def TerminateStartupTestLater_t(self): blue.synchro.SleepWallclock(1000) bluepy.TerminateStartupTest()
def Startup(servicesToRun, servicesToBlock = [], startInline = [], serviceManagerClass = 'ServiceManager'): import blue blue.os.SetAppTitle('Juuuust a moment...') args = blue.pyos.GetArg()[1:] autoexec_common.LogStarting('Proxy') additionalScriptDirs = ['script:/../../../carbon/backend/script/', 'script:/../../backend/script/'] if '/jessica' in args: additionalScriptDirs.extend(['script:/../../../carbon/tools/jessica/script/']) useExtensions = '/noJessicaExtensions' not in args if useExtensions: additionalScriptDirs.extend(['script:/../../../carbon/tools/jessicaExtensions/script/', 'script:/../../tools/jessicaExtensions/script/']) import nasty nasty.Startup(additionalScriptDirs) import localization localization.LoadLanguageData() import gc gc.disable() autoexec_common.LogStarted('Proxy') for i in args: if len(i) > 0 and i[0] != '-' and i[0] != '/': print 'Executing', i blue.pyos.ExecFile(i, globals()) import service smClass = getattr(service, serviceManagerClass) srvMng = smClass(startInline=['DB2', 'machoNet'] + startInline) srvMng.Run(servicesToRun, servicesToBlock) macho =['machoNet'] blue.os.SetAppTitle('[%s %s.%s] %s %s %s.%s pid=%s' % (macho.GetNodeID(), '?', boot.region.upper(), boot.codename, boot.role, boot.version,, if bluepy.IsRunningStartupTest(): bluepy.TerminateStartupTest() if macho.IsResurrectedNode(): log.general.Log('I am a resurrected proxy', log.LGNOTICE) currentWaitTime = 0 while len(macho.transportIDbySolNodeID) == 0: blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(RESSURECTED_MESH_SLEEP_DURATION_MS) currentWaitTime += RESSURECTED_MESH_SLEEP_DURATION_MS if currentWaitTime >= RESSURECTED_MESH_LOG_PERIOD_MS: log.general.Log('Waiting for a Sol to contact me in order to bootstrap the mesh', log.LGWARN) currentWaitTime = 0 log.general.Log('Got a connection from a Sol, waiting for connectivity to be established', log.LGNOTICE) connectionProperties = macho.ConnectToRemoteService('machoNet', macho.transportIDbySolNodeID.keys()[0], macho.session).GetConnectionProperties() log.general.Log('Got cluster connection state: %s proxies and %s sols' % (connectionProperties['proxies'], connectionProperties['servers'] + 1), log.LGNOTICE) currentWaitTime = 0 while len(macho.transportIDbySolNodeID) + len(macho.transportIDbyProxyNodeID) != connectionProperties['proxies'] + connectionProperties['servers']: blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(RESSURECTED_MESH_SLEEP_DURATION_MS) currentWaitTime += RESSURECTED_MESH_SLEEP_DURATION_MS if currentWaitTime >= RESSURECTED_MESH_LOG_PERIOD_MS: currentWaitTime = 0 connectionProperties = macho.ConnectToRemoteService('machoNet', macho.transportIDbySolNodeID.keys()[0], macho.session).GetConnectionProperties() log.general.Log('Waiting for full mesh, current: %s/%s proxies and %s/%s sols' % (len(macho.transportIDbyProxyNodeID), connectionProperties['proxies'] - 1, len(macho.transportIDbySolNodeID), connectionProperties['servers'] + 1), log.LGWARN) polarisNodeID = macho.ConnectToRemoteService('machoNet', macho.transportIDbySolNodeID.keys()[0], macho.session).GetNodeFromAddress(const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0) log.general.Log('Got Polaris nodeID %s' % polarisNodeID, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log('Full mesh ok. Injecting OnClusterStarting to myself now', log.LGNOTICE) sm.ScatterEvent('OnClusterStarting', polarisNodeID)
def Startup(servicesToRun, startInline=[], serviceManagerClass='ServiceManager'): import blue args = blue.pyos.GetArg()[1:] autoexec_common.LogStarting('Server') import nasty additionalScriptDirs = [ 'script:/../../../carbon/backend/script/', 'script:/../../backend/script/' ] telemetryStarted = False for argument in args: if argument.startswith('/telemetryServer='): tmServer = str(argument[17:]) print 'Telemetry starting up on %s (from cmdline)' % tmServer blue.statistics.StartTelemetry(tmServer) blue.pyos.taskletTimer.telemetryOn = 1 telemetryStarted = True if not telemetryStarted: telemetryServer = prefs.GetValue('startupTelemetryServer', None) if telemetryServer is not None: print 'Telemetry starting up on %s (from prefs)' % telemetryServer blue.statistics.StartTelemetry(telemetryServer) blue.pyos.taskletTimer.telemetryOn = 1 telemetryStarted = True if '/jessica' in args: additionalScriptDirs.extend( ['script:/../../../carbon/tools/jessica/script/']) useExtensions = '/noJessicaExtensions' not in args if useExtensions: additionalScriptDirs.extend([ 'script:/../../../carbon/tools/jessicaExtensions/script/', 'script:/../../tools/jessicaExtensions/script/' ]) nasty.Startup(additionalScriptDirs) import util import types print 'Nasty was started @ -', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - nastyStarted)) import localization localization.LoadLanguageData() t0 = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() t00 = t0 import gc gc.disable() autoexec_common.LogStarted('Server') for i in args: if len(i) > 0 and i[0] != '-' and i[0] != '/': print 'Executing', strx(i) blue.pyos.ExecFile(i, globals()) import service smClass = getattr(service, serviceManagerClass) srvMng = smClass(startInline=['DB2', 'machoNet'] + startInline) log.general.Log('Startup: Starting Core Services...', log.LGNOTICE) print 'Core Services Starting @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) startServices = ('machoNet', 'alert', 'objectCaching', 'debug') srvMng.Run(startServices) macho =['machoNet'] DB2 =['DB2'] dbzcluster = DB2.GetSchema('zcluster') dbzsystem = DB2.GetSchema('zsystem') while True: r = macho.AreTheseServicesRunning(startServices) if r is None: break log.general.Log('Startup: Waiting for %s' % r, log.LGNOTICE) print 'Startup: Waiting for', strx(r) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(3000) print 'Database: ' + DB2.GetConnectionString() blue.os.SetAppTitle( '[%s %s.%s] %s %s %s.%s pid=%s' % (macho.GetNodeID(), macho.GetBasePortNumber(), boot.region.upper(), boot.codename, boot.role, boot.version,, startupInfo = dbzcluster.Cluster_StartupInfo()[0] dbClusterMode = startupInfo.clusterMode if dbClusterMode != prefs.clusterMode: s = 'DB / Server disagree on cluster mode. Server says %s, but DB says %s' % ( prefs.clusterMode, dbClusterMode) log.general.Log('###', log.LGERR) log.general.Log('### ' + s, log.LGERR) log.general.Log('###', log.LGERR) log.Quit(s) print '...' log.general.Log('Server Configuration:', log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' NodeID: %s' % macho.GetNodeID(), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' NodeName: %s' % macho.GetNodeName(), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Base Port: %s' % macho.GetBasePortNumber(), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Region: %s' % boot.region.upper(), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' CodeName: %s' % boot.codename, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Role: %s' % boot.role, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Version: %s.%s' % (boot.version,, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' ProcessID: %s' %, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' clusterMode: %s' % startupInfo.clusterMode, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Host: %s' % blue.pyos.GetEnv().get('COMPUTERNAME', '?'), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log('Startup: Synchronizing Clock with DB...', log.LGNOTICE) originalNow = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() timediff = 0 for i in xrange(20): now1 = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() dbnow = dbzsystem.DateTime()[0].dateTime now2 = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() now = (now1 + now2) / 2 if abs(dbnow - now) < (i + 1) * const.SEC: break reason = 'DB / Server time horribly out of synch, DB says now=%s but server thinks now=%s' % ( util.FmtDateEng(dbnow), util.FmtDateEng(now)) log.general.Log(reason, 2) if prefs.clusterMode != 'LIVE': newnow = dbnow + (now2 - now1) / 2 log.general.Log( 'Resetting clock, setting time: ' + util.FmtDateEng(newnow), log.LGNOTICE) print 'Correcting clock to match DB ... advancing ', float( newnow - now2) / float(const.SEC), ' secs' t0 += newnow - now2 blue.pyos.synchro.ResetClock(newnow) elif i < 10: log.general.Log('Retrying clock check to prevent node death', log.LGERR) continue else: log.Quit( 'DB / Server time horriby out of synch on live cluster. Please perform a manual time synch.' ) finalNow = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() sm.ScatterEvent('OnTimeReset', originalNow, finalNow) nasty.nasty.OnTimeReset(originalNow, finalNow) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Marking myself as ready for connectivity establishment in zcluster.nodes', log.LGNOTICE) print 'Server Ready @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), -4) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -400) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Ready for connectivity establishment') log.general.Log('Startup: Establishing Connectivity...', log.LGNOTICE) print 'Establishing Connectivity @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) if prefs.GetValue('skipConnectivity', 0): log.general.Log( 'Startup: skipConnectivity has been set, skipping connectivity tests...' ) if not macho.IsResurrectedNode() and not prefs.GetValue( 'skipConnectivity', 0): offsetClock = None if macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): offsetClock = t0 - t00 macho.readyToConnect = True startConnectivityCheck = blue.os.GetWallclockTime() while 1: try: log.general.Log('Startup: Refreshing Connectivity...', log.LGINFO) macho.RefreshConnectivity() except StandardError: log.general.Log('Startup: Error refreshing connectivity...', log.LGWARN) log.LogException(toConsole=1, toLogServer=1, severity=log.LGWARN) sys.exc_clear() blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(500) try: log.general.Log( 'Startup: Performing cluster readiness test...', log.LGINFO) now = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() if now > startConnectivityCheck + LOG_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR_TIME: log.general.Log( 'I have been checking the network connectivity for a long time.... Should we go and check out why?', log.LGERR) startConnectivityCheck = now ready = dbzcluster.Cluster_Ready(-4) if type(ready) == types.IntType: if not ready: print 'More Nodes Starting, pausing and retrying' log.general.Log('Startup: More nodes starting', log.LGNOTICE) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(5000) continue elif ready[0].readyWhen is None: log.Quit( 'The DB says that even I am not ready, but I have already passed my ready marker! Shutting down.' ) else: ready = ready[0] until = ready.readyWhen + const.SEC * 70 * 5 if until > now: s = min(70000 / 4, (until - now) / const.SEC * 1000 + 1000) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Last startup was at %s. Waiting %s before retrying, now=%s' % (util.FmtDateEng(ready.readyWhen), util.FmtDateEng(until), util.FmtDateEng(now)), log.LGWARN) else: print 'Only %d nodes have registered themselves in zcluster.nodes and the safetytime has been passed by far...' % ready.nodeCount log.general.Log( 'Startup: Only %d nodes have registered in zcluster.nodes, but the safetytime has been passed by far...' % ready.nodeCount, log.LGERR) s = 70000 print 'Waiting ', s, ' millisecs prior to rechecking' blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(s) continue startupInfo = dbzcluster.Cluster_StartupInfo()[0] log.general.Log( 'Startup: Connectivity test - calling all proxies...', log.LGINFO) p = macho.session.ConnectToAllProxyServerServices( 'machoNet').ConnectivityTest( offsetClock, startupInfo.proxyNodeCount - 1, startupInfo.serverNodeCount - startupInfo.unexpectServerNodeCount, uberMachoRaise=True) if len(p) != startupInfo.proxyNodeCount: log.general.Log( 'Startup: %d proxy nodes available, %d proxy nodes expected...' % (len(p), startupInfo.proxyNodeCount), log.LGINFO) print '%d proxy nodes available, %d proxy nodes expected...' % ( len(p), startupInfo.proxyNodeCount) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(500) continue for isexception, nodeID, ret in p: if not ret: log.general.Log( 'Startup: Proxy %d failed its connectivity test' % nodeID, log.LGINFO) raise UberMachoException( 'Proxy failed connectivity test') minimumProxyCount = prefs.GetValue( 'machoNet.minimumProxyCount', 0) or max( 1, int(startupInfo.proxyNodeCount * 0.8)) if len(p) < minimumProxyCount: print 'Too few proxy nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile' log.general.Log( 'Too few proxy nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile', log.LGERR) log.general.Log( 'Minimum=%d, Actual=%d' % (minimumProxyCount, len(p)), log.LGERR) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(10000) continue log.general.Log( 'Startup: Connectivity test - calling all sols...', log.LGINFO) s = macho.session.ConnectToAllSolServerServices( 'machoNet').ConnectivityTest( offsetClock, startupInfo.proxyNodeCount, startupInfo.serverNodeCount - 1 - startupInfo.unexpectServerNodeCount, uberMachoRaise=True) if len( s ) != startupInfo.serverNodeCount - startupInfo.unexpectServerNodeCount: log.general.Log( 'Startup: %d server nodes available, %d server nodes expected...' % (len(s), startupInfo.serverNodeCount), log.LGINFO) print '%d server nodes available, %d server nodes expected...' % ( len(s), startupInfo.serverNodeCount) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(500) continue for isexception, nodeID, ret in s: if not ret: log.general.Log( 'Startup: Server %d failed its connectivity test' % nodeID, log.LGINFO) raise UberMachoException( 'Server failed connectivity test') minimumSolCount = prefs.GetValue( 'machoNet.minimumSolCount', 0) or max( 1, int(startupInfo.serverNodeCount * 0.8)) if len(s) < minimumSolCount: print 'Too few sol nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile' log.general.Log( 'Too few sol nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile', log.LGERR) log.general.Log( 'Minimum=%d, Actual=%d' % (minimumSolCount, len(s)), log.LGERR) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(10000) continue break except UberMachoException as e: log.general.Log('Startup: network connectivity not achieved', log.LGINFO) sys.exc_clear() except UnMachoDestination as e: log.general.Log( 'Startup: network connectivity not yet achieved (%s)' % e.payload, 2) sys.exc_clear() except: log.LogException( 'Exception while pinging all proxies and sols') sys.exc_clear() print 'Connectivity achieved @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) if 'waitForPremapping' in startupInfo.__columns__ and int( startupInfo.waitForPremapping) == 1: polarisID = macho.GetNodeFromAddress(const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0) while macho.GetNodeID() != polarisID and dbzcluster.Nodes_Status( polarisID) < -3: print 'Waiting for Polaris to reach premapping stage.. sleeping 5 seconds..' blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(5000) if prefs.clusterMode in ('TEST', 'LIVE'): if macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): if not macho.IsResurrectedNode(): dbzcluster.Cluster_PreMap() log.general.Log( 'Startup: Marking myself as ready for distributed startup phase in zcluster.nodes', log.LGNOTICE) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), -3) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -300) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Ready for distributed setup') log.general.Log('Startup: Priming address cache...', log.LGNOTICE) while 1: try: if macho.IsResurrectedNode(): print 'Priming address cache directly @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) log.general.Log('Startup: Priming address cache directly...', log.LGINFO) macho.PrimeAddressCache(dbzcluster.Addresses_PrimeCache()) elif macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): print 'Orchestrating priming of address cache @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Orchestrating priming of address cache...', log.LGINFO) macho.session.ConnectToAllSolServerServices( 'machoNet').PrimeAddressCache( dbzcluster.Addresses_PrimeCache(), uberMachoRaise=True) else: print 'Waiting for completion of priming of address cache @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) if macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): print "Polaris has died, and I have resumed it's responsibilities" log.general.Log( "Polaris has died, and I have resumed it's responsibilities", log.LGERR) continue break except: print 'Priming address cache failure, retrying...' log.LogException( 'Exception while priming address cachep. I am%s Polaris' % [' NOT', ''][macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0)]) sys.exc_clear() log.general.Log( 'Startup: Marking myself as ready for starting user service phase in zcluster.nodes', log.LGNOTICE) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), -2) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -200) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Starting user services') log.general.Log('Startup: Starting User Services...', log.LGNOTICE) print 'User Services Starting @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) blue.pyos.taskletTimer.Reset() sys.clearmemcontexts() = 1 srvMng.Run(servicesToRun) import ttimerutil timers = ttimerutil.TaskletSnapshot() = 0 sys.setmemcontextsactive(False) sys.clearmemcontexts() totalCPUTime = 0 totalWallClockTime = 0 for timer in timers: if timer.startswith('StartService::ServiceStartRun::') and timer.find( '^') == -1: serviceName = timer[31:] if serviceName in srvMng.startupTimes: serviceWallClockTime = srvMng.startupTimes[serviceName] totalWallClockTime += serviceWallClockTime else: serviceWallClockTime = -1 serviceCPUTime = timers[timer].GetTime() totalCPUTime += serviceCPUTime log.general.Log( 'Startup: Service %s took %.4fs wallclock and %.4fs cpu time to startup' % (serviceName, serviceWallClockTime, serviceCPUTime), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Estimated serial execution time: %.4fs Total CPU time spent %.4fs ' % (totalWallClockTime, totalCPUTime), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Marking myself as ready for cluster startup tests in zcluster.nodes', log.LGNOTICE) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), -1) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -100) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Startup test phase') if macho.IsResurrectedNode(): loop = True while loop: loop = False try: ret = macho.AreTheseServicesRunning(startServices) if ret: log.general.Log('Startup: Waiting for %s' % ret, log.LGERR) print 'Startup: Waiting for %s' % strx(ret) loop = True except: log.LogException( 'Exception while performing distributed startup. I am%s Polaris' % [' NOT', ''][macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0)]) sys.exc_clear() log.Quit('Failed to determine service running state') if loop: blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(3000) macho.readyToConnect = True try: log.general.Log('Startup: Refreshing Connectivity...', log.LGNOTICE) macho.RefreshConnectivity() except StandardError: log.general.Log('Startup: Error refreshing connectivity...', log.LGWARN) log.LogException(toConsole=1, toLogServer=1, severity=log.LGWARN) sys.exc_clear() sm.ScatterEvent( 'OnClusterStarting', macho.GetNodeFromAddress(const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0)) else: sent = False while not macho.clusterStartupPhase: if not sent and macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): print 'Cluster User Service Startup tests beginning @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) loop = True while loop: loop = False r = macho.session.ConnectToAllSolServerServices( 'machoNet').AreTheseServicesRunning( startServices, uberMachoRaise=True) for isexception, nodeID, ret in r: if ret: log.general.Log( 'Startup: Node %d waiting for %s' % (nodeID, ret), log.LGERR) print 'Startup: Node %d waiting for %s' % ( nodeID, strx(ret)) loop = True break if loop: blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(3000) if len(r) < minimumSolCount: print 'Too few sol nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile' raise UberMachoException( 'Too few sol nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile' ) print 'Broadcasting OnClusterStarting' log.general.Log('Startup: Broadcasting OnClusterStarting', log.LGNOTICE) macho.ClusterBroadcast('OnClusterStarting', macho.GetNodeID()) sent = True blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(1000) else: print 'Waiting for OnClusterStarting...' log.general.Log('Startup: Waiting for OnClusterStarting...', log.LGNOTICE) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(3000) log.general.Log( "Startup: Marking myself as ready to rock'n'roll in zcluster.nodes", log.LGNOTICE) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), 0) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -50) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Ready in DB') print '--------------------------------------------------------------' if macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): print 'Polaris - Cluster ready @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) else: print 'Not Polaris - Server ready @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) ram = blue.win32.GetProcessMemoryInfo()['PagefileUsage'] / 1024 / 1024 msg = 'Memory Usage (virtual mem) : %sMb upon startup' % ram macho.LogNotice(msg) print msg sm.ScatterEvent('OnServerStartupCompleted') macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', 0) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Ready') if bluepy.IsRunningStartupTest(): bluepy.TerminateStartupTest()
def Startup(servicesToRun, builtinSetupHook, startInline=[], serviceManagerClass='ServiceManager'): global Done args = blue.pyos.GetArg()[1:] autoexec_common.LogStarting('ThinClient') additionalScriptDirs = [ 'script:/../../../client/script/', 'script:/../../../../carbon/client/script/', 'script:/../../../../carbon/tools/thinClient/script/', 'script:/../../../devtools/script/' ] for argument in args: if argument.startswith('/cache='): cachepath = argument[len('/cache='):] blue.paths.SetSearchPath('cache:', cachepath + os.sep) log.general.Log( 'Cache directory set to: ' + blue.paths.ResolvePath(u'cache:/'), log.LGNOTICE) elif argument.startswith('/randomcache'): import tempfile cachepath = tempfile.mkdtemp() blue.paths.SetSearchPath('cache:', u'%s' % cachepath + os.sep) log.general.Log( 'Cache directory set to: ' + blue.paths.ResolvePath(u'cache:/'), log.LGNOTICE) if '/automaton' in args: additionalScriptDirs.extend([ 'script:/../../../../carbon/backend/script/', 'script:/../../../backend/script/' ]) if not blue.pyos.packaged and '/jessica' in args: additionalScriptDirs.extend([ 'script:/../../../../carbon/tools/jessica/script/', 'script:/../../../../carbon/backend/script/', 'script:/../../../backend/script/' ]) useExtensions = '/noJessicaExtensions' not in args if useExtensions: additionalScriptDirs.extend([ 'script:/../../../../carbon/tools/jessicaExtensions/script/', 'script:/../../../tools/jessicaExtensions/script/', 'script:/../tools/jessicaExtensions/script/' ]) import nasty nasty.Startup(additionalScriptDirs) errorMsg = { 'resetsettings': [ 'The application is unable to clear the settings. If you are running other instances of Eve Online, please exit them. If the problem persists you should restart your system.', 'Cannot clear settings!', 'Cannot clear settings' ], 'clearcache': [ 'The application is unable to clear the cache. If you are running other instances of Eve Online, please exit them. If the problem persists you should restart your system.', 'Cannot clear cache!', 'Cannot clear cache' ] } for clearType, clearPath in [ ('resetsettings', blue.paths.ResolvePath(u'settings:/')), ('clearcache', blue.paths.ResolvePath(u'cache:/')) ]: if getattr(prefs, clearType, 0): if clearType == 'resetsettings': prefs.DeleteValue(clearType) if os.path.exists(clearPath): i = 0 while 1: newDir = clearPath[:-1] + '_backup%s' % i if not os.path.isdir(newDir): try: os.makedirs(newDir) except: blue.win32.MessageBox(errorMsg[clearType][0], errorMsg[clearType][1], 272) bluepy.Terminate(errorMsg[clearType][2]) return False break i += 1 for filename in os.listdir(clearPath): if filename != 'Settings': try: os.rename( clearPath + filename, '%s_backup%s/%s' % (clearPath[:-1], i, filename)) except: blue.win32.MessageBox(errorMsg[clearType][0], errorMsg[clearType][1], 272) bluepy.Terminate(errorMsg[clearType][2]) return False prefs.DeleteValue(clearType) mydocs = blue.win32.SHGetFolderPath(blue.win32.CSIDL_PERSONAL) paths = [blue.paths.ResolvePath(u'cache:/')] for path in paths: try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: sys.exc_clear() import __builtin__, base session = base.CreateSession(None, const.session.SESSION_TYPE_GAME) __builtin__.session = session __builtin__.charsession = session builtinSetupHook() autoexec_common.LogStarted('ThinClient') import numerical bluepy.frameClock = numerical.FrameClock() blue.os.frameClock = bluepy.frameClock import service smClass = getattr(service, serviceManagerClass) srvMng = smClass(startInline=['DB2', 'machoNet'] + startInline) if hasattr(prefs, 'http') and prefs.http: print 'http' srvMng.Run(('http', )) srvMng.Run(servicesToRun) title = '[%s] %s %s %s.%s pid=%s' % (boot.region.upper(), boot.codename, boot.role, boot.version,, blue.os.SetAppTitle(title) Done = True if bluepy.IsRunningStartupTest(): bluepy.TerminateStartupTest() def f(*args, **kwargs): return 'Malkovich' localization.GetByMessageID = f localization.GetByLabel = f localization.GetImportantByMessageID = f localization.GetImportantByLabel = f localization._GetRawByMessageID = f localization.FormatImportantString = f