        pid = ent['pid']
        name = fqdn.split('.')[0]
    for obj_type in config.RRObjectTypes:
        if config.Debug:
            Logger.debug('{} RR type: {}'.format(fn, obj_type))
        ents = api.get_entities(pid, obj_type, 0, 50)
        if config.Debug:
            if type(ents) is str:
                Logger.debug('{} Type: {} Ent: {}'.format(fn, obj_type, ents))
                for e in ents:
                    if e['name'] == name:
                        Logger.debug('{} Type: {} Ent: {}'.format(
                            fn, obj_type, e))
    if config.Debug:
    return ent
예제 #3
파일: util.py 프로젝트: quistian/bamcli
def object_find(fqdn, rr_type, value):
    fn = object_find
    id = 0
    if rr_type == 'MX':
        (value, priority) = mx_parse(value)

    obj_type = config.RRTypeMap[rr_type]['obj_type']
    prop_key = config.RRTypeMap[rr_type]['prop_key']

    names = fqdn.split('.')
    tld = names.pop()
    tld_ent = api.get_entity_by_name(config.ViewId, tld, 'Zone')
    pid = tld_ent['id']
    pname = tld
    while (len(names)):
        name = names.pop()
        ent = api.get_entity_by_name(pid, name, 'Entity')
        obj_id = ent['id']
        obj_ent = api.get_entity_by_id(obj_id)
        if config.Debug:
            Logger.debug('{} name: {} id: {} ent: {}'.format(
                fn, name, obj_id, ent))
        if len(names) == 0 and obj_id:
            obj_type = obj_ent['type']
            if obj_type == 'Zone':
                pid = obj_id
                ents = api.get_entities(pid, obj_type, 0, 100)
                if len(ents):
                    for ent in ents:
                        if 'properties' in ent and ent[
                                'properties'] is not None:
                            d = props2dict(ent['properties'])
                            if d['absoluteName'] == fqdn:
                                if 'addresses' in d:
                                    obj_id = ent['id']
                                elif value == d[prop_key]:
                                    obj_id = ent['id']
        pname = name
        pid = obj_id
    return obj_id
예제 #4
파일: util.py 프로젝트: quistian/bamcli
def get_external_hosts():
    exhosts = []
    ents = api.get_entities(config.ViewId, 'ExternalHostRecord', 0, 250)
    for ent in ents:
    return exhosts
예제 #5
파일: util.py 프로젝트: quistian/bamcli
def find_rr(fqdn, *argv):
    """Given a fqdn and an RR type and optionally a value
       return a list of entity IDs which match the given input
    fn = 'find_rr'
    rr_type = value = obj_rr_key = None
    trailing_dot = False
    obj_types = config.RRObjectTypes

    if config.Debug:
        Logger.debug('{}: fqdn: {} argv: {}'.format(fn, fqdn, argv))

    arglen = len(argv)
    if arglen > 0:
        rr_type = argv[0]
        obj_types = [config.RRTypeMap[rr_type]['obj_type']]
        if arglen > 1:
            value = argv[1]
            obj_rr_key = config.RRTypeMap[rr_type]['prop_key']

    if fqdn[-1] == '.':
        trailing_dot = True
        fqdn = fqdn[:-1]

    if config.Debug:
        Logger.debug('{}: rr_type: {}, rr_value: {}, obj_rr_key: {}'.format(
            fn, rr_type, value, obj_rr_key))

    names = fqdn.split('.')
    tld = names.pop()
    if tld not in config.LegalTLDs:
        Logger.debug('{}: Top level domain name must be one of: {}'.format(
            fn, config.LegalTLDs))
    tld_ent = api.get_entity_by_name(config.ViewId, tld, 'Entity')
    par_id = tld_ent['id']
    if config.Debug:
        Logger.debug('{}: TLD entity: {}'.format(fn, tld_ent))

    for name in names[::-1]:
        ent = api.get_entity_by_name(par_id, name, 'Entity')
        ent['pid'] = par_id
        par_id = ent['id']
        if config.Debug:
            Logger.debug('{}: entity: {}'.format(fn, ent))
    obj_id = ent['id']
    par_id = ent['pid']
    rr_ents = []
    if ent['type'] == 'Zone':
        par_id = obj_id
        name = ''
        for obj_type in obj_types:
            ents = api.get_entities(par_id, obj_type, 0, 100)
            if config.Debug:
                if len(ents):
                    Logger.debug('{}: RR type: {} Entities:'.format(
                        fn, obj_type))
                    for ent in ents:
                        Logger.debug('   {}'.format(ent))
            if len(ents):
                if trailing_dot:
                    rr_ents += ents
                    for ent in ents:
                        if ent['name'] == name:
        for obj_type in obj_types:
            ents = api.get_entities_by_name(par_id, name, obj_type, 0, 10)
            if len(ents):
                rr_ents += ents

    if arglen == 2 and rr_type != 'CNAME':
        found = False
        if rr_type == 'A' or rr_type == 'TXT' or rr_type == 'MX':
            for ent in rr_ents:
                d = props2dict(ent['properties'])
                values = d[obj_rr_key]
                if rr_type == 'A':
                    current_ips = values.split(',')
                    if value in current_ips:
                        found = True
                        rr_ents = [ent]
                elif rr_type == 'MX':
                    (mx_host, priority) = mx_parse(value)
                    if d['priority'] == priority and mx_host == values:
                        found = True
                        rr_ents = [ent]
                elif value == values:
                    found = True
                    rr_ents = [ent]
        if not found:
            rr_ents = []

    ids = []
    for rr_ent in rr_ents:
        if rr_ent['name'] == '':
    for rr_ent in rr_ents:
        if rr_ent['name'] != '':
    if config.Debug:
    return ids
예제 #6
파일: util.py 프로젝트: quistian/bamcli
def view_info_by_name(fqdn, *argv):
    fn = 'view_info_by_name'
    is_Zone = False
    ll = len(argv)
    if config.Debug:
        Logger.debug('{} fqdn: {}'.format(fn, fqdn))
        for arg in argv:
            Logger.debug('arg: {}'.format(arg))
    if ll > 0:
        rr_type = argv[0]
        obj_rr_type = config.RRTypeMap[rr_type]['obj_type']
        if ll > 1:
            obj_rr_key = config.RRTypeMap[rr_type]['prop_key']
            value = argv[1]
        obj_rr_type = 'Entity'

    obj_id = config.ViewId
    names = fqdn.split('.')
    for name in names[::-1]:
        ent = api.get_entity_by_name(obj_id, name, 'Entity')
        if config.Debug:
            Logger.debug('{} name: {} entity: {}'.format(fn, name, ent))
        pid = obj_id
        obj_id = ent['id']
    ent['pid'] = pid
    if ent['type'] == 'Zone':
        is_Zone = True
        pid = ent['id']
        name = ''
        name = names[0]
    if config.Debug:
    if ll == 0:
        ids = []
        for obj_type in config.RRObjectTypes:
            ents = api.get_entities(pid, obj_type, 0, 50)
            for e in ents:
                if e['name'] == name:
        if is_Zone:
            rrs = {}
            for obj_type in config.RRObjectTypes:
                ents = api.get_entities(pid, obj_type, 0, 50)
                if len(ents):
                    for e in ents:
                        name = e['name']
                        if len(name):
                            if name in rrs:
                                lst = rrs[name]
                                rrs[name] = lst
                                rrs[name] = [e]

            ids = []
            for fqdn in sorted(rrs):
                for e in rrs[fqdn]:

    elif ll > 0:
        ents = api.get_entities(pid, obj_rr_type, 0, 50)
        ids = []
        for e in ents:
            if e['name'] == name:
                if ll == 1:
                    d = props2dict(e['properties'])
                    if value in d[obj_rr_key]:
    return ent