예제 #1
def test_separate_devices():
    b1 = B('', name='b1')
    b2 = B('', name='b2')
    a = A('', name='a')
    assert separate_devices([b1, b1.a1]) == [b1]
    assert separate_devices([b1.a1, b1.a2]) == [b1.a1, b1.a2]
    assert separate_devices([b1, b2.a1]) == [b1, b2.a1]
    assert separate_devices([b1.a1, b2.a2]) == [b1.a1, b2.a2]
    assert separate_devices([b1, a]) == [b1, a]
예제 #2
def test_separate_devices():
    b1 = B('', name='b1')
    b2 = B('', name='b2')
    a = A('', name='a')
    assert separate_devices([b1, b1.a1]) == [b1]
    assert separate_devices([b1.a1, b1.a2]) == [b1.a1, b1.a2]
    assert separate_devices([b1, b2.a1]) == [b1, b2.a1]
    assert separate_devices([b1.a1, b2.a2]) == [b1.a1, b2.a2]
    assert separate_devices([b1, a]) == [b1, a]
예제 #3
    def adaptive_core():
        next_pos = start
        step = (max_step - min_step) / 2
        past_I = None
        cur_I = None
        cur_det = {}
        while next_pos < stop:
            yield Msg('checkpoint')
            yield Msg('set', motor, next_pos, group='A')
            yield Msg('wait', None, 'A')
            yield Msg('create', None, name='primary')
            for det in detectors:
                yield Msg('trigger', det, group='B')
            yield Msg('wait', None, 'B')
            for det in separate_devices(detectors + [motor]):
                cur_det = yield Msg('read', det)
                if cur_det is not None and target_field in cur_det:
                    cur_I = cur_det[target_field]['value']
            yield Msg('save')

            # special case first first loop
            if past_I is None:
                past_I = cur_I
                next_pos += step

            dI = np.abs(cur_I - past_I)

            slope = dI / step
            if slope:
                new_step = np.clip(target_delta / slope, min_step, max_step)
                new_step = np.min([step * 1.1, max_step])

            # if we over stepped, go back and try again
            if backstep and (new_step < step * threshold):
                next_pos -= step
                step = new_step
                past_I = cur_I
                step = 0.2 * new_step + 0.8 * step
            next_pos += step
        def adaptive_core():
            next_pos = start
            step = (stop - start) / 2

            past_I = None
            cur_I = target_val + 99  # start the while loop
            repeat = 0
            largest_out_of_bound = stop
            cnt = 0

            if stop >= start:
                direction_sign = 1
                direction_sign = -1

            while cur_I > target_val or (
                (largest_out_of_bound - next_pos) > accuracy) or repeat < 3:

                debug = False
                if debug:
                        'Current value = {}; largest_out_of_bound = {}; repeat = {}'
                        .format(cur_I, largest_out_of_bound, repeat))
                yield Msg('checkpoint')
                yield from bps.mv(motor, next_pos)
                yield Msg('create', None, name='primary')
                for det in detectors:
                    yield Msg('trigger', det, group='B')
                yield Msg('wait', None, 'B')
                for det in utils.separate_devices(detectors + [motor] +
                    cur_det = yield Msg('read', det)
                    if target_field in cur_det:
                        cur_I = calc_function(
                yield Msg('save')

                # special case first first loop
                if past_I is None:
                    past_I = cur_I
                    next_pos += step * direction_sign

                # binary search
                if cur_I > past_I:
                    if cur_I < target_val:
                        direction_sign = 1
                        direction_sign = -1
                        largest_out_of_bound = np.min(
                            [largest_out_of_bound, next_pos])
                elif cur_I <= past_I:
                    if cur_I < target_val:
                        direction_sign = 1
                        direction_sign = -1
                        largest_out_of_bound = np.min(
                            [largest_out_of_bound, next_pos])
                    print('binary search error')

                # the logic here is non-conventional:
                #   once the dynamic reserve is exceeded measurements jump around significantly
                #   so we search for the largest interfering amplitude that does NOT cause a
                #   deviation over 5% (target_val)
                #   and that is a specified voltage maximum voltage away from an interferer amplitude that did cause
                #   a deviation greater than the target value.

                past_I = cur_I
                step = np.max([step / 2, min_step])
                if (cur_I < target_val) and (
                        abs(largest_out_of_bound - next_pos) < accuracy):
                    repeat += 1
                    next_pos = next_pos
                    repeat = 0
                    next_pos += step * direction_sign
                    next_pos = np.clip(
                        next_pos, start, stop
                    )  # by binary search this shouldn't be needed. Just in case

                # handle conditions that might get stuck. Only run 30 loops,
                if ((next_pos == start) or (next_pos == stop) and
                    (repeat == 0) and (cnt > 8)) or (cnt > 50):
                cnt += 1
예제 #5
a2scan = bpp.subs_decorator(bec)(hxntools.scans.a2scan)
scan_steps = bpp.subs_decorator(bec)(hxntools.scans.scan_steps)

dets1 = [zebra, sclr1, merlin1, xspress3]
dets2 = [zebra, sclr1, xspress3, merlin2]
#dets2 = [zebra, sclr1, xspress3, lakeshore2]
dets3 = [zebra, sclr1, merlin1, xspress3, merlin2]
dets4 = [zebra, sclr1, merlin1, lakeshore2]
dets5 = [zebra, sclr1, xspress3, dexela1]
# dets5 = [zebra, sclr1, merlin1, xspress3, lakeshore2,dexela1]

# define all the position names and save them to baseline
# need to remove confict names
conflict_name = ['pmllf', 'zplab', 'pmllc']
#descs = {d.name: set(d.describe())
#         for d in bu.separate_devices
#         (ophyd.utils.instances_from_namespace(ophyd.PositionerBase))}

# sd.baseline = [dcm, m1, m2, beamline_status, smll, vmll, hmll, ssa2, zp]
# sd.baseline = [dcm, m1, m2, beamline_status, smll, vmll, hmll, ssa2, bpm1, bpm2, smlld]
sd.baseline = [
    ugap, e, dcm, m1, m2, beamline_status, smll, vmll, hmll, ssa2, mllosa, zp,
    zps, smlld, fdet1, diff

BlueskyMagics.positioners = [
    d for d in bu.separate_devices(
예제 #6
#dets10 = [zebra, sclr1, xspress3, dexela1]
dets8= [fs, zebra, sclr1, xspress3]
#dets11= [fs, zebra, sclr1, xspress3, eiger1m_single]

# define all the position names and save them to baseline
# need to remove confict names
conflict_name = ['pmllf', 'zplab', 'pmllc']
#descs = {d.name: set(d.describe())
#         for d in bu.separate_devices
#         (ophyd.utils.instances_from_namespace(ophyd.PositionerBase))}

# sd.baseline = [dcm, m1, m2, beamline_status, smll, vmll, hmll, ssa2, zp]
# sd.baseline = [dcm, m1, m2, beamline_status, smll, vmll, hmll, ssa2, bpm1, bpm2, smlld]
sd.baseline = [ugap,e,dcm, m1, m2, beamline_status, smll, vmll, hmll, ssa2, mllosa, zp, zps, zposa, zpbs, smlld, fdet1, diff, p, ps, pp]

# The following is a temporary solution, which replaces fixed list of devices passed to 'BlueskyMagics.positioners' (deprecated).
#   TODO: The proper way to label devices is to pass 'labels' to the device (Ophyd object) constructor. Use meaningful labels.
dev_list_motor = [d for  d in bu.separate_devices(ophyd.utils.instances_from_namespace((ophyd.EpicsMotor,)))]
dev_list_pseudo = [d for  d in bu.separate_devices(ophyd.utils.instances_from_namespace((ophyd.PseudoSingle,)))]
for d in dev_list_motor:
    d._ophyd_labels_ = set(["Epics Motor"])
for d in dev_list_pseudo:
    d._ophyd_labels_ = set(["Pseudo Single"])

# BlueskyMagics.positioners = [d for  d in
#                              bu.separate_devices(
#                                  ophyd.utils.instances_from_namespace(
#                                      (ophyd.EpicsMotor, ophyd.PseudoSingle)))]